Avalanche of Love - Episode 17

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#17 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

We've reached the big finale but this isn't the final episode! I won't spoil the coming drama but there will be plenty of clawbiting moments to come, my lovely!

Kai, Hiroshi, Jarome, and Raul. All the boys board for different reasons, but when the snow settles, there are only so many medals to go around.

Meanwhile, on the girl's side of things, Jasmine and Madeline will finally be getting that showdown they've been itching for, but when legends clash, who can know where the fates will swing?

Okay, that's all kind of heavy, but don't worry, there's going to be some lewd fun as well, we'll be revisiting a certain couple that got some attention a few episodes back!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Ko-Fi helps make that happen. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter or BlueSky. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

We've reached the big finale but this isn't the final episode! I won't spoil the coming drama but there will be plenty of clawbiting moments to come, my lovely!

Kai, Hiroshi, Jarome, and Raul. All the boys board for different reasons, but when the snow settles, there are only so many medals to go around.

Meanwhile, on the girl's side of things, Jasmine and Madeline will finally be getting that showdown they've been itching for, but when legends clash, who can know where the fates will swing?

Okay, that's all kind of heavy, but don't worry, there's going to be some lewd fun as well, we'll be revisiting a certain couple that got some attention a few episodes back!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 17:

One-Hundred Points

"Guess I'm on the spot huh? I thought I'd be doing this after you," Jarome showed her a small grin as they stood in the snow several yards from the staging area.

Jasmine gripped his collar while he held her, his paws firmly on her hips, both of them hugged close. "You'll have to just do your best for me, kitten, any medal will do, so long as it's from you."

"Same for you Jazzy! Gods, just seeing you here and knowing I'll get to watch you compete, that's more than enough for me!" Jarome mewed lovingly as they took a few moments to nuzzle one another, scent marking before he started the finals.

"I appreciate that, but I'll be aiming for gold, I owe that much to Madeline and my fans. It's my last time, so I need to-"

"It doesn't have to be!" He mewed out as Jasmine looked surprised and cocked a brow. Jarome gripped her paws and stared intently into her brown eyes with his yellow ones. "Jazzy, you're thirty-five, I know you ache and hurt every time, but I can see how... alive you are now! I'd give you a full-body rub down after every competition, after every practicing, you could-"

She smirked and pushed a gloved paw to his muzzle to silence him, then shook her head. "Jarome, as tempting as that full-body rubdown sounds, I can't be too selfish here. I need to make room for the other riders, I can't just-"

"That's their problem! You're wrong, Jasmine. That wasn't your prime, this is! You can keep going after this, I know you can!" Jarome hissed as he clenched her gloved paws again, practically glaring at her as she blinked into his eyes.

Jasmine took a few moments to drink this in, having him there so adamantly cheering her on, it was a new sensation, it wasn't the same as what motivation Madeline offered, but both made for a potent cocktail all the same.

She closed her eyes, composing herself as she shook her head with a small crooked grin, showing him that confident mouse he'd been in love with since he was a teenager. "We'll... see kitten, we'll see... okay?" She gently kissed his lips before stepping back. Of course, she knew this was the last hurrah, her body couldn't keep taking this daily abuse for too much longer.

"Jasmine, I believe in you... I believe in you and I..." His jaw set, his yellow eyes looking wet in the drifting heavy flakes of snow as he shook his head.

With a gentle tug of her paws, she brought him back down, pushing her muzzle to his own. They drew deep into a kiss, heads tilting and tongues meeting. She drank in the taste of him, the purrs, the scent, his paws flexing on her hips. She wanted to cherish it for as long as she was allowed to.

"Go on, get me a medal, Jarome..." She huffed out after they parted their kiss, her forehead to his own, her eyes closed, feeling them burn as he clung to her, those deep happy purrs filling her ears, making her feel just hearing those was enough to have endured everything she had.

He nodded and kissed her forehead as her brown eyes opened, clearly showing tears before he stood up and stepped back. "I will, for you Jazzy!" he clenched a gloved paw as he grinned at her.

"For yourself too, Jarome, you come first, always watch out for yourself, and don't forget your fans, kitten." She put a paw on her hip, showing him her crooked haughty grin, the lynx feeling his heart pound to see her standing there looking so in control.

"Right!" He punched his gloved fists together, huffing out as a plume of mist escaped his maw, and turned away, marching into the prep area.

She put a paw to her chest, watching him disappear into the prep area, a dull ache in her knee before she spun on her own boot heels, snow crunching under her as she made her way to ride the lift back down to the spectator area.


"I know you've got this, brother. You've already shown the world they shouldn't underestimate you once, now go do it again." Madeline held one of his paws while looking up at the big cat.

"That's right, big brother! No bedroom games, you go out there and you destroy them, for yourself, and for us!" Kayla clutched his other paw, showing him a smug grin.

Kai huffed out, feeling his heart pound to have both of his sisters cheering him on, his paws squeezing theirs as he puffed his chest out and nodded. "Thank you. I really do it for you two first, and my fans second. Kayla, if it were not for you, I'd still be rotting away at that lodge just wasting my days."

He shifted to look upon Madeline, the rabbit lifting her muzzle, looking proud as he spoke to her, "Madeline... Sister... You are the reason I have a medal now. You convinced me to branch out, and you helped me get started on this path."

"And I will continue to be with both of you on these roads we walk. Here in the sports world and beyond. We may not share blood, but you two are my siblings, and I love you," Madeline scoffed out, somehow making the heartfelt words sound pompous before the rabbit squeaked as both of the big cats just drew her up into a hug.

"Heh! Smug bitch! I love you so much! I love both of you with my everything!" Kayla mewed out proudly.

"You two make me feel I could take on the whole world, and win," Kai purred as he felt each of his sisters nuzzling his jaw in the hug, giving him their scents.

Madeline pulled from the purring mass of cuddles and showed her teeth in a crooked grin, her paws on her hips as she looked into her brother's blue eyes. "Then prove it, get your tail in there and beat the world for us, show you're the best, show you're elite like your sisters!"

Kayla clenched her paws, "Yeah! Show no mercy, Kai! Jarome may be high on Jasmine's love, Hiroshi might have his legacy, and Raul might have his national pride, but you've got something bigger than all that! You've got our love and-"

"Laying it on a bit thick aren't you, baby?" Madeline offered a grin as she folded her arms. Kayla just gave an irritable snort and snapped her jaws closed.

"Ha ha... be nice, Mad!" Kai laughed then shifted both his paws to his own hips, his rounded ears flicking as he heard the staffer yelling for the riders to get ready. "Heh... I should get going..."

"You should. Do this for yourself as well, brother," Madeline spoke cooly and turned to walk towards the lift, giving the twins a moment alone.

Kayla gripped his paws and showed a grin, her eyes a little wet looking. "Thanks, big brother... Sorry I'm so selfish, but to be here with you like this, it's what I dreamed of since we were kittens."

"We're just getting started, Kayla. I'll be with you through it all, here for you and our bunny-sister." Kai hesitated before they parted grips, Kayla offering him a loud deep purr before she leaned up and gave his jaw a small lap of her tongue, then turned and trotted off at a quick pace to catch up with Madeline.

