Neon Warren: Episode 3

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#3 of Neon Warren

Episode 3:

I'm her fallen angel

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Episode 3:

I'm her fallen angel

"Let's go, runner!" Angel offered his paw as Sen snorted, ignored it, and hopped down out of the van without the retriever's assistance.

"You two have fun! Nice seeing you didn't spout your mouth off and get your brains painted on the wall by Steph last night," Wheels spoke out jovially before the door hissed closed and the van picked up to pull back out into the air lanes.

"Who's Steph?" Sen asked, biting his lower lip as Angel linked an arm with his, showing a cute grin as he started leading him to the apartment building.

"That's the big guy of the two guards; you know, the horse with the room sweeper shotgun," Angel explained as he dropped a keycard against the main doors of the building that responded with a rusty shink of metal before shuddering open.

Passing by the elevator that had a perpetual out-of-order sign on it for the last four years now, the two dogs took the flights of stairs up to the fourth floor. Even through all the drama of the night, Angel's scent tickled the fox's nose, a comforting feeling making his heart pump a little faster as if the stair climb had winded him.

The retriever was humming as he kept his right arm linked with Sen's left one, the real meat one without artificial nerves, just their flesh touching through their fur, feeling one another's gentle warmth. With a flourish of padded-fingers, the code was entered, followed by a jab of Angel's padded thumb for the scanner as the door whispered open with a woosh.

The scent of his home hit Sen in the face; all the retrievers, but his own scent still lingering in the air like a ghost. Angel pulled away to immediately gather some pots and the hotplate. "I've already put an order in from the corner buy-or-die mart, just some basic ingredients, sugar."

"Oh?" Sen asked curiously.

"Uh-huh! I'll cook you a proper dinner tonight, not some sloppy soy-burg out of a bag. Why don't you go wash the day off." He gave him that cute grin, his missing tooth showing the gap in his muzzle that couldn't help but put the other dog at ease.

"I'd offer to help, but I'd end up burning your water instead of boiling it, I'm sure," Sen gave a small chuckle as the retriever shook his head.

"Go take your shower, samurai, I got things covered here." The retriever grinned and moved over to push the other dog playfully by the back of his shoulders, guiding him out of the den into the adjoining bedroom.

He gave a small nod and pushed into the bathroom as the retriever gave an eager bark before turning back to the kitchen. His faux-fur tail blurred in a wag as he started setting things up, eager to get the night started, then his ears perked as his head-ware pinged, an incoming call from Jane.

With a little thump of his heart, Angel instantly recalled looking up at her from between her thighs, getting petted and praised, his own stomach twisting a little before he connected the call. Of course, the dialog was all in his head, no need to speak out loud for it.

"How did things go, my Angel?"

He huffed and put a small pot on the hotplate to start heating water as he thought, "About what you'd expect, ma'am. He got outside and painted the sidewalk in today's lunch."

"An expected conclusion, but if I know you, you're already preparing something for him, yes?"

Angel grinned while wagging his tail as he looked around the kitchen. "You know me so well, ma'am!"

"Because you're my good boy. Come by tomorrow around midnight, in the meantime though, enjoy comforting your new fox how I comforted you back then," Her voice sounded sensual and amused as the call ended. His cheeks burned hot under his golden fur as his own heart thumped hard, the flash of the memory filling his mind before he shook his head to focus with a small grin across his muzzle.

Sen came out of the bedroom about the time Angel had actually gotten his ingredients and began cooking in earnest, still looking a little lost in his thoughts, no doubt having been thinking about everything in his alone time in the shower.

Angel plunked a cold bottle of synth-hol down on the bar. "Take a load off and watch me cook, sugar!"

"Don't you want me to help?" Sen asked with a smile as he collected the open can to take a drink.

"And have you burn my water? I don't think so, honey. You sit your fine ass there and look cute while I work!" He gave that same toothy grin, Sen feeling his heart lighten at the words.

The fox looked on curiously as the retriever brought out packages of instant noodles, but was forming some sort of sauce from synth-hol, some sort of soy-meat and dehydrated vegetables. "What in the slog are you making, fetch?"

"Heh...It'll taste better than you think, don't worry!" Angel winked as he kept working away in the kitchen. Despite the eclectic set of ingredients, eventually what appeared to be a reasonable-looking meal started taking shape.

A plate of noodles covered in a syrupy-looking sauce with bits of soy-meat and tofu scattered in it along with reconstituted vegetables was set before him. A small hunk of bread was presented next to a bowl of what looked like some sort of potato chowder.

"Wow... this all smells great, I'm impressed you managed to make all this with drek from the buy-or-die!" Sen barked with surprise as he looked over the small spread of food.

"This is nothing, sugar. If I get into a proper kitchen with proper ingredients, I could even make you real bread! Yeast is a huge pain in the tail to find though so..." Angel bit his own tongue to cut off his rant and went to sit next to the fox. "Anyway, get eating, I know you're famished, honey!"

Sen couldn't deny that, since his stomach was mostly empty now and got right to work on the food, Angel grinning as he saw those orange-black twin-tails wagging in approval.

Once the dinner was complete Angel collected the dishes, once again showing he didn't like to leave things for later, cleaning and putting them and the cooking utensils away, all the while his tail wagging cheerfully. Sen found himself smiling at the retriever who was looking so relaxed and down to earth.

Angel showed him that cute grin, his green eyes looking bright as the kitsune's heart thumped a little, both the retriever's golden ears perking as he asked, "Want some dessert, sugar?"

"You got something sweet too, Angel?" Sen looked curious as he asked.

"Just a little something I've kept tucked away for a special occasion!" Angel moved to the small refrigerator and brought forth a small foil-wrapped item as he trotted to the kitsune with a cute grin. "Ever had real chocolate? I mean like, from cocoa beans and real sugar?"

"No, but isn't that stuff really expensive? Angel, you really gotta stop wasting your-" He barked as the retriever hooked an arm around his as he'd done earlier and pulled him right along to the bedroom.

"Huff... now... don't tell me what to do, sugar... my credits, my chocolate, yeah?" He growled and with surprising assertiveness, pulled the other boy right down to the mattress with him, both of them sitting before one another.

"Y-You don't have to just pull me around everywhere, fetch!" Sen barked out awkwardly, then bit his lower lip at the look Angel was giving him, those green eyes sparkling like they'd done last night, making butterflies erupt in his belly.

"Come here, sugar..." Angel gripped the collar of Sen's shirt, pulling him closer, then pulled the small cube of chocolate up and nipped a corner off it. The fox looked confused, but then gave a shocked little bark as the retriever pushed right into a deep kiss with him.

He felt Angel's tongue gently push against his own, passing the bite of chocolate to him, the confection melting against his tongue, filling his maw with the sweet fragrant aroma of cocoa, all the while their lips locked in the deep kiss.

Sen shifted his paws to the retriever's chest, then pulled back with a slight gasp, his tongue lolled slightly. "Pretty good, yeah?" Angel puffed out as he calmly took another nip from the small hunk of chocolate and drew close again.

He heard the fox give a little growling whimper at the approach as the retriever held his maw open slightly, the chocolate on his tongue, melting there. Sen snarled and shoved forward, forcing his tongue against Angel's, instigating the kiss this time.

They rolled their tongues together while kissing then after a few moments Angel broke away with a soft pant. "Huff... you really like the chocolate huh, sugar?"

"Just sick of you always teasing me with your damn kisses, fetch." Sen gripped the retriever's collar, pushing close as he panted, that comforting scent all in his nose, mingling with the heady scent of cocoa, his mouth full of that sweet taste.

