Avalanche of Love -Final Episode (18)

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#18 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's been a wild ride since our twins first reunited, but we've reached the end, my lovely. I didn't expect this little twincest tale to span as long as it did or take the directions it took, but I hope ultimately it was a worthwhile experience!

I'll hate to see this tale end, I've been working on it off and on for over a year and a half, but I think we've reached a good stopping point for our twins and the rest of the cast.

Don't you worry about this episode not having any fun stuff though! I started this thing off with our lovely leopards loving one another, and I'll send us off that way too!

Well my lovely, strap your boots in, and let's drop in one last time!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Ko-Fi helps make that happen. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter or BlueSky. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's been a wild ride since our twins first reunited, but we've reached the end, my lovely. I didn't expect this little twincest tale to span as long as it did or take the directions it took, but I hope ultimately it was a worthwhile experience!

I'll hate to see this tale end, I've been working on it off and on for over a year and a half, but I think we've reached a good stopping point for our twins and the rest of the cast.

Don't you worry about this episode not having any fun stuff though! I started this thing off with our lovely leopards loving one another, and I'll send us off that way too!

Well my lovely, strap your boots in, and let's drop in one last time!


Episode 18:

The World For You

"This is Yukazama, go ahead," Hiroshi answered after bopping his earpiece to connect the call while standing at the summit of the course.

"Mr. Yukazama, I'm sure you know why I'm calling you," the voice on the other line answered in a business-like tone.

With a sigh, Hiroshi put a paw to his hip as the breeze made his dark bangs drift a little from out of his helmet. "Thought you were only worried about champions? I only got a silver and bronze."

"Normally, that is the case, but with your exceptional development and advancement, we were inclined to offer you a chance to re-sign," he got right to the point as he always did.

"Interesting... You know, with Sayotome and Lashinger's double one-hundred in the games, Gemini will be the big name to represent," Hiroshi said with an inflection of contemplation.

"You are astute as always, Yukazama and as we stated previously, it was just business, nothing personal."

"Nothing personal... Well, I'm in the middle of practice right now, so let me think about it. In the meantime, why don't you go play hide-and-go-fuck yourself," the buck calmky responded before disconnecting the call and shoving his phone into his pocket.

"Friend of yours?" Snow crunched behind him as he lifted his ears and looked back over his shoulder at the much larger boy.

"More like a clingy ex. Sorry about that, you ready to drop in?" Hiroshi settled his goggles back into place.

"Ready when you are." Charles locked his board into place, showing a grin through his own tinted goggles.

"Hmph... remember... unless you're going first, you'll never have a perfect track to compete on, but if you're going first, it means you're also in last place. Watch every ride before yours, every competitor will tell you a story and give you insight on what to look for," Hiroshi said cooly before he dropped into the slalom track.

"Got it!" Charles called out as the buck pushed off, giving him a few seconds before he shoved his own mouthguard into place and followed after him as they started cutting through the gates of the practice track.

Once they reached the bottom, Hiroshi lifted his goggles and sighed as he looked up at the track. "It's pretty chewed up... Maybe next time we should go to the Altima training facility's track."

"Would they even let me in there, Yukazama?" Charles unbuckled his boots and hefted his board up over his shoulder.

Hiroshi snorted at the question and shrugged. "If I vouched for you they would, not like you board for a rival company. They might try to recruit you though," Hiroshi smirked as he grabbed his own board up after knocking some snow off it.

"I appreciate you doing all this, I've not had a practice buddy in... ever? It's always just been me and the old man, and since he isn't speaking to me... Well, not like he ever did anything but bark orders," Charles grumbled and gave a shrug.

"I get it, my mother actually lived the life, didn't just dream it, but that also made it worse since she knew exactly what to look for and how to critique me. I don't think she had a word of praise my entire youth," Hiroshi spat the words out bitterly then shrugged.

"Guess we've got more in common than we thought, eh?" Charles grinned, the buck just shrugging and turning to walk back to the lift.


The band started up the introduction song and the audience started cheering, the brown-haired mouse trotting out with a lopsided grin on her muzzle, the gold medal hanging from her neck as she waved.

The host moved over to shake her paw then they gave a token hug before he led her to the guest chair, one of the other guests, an actor who had come on to pitch their latest movie sitting in one of the adjoining ones.

"Well, well... it's been a hot minute, hasn't it, Jasmine?" the host of the late-night show barked out with a laugh.

"About eight years, we've both got a little more gray in our fur, eh?" she squeaked out with a shrug as the audience laughed.

The host who happened to be a ram scratched the side of his muzzle which was mostly gray, his once black hair now more salt and pepper. "Hah, some of us more than others, you look great, and you looked amazing the other day. I'll confess I was watching at the edge of my seat!"

"Thanks, I'm still feeling it though! My legs are still killing me!" Jasmine laughed as the audience chuckled.

After a few minutes of small talk about the competition, the host brought up Jarome, "So what about you and Jarome Samson, eh?" he cat-called out, the audience whistling and giving little 'ooohs' at the topic.

Jasmine showed the camera a grin, knowing her new boyfriend would be watching as she shoved a paw through her hair, pushing the bangs back before speaking out in a haughty tone, "What can I say? This mouse has still got it, on and off the pipe." She gave a playful wink as the audience ate the display up with cheers and whistles.

