A Reptilian’s Naked Lusts 2: The Cock and the Climax

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A perverted intern working in an off-world facility with a taste for exotic beasts pounces on the opportunity to unleash his perverted sexually desires upon one of the facility's most pent-up residents.

Description: A perverted intern working in an off-world facility with a taste for exotic beasts pounces on the opportunity to unleash his perverted sexually desires upon one of the facility's most pent-up residents.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor


A Reptilian's Naked Lusts 2: The Cock and the Climax


It hurt to separate himself from the creature he loved...yet fate wasn't done with him. As usual, something bad had to counterbalance every ounce of good he experienced in his rollercoaster of a life.

"They...came for me, while I was still lost in sweetest slumber, my arms cradling his snout, his member, throbbing between my legs. I knew such perfect moment could not be real when I awakened to their horrendous laughter rather than my beast's gentle purr. Exposed like prey before their hungry eyes, naked down to the scales I wore when I came into the world, I did...nothing." Skallior gritted his teeth and hissed. "I froze. Such a weakling, to take all of their spite, their vitriol, their mocking remarks about how gnarly my helplessly erect member looked."

"That...shame followed me like a plague, sticky, stubborn, like a shadow with no light to banish it. They laughed in the hallways, they laughed in the gardens, even at home, they kept assaulting me with altered pictures of my member, twisted, bent, smaller than my claws, even. I...had no choice but the obvious. To cage the root of my shame, to save myself from the pain, so that neither man nor beast would ever see it again."

Rattling sounds, rapid huffing, and the frame of his suddenly shaking nest got Skallior's attention back to Viari. "Hey, what got into you? Are you some kind of masochist, to delight in the suffering of- Oh." The pink flesh kissing the bars of the cock-cage put an honest blush on the reptilian's pleased face. "Someone's enjoying himself just as prematurely as I did! But I'm not done yet, my dear. Let us...banish the darker moments of my life, and turn eyes back to glorious present, for a present I have to present you with!"

Moving over to the collection that still endured on top of the firmly bound creature's belly, Skallior forgot all about the past and grabbed what seemed to be the longest cock in his collection. A monster wearing a flared, mushroom shaped head followed by not one, or two, or even three...but four oval shaped, wavy knots that looked as pleasing as they looked alien. "This one belongs to a serpentine tree climber! A species that, among many other interesting feats, suffers from frequent wet dreams. Productive boys, they are, deliciously sensitive to stimulation, and horny...yes, you guessed it. All the freaking time!" Skallior laughed while he indulged Viari with a quick tale of more of his perverted exploits.

"I'll show you pictures during our next session to see who the cock is attached to, because right now, we need to make room for...THE PENETRATOR!"

Skallior quickly placed all of the dildos in his pack besides his previous three layered randomly in Viari's nest. With the penetrator in hand, he presented it to the creature as if it was some sort of treasure, and, as expected from an ornery captive fueled by weeks of abstinence, Viari's eyes followed the cock no matter where Skallior moved it.

"You want it, hmm? You want to give it a kiss?"

Viari grabbed its proffered tip into his mouth not to rip or chew through its hard, fleshy texture...but to suck on it like a hungry little beast.

"Maaan, you really warmed up to my collection. Here. Let it out. You're gonna-"

A splatter of hot slime shot into Viari's throat, getting him to choke on the translucent, sweet tasting fluid that emulated a male's semen.

"See? You made it squirt! This thing has complex artificial mechanisms that know when to fake an orgasm. We want that inside you, not OUTSIDE!" Skallior scolded the confused, big-eyed animal with a pointed finger...and instantly felt bad at the big puppy eyes his rant gave birth to.

"Oh, sweetie, tough love is still love, you know?" He kissed Viari on the top of his cute snout. "There's only a limited amount of lube in this thing. Let me make it count, or your tight tailhole is going to feel like a plough running along a dry riverbed."

While normal xeno zoologists would prescribe a stern regimen of behavioral training to get their subjects to learn new tricks, comply with their commands, become docile, harmless puppies, Skallior prescribed FUN! The sort that involved thrusting exotic dicks in places that could make even a big creature like Viari huff. His tailhole already contracted with eager expectations, leading to a toothy grin on the reptilian's part.

"Just one moment." Skallior delved a hand into his pack. He emerged with a half full bottle of Winter's Sloppy Kiss brand of lube and a simple, conic shaped dildo that looked like the penis of a lion from the old world. No barbs. Just smooth, glistening flesh.

"Beware," he said as he turned on the self-heating function of the dildo and injected the lube into its girth. "This might have the pleasant side effect of making you AROUSED!"