Kai clenched his paw into a fist, his heart pounding before he pushed it all aside and turned to walk into the prep area, his head held high.


The drone camera showed a sweeping panned-out shot of the halfpipe before zooming out to show the full course with the packed stands of cheering fans as Jaron's voice called out, "Welcome to the men's half-pipe finals, a bit earlier this year but what can you do?"

With a scene change the camera cut to Jaron sitting at the desk, his teeth showing a grin as he spoke once more, "I'm two-time Olympic medalist Jaron Randolf..."

"And I'm three-time Olympic medalist, Harley Andrews!" The rabbit squeaked out as she seemed to hesitate before saying in a sing-song voice as the camera pulled out to show the rest of the desk, "And..."

"I'm four-time medalist Jasmine Sayotame, happy to be here for the boy's competition, you guys!" Jasmine said, in her full riding gear but with a mic on.

"Soon to be five-time medalist!" Jaron barked out proudly.

"Jaron, no favoritism, even if it is true!" Jasmine giggled and showed a crooked grin to the camera, knowing Jarome would be looking upon her.

"Gods! Jazzy is so fucking hot!" Jarome barked out from the prep area, transfixed on the TV as several of the other boys rolled their eyes.

"So glad you could join us for the broadcast, Jasmine! How's it feel to be here again as a competitor?" Harley asked with a grin.

"Hey hey, Harley, let's not make this about me! This is the boy's time to shine, right? Let's look at the lineup to see the order our athletes are going to be dropping in!" Jasmine squeaked out in her business-like tone, showing she wasn't going to lap up the adoration and focus on her job.

"Oooh that's more than fair!" Harley said as the screen showed the lineup of competitors, with Jarome Samson at the top to drop in last.

"Competitors will drop in by the order of their qualifying times, best of three runs," Jaron said, casually.

"Mhm, and I'm being told preparations are almost settled and we'll be kicking things off shortly! The world's best are about to lay it all on the line! Stick around everyone, you'll not want to miss it!" Jasmine squeaked out as she pointed to the camera as the screen faded.

--*--A word from our sponsor--*--

A slipstream gleamed as it cut through the snow, scattering into sparkling flakes. Another shot shows a board leaving the halfpipe edge with the rider in a flurry of motions, after images tracing behind them before the landing stuck with a crunch in the silence.

Grinding the board to a halt with a flurry of snow, the camera panned up to see a long white-blue fluffy tail whip about a few times before panning up to the rider's face. The leopard showed their teeth before flicking their goggles up, showing it was Kayla in the full Altima gear.

The scene suddenly shifted to show Kai at her back, also fully decked out, the twins back-to-back with a shot of Hiroshi and Jarome holding X3s to the sides of them. All of the riders looked much more serious and focused compared to how they joked and played around in the prep area.

"Altima; ride like a champion."

--*--Back to our broadcast--*--

"Maybe we should all do that from now. Just stand around in the prep area with broody looks like we're part of an emo-punk band!" Jarome mewed out with a laugh before shifting his posture to mimic how he looked on the TV.

"You're an idiot, but I'll admit it felt a little too dramatic, what did you think since that was the debut of it, Kai?" Hiroshi asked, all three of the Altima riders around the TV.

"Kayla looked awesome, I just looked like some broody doofus!" Kai laughed but then lifted his ears as they called the first rider to the gate.

Everything settled and the riders started dropping in one by one. It wasn't like a normal competition, there was electricity in the air. Some riders just did their best, they were happy to just get this far, but others knew they were here to win and could do it.

It came to no one's surprise to see the big names from the league all carving out the top spots early in. The scores were showing this was a world-class event, with Hiroshi, Raul, and Kai all sporting low nineties.

"And here is our top qualifier to make the last drop of run one! Jarome Samson is in a pitched battle with the other riders right now in the league but I highly doubt any of that is on his mind right now!" Jaron called out.

"You think he did so well for you, Jasmine?" Harley cooed out playfully, the mouse perking her round ears, feeling her body warming up as she saw him locking his boots into place at the gate.

"Y-you know we're not supposed to..." She shook her head and huffed out, "Yeah, he did! And I know he's going to kick tail right now for me too!" She declared, their producer giving a shocked blink at the mouse's outburst.

Of course, Jarome could hear the broadcast at the gate as a camera closed up on him, a smug grin showing on his muzzle. "Of course I am, Jazzy! Can't let a hottie like you down!" He shoved his guard into his maw and pushed right off, the mouse grinning as she quickly grabbed up the portable mic, intent to meet him at the bottom.

"Woof... you two are cute as hell, Jasmine... and ... Jazzy?" Jaron barked out with a grin, having muted his own mic. Jasmine offered him a grin but just intently stared at the monitor that was showing his run.

Harley and Jaron made commentary on each trick he pulled off, the lynx looking like a different cat out there than the one at the league competitions. As he stuck the last trick, Jasmine squeaked out excitedly and was already jogging to the waiting area to get the post-ride interview with her boyfriend, Jaron, and Harley laughing about her eagerness.

The crowd was basking the cat in their adoration with chants of 'USA' filling the air as he unbuckled his boots and gave them a fist pump while grinning. He then perked his ears as he saw his mouse standing there waiting for him, mic in paw and looking proud.

"How do you think you did... kitten?" Jasmine offered him a grin, saying his pet name on live TV before shoving the mic into his face, the crowd laughing and cheering.

"That revenge for me calling you, Jazzy earlier? I didn't do you justice, but I tried my best, babe!" he mewed out proudly.

"You were awesome, but let's see what the judges thought," she hummed out as they turned to look at the score. A 94.6, sliding him right into second place behind Raul.

"Tch... the judges need their eyes examined, that was easily a ninety-six!" Jasmine squeaked out in protest, Jarome laughing as he leaned into the mic.

"Jazzy, it's fine, I got two more runs, and I know I can do better, no favoritism, right?" he purred at her with a grin.

"Hmph..." Jasmine pulled the mic away and gave his muzzle a purposeful kiss right there for all to see, showing she didn't care what the network thought, then she pulled back before speaking into the mic, "Back to you guys."

Kai wasn't going to be silent in this competition either, what with one gold medal already. He had something to prove to his sisters after all. Jarome improved his score to 96.2, but Kai took a firm lead at the end of the second drop with a 97.5. Hiroshi was lingering in fourth place with Raul holding onto his original score after having to ditch his second ride.

"Last drop, you ready for this, Roshi?" Kai asked with a grin, the buck giving him a cool nod. The leopard frowned and put his paws on his hips. "You still mulling on a few days ago, man?"

"No. Even with my wipeout, I took a medal, it wasn't gold, but... it proved my point," Hiroshi grumbled as he shoved his paws into his jacket pockets while they stood in the snow outside the prep area for privacy.

"Sure, but grooming aside, you're putting your best out here right now, yeah?" Kai cocked a brow.

