Neon Warren: Episode 4

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#4 of Neon Warren

Episode 4:

Fox and Mouse Game

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Ko-Fi helps make that happen. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter or BlueSky. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Episode 4:

Fox and Mouse Game

"Kamui has their dirty paws in the pie do they?" Jane folded her arms on the table with an amused grin at the news. "Sen, you were fairly ruthless with getting Ace back over to our side of the field, I can see my instincts in you were spot on."

"Ruthless? I guess I was. I'm not sure what was happening, but once I was on the mission, I felt like a different fox altogether."

"It's a byproduct of your training, it happens with plenty of soldiers. It's a way to rationalize your actions. My advice is to not think too hard about it, but don't lean on it like a crutch either. I don't need you turning into a little psychopathic fox," Jane explained coolly as her right eye shifted to purple, clearly going over something.

"Psychopath?" Sen asked curiously.

"Yeah, sugar. We have to hold ourselves accountable, if you lean too much on that side of you, you'll make excuses if you get out of line, like blaming it for the atrocities and not yourself." Angel looked like he had some experience with this as he chimed in.

"My Angel has the right of it, my fox. Do what you have to do for the mission, but don't make excuses either, that's the short of it." Jane clicked her tongue as she nodded to the rabbit next to her before producing her paw. The chromed-up bunny next to her said nothing as he placed a small data card into the open paw.

"Kamui is going to be a pain in the tail to deal with. Like Inari, they love their wagemages." Jane sighed as she flipped the blank white data card end over end between her crimson claws.

"Ma'am, didn't you just do a series of runs for Kamui? Why would they return the gesture with a knife in your back?" Angel frowned as he asked.

She offered the retriever a knowing smile and looked over to Sen. "Care to field that question for your boyfriend, my fox?"

Sen cocked a brow, a rare situation since it had been Angel breaking him in and answering all the questions up until now. "There are no permanent friends or allies in the corporate world, only permanent interests."

"Good dog." Jane offered a nod to Sen before looking back to her retriever. "You see, my Angel. I knew Sen would understand, as he was part of an elite squad, and he's had officer training."

Angel frowned at the words but Jane waved her paw. "Now now, don't look at me like that, it doesn't make you any less my best dog, but you can't know it all, lean on one another's strengths, bolster the weakness, yes?"

"Yes ma'am, my apologies!" He barked out as he straightened up, his tail wagging.

Jane looked over the card then flicked it to the kitsune, giving Steph a look as the stallion followed it up with two credsticks tossed forward. "Payment for a run well done, a little extra for not being a drek-for-brains and having the logic to insure your little plan."

Sen took the stick and ran it through the datapad at his waist without taking it out. Sakata Kohaku now had a balance of credits to his name, seven hundred to be exact. A debt of forty thousand showed in his synaptic visual field, three hundred credits reducing from it, showing he had a long way to go, but at least she was letting him keep the majority of his payments.

"Wow, that's a nice payday for just some recon with a little coercion work, ma'am!" Angel barked out happily, having no doubt gotten the full sum. He grinned and linked an arm with Sen's right there in front of her. "I'll take you somewhere nice tonight, sugar, my treat since I know you had a reduced payment."

"It paid well because there's a lot at stake here, and there will be more dangerous situations to come if we're dealing with Kamui," Jane said matter-of-factly, then looked over to Sen. "That data card has an address on it along with some basic information on one of my old runners. She and I had a little falling out about a year ago and I cut her loose."

"Wait- Do you mean Scythe, ma'am?" Angel asked, the rabbit nodding in answer to him.

"Tanto, be a peach and take this secure credstick with you, go meet with her and tell her I'm willing to let bygones be bygones. Also, explain to her this is a ... gift, to help show my sincerity," Jane looked like she was ready to vomit after explaining the situation, clearly not happy about being in such a position.

"Sure thing, ma'am, but why me?" He asked while pocketing the card and credstick.

"Because she'd slam the door in mine or Angel's face. I need someone to talk to her that she isn't aware is associated with me. Get your footpaw in the door and explain things, let her know there's more where that came from." Jane rolled her eyes before pushing a paw through her blonde hair, already looking tired at the idea of it.

"I beg your pardon ma'am, but why not just hire someone new? What makes this 'Scythe' so special?" Sen asked.

"Because I can't just cherry-pick out magic-attuned runners, my fox. Any drek-for-brains can learn how to shoot a gun or follow orders with enough training, but trained magicians are something else entirely," Jane grumbled and then met his eyes before shifting over to Angel's. "Also, I know her well enough to know she's not going to drop a fucking flashbang at my footpaws and try to blow a hole in my skull, understand?"

Sen seemed satisfied with the explanation as he gave a small nod. "I assume I'm leaving immediately?"

"Yeah, hit the street, runner, I already transferred you some extra for the cab fare." Jane waved her paw and then lifted her muzzle. "But, don't let me down, we need some arcane backup for when the drek starts flying with Kumui."

He nodded and gave the retriever next to him a glance, their eyes lingering for a moment as he realized, this was as much for their backup in runs to come as it was for Jane to secure more help.

"Try to be home before all the nice places close, sugar!" Angel barked out as Sen just threw his paw up while heading for the stairwell.


It was nearly a twenty-minute ride in the vector-cab to the location. The cabby had been keen to tell Sen all about his new girlfriend, along with the ensuing drama that it was the sister of his wife. By the time he climbed out of the cab he was thankful to shove the door closed just to shut the rambling driver up.

Pushing his paws into his jacket, Sen looked over the small stretch of shops, one having a half-lit neon picture of a crystal ball, along with a blacked-out open paw. In cursive letters, it simply read, "Tarot & Paw reading".

What was he thinking? He purposefully left the shrine and anything to do with the arcane to join up with the military, yet here he was going to try to talk a mage into joining back up with Jane. Then again it wasn't a choice, Jane hadn't asked him to do it, but ordered instead.

Pushing the door open, the top of it smacked a small bell that chimed out into the dark musty smelling room. There was a small clatter of sound from in the back followed by some muttering about poor timing, "always when it's getting to the best part."

A small curtain of beads suddenly shifted as a girl walked right in at only about half his height. A set of rounded ears and slightly prominent front teeth instantly reminded him of Wheels, but given the thinness of her wiry tail, it was clear she was a mouse, not a rat.

She wore a flowing gown of crimson silks that seemed to suit her naturally brown fur, the top strategically showing just enough cleavage to look tempting but not overly sexual, several necklaces and charms dotting over the surface of the rather large breasts she sported for her small frame.

With a clap of paws together she walked forward, showing a forced grin, her hips swaying in the silk, round and soft looking as if she could easily perform some sort of exotic dance in the grown. "Welcome, welcome, I can sense you are-" Her nose twitched as she offered a disapproving grunt. "You smell familiar."

