A Reptilian’s Naked Lusts 1: The Tied and the Horny

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A perverted intern working in an off-world facility with a taste for exotic beasts pounces on the opportunity to unleash his perverted sexually desires upon one of the facility's most pent-up residents.

Description: A perverted intern working in an off-world facility with a taste for exotic beasts pounces on the opportunity to unleash his perverted sexually desires upon one of the facility's most pent-up residents.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor


A Reptilian's Naked Lusts 1: Tied and Horny


Fjarlsbiorkha, commonly known as Christmas in the old world, never truly agreed with Skallior. Deeply embedded in his life here on the exotic, forested moon labeled as Kelsian four, Skallior's life felt like the moon he lived on. Small, easily missed, rotating around a much bigger world his peers lived in. Hunched in his observer's den right next to the entrance of the glorious xeno zoology research compound he worked at for the past three long years, the lonely reptilian slouched over to peer at his twenty or so favorite creatures, each captured in glorious detail by moving cameras. Some slept. Others chased away boredom by playing with themselves, or whatever gadgets the caretakers saw fit to give them. Only one had the misfortune to find itself on the inspection table for a supposedly quick check-up. Viari. A pantherine creature with small wyvern wings that, no matter how much the rest of the researchers tried to brand as a proper wyvern, the creature was anything BUT to Skallior.

"Wyverns can freaking fly. Every fantasy nerd knows that." He swished his tail along the ground as his excitement built up. Watching Viari's limp pose gave him little reason for celebration under normal circumstances. But today? Today was a very. Special. Day.

"Almost there. Come on, come on," Skallior licked the tips of his fangs as one by one, his colleagues left the facility. "You normal people have better things to do in your normal lives. Families. Parties. Things that matter to you! Things that...give me the perfect excuse to have some fun of my own."

Oh, that sounded so devious that Skallior felt his blood warm up with possibilities. He could do so many wonderful things in here without those boring normies and their constant, by the books approach. They all had rules, they all had morals...none thought about the hidden possibilities offered by this facility.

None apart from Skallior, who trudged tirelessly through three long years of preparation that led to this very moment.

"Good riddance, Nancy," he waved mockingly at the beige wolf that tapped her ear chip to initiate a call to her family as soon as she went out the door. Bitches like hers always worried so much over family! How utterly boring. At least Jake and most of the other lonely fucks opted to simply take a shuttle back to the old, overcrowded planet for a sweet few days in an environment befitting their aged minds, doing...whatever. How none chose to remain here amazed the reptilian. What self proclaimed animal lover left their sweet charge to live their own lives? Though the abandonment of all the creatures he admired angered Skallior, part of him felt relieved for the fruits his earlier research bore. He knew a week ahead that he'd be alone today. That not a single soul but him would linger. Even Johnny Baldhead seemed to have a spring in his step today. A quick one for a bent-back janitor.

"Don't forget your mop," The reptilian snickered as he waved a mocking goodbye to the man that almost caught him breaking the facility's reasonable behavior rules on more than one occasion. Skallior's good mood almost dimmed down a notch once he remembered how close he got to the peak of pleasure watching his favorite exhibit clean his genitals...then Johnny came, mop in hand, demanding to clean some mess that probably only existed inside his own head from the exhibit's enclosure. Viari, as Skallior branded exhibit 17CC, was NOT a dirty wyvern. His obsession with cleanliness almost rivaled Johnny's...perhaps that's what got the janitor all worked up. Like most humans, he wanted to prove himself as the superior creature.

"Whatever," Skallior decided he no longer gave a crap about what that bald-headed bent-back did once the automated doors closed behind his skinny ass. Only a handful more people remained in the facility, and in the span of some very long ten something minutes, the handful were reduced to only two.

"Good, off you go, Gina, mistress of urine and fecal matter. Your research into the pooping habits of my favorite beasts will NOT be missed."

Skallior's heart thundered harder in his chest once his screens flipped over to Konrad's last few checkups. His boss was meticulous. The man's perfectionistic habits kept him at his station far longer than his peers. Skallior started fingering himself to pass the time, achieving an annoying, frustration-born orgasm that ended with just a few dry shuddering spasms of his hungry vent.

"Fuuuck dude, how much longer are you going to tap at your screens? This is infuriaaaatiiiing!" The reptilian hissed and looked around for anything that could help him soar further. "What else can I do? My best dildos are already stuffed along with the slinky lube in the pack, my holes are all ready for some monster loving, what else can I dooo, when all of my beasties are spending this amazingly special day like they do in any other day? Or worse..." his eyes narrowed as the medical drones flew out of their cages. "in freaking hibernation?"