Viari's anus welcomed the intrusive object into its depths surprisingly well. Little by little Skallior pushed it deeper, entranced by how much quicker the anal muscles clenched around his dildo the deeper he went. With the thing hilted down to its base, Skallior pressed the ejaculation button. The dildo buzzed and squirted, five separate times, each round more intense than the last.

"Almost done. Hold yourself together, you horny beast."

That was tough to say to a creature whose balls churned with unspent seed. As soon as the first scalding jets of seed-like gel hit his sweetest depths, Viari tensed, the pressure exerted by the dildo starting to feel a bit toooo good on the aroused monster, his toes spreading and his spiked fur unfurling like a fan of growling passion.

"Mraaahhh!" he growled, throwing his head back to pant like a creature in heat. He wanted more. How utterly adorable!

"Oh, you like that?" Skallior gently plopped the smooth cum injector out of Viari's dripping rear. Thick strands of excess lube splashed in his beautifully clean nest, making a spectacle for the perverted lizard's glistening eyes. "You haven't seen anything yet, my needy friend. Let's see how you react to the lion's barbed kin."

Gently, smoothly, Skallior began to probe Viari's tail like his feline mates would, hitting the surroundings of his hungry anus a little bit with the tip to emulate the searching attempts for the right angle of penetration before a sudden, passionate plunge would take them fully inside. To make the experience feel real as best he could, Skallior not only roleplayed his midnight hunter's noises, but also squirted the moderate amounts of cum-lube held by this type of dildo within the first few seconds, just like a living, overstimulated feline.

"Mrrhmmm...I see that my story did little to prolong this fleeting passion. Quick ones definitely aren't your thing," he grumbled when the explosively short mating barely got a moan out of his test subject. "Let's try something with a bit more length to it." He grabbed onto the basilisk, aiming it provocatively at Viari's unsatisfied ass. "Elankis, my dear. If you would take over."

Like before, Skallior formed a whole story around a chance encounter between his dear Elankis and his test subject. Using a life like licking toy that felt just as satisfying as a real horny creature, he had his Elankis lick Viari's tail nice and good before he saw himself in with a shuddering growl. The first thrust failed to elicit an obvious response from Viari...but the more he worked the cock in and out, huffing and hissing like Elankis undoubtedly would inside the lovely cavern of such a beautiful creature, Skallior quickly obtained the results he wished for. It all started with twitches of his limbs, smoothly descending into a whimpering cacophony that only meant one thing.

Viari's hidden pleasure spot loved the grappling motions of Elaknis' glans spikes.

"Oh yessss, you like that, don't you?" Skallior slowed his long thrusts to focus on stimulating Viari's deliciously full prostate. "Let him scratch your needy itch, dear boy. Help him taste how a mating with you feels like."

The bed started rocking with Viari's ascent into the inevitable, but as enticing as seeing him spurt was, Skallior had more surprises in store for him.

"Oops. Seems he got bored of you." Skallior chuckled at the angry, horny look Viari thrust in his direction once his ass found itself deprived yet again of the dildo's filling bliss. Right when things got good too!

"No worries. I have just the cure for your heated itch."

Mating him with the serpentine tree climber's shaft felt both satisfying... and a bit ridiculous. Not only were the knots making the needy creature tense up with every insertion or retreat, but the way his cock pressed against the bars of his cage with every knot slipping past his tight, swollen, nerve-packed prostate aroused Skallior quite a lot. The animalistic part of him yearned to see the creature's cum sprout forth from his penis, caged as it was. He wanted to smell that strong, primal essence, to taste its thick, abstinence-enhanced consistency, to feel the radiating warmth of cum sprouted from a penis filled with hot blood trickle down his scales...but that part had to be caged. Like his cock. Held hostage by a higher, smarter, better power.

"Alright, enough moaning. Time for the real deal." He shoved the dildo out so quickly Viari squirted a little stream of pre owed to the quick friction of the knots plopping out of his abundantly lubricated rim. Empty and angry, it thirsted for the next best thing.

A thing that did come much sooner than even Viari expected. With his trained muscles stretching around to welcome the glans of the largest toy in Skallior's collection, the fabled Penetrator slid in a little easier than both males expected.

"Hrff, take it easy, I'm not sure how many partners you had before we got you, but this thing is definitely bigger than a cat, or me." Ridge by ridge, Skallior's careful motion saw Viari filled in a way that would not provoke him any sort of harm. He got used to the kneading motions of his toes, the flutter of his wings, his quickening breath, ripe with anticipation.

But the yowl that came forth once the dildo went past its midway point alarmed Skallior like nothing else.