"Oh hey, uh..." Sen finally pried his eyes up from the round chest she sported to look into her already irritated green eyes, the left one twitching like Jane's had done the other night, seeing he wasn't starting off on the best paw here.

"Uh what? I reco- Yes I know! No, I'm not going to-" She started talking oddly as if someone was telling her something, then she hissed out and shoved both her paws to her hips, making her chest sway a little as she squeaked out, "What do you want?"

"Ms. Jane sent me," Sen said dryly, trying to avoid the sway of that chest as she stomped a foot and glared up at him.

"I don't have anything to say to that bitch, if you're not here for me to read your paws..." She glared at his right arm before gapping her maw. "Sweet spirits! What have you done to..." With a squeak she glared at the fox that was towering over her. "How could you do that to, wait, your eye too?!"

"Hey hey, look lady, I'm not here to get interrogated, mind your own business about what I do with my meat and chrome," Sen barked out with a glare of his own, shifting to withdraw the credstick from his pocket.

"I see Jane still keeps lowbrow, ugh! No I will not- Stay out of this, no one is talking to you, Mantis!" She squeaked out then looked back at the fox, her green eyes darting down to the credstick in his paws for a moment before she turned to stalk over to her table that was setup.

"Sit down," The mouse sighed as she snatched up a deck of tarot cards and started thumbing through them absentmindedly.

Sen grunted, but he did as he was told, knowing he needed to at least make an effort with this job before he told this obnoxious mouse to frag off. She tapped the deck of cards in her paw a few times before drawing one and slapping it right down, quirking a brow at what it was, 'The Wheel'.

"Speak," She snapped out as she slapped the rest of the deck down on the table with a loud thud that once again made her chest bobble about a little, the charms, bones, and various other jewelry rattling from the myriad of necklaces she wore.

"Jane says she's sorry about what happened, wants you to sign on again. Told me this was for you, no strings attached." Sen slapped the credstick down with an exasperated sigh of his own.

"Tell that bitch she can take this credstick and-" She grunted and flicked her ears a few times. "I know that... I know that... yes I know that!!" She squeaked out in frustration.

"Hey, uh... you okay, mousey?" Sen blinked at the display a few times.

"Do not address me as, mousey!" She shoved a finger back at the fox with a small glare, her green eyes looking fierce, reminding him a little of Jane's.

"Okay, whatever, so what are you doing? The sooner you tell me, the sooner I'll piss off, okay?" He grumbled and looked away, folding his own arms.

"Hmph... as I said..." She groaned and shoved a paw through her own blonde hair, the bangs of it dyed green to match her eyes. "Mantis reminds me the electric and water bills are on their final notice, and though I am confident I could live without my tridcom shows, I am loath to give up routine bathing. Let me see what this is all about!" She squeaked as she snatched the credstick and shoved it against a datapad she had on the table.

The gasping huff said all it needed to before she cleared her throat and pushed a paw through her hair once more. "So, I can keep this credstick, no strings attached?"

"Yeah some kind of peace offering, but I suspect you won't get any future offers for employment if you leave her hanging, and judging by the looks of this place, you could use all the help you can get, mousey," Sen gave a shrug.

"Do not mock a practitioner of divination, you heretical fox!" She squeaked out with a glare.

"Okay, starting to feel like I'm back home with my parents, I'm out, do what you want, mousey," Sen snarled and stood from the seat, turning to leave as the mouse started arguing with herself again.

"I will not- I don't care if you're curious! No! I- Ugh... Fine!" She called out before he fully paced away, "Dog wants to know what happened to your eye."

"Mantis, Dog? Lady, do you have some screws loose in that head of yours?" Sen looked over his shoulder.

"What? I am perfectly cognitive, you lout!" She squeaked out with a hiss.

"I don't know what a lout is, but that sounds like an insult, again... what is your deal!?" Sen barked out as he wheeled to face the mouse that was glaring at him from the table.

"It means an uncouth or aggressive boy." She spat out matter-of-factly.

"Seriously? You've been the aggressive one from the start, I just came to deliver a message, not tie your tail in a knot!" Sen folded his arms with his own fussy-looking glare.

"Are you going to answer, Dog, or just continue to be rude?" She squeaked out in annoyance.

"What dog? The only dog in here is me?" Sen pointed to himself in confusion.

She groaned and rubbed a paw against her small snout before looking up at the kitsune through cracked fingers in her paw. "The spirit, Dog. She wishes to know what happened to your right eye."

"Spirit... riiight..." Sen rubbed his jaw as the pieces came together then shrugged. "Some drek-for-brains shot it out, so this is the best I've got."

"Hmph... did something similarly unfortunate happen to your arm then, and that is why you scarred yourself in such a way?" She clicked her tongue and tilted her head, as if looking calmer.

"This? No, I did this myself, willingly." Sen flexed his right paw into a fist, then watched the mouse's calm expression wash away.

"You willingly, chopped off the arm that nature spent millions of years making perfect, all for some... some... shabby metal substitute?!" She spat the words out, looking as aghast as she sounded.

"Oh, that is it! Frag your holier-than-thou bullshit, lady! You sound like my damn parents!" He growled and thrust a finger at her.

"Perhaps your parents are to blame! You should be ashamed of-" She bit her tongue, then glared at nothing in particular before hissing out, "I most certainly will not! I said- But... You cannot levy such a threat upon me! Uh... ngh! So be it!"

Sen had already taken a step back as the mouse stood there arguing with herself before her arms crossed and tail whipped a few times, just glaring up at him before spitting the words out bitterly, "Dog says I owe you an apology."

"Well, sounds like Dog at least has some fucking manners around here. So you gonna actually apologize then?" He put his paws on his hips.

"I just did!" She squeaked out.

"No, you said Dog told you that you owed me one, you didn't actually apologize, now did you?" Sen showed a smug grin.

"I apologize," She hissed the words out while grinding her teeth, her rounded ears folded as she glared at him.

"Cool, accepted, now get off my tail about what I do with my own damn meat." Sen thrashed his own twin tails around as he eased his stance slightly.

"Hmph... a wasted gesture, but I will extend the offer," She said as she poked her nose up, looking haughty before cutting her green eyes up to his. "Dog says she likes you, likes your spirit. Says she'd help you regrow that eye if you're willing."

"Regrow? You can do that?" Sen looked shocked at the offer.

"Me? Of course, I cannot, but Dog can, Mantis says she doesn't give a flop that you cut your arm off, but yes, Dog said it would take about half a year to be usable, but she could do it." She tapped her footpaw on the ground under her table bare against the dingie old carpet of the shop.

"Well, tell Dog I said thanks, but I'm pretty sure Ms. Jane already has a new eye lined up for me," Sen shrugged like it was no big deal.

