Of Cats and Dogs: First Time

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Nick, a shy cougar, and his best friend Dale, an adventurous husky, find themselves thrown into a lascivious session of licks and other wild pleasures after they camp in a place littered with aphrodisiac pheromone-emitting flowers.

Description: Nick, a shy cougar, and his best friend Dale, an adventurous husky, find themselves thrown into a lascivious session of licks and other wild pleasures after they camp in a place littered with aphrodisiac pheromone-emitting flowers.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor


Of Cats and Dogs: First Time


The prospect of spending an extra day in this verdant paradise enticed the cougar walking slowly alongside his husky friend, Dale. Every step he took closer to the camping spot teased by his friend Dale -a husky with eyes as blue as the river he rambled about- made him yearn to shed his worries. To forget about the boisterous city life with all its funky smells and various troubles. To just...dream on.

Even if only for another, single day.

"So?" the husky's playful elbow made the cougar show the tips of his fangs in surprise.

"I...don't know. Maybe." Niklas answered. "Let's first see how our tents hold up tonight, ok? If it rains..."

"I know, I know, you'll go back to sleep in the car like a wussy pussy."

The remark deflected right off Nick's already low self esteem. He focused more on the sound of flowing water than Dale's remarks. Within a few minutes, even his never-ending stream of jokes and life experiences borrowed from his almost endless list of friends came to a full stop.

"Wow." Dale knelt by the edge of the path to look carefully at the many radiant flowers exposing their petals to the fiery sunset. "The scientific name eludes me but I know what these are. More importantly...I know what they do."

"Muzzling you, for starters."

"Well," Dale stood up with a toothy smirk spreading along his cute muzzle. "An actual muzzle could've been useful when Jack tried to kiss me."

"Which Jack? The bear?" Nick's tail stopped swishing. "Your next best friend after...me?"

"The fighting instructor. You're confusing the foxy one with the other..." Dale paused for a moment. "Fourteen Jacks I know. But I tell you one thing." He picked a golden flower and gently analyzed it with his bright blue eyes. "This pesky thing makes the most reclusive nerd develop instantaneous feelings towards their mates. Fighter jack is the last I'd expect a hug from, and after a few whiffs from these beauties, he was all over me as if I had honey on my face!"

"Weird, right?"

"Super weird!"

Though they joked some more about the hypothetical, completely unrealistic, certainly made up effects of flameblooms, Nick still noticed subtle details in Dale's mannerisms that hinted at a different story. An averted gaze here. Some overcompensating gesture of a hand there. Subtle tells hinting the story might've had a different tone. Not the diluted, alcohol-free juice the husky tried to pass as the punch of the party.

"Ok, enough telling. Let's move on before the creepy flowers make us kiss!"

Nick laughed, but his mirth lost its edge once they caught a peek at the rushing waters of the river a mere dozen steps away from the flamebloom grove. For better or worse, they had to sleep with the blooms right next to them. Tents went up in a matter of minutes, grounded to the earth by stakes that allowed the most rudimentary form of protection for the two companions. While Dale disappeared in his blue tent -probably to decorate his living space with the plethora of comfort items he brought along- Nick remained by the side of his own little plastic home, his dark green eyes drinking in the serene sight of the sunset...as beautiful and radiant as the flowers that surrounded them. He thought about making a bouquet for his folks home. Then his thoughts drifted to Jack. He wondered...what would he do if a friend -intoxicated or not- tried to slobber all over his muzzle? How would he feel? What would he do?

What if...Dale's tongue found its way along his whiskers tonight?

Nick shrugged off the ridiculous notion. Shuffling steps drew his attention back to Dale, even if his embarrassed gaze refused to admit it, the husky was coming close. Too close.

"Hey!" A playful hand found its way on Nick's stiff shoulder. "Guess what. I filled my tent with everything I brought along. We have one of those fur carpets you like covering the whole floor, we have nice music, a flimsy internet connection that will allow us to watch a movie on my half battery tablet, and snacks. Lots of snacks! Wanna join?"

Terrible habit, to fill your belly before bed time. But saying yes was the only way to keep the husky from prying further into the blush that made Nick's face simmer as hot as a firebloom.

"Sure. Let's have some last day fun, is what I say!"

The fun lasted until the light inside the tent grew bright enough to eclipse the settling gloom of the forest. Stars started to appear in the sky. The moon slowly revealed its silvery crescent from behind the proud trees. Besides their own boisterous chatting, the forest was very quiet tonight, filled with the serene song of crickets and other night crawlers.

"Mrrrrfff. This stupid berry sauce will burn a cheetah spot on my muzzle." Nick struggled to rid himself off the sweet filling of a pesky croissant. He scraped away with a padded finger at the sticky stain, but that only seemed to smudge the thing further.

"I gotcha, bud. Wet wipes. Never leave home without them."

He said wipes, but the only wet thing Nick received came in the form of a fur-bristling lick!