Within less than a minute, every creature, even the ones sleeping, delved into a far deeper slumber. It came as no surprise that the protocol to sedate all of the creatures during a staff exodus like this one had been applied by the one and only Konrad. Skallior expected that. What he didn't expect was the thrumming rage of his member when his eyes flew towards Viari's nether regions. He knew them inside out from the thousands of hours of footage he witnessed ever since he started to work here, but tonight...something was special about the slim, appeasing form of his cock-entrance, a small vent Skallior's tongue would waste no time to explore. Motes of heat traversed his wan golden scales, making him shudder with bliss as he imagined himself making out with Viari's cock-home in the slowest, arousing, most sensual ways possible. With the creature's taste infesting his tastebuds, he'd go lower, across those small twin hills that marked him as a male, covered in the smoothest of scales. Heck, Skallior even pondered on trying out the more exotic aromas of Viari's tailhole from how excited he got. One full night with his beloved. Freedom to finally indulge in all his perversions. The possibilities truly were...endless. Warm. And slick.

Something his member desired to experience so, so much. Within a single throb of surging blood, his abandoned member tried to make its frustrations known. Tried...but never succeeded.

"Hrrr, not yet, sweetie," Skallior gently maneuvered his claws within his vent to tighten his cock straps a bit tighter, ensuring no poking thing would make his gender known before the appointed time. "Tonight, I'm the master of...everything. And that includes you too!" He chastised his cock with a pointed finger as if the thing could squirt back at him with clear misdemeanor. "If I ask you to stay put, you stay put. No throbbing business, ok?"

While he disciplined his cock, the bright sapphire light of late evening stole his eyes back to the parting doors.

Konrad was not only out of his office. He about to make an escape to his normal, dreadfully boring life!

"Oh crap," the surge of panic almost made everything move in small motion. In his rush to get ready, the reptilian almost knocked his monitors off with his tail at how quickly he jumped out of his chair. If good ol' mumbling Konrad left without bestowing forth the ownership of the facility to him, things had a small chance to end up in the less ideal state where no medical drone could be operated. That meant his sweet Viari would forever remain catatonic.

Rushing over to his dresser, Skallior threw the cleanest lab robe he had, strapped on his pre-prepared rucksack to his back, and ran across the small corridor located conveniently close to the exit.

"Sir, wait!" Skallior interposed himself between his boss and the facility's only exit like the newest weirdo on the block. "I forgot to wish you the...the things!"

"Nrh, no time. Got to get out of here."

"Just a minute. Please." Skallior insisted.

Konrad's demeanor changed somewhat after Nightwind, the resident velociraptor, almost tore his leg off. He became withdrawn. Aloof. Strange, even. But even this wobbling, cane tapping version of the man smiled at the elongated list of all the Fjarlsbiorkha blessings the reptilian recited in his mind dozens of times for this exact occasion.

"Good-good fortune to you too, kid," his hoarse voice sounded almost as bad as his tapping cane. "but I must be on my way now. Red Marry's waiting me with baked cinnamon apples and winterwolf strudel. Two treats to die for!"

I'd rather taste death at the tip of a creature's penis, with his claws wrapped around me and his cum so deep in my belly I'll not feel the need to eat for centuries. Skallior wanted to say, yet such crude jokes were too unchiseled for people of elevated intellect like Konrad. "Yeah, I bet." He grinned instead, the ridiculousness of his many teeth stretching his boss' smile all the wider.

"Oh, stop it. You'll remind me of that damn velociraptor right before he decided to make a meal out of my leg."

"Oh, no sir, I'd never-perhaps if it tasted like baked apples and wolf strudel?"

He laughed.

"You sure know how to lift an old man's spirits...tattered and crooked as they might be." Konrad mumbled some things under his breath before his clear blue eyes found the reptilian once more. "Mhmm, some young life is what this place needs. Someone like you, who's interest burns past raw data. You care, Skallior. I've seen how you interact with the subjects...even if you have to do it from a safe distance."

"M-me?" Skallior whipped his tail about, trying hard to feign ignorance. "Sir, there's a reason why I spend most of my time up on the observation floor. I'd never...not in the way Tom and Jackson handle them. They're artists of tooth and claw. Trained so well they can find a way out of a subject's enclosure armed with nothing but their flesh and bones!"

"If it ever comes to that." The old man chuckled.

"Indeed, it never will." Skallior agreed with a nod of his head and an aching pain in his wounded heart. He hated complimenting his competition...but this time, a small wound for the greatest of rewards felt warranted. "They're my idols. I hope in a few years I'll become half the lizard they are. They make the exhibits seem like overexcited puppies once they're inside. Just them, the bots, and me...through the cameras, I mean." An uneasy chuckle escaped him once he realized he made his stalking habits known.