It took a few moments for things to die down before she followed up, "He's a great guy, jokes aside, he's more than I deserve. If it weren't for him and Madeline, I don't think I'd be here-"

"Hey hey! That wasn't the deal, you just getting there would have landed you in that seat, Jasmine, even if you didn't come home with another gold!" the ram countered with a wag of his finger, the audience sharing their approval to the words, cheering for her as she grinned out at them.

"Yeah, yeah, either way, he's an amazing guy, and just like Madeline, he pushes me to go beyond my limits." Jasmine pushed her paws to her lap, seeing the producer in the foreground behind the stage saying something, recognizing the cues to keep the time in consideration, she was a sportscaster after all, she got it.

"Well, before we are out of time, anything you'd like to say, Jasmine?" the ram asked with a tilt of his head.

Jasmine looked right at the camera and showed her teeth in a toothy grin, knowing a certain rabbit and company would be watching. "Kayla, Kai, Jarome, and of course, Madeline. You're all the reason I'm here, and I'll forever be grateful to you and all my fans who have supported me through the years."

The crowd roared with cheers as the host pointed to the camera, "We'll be right back folks!" The shot panned out to him leaning forward, him and Jasmine talking over the band playing as the commercial break started.


"Wait- You want to what?" Gina asked with a surprised look on her face.

"That's what Dad said. Asked me to talk to you about it," Raul shrugged and gave the persian a lazy smile.

She rubbed her jaw in thought and then looked back at the collie before asking, "Well, what do you think, Raul?"

He gave her a slow blink and leaned back on the wall before answering, "I'm here for the ride, and to make my pops happy. If this is the direction he wants to take his own path, I see no reason not to do it."

"All about the 'flow' of the ride, eh? Do you have any other hobbies or aspirations, Raul?" Gina asked with a grin, watching the collie casually pull a tin out that had some gummy-style candies in it she knew wasn't just made with sugar.

He popped one in his mouth as his ear twitched, then cocked a brow and offered up the small tin to her. Gina rolled her eyes and plucked one out, chomping it down, then frowned as she blinked a few times, "Gods... how potent are these things? That's already..."

He snapped the tin closed, sliding it into his pocket before smiling up at her. "Ah, to not have a tolerance built up..."

"Well stop smoking and hitting so many edibles, maybe it'll chill out for you, asshole," Gina hissed out with a fluff of her tail, grumbling as she paced away a few feet to rub the back of her head, feeling herself getting a little lightheaded.

Raul cocked a brow as he asked, "Do you need to sit down? Are you more of an angry type when you're-"

"Fuck you, I'm fine, and... maybe..." Gina hissed out and flopped right down on the ground crossing her legs. She snorted through her nose as the world felt like it was tilting, all while the collie stood there as calm as he could be.

"My apologies, I should have offered you something lighter," Raul said with an amused smile, watching the persian grumble while sitting on the floor.

Gina rubbed her head. "Yeah... well... Anyway, to answer your question before I start going into a fit of giggles and swearing... Uh... yeah, if your old man wants to officially start a uhm... uh..."

Raul spoke up, "Brand, he wants to make an official-"

"I was getting to it, asshole!" Gina hissed and glared up at the collie who just offered a nod.

"I'll double-check with you once your head is clear as well, if you don't mind?" Raul asked politely.

"Whatever, I'm not that fucked up..." The persian huffed and shoved a paw through her locks as her head shook.

"Clearly not," the collie hummed with a smile and took a seat right before her, also cross-legged.

Gina glared at him with a flicking ear, then sighed out as she looked away. "What the fuck..."

"What troubles you?" He asked with a relaxed tone.

"Just don't see how you can board like this, how you can... function..." She grumbled and rubbed her head, having to focus to even speak normally.

"Oh, well I never get to a state you are in, my friend. I simply get the edge taken off so I can fully become one with-"

"Yeah yeah! The flow of the ride, one with the board... blah blah blah..." Gina hissed out and brought her knees up, hugging them as her tail twitched and shuddered.

Raul showed a silly grin and shook his head. "You really are a... bitch... when you're high, aren't you, Gina?"

"No shit, Sherlock! Guess I am... fuck..." She hissed and shook her head a few times with a huff.

"It's an amusing foil to your normally peppy attitude," Raul confessed, then lifted his ears as the persian offered a small bitter laugh.

"Oh, you mean my fake it til I make it, attitude?" She grumbled and rested her cheek on her bent knees, huffing out, "Yeah, the fake as fuck peppy cat that always grins, even when the girls are constantly beating me at the sport I want to be the best in..."

Raul gave an understanding nod. "You got a gold medal, my friend, I'm sure that-"

"Sure, in fucking slopestyle! That's my best sport, but it's not what I want to be the best in..." she hissed out and then shoved her forehead to her knees. "Fuck I'm pathetic, a national hero, first gold medal, and all I do is feel sorry for myself for not being good at everything..."

The collie just sat there with closed eyes, saying nothing, nodding his head, listening to her, but then snapped his eyes open as the cat hissed out, "Are you even listening, you dopey fuck-head?!" Gina now inches from his face, scowling at him, having no doubt been expecting a response.

"Uh... We all have to find our reasons to ride, my friend, perhaps you still are truly searching for yours?" He spoke out in a little more of an awkward tone since the persian was nose-to-nose with him.

"Your feng shui semantics really get irritating, Raul..." Gina huffed into his face, looking unamused by his words.