"What...Dale..." he tried pushing the excited husky back, without much avail.

"Relax. It's work, not kissing." Dale's tongue tip raced along the edge of his muzzle a few more times. "What weirdo kisses on the side of the muzzle, hrrm? Stay still. I'm almost done"

Almost done felt like hours amidst the radiant heat of his friend's breath washing all over the cougar's face. His tongue, touching an intimate part of him no other male did...until now.

"Dale, please...this feels too..."

"It's not gay to help out a friend. Stop fussing." The Husky's warm hands prevented Nick from even tilting his head away from those enchanting blue eyes. "Seems to be coming off. Just stay still for a few more seconds."

"We...have a river less than 100 steps away from us..." Nick declared, fondling his tail to keep his jitters in check. "Such primitive methods are thoroughly unwarranted."

"Unasked for, yes, but not entirely underappreciated. Done!"

When Dale pulled back, he was met with bristled fur instead of a smile, and silence, rather than the joke he expected to hear.

"Bud, I...did I go too far?"

"No...it's not you." Nick stammered. "I've never-"

"No need to even think that apology. I'm taking you back to your tent. You can also bill me for letting my stupid instincts get the better of me. Again." He lifted the feline's slouching head between warm, padded hands. "Come now, dear kitty. Let the silly dog drive you home."

Nick took his hand and slowly followed his lead, like he'd always done. He wanted to tell him how crap his control over his impulses was. How pleased he'd be to add another one of Dale's tokens on his favors keychain. He should have said SOMETHING.

But instead, he traversed the serene charm of the night on trepid paws, silent as the recluse sitting in the back of the class every day. The scared kitten with no friends, a specter to everybody. Presence felt, not seen. Until a new student joined the classroom. A bright eyed husky willing to give even a mouse like Nick a chance.


"For the storm to blow off our tents?"

Nick looked suspiciously at the clear night sky, then realized what Dale implied. Without a shelter to protect him from the cold night, they'd have to huddle together like the anthros of old.

"My tent...is just a roof compared to the home you set up. Can we go... back?"

"Of course!" Dale answered with a radiant toothy smirk. "I'll go set up a movie. Take whatever you wish from your tent, put your thoughts in order, and do whatever it is you do. I'll be waiting!"

Nick waved a clumsy goodbye to Dale and entered his simple tent. He realized, among that silent loneliness, that Dale's presence made him feel happy. Shy too, yes. But mostly happy. Rubbing the wet spot along his muzzle felt satisfying in strange, inexplicable ways.

Nick replayed the scenario in his mind, over and over again, wishing he would've done more than nothing. A sloppy lick from such a trusted friend should've been rejoiced, not shunned. The more he thought on it, the more he realized his self-groomed anxiety stood behind his fearful rejection of Dale's cute gesture. Not his wants. Not his needs. Just...fear. An entity he needed to distance himself from.

"Alright." The cougar smiled, embracing the fuzzy warmth flickering inside his stomach as he left his tent with nothing but the resolute steps to do better. If not here, in the middle of nowhere, with only the moonlit forest to bear witness to their bond, where else could he explore this strange feeling buzzing beneath his fur?

"Dale! I realized what I need from you!"

"H-hey!" The husky almost fell on his side, tackled by Nick when he slouched down to fatten up his bouquet of sleeping flameblooms. Flowers fell from the grip of hands that clasped the cougar tightly. "What got into you?" the husky sniffed his way along Nick's face like the cute dog he'd always been. "You got stung by a social bee? Where's the stoic Nick and what have you done with him?"

"S-sorry," Nick pulled back sheepishly. "I just...wanted to apologize for earlier." He looked at the ground, still too shy to match the husky's oceanic gaze. "You're the only one I'd ever go on such trips with, Dale. My best and...only real friend, if I am honest. I want to be more open with you. Same way you are with me. I want to...to be myself. The real Niklas. Not Nick the fearful recluse. He always says no to opportunities, undermines moments that should be happy and warm and...nice. Like the lick you shared with me earlier."

"Mrr, a lapse in my otherwise perfect judgment."

"No, not a lapse," Nick slowly raised his head to look his friend in his eyes. "A good thing. A...nice thing. Something friends like us can do more often."

"Wait. You admit you liked dog slobber all over your cute kitty muzzle?"

Nick grabbed his anxiously flicking tail tip and gave a shy nod of his head. He found his cheeks grabbed by the husky gentle fingers, the petals from the bouquet forcing him to close his left eye, then the other. Dale's warm breath fell upon his muzzle for two delightfully silent breaths, then his tongue followed, trailing a gooey line all the way from the cougar's nose to the top of his head.


Dale complied, launching a few more around the cougar's ears, flaring the feline's purr higher and higher.

"That feels so nice..." Nick whispered.

"You know why? Because you're nice, and thus deserve plenty more licks like that. Others be damned, kitty. Everything I've seen in you, I liked. Yes, you can be as easily intimidated as a kitten by some menial things, but you can improve in that aspect. And so can I. There are hundreds of things I can do better."