"Are you stupid? Not everyone is offered such a boon! If Dog restored your eye, it would be stronger and better than your original!" She squeaked out with frustration in her voice.

"Kind of like... bioware?" Sen asked. He then rubbed his jaw in thought. "I could always just have the left one replaced, maybe do like Jane does with one of each..."

"Ha! See... I told you!" She scoffed out, then shoved her nose up. "Dog said she would only help if you left your other eye alone, she feels sympathy for your plight as it is an injury, not a purposeful butchering of your sacred body."

"Huh... Well, tell Dog I appreciate it and I'll think about it." Sen shoved his paws into his jacket and turned to leave, then stopped at the door before looking back. "What am I telling Jane?"

"Hmm..." The mouse showed her teeth in a smug grin and flicked her tail a few times. "I will agree if she provides me with a paw-written apology letter delivered by you!"

"Hang on, why... why bring me back into this?" Sen grumbled as he glared at her over his shoulder.

"Because Dog told me I should, and Mantis thinks you're cute. I simply find you annoying," She squeaked out pointedly.

"Yeah, I think we can agree on that. You're not my favorite person I've met this week, mousey," Sen snarled and shook his head. "Whatever, I'll tell her."

"Why should I?" She scoffed and then rolled her eyes. "Fine! Mantis says it's rude of me to see you off without knowing your name, and as it is poor form to simply ask, I shall tell you, my name is, Moon."

"Moon... I thought your name was Scythe?" Sen turned to face her.

"Scythe is my mission name, it is what they call me on runs. My street name is Moon, Moon Sickle," She pushed a paw to her ample bosom as she explained.

He snorted at that with a show of teeth in a challenging grin, the mouse already narrowing her eyes before he spoke, "Sounds like a kit's frozen synth-cream treat."

"That name was bequeathed upon me by Mantis when we entered into our pact, you will not- Yes, you see?! I told you he was troublesome!" She squeaked out and nodded to herself, then sharpened her focus before huffing out, "Tell me your name already."

"Sen," He said simply.

"Hmph... it's not the worst name I've ever heard, very well, Sen. Mantis tells you to return with not only the written letter, but also with an apology ready for her, or no deal!" Moon squeaked out casually as she shifted to rest her paws before her with a small crooked grin, her eyes half-lidded.

"You've got to be kidding, look lady, you can tell Mantis or whoever to go shove their imaginary head into a bucket of-" He yipped as a bite of pain hit his muzzle a loud 'knock' sound hitting the doorjamb behind him as he saw a chunk of wood was missing as if someone had slammed a blade into it, then lifted his paw to his muzzle, drawing it back to see blood.

"Tut... you shouldn't upset Mantis, she is more forgiving than I, but she has a temper in the heat of the moment." She lifted her muzzle and nodded. "Yes Dog, you may, and Weasle, please see our guest out afterward!"

Sen felt a warm sensation on his cheek as the wound closed, then gave a sharp bark as an unseen force just ejected him out of the shop right onto the rockcrete of the walkway, a blustering of wind hitting his tails before the door just slammed shut behind him.

With a slight wince, Sen picked himself up from the grimy sidewalk trying to process everything that had just happened. It'd have been nice if Jane had warned him she was a shaman and not a mage as he initially believed. With an annoyed snort he called for another V-cab to get a ride back to the club.

Even as he climbed into the cab, he had this odd sensation like he was being watched or followed. Rubbing his temple he felt a headache coming on as he sighed to himself, "Drek... Jane isn't gonna be happy about this..."


"Ha! I'm quite happy about this turn of events, aren't you, my Angel?" The rabbit groaned out as she braced on her knees and elbows right at the edge of the bed, the retriever on his own knees in the floor, his tongue dutifully lapping against her petals as he nodded at the question.

"We've not had time alone like this in months, ma'am... I missed you..." He puffed against her petals, then moved back in, tongue lapping against her pearl as the rabbit curled her footpaw toes and huffed out.

"Come now, my good boy... we showered for a reason, give my other hole some attention too," She panted the orders, then squeaked out as she felt the dog push his tongue right to her tailhole as well, lapping and circling it as her cream-colored tail hiked right up.

She was fully bared before him, the only boy she'd do such a thing for, no weapons on her, absolutely exposed for her Angel. He was also naked, both their fur slightly damp from the quick shower they'd taken.

"Good dog... back to the other one... ngh! Perfect!" She squeaked out and dug her bloody claws into the sheets, grinding her teeth as she shoved her hips back with a huff. "Faster... side to side!"

He nodded and held her shifting hips steady, his own claws dug into her round hips as he rapidly shifted his tongue back and forth at her command. Jane rolled her green eyes up then gave a squeaky moan, louder than she normally would since they were in private, her honey gushing all over her dog's skilled tongue.

"Ha... ha... that's my dog... good boy..." She panted back at him over her shoulder, offering that wicked little grin as her rear shifted back and forth slowly. "You sure you wish to spend time with an older rabbit when you've got a young spry fox waiting at home for you?"

"Please don't tease me like that, ma'am, you know how much you mean to me!" Angel barked out dutifully with a whimper.

"I do." Jane rolled right over onto her back, the retriever giving an excited gasp as her perky round breasts came into view, peaks dark against that cream fur, stiff and showing how worked up she was. She offered another smug grin and draped a leg over his shoulder, her heel pushing into the back of his head as she forced his muzzle right back down upon her.

"Ngh... give me a nice good kiss, Angel..." Jane panted out, her other leg sliding over his shoulder as both of them locked around his head, trapping his head in those soft warm bunny-thighs as he whimpered and nodded, lapping, kissing, and suckling upon her.

"Good boy... my boy... ngh..." Jane panted and lolled her tongue, sighing with pride as the dog just nodded his head at her words, her legs snug, those thick warm thighs pushing to his cheeks, the heady scent of rabbit all in his nose while he circled and shifted his tongue against her spot.

"Ha... ha... almost... snap down, suckle nice... and... hard!" She hissed the words out, then squeaked and lolled her tongue, feeling him do as she told him, the pressure almost painful as her toes curled. "Good boy! Good... boy!!" She moaned out with another squeak, shuddering before easing her death-grip on his head with her strong legs, humming proudly as he dutifully lapped up her honey.

"Go sit at the head of the bed, my good boy..." Jane calmly kicked a leg up over his head, shifting to sit up, her breasts bouncing slightly from the movement. Angel barked like a puppy and scrambled to climb onto the bed, settling right against the pillows at the headboard, his length shamelessly at attention, fully slid free for her.

"Are you happy, my Angel?" She cooed while pawing right over to him, the mattress shifting as she climbed right into his lap, that crooked grin showing on her own muzzle as she pushed her sopping wet petals right up against the length of jumping retriever cock before her.