"Then you try... yeah?" Angel winked and presented the rest of the chocolate to Sen. "Say... ahhhh," He cooed lovingly.

Sen glared at him but parted his maw, showing the small rows of sharp little teeth, then huffed out as the retriever plunked the last bit of chocolate right on his tongue. "Gonna share, sugar?" Angel whispered as he drew close, brushing his lips to the other boy's.

The kitsune growled and shoved his maw hard to Angel's, their tongues slipping together, rolling against the last of the chocolate that hadn't a prayer of withstanding the heat of their kissing.

He didn't know what he was doing, but he just pushed closer, paws moving to the other dog's shoulders, claws digging in as he shifted and rolled them right over, Angel falling to his back in a bounce of sheets. The retriever threw his arms around the smaller dog's neck, the growls the two of them were sharing in their kiss growing louder and more desperate by the second.

"Ngh! Ha... fuck... Sen..." Angel barked out as the fox parted and went straight to his throat, small fox nips digging into the retriever's fur, his breath hot against the golden fur. His real footpaw curled its toes as he felt the fox finally return the gesture, a small slow lap of his tongue dragging across the side of the other boy's muzzle.

"Huff... this mean you like me, like I like you, honey?" Angel huffed out and offered a small nuzzle to the side of Sen's jaw, then a quick lap of his own tongue, making the fox's orange fur smell of chocolate.

"Y-yeah... I think I do..." Sen huffed and moved to nuzzle under Angel's jaw, then shifted to lap the other side of his jaw.

Angel showed him a small grin, then shifted and rolled them over again as Sen hit his back with a bark. He blinked up to see the slightly larger dog tug his t-shirt right off, his strong toned muscles showing under a thin coat of golden fur, the various scars dotting his flesh.

"You too, honey... let me see..." Angel's paws moved to grip the hem of Sen's own shirt, the fox giving a small nod before sitting up and helping the retriever peel his own top off. Angel showed an eager grin and slid his paws over the fox's chest in earnest for the first time, his claws raking through the thin orange fur that grew more off-white around his throat, moving down his chest.

"Huff... you're such a gorgeous dog, Sen..." Angel licked his chops and moved to kiss along his throat, then Sen bit his lower lip as he watched the retriever kiss down his chest, moving to his belly, then gave a slightly panicked bark as the other boy grabbed the front of his jeans.

"H-Hang on, I'm not... I mean is this... uh..." Sen stammered, trying to shift his brain into gear.

"Asking me to stop, sugar? You know I will..." Angel cooed as his right paw played with the front button of his pants, but more importantly, that left paw was cupping right at that obvious bulge the fox had inside the aforementioned clothing. "Huff... you're so worked up, I can smell you through the thick denim..."

"I- I'm not saying... to stop per... se? I just uh..." He bit his lower lip as Angel offered him that cute grin and flicked the button on his jeans clear.

"Just what, honey?" Angel licked his chops and slowly dragged the zipper down, the heady scent of fox musk getting stronger by the second down there, despite him having just taken a shower.

"I don't... I don't know, okay?! This is just..." Sen offered a cute whimper as the retriever gripped his pants, wrenching them down right along with his boxer shorts, finally getting a look at him at last.

"Oooh already sliding free of your base, I'm glad you like me too, sugar..." Angel huffed out as he looked up at the fox who was chewing on his lower lip. The retriever hummed and brought his right paw up, gripping the base where the crimson length slipped free, giving it surprisingly gentle pumps.

Sen felt his body responding, his length growing more rigid as more slid free, his tongue showing as another touched him in such a way for the first time, another boy at that. He clenched his teeth, panting as he whispered, "Damn... y-your paw is really warm..."

"Know what else is nice and warm, sugar?" Angel showed him that cute grin, then leaned forward. Sen widened his eyes as his heart shoved into his throat, but he didn't have time to protest as the retriever took several inches right into his maw.

"Holy... gods... is this... real?" Sen panted as he looked down while bracing on his own paw, seeing Angel right there between his legs, his head bobbing back and forth, his maw extremely hot against his flesh, a foreign feeling to have it in someone's mouth, but it felt amazing all the same.

Angel nodded his head to the question, popping his maw free with a messy smack of his lips, his tongue lolling out, saliva dripping from it to the other dog's tapered tip. "Oh it's real, honey, and you taste so fucking good... I've not been with a boy in years, you know? Fuck... you're bigger than I thought, but I bet I can take all of you..." The golden-furred boy hummed and moved right back down, taking a little more in this time.

"Oh my godddsss..." Sen hissed out, his own claws digging into the bed sheets, this was too much and he couldn't even recall the last time he'd dealt with it himself either. His tongue lolled in a pant as he tried to keep himself under control, shaking his head while whimpering.

Angel gave him a challenging look in his green eyes, then pushed his head down as the kitsune yelped out, feeling every inch plunge deep in, the other dog's nose right to his crotch, enjoying the heady scent of fox while prelove just dripped down his throat as he sucked, his nearly full knot kissing at his lips.

"Fuck! Oh my gods! Angel! I fucking... I fucking can't!" Sen howled out as he shook his head, his claws digging so hard into the bedding they broke threads in the sheets. He was trying to endure it but this was all new and Angel clearly knew what he was doing. It had been several heated moments but not that long at all it felt.

The retriever dug his left claws into the fox's chest hard, his right paw digging claws into the fur at his hip, holding the position for an agonizingly long second before clenching his throat to finish his new lover off.

Sen howled out in a throaty moan, calling out the retriever's name as he was thrown over his edge for the first time by another. "Oh my gods! Angel!" The other dog perked his ears as that fire erupted and gushed down his throat. Sen lolled his tongue, eyes rolling up, having trouble processing it as he heard as much as felt the loud gulps in his ears, feeling himself being drained, Angel taking it down just as quickly as it came forth.

After what felt like an eternity but was only a brief euphoria, Sen whimpered as he felt the last rope milked from him by the older boy's skilled maw. Angel pulled up slowly, letting the length slide from his maw as he lifted his chin so Sen could see his throat as he took the last of it down with a gulp, then lolled his tongue, his saliva looking milky as he panted. "Damn, sugar... you came a lot... I almost couldn't get it all down."

His ears folded as he blinked at the retriever that composed himself a moment later and offered him that same cute grin as if he'd not just punched his card and swallowed down his spunk.

"Feel better, Sen?" Angel climbed back up to him, flopping down next to him in bed, grinning at him again.

"I- Y-yeah... but what about you, Angel?" He panted out and frowned.

"Eh? I'm okay, sugar! I wanted to make my fox feel good tonight, okay?" The retriever wagged his tail with a smile.

"Your fox huh? And that's hardly fair, fetch!" Sen frowned at him.

"Uh-huh... I mean, it's fun to say you're mine, right? And I'm yours?" He barked a laugh and licked his chops. "Within reason of course, I ain't gonna stop ya from getting your cock wet if you find a hot bitch or three, ya know?"

Sen grinned at that but then growled as he sat up. "Angel, this isn't okay!"

The retriever frowned and looked up at the fox. "What, sugar? You sore I punched your V-card or something?"

"Not that! I mean, you not... Just let me do it for you too!" Sen growled and shifted over to grab at the retriever's jeans, his twin tails thrashing as he huffed before starting to work the button free.

Angel almost giggled at that before looking on in amusement. "Honey, do you even know what you're doing?"