"Erm... actually, Gina, feng shui is more about uhm... decorating and proper alignment of a room to-"

"Oh my gods, why do you even know that?!" Gina mewed out and glared at him, her paws shoving to his shoulders as she clambered onto her knees before him, glaring at the collie who was about the same size as her.

"Whoa... Gina, my friend... Perhaps you should take a deep breath, calm your mind until the process has run its course..." Raul stammered out, uncharacteristically rattled by the cat's proximity and scent in his nose.

"It's fucking annoying when you act like some spiritual know-it-all, but it's also annoying I find it fucking adorable, stupid damn dog..." Gina purred as she pushed a little closer, the collie offering a shocked bark as she pushed a paw up into his hair, forcing his knit cap off to tumble to the ground, his brown ears perked in shock.

"H-Hey now... uh... G-Gina... You're just letting the uhm... letting the moment do the talking for you, you don't actually mean that, I'm sure." He huffed as she drew closer, hearing her deep loud purrs as she shifted her body to practically be sitting in his lap.

"Dumb dog... why do you think I kept spurning Jarome's advances... If you're stupid ass worried about more than getting high and the 'flow of the ride,'" she grumbled and huffed hotly in his face.

"R-really? You mean that in earnest, my fr-" His eyes widened as she shoved her maw to his own, his heart ramping up as the cat parted her maw and brought her tongue forward. The collie shuddered but met it with his own, his paws hesitating before grasping her hips, jerking her closer.

Gina kept the forced kiss going, their tongues rolling, his own surprisingly eager and his paws happy to slide back to rub at her backside. Finally, she parted from the kiss with a sigh, "Hah...been wanting to do that for a few now..."

Raul swallowed the lump in his throat and huffed out, his forehead to hers, the cat looking almost predatory as she kept those loud purrs going. "T-This is... not what I expected when I came to speak of a partnership..."

"Complaining, doggy?" Gina puffed against his muzzle, the collie shaking his head rapidly, his brown tail wagging in a blur behind him. "Good, now shut up and give me another..." Gina hissed out and shoved her lips to his own, Raul offering a surprisingly cute bark through the kiss as the cat rode him right down to his back, her hips already grinding on his lap.


A plume of mist drifted from her nose as she sat there in the snow, looking out alone over the fading rays of the afternoon. This would probably be her last drop for the day. Her red eyes scanned over the area, seeing various families with their kits, enjoying the waning days of the winter.

"Soon it'll be spring here, and all of you will have to wait a whole year, but I'll be off training on the other side of the world where it's still cold," the rabbit spoke aloud to herself, faintly hearing the giggles from various kits and the laughter of the parents.

With a crunch of snow, she leaned back, planting her paws. Her lovers were off on their own vacation and had invited her along, but she knew they needed some time to themselves. She told them she had some business to attend to; in reality, however, she didn't have much going on short of turning down the various guest appearances.

"Have you lost that fire now?" she mulled the words to herself, hugging her own knees as she thought about Jasmine and their final showdown. The scores were tied, but she knew that Glitter beat her again, for the last time.

"You can't lose what you never had. This is just my life, it's what I'll always be, and it's what I'll die as..."

"Do you think that's what Jasmine thought? She wasn't ready to go, but her body made her, and yours will too when the time comes."

"Maybe she did, maybe that's how it'll be. I'll go be a jaded whatever, hatefully watching the younger generation have their moment, knowing I could beat them if my stupid body would let me..."

"At least you have them, those two accept you even with your riddled flaws."

"Flaws? Am I flawed for shooting straight with people? Is pride really so-"

Her ears lifted, her head raising as the cry of a small kit pulled her from her own internal conflict of arguing with herself in her mind. It didn't take long to find the source, the child toppled over having lost control of their small snowboard.

Madeline looked around, seeing no other adults nearby before sighing and standing up. She hopped to get her board moving and slowly coasted down the slope the dozen or so yards to the downed kitten, a black-furred little rabbit boy who was sniffling now that he'd rolled himself over.

"You okay, kid?" Madeline slowly ground her board to a halt, deftly unbuckling it before moving over. The black-furred kitten blinked up at her and shook his head as she sighed and took a knee to look him over.

"Nothing looks broken or out of place, where did you land?" she asked coolly.

"Uh... uh..." he stammered, looking nervous at her icy tone.

Madeline frowned and shook her head, clearing her throat before offering him a small smile. "It's okay sweetie, just tell me where you landed..."

"My arm, I fell on my arm, it really hurts..." He held his left arm aloft as she gingerly took it, giving little testing squeezes, watching him wince but not show the signs of pain if it were broken or sprained.

"You just hit it really hard, I think you're gonna be okay, sweetie. Where are your parents? You shouldn't be out here alone..." She released his arm to glance around, then frowned as the kitten bit his lower lip and shook his head.

"You... snuck off, didn't you? Wanted one more ride, huh?" Madeline lifted her head, already knowing the answer before he blinked up at her with wet eyes and gave a small nod.

"That brings back memories... I did that once too when I was a kitten..." She rose up and offered her paw, the tiny rabbit's paw slipping into her larger one as she hefted him up to his board once more.

"We leave tomorrow morning... I wouldn't get to again, and... I wanted to try to be really cool like that one bunny on..." His breath caught as he finally took the moment to look upon her, the rabbit tilting her head, red eyes looking curious as he hiccuped and fell back down to his rear, "W-whoa..."

"Come on, let's go help you find your parents..." Madeline reached a paw to him, the young rabbit nodding his head a few times as she hefted him up once more.