"Oh, yes, skilled men, they are. They know the right tricks, perform the right moves, but I see it in their eyes. This is just a job for them. They don't care...certainly not as much as you do."

"Yep, there's no better after-hours poop cleaner in this whole facility besides me and baldhead." Skallior eased the tension with yet another joke that got another chuckle out of his boss.

"I like your spirits, Skallior, but sometimes, you need to show respect. John's time with us is at an end. Mhm, yes, he plans to retire come spring. And tweety birds sing of more departures still. Who knows..." Konrad rubbed his stub of a beard, "if you behave well, you may get your own chance at making puppies out of our cohabitants."

The unexpected promotion almost made him slap his tail on the ground in surprise. "Sssss-sir! You honor me. Truly!" Excited like a young boy with his first toy, Skallior forgot all of his pre-thought dialogue and fought his best to improvise in a likable manner. "I am not ready for such monumental task, but if you deemed me fit for an upgrade, I'm your man. Lizard...man...thing. I'm your lizardman!" he flashed his teeth happily as Konrad patted him on the shoulder.

"Prove yourself. This is your night. The only night when all life within these walls belongs to those that cannot speak. Watch over them. Be kind to them. And should they rouse from their hibernation -not that there is much chance of that- be. Gentle. You wouldn't want a tranq dart in your ass right after you wake up, hmm?"

"But of course, dear sir. I will be like a phantom, ever still, ever watching. Not even a notion of making direct contact, giving them treats, or petting them like they good boys they are."

"Well...you do know the risks...and the consequences of unsupervised contact. If anything funny should happen between you and the subjects..." He leaned on his cane, then lifted his eyes up to the camera watching the exit. "I'll see, and I'll know, and I shall not be happy to replace such a promising, brilliant star so full of excitement and love with another steel eyed, by the books caretaker. Do we understand each other?"

"All the way, sir. All the way. This place is everything to me. A home away from home. My life! I promise I shall not disappoint. Not with Akisha's support."

"Oh, that, yes, that's true, I almost forgot." The aged man lifted his gaze up. "Akisha, give Skallior full clearance to manage the station as he sees fit."

Once the A.I's confirmation came through, the man's eyes once more moved back to Skallior, two bright spheres of clear wisdom and matching ambition. "We'll see the height of your abilities, my dear lizard."

"I'm excited to see how far I'll soar too..." Skallior confirmed. Once I get to squeeze that big boy's phallus within my hungry tailhole.

Skallior respectfully moved aside, offering no hint of his perversions. Just a bright, happy smile, along with a polite motion to see the man towards the doors that remained parted so long the facility started to smell like winter flowers. "Enjoy the festivities, Sir. Send my best to Marry and her apples!"

Skallior waited a couple of minutes in the dim, perfect silence only disturbed by his huffing breath and thunderous heartbeat. Once he made completely sure Konrad would not hobble back for something he forgot to do, his carefully erected plans made themselves known.

"Akisha, be a dear and disable all cameras, live feed, sensors, so on and so on. Everything that analyzes, everything that records, I want it off. All of that surveillance crap is now put on pause. Are we clear?"

"Negative. Konrad specifically instructed me to leave at least a few-"

"Who's the only sentient soul in this facility?" Skallior insisted.

"You." The A.I replied.

"And per the laws written in your tangled computer code, what is the last man, lizard, whatever entitled to?"

"Complete access to the facility's operations, excluding the-"

"The upper management crap I never cared about. Just give me full anonymity, ok? No cameras, no recordings, no audio, not even a hint of surveillance, or I'll report you to the Bad A.I committee before you can enunciate your first word of boring legalese."

The A.I did as she was asked. She had no choice against a lizard armed with the same goal for the past three years he worked here. To be the first one on Kelsian Four to make proper love to an indigenous creature.

Well, that's done. Let's move to the really enticing parts.

Bare claws clicking on the smooth floor, Skallior moved quickly along the corridors. He passed by many enclosures he wished to visit, for he had only one creature in mind right now. His beloved wyvern, Viari.

Skallior moistened himself with excitement when the doors painted with a life-like representation of his cute emerald beast parted open. He entered Viari's enclosure with utter confidence and paused a moment to take in the sights.

"Hah, it's exactly the same...save for the smell. You smell, big boy!"

But certainly not in the off-putting sort of way!