"I'll... I'll figure it out, I'm not going to leave this one-sided, damn it!" Sen snarled and unzipped the retriever's jeans, then gave a small bark as he pulled them down, seeing the large throbbing length of retriever cock spring to attention. "Holy drek..."

"Ah he he... Yeah, I'm kinda pent up, so it's already fully slid from the base, I really got into sucking you off, honey..." Angel winked and moved his paw down, tapping his padded-finger against the tapered head, a string of prelove hanging from it.

"I had no-" Sen started to speak as the retriever grinned and popped his padded finger right into the fox's maw, seeing his blue eye widen as the taste of his musk hit his senses.

"Gods... that's..." Sen shuddered and fluffed both his tails up as he smacked his lips. "That's potent and... kinda salty..."

"Uh huh... I should eat better... You sure you wanna do this, sugar? No hard feelings if you wanna back-" Angel snapped his jaws together and grinned, his ears folding as the fox glared at him and then just moved right in, pushing his maw down on the tip of the larger dog's length.

Angel panted and moved a paw to stroke at the large orange and black-tipped ears. "There you go... ngh... watch those teeth, honey... don't take too much down or you'll-" Sen's eyes widened before he pulled back with a sputtering cough. "gag... heh..."

Sen wiped his eyes and cleared his throat, smacking his tongue a few times, another shudder running up his spine at the taste and scent of the other boy all in his mouth and nose. "Fuck... your musk is intense..."

"Yeah... I'm really really pent up... you gonna try again or gonna go for a pawjob instead?" Angel showed him that same cute grin, his paw petting down the fox's head gently.

"Uh..." Sen swallowed hard then glared back up at the retriever. "I'm not stupid, no way I can uh... do what you uhm..."

"Deep throat?" Angel asked with a grin.

Sen felt his cheeks burn under his fur. "Y-yeah... so I'll do both!" He barked out in declaration before settling onto his elbows, growling as his right paw gripped the base of that jumping retriever cock, pumping it awkwardly as he pushed his maw back over the tip.

"Hgn! That's the... spirit... Oh, sugar... that feels really good... huff huff... just like that, honey... no need to take too much in, just... keep that pace and tempo up, it's perfect..." Angel encouraged the younger dog, petting him and even offering a soft moan, Sen's ears perking at that, the sound of him in pleasure making butterflies swarm in his tummy again.

He furrowed his brow before nodding, prelove dripping on his tongue, this other boy's essence and musk all in his senses. While he awkwardly shifted his paw while bobbing his head. He only had a few inches in, focusing on just watching his teeth as he worked.

"Mhm... that's it, right there..." Angel hesitated before calling out, "Good boy..." Sen perked his ears but didn't seem to mind, more focused on his movements, pumping his paw intently, feeling the growing knot at the other dog's base, a sure sign he was indeed doing a good job.

"Oh man... Sen... Sen... honey... c'mon... almost, please..." Angel raked his claws through that dark black hair of his, panting and encouraging him to keep going, the younger dog awkwardly jerking his paw and suckling, but he'd been so pent-up wanting him. Getting teased up by Jane earlier hadn't helped matters either.

Angel gave him a surprisingly feral-sounding snarl and Sen widened his eyes, feeling that knot bulge against his padded-fingers. "Oh gods, sugar... Sen! I fucking-" The retriever gave his own throaty howl, his green eyes rolling up and tongue sagging out of his jaws as he finally got that tension eased.

Sen's eyes widened as that scorching hot love slammed into his maw, filling it up, and even started down his throat. He closed his eyes tightly, the taste was musky, salty, even slimy feeling as he forced it down with a loud awkward gulp, but then it just came forth again in another gush he had to take down.

"Guh!" He pulled back, unable to take another gulp, yipping as the next rope shot across his muzzle, scattering across his fur. Angel shuddered and groaned as he finally felt the last of his own orgasm pass and panted down at the fox who was still holding his length in one paw, panting with his own tongue lolled, saliva-looking milky. Sen had a few tracks of the retriever spunk scattered against his muzzle and even some on his ear as well as his hair.

The retriever offered him a cute drunk grin as he sighed and rubbed the one clean ear of the fox. "Damn, sugar... that was really good for your first time... ngh... give me a sec to catch my breath and I'll get you something to clean up with."

Once they cleaned up, he found himself in bed with this other boy, both of them naked and clinging to one another. He'd never imagined his life would take a turn like this, but that comforting scent was all around him, and for better or worse, he felt secure for the first time in his life.


Sen furrowed his brow and groaned as he came too. His chest felt heavy, no, weighed down. He shifted in the sheets and realized Angel was clinging upon him. Biting his lower lip he blinked the sleep out of his eyes to see the retriever resting with an arm around him, his cheek pressed up to the fox's fur. He had his maw open slightly with his tongue showing, the fur there clearly damp.

'What the drek... that wasn't a dream?' Sen thought to himself, still trying to process all this. With some hesitation he reached a paw up, stopping just short of those folded golden ears, then after another moment, softly began to pet them.

"Ngh..." Angel growled and hugged closer, nuzzling the fox's chest as he puffed out, "Yeah... call me a good boy again..." He slurred in his sleep as Sen saw the thumping wag in the sheets from his tail.

"Eh? Uh..." Sen blinked at that, then leaned close and puffed into the retriever's ear gently, "You're... a good boy, Angel."

"Yeah, I get that a lot," the other dog said as clearly as could be, opening his green eyes and grinning at the smaller dog.

"Guh!" Sen barked, then narrowed his eyes. "Dude... what the hell?"

Angel grinned and kissed the fox's muzzle gently with a huff. "I've been awake for like half an hour, sugar. I was just basking at being the one held for once!"

"Drek-for-brains..." Sen growled and shoved the retriever off him with a huff, but then barked as Angel came right back and hugged him tight, grunting at the squeeze.

"Don't be like that, sugar! Last night was soooo fun, aren't you happy?" He barked and then leaned up lapping the other dog's jaw.

"H-Happy? Uh... I mean... yeah, but is it okay?" Sen looked back at the other boy, his eye clearly showing conflicting emotions.

"What do you mean, is it okay? We like one another, isn't it fine then?" Angel cocked a brow.

"I mean, yeah, but... you're a guy like me, isn't that... I mean, isn't that like abnormal or something?" Sen darted his good eye away awkwardly.

"Wha? I mean... I like you, that's all I care about, why would it be weird? You raised by some religious purist or something, Sen?" Angel gave a chuckle, then saw the fox give him a flat look.

"Actually, yeah, until about twelve, I was brought up in a pretty strict traditional family that tended a shrine," Sen sighed and moved a paw through his messy hair. "I'm just not sure how to process all this, it goes against-" He bit his tongue, recalling even joining the military went against what his family wanted.

His gaze shifted back to the green eyes that looked concerned, then smiled as he moved a paw to cup Angel's jaw. "You know what? Frag it, forget I said anything. Yeah, we're good, fetch."

Angel barked out and threw his arms around the fox's neck, Sen laughed but then grunted as the other boy shoved his maw against his. Sen grunted and couldn't help but move his tongue to the retrievers as they shared their first good morning kiss.

After a few heated moments, the fox broke from it and huffed out, "C-cmon, man, I got morning breath don't just go- urf!" He barked as Angel shoved back into the kiss with a growl. Sen relented and moved his tongue back against the other dog's as they got back to kissing.

"Huff... don't care... I love your stinky good morning kisses!" Angel barked playfully.

"Dude! S-Shut up, they aren't that bad are they?!" Sen cupped his paw over his own maw as he huffed a few times curiously.