"Don't be stupid, Kai. Of course, I'm not going to throw the competition for her stupid ass, I'll win the best medal I can for myself and... for you," Hiroshi hissed the words out and looked away with a huff, a plume of mist escaping his maw.

"Oh shit, were Charles and Jarome right?! Was that a confession?" Kai laughed out with a knowing grin.

"Fuck you, asshole. I don't want your damn cock or anything, just saying that... you're the reason I'm even here." Hiroshi shook his head and snarled as he continued, "You're the only reason I'm still in the league, I quite literally wouldn't be here if it wasn't for your meddling tail."

Kai shrugged. "It was a joint effort between all of us, man. The girls, and Jarome. I wasn't alone in getting you here, and-"

"But you started it! You called me to come over to Altima so I could keep boarding, helped me train, and you were even there to help me nurse my injury..." Hiroshi snorted and his brown eyes grew fierce as he clenched his gloved paw. "This is all because of you, Kai Hannah."

"Oh yeah? Then what are you gonna do to show your gratitude, Hiroshi Yukazama?" He put his paws on his own hips with a playful smirk.

"I'm going to kick your ass in the final drop, that's what!" Hiroshi scoffed out coolly as he lifted his muzzle.

"Yeah? You just gave me another reason to win, not just for the girls, but for you! Guess I'll have to kick your tail to show my love for you!" Kai laughed out.

"Love huh? Guess it's okay to say it so long as you don't get too gay with it," Hiroshi showed his teeth in a lazy grin, his eyes looking calmer.

"We've been through a lot this last year or so, I can say I love you without it being that weird, right?" he asked with a smile.

"Sure, but don't say it around Jarome... gods above we'd never heard the end of it," Hiroshi rolled his eyes before bringing his gloved fist up, Kai giving it a light bump with his own fist.

Jarome found himself talking with Raul before the final runs. "Man... aren't you nervous?"

"Why would I be nervous, my friend? Gina took the weight of responsibility off my shoulders, so I can just drink in this moment," the collie hummed out melodically as he pushed a paw to his own chest.

"Sure but, won't your family business just take off if you win a medal here?" Jarome asked.

"Won't your new mouse take off if you do? I dare say you are feeding her determination now. What do you think Jasmine will do if you medal?" Raul countered with a knowing smile.

Jarome hissed and perked his ears before glaring at the collie, "Hey, don't deflect my statement, you had to bail on the last run and it feels like you're not... all here?"

"I am fully focused, rest assured I've not taken any-"

"That's not what I mean, man..." Jarome grumbled as he folded his arms, the collie snorting at him.

Raul scratched his jaw and then offered a shrug. "I am here, and I am content. If the flow of my ride is sufficient, then so be it, if not, I again... am content, my father will be proud regardless."

"That's it huh? No overarching motivation or duty?" Jarome frowned.

"Do what you love, and the rest will follow. You must remember to do this for yourself as well, Jarome, I'm sure Jasmine would have it no other way," Raul gave him a lazy grin as he spoke as if having already clued in on the situation.

"Tch... Yeah, Jazzy said as such before this whole thing started... But I did it for myself for so long, it's kind of nice to do it for someone else for a change as well!" Jarome mewed and showed his own grin.

"Then our paths are set, my friend. No matter what may come, we will all meet again in the league finals where I plan to keep my championship," Raul declared with a knowing smirk.

"Oooh we'll see about that, try not to come to the finals fully baked, man! I might just take it from you!" Jarome mewed with a laugh.

"That's when I do my best runs, alas the IOC won't even humor recreational enjoyment here, and it'd be silly to fail a drug test and not compete, yes?" Raul hummed.

"So that IS your secret weapon eh?" The lynx grinned at him, the collie offering his own small grin.

The riders started dropping in and of the main four, Hiroshi would be the first to make his final run. By the time the buck ground his board to a halt, the fans were screaming 'USA' after the commanding run. The score dropped to the tune of 98.2 sliding him into the gold medal position with three riders to go.

Raul was next to drop in and like always, it wasn't about the national pride, it was all about the experience. His ride was exceptional, world-class to be sure, but he seemed to be lacking some of the fire he showed in competitions. The 97.7 slid him into second place, but with two more powerhouses to drop in, it was debatable how well it'd hold up.

"You've got this, kitten! I've seen you drop higher in the league, you should have had a medal last games, so make up for it this time, got it?!" Jasmine squeaked out to him as he walked to the gate with his phone to his ear.

"Got it, Jazzy, see you at the bottom!" he mewed out as he tucked his phone away and pulled his gloves back on. Fully gearing up he showed the camera a grin before shoving his guard in and dropping into the half-pipe.

Jarome's past Olympics were a bit controversial as he was bumped out of third place with what a large portion of the snowboarding community considered a very biased score for the other rider. Nothing official ever came of it but the IOC did have one of the judges step down after that competition.

Regardless, the lynx was here to make up for the past and do so in spades. Fueled by his newfound love and his own desire to be a better cat for her, he laid down a jaw-dropping run that brought everyone to their footpaws when he finally stuck the last trick, roars and cheers filled the air as he ground his board to a halt, showing a knowing grin to the fans.

He turned to where he knew Jasmine would be waiting for that post-ride interview, but then his yellow eyes widened as the mouse had just dropped her mic and sprang onto him. Both of them crashed into the snow as she huffed out and just shoved her lips to his own in a deep kiss, the crowd just feeding off the intensity.

"You were so fucking hot... I wanna ride you here in the snow..." She squeaked against his lips, her claws pushing into his coat as she leaned in to whisper into his ear, "You're not getting any sleep tonight once we're done here, kitten..."

Jarome offered a silly grin at the mouse as she gave him a heated look and kissed his lips again before picking herself up and offering a small paw to help him stand after he unbuckled from the board.

The score cemented what everyone had already known was a gold medal performance, a 99.2. With Hiroshi in second place and Raul barely clinging to third, it did indeed look like America was about to sweep the podium as Kai buckled his board in, huffing to himself as he thumbed through the text messages from his sisters.

With a flourish, he tucked the phone away, slid on his gloves, and gave the camera a snarky little grin before shoving his own guard in. Kicking off he only had one thing on his mind, doing better than a 99.2.

The leopard took advantage of his size, bringing plenty of momentum for his first trick which handily got more air and technical details in than Jarome's had. The second pass showed more of the same, the crowds screaming, knowing this was going to be a monster run.

Having destroyed the third pass, he went up for a fourth, which was pretty much mandatory at this point. It was going to be a claw-biter of a landing just like Jasmine's had been. The tricks were there, all he had to do was stick it and he'd have his second gold. The board grazed the lip of the half-pipe, barely hanging on, then slipped free as the big cat hissed out with wide eyes behind his goggles.

He didn't even feel the impact thanks to the adrenaline, just a sudden abrupt stop to everything before a high-pitched ringing filled his ears. There had been a bit of snow piled up on the fringes of the pipe but he still practically slammed face-first into the ground, his sharp teeth dug into the mouth guard.

Kai didn't know how long he was down, but before he knew it he had a medical staffer beside him, they said something in a language he didn't recognize, then shifted and asked again in English, "Can you feel your legs?"