"So happy, ma'am... so happy to be your dog!" Angel whimpered and dug his paws into the bedding, knowing better than to grab her hips or rush her.

"Such a good boy..." Jane shifted both paws to his chest, trailing a finger along one of the deeper scars before lifting her hips. She could feel his heart pounding against her paw as she shifted her hips to position that tapered tip right to her entrance, bunny petals spreading to let it just settle against her.

"You're mine... yes, my dog?" She asked while slowly shifting her hips the tapered tip right at her entrance, rabbit honey and his own prelove dripping down his jumping length, but she only let the head push into her.

"Y-yours ma'am!" Angel barked out and bit his lower lip, whining as the rabbit kept the teasing up, agonizingly shifting those soft full hips, her eyes locked to his own with that proud grin showing at his words.

"Mhm... aren't you happy that I'm letting you have a little boyfriend?" She shifted her hips to let the tapered tip finally gain some purchase, slipping just an inch or so into that tight velvety entrance, feeling the heat from her smaller body burn against it.

"Y-yes! You're so good to me, ma'am! J-Jane!" Angel whined out, clenching his teeth hard, giving her those adorable eyes that even made her icy heart melt just a little.

"Hgn... that's what I like to hear... one more thing, my good boy... Are you listening?" She leaned back to better position herself, letting her hips lower, taking another inch in but the majority still jumping and throbbing beneath her, hearing the dog practically whining now.

"I'm listening! Anything, anything for you, Jane!" Angel barked out, his tongue showing, his paws shuddering against the sheets as his claws dug into them.

She leaned back in and gave his lips a soft peck, then shifted to whisper some orders into his ear, then pulled back, cupping his jaw as she looked into his eyes. "Got it?" He nodded his head frantically, his tongue showing as she offered that wicked little smirk and grabbed his paws, shifting them right to her hips. "Go on then, I'm listening..." She perked her ear nice and high.

"I belong to you, Jane and... I love you!" He barked out the decree and then she felt his claws sink into her cream fur hard, showing a proud grin as the dog wrenched her down with all his might, that length plunging straight up, smashing into her core to make her see stars for a moment as her tongue sagged out slightly.

"Ha! Perfect! Ngh... you are... such a good... boy!" She moaned the praise out, already clenching as he whined and ground his hips, holding those soft round hips steady while at last getting this rabbit hole he'd been dying for, her scent all over him as she came from just his entry.

"I do... I do... I love you, I love you so much..." Jane smirked at his words and nodded, pressing her paws to his chest, feeling him grind against her core, but knowing better than to thrust too eagerly, knowing she preferred the slow grinding, savoring those jumps and throbs of his cock while it was buried to the hilt in her.

"I know, my Angel... huff huff... go on, you can play with them, give them a pinch too..." She showed a haughty grin and leaned back slightly, resting her paws on his knees as he ground, the motion making her round breasts jiggle invitingly before he slapped his paws right up against them.

She hissed through her teeth as he kneaded at them hard, then jumped a little from his padded-fingers giving each peak a snug pinch. "Ngh... harder..." She hissed out then gasped as he applied even more pressure, her hips slapping down hard into his lap as she snarled out, "Harder, now!" As soon as the orders crossed her lips, Angel pinched down and twisted hard at her peaks, the rabbit offering a shrill little squeaky moan as her orgasm crashed against his jumping length.

"Gods! Yes... okay okay... too hard... lighten up!" She grabbed his paws and jerked them back down to her hips. "Good boy though... fuck... you weren't holding back... I'll feel that for a few days..." She offered him a giggle as her own body started to get in on the movements, those softly-sloped hips gliding against his paws while he moaned from her clenching walls.

"Mhm... you like that, don't you, my good boy?" She rubbed her paws against his own, her nipples looking darker against her jiggling breasts as she rose and fell to his own movements, plunging that retriever length deep into her with each drop of her hips.

"Uh-huh! Always love being with you, ma'am... Gods... so amazing..." He sounded drunk and she bit her lower lip, loving seeing him like this as she leaned forward, shoving her paws to his chest.

"No more grinding... hold still... let mistress take care of you the rest of the way, understand?" She panted the orders as Angel nodded with a whimper, letting her have the reins. Jane started grinding and pumping herself, slapping her round hips hard into his lap, a small huff on her breath as she forced his tapered tip to smack into her core, feeling his bulging knot kiss at her entrance with each shift of her hips.

"There's that knot... always can tell when you're close by how big it is... You wanna cum in me, Angel? Cum in your mistress and boss?" She gave him that crooked grin as her own tail flicked with each drop of her hips.

"C-Can I?!" He barked out excitedly, his paws flexing on her hips as they shifted, already struggling to contain himself.

"Hmm..." She smacked her hips down hard a few more times, listening to his pitched breath, his eyes looking love-struck as he whined, seeing him hold on by a knife's edge for her. Leaning in close, she pulled up, letting almost the whole length of that honey-soaked length withdraw from her rabbit hole.

"Say please," She whispered the order against his muzzle, only the tapered tip in her.

"Please! Please! Gods! Please!" Angel barked frantically, then yowled out in a throaty moan as Jane slammed her hips down with one final heavy push that made her breasts bounce hard, wincing as she forced that knot in, the length barely settling before he was erupting in thick hot ropes deep inside her.

"Good boy! Good boy! Ngh! All of it Angel... every... drop... of your... love!" She ground her hips, licking her chops as her whole body felt warm from him pouring his love and adoration deep into her.

"Fuck... fuck... Jaane... ma'aaam... L-love... you so... Ngh!" He clenched his teeth, then sagged his tongue, looking stunned as she clenched hard, milking that last gush in with a lick of her own chops.

His green eyes rolled up before he slumped back into the pillows, looking distant and brokenly in love with this rabbit, while she perched on his lap with that wicked little grin as if a succubus feeding off his adoration for her.

"You had so much, my Angel... even with your new boyfriend tending to you... ngh... that's my boy... my good boy..." She leaned in and gave the side of his jaw a single lap of her tongue, his heart shuddering as his tail blurred against the bedding, despite having no energy left.

"Huff... take a breather, you earned it, my Angel... I'll even sleep with you tonight, sound good?" She smirked and pushed a paw to his muzzle, rubbing under it as he sighed happily before nodding. The rabbit just showed him that crooked little grin, kissing his nose before settling down against his chest.


Sen leaned back into the seat of the grimy vector cab, trying to not breath too much through his nose. The thing smelled like the lovely combination of mildew and some drek's hangover, the cabbie also hadn't apparently learned the concept of personal hygiene. Mercifully the windows were cracked.

Focusing on his synaptic network, the vid display in his artificial eye popped into view, a static picture of Ms. Jane looking calculating and cold as ice appeared in his field of view as the audio fed straight into his brainstem, "What do you have for me, my dog?"