"Ha ha, I'm fucking with you, sugar!" He leaned close and lapped the other dog's jaw with another good morning kiss, then shifted to roll off him. "C'mon, I'll make you breakfast, we both slept through most of the afternoon, we need to get ready to meet the missus!"

"Hang on!" Sen growled and climbed out of bed after him, then barked as he realized he was still naked, but then again so was the other boy.

Angel offered him a smug grin and put a paw on his hip, the fox biting his lower lip, seeing some of that length was already slid free again, the retriever offering a playful grin through his mussed blonde hair.

"Looks like you enjoy what you see, sugar, I like looking at you too, ya know?" The retriever trotted over and casually reached a paw down, grasping at the base of Sen's own length that had been surprisingly eager to show itself. "Huff... I need to find us a nice big shower with hot water so that I can bathe with you, honey..." He cooed the words as he pumped his paw, the fox gasping at the confident touch.

"O-Okay... but, but... Ngh!" Sen growled and gripped the retriever's paw, jerking it off his now mostly ready length. "Can we clear some things before you start jacking off my morning wood, fetch?"

Angel barked a laugh and rubbed the back of his head before stepping back. "Sorry, guess I got a little eager, what should we clear up, sugar?"

Sen bit his lower lip, seeing the retriever was shamelessly fully slid free now, Angel offered his cute grin and then just clenched to make the length jump before the fox barked and just turned from him, stomping over to get his own boxers back on before slinging Angel's own discarded boxer shorts at him.

"Cover that damn thing up, I can't talk to you with it doing...doing that!" Sen barked with hot cheeks as he pulled his own shorts up.

"Are you saying you like how I look, sugar?" The retriever offered him a playful smile as he pulled his own underwear back into place.

"Y-yeah, I guess I am... but seriously... what... are we? Where does this leave us?" Sen frowned as he shifted both paws to his hips, Angel smiling at the tent in his boxers.

"Hmm... wanna be my boyfriend?" Angel leaned against the wall of the room with a loving smile.

Sen frowned at how direct the question was but was even more surprised by his own answer, "I- think I might? I like you but...I'm still really confused about, well, everything?"

Angel wagged his tail at the response and trotted right over to the other dog, paws reaching out as Sen clasped them. "Me too, sugar! Oh I get it, I've never had a boyfriend either! I've uh... never really had a girlfriend technically, just a bunch of casual things ya know?"

Sen looked surprised by that but smiled at the grip of their paws. "Really? No one serious at all?"

"Uhm... well I'm kinda serious with one girl, but she's not what I'd call a uh, girlfriend." Angel grinned and looked away with a smile.

"Huh... aren't relationships supposed to be like... monogamous or something?" Sen tilted his head curiously.

"Depends on the relationship, sugar." Angel leaned close and lapped Sen's jaw before parting to open the door to the den. "I don't mind if you fuck around, honey, I'm not some street walker, but I'm not looking to make you into my personal ball and chain, you know?"

"So uh... we're dating, but, we can see or fuck whom we like?" Sen asked, as if confirming the rules to the potential new relationship.

"Mhm! I think it's fair! Why don't you stay with me, honey? On the nights your foxy ass isn't balls deep in a bitch at her place, yeah?" Angel gave another bark of laughter as he moved into the kitchen to start preparing for breakfast in just his boxer shorts.

"Oh yeah, that's me, the girls and boys are just lining up, right?" Sen offered a small grin as he shrugged.

"I'd line up for you, sugar!" Angel growled and wagged his tail, looking hungry again but clearly not for food.

"Hah... you're much hotter than me, fetch, but thanks... I think..." Sen rubbed his jaw and then gave a shrug. "Fuck it, I'd be dead three times over by now if it wasn't for you, least I can do is give it a shot, life's too short, right?"

"Especially in the sprawl, sugar. Sooo..." The retriever trotted back over to him with a cute grin on his muzzle. "Boyfriends?"

Sen gave his muzzle a quick peck and smiled as he spoke, "Boyfriends."

Once breakfast was made, the two of them settled down together on the sofa, their plates of food in their laps, steaming mugs of soykaf on the small table before them.

"So, you never mentioned, your first in the van yesterday," Sen prodded the topic anew while they sat, eating on some of the reconstituted eggs. It was the cheap powdered ones most stores sold that you had to add water too, but once again Angel had somehow made them taste amazing.

"Tch... Is this one of those, show a secret in good faith for the relationship things, sugar?" Angel pouted as he poked at his soy-sage with a fork.

The kitsune waved his paw at that. "No way, fetch. I'm just curious, but I'm not like, blackmailing you or something because we're an item now. If it's uncomfortable or too personal, that's okay, you know?"

Angel tapped his fork on the plate while chewing, then met the other dog's eye. "No, I'll tell you, sugar, but you gotta promise not to bring it up with Jane. Okay?"

"Uh... what's this got to do with, Ms. Jane?" Sen cocked a brow.

"That's the point of me saying you gotta keep your maw shut about it, honey." Angel gave him a flat look like he was being dumb.

Sen clicked his tongue and then nodded. "Got it, mums the word, fetch. Stays between us."

Angel gave a deep sigh as he started to explain, "It took me a few months to get back on my footpaws after the whole t-bird thing I mentioned..."


Jane was really nice to the boy she saved. Still cold, and calculating, but nice. She wasn't motherly nice, or best friend nice, but kind of more like a coach that knew he was capable and kept pushing him, always knowing when he needed comfort but only giving enough to keep her new dog going.

As soon as Angel was capable, he was eager to return her investment and faith in him. He started doing runs for her but didn't look for other Johns or Janes, he was happy to be hers, the pay be damned, he was... her dog.

"Hang on, Angel. Other Johns and Janes?" Sen interrupted the story.

"Yeah, sugar. Did you think that was her real name? Mr. John, or Ms. Jane. These are what runners call their anonymous employers as it were. It's a street handle like Wheels."

"Wait- Is your name-"

"Sugar, Angel is my real name, it's just also such a cool handle, I keep it for both!"

"Huh... okay, do you know her real name?"

"... anyway, as I was saying!"

It had been a few runs now, four successful ones to be precise. He worked with a few runners, including Wheels. There was this other girl though, Sylph. She was kinda new like him, but she'd been running with them through every job, Jane trusted her, and that was good enough for Angel, she even had a few extra runs under her belt before he had showed up. She was a cutie too, a dog like him, but a collie. He was already starting to crush on her a little, still a young innocent pup in the shadows, and still had a v-card unpunched to boot. Between the collie's spunky cute attitude and the rabbit's elegant sexiness, he was fit to be tied.

"Hey, Sylph? Uh... after this run is sorted tonight, you wanna go out?" He finally got the courage to ask her out after weeks.

The collie showed him a cute grin and perked her ears. "Hey, baby, isn't Jane treating us all anyway once this is sorted? So sure, it was already scheduled!"

Angel huffed out and offered her a fussy look before stammering out, "N-not like that, I mean-"

"I know what you mean, Angel, you wanna go out with me, specifically, yeah?" She asked with a knowing smile.

"Y-Yeah! Sorry, is that okay?" He barked out awkwardly, then bit his lower lip as she walked right over to him, pushing a paw to his chest, his heart shoving into his throat at her touch.

"If we get through this run and I live to see tomorrow, sure baby. My place, I'm in heat though, so you better be ready for a workout!" She gave him a confident grin as he offered her a wide-eyed look, then a shocked gasp as she leaned in nice and close, giving his lips a quick kiss.