"Uhm... are you... Snow Bunny?" he asked with awe in his voice.

"I'm a bunny in the snow just like you, sweetie, now come on, keep up with me, and let's get to the bottom, just follow me." Madeline locked her boots into her own board and gave a hop, looking over her shoulder as she started to coast off, seeing the kitten mimic her hop to start his own coast.

She watched back over her shoulder as he kept pace slowly, awkwardly wobbling on his board from time to time but keeping it secure, like a kit that had just learned to keep their balance and not much more.

They got to the bottom and the kitten's nerves seemed to ease now that he was back near the lodge and potentially his parents, he squeaked out after pulling his mouthguard out, "Y-You are her, aren't you!"

Madeline gave him a long look, seeing his green eyes shine already, having figured it out himself as she finally spoke, "Yeah, I am."

"Wow! I- This is so cool!" he huffed out and clenched his gloved paws, then frowned as she scowled at him.

"No, what's cool is listening to your parents, you could have gotten seriously hurt or worse out there!" Madeline snarled as she thrust a finger at him, the kitten blinking a few times, looking ready to cry at her words.

Madeline frowned and ran a paw through her hair, seeing him on the verge of tears, and shook her head. "Look, you just... If you want to be cool like me, you have to respect how scary it is, okay?"

He nodded again, then offered a small squeak as she gripped his wrist and started pulling him along. "Come on, let's go find your parents, big guy, before they lose their minds."

"O-okay!" he stammered out, awkwardly holding his own smaller snowboard as Madeline marched them straight to the front desk of the resort.

They didn't have to ask for anyone, she could see the two troubled-looking black rabbits there nearby, the mother lifting her head as soon as she caught the scent of her son and looking right their way.

"Roy! Where in the gods' names have you been!?" The mother rabbit rushed over, Madeline releasing the kitten's paw as his mother snatched him up while on her knees, the little boy squeaking as she clung to him possessively.

The father of the couple strode forward as Madeline took a step back, her free paw on her hip. "I found him up on the slope, he wiped out pretty good but I think he's okay, might want to give his left arm a once over though."

"Thank you so much, oh my gods... is there anything we can do to repay you?" The father rabbit was now on one knee as well, both of the couple hugging their son up.

The kitten blinked up at her and she felt a chill crawl up her spine before offering a smug haughty grin like she'd do for the camera, pushing a paw through her blonde hair. "Yeah, you can, actually..."

"Name it!" The mother set her with a determined look.

"Stay another night on my dime, I promised Roy I'd show him a few tricks tomorrow, I'll even cover the cost if you have to rebook your flight," Madeline folded her arms as her board rested on her hips, the little kitten giving her a wide-eyed look.

"Miss, you can't possibly expect to pay for..." The male rabbit stopped before tilting his head as he looked up at her in earnest. "Wait... have I seen you somewhere before?"

"That's the Snow Bunny, Dad! We watched her on TV, remember?" Roy squeaked out as he squirmed out of his parent's grasp a little.

The mother frowned and then shook her head. "Is this... but our son has already caused you enough trouble, don't you need-"

"Hey, I did this kinda stuff with my parents all the time, they were constantly having to drag me off the slopes kicking and screaming!" Madeline hummed and squatted down to look the kitten eye-to-eye now. "What do you say, Roy? You promise to never wander off from your parents like this again, I'll teach you some top-secret tricks, deal?"

"Deal!" Roy squeaked out and launched himself forward, the white rabbit giving a small grunt as the smaller one hugged her around the neck.

"O-oh... uhm... I mean we could postpone the flight then... We aren't very well off, we had to save for a while to make this trip, so we would have to take you up on that offer, Miss Lashinger..." the father stood with a frown.

"Consider it done, it wasn't an empty offer," Madeline patted the smaller rabbit on the head before prying him off her. "Ease up, Roy, don't just go grabbing girls like that," she grumbled towards the rabbit as he frowned but nodded slowly.

"Anyway..." Madeline stood up and looked at the two adult rabbits before her, they looked to be about her age but had already started rearing a child, whereas she was still just living her life on her own terms.

A silence settled over them before Roy spoke out, "Snow Bunny, can we get cocoa before you leave?"

Madeline frowned at that, and then the mother spoke up, "Roy, you shouldn't just go asking-"

"Yeah, let's get some cocoa, all of us, my treat. You can tell me what you enjoy about snowboarding." Madeline spun on her heel and motioned with her paw. "Come on, Roy."

"Yes!" He squeaked as he gave chase before pausing to look back at his dumbfounded parents who finally paced forward to follow after their son and the Olympian he'd bumbled into.


Kayla mewed happily as she walked right into the lodge arm-in-arm with her brother, the leopards having finally arrived at their little vacation locale after the games. Kai looked around at the massive fire pit, the lobby looking mostly unchanged, filling him with nostalgia.

"Hm hm... how's it feel to be back at your old job, big brother?" Kayla purred and nuzzled his jaw, then reined herself in as a few people started recognizing them.

"It's surreal, and still awkward to see people noticing us in public," Kai said to his sister while seeing several of the guests now pointing and murmuring to see to Olympians at the humble lodge.

"Left a ski instructor, returned a snowboarding champ, I'd say that's a hell of a homecoming! Also, we're just with our people, we still can trot around mostly unmolested in the general public!" Kayla mewed out, then grinned as a few kits and young teens started daring to approach the two of them.