"Like offering full tongue baths?" Nick quipped.

"Like that, yes. But I know something I'm fully confident in. I'd rather take you as my mate than ever push you away. As a partner. Not a friend. Just so we're clear."

Nick hugged his lovable dog. He squeezed him tight against his purring form, wishing to lose himself in that silky sea of fur and comfort that was Dale. His silly pup could be so funny sometimes. Yet something lingered. Something that made the butterflies in his stomach buzz ever brighter.

Why would Dale bind his life to someone like...him?

The husky noticed the concern brewing inside his gaze. "Ok, I can see something deeper than my humor bugs you. Come on. Let's hear it out." With a supportive hand wrapped around his midsection, he led Nick back into his own homely tent.

It took the cougar a minute to find his voice after they seated themselves down on opposite sides so they could face each other. He told Dale how self conscious the lick made him feel, for he...never really licked anyone on their muzzle besides his mother. Nick's inexperience with intimacy was so shallow he could only play scenarios in his head about the things that could be. In reality, he never even had the courage to ask a female out for a menial meal, for he feared of what could happen on the minuscule chance that she liked him. How could he reciprocate her feelings, if he had no idea how to flirt? How could he even mate with her, if he hardly even touched himself down there?

Nick poured out his heart inside that tent. And all Dale did was laugh. He laughed. The master of silly jokes now became part of the entertained crowd...but not for the reasons Nick might've been offended by.

"I went through that exact same stage, bud! None, not even our wilder cousins are born with that kind of knowledge. Romancing...is an art form. The more you practice, the better you get."

"But how can I practice if, for the better part of my life, I've been all by myself?" Nick countered. "What you say makes sense, Dale...but you're still a canid. If only you knew how bothersome my feline heritage can be at times..."

"Tell me, then!" His hand grabbed Nick's, warm and comforting. "I want to understand this felid mystery past the things I can look up online. You, Nick. I want to know you...if you'll allow me, of course."

The cougar took a deep, anxious breath. "Well...you must know the only way I've achieved release in the absence of a partner is through dreams. Wet...dreams. I can't tell you how many times I woke up with clogged underwear over a fantasy someone like me will never be part of. I've never touched myself down there. Not with the purpose to inflict pleasure, because I...was afraid. My parents led me to believe that act is dirty, so I...believed them."

Dale looked bemused, but said nothing, allowing Nick to continue his tale unabated.

"My only conscious releases were accidents. Back when I still peed while standing, the gentle pressure of my fingers around the base of my shaft was enough to...you know."

The embarrassment of admitting such a thing burned as bright as the pressure tingling the depths of his nether regions. Nick tried to retrieve his hand from the husky's warm padded embrace...only to find his furred fingers squeezed tighter. Rather than give up on him, Dale moved not backwards, but forward, leaning so close Nick feared another lick was going to befall him.

"Don't...please," he shuddered. One hand pressed against Dale's well toned chest while another fumbled to cover the wet spot appearing on the tent of his shorts. "It takes the slightest touch to..."

Dale smiled, making sure his hand was nowhere near the danger zone. "If it happens, it happens." His smile was so comforting. So...warm... "With a river less than a hundred steps away and a pup loaded with every utility you can think of, blankets included of course, you have nothing to worry over, my dear kitten."

But he did. How could Nick ejaculate in front of his friend? It didn't feel right. It felt dirty, and strange, and-

Without a single word to give clue to his tempestuous worries, Nick got up.

"Hey. It's ok." Dale joined him, considerate enough to give the feline space.

"Yeah, I...I trust you." Nick chuckled with unease. "But I don't know what this intense heat under my fur is, or where it comes from. I never felt like this before. Nor have I told anyone what I just told you." Nick turned to leave. "You have better friends than me, Dale. Normal friends. No need to burden yourself with a weirdo that-"

"We're all weird in our own unique ways, but if you wish to leave, I'm not going to stop you."

His promise felt comforting. Validating, in a way. The fresh air of the night beckoned the frazzled cougar to escape, as he trained himself to in any uncomfortable, strange, or new situation. Yet after he touched the cold earth with his warm padded foot, something urged him to turn around. To embrace risk.

To embrace...the only friend he ever felt such intense feelings towards.

"H-hey!" The husky's hands clasped him tight in that warm embrace Nick grew addicted to. "Full of surprises you are tonight. Isn't that so, my dear kitty?"

Purring heartily, Nick licked the husky's neck and ear with his barbed feline tongue. "I know. I know...I'm so sorry for being such an indecisive mess. Tonight is...strange. Wherever it leads, I realized that I'd rather embarrass myself than allow scared, recluse Nick to miss out on another opportunity."

"So we should just lick each other's ears? Is that the sort of opportunity you have in your fuzzy head?" The husky playfully retorted.