"Fuck, did I...too fast?" He quickly took the thing out to spread the creature's gooey anus apart with two crafty fingers. Looking into his gooey, twitching depths revealed nothing out of the ordinary, so to make absolutely sure no accidental tears took place, Skallior inserted two fingers in the hungry cavern, feeling his way along the elastic muscles among the groping bliss that made him imagine a scenario where a more intimate, sensitive part of him found itself there, in that heaven of tight, moistened bliss.

He shook his head of that nonsense. "Yep, you can definitely take more."

With the dildo back in hand, Skallior resumed his insertion. He penetrated Viari until he squirmed, huffed, and growled not in pain, nor in anger...but in warm, shuddering need for more.


The way his test subject adapted to a dildo he never dared to put under his own tail satisfied him far more than he wanted to admit. Licking his snout with glee, he continued his squelching thrusts with one hand and reached for Viari's testicles with the other, greedily, yet gently cupping their perfect, perky forms. One of his greatest pleasures in life was to make larger creatures squirm. Be it on his own merit or with aid, like The Penetrator plentily provided, Skallior often got off when creatures did, the violent expulsion of their pent up semen pushing him past the point of no return with such wanton ease! Even imagining Viari's cum shut through the bars of the chastity cage, as silly as that seemed, tested the bonds of his cock-cage with sharp, throbbing surges.

"Like that...yessss...you like being fucked by bigger beasts...don't you boy?" His thrusts slowly approached the hefty knot at the base of the dildo. "You like to feel them throb hard inside you. You adoooore to be ploughed by their lustful thrusts, grabbed by their salivating jaws...filled like the little slut that you are...right until you feel their fiery passion explode inside you!"

Viari roared when the dildo's knot rammed against the entrance of his ass far harder than any preceding thrust.

"Oh please. I didn't even knot you yet!" Skallior grinned wickedly, pressing the much too large knot of the dildo against Viari's dainty ass-hole. To some inept normies like Tom and Jackson, the two self proclaimed prodigies of this facility, the creature's loud noises would sound like pain. The fools would immediately sedate him to analyze what went wrong.

But to Skallior's trained ears, the creature's roar was a melody. A song of lust and need that demanded not a pause, but a thirst for more. Toes spread out at an all times high, member dribbling with copious strands of lubrication as it pitted its raging lust against the oppressive cage that kept it small, weak, and sensitive, maw huffing for breath, Viari very much seemed ready to burst!

"What's the matter, boy?" Skallior teased him with more groping over his genital regions. "You want to cum, like my beasties? Your balls are at my mercy," Skallior pumped his hand one last time around Viari's fat testicles, then slowly traveled up towards his maleness, pressing a claw's tip gently right in the center of Viari's raging cock, tickling his squirming pee-hole with a very careful claw. "And now, your cock too is at my whim. Look how nice it dances. Look!"

Picking his head up, Viari did look, his endurance lasting only for a second before his head fell back into his nest with a lustful moan.

"Oh dear, you are so deliciously close to the finish. But the pleasure I provide is sadly not as free as I led you to believe." He grinned. "Tell me...what can you possibly offer me to help you cum, hmm?"

He held his claw there, at the very center of his cock, biding his time for the inevitable frustration that would wash down over his captive's desperately needy state. As soon as Viari started to snap at him to rightfully demand his immediate release, Skallior began tapping his tip with his claw, teasing Viari with an annoyingly quick prodding on the softest part of his cock until his frustrations squirted out the first of many lines of pre.

"Wonderfurrrrr," Skallior huffed as he placed his snout into the line of fire and flicked his bifurcated tongue out to taste the delicious smell of this gorgeous creature's desperate need. "So close, yet so far to the climax." He started huffing himself now that the taste of a fellow male's pre-ejaculate tainted his mouth. "I'm impressed by how hard you squirted. I give you that. You must be one of those flaccid squirters. Can shoot pre, but not much else. Must be super annoying to be on the very edge of the most intoxicating release of your life, but still on step apart from the filling feeling of utter domination. Let me give you a taste of the real deal, hmm? Maybe that will get you convinced!"

With that said, Skallior retrieved his naughty hand, grabbed the dildo with both hands, and shoved it as hard as he could towards Viari's trembling tailhole. His ass had no other choice but to spread out and assimilate the bulge that spread Viari wider than ever, his sharp yowl a testament to the amazing effects of The Penetrator.

"Hurts so good, doesn't it?" Skallior chuckled. "I'll give you a minute to make acquaintance with big K. Bet you can't last half of that without creaming your nethers."