"I'm never going to get used to this..." Kai purred as he took out a marker he kept on him for signing things, his sister disengaging and pulling out her own, offering him a smug proud look.

Of course, the lodge was happy to cover all the expenses, just having them there was a boon, especially since the now gold medalist was a former instructor for them. The twins spent a few hours just walking around the resort reminiscing about things while getting randomly asked to sign boards or other items.

"So did you ask to be placed in your old room on purpose?" Kayla mused as she tossed her duffle bag and gear down in the corner where she kept it those few weeks she was with him.

"Yeah, thought it'd be nice to be in the room where you came back into my life and changed it forever," Kai said with a loving grin as he sat his bags down.

"And the room where you popped your little sister's cherry, yeah?" Kayla mused with a proud grin as she trotted over and grabbed Kai's collar, dragging him down to shove her lips to his own in a heated kiss.

Their tongues rolled together in the exchange, his paws splaying over her soft round hips, drawing her closer, none of the reservation from nearly two years ago to be had. Touching and loving his sister was just second nature now.

"Yeah, that's right, sis..." He purred and drew her close, nuzzling against her jaw, hearing Kayla's own happy loud purrs fill the air while she clung to him, her own eager scent rising.

"A shame Maddy couldn't join us, yes?" Kayla mewed as Kai nibbled her throat, then smirked as her big brother cupped her jaw, rubbing it gently.

"That's okay, she's got things to do, and honestly... I want this to be just our space right now. I love our bunny sister, but right now... this and you are all I want..." He purred as he drew her close, kissing her lips again and again.

Kayla shuddered, letting out a groan at his word before throwing her arms around his neck, huffing against his lips, "Fuck gods... I love you... the world for you, big brother..." She hissed and pushed into another deep kiss, both the big cats purring as their tongues wrestled about gently.

"Ngh!" She offered a feral-sounding snarl as she gripped Kai's winter coat, tugging it off him frantically before his t-shirt soon followed. The leopardess then raked her claws through the white-blue fur of her brother's chest, feeling the definition beneath the thin fur, all while leaning in to drag her tongue up his throat. She'd known since they were kittens he was the only boy she'd ever wanted.

Kai hissed through the claws, his own paws unzipping her coat, peeling it away but letting Kayla lap his throat before she stepped back and offered him a haughty smile, lifting her arms for her big brother to continue.

His paws quickly stripped her shirt right off, the sports bra that hugged her full breasts next to go. Kayla offered a relieved huff as her breasts bounced into view after being trapped in that thing all day, then she mewed cutely as he spun her to face away from her, both his paws cupping them, kneading at them as he huffed into her ears.

"Ha... the more things change, the more they stay the same, eh big brother? You've not been able to keep your paws off them ever since they developed back in puberty..." Kayla purred proudly, shuddering as his padded fingers circled her dark peaks, teasing them while she hummed with pleasure.

"Yeah, you couldn't keep paws to yourself either as certain things developed, so don't act all innocent, sis..." He purred and offered a playful nip of one of her rounded ears, Kayla giving a lusty meowed groan as he pinched both her peaks.

"I'm glad you still adore them, sorry they're not pierced like our bunny-sister's are," Kayla squirmed from his grip to turn and face him, hugging her brother tightly so she could press her ample breasts into his strong chest.

"I like your tits natural, Kayla... but you know I'd always respect what you want to do with your body if you decide to get them adorned..." He hummed into her ear, then snarled as he drew her closer in a hug. "Fuck I love feeling your body against mine..."

"Then let's get the rest of these clothes off, Kai, then you can feel all of my body against you..." Kayla purred as her paws slid down to his pants, tugging them open, licking her chops as she brought them down along with his boxers, that eager length of leopard cock springing to attention for his little sister.

Kai groaned in relief to be out of the boxers like Kayla had to be free of that sports bra, then quickly returned the favor, peeling his twin's pants and panties right down, the heady scent of their lust for one another filling the air.

Kayla giggled as Kai hauled her down onto the bed, her breasts jiggling from the impact as she laid out, then sighed with approval as he moved in to shove his maw to her own. Their heads tilted to deepen the kiss, pushing their bodies together, getting as much skin and fur to touch as they could.

Her claws dug into his back as they kissed, her legs spreading instinctively for her big brother, feeling him already in position to take her. "Huff... need me to let you lean back, big brother?" she panted as he held her possessively.

"I'm good, don't you dare let go... Let me just keep holding you, sister..." Kai purred as his hips shifted and moved, the leopardess biting her lower lip as she felt that head of his finally slip to her entrance, rubbing at her drenched, eager pussy.

"Gods... you're so wet..." Kai hissed out as he shifted his hips, Kayla offering up a soft mewl as he started to push into her.

"Yes... yes... fuck me big brother... fuck your little sister... yours is the only cock I want!" she moaned the words in encouragement, her claws digging hard into his back while he pushed forward, inch by inch laying his claim like he did that one fateful night when he took her virginity.

Both their tongues lolled as they stared upon one another when he bottomed out snug to her core, their matching blue eyes showing hearts for one another before they threw arms around one another's necks and smashed their lips together in a desperate kiss.

Kayla groaned against her brother's maw, feeling his hips grinding to dig deep into his little sister's body, a carnal act they had narrowly avoided their entire youth, but now they were grown cats and could do whatever they wanted.

"Yes! Yessss... Oh fuck, Kai..." Kayla mewed out, the sensation of being taken in the same bed he made her his, overwhelming. She finally fell back from his arms, mewing out as she crested hard, snapping her sharp teeth together, his own teeth clenching as he winced, feeling little sister crush him inside her.