"I can feel everything... I'm... fine..." Kai hissed the words as he spat his mouth guard out, planted his gloved paws, and started to lift himself.

The medical staff called out, "Don't move until we-"

"I said I'm fine!" He snarled out as he jerked away and climbed to his board, looking down and seeing a large crack running through his slipstream. "I'll finish my damn run," Kai hissed out as he gave a hop to get his ruined board into motion, skittering across the finish line a slight ringing still in his ears as both his sisters rushed out to him.

"What the fuck were you thinking?" Madeline snarled as she gripped his left arm, looking it over.

"Kai, I thought I was going to puke and cry at the same time when you landed like that, are you sure you're okay?" Kayla also started looking him over, pawing at his hip.

"Ngh... I hurt, but I don't think anything is broken, got a bit of a ringing in my ears though," He sighed as Madeline looked into his eyes, then grabbed his jaw, staring intently at his eyes.

"You have to let the doctors look at you, they'll probably want to put you on concussion protocol for the rest of the day," the rabbit said in a straightforward tone.

"Maddy, how can you be so calm?!" Kayla hissed out but then blinked as Kai rubbed her head.

"It's how our sister handles things, it's fine Kayla," Kai said with a frown then shook his head, "Sorry I didn't get you guys a medal."

"I'm just glad you're okay, Kai... brother... The medals, the sex games, all this shit takes a sideline to you being okay, so just don't even think about it," Madeline gripped his jaw as she explained, then eased her paw away with a relieved look in her eyes.

"Damn... this isn't how I wanted it to go down..." Jarome hissed out from the sidelines.

Hiroshi offered a deep frown but shook his head. "It's part of the game, I'm just glad he's okay."

"I should be elated I managed a medal, but all I feel is sorrow from seeing Kai take that fall. I'm thankful he seems to be alright," Raul sighed as he put a paw to his chest.

"W-we... He's going to be fine, we need to get you guys over to the medal ceremony, congrats, and we'll keep all of you up to date on Kai Hannah's condition when we have more to share!" Jasmine sighed into her mic, then looked to the camera as they went to commercial.

--*--A word from our sponsor--*--

"Stallford and Son have a long tradition of making snowboards..." As the voiceover played, Raul landed from a flip before grinding his board to a halt, lifting his goggles to give the camera a cool look, his messy bangs of hair drifting in the breeze. A moment later a small grin showed on his muzzle before he snorted out a giggle and fell over into the snow laughing as the voice continued, "Can you not be stoic for one shot, son?"

The next scene showed Raul pawing at his league championship medal as he called out, "Hey, is this one of the foil-wrapped chocolate ones?"

"No, that's your actual medal!"

"Oh... do we have any chocolate, man I'm starving..." the collie grumbled as he tossed the medal down with a pout.

Another shot of the collie sticking a landing before zig-zagging his route to come to a stop and flop right down on his rear with a bark of a laugh, "Ha ha... sorry, got a little dizzy there, I'll get it on the next take!"

"Stallford and Son, if we can make a champion out of this guy, imagine what our boards can do for you."

--*--Back to our broadcast--*--

"About an hour ago we all were treated to quite the exciting finale with the men's half-pipe. Everyone thought America was about to sweep but a nearly disastrous landing from Kai Hannah left him off the podium, allowing Raul Stallford to just eek by to get Mexico's second medal of the competition," Harley squeaked out in her business voice to the camera.

"Speaking of Kai Hannah, after being evaluated by the medical staff we are being told he didn't suffer a concussion as was feared. He's bruised and banged up, but nothing he'll not walk off in a week or two," Jaron followed up.

"Living the life huh? I got a few concussions when I boarded back in the day," Harley giggled.

"You can say that again, Harley! Nothing like having a screw in your knee by twenty-five, right?" Jaron laughed and then showed the camera a grin. "But let's talk about a rider that is still in their prime, despite being our age, shall we?"

"Oh, I knew you wouldn't be able to resist! With the opening of the female half-pipe finals soon to start, of course, the world is eagerly awaiting the return of a legend who was here in the booth with us earlier!" the sportscasting bunny hummed out proudly.

The camera cut to some stock footage of Jasmine readying her gear while chatting with some of the other riders, showing a grin to the camera with glitter streaked in her cheek fur, flashing a quick peace sign to it.

"If I can speak candidly, she actually told me about the harrowing tale of returning to the sport. Apparently, Madeline Lashinger and the Hannah twins were paramount in her resurgence!" Jaron barked out conversationally.

"Really!? She and Madeline have a vicious rivalry going, but then again the 'Snow Bunny' doesn't cut anyone slack during working hours, not even her lover Kayla," Harley fired back.

"Well, not to gossip, but I obviously work with Glitter, and she speaks so highly and fondly of them all, especially Madeline. It just does my heart good to see them all supporting one another, but still trying their best to win. That's how it should be in any sport, but I'm rambling and boring our viewers like an old dog here!" Jaron barked a laugh.

"Oooh, careful, you might get Chaz's dander all up talking about being old, he'd be all like, 'you two are still spring chickens compared to me!'" Harley squeaked out with a deeper voice.

Both their ears perked as their feed from the director said the preparations were ready and they could stop stalling for time. Jaron shifted his gaze to the camera as he spoke out, "I'm being told preparations are nearly finished, so let's get down to the gate before our rambling chases off any more viewers!"

"Hey, where's Gina?" Kayla called out as she looked around the prep area.

"She won't be participating, she's already been scratched from the competition," Jasmine said to the leopardess with a frown as she walked up to her and Madeline.

"I'm not surprised... She probably has been dealing with a lot of pain, the first few days are the worst after an injury like that," Madeline said cooly as she put a paw to her own hip.

"Apparently she was willing, but her agent and the medical staff talked her down," Jasmine sighed as she finished explaining.

"Mexico will have to settle for a gold and bronze then, still not a bad haul given they only had six athletes this year. One of those medals they lucked into, Kai should have taken gold, but his board couldn't handle that impact or pressure."

"Yeah, the Slipstream X3 is engineered for speed but it's not nearly as durable as what we ride, do you think he could have done it with a Gemini board?" Jasmine asked conversationally.

"No. Gemini's boards are shit for bigger species, they aren't good for riders like Kayla and Kai but-" Madeline stopped as she glanced over to Kayla who was snarling. "Sorry, wasn't trying to talk like you weren't here."

"I hate you guys can be so calm about all this! Kai got hurt, Gina got hurt, and..." she trailed off with a hiss coming from her clenched teeth.

"Kayla, were you listening to the broadcast? Jaron competed when I did, when he was like twenty-four, he crushed his knee. It's a small miracle I don't have some screws in joints somewhere." Jasmine gave her a frown and reached a paw out to pat her arm, "Your brother is fine, he'll want you to dial it in, you know that."

Madeline followed up, "Glitter is right, Kai is fine, and Gina is banged up, but this was the right call for her. She still needs to compete in finals in a few weeks. Would you rather her come here, try to lay it all out, possibly permanently injure herself and then-"

"I know! I know! I just... it feels so cold to talk about it like that..." Kayla sighed out, the other two riders offering knowing looks.