"Among other things." Niklas slowly pried himself apart from the warm fluffy hug. "This favor you owe me...I want to use it on a lesson in lovemaking. I-I mean, not sex. We can start with kissing. Then maybe you can teach me how to...make my future mate feel at ease in my clumsy presence? The last thing I want is to throw myself at them, or...do something that ruins the mood. I don't know. You've been with more partners than I have friends. Counting on you to lead the way."

Nick found himself literally laid back on the soft furred cushion Dale placed on the floor of his tent. His initiation began with a few sensual touches along his upper body to ease away the lingering anxieties still dwelling within his tense muscles. Once the tension began to disperse, he felt Dale's tongue touch his muzzle once again...only this time, it moved in slower, more sensual ways. Loving and lustful, the canid showed in practice the many ways one could initiate a kissing session with...

And Nick loved every flick of tongue inside or outside his mouth. Every caress Dale's warm hands produced. Every. Single. Moment.

"The last. Definitely the last is the best." He chuckled sheepishly and resisted the urge to wipe clean his moist whiskers in the wake of Dale's greatest kissing technique. "How should I proceed afterwards? My goal is still to get my tongue inside, right? Inside my partner's mouth."

"Not always." The husky replied. "But I will show you the messy parts too, just in case you end up with a muzzle slurper."

During the demonstration of the wettest kiss Nick could've ever imagined, the cougar lost himself to the shudder-inducing pleasure of such deep intimacy. Jaws locked together, fingers ruffling through scruffs, the two males lost themselves to whines and purrs made by their respective passions. Nick forget whom he made out with. Once he received his lesson, he refused to relent, pulling Dale -his friend, a male at that- into a hungry, rumbling muzzle slurping experience that barely allowed their strings of saliva to break off from their huffing muzzles. They started making out with each other in long, lascivious sessions. Hands ran all over the place. Claws scratched and grabbed. Emotions and desires ran high until Nick snarled as if his husky friend just stepped on his tail.

"Rrr, not there!"

"Sorry. So sorry. I get...worked up when someone kisses me the way you did. Such passion...are you sure you haven't done this before?"

"Prrrr...pretty sure." Shamefully covering his deepening patch of wetness by bringing his tail around, the cougar wrestled internally with the crippling shyness which kept him imprisoned throughout his entire life. Protect yourself. Find a way out of this mess before you embarrass yourself. What will they think of you if this, this, and that? Such thoughts swam through his head like an flock of annoying little birds until he looked at Dale. His friend. His anchor. His...mentor in the arts of love making.

I've already kissed him. Yes, he touched me, but that wasn't so bad. Was it? If I don't open myself to him now, then when?

With that thought firmly lodged in his mind, Nick reached out for Dale's hand again. "I think I non-consensually forced your tongue in my mouth before you had the chance to touch me down there."

They shared a short laugh over that silly matter, for Dale had his own leaky problem. All males in their situation would fare just the same, the husky assured.

"So...that means we can take this further, dear kitten?"

Nick nodded slowly. "I trust you, Dale. Earlier...you took me by surprise. But I want to know more. I want to learn from you, so please, show me. Like Jack showed you!"

"Oh, you smelled that story a mile away, hmm? Wanna know what really happened that day?"

The drawn out story was all Nick ever wanted to hear. Especially the parts related to the flowers, and the things they led towards....

"Sure you won't mind showing me the...full thing?" Nick found himself gently laid on his back by his friend's delicate hands at the end of a most steamy story. Excitement ran through his veins besides the usual cocktail of shame and apprehension. He wasn't Jack, to throw himself at Dale with the intention to rut them as if they were a female. Yet he didn't want to be shy Nick either, a loner that would continue to live well in his fifties without having any sort of intimate contact. By allowing his friend to preside over him like an amorous partner instead of a mere friend, Nick sealed the envelope to what promised to be one of the most memorable time of his life.

"Take it slow please," he rubbed into the husky's fluffy cheek. "I'm very sensitive down there, so try to be more...restrained than your good pal Jack."

"Of course, my dear, purring, wonderfully cute kitten." He inched closer and closer until their noses touched, remaining like that for the span of two shaky breaths before tongues came out to play.

The husky's wet lick enticed Nick to share another brief kiss with him before he laid his head on another soft pillow Dale put under his head to keep him elevated. With an easy way to watch the warm puffs of air that descended down his chest, and the lovely licks that moistened their way across his cream colored fur, Nick found himself purring ever louder. For while his skill with the tongue drew out rumbles and short gasps of pleasure from his throat, Dale's skilled hands also offered a massage more delightful than anything he received in his life...an extra blanket of relief that eased part of the tension that coursed through his body...for no matter how much he trusted Dale. No matter how soft he was...one part of Nick remained firm in its throbbing stance. The closer Dale approached that certain part, the stronger the hot pulsations reverberating within the depths of the cougar's crotch became. Huffing and mrowring like a feline in heat, Nick's toes spread and curled rhythmically as the husky's hot breath now fell upon the most delicate and receptive part of his body.