She shuddered with her tongue lolling, panting in relief, having been desperate to feel him inside all day long. After a few heated moments of panting, she composed herself and offered up a seductive purr as she lounged back, seeing him still panting from her release, his sister's honey dripping off his sacs.

"Me too, brother!" She leaned forward and threw her arms back around his neck.

"Wait, wa-" Kai mewed as his sister shoved her muzzle to his, kissing him fiercely as her strong legs wrapped right and she jerked her hips, rolling him over to land on his back with a gasp.

Kayla purred against his muzzle before breaking the kiss, keeping her slightly smaller body pushed to his own, laying atop him as her hips eagerly ground, feeling her brother's paw resting on them while she dug that jumping length nice and deep.

"I wanna ride you too, big brother... Gods I fucking love you..." She panted against his throat, her tail shuddering and loosely tangling with his own, both the snow leopards grinding their hips, desperate to feel one another's love.

"Fuck... fuck..." Kai panted out against her muzzle, then perked his rounded ears as Kayla sat up before him, his twin sister on full display as she pushed her paws to his chest, breasts bouncing gently as her hips shifted.

"Why, yes big brother, that's exactly what we're doing... huff... we're gonna, fuck... fuck... all over this room... all over this lodge... You'll need a vacation from our vacation when I'm done with you..." Kayla licked her chops, claws digging into his chest as her hips started working harder, her round full rear smacking down into his lap, making her brother's cock kiss harder at her core.

"Geeze... W-when did my little sister become such a perverted cat!" Kai laughed out then bit his lips as he felt her walls crushing him, Kayla groaning as she shoved her hips hard, pushing him nice and deep as she gave in again all over him.

"It's... your fault big brother..." Kayla mewed and ground her hips through the release, watching her brother clench his teeth, enduring her with his paws clinging to her hips, claws digging into her fur.

She perched in his lap after her crest, letting him recover, her hips only moving a little to keep him stirring. "Gonna be okay, big brother? Think you can get one more out of me before you lose it?" She raked a paw through her blonde hair that was covering one eye, seeing the defiant look fill his eyes.

"Oh, I'll get one more!" Kai mewed out as he grabbed her hips and tried for another reversal, but then hissed out as Kayla dug a footpaw into the bed, bracing herself to counter the switch.

"Nu-uh!" She mewed and shoved hard on his chest, making him smack back down to the bed, her hips getting back to work to sap his determination as the larger cat lolled his tongue once she started riding him anew. "You can roll me over or take me like a bitch later, big brother!"

"D-Damn it..." he groaned up at her, hearts in his eyes for his twin sister as she looked every bit the devious smug temptress she was all through their youth.

"Grab these instead Kai, my hips are fine..." Kayla gripped his wrists, showing her teeth in a smug grin as she forced his paws over her ample breasts. Kai happily obliged, kneading and rubbing them as his sister lolled her tongue.

"Huff... like this, sister?" He showed a grin, wincing as her hips started bucking harder, now making brother's cock plunge deep, kissing hard at her core again and again, feeling it jump with each clench of her walls.

"Hgn! Yeah, brother... pinch them too, you know I- Mew!" she cried out, her walls locking down as he pinched down on each of her hard peaks, giving them a little tug to boot. The leopardess lolled her tongue and rolled her own heart-filled eyes up as her brother made her cum even while she was on top.

"T-Took you long enough!" Kai snarled and released her breasts, Kayla giving him a grin as he grabbed her hips and shoved her down nice and hard with one final thrust. She gasped sharply as her brother's heat rushed in, her moan getting swallowed up as he sat up and crushed his muzzle to her own.

Her arms wrapped around his neck, pushing her achy breasts to his chest, her own hips rocking, grinding as his love flooded into her smaller body, both their tongues lazily rolling as they held one another while finishing their session.

His paws flexed on her hips with each rope he sent in before he groaned against her muzzle, her body milking at him, demanding every drop of brother's love for her.

"Gods..." Kai broke the kiss, his heart-filled eyes rolling up a little before he flopped down on his back heaving in relief. Kayla fell upon him, sighing proudly as she nuzzled his chest, feeling all of her brother's love within her.

"Huff... you came so much, Kai... You were pent up too, huh?" She asked with a proud inflection in her voice.

"How can I not be... You've been keeping me wound up since we hit puberty, I'll always be pent up for you, little sister..." He purred as his paw moved to stroke her shuddering tail, feeling her hips grinding a little still even after the intense session.

"You too brother... God's Kai, I fantasized about you so much... Once you recover, let's slip into the hot tub and do it there too!" she mewed out excitedly.

"Heh... we'll see if the employee code has been changed, if not, you got it Kayla!" he mewed and patted her rear a few times, both the leopards giving one another childish grins.


He sat there on the floor, the closet doors slid open, an assortment of gear scattered about including a helmet, and various pads. Across his lap was a well-worn skateboard, chipped-up paint still faintly showing the sponsor's name across the bottom of it.

"I had a feeling this might happen," her voice called out from the doorway as he looked back to see his wife standing there, a wistful smile on her muzzle before she padded over to him, taking a seat on the side of their bed while he looked up at her from the floor.

"Heh... caught me going down memory lane, eh?" Jaron said as one padded finger flicked a wheel on the board, the grainy sound of it spinning in the rusted base filling the air for a few seconds before silence returned to the bedroom.