"Kayla..." Jasmine said gently as the leopardess looked at her, but then mewed out as the mouse shoved her shoulder hard, her brown eyes growing fiercer. "Dial it in, get it together. Gina and Kai would not be okay with you losing to your own headspace after getting this far! If you're going to stay in this muddled headspace, just go to the staffer and tell them to scratch you, you're wasting everyone's time otherwise." The mouse shoved her nose up and spun on her boot heels, marching back to where the equipment was.

"Damn..." Kayla hissed out and rubbed her shoulder, trying to process all that.

"Glitter was always like that in competitions... Caring, supportive, but detested wallowing..." Madeline shoved her paws into her own jacket and looked up at the leopardess, her red eyes looking a little gentler, but still stern. "She's not wrong baby, this isn't the time or place. Gina got her medal, and Kai is down at the bottom to cheer us on with his own gold. You started both of us down this path, you dragged my brother into this life again, and you made your way into my heart. Don't forget you don't just ride for yourself."

Kayla frowned at the words as Madeline also turned to leave, moving back to her own gear and giving the leopardess a few moments with her own thoughts.

It used to be so simple, just her and Kai playing in the snow. Competing and having fun, even in the league, it was just them. Now here she was on the biggest stage, worrying about lovers, friends, and everything in between.

"Okay, ladies! It's showtime!" One of the staffers called out, a few more echoes following from translators. Kayla felt her mind clear as she snapped her teeth and shook her head, moving to her gear. This was still what she was, and she knew her lovers would expect nothing but her best.

The riders started making their opening runs. Some succumbing to the nerves and wiping out, others putting on world-class performances. There were still twelve girls competing, as they'd just brought the runner-up from qualifying in to fill Gina's role.

As the pack dwindled down, Jasmine and Madeline's time grew closer. The rabbit and mouse seemed to know what the other was thinking as their gazes met, staring at one another.

Jasmine pulled her earpieces out and gave Madeline a smug little smile, lifting her muzzle before she spoke, "Should I play some cheesy western-style music? Maybe something from The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly?"

Madeline smirked at that and put an elbow to her knee as she just looked at the mouse. A little older, her brown fur showing just the faintest signs of white creeping in near her eyes and under her muzzle, but just looking every bit the indomitable rider she had always been.

"Do you regret it? The pain, the humiliation? The frustration?" Madeline asked curiously.

"Not even a little... You saw me at my worst, saw me crying, hating myself, writhing in pain... You didn't give up on me, even when you saw the cape off, saw the very scared and weak little pup of a mouse, I know you didn't do all that just for this," Jasmine responded in a haughty tone.

"Maybe at first I did... At first," Madeline darted her eyes to the TV, seeing Kayla would drop in soon, then she'd follow. Her red eyes shifted back to the mouse's brown ones as she continued, "At first, I wanted to just see you broken and beaten as you tried, reinforce you were dead and I was the supreme rider."

"You did see that, you could have left me there on the half-pipe, so why?"Her brow cocked as she asked the question.

"Because I saw myself in you, Glitter... I saw a girl that had given, everything, to the ride. I saw myself in that spot ten years or so from now perhaps, had I not been lucky enough to find a certain pair of leopards... Before Kayla and Kai came along, all I had was riding, just like you." Madeline snorted through her nose and looked away, rolling a jawbreaker against her teeth she had been sucking on.

"So you saw the fate you avoided, and felt the need to offer me a paw in support to save me from my own, eh?" Jasmine smirked and lifted her muzzle again, "How very noble and contrary to everything you said prior..."

"I still did it to kick your ass, Glitter!" Madeline snarled the words as she bit down on the candy, making it shatter in her jaw as she glared back at the mouse.

"Lashinger!" a staffer bellowed out as Kayla moved to the gate.

"Then draw your gun and take your shot, 'Snow Bunny'... Bigger girls than you have tried and failed, will you be the one?" Jasmine fired back with a cocky little grin.

"One last dance eh?" Madeline showed her teeth in her own smug grin.

The mouse rose to her feet and tucked her paws into her pockets, lifting her jaw. "One more time... I owe you so much, so I'll repay you, by absolutely destroying whatever you lay down, now get your tail in gear, rabbit."

Kayla was snarling with anger as she planted the last trick on the half-pipe, shoving her board hard once she got to the end of the course before spitting her maw guard out and pointing at her brother in the stands. "That was for you, Kai!" she roared out, her eyes looking fierce. He was going to go out to her but the event staff knew better and had purposefully situated to where they could stop them from trying, so he just offered her a proud grin and nod.

She was furious at herself still even as she shouldered her board and made her way towards the lift, seeing Harley waiting on her. The score dropped, a 97.0, putting her firmly in first place by over eight points.

"Wow! Way to open with a knockout punch, Kayla!" the rabbit squeaked out excitedly as she shoved the mic into her face.

"We both know with the other two behind me, that's going to struggle, but thanks. That one is for you, Gina. Sorry, you had to sit this one out!" Kayla mewed out as the rabbit offered her an approving grin.

"A ninety-seven eh? Glad to see you snapped out of it, baby..." Madeline showed her teeth in a fierce grin as she dropped her goggles and turned her music up to drown the world out. "Means I can't hold back on either of your accounts!" Shoving her guard in, she leaped out of the start gate to make her opening run.

Even through the deafening music, she could hear the chants of 'Snow Bunny' and 'USA' from the fans while she did her run. The whole place was practically shuddering with the sound of the fans as she ground her board to a halt and flipped her goggles up, giving the fans a smug haughty look as she pointed towards them.

Shouldering her own board in a similar fashion Kayla had done, she smugly trotted back to the lift, Jaron was waiting with his mic at the ready but as she passed she just called out, "I'm too dialed in for that, Jaron. Save it for later."

The greyhound frowned as the rabbit just hopped back on the lift, not even waiting for her score to drop. It did drop though and the place roared with approval, 97.5.

Jasmine grinned at the display monitor near the gate as she adjusted her goggles, flipped the camera a peace sign, and dialed her music up. Her heart was pounding and all the aches in her body felt deadened right now as the adrenaline was churning in her, filling her with the eagerness she'd not felt in over four years.

The whole place was electric, the world was watching and she knew it, the return of Glitter to the stage, to cement her legacy. Jasmine shifted her hips to make sure the board was good and lined up, then huffed out in a haughty tone of voice to the camera, "Alright, 'Snow Bunny'... Draw!" She shoved her guard in and launched herself out of the gate.

The Ice Reaver slashed through the snow like it was on air, the mouse hitting the first jump in a whirling spin of absolute chaos as if she would just lose control and fling herself off course, but then she righted it with a perfect landing to continue on.

The crowd was already losing it to see the legend was back and hadn't seemed to miss a beat. They didn't see all her physical suffering, all her emotional outbursts, to them, it was like she just picked it back up like it was nothing.