"I'm going to shoot...I'm going to cum..." he whined without even daring to pry his scrunched eyelids open for fear that the sight of his friend's lovely tongue panting so very close to his erect penis would send him into the very orgasm he feared. "Please, Dale...your breath's too warm..."

"Hrrfff, alright," the husky's voice came, leaden with lustful purpose, the sound of his clattering jaws confirming something that drew a line of translucent pre from the cougar's pulsating spire. It trailed down like aquatic honey towards the thicker base of his ruddy penis, coating his small penile nubs in an intoxicating dew that made his pup throb with equal desire.

"You smell so good down here...I can almost taste your yearning. You've held back for years, Nick. Whole entire years...To a dog like me, the smell of this pent-up want is like a slice of heaven." Dale whined, licking his muzzle often to keep himself from drooling. He enjoyed the smell of him enough to draw it deep into his nostrils and dissect its many flavors in a canid version of a flehmen.

"It's alright. Don't start worrying just yet. I have good control over my instincts, even if tasting you is all that I want right now," Dale continued, the heat of his breath moving further down until it touched upon the cougar's firm, fuzzy balls. "If I can't clean your beautifully glazed penis, perhaps I can taste you here?" he nudged the cat's testicles with his nose. "I'll avoid direct contact, but just in case it happens, if you indeed spend the heat burning within these beautiful sack of yours, I'll find something to catch your semen in. A bag or a blanket or even...my tongue. Especially my tongue. I'll use my mouth, unless you object to the notion of having your semen utterly devoured by a hungry, horny dog."

"No...arrhhhh...course not..." Nick winced and kicked at the air gently as a deep sigh of fulfillment accompanied the gentle kisses, bumps of the snout, long, flowing licks that moved along his balls around. Like two playful fruits they shifted with the motion, fuzzy and ripe. "Feels so good. Keep...doing that." The cougar rumbled. The wetter his nuts became, the hotter he felt down there. With none of the husky's lovable motions touching the very source of his pleasure, Nick enjoyed this new form of foreplay to its fullest extent... until the husky challenged him with a question as cold as a bucket of water thrown over his steamy privates.

Stop here? Why? What reason would have either of them put a stop to this entrancing exchange of honest male on male affection? Sunk deep enough in Dale's lascivious pool of heated affection, Nick already imagined the husky's fist enclosing around his penis, trapping him within his hot, comforting pads...just as the hot rush of seed ascended along his leaking spire. The fantasy felt so raw, so real, Nick had no idea if it remained inside his head or not...

Until he mrowled out a steamy agreement and bucked his tense legs in response to Dale's proposition. To feel that tongue on the barbed frame of his penis, to watch his friend's gulping muzzle swallow his entire erection...that was a dream wetter than any Nick ever had.

And it started just the same. With a single, trepid touch that crept along his sodden testicles, making his penis tense with anticipation until...until-

"Mrawwwwww!" The cougar's entire body convulsed with instinctual might from the moment Dale's fleshy tongue made contact with his steaming hot barbed feline rod. It wasn't just a tasting jab either. No. Rather than simply taste, Dale circled around to gather as much of the abundant moisture he could from the cougar's penis, a blanket of moist flesh no virgin feline could withstand.

Zapped by the entrancing feeling of the husky's tongue, Nick's throat rumbled with need as sharp as the heat swelling inside his groin. Yet something even more intense followed that lone, furtive lick. A delve into something hot, moist, so full of love and want. Dale's muzzle. An inescapable prison from which the cougar's penis could see no way out of.

As soon as he saw the husky's jaws enclose around the entire frame of his throbbing penis, Nick slammed his head back into his pillows. He growled like a wounded animal under the sharp jolts of pleasure that ravaged their way through his burning groin. His cock throbbed and throbbed and throbbed, barbs flaring their small nubbly span against the fleshy blanket that shifted and rubbed along their tips in wonderful motions, before one final, shuddering throb made his balls draw up against his groin.

Nick tried to open his clenching jaws. To warn his friend of what was about to happen. He wished he could scream out loud how close he hovered over the impending moment of his greatest release. How much he loved the dog whose very muzzle he found himself balls-deep in.

But no words came out. Not even a scream. Just seed. Thick, savory feline semen trickling in droves out of his tip, the precursor of a much greater explosion of utter bliss that built up within the depths of his overstimulated penis

Nick shuddered hard as his legs wrapped around the canid's neck, hips trembling hard with the need to thrust. To push deeper. To release.

But the all consuming pleasure of his first time within a canid's suckling jaws ensured he could do neither of those. Just like before, with his failed warning and completely silent reaction to the heat welling inside his hardening penis, the paralyzing orgasm had such a hold on him Nick could do nothing but writhe in pleasure while the first of a long line of spurts exploded out of his spasming penis.