With a spring in his step, Skallior opened the door to the check-up station each creature had in its habitat and strode in, unsurprised, yet excited nonetheless. Even if the research room looked like the live feed cameras showed him, there still were plenty of surprises to uncover here. Restrained belly up on a comfortable nest-bed covered in his favorite furs, tied with rubber alloy stronger than any steel made back on earth, Viari was utterly exposed to the reptilian's wicked whims.

"My, my, looks like Larissa forgot you on the inspection table. Alone...forgotten...like someone else I know inside this facility." The lizardman brushed away the inky sadness that threatened to ruin this momentous occasion with a sly smirk. "Well, guess what? You've got my fine company to worry about now!"

Skallior hurried over to the creature's nest-bed. He ran his clawed fingers along its fur not only to indulge in the blissful feeling of making contact with the target of his obsessions...but to check its breathing, the tightness of the straps, and more importantly...its genitals. It took maybe five seconds for Skallior to find himself spreading the creature's cock-home with two careful fingers, the hiss of approval coming through his excitedly gritted jaws in a long flowing moan of pleasure.

"Hrrr...delicious. You are so much wider than me, so very...stretchy. And the smell is just..." he approached his snout to take another whiff straight from the steamy walls separated by his claws, shuddering with bliss, eyes closed, an euphoria made manifest. "Divine..."

As much as he wanted to slurp the clear slime attached to the nest of flesh that tested the resilience of his grip, Skallior restrained himself. He planned this moment too far and wide to just let himself become enslaved by his instincts...no matter how hard they raged in their shackles.

"Behave." He told his penis yet again while he moved over to Viari's proper head. "Let's see what secrets hide beneath this coarse fur, my emerald friend. What notes your mighty scales sing under my thirsty touch. How soft your paws truly are!"

Skallior indulged his every curiosity. Starting from the top of Viari's body, he offered the sleeping animal ample petting on his way down the straps that bound him tight against his silky prison. Fur turned to scales along the creature's underside, bearing the same radiant green with none of the limitations. Skallior wondered how this kind of creature even fell prey to the station's capturing party with scales that seemed as impenetrable as the malleable alloy that now tied his fate.

"Mrhmm..." trading the belly for one of the animal's hind paws, Skallior greedily rubbed his fingers into pads that exuded the most pleasant of heat on his scaly hands. "So soft. Almost like you never used them. Must be tough, living in the same place all day, seeing the same sights...meeting the same people." A creeping sigh brushed off his previous mirth, and Skallior let go of the paw in order to continue his rubbing motions, hands sliding down the animal's tail side ever so gracefully. "We may come from different worlds, walk in different styles, speak different tongues, but beneath the scales, beneath all the fluff that makes us different, we're the same, you and I. Trapped in an environment that no longer satisfies us. Looked down by the very people that claim to do us good. One day, you shall be free, my friend..." straddling the creature's tail, Skallior once again found his toothy, trademark smile. "But today is not that day."

Taking his hands off Viari's flanks, he proudly rose above his sleeping subject. "You pass the eye test. Certainly ace the smell test. But what about the taste, hrrrm?"

While he was no dog, to tell a plethora of an individual's health from smell alone, Skallior eagerly thrust his snout where most canines would venture first...a choice followed by snarling consequences.

"Arhhh!" Another rippling moan thundered inside his throat once his nostrils drew close enough to suck in the abundant scent layering the lips of the animal's oozing vent. Skallior wasted no time in flicking his tongue out this time. He made out with Viari's vent in hungry, squelching displays, with an animalistic drive that perfectly encapsulated the essence of his needy heart. Turning his head this way and that to perfect his angle of attack, he moaned and licked, huffed and kissed, like he tasted the lips of an amorous soulmate. The longer he remained with his snout buried in the creature's deliciously wet cock-home, the harsher his pebbly scales started rubbing against the smooth, scale-less entrance while his forked tongue delved deeper and deeper into the creature's cock-home, lured by heat and musk, until he finally felt that lump of flesh that marked the creature's gender.

Oh gods, I found it. I found his secret rod!

His own vent started spasming like crazy once he tasted Viari's sleeping cock, his fetish of sampling concealed things flaring at an all time high. Rushes of excitement turned into lashes of heat with the tensing of his nether muscles, and, without any control of his body, the reptilian's male instincts pushed him to do what any male normally would when aroused. To thrust. To sink his penis into the inviting vent he feasted on.

To cum inside a tight fleshy tunnel.

"Nrrahhh! Not yet!" The reptilian stumbled back with his clattering jaws dripping with ample juices. His tongue rushed to clean his drippy lips, but in doing so, he inadvertently swallowed more of the very honey that brought about his demise. "Too intense, too..." Gritting his jaws, he forgot all about mess and focused on more immediate issues. His own terribly wet vent.