She was coming in so fast from the last trick, she had to actually use the safety wall to cushion her stop as the board rutted violently against the snow. Once stopped she yanked her helmet off, and casually flourished a paw to her ear expectantly, the crowd taking the cue as they dialed their roars of adoration up even higher as if the mouse was competing for their love against Madeline as much as for the medal.

Showing a smug grin, she saw Harley waiting for her and asked as she approached, "The producer wouldn't let Jaron come do this part, huh?"

"Nope, though I'm tempted to fangirl over you as well after that run, Glitter! Just... Wow!" Harley squeaked out.

Jasmine shrugged and pushed her soaked bangs from her face before cutting her eyes to the scoreboard a 98.7 flashing on it to put her in the lead. "I'd say that was at least a ninety-nine, you don't still have that crooked judge from last games do you?" she scoffed out as she turned to strut back to the lift.

"How's the knee?" Madeline grinned as the mouse trotted over, the rabbit having been waiting on her near the exit from the lift.

"My knee hurts like a motherfucker, but it won't stop me. How's your bruised ego?" Jasmine showed her own grin.

"First drop and I was holding back, needed to see if you had indeed wasted my time or not," Madeline huffed out calmly, wisps escaping her maw in the cold air, flakes starting to drift down as snow set in.

"Have I sufficiently stoked your adrenaline junkie needs then? I do hope your panties are as drenched as mine," Glitter said candidly with a wink before strutting right past the rabbit toward the prep area.

"Oh, you bitch..." Madeline chuckled as she followed after the mouse, unable to deny that fierce competition always got her revved up.

"Well, with the second round in the history books, I think we can say that you can forget about the hockey finals, this is the real drama to be watching!" Jaron barked out excitedly as the screen showed the current top three riders.

Kayla Hannah 99.4

Jasmine Sayotome 99.2

Madeline Lashinger 99.1

"Our analytics department just got back to me and we've never had this close of a race going into the final drop ever, on either the men's or the women's side of things!" Harley squeaked out gleefully.

"This is the big show, here and now, everyone! Is Kayla Hannah going to claim her first gold and beat back two legends or will Jasmine 'Glitter' Sayotome make history again?" Jaron asked.

"If anyone could beat the odds to take gold, it's Madeline 'Snow Bunny' Lashinger! They're almost ready for the final runs, so let's cut to commercial. Stick around everyone, you'll be sorry if you missed this one!" Harley shoved a gloved paw to the camera as the scene faded.

"Annnnd, we're clear," One of the techs called out.

"Gods fuck..." Jaron dropped his elbows to the desk, shoving his paws through his hair.

"You okay, Jaron?" Harley asked with a frown.

"Yeah, just trying to keep it together, I'm so damn happy for Jas. She could just sit down right now and pretty much has a medal regardless..." he sighed and sat back up, shaking his head.

"I know, it's very inspirational, I'm so happy for her, but we both know she won't do that. That's not how 'Glitter' operates." Harley showed him a smile.

"Yeah. Damn, watching her do this almost makes me want to get back into the game myself!" Jaron barked a laugh.

"You could always go find a minor casual league to compete in, something not quite so demanding on your beat-up old body?" Harley squeaked out playfully.

"Hey, watch the 'old' commentary there, Harley, you're only like two years younger than me!" Jaron laughed.

"There's a huge difference!" the rabbit squeaked out jovially.

--*--A word from our sponsor--*--

An Ice Reaver slashed through the snow, followed by a set of fierce-looking red eyes behind goggles. The next scene showed another similar board do the same, the underside of it showing 'Glitter' in graffiti-style characters before a more cool set of brown eyes showed through their own goggles.

With another shift, a scene showed Madeline finishing a series of tricks before slamming her board down to the snow hard. Then Jasmine did her own set before grinding her own board to a halt, the rabbit and mouse face to face in a staredown.

The scene faded to black to just show the Gemini logo as Jasmine and Madeline's voices spoke in unison, "Legendary gear for legendary riders."

--*--Back to our broadcast--*--

"I've faced bigger odds than this before and came out on top, I'll do it again!" Madeline shouted at the camera before shoving her guard into place and dialing her music up. That wasn't true, she'd never stared down these kinds of scores and be expected to beat them. Scores like this typically fell on the final run, not leading up to it.

She glared back to the prep area, seeing the mouse standing there waiting for her own time to drop in. Jasmine casually lifted her paw in a finger-gun, eerily similar to how Madeline had done prior. The rabbit's fierce red eyes narrowed before she bit down on her guard and launched from the gate, the mouse offering a knowing smirk, having known just what to do.

"Stuck up bitch, stuck up bitch, stuck up bitch!!" she repeated the words in her head as she spun and flipped, feeling like a teenager again that was full of fury and annoyance with the mouse that always beat her.

'Not this time, I will have this, I will beat you, Glitter!' her thoughts swirled in her brain as she ground her teeth while doing her second pass, pushing her body to its limits, knowing this was how it had to be.

Too much air, too many technical tricks, not enough time. She was on her fourth pass, seeing she was about to do the same thing Kai had done. She didn't want to play it safe, she couldn't play it safe, her body and heart wouldn't let her.

The Ice Reaver smacked the edge of the pipe hard, sending a shock of pain up her leg as she winced, but she didn't care, she made it look smooth, made it look controlled, that's all the judges would care about.

Sweat was dripping on her as she slung the helmet off, pointed to the fans with a smug look, and then just felt her body melt as she toppled back in a sprawl, panting as the adrenaline cleared, a heavy flurry of snow swirling about. As medical techs started to approach she waved them off with a paw, "I'm fine, just spent, go away!"

This time Kai did push through, shoving the staffer aside with a growl as he rushed over. Madeline blinked up to see her brother appear in her vision, showing him a haughty grin through the flurrying snow. "Worried about me, brother? You saw that on the pipe huh?"

"Of course I did... can you walk?" He kneeled before her, already working her boots out of the board.

"It aches, but it's nothing to worry about, just had to keep it clean for the judges..." Madeline winced as she sat up, then squeaked as Kai helped her stand, her legs wobbling a little as she pushed into his chest awkwardly. "Damn... brother, you shouldn't be this close in public like this..." she muttered.

"It's fine, just looks like I'm helping you, right? Helping the girlfriend of my sister out, nothing wrong with that, eh?" he purred as he helped her walk over to the medalist waiting area.

"Sometimes I wish you and I didn't have to hide it, that you two didn't either... Thanks brother... Being here, doing this with you two seeing me, I'm a lucky rabbit..." she whispered as she limped a little, her leg aching but regaining her footing more and more as they walked.

By the time they'd reached the waiting area, Madeline pulled from him, walking normally as she turned to face him, collecting her board as she stared upon him with a gentle look, the leopard giving her a small bashful grin before turning and walking back towards the audience.

"You okay, Madeline?" Jaron asked as he held the mic before her.

"Yeah, but I'll be feeling that landing for a few days," she said with no heat in her voice, almost sounding at peace. Regardless of where it all ended, she had her finale, she had given Jasmine her dream.

"Holy shit..." Jaron muttered out on camera, the producer freaking out at his sportscaster dropping a slur on live tv as the score dropped.