But he did. No matter how he tensed, how he growled, how he writhed, his member refused to squirt out any more sharp jets. That made Skallior secretly frustrated. He so thought the knot would set the big beast of, but if not that, then another secret weapon surely would. By twisting a small thing at the base of the dildo, The Penetrator came to life with a buzz that completely obliterated any trace of resistance in Viari's sexually exhausted body. His eyes widened like berries, his body tensing so hard he seemed to be having The Fits. The effects of Skallior's craftiness could not easily be seen...but they were certainly and thoroughly felt all over Viari's splendorous body, as every muscle, from snout to tail, started to vibrate with the cathartic pressure of impending release.

"What's the matter, boy? Is some buzzing too much for you? What are you gonna do, hmm? Are you gonna cum at me, huh? Are you gonna-"

It just so happened that within moments of his stupid giggling, Viari unleashed not one, or two, but three hefty squirts of pre-coital juices that filled the room with the steamy, pent-up musk of a male in desperate need to ejaculate. Unable to withstand the pressure exerted by the flared, vibrating ridges of the Penetrator, his prostate emptied itself of all the excess fluid in a waterfall that rained down upon the nest, upon his own nethers...on Skallior's own naughty hand.

He wanted to feel his cock spasm while he squirted...but the heat of his precum slamming against the entrapping palm of his hand just...overwhelmed him. Far too tired to be ignored anymore, the reptilian's primal side filled his head with fantasies where it wasn't his mouth that pressed down upon Viari's cock cage, but his vent. A vent drenched by thick, monstrously arousing cream.

"Oh...oh no. Now now, not...fuuuuck it's another one of those spontaneous aaaaaahhhhh!" Skallior's vision flickered with the untimely explosion of a most annoying spontaneous orgasm. He slouched forward like a drunk, anchoring himself on Viari's haunches to prevent himself from toppling over while his own tail muscles pushed smaller quantities of his own excess heat through the twitching tip of his cock. Splatters upon splatters trickled on the ground, mixed with Viari's tapering growls, filling the room with a concoction as heavy as the smells that turned it from a research station into a perverted mating den.

"Fuck...that was intense." Skallior hissed as he collected himself back up, rubbing his wet, satisfied slit. "I almost expected you to prove me wrong and cum rather than spurt like a geyser... Fuck, if I didn't stare like an asshole instead of plugging your leak...oh well, there's still some left around, right?"

His tongue lapped up the leftover pre-seed from the bars with slow, sensual strokes, the pheromones making his jaws clatter with the eagerness to eat more.

When there was no more juice to be found, he began rattling the cage with his teeth, munching on it while his eyes seductively looked into Viari's desperate gaze. He knew how much he yearned to have that annoying thing off. To feel a warm maw descend upon his penis like Elankis did so many years ago for him.

But Skallior was not a kind, selfless beast. His needs were more sinister...as were his methods. Flicking his bifurcated tongue over the creature's deliciously hot tip, moving his head around to insert them into his cock-hole, he offered Viari a taste of his abilities with none of the bristling satisfaction.

"Tell you what." Skallior grinned when the monster once again became frustrated with the denial of a most wanted orgasm. "I shall rip off this bothersome cage and suck the last drop of bountiful cum from that needy, pent-up, beautiful cock of yours until you roar out my name. All you need to do for me is to be a good boy, hmm? Can you do that? A few licks in the right place, and this thing goes away."

Servile and pushed past any reasonable limits, the creature growled out a string of noises that seemed eerily close to something an intelligent creature would speak.

"Yes. YES! A bargain well struck!" High on his own fantasies, Skallior truly led himself to believe whatever he wanted. "Tasty, delicious freedom is within your reach! Bet it tastes as good as your cum, you horny, pent-up thing."

The notion of cum got a few more desperate whines out of him. Bound so tight he could not fully move any of his parts besides his head, Viari stared at the reptilian like a helpless puppy, begging him to just...see this sexual torture regime to its deserved, explosive end.

"Hmm, cum...you'd like to cum, don't you? Yeaaah, I see that." He pointed at the creature's pleading stare. "That cute look in your eyes. The helpless look of a beast in need. I know it well. We may not speak each other's language, but we understand each other just fine. After all...orgasms are equally intense for all species, and yours, my friend, promises to be very, very, very intense...if you would just...lick me in a very, very, VERY special place."

Viari's lustful eyes followed him closely as he clambered clumsily into his nest. The reptilian moved on his fours like a gentle predator until he stood right above Viari's head, then...he rose on his two legs, all proud and confident, with the slim opening of his vent right above Viari's sniffing nostrils. His eagerness aroused Skallior greatly...for what greater cause for arousal than to see your victim actively display his interest in your features?