"fuck, it's....Haaaaahhhh!" Skallior's hand rushed between his legs to stop the downpour of fluids squirted by his tied cock. Unable to grow fully erect, the arousing pressure on his genitals manifested as tense squirts that pelted his hand like a squirt gun filled with hot water. "Oh damn, that's so hot..." the lizard huffed as he admired his own abundantly drippy hand. "you're so sweet, my boy. So sweet. I want to make love to you. To show you more than a preview of my skills. To give you more than just my tongue..."

Licking his wet lips, Skallior clambered on the comfy nest, on his fours, straddling the sedated animal's tail side. His vent inched closer to his until their lips kissed each other with a dim squelch. "Ahhh, yesss." Grinding himself against his boy's vent, Skallior briefly pondered doing what a male should. Fuck that wet fleshy cavern like a stud and paint it with his sticky cum.

The possibility certainly enticed him...yet it just happened, at that very moment, that his amber eyes widened with glee upon a most fortunate discovery. He dislodged himself with a hissing groan from the wet patch of scales he left on Viari's nether regions and walked over to pick the genital cage with one hand while the other got busy rubbing the itch permeating the depths of his genital slit.

"Hmm, guess what, bud!" His teeth flashed with glee once he placed it over Viari's package. "It's just the right size!"

Once he connected all the safety straps of the cage to the beams of the bed, Skallior admired his work. Like him, his boy now sported a beautiful, yet modern entrapment device that ensured no peeking shame would poke out without the owner's explicit approval.

"There's one last thing to do now before I wake you up. Like any good doc, I need to know your most important bits are in fine health through a proper inspection procedure. None of that quick petting thing this time!"

Normal xeno zoologists would start from the front. Skallior? He started with the rear. Running his non-busy hand along the animal's rigid tail, he sampled every brush of fur, cradled every hidden spike that hid beneath that otherwise deceitfully soft fur...until he reached a most tight, untrained cavern. His playful finger tapped the air above the pink sphincter, getting so close that the heat exuded by the barren flesh could be felt even through his fine, touch sensitive scales.

"Nope, what do you think I am, a freak? I'm not going to just finger your ass without proper incentive!"

Pleased with his grand decision, Skallior's free hand climbed up to cup one of Viari's decently sized testicles within the palm of his hand. "Mhmm, how many days has it been since your last collection? Twenty something? No wonder they're swollen like an egg ready to hatch!"

He remembered almost all of his self pleasuring sessions well, for he often preferred to finish at the same time with his beloved creatures. "Your seeds will spring forth again, friend. Have no worry. With me, you will experience all the delightful parts of life, not the boring, clinical trials of some research obsessed normie. You will come to see that, unlike them, I am not afraid to get my hands where theirs fear to tread. I can grab, and feel...and squeeze!"

He switched to the creature's other testicle, feeling its bouncy shape fill up his grip before he squeezed it down a bit harder, pumping his grip around it with no fear of retribution. "Eggs eggs eggs eggs! Delightful, soft, squishy eggs! Wish I had some of my own, but...you know. Not all of us scale-wearing folk can benefit from external eggs." His busy finger plopped out of his male cunt, translucent strings breaking off between its twitching walls and the molesting finger while it traveled upwards to sink into another equally wet orifice. Savoring his own taste with one long hissing nod of approval, Skallior resumed both masturbation and inspection.

"Nice and tidy, sleepy dippy," he playfully said while he continued going over the chastity device, a simple act that filled him with perverse excitement to rush. To do more. To do it now!

However! Like any good doctor, he caged his lusts like his cock to finish the rest of his procedure...in a rush, like any pervert would. "Chest, fine, wings, fine, beak...WET!"

He brushed off the less than enticing smells rushing forth from a maw that remained closed a bit too long. "Ugh, terrible breath there, buddy...but no worries. None whatsoever. Doctor Skallior has the right prescription for your problems. I'll take care of that for you. I kept myself on a sweet fruit diet just for youuu! Say aaaaaaah!"

As he spoke, Skallior clambered in the nest and squatted little by little until his drippy male-vent shuddered with excitement upon kissing the hard surface of Viari's beak. With his blood warming up at the possibility of feeling Viari's tongue upon the surface of his vent, the rowdy lizard continued his descent until he touched the creature's lower jaw, expecting to find tongue, but feeling only...teeth!

"F-fuck, not good. Not good at all!" He tried to shift his position a few times, but there weren't many realistic ways to get what he wanted from a completely sedated individual. Besides his steady breath, Viari had nothing to offer from this position. Except...