"Mrooowwrrrrr! Raaaaaaahhhh!" he clawed at the air, pumped his hips in the jagged, imperfect ways he could, and unleashed as much as he could inside the husky's muzzle. Dale messily slurped on the throbbing frame of his cock, his massaging jaw so overwhelmingly stimulating to a penis that never knew the touch of something so...wet. More intense than any dream he had, the satisfaction of consciously ejaculating in his friend's wanting maw -be he a male- kept Nick pumping the life giving fluid from his achingly full balls throughout dozen of intense, voice-breaking throbs.

Only when the heated rush of the heaviest part of his orgasm started to subside, could he finally dare to creak open his teary eyelids, hazy eyes confirming what his ears told him all along.

Tales of a hungry dog that even now licked his way around his penis in search of nutrients, his brushing tongue consuming every last bit of the cum he unleashed.

"All-all of it?" Nick covered his burning face with a shameful paw once he caught a peek of his friend licking his dripping chops clean off his milky snakes of semen. Nobody sniffed him down there before. Nobody dared to even touch him. And Dale...he...he drank all of his seed? What if it tasted bad? What if-

"That was...without a doubt...the richest blowjob I offered." The husky whined. "And trust me. I tasted a lot of cocks before I had the immense pleasure of feasting on yours."

Nick said nothing as the husky went back down on his groin to ease his spent cock back into its home. "Why are you looking at me with that incredulous stare? Haven't you heard the memo? Dogs LOVE the taste of cum. And well..." he paused to whine as a stream of hot ejaculate left his own hardened erection. "I think the state of me tells you more than words ever can."

He had the right of it. The smell of aroused dog filled the tent like invisible smoke, permeating the air around Nick, feeding his smoldering lusts with the miasma of a virile male just as aroused as he was prior to his volcanic eruption.

Dale's peeking tip became a source of fascination for the cougar while the horny mutt continued his lessons unabated, treating the cougar to a few more sessions of testicle massage before his moist tongue fell upon his shuddering rim.

"Owwrr...really? You got to be a dog that much?"

Dale's answer came in the form of several more licks that made the cougar's untested, untasted, deliciously soft rim shudder with vibrations of rising sexual energies.

"Arrff..." He emerged from the cougar's undertail with glazed eyes and a drooly expression which needed no further words of explanation. "I think...you're the first virgin I ever had. And a feline at that. You, my dear, taste wonderfurrr."

"R-really?" Nick asked, stunned.

The husky nodded with a quick lick of his still shuddering muzzle. "It's a dog thing. Just relax. I know what I'm doing."

Nick laid his head back on the tower of pillows. He spread his legs wider than before and grabbed hold of his tail, eyes focused on his friend's increasingly voracious licking. There was something primal in the way Dale fed, pushing his muzzle harder into the object of his desires, as if he wanted to go deeper. Nick had never been one to admire his own genitals. Far from it. His feline upbringing made him extremely self conscious about the hardly laudable performance he had compared to a canid or an equine.

But that seemed to change tonight. Right now, he found himself entranced with the bouncing shapes of his generously sized testicles, the drop of cloudy pre hanging on the revealing tip of his cock, the blanketing film of freshly emerged precum stretching all around the base of his sheath...and most of all, his tense, spasming tailhole. Dale's lashing tongue stirred an itch deep within the cougar's rim. A faint, throbbing need that slowly began to grow in rhythm with the throbs of his cock.

"Aaaahhh! It starts to feel...really strange." Nick gasped, grabbing a tighter hold of his tail. With his tongue busy with cougar flesh, Dale could only respond with further savagery. He grabbed onto the cougar's haunches to spread him further apart, then launched an even more intense offensive, as if he aimed to tickle the cat's very prostate.

Nick, of course, found himself flooded with feelings that tested his body in many wonderful unforeseen ways. Harder and harder he tugged his tail towards him, every pull forcing his tail to further contract with sharper spasms. Throb, throb, throb, his muscles clamped and relaxed around themselves, until a final, sharper pull made the cougar's fur bristle in a sharp surge of agonizingly intense bliss that seemed to fill his very cock to refuse, even if no semen seemed to escape from his tensing cock-hole. A long, drawn out feeling akin to a semen-less string of orgasms raked its way across his penis from the depths of his tailhole, where the epicenter of this seismic bliss seemed to originate from. These throbs compounded upon each other, forcing the cougar to clench all of the muscles in his body harder and harder, until finally, his prostate clamped down with a quaking throb that made him erupt so hard, he saw nothing but dizzying stars in front of his eyes.

"Mrrffff..." The husky whined at the smell of fresh semen pouring out in rampant squirts from his friend's restless penis. While Nick writhed in the screaming bliss of a hands-free, prostate-induced orgasm, he thrust his leaking penis towards the tailbase he stained with his drooling tongue and in a fit of lustful desperation claimed hold of his inflated knot, as if to rid himself of the pestering lust.