"Alright boy...make it messy." He smiled, then crouched down little by little until the pungent smell of the wetness that freshly drenched his vent in a miasma of lust came within the reach of Viari's tongue, moist, warm, eager! A true treat for a hungry slit.

"Yesss," Skallior hissed with bliss, grabbing onto the bed's frame for balance as tingling rapture spread outwards from his very eager vent. "Deeper. Go deeper." He rushed one hand between his legs to spread his vent further apart. "Get in there, boy. Have me as hard as you want."

Like a starved hound, Viari made his way into the reptilian's vent with rapid thrusts of tongue and rubs of his beak that completely took Skallior by surprise with their intensity. He had many dildos in there, all of varying sizes and features, but nothing, not even the ones with vibrating functions, compared to the real deal.

A creature genuinely enamored with the taste of the very vent so many made fun of in the past.

"Good...good boy." Skallior grunted in between the rolling breath that escaped his drooling, ecstatic maw. "Smell me...lick me. I want you...to make me feel like a bitch in heat...dreaming of her stud's tongue upon her...nrrhhhh...her..."

Skallior's face contorted in the same unexpected way as his words under the increasingly hotter waves sent by Viari's increasingly voracious appetite. Purring harder than any vibrator in his collection, his dear boy's beak grazed on his lips to spread them apart further. And when he didn't graze, he pushed, seeking to sink his tongue into the deepest reaches of that quivering tunnel of sloppy flesh, willing to feast on the very source of his captor's smooth musk.

"Gahh, that's it...I'm getting close." Skallior's reptilian toes grabbed so hard into the cushion of the nest they tore right through to the filling. "Thaaaaaaat's it, my dear. Have it, have me all you want! This hunger, this drive...you're mrrfff...so horny, so lovely...waited three long years to finally taste it..."

With Viari displaying utmost devotion to his most private of parts, Skallior descended even further into the embrace of his heated pleasures. He almost seated himself on the creature's purring face, the need to thrust still making itself known in spite of the tightness that prevented his cock from becoming fully erect.

"Need...a moment." He adjusted his cock holding contraptions while Viari looked wishfully at him, his own desires sparkling in those beady eyes. "Do you want me to cum all over your face? A minute, I said! First me, then you. That's the deal."

A minute passed too quickly, leaving him just as unprepared for the heat slamming into his nethers as viari had been when the Penetrator's knot bulged his ass wider than it's ever been.

"Kraaahhh," Skallior clenched his jaws. Heat squirted out of him, lush as the river's clear water, smothering the creature's fur with his scent. "Fuck...but you're an eager slut of a beast... Seeing him taste his juices, wet as he was, pushed Skallior even farther. With his vent aimed at his beak, he began to grind himself on Viari's face like a male in rut, a maddening rhythm of high and lows that kept him right on the ethereal line that separated the finality of an orgasm from the blissful feeling preceding it. However, Viari still very much demanded to taste more of his cock. And when that happened, Skallior had only words of praise for his deep diving efforts.

"Yeaah, deep...go in deep, you horny beast! Take it all, ahhh, get in there and take all you can. Huff...you like the smell of my cunt slit don't you, boy? They shamed me. They laughed at me, but nrrhhhh, who's sitting on top of the world with a beast's tongue up their vent now, arrhh? You're not sucking my small, pathetic cock. No sir! You're eating cunt! Male cunt!"

The tides of victory emboldened him, the mastery he sailed them with to prevent that all consuming orgasm from bursting out of control, filling him with pride.

But every ascent had a peak, and Skallior's came crashing down all over his male cunt fantasy. In his eagerness to feast, with Skallior spreading his vent with his fingers all the wider, Viari's grazing dislodged the bands that kept his raging monster of a cock tied. They snapped and fell on the cold, dusty ground, and with them, Skallior too collapsed on his fours, overtaken by such raw orgasmic bliss he saw only stars before his very eyes.

Throb. Throb. Throb. Every surge of blood pouring through his blooming cock filled him with a weakness he had no control over. Spurt after spurt he shot, pure, fiery seed erupting from the heaving depths of his crotch in a nightmarishly enjoyable way that made this moment feel as amazing as it felt horrifying.

"Krhaaaaaaaahhh!" Skallior shouted, his attempt at calling the word cunt as strained, disjointed, out of control as the penis that now throbbed out in the open.

Viari's greedy jaws welcomed his abused cock within their warm embrace far more eagerly than his hands or toys ever did. It burned with needy passion, all too eager to fulfill its duty and cum, throb, thrust, as nature always intended. Somehow, in a strange twist of irony, it was Viari that sucked him off as hard as the lizard promised to do for him during the initiation of their bargain, his maddening purr and obsessive lust for another male's hot cum giving Skallior one of the most terrifyingly intense orgasms he experienced these past three years.