"Know what?" Skallior clamped Viari's jaws shut. "Sometimes, the outside is better than the inside."

It felt arousing, to grind himself over his favorite beast's face. To sit on it! To have the home of his cock resting on the very tip of the beak Skallior masturbated to so many times. Of course, in his dreams, the creature actually licked him. He wanted to pleasure him, to uncover the tasty treats hiding within the deeper reaches of his cavernous walls.

This Viari had the same beak, the same features, the right smell...but none of the passion. After about a minute of rubbing with no promise of a tongue to spread him apart or even a hint of something wet and warm, Skallior began to grow frustrated with the bland, unresponsive friction.

"Gah, it's like fucking my smoothest dildo."

With the creature's face free from the molestation of a male that liked to sit on things, Viari went back to his slumber, and Skallior, back to his antics.

"There's no way I can do anything while you're in that catatonic state, so how about...we actually get to know each other a little bit?"

Thinking about his plans made Skallior feel almost as good as face-fucking his boy. "It'd be rape to have you when you're unconscious, and I'm just not that kind of guy, you know? I want you to see me. I want you to SMELL me. I want to see what sounds you make while you choke on my cum!"

Moving over to the medical console, Skallior used his influence with the A.I to administer Viari a much needed proverbial kick to the nuts. With twice the recommended rousing serum administered into his bloodstream, Viari roused with a roar, shaking the bed in his panic to remember why he was bound... or whose bizarre smell infested his nostrils.

Once his pitiful captor made himself seen -for it was a him, no matter what his drenched vent looked like- Viari's spikes flared with anger. He wanted to skewer that puny rat! To smash his bones between his jaws! To...to...wait. What was he delving his hands into his pack? What manner of strange contraptions did he hide there?

"Roar all you want, buddy. No amount of trashing will save you from..." Skallior grinned once his fingers felt the ridged edges of something he called... "The Penetrator!"

Viari's eyes narrowed with suspicion at the floppy thing his captor pulled out of his bag of surprises.

"Polysynthetic skin with self heating grafts inserted in all the proper regions to ensure optimal levels of pleasure." He flopped it about like a disgusting flab of loose skin. "It may look pitiful now, but just like the surprise hiding within both of our deceptively deep vents, this thing can PEEK!"

The reptilian fiddled with the thing while the creature watched him not with animosity, but with interest. It wondered, what could this possibly be? What purpose could it serve? Only after Skallior plugged some plastic tube to the base of the flabby thing the answers revealed themselves. Little by little, the Penetrator grew, turning from a flaccid, pathetic thing into a hardened nightmare equipped with spaded, intimidating ridges topped by a pretty hefty knot at the base of the shaft.

"Mhm? Mhmm!" The lizardman nodded with a maniacal grin. "Look at it. Look at it well!" the excess fluid that undoubtedly inhabited the fake phallus' innards dribbled down the reptilian's wan fingers as he brought it close enough for Viari to smell its fine, disgustingly perfumed fragrance. "Unlike the pitiful thing that's caged safely within my vent -not unlike your own peeking problem, by the way," Skallior happily tapped the cock cage with a clawed finger, "this big beauty provides lasting pleasure. I'm talking about the sort of heightened bliss that lasts for hours. This last wolf I used it on, a winged specimen similar to you, wobbled into his den after one session. One. Single. Round!" He declared happily. "They all drop down like a sack of boulders once I put this inside them for twenty good minutes.. Like, can you imagine cumming so hard even walking is difficult?"

Viari continued to look at him while he spoke his strange scenarios, eyes traveling along with the bombastic movements made by the reptilian's overly expressive glee.

"Yep. I know what that look means, even without speaking wyvern language!" He chuckled at the creature's big, curious eyes that followed the movements of the fake cock with uncanny interest. Skallior noticed that. Oh, he saw how his paws twitched with shuddering eagerness. Noticed how his breath quickened beneath his scalie chest whenever he dramatically pointed the tip of the Penetrator towards his nether side. "We'll get to that in a moment. Just...one moment."

He ran back to his pack of wonders so he could bring it with him, for the next procedure could be exert his legs in an awful way if he had to move back between the console and the creature's nest every time. So rather than make the effort, Skallior dropped the pack on top of Viari's tail base, then began to take out dick after dick, placing each and every one of them along the bound creature's form. His Viari stood perfectly still while he worked, allowing no dildos to roll over to the sides...

Not even when Skallior placed the Icy Twinfork, a thin, double-trouble menace around the very cage that entrapped Viari's masculinity.