Sen took a deep breath in through his clenched teeth, taking in more of that funk from the air before answering, "Yeah about that..."

"That pompous little... I can respect her position though, bitch knows she's got me by the metaphorical jewels. Fine, at least she isn't asking for double her original fee. My paws are pretty full tonight, take the rest of the evening off, we'll meet up at the Rhinestone Tower tomorrow afternoon."

"Yes Ma'am." He disconnected the call, then checked his messages, there was only a pawful of people in his contacts right now. Obviously, Jane as well as Angel, but he also had Wheels, the doc, and now by proxy of his last mission, Ace.

Sure enough, he had a message from Angel that pinged into his visual field in text, "Hey Sugar, I'll be busy with my own 'special assignment' tonight with the boss, if you know what I mean! ;). You have the code to my place and your paw is registered with the lock, I've even suggested a few decent places that deliver, miss you!"

Sen rolled his eyes, trying not to chuckle as he muttered to himself, "You sure get around, fetch." The kitsune had to grin, the way Angel spoke so endearingly and took care of him was still an adjustment, but gave him reassurance after his world had flipped on its head.

The fox was happy for the retriever and Jane both, after learning some of their history they deserved such loyal company in each other. Sen rested his head back again and closed his eyes at the thought, it made sense that if anyone could get past that icy exterior, it was Angel.

He started thinking more intently about Jane and Angel, wondering just how the sex was? What did that bunny look like under that suit? She clearly had a nice set on her, and those hips were wiz to say the least, likewise with that backside. His heart sped up a little at the recollection of her holding his jaw so intently, was it like that?

As the kitsune was starting to go through the mental gymnastics of considering what she might look like naked, he felt the fur on the back of his neck stand up, an odd sensation coming over him. It felt like he'd done something rather perverse and been caught, like a mother finding her teenage son's trid-porn or something.

Sen shook his head a few times, reaching up to rub the bristled fur of his neck, "Guh, that was weird." He sighed to himself, chalking it up to being a bit tired as his mind played catch-up on processing recent events.

He thought about telling the cabby to change course but the sooner he got out of this puke-cab the better and it was almost to the club. The smoggy air and dust of the streets was akin to a field of mountain flowers after that ride as Sen took several paces away from the vector cab.

Pacing in front of the club for a few minutes, he made damn sure that fragging' cab driver was leaving on another pickup for the next poor hapless soul before calling a new one. The new ride still stunk, but not on that level. It wasn't a long ride back to Angel's pad though.

He had to check the message for the code and as he shoved his thumb-pad over the scanner, it opened the door to the apartment. He caught his own scent in the air mingling with Angels and a few emotions hit him like a truck as he realized he wasn't walking into just Angel's place, but his as well.

It still looked foreign to him, but also familiar now. Then another sensation settled in on him, loneliness? This was the first time he'd been well and truly alone in a safe space since that night. It hadn't clicked in the ride here, but the scent and sight of the well-kept place saw the kitsune realize how attached he was to the retriever already.

Sen hadn't made the effort to bond with many in his life, had been resistant to even blend in with his own family, but Angel had swooped in at the end of that one, given him a new one and gotten past his guard in one go.

The kitsune walked over to the kitchen, which felt somehow larger and a little lifeless without that dumb grin and apron prancing about making a meal with care. Sen swallowed down the pang of emotion in his throat, reaching for the list of places that would deliver. The fox made a few faces at the names, already a little used to home-cooked food over the quick and dirty meals out.

Sen looked up for a moment as that feeling came back again, of someone watching him out of concern or care about his choices. He looked over the place again, across the clean surfaces with a slight shiver from ears to tail, like there was this urge in the air that someone wanted to care for him.

"The drek is going on..." The fox flicked his ears, then shrugged it off as he realized he was projecting the way Angel would want to look after him, without the retriever around it was like he was second-guessing the new lease on life.

None of the food was going to be up to what Angel would make, so he just picked something. Sitting on the small sofa he saw the coffee table was holding together decently but didn't trust putting his drink on it, eating in silence and keenly feeling how empty the whole place felt.

Getting himself sorted out after dinner he looked at the small bed, the sheets the only thing untidy in the house, given they'd rushed out the door to make the meeting with Jane after quickly righting themselves from another heated makeout session. His tails fluffed behind him and his stomach ached a little, after all, he had been a virgin until last night.

With thoughts of that other dog in his head, he climbed into the bed, smelling the retriever's heady scent in the blankets. Again his mind drifted to wondering how that must have been with him and Jane, then of course what it'd be like to be in the middle of them.

He got that odd sensation again like he shouldn't be thinking about this right now. With a frustrated grunt, Sen rolled over onto his belly, pushing his 'kickstand' into the mattress as he hugged Angel's pillow and tried to sleep, growling in frustration at how horny he was.

Sleep seemed to take him surprisingly easily, as if he'd taken drugs or drank too much. Once asleep the loneliness seemed to slip away. He had lucid dreams of comfort and security, as if he were being held in another's arms. He swore he dreamed of his head in a lap with someone stroking his ears and hair. In the end though, it was just a dream and the next day came.


Sen groaned as he lifted his head from Angel's pillow, his dark hair mussed about as the smell of food came to his senses. Flicking a large orange and black-tipped ear, he could hear the sounds of activity in the kitchen. He was shocked as he realized he was a little giddy at the thought that Angel was back and cooking for him.

Grunting a little he sat up and pushed a paw through his hair, shaking his head. "Damn... he already got that kind of hold on you, man? Some hardened soldier you turned out to be," Sen grumbled to himself with a grin as he slowly found his bare footpaws, ducking into the restroom to freshen up and at least somewhat detangle his hair before going out to greet his boyfriend.

Sen strode into the front room with an excited shifting of his tails, smiling more than he realized at seeing the retriever, apron donned and manning the stove with a happy hum. The fox leaned onto the counter with both paws with a friendly bark, "Hoi! Someone's in a good mood, eh? That good of a time with the 'ice queen'?"

"Hehee, you know it, sugar! What I like to call a serious perk of the job, the boss lady knows how to give orders!" Angel grinned broadly, the tone in his voice and wagging tail stirring butterflies in the kitsune, "Glad you got settled alright, though, don't think you weren't on my mind, babe."

"Pffft, is that right? You got a night with a body like hers, while I'm sent out to talk with a walking tarot deck?" Sen flicked his tails behind himself, grinning at the retriever, "At least you had a good time, fetch. I guess it wasn't all bad, the mouse had a rather nice bod herself."

"You mean Moon? Oh yeah, that mouse is easy on the eyes. She's a bit eccentric but who isn't in this biz? Was she wearing one of those silky numbers that make her hips and tits show? Always wanted to ask her to dance or something in that getup!" Angel barked a laugh as he stirred some eggs in a pan.