He felt lost in a deep, beautiful dream, trapped in the embrace of his favorite creature. Loved. Wanted.

But as his eyes parted, and lustful mist cleared from his head, he realized where he was. How empty and hollow he felt. Ecstatic to have provided someone with the ultimate pleasure, Viari rubbed his beak along his thighs with the limited movements he could make, all tied up like a ham, eager to show his happiness however he could.

It should've been nice. Instead, the moment felt...hollow. Pitiful. A thing as ugly as the cock he unleashed.

"Nrahh, get...off. Get off me!" Skallior kicked him off. When that failed to deter the persistent creature, he rolled over to his right, realizing too late the nest was not large enough to accommodate two splayed creatures.

"Graah!" Skallior groaned as sharp pain spread across the back he greeted the ground with "you...fucking bastard!" Collecting himself unceremoniously from the ground, he slapped and hit his formerly favorite subject with whatever dildo he got his hands on. "You were supposed to eat cunt. My. CUNT! That was the deal we made, and you, like the stupid, sodden beast that you are, had to go in the only place you were not supposed to. That's worse than disobedience. You broke our deal. You were a BAD BOY!"

Skallior quickly looked around for the ideal vessel for his anger. "Wanna know what happens to bad boys? They get what they fucking deserve!"

Trapped in a vortex of hate ushered by the toxic environment he lived in most of his young life, Skallior got his hands on exactly the sort of toy he wanted. It lay right there, on the inspection table where serums, notes, tools and other things of interest still waited for a hand to use them.

"I'll call you...The Fluffbutt zapper."

With a remote in one hand and a long, smooth, tapered rod in the other, Skallior went back to his still ecstatic test subject. Viari still didn't know what he did wrong. Quite the contrary, his eyes widened with glee at the new toy his reptilian captor got his hands on.

Resting one hand on Viari's tail base, Skallior had no words this time. He shoved the probe as deep as he could into his rear, and with the other, he slammed the only button on the remote, shocking him with varying degrees of intensity until cloudy trickles started to emerge from his spasming cock.

"You fuckin hate that, don't you, bro?" He spat out while Viari convulsed, the contractions of his nethers so strong they took his breath away.

"Yeah, roar, growl, as if that can ever erase what you've done. Get in line, dude! All my life's been one constant fuckery. Shock after shock after shock." He continued to mess with the intensity and slam the ignition button, delighting in the convulsing motions rattling the bonds that kept poor Viari a victim to his own mistakes.

"If only things went right, you know? I keep asking myself this question. What if nobody disturbed me that night, after I shared the best fucking sexual exaltation in the embrace of my dear boy Elankis? We would've gone for round two. I could've tried to fit him in my tail...however much I could have, being a virgin and all. Or try to penetrate his delightful slit. We could've tried so many things...but of course, life had a different plan for me. I was jerked from his embrace, from his love, from his everything...so I could end up invaded by those jerks in the night!"

Another press of a button, another spasm of painful pleasure right on Viari's sweetest of spots.

"They had their fun with me...then came the turn of my parents. My father, a renowned space explorer, just 'so happened' to discover the concealed clawdrive where I stashed all of my kinky material. I've no need to say how he reacted. Leaving was just...easier. He disowned me a few hours later, officially, leaving me stranded with no means to leave that fucked-up planet. I had to blow several guys in the bathroom to even afford a ticket to this lush paradise of a moon. To some, a spot for vacation, but for me, a new life where I could not only see all the beast rutting I craved for...but experience it directly."

Skallior paused with his shocking treatment, giving both himself and his test subject time to breathe. All frazzled up, shaking from every limb, he struggled to suck in the air in his dried up throat as all the moisture seemed to have gone to his other end, a lake of lucent lusts that trickled down from the caged volcano that was his cock.

"It took three long years to find myself in this room, with you. Three years of pretending to be a normal, curious caretaker. Three years of torturous waiting. Three years to taste the dream I always had..."

Head low, Skallior walked around the nest-bed, running his free hand along Viari's tense, shuddering muscles. He was so warm...so warm, and so incredibly worked up.

"I envied the dreams I had, for I knew that as soon as I woke up, I'd never be able to touch you like this...to feel you...to...taste you, in areas no sane normie would dare to ever touch."

His snout slowly descended upon the wet patch of lust created by the Zapper. A lake of a slightly cloudier type than what he observed before, laden with smells that set his lust ablaze.

"Ahhh, this fertile smell of a male trapped on the edge of orgasm...it's better than my dreams portray..." Skallior flicked his bifurcated tongue a few times at the warm fluid, sampling it inside his delighted maw for a few moments before a stark realization set in.