"Jasmine taking the gold the other day wake something up in you, love?" She purred as she rested her paws in her lap, tilting her head.

Jaron shook his head with a sad smile on his muzzle. "Me and Jas aren't the same, I'm just reliving the glory days, you know? I have a family and career to worry about, I can't-"

"Jaron, you know what made me fall for you all those years ago?" She leaned in and rubbed at his head, stroking one of his perked ears.

"My charm and good looks?" He showed a silly grin at his wife as she snorted and playfully shoved his head.

"No, you dork!" She giggled and gripped his skateboard, pulling it from his lap so she could slide into it, straddling him so she was face to face, feeling his paws settle on her curvy soft hips.

"Watching you skate, sweetie. Watching you sail through the air, grind on the rails. Watching you get chased off by angry security guards at the bank because they had the best rails when we were in high school..." She mused the old memories as Jaron offered her a silly grin and stared into her eyes, his high school sweetheart-turned-wife joining him on this trip into the past.

"Yeah, I remember that time the cops actually arrested us, but then just let us go as a scare tactic, of course, it didn't do shit," he barked a laugh then huffed when her paw cupped his jaw.

"Jaron, you don't have to be an olympian to do what you love... Your joints may creak and groan as mine do, but so do Jasmine's, and she was able to get back to it. Why not just strap the gear on and I'll go sweep the leaves off the ramp in our yard tomorrow?"

He growled and nuzzled under her jaw, his paws drawing her closer. "Maybe so... I'd help you clean the thing off first though..."

"Yeah, and after you knock the rust off, go do a few minor competitions, warm yourself up and maybe try for league qualifying, right?" She purred as he leaned back with a shocked look.

"Babe, isn't that a bit much?" He cocked a brow.

"Is it? My husband was absolutely fearless when we were in school. I doubt a few past broken bones and retirement will stop that fire once you get back into it," she spoke in a smug tone as she scratched under his jaw, his tail wagging behind him.

"Y-You really think I could get back into the game? Even on a minor level?" He pushed his forehead to her own.

"If I thought you were past your prime, I'd tell it to you straight, sweetie. I always told you when tricks were too advanced or you weren't ready for something. The summer games are in two years, so why not give it a shot? I'll even get my old Tripp pants adjusted for my hips and we can dress like the little punks we were in school while you compete, we'll even get our little girl an appropriate outfit!" She giggled, then huffed as he drew closer, his lips brushing her own.

"Fuck you're the best, baby... You were always the better and wiser rider," he snarled as his paw moved up to rub one of her ears, his other squeezing her soft rear.

"I know, but some dipshit knocked me up, ah well, you'll have to carry on our legacy for us both," she purred in a sing-song tone before pushing to his lips, the two drawing into a deep kiss, her own paws moving to start to unbuckle his pants, the heady scent of his wife's own desire rising as the two skate-punks eagerly got to it like they used to when they competed.


It had been a few weeks since the Olympics and it was now time for the girl's halfpipe finals.

Kayla and Madeline couldn't help but notice the extra skip in the persian's steps as the cat strode into the prep area with her gear.

"Well well, you're looking chipper, how's that leg doing, Gina?" Madeline asked with a small smile.

"Oh, I'd say I'm back to one hundred for sure!" Gina mewed out with a grin.

"Good, you'll need it if you want to win this thing," Madeline showed her teeth in a grin as she replied in a haughty tone.

"Barely got in the door and talking shit with her, Maddy?" Kayla giggled then looked to Gina with a small smile and quirked a brow. "You look a little more perky than usual though, something... happened?"

"Oh, I shouldn't gossip..." Gina mewed out with a silly grin as she looked away, then gave a little gasp as both Madeline and Kayla were next to her, linking an arm to hers.

"I don't think so, cat, you can't come strutting in here looking like that and not spill the details," Madeline gave her a challenging grin, her red eyes sparkling with mischief.

"It's 'spill the tea', Maddy!" Kayla said with a giggle.

"Who cares, the saying will be out of style in a week anyway, spit it out, Gina!" Madeline demanded with a playful tug of her arm.

"You two sure are determined... heh, yeah I finally pulled the trigger, took getting a little stoned to do it, but I did it!" Gina mewed out proudly.

Kayla let go of Gina's arm, turned to face her, and shoved her shoulder. "Shut up... You and Raul?" The persian offered a sheepish grin and gave a nod.

Madeline snorted and put her paws on her hips. "How did that go?"

"Well, apparently I punched his V-card!" Gina giggled, looking smug.

"So the first time was shit is what you're saying," Madeline said with a grin.

"Maddy be nice!" Kayla laughed.

"The first time wasn't... bad?" Gina grinned then leaned down to speak quietly to them. "It's okay though, once he got the nerves out, well let's just say by our third time doing it, his snowboard wasn't the only ride he was finding his zen with!"

"You little slut!" Kayla giggled and shoulder-bumped the persian.

"Good for you, Gina... You two serious or just having fun?" Madeline asked with a smile.

"Not sure right now, it's just kind of a casual thing, but he's already started looking at me with those doggy eyes, so I dunno... Last time we finished, the broken cute little look on his face made my heart melt, so we'll see!" She mewed out excitedly.

"Good, then now that you're invigorated with that doofus-dog's love, I expect you to put on a good show today!" Madeline scoffed as she trotted away to her gear.