"Not sure her personality is worth that view though, damn what a bitch..." Sen grumbled and drummed his claws on the counter, then hissed out as a cold chill went up his spine for some reason.

"You cold, sugar? Here." Angel passed him a mug of soykaf with that bright grin that was missing a tooth. Sen smiled and sipped the steaming hot drink with a relieved huff as the infused caffeine started slogging his brain back into motion.

"I've worked with her several times, she's not bad, just a little weird sometimes. Hates chrome though, used to glare at my leg all the time. Said it was a shame but at least it was from an injury." Angel plated up the eggs to present to his new boyfriend.

"Ha! At least you have that excuse. She looked ready to shoot me when she found out I willingly ditched the old arm." Sen grumbled as he clenched his right paw a few times, flexing the arm in question.

"Sounds like how she acts around Wheels, her and the rat are like oil and water. You'd think a mouse and rat would get along, yeah?" Angel asked with another grin as he quickly wiped out the pan to pour batter into it, obviously making some sort of pancakes.

"Fuck if I know, fetch... I'm already dreading seeing her again, hopefully she doesn't light my tails on fire or some shit. When I left her shop yesterday, I was literally thrown out by something, like she was standing on the other side of the room and everything." Sen grumbled as he stabbed into the fluffy eggs, then after a bite, his tails started wagging before he focused in on the food.

"Probably Weasel I'd guess," Angel said casually as he peered down at the pancake he was cooking.

"Mmm... yeah that's what she said I think as Mantis cut me, Dog apparently healed me, then Weasel threw my tails out. How many spirits is she hiding in that mousey cleavage of hers?" Sen offered a snarky grin, then shivered again before rubbing the back of his head.

"You got the chills this morning, sugar? Need me to come snuggle up with you?" Angel asked while flipping the partially cooked pancake in the skillet, not even looking at it, but it landed perfectly centered.

"Show off... and yes." Sen smiled then frowned as he continued, "I dunno, fetch. I've just kind of had this chill in me ever since I left her place yesterday." Almost like with the combat training, something else came to mind that had been taught to him before even that.

When he was a pup at his home shrine, his father had been bent on embedding the traditional ways and knowledge of their family. One of those was the existence of spirits unseen, the embodiments of emotion themselves called the Kami; ethereal beings of gifts and power on a scale from rain blessings to the Sun itself. Sen at first had been in awe of this revelation, attending the teachings and rituals of the family dutifully in the hopes of communicating with one of these ancient beings, some even considered Gods in the old world.

"Heh, it's kind of funny isn't it, what we believe or don't in life?" Sen muttered aloud to the retriever without thinking, his mind relaying those days a thought occurred to him.

"Hm? I think I know that look, where you scrunch your brow, you get real quiet...what's on your mind, sugar?" Angel piped up with a curious grin, settling golden-brown pancakes onto a plate to place by the kitsune.

"When I was little, my father mentioned these spirits, a lot like how that mouse was seeing, or talking to...I don't know, but anyway...he said as a kitsune, we had the ability to talk to them more easily, like a natural connection." Sen finished the eggs in front of him with a flick of both tails, enjoying these small bites of comfort food more than even a choice go-meal. The fox slid the plates about so he could start breaking up the still softly steaming pancakes.

"You think one of them picked up on that?" Angel tilted his head with a smile that denied any judgment, merely a gentle inquiry to this side of the military fox, turning about every so often to finish his own breakfast with an almost ever-wagging tail.

"Maybe, Moon even said one of them thought I was cute, or some drek...before another threw me out, so who knows?" Sen shrugged his natural shoulder, digging into bites of the fluffy pancakes with an audible sound of enjoyment, tails swishing in further betrayal of how much the fox liked these homemade meals.

"I already knew you were cute so that I can believe, sugar." Angel winked back at the kitsune with a knowing grin that caused those butterflies again, making a quick finish up with his own breakfast to set his plate across Sen, "When you go back, maybe chat it up? Ask if you got the gift or some spirit is stalking you, can't hurt right?"

"It might, depending on where I land if I get tossed out again." Sen rolled his eyes with a snort, shoving a few stabbed bits of pancake into his maw with a huff from his nose afterward.

"Heh, you gotta mind your manners better, especially around Moon! You're talking to a menagerie of attitudes, but most times I found it good to stay cool, don't let your tongue get ahead of your heart." Angel nodded to himself as he thought back on his own time with the shamanistic mouse.

"Tch, easy for you to say, everyone fuckin' loves you, fetch!" Sen barked after finishing his last bites, laughing with a shake of his head, "I mean, damn, bedding the boss-bunny proves you're irresistible!"

"Well don't you think too highly of me, sugar, I got plenty of flaws. Sweet of you, but don't go puttin' me on a pedestal now. I get the most out of life helping others, making 'em smile, that's all." Angel spoke in a soft voice with a bright smile, his tail wagging in a blur at the praise, "Not that I don't appreciate it, coming from you it means I've done right as Ms. Jane did for me."

"Yeah, lucky for my ass, huh? How many people can say they were on Death's door, then got a second chance?" Sen shook his head at the insane luck on his side lately, even if it was all still a spinning mess in his head. Fewer still were the people that got the kind of shot he did, a literal reincarnation with a new identity, purpose, and people he could actually call friends.

"We can, babe. And we're gonna pay it forward, just like the boss bunny wants." Angel grinned warmly, lifting his soykaff for Sen to do the same, clinking mugs before sipping in time at that comforting thought.


Jane flipped a sealed envelope end over end against her bloody claws for several moments, glaring heatedly at it before shifting her sharp green eyes back to the kitsune before her. With a flick of her paw, she tossed the letter forward to him, one eye shifting to purple before he got a notifying ping in his synaptic network of a credit transfer.

"There's something for the cab, go give that stupid mouse her letter," She snarled towards the fox as her eye faded back to green.

"Nice to see I'm not the only one she leaves such a great impression on," Sen said as he took the letter and tucked it into his jacket.

Jane sighed before pushing a paw through her blonde locks. "I'm loathe to admit she's an exceptional mage, but-"

"Hang on," Sen called out, the rabbit twitching a brow at being interrupted but tilted her head, looking annoyed but letting him continue, "She's a shaman, not a mage, you know that right?"

"Of course, I know that, but what's it matter? It's all arcane drek, isn't that what you'd say?" Jane offered him a smirk, as if in a bid of camaraderie.

Sen rubbed the back of his head before shrugging. "I mean, yeah, but it's different too, mages tend to be more focused, they approach it educated, shamans tend to be more..."

"Bat-drek nuts?" Angel asked with a grin.

"I was going to say eccentric, but we'll go with that," Sen smiled at his boyfriend.