Unlike the time he spent with Elankis, this felt surreal in all the wrong ways.

"There's something missing." He said. "The stakes. The juice of life waiting to be squeezed. All of the excitement's missing! Everything's too controlled, too safe, too...barren! Elankis was special because he came to me, wanted me. He-he came...on me!"

A quick look at the straps that smothered the beautiful possibility of a bond with this beautiful beast revealed the very source of the problem.

"Tell me, what would you do, were you free? Would you still sit there, watching me do... thisssss?"

The intense shock surging along his beaten anal muscles made Viari thrust upwards, the roar coming out of his throat as raw as the liquid oozing out of his cock, trapped as it might've been. With his prostate forced to relinquish more of its precious load, a glob of thicker, whiter liquid enveloped the bars of the animal's cock sanctuary for a flicker of a moment before it washed down along the valley formed by his balls like a timid, sticky river. A thing of beauty, and pride. One that put a smile even on Skallior's grumpy face.

"Yeah, I figured you'd be a coward, like me. The kind of creature that just, gives up the fight. That just lets go. How...ungainly." He snickered. "You moan instead of growling, you submit rather than attack. This is all wrong."

Pacing around the whimpering creature, Skallior distributed some rightful vengeance through his words. "This is not how things should be. You're a predator, not a pet! I should be the one tied up. The lucky pervert that, for once, gets to see the real you...not the compliant puppy these by-the-books caretakers are trying to groom you as."

Getting closer than he should have to the beast's unrestrained jaws, Skallior once again pressed the same question. What would Viari do...if he were free?

The submissive whine was not what he wanted to hear.

Very well. There were other ways to jolt his instincts. Mind made up, Skallior abandoned Viari in his nest of musky fragrance and went over to the nearby console. He ignored the knot in his throat that told him not to press the safety release button...but he did it anyway. With full control assumed over Viari's bindings, he hovered his clawed finger over the six choices that corresponded to the creature's restraints...and waited. For what, he did not fully know yet.

"I had a friend that once said he wants to end in a monster's belly," A chuckle escaped him. He so loved to talk when he was nervous. Perhaps that's why his bullies loved following him wherever he went. "He said something that stuck with me. That giving over his life essence to them would help him transcend this plane and become a beast himself. Or gain some of their power. I dunno. Some wishful dungheap like that."

Skallior tapped the edges of the screen as his anxiety grew. "What a lunatic, right? Unlike him, I believe in other lives as much as I believe you'll fill the void in my heart and make love to me all day long. That's just...not going to ever happen. Life is just...cold. It's cold, and lonely, and when you finally depart to whatever spirit world we go to, if there is something like that, you're left with as much as you had when you were born. Nothing at all."

Nothing seemed good. It had no wants, asked no requirements, kept no schedule or judged anybody by any criteria. If he became nothing, Skallior would finally take a break from the mistakes that governed his life. He would finally...rest, than wait three more or whoever knew how many torturous years to finally be what he wanted. A creature lover, not the product of what society wished him to be.

"Please... do me a favor, alright? Make it quick."" He tapped the screen again, this time over the first set of restraints. The bindings that held Viari's neck retreated into the sockets of the restraining nest. Then the three that kept his chest all tight...followed by a few more on his abdomen.

"Put me to sleep gently, like I wish, not violently like...fuck, I'm such a pussy the shudders take me even when I think of what that mad guy said. Don't...fuck with me like I fucked you...even if I deserve it. Let that be...our final bargain."

With great struggle instilled in him by his raging self preservation instinct, Skallior needed almost a full minute to finally free Viari completely. Tasting freedom, he snapped and flailed in attempts to get his hind legs freed. And once those final set of restraints gave way, the creature wasted not one second to rip the thin metal rod that brought him so much grief from his tailhole. Clattering on the ground with a thin metallic noise, Skallior's sole defense against the creature's predatory stare was only the small remote he fiddled with. A few grams of nothing unfit to even provoke the slightest harm to the gloriously tall creature.

Standing on his fours for the first time, Viari seemed far bigger than the pup sulking in his nest, measuring as much as Skallior did at the shoulder. Once he saw his fur bristle, the reptilian expected a bite that would send him straight into his calm realm of nothingness...

But...something else happened. Puffy, curious warmth enveloped his fingers. The jaws that were supposed to nom his head clean remained closed, teasing him with softness and a caress far gentler than his closed eyes and racing instincts formed in his mind.

"What? This?" He presented the remote in his outstretched palm to Viari's tilting head. "That's what I used to...get that out of you." He pointed at the dribbling mess that continuously flowed in a thin, sticky stream from Viari's still erect cock. Or rather, as erect as one could get with a cage around their groin.