Madeline frowned and just fell back to sit in the snow once more, her legs giving out, seeing the score as well, triple digits without a point in them, a one-hundred. It didn't feel like it should have been that high, it didn't feel like she was worthy of it. Was that how it was? When legends make scores like that, they just happened upon them? No one sets out and says "I'll one-hundred this run!" after all.

"Huh..." She perked one ear, cocking a brow, a small giggle bubbling up, then as it set in, she showed a haughty smirk, the in-control rabbit getting a rein on things as she slowly found her footpaws and shifted a paw to her hip.

"What the fuck! What... the... fuck, Maddy!" Kayla was mewing out excitedly and furiously back at the prep area, her tail whipping about frantically as she paced around the TV.

Jasmine was frowning at the score, seeing the imposing numbers before her. Who could drop in with confidence seeing that? Still, she had her metal, she had her fifth games, and it was okay. Any medal was respectable for a girl her age after-

"Glitter! I know you can hear me! You don't put every ounce of your soul into this run, I'll kick your ass when you get down here! Don't you dare cheapen my first one-hundred by slacking off!" Madeline's voice was heard over the sound system near the gate, the rabbit having snatched Jaron's wrist to yell into the mic.

"Wow... just wow... You shoot me dead, then demand I get up and shoot you back huh?" Jasmine shook her head before dialing her music up and shoving her goggles down. "Alright 'Snow Bunny', one more round then!" She shoved her guard in and pushed out of the gate.

Her knee was screaming as she stuck the first landing, she winced from the impact but pushed it off, this was the price she had to pay. This was what she had to do, for herself and for that stupid rabbit that brought her here. Madeline didn't need to kick her ass, she'd do it on the way down the pipe.

The second set saw a glorious flourish of tricks and spins, her wiry tail wrapped around one leg to keep drag down even on the slightest level as she stuck the landing hard again but just kept pushing.

By the third landing, her knee was ready to buckle but she just reinforced her stance to make her fourth pass. "I'm not done, I'm... not... not here, and not now!" she screamed the words to herself in her mind as she pushed harder than she'd ever done before on her tricks. Her board smoothly hit the last drop, her knee mercifully not feeling the bite of pain as she brought her board to a halt, squeaking at her speed and weakened legs, unceremoniously slamming into the safety barrier with a wince before toppling over with a pant, similarly sprawled out, gazing up at the sky as flakes hit her face.

"Jazzy!" Jarome mewed out, the staffers not even trying to stop the lynx as he clawed over the barricade and rushed to her side.

"Damn kitten... you pull this shit that Kai did, people are going to think all this is scripted..." she giggled as he helped her up, wincing and rubbing her knee before unbuckling her board.

"That's the most insane run I've ever seen you make... my heart is still pounding!" Jarome mewed out as he took her board and started helping her walk toward the smug-looking rabbit who was showing an approving grin.

"Yeah? Well, my head and everything else is pounding, not in the sexy way either..." Jasmine giggled then leaned in, huffing against his ear, "Did you enjoy seeing it though? Because I'm soaked for you, kitten..."

Jarome mewed lightly as they stopped to stare upon one another, then both of them shoved their muzzles together, kissing furiously right there in front of the whole scene as the crowd roared louder and Madeline rolled her eyes.

"You are so fucking hot..." Jarome hissed out as he pulled her closer.

"Huff... as soon as we ditch this place, kitten... understand?" she cooed and cupped his muzzle, kissing his lips before he nodded and they parted from one another.

Jasmine made the rest of the walk alone, Madeline giving her a knowing smirk as she asked, "Got plans later?"

"You know it..." she squeaked out calmly then shifted her gaze to a serious one. "Sufficient, or do you need to start kicking my ass?"

Madeline looked up at the scoreboard, the crowd offering a collective gasp, a stunning silence hanging before the mad cheers started filling the place as an identical score to Madeline's dropped.

"I knew it..." Madeline sighed as she frowned.

"Knew what?" Jasmine bit her lower lip, her heart shoved in her throat, realizing what had just happened, she had made a one-hundred years ago in her 'prime' but she never thought she'd see another.

"I knew you had another perfect ride in you, but I knew I'd have to push you to give it to me..." Madeline pulled closer, both of them leaning into one another to hear themselves through the fans.

"Madeline..." Jasmine looked into her eyes with a frown.

"Heh... I'm not there yet, I had to stick a sloppy landing to make it happen, had to hurt myself a little in the end, but you... you landed seamlessly, you made the perfect run, not me... The judges are just full of shit..." she laughed bitterly as Jasmine hugged her right up, their foreheads pushed together.

"I knew you were full of shit, I knew that whole gunslinger thing was bravado! You hurt yourself... for me of all mice!?" Jasmine glared at her as she hissed out.

"I meant what I said every step of the way, so don't get full of yourself, but... it's not like I'm seriously hurt, and if it got you this moment, it was worth it. There's no tie-breaks officially, but I feel you made the better run, Glitter."

"What are you, a fucking judge now? Shut up and take your gold medal, 'Snow Bunny' you earned it!" Jasmine squeaked out with a cocky grin.

Kayla brought down her own disgusting run that had everyone on their footpaws roaring and screaming, showing this wasn't over just yet. When the score came down, it was an insane 99.8, just a whisper away from the one-hundred's the two girls before her made.

"Okay, this is bullshit and you both know it! In what reality, is 99.8 not only not gold medal-worthy, but is a bronze because you two couldn't make up your mind and had to have two gold medals?!" Kayla mewed out with a fussy glare, her paws on her hips.

"Sorry about that, baby... You did have a little bit of a slight trip on one of your landings though..." Madeline said candidly.

"I'm gonna trip you into the snow and fuck you here in front of everyone, gods your bullshit and smarmy attitude get me soaked!" Kayla hissed and grabbed the rabbit up, nuzzling her jaw as Madeline grinned.

"Gods, you two need to get a room," Jasmine laughed.

"I don't want to hear it when you were sucking face and plotting how quickly you could ride your new cat just a few minutes ago!" Madeline squeaked out, then huffed as Kayla gave her jaw a lap before leaning back.

"Seriously though, congrats you two. Still pisses me off, though." Kayla grinned as she shook her head.

"You have a right to be pissed, that was a championship performance, Kayla. You've still got two medals, pretty respectable for your first Olympic debut!" Jasmine squeaked out as she lifted her muzzle.

"Yeah, you're just getting started, baby. You'll easily trounce my legacy once you get rolling!" Madeline squeaked out and grinned. "Besides, we gotta get you trained up for big air like you wanted, then we'll both be going for triple medals next time!"


"Holy... shit..." Jarome huffed out as his paw rubbed at Jasmine's head, her brown locks drifting against his claws as he stroked one of her rounded ears, the mouse between his knees with several inches of his jumping length in her mouth.

She hummed happily, her tail coiling as her small tongue flicked at the underside of his jumping length, bobbing her head at her own pace, feeling him just petting her and drinking the moment in.