The run went off without a hitch. Jane had already promised the whole team a celebration for Angel's fifth run, so everyone was supporting and cheering the new guy on the whole mission. Angel was so proud as he strutted up to her to report their success with Wheels and Sylph, knowing later he'd be in that collies bed getting ravaged by her.

They gave the debriefing and Jane offered him a proud grin, her eyes looking relaxed for the first time since he'd begun running for her. That moment was all it took though, the next thing anyone knew there was a loud bang and flash of light, an emp burst grenade going off. The light blinded him since his eyes were normal meat, and by the time the ringing stopped, he realized his leg wouldn't move, the electronics stalled out from the burst.

Through the haze, he saw Sylph standing there, her large caliber handgun right to Jane's face, the rabbit holding her paw over her one good eye, her other brandishing a smaller gun pointed at the collie's chest.

"Pretty fast, almost caught me fully off-guard, girl..." Jane said as she cracked her paw, her green eye showing, while her other looked gray as if the color had been bled out of it. Her guards were completely disabled, and so was Wheels, their electronics shielded from most emp pulses usually, but this was an exceptionally high-grade one that went off, the gods know how much she paid for it, she'd clearly been planning this for a while.

"I don't care if I make it out of here, you cost me my brother, you're not leaving here alive, rabbit." Sylph tensed to squeeze the trigger then there was a loud clap of sound, blood spattering on the rabbit's cream-colored cheeks before the collie just crumpled to the floor, a large section of her skull now missing.

Jane shot her gaze down to him, he was there on his hip, paws trembling, with his own gun in grip, tears rolling down his cheeks, a look of terror and anguish on his face. Sylph had assumed the retriever had more chrome in his meat than he did, and that he was disabled like the others. Had she only made the promise knowing she wasn't getting out of his alive? Or maybe hoping he'd side with her?

"J-Jane?! A-are you... okay?" Angel sobbed out as he looked upon her, looking shaken and lost. She was there instantly and he felt her hug him to her chest. She petted his ears and called him her good boy, her good dog, so he just threw his arms around her as it all crashed inside him. The fully grown dog sobbed like a puppy as it all caught up to him, realizing he'd not just killed someone, but one of his friends and teammates, all to protect the rabbit who meant everything to him.

Jane held him so tenderly, an ice-cold bunny, but she was so warm as he sobbed into her chest, her scent so comforting, almost motherly in this moment. Even then, she was furious, snarling at her guards, demanding background traces on the runner she'd been betrayed by, swearing to tighten her net for would-be contractors, all while gently petting her loyal dog.


Angel sighed and leaned back on the sofa, tapping his fork on the plate. "Yeah... it was at that moment, I realized I loved Jane. I couldn't see her hurt, even at the cost of my friend. I know she's not a good rabbit, but I don't care, I'm happy to be her fallen Angel, ya know?"

"That's intense... how long did you carry that with you, fetch?" Sen frowned at him.

The retriever shrugged and smiled. "A few days, had a nice rebound from how she thanked me though!" He offered that cute grin as his ears perked.

"Woah... you mean you and her?" His new lover looked shocked, impressed, and a little fearful all at once. "No wonder you don't want me repeating that!"

Angel waved a paw. "Nah, she wouldn't care if you knew we were having sex, but she would absolutely care if I had told you about her having a moment of weakness, you understand?"

Sen gave a nod of understanding. "That...sounds like her, actually. So..." The fox gave the retriever a side-eye. "What's her name and how is she in bed?"

Angel offered him an apologetic smile as he shook his head. "You might be my lover now, sugar, but there are words and bonds given, I'd not break that trust with her, I'm sure you understand?"

"Hm, yeah I can get that. You've known her for almost five years and me only a few days, sorry for prying like that, Angel." Sen frowned then felt the retriever push close to him.

"Sugar, it's okay, I get how you feel, Jane is very mysterious, and can be a little scary, but I'm sure in time she will trust you, especially if you're my partner!" Angel barked out cheerfully as he threw an arm around his new fox.

"So any hints on how she is in bed then? I'm still dying to know!" Sen hummed as he leaned into the retriever.

"Huh, do you know the thing about tops and bottoms?" Angel asked.

"Uh... yeah, vaguely. Tops are like the dominant partner, and bottoms are the submissive ones, right?" Sen tilted his head.

"Right! Well, like take me for an example, I'm a switch, sugar. I can go either or, that's why I was kind of dommy last night, but if you ever wanna flex or practice your top-mode I know is in there, I'll happily roll over and beg. Anyway, she is always in charge, you get me? That air she puts on for work is not a facade. You do what she wants, when she wants, and you don't argue. What do you think you might be?"

Sen frowned and put a paw on his own chest. "Seriously? That is one intense rabbit heh, but as for me personally? I'm not sure yet. I liked what you did, but I don't feel like I would want to have you holding the reins every time either."

"Yeah, I hoped you'd say that, sugar. I bet you're a switch like me! It just means you'll be more versatile and that means you'll get a crack at more tail!" The retriever grinned, his green eyes looking eager. "Hey hey, maybe we can even find some to team up-"

"Fetch! We've been dating for like an hour and you're already talking about shit like that? I'm not good enough for you huh?" Sen offered a playful smirk.

"Oh look at you, sugar, already learning how to tease me just like I love," Angel growled and placed the empty plates on the table before tapping the fox's nose. "Hm hm... you're dangerous, I might fall for you haaaard..."

"I- I don't know about that, fetch..." He huffed out then gave a small bark as the retriever growled and moved in, nibbling at his throat.

"Hgn... we still got a bit of time before we meet up, how about I show you what these paws can do, honey!" Angel offered little love nips along the fox's throat as Sen shuddered.

"Huff... W-well, now that you mention it..." Sen gripped the other boy's shoulders, the fox showing a grin at this new situation, his heart thumping as they stared at one another.

"Ah he he... I'm already bringing that confidence out in you... c'mere, sugar!" Angel growled as he shoved his muzzle to Sen's, the kitsune giving a shocked bark as the larger dog brought him right down onto the sofa. Both boys drew into a kiss before they rolled off the cushions right onto the floor in a tangle of limbs and tails as the rickety coffee table just collapsed in a heap while they were getting back to it.


"Welcome back, runner," Jane offered that sharp smug grin, her green eyes seeming to glow in the dim lights of the private booth. Sen recalled in Angel's story that she only had one cybernetic eye, but Jane herself said they weren't real. Was she lying to him, or perhaps had ripped her other meat one out after the incident?

The fox quickly pushed the thoughts away as he responded, "Thank you, ma'am, am I officially a runner now?"

"You don't get a welcome package or sign-on bonus, my fox..." She smirked and offered her open paw, Steph placing a small envelope into it. "Then again, for you, I suppose you do, Kohaku." She flipped the envelope across the table to him.

Sen opened the paper to see a small laminated SIN card inside, Sakata Kohaku - S539-8E76-1P16. The year of birth was correct, but the day of wasn't even close. More importantly, the fur, eye, and species details were exact.

"So should I just start going by Sakata in my day-to-day, then?" He asked while tucking the card away.

"You may go by whatever you wish, call yourself Aburage for all I care, Kitsune, just remember that SIN number and name for when you need it." Jane gave a smirk as Sen glared at her commentary before folding his arms.

"So, should we get down to business then? Talk about debts owed, how much I belong to you, etcetera?" He growled as Angel frowned next to him.

"How is he treating you, my Angel?" Jane seemed to largely ignore the questions and asked her own to the retriever.