"So..." he rubbed his hands with glee while he looked over the impressive array of kinky possibilities. "Which should we try first? Maybe start with something simple? Or perhaps..." his fingers trailed over to something smaller, less exotic than the wavy, bumpy cocks that looked like they were taken straight out of a fantasy dragon's vent. "...something you're familiar with?" Something that belongs to a creature endemic in this region?"

Like a sleazy salesman, he picked up his best three options and presented them to his patient with nothing short of his previous flair.

"Meet Melan's Tapered Touch." Skallior brought the tapered feline-like dildo close enough to let Viari analyze it up-close. The animal's intelligent eyes took in the texture, the features...even the smell!

"Mhm, I see you fancy it!" Skallior gave the cock replica a kiss on the tip too before he started rubbing it sensually between his scaled, tawny fingers. "This barbed beauty is extremely similar, if not a faithful copy of what the stardust prowlers that roam across the forests out there carry within their sheaths. I think we may even see some roaming outside right now! All the researchers are gone for the day, so the kitties come out to play!" he chuckled. "Sounds stupid, but it's true. I groomed Tom and Clancy, two of the braver ones, to join me at night for some free snacks. Maybe they're skulking around as we speak. Behold!"

He pointed towards the shaded windows that allowed nothing to be seen of the outdoors. "Ah fuck. Akisha. Can you please put on a faithful depiction of the outside world on our windows using the holo projectors? I don't want to break Konrad's privacy laws by actually parting open the veil of secrecy." He leaned closer to Viari with a sly smile on his face. "The old man never opens any window when he's not around. He keeps this place tighter than my cunt! But I guess what happens inside stays inside...right?"

He laughed as he tapped the cock cage that kept the verdant creature's phallus perfectly 'protected' but rather than focus on the unfortunate tool, his beautiful, big eyes found another, far more interesting thing to look at. Fascinated by the lights that arranged themselves into a perfect pattern of the outside world, he looked, dreamed, yearned... For out there, a world he used to be part of long ago stretched before his eyes, with beautiful blue leaf trees, exotic flora, and chirping, happy birds, all basked by the gentle light of one of the two blue and amethyst suns that made up this solar system.

"Ah, don't be sad, my sweetie." Skallior rubbed along his belly not only to ease the animal's pain, but to show him that he was here for him. "The kitties out there aren't as friendly as my Melan. Not even the two boys I feed every week or so. They'd give you a fair challenge if claws would come out, for sure, but me? They'd rip me to shreds before I even get to touch their balls. Oh, what big, glorious things!" Skallior closed his eyes to picture how beautiful the two living specimens eating his bait looked like...from afar. "Ever since I had a dream where I was ridden by these panthers, called Lerkavryoni or some made-up thing like that by my peers, I sought to find a way to make my dream a reality, but...no such luck." A sigh escaped his maw. "Not in our facility. Not in the next three years, I bet."

As sad as it sounded to his otherwise happy mind, the estimation could very well be a somewhat accurate projection. The troopers of this facility needed about two years to get close to their subjects, and that happened in a controlled environment full of safety mechanisms. If Skallior were to go out there naked down to his scales with only his lusts as his weapon, Tom and Clancy would surely avoid eating the only part of him that mattered. A sad truth born from an unideal world.

While he pondered on a scenario where the opposite happened, Skallior allowed Viari to lick and gnaw on the feline cock replica while he fingered himself to the engulfing feeling of hot feline cum washing through his tail tunnel and male vent alike, describing the experience of finding himself sandwiched between two horny feline boys in such detail that even Viari seemed to have asked for some through a gentle, needy whimper after Skallior plopped the cock out of his suckling jaws.

"Sheesh, you ornery beast! Save some lust for the next one!" Skallior reached to grab another dildo. This one packed twice the length of the feline but little in terms of girth, its spearhead of a tip sprouting five crests on the back of the glans that were sure to instill some incredible pleasure in both the cock's owner and its victim.

"See these?" Skallior ran his finger along the edges of flame-shaped ridges flaking the edges of the sharp, spaded glans. "When they go in...you never want them out. Trust me on that. I've seen it happen with my own eyes when a basilisk -actually a large, ridable lizard I call such because it sounds much cooler- refused to dislodge himself from his collection sleeve. I call him Jerry...and dear Jerry's lusts had been caged with a similar device you're wearing. We needed his full load to analyze the quality of his semen, and when he finally ejaculated after three torturous weeks of zero squirty fun, the poor guy came so hard that when he did pull out, he fell on his back, never to reawaken!"