"Regardless, go tell that, shaman, that I've got her silly letter. However..." Jane hissed through her teeth as she folded her paws on the table. "If she doesn't play ball after this little humiliation stunt, I make no promises on that storefront of hers remaining intact over the next week."

"Am I telling her that, ma'am?" Sen asked.

"Don't bother, just get going." Jane snapped out then shifted her eyes to Angel. "I've got something for you to do while your new fox is off." The retriever showed an eager grin, his tail wagging before she rolled her eyes and followed up, "Not that kind of work, get your brain out of the gutter." Angel pouted but gave a nod.

"I'll be off then, try not to get into too much drek while I'm gone, honey," Sen called out teasingly to the other dog as he threw a paw up.

"You too, sugar! Remember to avoid any wind gusts!" Angel barked out playfully as Sen's waved paw shifted to shoot him a middle finger as he kept walking.

"Sugar and honey? You guys make me sick." Jane offered a wicked little grin as she leaned back with her paws folded.

"Ah come on boss, you like it when I get romantic!" Angel put his paws on his hips with a smile, both of her bodyguards behind her visibly showing eye rolls at the exchange.


The cab ride back to Moon's shop was interesting to say the least, the jackal that was his cabby looked like he had more piercings than strands of fur on his body, a constant blaring stream of thrash metal filling the cabin the whole ride.

When he opened the door to step out of the v-cab, another parked vehicle actually activated its alarm from the heavy warble of sound coming from the interior of the cab before he shut the door with a snarl, having to take a few minutes to let the ringing in his ears subside.

Standing outside the shop he took a deep breath, trying to remember what Angel said, remembering what he was dealing with, and thinking back to some of the time at the shrine with his father. The spirits were very much individuals even if they spoke through the shaman. They all had their own tastes, objectives, personalities, and goals.

He pushed the door open to the shop, the little copper bell tinkling into the air once more, his eyes adjusting to the darker room, his cybernetic one taking a few microseconds longer to adjust than his meat one. Moon just sat there at the table, her paws folded, her green claws shining in the low light with a smug haughty grin showing on her muzzle.

"You look like you knew I was coming, one of your spirit buddies tip you off?" Sen lifted his muzzle, trying to not sound too irritated.

"No, the screaming thrash metal from the cab did. I just peeked out the curtains and saw your fine tail standing there, so I got into a proper menacing position as such," She hummed out with another grin, showing her slightly more prominent front teeth.

"Fine tails is it?" Sen asked, forcing a smile as he looked her over. She wore the same style of silks as last time, but a green set this time which more suited the highlights in her hair and along her nails. That ample swell of breasts were still clear and present with necklaces laying across those mousey tits of hers.

"Sit down." Moon took out her tarot deck and started shuffling the cards.

"Don't you want your letter?" Sen asked while settling before her, the mouse's scent tickling his nose again, she smelled sweeter, like flowers, had she purposefully freshened up in anticipation for his arrival? Not that she smelled bad the first time.

"I do not, but Mantis will take that apology now," She hummed out as she started laying cards out before him.

Sen rolled his eyes but then sighed before speaking out, "Okay, fine. Look, Mantis, sorry for being rude to you earlier, okay?"

"Do you mean it?" Moon cocked a brow as she laid another card face down.

"My father taught me a little about spirits, I understand they have feelings just like me, so yes. I mean it." He grumbled and didn't really sound like he meant it, but wasn't thrilled about having to force the apology.

"She doesn't believe you, but understands you're a kitsune, a prideful creature, so she acknowledges your efforts and will forgive you." The mouse stuck her nose up as she dropped another card on the table.

The first card turned over and Moon cocked a brow at it, once again it was the Wheel in an upright position. "It would appear, you truly are a force of chaos and change, are you not?"

"I really don't get how tarot cards work, Moon," Sen frowned as he looked down at the faded card with worn edges, then his eyes shifted to the display of her cleavage once more. Moon shifted to lean a little closer as he watched those ample swells shift to show a deeper view.

"Enjoying the view?" She asked casually as she flipped over another card, the Star. "Would you feel your life has been rejuvenated, Sen?" He snapped his eyes to hers, the mouse showing a toothy grin, not bothering to change her position as she thumbed her claw on the next card, but clearly waiting on his answer.

"Huh... Yeah I was thinking just that earlier, what with being pulled from the teeth of death recently, and yes I was enjoying the view." He offered her a challenging grin.

"Straightforward and confident suits you better." Moon squeaked out as she flipped the other card over, The Devil.

"Huh, that's bad, right?" Sen asked curiously.

"There is no good or bad in the divination, Kitsune. Merely see it as a roadmap or guide... Why if we simply do this..." She shifted a paw to turn the card around so it was upside down. "You could consider this... freedom, but you are a caged dog right now, aren't you? Caged by a devil, yes?" Moon showed a grin as she flipped the next card over, the Empress.

Sen gulped at that, seeing the four cards laid out before him, then looked back up into her eyes, the mouse shifting to sit up before him. After a few moments, he asked, "So what's all this mean, Moon?"

"It means my cards are all marked so I can pull what I want," She scooped the four up and slipped them back into the deck with a haughty smirk.

"Wh- Y-you mean that was all just a show?" He barked out with a half-glare at her.

"Oh come now, the spirits already have the answers before the cards are drawn, I simply use them as a tool to make the uninitiated understand better, don't take it personally, Sen." Moon gave him a playful grin as she leaned back, seeing him still glaring slightly as if trying to bite his tongue. "Come now, don't pout, say what you wish."

"Are you fucking with me again, lady?" He growled out with a tilt of his head.

Moon showed him a mischievous grin as she lifted her paw, then her finger before tapping a claw right on his nose. "Yes." She giggled before cocking a brow, looking relaxed and even playful now, a complete change to her attitude yesterday.

Sen looked shocked, then shook his head, "See, this is why there's such a bad rap for the arcane, and why it's not taken seriously...I actually came here, even started to think there was some kind of...drek if I know, fate or something. How do the spirits know all about me already, anyway?"

"Fate is... transient, Sen. Nothing is cast in stone, even the gods cannot foretell what is yet to be written," Moon held her right paw out to him. "Place your paw pads up in mine, your left one obviously, if you put that abomination in my paw I'll throw you out." The mouse offered him that smug little grin.

Sen rolled his eyes, not enjoying this game of hers, but did as he was told, placing his larger paw atop the mouse's smaller one. She huffed and traced a finger along his pads, nodding to herself in thought. "Yes, I understand... As a spiritual kitsune, you turned your back on the arcane, because it was your pedigree. You were expected to do such things and you wished to be your own dog in this bitter-cold world, yes?"

His large ears perked at that before he gave a small nod. Moon offered him an almost motherly-looking smile before circling her clawed finger against the main pad of his paw. "Clearly you have trust issues with the arcane, largely due in part to your upbringing... A shrine kit, destined to live and die in the services of the powers of the aether."