"Ah, very well! I'm so glad we found him, ma'am! He's already... very important to me." The retriever offered a small grin, his tail wagging slowly.

"Huh... All of you, frag off but the fox, he and I talk, the rest of you go get a drink or something on my tab, I don't care." Jane snarled the words as her eyes hardened before flourishing a paw before Sen, "You, sit."

The other three left and Sen found himself seated before the rabbit who was drumming her bloody claws on the table. She looked to the stairwell to see the others were gone before her green eyes darted back to the fox. "He looks serious, what did you do with my Angel?"

Sen growled at being put on the spot and gave her a glare before clicking his tongue as he answered, "Mostly oral and pawjobs, why do you ask?"

Jane twitched an eye at the casual response before extending her right paw, Sen giving a gasp as a tiny handgun just shot out of the sleeve of her suit right into her paw, leveled at his head. "You hurt that dog, I'll make you beg me for death, two-tails." She showed her teeth in a snarl, her right eye already purple, clearly the gun was sporting a smart link feed system with her eye, meaning she'd hit whatever she wanted to with a shot.

"Just like that...y-you'd put me in the dirt after the investments you've made, Ms. Jane?" Sen quirked a brow, lifting his paws to show they were clear, not that he'd been given a gun in all this anyway.

"That is my dog, and he is worth ten times the credits I've spent on any asset. Had this been a casual affair, I'd have given no fucks, but seeing the look in his eyes..." The rabbit flicked her wrist as the gun slid back into place. He realized at that moment, it wasn't some sort of cyberware, she simply had a rig attached to her suit sleeve and arm.

"The look he has for you, Jane? Jealousy isn't very becoming of you..." Sen offered her a confident smirk, only to yelp out as the rabbit leaned forward to grip his jaw like she'd done the other day, digging her bloody crimson claws deep into his muzzle to pierce his flesh.

"You ever talk to me like that again, I'll rip all your limbs off, install pegs, and throw you into the street so I can watch the vermin eat you alive, while I sip on a fine wine, doggy. Don't ever make light of him and you sure as drek do not make light of me! Are we clear?" Jane's purple eye was twitching now and Sen offered a pained nod, imagining these claws could just be retractable spurs she could extend here and now if she willed it.

She withdrew her now literally bloody claws, giving them a flick to scatter his own blood across his muzzle and hair before she settled back down. Once he finished wiping his face on his sleeve, she was seated again, looking composed but still coldly furious.

Jane took out a handkerchief to wipe lingering blood off her claws before tucking it back into the breast pocket of her suit. "I'll use that fire in you well, but make sure you watch where you aim it. You singe my fur, I'll scorch yours off and leave blisters in the wake, we clear?"

"You'll torture me and make me suffer, I get the message. Can we move on already?" Sen barked out and offered her another half-hearted glare.

"Hmph... You two sort yourselves however you see fit, I could care less who he sleeps with, but you break his heart and I'll revoke this new life of yours, Sakata Kohaku." Jane folded her paws on the table, giving him a level look.

Sen now realized for all the cute adorable doggy antics his new boyfriend had, that Angel had the devil herself watching out for him in the guise of a small rabbit. The fox sighed and rubbed the back of his head before just spitting it out, "Look, Ms. Jane, give me some fucking room to breathe here. I was a fucking virgin until last night, I've never had a relationship like this before in my life, and I wouldn't go and frag the first good thing to happen to me, that I promise you."

The purple finally faded from her right eye as she ever so slightly eased the tension in her shoulders, offering a nod of understanding. "Do you have any questions for me, doggy?"

"Yeah, your left eye, is it real?" He asked curiously, grateful for the focus being taken off him at last.

"Yes, and no. Are you familiar with bioware-implants?" She lifted her muzzle.

"Vaguely, it's like... natural mostly non-invasive implants, usually using your own cells to create, right?" Sen thought back to the small lessons on it he'd gotten in the academy.

"Correct, good boy." Jane looked him dead on as her green eyes seemed to glow once more. "The short version is, yes they are both augment and I didn't lie, one is just regrown using my own cells, enhanced with night vision, flash resistance, and heightened visual strength."

Sen thought back to the story of the flashbang, which explained why Jane hadn't been fully helpless, she was only half blind, she was just shielding her eye as a ruse during that. He gave a nod and then offered a smile. "Thanks, I was curious since I never saw it shift to purple like-"

"Oh come off it, it's clear as crystal my retriever blathered on about his first kill. I expected it after sending you off to get your own out of the way." Jane waved a paw and leaned back. "I understand, and I'm not sore with my Angel for telling you, so he and you may relax, my fox."

Sen had felt his fur rising on the back of his neck, but relaxed as she continued, then gave an awkward nod. "T-Thanks... I mean for not being mad at Angel."

"You were worried about him?" She showed a smug grin on her muzzle.

"I mean yeah, of course, I was! I really like him and... I don't want to just come in here and fuck up his life, you know?" Sen hissed through his teeth as he ran a paw through his hair.

"You... pass, for now," Jane said as she drummed her fingers together.

"Well, thanks... but uh, can we get back to my original question? Am I indebted to you now?" Sen asked, point blank.

"Yes. The SIN alone was nearly twenty thousand credits." She said matter-of-factly as the fox barked out in shock.

"T-twenty grand?!" Sen stammered and rubbed the back of his head, that was over a year's worth of pay with Inari.

"Listen to me, doggy. You're not my slave, but you run for no Jane or John but me, are we clear? I will pay you and I'm not impatient, it will be a fair share for the work you do, but you will work the debt off all the same." Jane folded her paws and met him with a neutral business-like gaze.

"I understand, and... Thank you." He offered a small smile to her.

"For saving your life? Or perhaps for giving you a new one, while not making you my personal slave? There is quite a list to sort through," Jane offered a sharp grin of amusement.

"Heh... actually, thanks for letting me meet Angel mostly." Sen barked out with a laugh then offered another grin of his own. "I guess that other stuff is pretty wiz of you, too."

Jane gave him an honest look of surprise at his words but then offered something he hadn't seen from her yet, a smile. Not a smug or calculating smirk, but an earnest smile. "You're welcome, you take care of my good boy, that is my all-encompassing order for you, Tanto."

"Tanto?" Sen cocked a brow.

"That's going to be your call sign on missions, yes. Tanto, the stabby pokey sword thing from- Don't you know your own culture?" Jane offered an amused grin.

"Uh, yes I do, but shouldn't I choose my call sign?" Sen pushed a paw to his own chest.

"No," The rabbit said flatly then moved on, "I have work for you. I need details on a target, I'll be feeding the logs straight into your head, like last time."

Sen gave a nod as he asked, "Am I doing this one alone then?"

"Yes and no. Angel will be doing reconnaissance for you, but he's going to be nowhere near you. If drek hits the fan, you'll have to clean it up yourself." Jane looked upon him, her eye shifting to indigo once more as she asked, "Ready for your first official mission as my personal blade, Tanto?"


Rain fell in a gentle shower across the sprawl, a cool welcome to his exposed head, relishing in the feeling of it flowing down his ears, snout and tail. Something about the rain had always been a comfort to the fox, not a manufactured simsense or conjured by a magic, but a facet of nature that caressed all beneath her touch, meat or chrome. The soft patter of drops against his coat was almost therapeutic, a reminder of when he'd just lay and listen to it on the old, traditional roofing of the shrine housing.