Viari's shocked expression got a chuckle out of him. "Oh, come on, he didn't actually die. We don't do that here," he tapped the creature's beak with the pink, fleshy dick tip. "Jerry was fine...after almost a full day of slumber. But that's not even the best tale I have. Elankis, the steed that pulled my carriage during a beast bonding, outdoors exploration kind of trip, got to feel what an actual reptilian maw feels around the tip of his beautiful cock!"

Viari's eyes analyzed him while he walked around kissing and stroking his fake penis, losing himself back into the past. "What, you think I'm talking out of my ass this time? I've always been a pervert. It just so happened the trip offered me the chance to indulge in my exotic beast loving fantasies while the rest of the boys were distracted by their awfully bland cock measuring stories, I had my fun with a different boy...in the underbrush...where no one could hear us moan. Or so I like to think. To this day nobody complained...except my throat after I took him in too deep."

Skallior once again closed his eyes to focus fully on the pulsating feeling of the wet member he took inside his mouth, its throbbing desperation, the sweet taste of pre that accompanied the flood of pent-up cum invading his throat mere seconds after he started suckling on the tip of the creature's deliciously sensitive penis.

"Such a gentle creature. He never snarled or growled at me. And if he did, it happened out of passion!" he hissed, remembering the events that led up to the enticing moment where he, on his knees, found himself under a lustful beast with a musky, pent-up cock in his mouth. "After a long day on the road, he smelled a bit sour down there, but god...his taste to my at-the-time inexperienced tongue felt as satisfying as sexual release. Elankis tasted so...raw. So...real. Of course, researchers would grimace at the thought of choking on an animal's semen, but to me, finding myself bathed in Elaknis' essence felt like... an honest sign of love. You know? In nature, males usually save their seeds to produce offspring, and Elankis...he shared his sweetest, most precious essence with me, a nobody. He...wouldn't have gotten aroused if he didn't like me."

Skallior chuckled. "Yeah, he liked me a LOT once he finished. I remember how afraid I was of his claws when he grabbed me tight into his embrace like I was his mate and began cleaning me with his gooey tongue. I'm not sure you understand how intense it feels to be loved by a creature many looked down upon. A mere animal. Elankis was so much more than that. He was my first. My...mate. At least for that lone magical night where we both marked each other with our essences."

The reptilian's heart fluttered once his mind jumped to the point where his quadrupedal kin sampled the taste of his own vent. His fleshy, pointy tongue wasted no time in filling up Skallior's slit with thick, dribbling, wanting meat. He groaned like nothing less than an animal when his hungry cock found itself pulled by that squeezing eel of a tongue, the pressure exerted upon his walls, the tight embrace, the huffing vapors of air coming from the reptile creature's widening nostrils all so exciting to his aroused senses.

It amazed him at the time how much a feral creature wanted the very same cock his annoying companions insulted in so many ridiculous ways. Worm. Splinter. Spaghetti dick. Yes, it was smaller than the average human's. Thinner too. But from what he researched online, reptilians of his bloodline were all predisposed to have these kind of shafts within their vents. Skallior hated how those uncultured brats hadn't even augmented their opinions with research before they attacked with such zealous hate.

Yet that night, Elankis, a friendly beast of burden procured from a breeding facility to enhance the return-to-our-roots effect of their class' outdoors trip, seemed so much smarter than the rest of the rabble. He didn't care about length or heft. He took Skallior's cock in his wanting maw without bargaining for a second, delving the reptilian's senses into a heaven of moist, twitching heat he never experienced prior to that point.

"He sucked me so...hard." He whispered while his member tensed hard within the drenched muscles of his aroused vent, eager to escape its bonds, lustful to penetrate the same loving maw that took it in all those years back. Elankis didn't even have to work hard. From how pent-up he had been, Skallior burst within seconds, surprising the loving giant with an honest taste of his own liquid passions. The rippling bliss that overtook him a dozen seconds or so inside Elankis' loving jaws seemed a notch about every orgasm Skallior knew before. So raw, so intense, that tears flooded his scaly cheeks when the first burst of inescapable bliss exploded out of his fully engorged, rock hard cock. As he fed Elankis with his seed, he writhed and moaned, then kissed and thanked, spoiling the very snout of the beautiful creature that showed him more love than his peers ever did.

With their lusts quenched, the two remained trapped in each other's embrace until voices forced Skallior to scamper back to his people with a half-assed excuse on why he found himself naked and covered in strange smelling slime.

***The End***

If you fancy reptilians or happen to have a raptor character, check out this journal where I offer a discounted story for sale. Bonus art for longer stories https://www.furaffinity.net/view/52190401/

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A Reptilian’s Naked Lusts 2: The Cock and the Climax

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