His initiative hardly lasted. Same as his spurts. Two cloudy streams barely left his vein beribboned tip before his warm, moist grip found purchase around the cougar's cock instead, forcing Nick to squeeze his eyes shut and yowl even louder, joining the husky's sonorous howl in a serenade that lasted ages.

"You're... welcome." Dale huffed. He picked apart the slippery strings of semen stretching between his fingers with his hungry tongue while the cougar watched him with a dreamy expression between dazed and fulfilled.

"I saw what you did." He croaked out. "Two times. I spent myself twice, while you marked your tent throughout this whole time with nothing but liquid lust."

"Ah, I'm used to it. Leakage is part of the dog package."

"Yeah, but..." Nick took a whiff from the heady scents of the tent, so stuffy with canid musk it raised his lips over his fangs in an instant.

"But?" Dale said, placing his now clean hand on the cougar's belly. He advanced, bit by bit, his lascivious tongue sliding over the cat's snow-white fangs. "There has to be a but there, cause I just had butt for diner...and it was delicious."

"Mate...with me."

Dale stammered at the notion. "Wha- you want me to do what?"

"I want you to tutor me in the best lesson there is. Actual mating." The cougar grabbed his tail in his hand and spread his legs invitingly to offer his hungry dog a good view of the goods. "Come on. I'm a virgin, yet even I think it'd be a wasted opportunity to leave my tender ass empty of that delicious meat you've been pointing at me ever since we dropped our pants down. I know you want it. The steamy lube you stained the floor with, just like a wolf in heat, courting his lovely ladies is enough to tell me that-"

"You know only the bitches go in heat, right? Brainiac."

"Well, that hardly seems to be the case now, with all the mess you're making." Nick kissed him sweetly. "Play along now, pup. I've been a good kitty to you, haven't I?"

The husky growled lustfully. Pulled into a kissing hug, Nick gave his utmost to show Dale how much he wanted this. He knew how strange it looked from the outside. To twine his tongue with a fellow male, to let his hands wander all over his naked body...to grasp the fuzzy sheath that sheltered part of his cock and feel aroused by the potential that throbbed between his hungry fingers. Yet Dale was not just another male. Nor an ordinary dog...or simply just a friend. He was the only one that had ever been there for Nick no matter how thick the flow of life got. Nick couldn't imagine having anyone else in his embrace right now but Dale. His lovely, silly, fluffy puppy friend Dale. His friend, or rather...his...lover.

On this strange and serene night when he would make love to someone for the very first time, he wanted to do it on his terms, with whom he chose. And he made sure Dale knew it, even if that took a gentle squeezing of his fuzzy nuts for the cat to get his point across.

"Alright, alright, you have me by the balls now, bud. I'm compelled to service the cute beauty that you are in any way you ask me to."

"Just...being yourself is purrfect for me." Nick played a bit further with the dog's drooping buts before he let them free. It took restraint for his fingers to go around the husky's inviting cock, yet the cougar found himself grabbing something equally wholesome. His friend's incessant yapper. "There. Muzzled you. So listen well. I'll hear nothing about taking it slow with me, safe words, or half measures. What I want from you right now -as an official favor, no less- is to treat me like you would a partner. Understand?"

With the clawed fingertips unclasping from his muzzle, the dog whined in agreement.

"Good." Nick licked him sweetly. "Glad we're in agreement, because there's no way we go to sleep tonight without a healthy dose of you warming up the insides of my tail."

Nick gasped in pleasure. After a drawn out foreplay during which they slobbered all over each other's muzzles and rubbed their cock tips together, the cougar finally got the chance to taste Dale's cock with his tailhole. The husky rubbed it on concentric motions around his rim not only to warm his partner up for the upcoming penetration, but also, to arouse him.

Nick mrowled with need, pulling the husky tighter against his body. He felt so hot, trapped under the fur of his friend, the tip of his cock knocking at the gates of his ass. Like his fur, Dale's cock too felt quite warmer than the previous guest Nick received down there...and unlike a tongue, it shot its lubricating fluids in the most entrancing of ways.


"Mraahhh, even need to ask?" Nick pushed his forehead against his lover's. "See yourself in me before your tip pushes me into another fit of spontaneous ejaculation."

Whines of desire, growls of passion, and two tongues that never wished to be apart from each other accompanied the enchanting moment of the penetration. Though a virgin through and through, Nick shuddered in utter bliss once his ass parted around Dale's canid cock, his licked tail responding surprisingly well to the foreign presence of such a sizable shaft slinking past the entrance of his shuddering gates. "Mrrraahhhh, keep going," he encouraged Dale with a gentle ear bite. "This feels...so much better than I imagined."

The husky complied with a whine as fervorous as the eager thrusts he began to shake the cougar's form with. Warm jets of pre escaped his throbbing member every few throbs. Heat that slithered its way deeper inside the cat. Bouncing up and down with the weight of his lover's trained movements, Nick clenched his jaws and attempted to last as long as possible, for he desperately wanted to feel his partner's liquid satisfaction erupt into the depths of his tail before he ejaculated a third time.