"Ha!" She squeaked out with a sigh as she popped his head from her mouth, licking her chops and looking up at him with sultry eyes filled with hearts, her small paw pumping at his length as she offered a crooked grin.

"You're the hottest fucking girl on this planet, babe... ngh..." Jarome panted then mewed out as Jasmine went back down for more, rising up slightly to take him even deeper. The lynx lolled his tongue as the small mouse actually took him all the way to the hilt, holding him there as her throat clenched against him.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck!" he mewed out frantically, his claws digging into her scalp as she held the position for a few more agonizing moments before slowly withdrawing him with another haughty little huff.

"Gonna endure, kitty? My mouth too much?" She licked her chops and leaned back slightly while pumping at his twitching length, fully nude on the floor for him save his new gold medal she wore, the disc resting right atop her perky breasts, peaks stiff to show her eagerness for him.

"I've never... huff... had a girl go that deep before!" He mewed out, then showed a crooked grin as the mouse climbed right into his lap from the floor. She splayed her paws against his own bared chest, her newest medal the only thing the lynx wore.

"Uh-huh? I've always been good at doing it, any time for you kitten... Happy to do that for my boyfriend..." she whispered against the side of his muzzle as her body pushed to his own, her breasts squeezing into his chest, feeling his paws slide along her curvy hips, grinding his jumping length against her own drenched petals.

"Can I return the favor, babe? Want me to go muzzle first into that pussy of yours?" Jarome showed her a crooked little grin, the mouse humming as she lifted a clawed finger to her cheek as if thinking about it.

"Hum... tempting buuuut..." Jasmine wriggled her hips from his paws and turned around right in his lap, pushing her back up to his chest as he grinned, his paws eagerly moving to cup her breasts from behind, squeezing them gently. "Wanna do it like this tonight? You can roll me over partway through and take me like a bitch in heat too!"

"Is that what I smelled that's driving me crazy? Did your cycle start, Jazzy?" he asked with a purr, his paws already on her hips again, guiding that jumping length to stroke and rub at her sex, teasing her pearl as she panted for her new lover.

"Uh-huh... Last night... it's why I was able to board like a demon today!" she squeaked out and grinned as he shifted to position the tip of his cock to her entrance, starting to slowly grind it against her, working it in eagerly as mouse honey dripped down the jumping length.

"You sure it's safe?" he groaned out as he kept pushing, showing he really didn't care what the answer was, his tip popping in after some effort, the mouse offering a little squeak of a sigh.

"It's safe, but I doubt that'd stop you, kitten..." Jasmine groaned as she felt him slowly pulling her down even as she spoke, that length sheathing nice and deep into his new mouse girlfriend.

Jarome hissed and flexed his paws, jerking her small body down the last few inches, Jasmine's tongue showing as he forced it all in, feeling it jump hard inside her and prelove dribble against her core. "Oh fuck, Jarome... ngh... that's a good kitty... my kitty..." She panted and lifted a paw to rub under his muzzle.

"I love it when you call me yours..." he snarled into her ear, his hips already grinding, shifting his length deep inside the smaller girl, feeling her walls clench as she clearly was cresting for him.

"Gods fuck... that's it kitten... been dripping for you all fucking day... and I know you've been just as pent up..." Jasmine sighed and shifted her own hips, grinding back against him, feeling him push deep inside.

"Still can't believe it went down like this... can't believe you're in my arms and I'm inside you..." He panted into her ear as she hummed proudly and nodded, keeping her hips grinding with his own.

"I wasn't looking for you, Jarome, but I'm so glad I found you... I don't plan to let you go either if I can help it... now roll me over. I want you to fuck me like I'm your bitch!" Jasmine panted the words, then squeaked as the cat instantly followed her request.

Her elbows hit the mattress as she huffed out, feeling him fully mount her from behind, his jumping length never having really left her. She spread her knees a little, then gasped as he gripped her wrists, holding them to the bed as his hips shoved forward.

She saw stars as he smacked deep into her core, her tongue lolling as he felt her walls spasm against him, showing the mouse was loving the proper breeding position. Her wiry tail finally found his own near where they were joined, wrapping possessively around it.

"Come on, Jarome... ngh... fuck me! I know you didn't empty your tank on the competition, fuck your mouse!" Jasmine squeaked out the words, prodding him as the cat mewed out and gave in to her temptations.

"Fuck... Jazzy you're fucking perfect!" he hissed out as he squeezed her wrists and dug his footpaws into the sheets, claws out as he started to really buck his hips, rutting against her round backside with deep impacts, listening to his mouse squeak out with excited moans.

"Gods! Gods! Right there kitten! Right... theeereee..." Jasmine slurred the last part as he drove her to another release, her brown eyes rolling up as he didn't let her go through the throes and just kept pumping inside her.

"Almost... huff... almost... give me another Jazzy... I want more of your love!" He mewed out and shoved harder, the mouse crying out as he smashed into her core, seeing stars as her own claws dug hard into the sheets, feeling herself building up even though she hadn't recovered from the last one.

"Gods... Jar...ome... I can't think...let me... give me a seeec..." she slurred out, then yelped out as his paws grabbed her shoulders and shoved her chest down into the sheets.

"Nu-uh... You said to fuck you like my bitch... so cum for me, my mousey bitch!" he mewed out as Jasmine let out an almost feral-sounding grunt, her tongue lolled and eyes looking unfocused as he just shoved hard into her, intent to bring his new girlfriend as much pleasure as he could.

"I ... fucking... Gods!!" Jasmine practically screamed in a moan, her wiry tail constricting on his own like her walls did his intruding length, crushing him with the brutal forced orgasm he'd brought forth in her small body.

"Fuck!" was all Jarome could yelp out as her viciously tight walls wrung his cock, the lynx lolling his own tongue, hearts in his yellow eyes, looking stunned and unable to even muster up a moan as his body gave in for this older girl.

Jasmine licked her chops, jerking her hips back and sighing proudly as she felt his love fill her. Jarome fell to his elbows, his chest to her back, the mouse offering a drunk grin as she felt each thick rope gush into her before he offered up the most adorable little whimper as she milked the last of it in.

"Jasmine... babe... fuck..." he panted into her ears, the orgasm so intense he still couldn't focus his eyes.

"Hgn... fuck indeed... that was soooo good, Jarome... The medal was nice, but... huff... you're the real prize I got from this..." Jasmine looked up at him over her shoulder, her hair a mess, looking disheveled from the frantic sex.

"Damn... just... I'm the one supposed to make the sappy lines... Saying something like that to a guy right after that kind of sex? I might have to break the rule and say it at least once!" he mewed out as she felt him tug his arms around her, hugging her while on top of her.

"Hm hm... maybe I'll allow you to say it one time before we fly out tomorrow!" Jasmine giggled before leaning close to nuzzle his jaw as they held one another, two champions spent and high on one another's adoration.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 16

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Ko-Fi](https://ko-fi.com/gcstargazer) helps...

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Wishmaker Chronicles: Sizume

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on [Patreon](https://www.patreon.com/gcstargazer) or...

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Neon Warren: Episode 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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