Sen stood at the top level of one building among many, far from the tallest but enough to look out over an area of interest. His paws gripped the cold metal rail just before him at waist height as he surveyed the prismatic glow of the hub below, where neon took on an almost mesmerizing halo in the falling rain. He'd have to do the leg-work on this one himself, not follow a name with all the leads already all but finished.

With Angel he'd found himself again, the retriever had gotten his head straight after the first geek Sen had to perform; now, he had set himself a personal rule, as many other of his breed did in the streets, a code to abide by to never truly lose himself. The kitsune had sworn not to kill bystanders, innocents as far as could be proven, in his work and told Ms. Jane as much. Whatever else she needed doing, he signed up for as long as civilians weren't going to get wasted, that was his one request to his new handler.

"She's not here yet, but this'll be the place. Second vendor-hub on Avalon Street, beneath that mangled light post with the blinking green bulb, sugar. You watch, she'll be snaking out of there any minute now." The voice of the retriever in his comm was a reassuring sound, both giving his heart a kick to stay focused and the comfort he wasn't out in the night rain alone.

"Y'know, you sure fall for some sketchy types." Sen chuckled into the comm.

"How do you figure, hm?" Angel's voice betrayed amusement.

"Well let's see, you fall for a guy that failed his first day on the job, bailed him out of a termination chase..." The fox shook his head with a scoff, "And then there's Jane."

"Tch, I was blown out of the sky, remember sugar? What kind of an Angel am I to be shot down?" The retriever laughed, "It's not the deeds babe, it's the heart. But what's this about the boss lady, hm?"

"Oh nothing, just that she promised to stuff and mount me on a wall if I so much as send you home in tears, or something like that." Sen growled, fur heckling even in the damp air at the fresh sting from her claws on his snout, the way she talked down at him like some adopted, unbroken pup.

"Never you mind her, sugar. She's got to be that tough, you think someone soft-hearted gets to where she is? Nuh-uh, and the shit she's seen? Forget about it." Angel clicked his tongue in thought, a smile still audible over their secure line, "You've seen it though, haven't you?"

"Seen what? The bitch-switch?" The fox snorted with a roll of the eyes, twin tails giving a lash to shake off some of the soaking rain as his mood fluttered.

"No no, that's the armor she keeps up to stave off the jackals, baby. What I meant was, you've seen her smile, haven't you?" Angel said more seriously, knowingly now.

Sen thought for a moment, sorting through the surface frustration of being treated like he was going to use Angel, of being scolded and handled like a fledgling kit until it clicked; at the end, after the warning Jane had flashed a genuine smile. The memory waved away the smoke of anger, cooling the fox as he nodded to himself.

"Yeah, yeah I have. I think I get it now." Sen admitted with a huff into the drizzling air, "Sorry Angel, I've been trying to catch up ever since we sky-dived out of my own damn execution, didn't stop and think about why things are."

"Don't you sweat it, sugar. Jane, she runs the Warren like a well-oiled machine, leaving no sign of weakness to anyone around her...but in truth?" Angel hummed a pleasant sound for a moment, reflecting on the bunny, "You couldn't find someone that cared more about others, hell, she takes in strays and resets lives only to spin it as getting new blood."

"I'll try to keep that in mind the next time she's got my balls in a vice," Sen smirked to himself with a flick of his ears, scanning over the neon-lit streets again. As he waited, Sen ran over the details Ms. Jane had uploaded to him again; they'd be looking for a female hyena, rather well-kept and fit, a few scars and tats would cause some fur to be missing about the arms. The mark would have hair like his, kept short and out of the way, less to grasp in a scuffle.

"Ace," came the voice of an Angel again in his comm, making the kitsune double-take before realizing it was the name of their target, not a random word. "Alright babe, you're on your own now. Trust yourself and your training, I'll be watching as always."

"Yeah, thanks for that." Sen departed the rooftop without another word, closing his end of the comm out so it wouldn't be swept up. The fox made a swift descent of stairs through the building, out the final floor that was a tattoo parlor Ms. Jane herself kept fronting. The amount of information gathered just by those laying there, trying to think of anything other than the needle, was surprisingly useful.

Into the rain again the kitsune walked along, more comfortable alone this time even if he missed the presence of the retriever at his side. While he'd gotten attached to that presence, his life before and during training was always the loner. Sen wanted to operate like this, with just the knowledge his newfound team could help him, even if they wouldn't be able to this time.

The kitsune had kept the location frozen in his aug-eye, the front facing of the vendor-slab Angel had pointed out as a snap-shot with the mark captured in the reflecting neon air. The hyena had come about an alley corner to stroll up to the opened slot, leaning into the edge of it with arms folded to speak to the owner like a casual regular.

Her dark green cargo-pants with cord-strap belt, black tank-top, and a dozen different clasps along her arms matched the recent info-package. Patchwork fur of light and dark, vivid sea-green eyes that were unnerving to stare at too long, with various piercings from ears to muzzle.

As he moved along in the crowd, shadowing a group of shuffling crows, Sen kept his natural eye on the chattering hyena while the distance closed. Any time she looked up to glance about the kitsune shifted to the left, looking into a window or steaming vendor-slot as if interested until he could move again.

Hub by hub the kitsune closed the distance with wet footfalls of boots, until he could lose the adopted cluster of citizens or the unaware and alone traveler. The fox came up behind the snickering hyena with a nudge of his augmented arm, the fist of it against the small of her back.

"Step into the alley, make a sound and twenty-thousand volts blow-dries your fur, Ace." Sen growled out her name, leveraging his knowledge of her before she knew what happened.

The hyena gave a look to the vendor, then slowly eased from her lean on the shelf of the open window with a snicker, "Well drek, guess I got a customer...don't forget to lock the dumpster like last time."

Sen shoved the hyena along, into the darker and out of sight steps of the alleyway. Once they weren't in much risk of being seen, the fox grasped the back of her neck, shoving the hyena against the damp rockrete brickside.

"You've been holding out on your debts, think you can just walk away from cashouts like that?" Sen pressed the clasped fist to her back with his aug-arm constantly, where the faux-fur wouldn't do much to hide the cyber-ware beneath.

"The fuck are you talking about, drek for brains?" Ace chuckled against the wall, not seeming too phased by the rough treatment, "If you wanted some of this, you should know how to ask! You that desperate?" She pressed her backside against the fist and hips alike, giving a wiggling grind before Sen shoved her forward again.

"You want to play games?" Sen flexed his aug-arm for a discharge of a few thousand volts from the blade-port at the knuckles, causing the hyena to shift against his grasp and the wall in a squirm, but it didn't get the reaction he expected.

"Aww, not as potent as you thought, drek-face?" Ace showed all her teeth in a side-smirk, laughing as Sen kept her pinned, "I don't have any pain receptors active, got em all turned off after one too many dogs chased my tail, get it? You got nothin' you can do to me, so good luck jogging my memory."

Sen canted his head in closer, standing a foot taller than the mocking hyena, "Is that a fact? Joke's on you then, I know this great street doc." The fox flexed on the word 'great' with his paw about her neck, smirking with his augmented eye glowing a knowing red in the dimly-lit alley, "Time for a check-up."

Ace gave a snort at that, not seeming to believe the kitsune before he tugged her from the wall, pushed her along further into the less lit space between buildings to make good on his threat before he heard a click behind them.

"That's as far as you go, chummer," a gruff male voice came at the entrance of the alleyway, making Sen look over his shoulder to see the same vendor the hyena was chatting with. It was a rough around the edges looking rat, living the street life without much care for health, eyes with dark circles from the constant harsh lights and graveyard hours.