Yet that wasn't easy. With Dale's throbbing cock stretching his tailhole in such wonderful ways and his precum shooting in ever greater streams, Nick was on a race against time. A race he intended to finish last. He imagined himself a character in Dale's story; a horny slut banged on the table of a restaurant by her aroused partner. The fantasy turned Nick on further and further, until his anus threatened to collapse and his cock to explode in yet another fit of spraying semen. Unlike himself, in a fit of horny desperation, he pleaded Dale to go all the way in.

But the dog refused to. He cited comfort, then safety. By the time he got to the deeper moral parts of their supposedly platonic relationship, Nick wrapped himself around him and practically shoved his hungry tailhole against the husky's swollen knot.

"I want it.... Please. You promised you won't hold back..."

A bucking thrust answered in response.

"Mraawww! Harder...." Nick winced.

Three more thrusts followed, each stronger than the last, shifting the carpet underneath the two lovers, crumpling the pillow tower that kept the cougar so comfortable before.

"HARDER!" Niklas hugged his dog with all his might. When Dale's engorged knot finally plopped in, the tent shook with the intensity of their union, so loud even the forest bore witness to their bond.

Breath left their lungs in twin howls. Though they bore various pitches specific to their species, the serenade of pleasure felt the same for each of them, unmatched in its ability to produce the sweetest, purest form of self expression. Heated seed left their members in rampant waves, accompanied by the scratching of claws and the kissing of fangs.

Yet this was not the gentle kissing that accompanied their wild, feral screams. Neither was it the gentle sort of love. As unsheathed claws dug their tips into whatever they could and teeth grabbed onto napes and shoulders, one could catch a glimpse beyond the sentient nature of these two lovers. Beneath their moral upbringing, the laws they grew up with, the rules they had to follow, an inner beast awakened within both of them. A beast that craved for only one thing in this moment. To either breed...or to be taken. To be had.

After three consecutive orgasms on the cougar's part, and drenching streams of seed that had yet to stop for Dale, tongues replaced the sharpness of fangs, and rubs, the feral scratching of claws. In Nick's case, the fullness of his partner's member filled him far more than jus the physical way. Dale's semen was comfort. Safety. Love. Commitment. A bond tied in the surest way there was. The rest of his affectionate gestures were simply the icing on top of an already wonderful cake...and that was what made his first coupling so special to Nick. What kept him soaring from one orgasm into the next with barely any downtime. At some point, he felt so drained of energy, so full of love, that the world seemed to spin around him. Terrified as he should've been for falling into a warm abyss of fulfillment, the cougar felt nothing but joy, for no matter what would happen, no matter how far he'd drift on the ethereal winds of the claiming darkness, he was sure of one thing.

Dale would be there to hold him.

Tomorrow morning, rational thoughts began to rush back inside their heads, yet something primal still lingered inside their hearts. They both felt it, even if none dared to speak of it. Only after they finished their morning routine, on the way to bathe their matted fur into the cold waters of the river, did Nick find the courage to finally give words to his wants.

"So last night got pretty wild, huh?"

Dale took a moment to seize him up. "Well, from the way you look and hobble your walk, I'd say that's a bit of an understatement."

"Yeah..." Nick resisted the urge to turn around with a lifted tail and demand more balming licks in his aching spot. "So hrrmm, would you say the sex flowers coerced us into doing all of those things? Or is there some deeper reason behind this lingering ache you left in my tail?"

"Really? You gotta blame the flowers now? And me, for giving you exactly what you asked for? That's unfair. I mean, how could you possibly expect me to still be your friend after-"

"Dale, I-I...I..." cold chills replaced the buzzing heat that reigned inside the cougar's fur since last night.

"You what?" The husky lessened the distance with confident steps. "You claim to be anything but the vile succubus who entranced my tongue..." Nick flinched under the grip of his strong hands, but more so from the shuddering thrill of that same lovely tongue he tasted last night rushing along the top of his head. "Who stole my wits with his beauty, ensnared my senses with his irresistible scents, fed my the sweetest of seeds, and to top that all off, pleaded me to knot him?"

"That's...deep," Nick stammered, filled with warmth and love. "I-"

"I'll show you deep!" the husky declared with a mighty tackle that pushed them both in the gentle embrace of the river. Mirth abounded during their time in the water, replaced by the serenity of a bond maintained once they emerged on the shore to warm themselves not in the comfort of their tents, but in each other's blissful embrace.

"I'll try to be much more restrained next time, kitty. Taking me in like that on your very first time...well, it's been a bit of a stretch, to put it mildly."

"Next time?" Nick's heart soared inside his chest. "You mean...you'll tutor me again?"

"Or make love to you. Whichever you prefer."

"Mrr, but doesn't that mean we'll be more than friends? Maybe...mates? Or something like that."

"Something like that, yeah."

***The End***

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