"Damn...Okay, I know you couldn't bullshit me on all that..." He huffed out, looking impressed, then felt his tails fluff as the mouse shifted before him, offering him another view of her chest while she continued.

"Do you hate me, Sen? Do you hate the spirits I keep company with? Distrust us?" Moon met his eyes, seeing he had to shift his focus up from her cleavage to meet her piercing green eyes. They reminded him a little of Jane's, but more curious looking in this moment.

"Uh... I don't really know you, Moon, we just kind of started off in a bad way. You've not really done anything to make me hate you though?" He felt his heart speed up as the mouse offered a small smile to him, an earnest-looking smile.

"Alright, Sen... Dog says I should give you a second chance, and you did at least attempt an apology to Mantis, so..." She let her fingers linger on his, feeling them hook just a little as she tried to withdraw her paw, as if not wanting to break the contact, their claws hooking together as she grinned at him.

She pulled her paw back at last, then sat up straight in her chair before thrusting it out with a cute little smug grin. "I'm Moon, nice to meet you, Sen."

He looked surprised, but his paw moved in without thinking as he clasped the mouse's in a pawshake. "Uh... Nice to meet you, Moon."

"The pleasure is mine," She said with an indiscernible look in her eyes, keeping hold of his paw even after the shaking stopped. He blinked a few times as this older girl just held his paw, her grip warm and small feeling, was she waiting on him to pull away?

After another heartbeat, he broke the grip and she let his paw part from hers, feeling a shiver up his spine like he'd just lost some sort of connection other than a physical one. Moon showed another grin then hummed as she opened her paw. "Give me that letter."

He had to take a few moments to compose himself before remembering the letter Jane gave him. Digging into his jacket he withdrew it and passed it over. Moon used her blue claw to break the seal, flipped it over and then snorted. "I guess she did as I asked." She flipped the letter onto the table face up, a simple messy scrawl of letters that simply read, 'Sorry, don't make me kill you'.

Sen barked out in a laugh at that and Moon offered him her own grin as their eyes met. They locked into a staring match again, as if that connection returned once more. After a few more moments of silence, Sen finally asked, "So, what should I tell, Jane?"

"Tell her I'll run with her again, for double my original fee," Moon said matter-of-factly.

"She's gonna be pissed you added more to the terms," He said with a grin.

"I'm not adding anything to the terms. She asked if I'd run again with her, she spoke nothing of pay. The letter was just to get me to agree to work." Moon smirked as she leaned back, showing that smug little grin once more.

"So uh... I guess I should go tell her, huh?" Sen looked away from her piercing green eyes, his tails wagging behind him.

"Well, that is your job, isn't it? Did you need anything more from me, Sen?" Moon asked with a small smile as she leaned forward on her elbows, letting her chest push forward a little against her arms.

Sen looked down at the smaller mouse clearly showing off, thinking he had a lot he needed from her and didn't even realize it until now. His eyes darted back up to hers, the mouse shifting a paw to brush the green-dyed bangs from her eyes before grinning at him.

"How about..." He cut himself off, processing what he was about to say, but then thought about how close he'd come to death just a few days ago, about how no one was promised tomorrow in the sprawl. Reining his courage in, he offered the most forced smirk he could muster as he continued, "How about your number?"

Moon opened her paw as she extended it before speaking, "Paw." He shifted his left paw into hers once more as the mouse withdrew a pen and drew a series of digits across his pads, then pulled her paw back with a small smile.

"Woah... uh... didn't think you'd agree..." Sen blinked at his paw, already logging the digits into his contact list.

"Why not? You're cute when you're not being insufferable. Jane gave me quite a nice incentive to sign back up, so I've got a little extra credit burning in my pocket. Since you were a brave kitsune and asked for my number, I'll return the gesture. You, me, and dinner tomorrow night sound good?" Moon lifted her muzzle as she shifted her arms to push her chest out a little more, giving him a good look at the goods as he contemplated his answer.

"Really? Uh... Yes! That sounds wiz, actually!" He barked out awkwardly, feeling his heartbeat dial up a little faster at the view.

"Sounds good, seven will work for me, ah one more thing... Dog was hoping she could talk to you later?" She asked with a knowing smirk.

"Eh? Sure, when is later?" He asked.

Moon shook her head, then clicked her tongue as she spoke out, "Wait- are you serious? You most certainly may not! I realize it wouldn't be physical but-" The mouse grunted and then squeaked out, the fussy haughty tone from yesterday coming out at last, "No! I took the prerogative and- I don't care if you helped!"

"Uh... should I go?" Sen asked with a small grin.

"You are fine, Dog is just being a bitch. Yes, I know that's what you are by default, no I mean a bitch as in a little dreking punk!" Moon hissed out with a glare as Sen couldn't help but grin as the mood shifted to something like this.

"Yes, talk, just... talk! You know what? No!" Moon glared at the kitsune and thrust a paw forward, making her chest bobble a little. "Sen, please excuse yourself, your meeting with Dog will have to wait until after you and I have our date tomorrow."

"So, it's officially a date?" He asked with a grin, his tails wagging as he climbed from the chair.

"Do you need those semantics to have your ego properly stroked, fox? Yes, a date, and I'm even in a heat cycle, if you don't piss me off, I might even put out for you, now please excuse yourself!" Moon poked her nose up with a huff.

Sen felt his cheeks burn under his fur as he wagged his tails but gave a quick nod, the mouse offering him a playful grin, her green eyes looking more sultry now, but then they hardened as she hissed out, "Ask me if I care, bitch."

"Uh... I'll leave you to it then... see you tomorrow, Moon!" He barked out, unable to hide the eagerness in his voice.

"No, you will not punch his astral v-card before-" He shut the door with a confused frown as the mouse kept arguing with Dog, his heart pounding but a little nervousness creeping in at the thought of how he'd handle her, was it going to be just her, or her and all her friends as well?

Her sweet scent lingered in his nose and the butterflies in his stomach told him that his life was about to get more complicated. Shaking his head, he took a composing huff before stepping away to call a cab, the lovely vision of that mouse still clear and present in his mind.


Next Episode:

They say if you don't remember the past, you won't learn from it, but should the past forever brand your present and future? Was this a legacy rejected? Am I just full of bitterness and disappointment at all that remains of that time?

Are you a protector that would stand by me as my mother should have done? You look at me with such hunger in your eyes despite your motherly tone. Is this a bond I feel forming? The carnal embrace of a guardian, the desperate hunger of a mature woman starved for affection and the exuberant wonder of a young male's first time... What do you mean you love me?!

Episode Five: Astral Bonds

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Neon Warren: Episode 5

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi]( helps...

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Robot Rampage

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi]( helps...

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Avalanche of Love -Final Episode (18)

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi]( helps...

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