"So happy for you, Gina! I'll still kick, your, ass, today... but happy for you, bitch!" Kayla showed her own toothy grin, giving the smaller cat's shoulder another playful shove before following Madeline.

"We'll see about that!" Gina mewed out with a grin before turning to go sort her own gear.

Kayla peeked over at Madeline, seeing her pecking out a message on her phone. "You texting brother?" she asked in a quiet tone.

"Nah, just that little goblin I found... I got him and his family tickets today," Madeline said casually.

"Pulling a Glitter, Maddy? Raising yourself up a would-be-rival for the future?" Kayla hummed playfully.

Madeline showed her lover a grin and met her eyes. "Maybe he'll be Kai's problem in the future, but not mine!"

"Oooh it's saaabotaaage!!" Kayla cat-called out.

"Okay ladies, it's about that time!" One of the staffers yelled out as the girls all looked to them.

The program started, showing the greyhound sitting there at the desk with a pearly white grin. "Hello out there and thanks for tuning in for the women's half-pipe finals, I'm your host as always, two-time Olympic medalist Jaron Randolf and with me as always..."

The camera panned to the brown-furred mouse who beamed her own smile as she followed up, "I'm four-time Olympic medalist, Jasmine 'Glitter' Sayotome... Oh, pardon me... Five-time Olympic medalist," she hummed the words in a smug haughty tone, as the crowd screamed and cheered.

"Hah! Glad to see the old Jas back again!" Jaron barked out happily. "Why don't you give the viewers a rundown of the point's spread for this finals, Miss Olympic Champion?" he asked with a proud look on his face.

"Sure thing, Jaron," Jasmine squeaked out as the screen shifted to show the points totals. "As you can see, only one point divides Madeline Lashinger and Kayla Hannah from the top spot, and Gina Rodriguez is only two points away from that!"

"Sounds tight!" Jaron said conversationally.

"It quite literally could be any of them! A first-place from Gina and Silver from Madeline would force a board-off. If Madeline or Kayla take the gold today, that'll put it to rest for either of them!" Jasmine squeaked out eagerly at the tension.

"Oh man, I love it when it's this close! I live for the drama and I know our fans do too!" Jaron barked out as the camera shifted from the points screen back to the two of them at the desk.

"Oh, I feel you there, Jaron, and speaking of Drama..." Jasmine showed her teeth in a grin as she folded her paws on the desk, the camera shifting to her.

Madeline felt a chill run down her spine as she dropped her board and paced right over to the TV at the words, staring up at it with a glare.

Jaron looked confused as she pulled from the script. "Hey, Jas, what's up?"

Jasmine tucked some of her brown hair back behind her rounded ear and met the camera with a haughty glint in her eyes. Madeline snarled at it, seeing the mouse clearly staring her down.

"I'll be stepping down as a host of these games after this season, because... I'm officially announcing, that I'm coming out of retirement and will be joining the league competitions next season," she said the words cool and calmly as she kept her confident gaze locked on the camera.

"Mmph!" Madeline took a step back with a grunt, blinking a few times, her paws flexing in her gloves before balling up into fists, her heart pounding.

"Whoa... Jas... Uh... You going for a sixth run?!" Jaron barked out in shock.

"Nah, I don't think I've got four more years in me, Jaron, but I think I've got enough in the tank for at least a few more seasons though! I owe that much to my fans, Jarome, and... Well, you know..." She flashed her teeth to the camera again, clearly talking to the rabbit.


Dotting the walls of the small bedroom were several glossy posters, almost all of them featured a particular snow leopard on them, some had both her and her twin brother, but the sister dominated the majority of them. Tucked in the corner was a large mat that had a snowboard and boots on it, bits of snow still melting off them.

Sitting in the corner was a computer rig, the monitor showing a live stream of the current event, the women's half-pipe finals. Perched before it was a young teenage cat that might have been twelve years old, her fur snow-white with black stripes, a white tiger, one of the 'big cats' that would have never assumed to do half-pipe or slopestyle a few years ago.

"Sweetie, your dinner's gonna get cold, come on!" Her mother's voice called out for the third time.

"Mom! Hold on, Kayla is about to drop in! This is the finals, I gotta watch it!" she mewed out in response.

"And here is the second-place point's leader, Kayla Hannah, ready to make her opening drop! She nearly took me and Madeline both down in the games, so I know we're about to see some fireworks!" Jasmine called out excitedly.

The tigress clutched the pillow she was hugging to her chest excitedly, rocking back and forth in the chair at her computer. Kayla flashed the camera a bright grin and offered a peace sign, it felt like she was looking right at her.

With a determined huff, the young big cat watched her hero drop in, her tail shuddering, a little voice in her head telling her, that someday, she would be on those slopes, and she'd be showing her idol what she was made of.


--*--Author Notes--*--

It was tough to finish AoL, I didn't want to see it end and I loved writing it. I hope you enjoyed seeing this little smutty tale unfold. It was also tough to write on it because I lost a dear friend during the making of this tale, the one who did the cover art for it.

It may seem odd to dedicate a little furry smut story to someone, but she was always supportive of my writing and proud to do covers for it. I'll not bog this down with too much babbling, just know I appreciate every one of you who came this far and finished the tale.

* In Loving Memory *

Courtney 'Zambii' Werndall

1993 - 2023

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 17

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/gcstargazer) helps...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 16

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/gcstargazer) helps...

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Wishmaker Chronicles: Sizume

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gcstargazer) or...

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