"Sorry I've been an ass. Here," he let the tool of oppression fall from his tilting hand. "I've no tricks up my sleeve, if that's what your fuzzy head is bothered by. The only hidden thing here is-" perverted as always, his fingers went between his thighs to show Viari the-

"Oh, right. You took care of that too...you silly beast." He laughed, getting another curious look from the creature that undoubtedly wondered if this was all an elaborate game of sorts. "I'm all exposed now. So go ahead. Take your revenge. Eat me. Only, that won't get you very far."

Scratching his head, Skallior almost forgot he now stood face to face with the fuzzy visage of his impending demise. "Craaaap. I should've let all the doors open so you could at least escape. Akisha? Can you bust open all the facility's gates? There's a horny monster here that wants to-"

Something HIT him. Not toothy and sharp and scary, but soft, and warm, and-

"To...wants to..." Stumbling back, Skallior's shocked mind barely understood why Viari was...nuzzling him. He nuzzled, and licked, and PURRED.

"Love...me? How the fuck-"

Swept off his feet by Viari's increasing excitement, Skallior found himself on the other end of the inspection table. Now he was the one tied up by the metaphorical strings of fate, trapped under a monster with a very leaky and obvious NEED.

"Fuck me...you-you want to FUCK ME!" his eyes widened with glee at the sudden realization bestowed upon him by his three years of intense monster habits research. "Or maybe...the other way around. For me to screw you!"

Finding his hands suddenly busy stroking the nosy head of the creature that made his excitement known by pointing at his own inundated nethers between bouts of affection, Skallior offered to help Viari with his bothersome problem. Once the cock cage dropped on the ground like the heavy burden it was, Viari's first order of business was not to clean himself, nor clamber onto the only living being he could breed to his heart's desire, be he a male.

Not even as Skallior offered himself willingly with a tail raised as much as he managed and an inviting look in his eyes.

"Well, hop on! I can't promise I'll be a good fuck for that Penetrator two-point-o you've got there...but I'll try my best. You deserve to empty yourself in something warm, even if that's my tiny selfish ass-hole."

Some nuzzles here, a lick there, then...nothing. Frustrated with the creature's diminishing interest, Skallior quit his fantasizing and looked back once more, expecting to see a lustful monster polishing his big fleshy spear in preparation for his first thrust...

But instead, all he got was a playful kitten splayed on his back that beckoned him to join with gleeful rumbles and slaps of his playful tail. "Oh," He immediately understood what Viari's exposed, plentily lubricated ass was winking about. He raised a finger, feeling like a perverted genius. "One moment!"

Armed once more with The Penetrator and a deep craving to fuck the cum out of his lovely test subject for real this time, Skallior set the vibration setting on max and offered Viari a knowing smirk before he aimed the penetrator's leaking tip at his hungry, groping anus.

Yet like before, Viari's enigmatic desires made themselves known once again.

"Ow!" Skallior rubbed his fingers where the tail connected with his precious dildo, now discarded on the ground like a used condom. "What was that for? Oh...ohhhhh." His grumbles turned into gentler moans once the very same tip snuck into his vent, probing quickly and eagerly, telling him exactly what the creature truly wanted.

"Come on...you can't be serious. That?" Skallior pointed at his fully engorged penis, a damn shame compared to Viari's throbbing spire of wanton lusts. "You want my tiny sized thing rather than the toy that got you creaming more than once?"

Viari chuffed and pressed down the warm pads of a footpaw down the reptilian's crotch, pushing him back. Him and his cock. Back into the grip of that needy tail that forced him to stumble forward through a well-meant shove. Falling face first into Viari's beautiful penis, Skallior took a bit of time to get acquainted with its exquisite smell as well as the deliciously arousing tastes before groans once more escaped along his tongue.

"But it's small and pathetic, a worm that will never...aaaaahh, alright, alright, I'll fuck you, ok? I'll fuck you like this is the last day we have, but if we do it my way, we do it MY Fucking way!"

It took so much mental effort to not finish off that needy creature then and there, but as an old earthen proverb said, good things came to those who waited.

***The End***

Dear followers, readers, and lovers of all fluffy things. my landowner is forcing me to find a new place to live. More so, they stuck me with extra spendings from 2022 that only now I'm being made aware of in a desperate attempt to avoid refunding my deposit. With only until 29 of this month to move out, time is of the essence. Please, if you can lend a paw and share a few shinies to help me out, I would be eternally grateful to you. Here is a link to the full story. Bonus art and extra length story rewards inside for those who can help out! https://www.sofurry.com/view/2002757

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