"This doesn't concern you, step back around the corner and tend your shop. Involving yourself won't end well, so take this warning." Sen growled at the rat with a shift to face him halfway, keeping himself between the new threat and the hyena.

"That's where you're wrong, see, this gal is a good associate of mine. Anything a fox wants with her, isn't gonna be good." The rat gave a nudge of the scattergun he was holding in both paws, "You move away, and we can overlook this, how's that sound?"

"Not going to happen." Sen opened the palm of his augmented arm, dropping a small charge he'd slipped into it when he first heard the hammer drawn on the shotgun. He'd have Angel to thank for the idea later as a micro-flashbang went off at his feet. His cybernetic eye would be fragged for a while, but he'd kept his natural one closed for the duration.

"Gah, what the drek?!" The rat shouted, waving around the scattergun before he felt it go still in his paws, unable to move it as a harsh grip came about his trigger paw, almost breaking the digits about it.

"Any other night, you'd be joining your trash. I wasn't here, neither was Ace, got it?" Sen snarled at the momentarily blinded rat, shoving the butt of the gun into his chest with a push of his augmented arm, knocking the male to the ground without air in his lungs.

"The next friend of yours that decides to play hero loses their head, now move it." Sen huffed in annoyance as he grasped the closest arm of the equally disoriented hyena, half-hauling the smaller creature down into the alleyway.

It was harder than he expected to keep his mark close but not obviously against her will as they went from gap to gap in the sometimes bustling nightlife, or eerily silent run-down areas where business had either died off or was controlled by roaming gangs. Sen kept a tight grip on her forearm, channeling the occasional jolt to keep any gathered resistance to a minimum.

The data given to him was invaluable, providing routes often used or easily accessed by a team should the need arise, with a map recalled each time he looked at a street name or trideo on some corner with embedded checkpoints.

In a longer time than he'd liked, Sen brought the hyena to stand before the clinic doorway with a low growl, "Don't make a sound, don't move. Each time you do, it'll get worse than you're thinking."

The hyena just gave a deep frown, "Tch, such a tough guy."

Sen gave a last hard glance down at the talkative captive before pushing into the 'clinic' before them. Of course, Jane had provided all the data he'd need for contacts, including the good doctor, so it was simple to schedule the appointment on her dime.

"Been a few days, you want a check-up on that arm while you're here, runner?" The bull drolled out as he lumbered out of the backroom, having heard the small chime ping from someone entering.

"Maybe later, think you could retrigger some receptors for me? You know who is keen to get some information out of this bitch, but she's not very receptive to my pleas, you could say." Sen offered the bull a cold look as he snorted.

"Not usually my forte, I don't really-" his drooped ears lifted as the credit transfer came through at five times the regular rate. "I'll get things ready," He muttered out as he shifted to the back.

That got the hyena's attention as she barked out, "Okay, so maybe uh... my memory is starting to clear up now that I think about it!"

"Quaint, let's make sure though," Sen growled as he hauled her into the other room and shoved her right down into a large examination chair. Placing the taser-port of his aug-fist right to the hyena's chest with a shove, digging it nice and deep into her breasts.

"Okay, okay! No need to-" Ace hissed out as the bull grabbed her jaw, jerked her head to the side and slammed a cord straight into her jack at the base of her neck, it took just a second or two before she felt the sensation of pressure against her chest.

Sen noticed the widening of her eyes and let a small burst loose right into her chest as she howled out a yelp. "Funny thing about turning that drek off, makes it all the more tender when they come live again, bitch," the kitsune growled as he leaned over her, eye to eye with her now.

"Y-yeah... it sure... fucking does... so uh, my head is real clear now, sugar, how about-" He snarled and let another jolt loose into her as she yelped out again.

"Don't fucking call me that! Now spill it, bitch!" He barked into her face, showing his sharp teeth, spittle hitting her cheeks as she panted from the pain, but not in a pleased way.

"Kamui! I w-work for Kamui!" Ace barked out between panted breaths, "They were p-practically giving away the chance at chip-ware, that's how I got some of mine! The pain receptors, my s-sense of taste for- well, things! Look, I was given this drek free, in exchange I was to lure some of the Warren goons to their side!"

"Trying to weaken their position, even though you'd gotten considerable sums to study the Big K?!" Sen snapped his jaws, glaring with a narrowed natural eye and flickering red augment, "You really thought it would go unnoticed, street clown? Is it all a joke to you?!" The kitsune delivered another surge into the hyena's chest, causing her to spasm and jolt with pained gasps.

"Nono-ngh, no! Of course not, ahh fuck! I was going...going to pay it...back, give the f-fucking intel, I swear!" The hyena whined out, grasping at the aug-arm with both paws in a failed attempt to get the fox off her.

"Ms. Jane sees it all, bitch. Nothing-" The fox leaned in close to show his fangs, "-nothing is beneath her notice, do you understand now?" The twin-tails flicked his ears, huffing a breath out as he reined himself in, "Alright 'Ace', you're going to be ours in the hole."

"W-what...? I don't...understand?" She blinked up at the fox, muscles going from tense in fear of the next shock to a lax quivering from the previous jolts.

"You wanted to play both sides, act as a double-agent right?" Sen gave a slow, teeth-showing grin down at the female who couldn't stop doing the same earlier, "That's exactly what you're going to do. You'll scurry back, say nothing of this, and start reporting to me about Kamui's next moves, are we clear?"

"Are...are you fucking kidding me?!" Ace barked before Sen flexed his pressed arm to her chest firmly, "F-fine! Fine, I'll fucking do it, do I know you won't just expose all this?"

"You be a good girl, and I'll treat you right, Ace, you don't-'' Sen looked lazily over to the bull. "Hey doc, she's sporting head-ware, yeah?"

"That's right, you want some insurance? That's extra you know." The street doc folded his wide arms as he tilted his head.

"You know me and Jane are good for it, just a little one will do." Sen showed his teeth in a cruel smirk as the hyena widened her eyes.

"Woah, you planning on putting a fucking cortex bomb in my fucking skull over this drek? I already said I'd cooperate!" Ace snarled up at him as the kitsune leaned back before thumping a finger against her forehead.

"Yeah, just a small one, something that'll just go 'pop' and put the lights out without much mess. We'll take it out once everything's sorted nice and clean." Sen nodded to the doctor.

"Now wait just a-" Ace shuddered as the bull that still had a jack into her sent a signal to shut down her consciousness to her head-ware.

"You don't even seem like the same dog from the other day." He called out casually as he unjacked himself to move over to a cabinet and brought down a small bin of various-sized cortex bombs.

"Blame the training, once I'm in a mission mindset, that's all there is. I'll feel like drek later I'm sure," Sen responded casually then lifted his ears before asking, "Why the frag do you got so many of those, doc?"

"Popular item." The street doc shrugged before walking back over to the unconscious girl before him. "I'll give you a command code and even install some tracking ware to keep tabs on your new pet hyena."

Sen showed his sharp teeth with a grin as he tucked the taser away and shoved his paws into his pockets. "Sounds wiz, thanks doc."


Next Episode:

Different people have different values in life. What's important to one may be a frivolous thing to another. In the grit and grime of the sprawl, can you take the time to find common ground?

Do you hate me for what I am? Can I avoid hating you for what you are? Can we even start over, or is it too late? Regardless of what I think, the wheel turns and I find myself moving forward.

Episode Four: Fox and Mouse Game

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Neon Warren: Episode 4

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi]( helps...

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One Last Sleepover - Part 2

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon]( or...

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One Last Sleepover

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon]( or...

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