A Dog’s Best Toy

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Two good friends find themselves stalking the hideout of a known thief. Hot and needy for one another, they find their plans turned to ruins by their rampant lusts. But all is not lost. During his escape, the thief accidentally dropped...a golden dildo!

With emotions heated by the sting of failure and balls full of unspent seed, they wash away the bitter taste of defeat with torrents of warm sticky love and experience the new wonderful sensation of getting tied up in the process.

**Two good friends find themselves stalking the hideout of a known thief. Hot and needy for one another, they find their plans turned to ruins by their rampant lusts. But all is not lost. During his escape, the thief accidentally dropped...a golden dildo!

With emotions heated by the sting of failure and balls full of unspent seed, they wash away the bitter taste of defeat with torrents of warm sticky love and experience the new wonderful sensation of getting tied up in the process.**

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor


A Dog's best toy


Morning rolled along as a sea of mist creeping through the forest. Birds began to fret through the lush deciduous trees like the insects, chittering in the increasingly warmer temperatures, busy and purposeful.

While the forest came to life around them, two friends -tied together by a common destiny- stood on that soft, dew leaden grass, poses tense, eyes vigilant. Dusk and dawn were, after all, the best time to witness some suspicious activity, and the hastily crafted wooden facility they camped near, or rather, the compound they overlooked from the greenery, seemed to know frequent activity from how well maintained its mahogany frame was. Someone definitely spent time ripping off the vines and keeping wasps from making their home in its innards.

Yet even with all the data they had on their target, even placing themselves in the right place, at the right time, hidden well enough to avert their prey's senses, they still waited...and waited...until they grew hungry and bored.

"What are you doing?" Swellow, the sterner of the two, looked suspiciously at the sack of berries his partner carried over from their supply. The careless Arcanine spread the thick strip of cloth he used as a blanket throughout the night over the grass after it had been flattened by one of his fluffy forepaws.

"We're supposed to keep alert for any sign of-" Swellow continued, only for his beak to slam shut in silence at his partner's uncharacteristically happy gaze.

"A big, fat bird leaden with spoils?" the canid wagged his tail, returning with a pouch of berries from their supply sacks. "Trust me, partner. My nose and ears will pick its arrival within seconds. Seconds, compared to the minutes he'll need to reach us."

"Aaak," Swellow croaked within his clamping beak. A dog's senses were what they were. No amount of arguing could counter that. Still, his partner's nonchalant nature could get on his nerves in times like these, when a few berries seemed more important than the payday that awaited them at the end of this mission. Even so, he had no heart to open his beak in disagreement, for even failure would not break the bond solidified by years of partnership. Partnership that extended far past their contractual obligations.

"So, are we in agreement? Or should we risk starvation before our delayed friend makes his appearance?"

"Craak, let's eat, then."

"Good choice." The fluffy dog grabbed the berry bag in his mouth and upturned it, allowing a generous amount of fresh berries to roll over the fresh cloth pushed in front of the avian by one of his agile paws.

Swellow found himself a bit intimidated by the small mountain of dark and red berries he found himself in front of. "Not the whole bag..." he thought; yet, once again, he kept his opinions to himself. Seeing that playfulness in Arcanine's eyes, watching his tail wag, feeling his warm tongue roll along his brow in gratitude...all what annoyed him ultimately became a bearable cost for his partner's happiness, however fleeting that might've been.

He slowly picked at the berries that rolled over the flattened grass of their little refuge. Secluded in the thick foliage of the forest that surrounded the ramshackle wooden storehouse they guarded, they ate with one eye open for their mark. Swellow had spotted the encampment of the greedy Archeops during his search the previous day, and, thanks to the fantastic lead they had, the two of them found themselves with a real shot at catching their unsuspecting target right on the doorstep of their home. All they had to do was wait for hours, possible days, with a limited supply of food and an ever-increasing yearning to do something with their time...perhaps...even with each other, until their target finally showed up.

"Be sure to keep the sweet ones for me." Arcanine said, trying to rinse off the taste of a sour black one with a few quick licks over his dripping muzzle. "My tongue puckers up at the slightest tint of sour fruit juice."

"You got it. Just keep your eyes on the horizon. Our prey might swoop in at any second, and I don't want you to have berries swimming around your head when they show up."

"Rrrrr, sometimes you forget I have the keenest nose there is. If our quarry shows up, I'll smell them minutes before they make landfall."

"Sure, if it's meat they carry."

Thinking of the goal of their mark's mischief began to lighten up Swellow's stark attitude. "What do you think he'll try to store in his nest before we interrupt him in the attempt?"

"Something shiny. You birds have a knack for those sort of things. But if it's some awesome piece of technology, I reserve the right to appropriate it. Our employees did hire us to...retrieve the thief, to put that kindly, but they said nothing about easing off some of the load they carry."

Devious dog. Even in his evolved form he had these moments where he could act like a juvenile Growlith.

Swellow resumed his idle sifting through the berries. He would pick the black ones in his beak, relishing in the pungent taste that rolled down his pointy tongue when he crushed them, a kind of aroma that helped his bored mind soar away from this clearing, away from their task, even...away from their job. Stake-outs like these could involve hours of waiting. Sometimes, days. He may have been the more serious of the two, yet in situations like these, when Arcanine assured him no flap of wings, screech, or scent will escape his keen senses, Swellow fell into relaxation's temptation. He flew all the way back when he was no more than a shy Tailow following in the footsteps of his much braver partner, a Growlith he took a liking to. On the grounds of the explorer's guild where they once lived, they strengthened the bond they formed by fighting and surviving together throughout the rigorous training required to become bounty hunters. At the end of those exhausting days, they'd retreat into their shared room to rest, first in their own nests, then together, and soon after, for they needn't exhaustion to push them in each other's embrace.

Those times still felt so recent upon his mind. So very vivid...

Swellow's feathers ruffled slightly in the warm winds of the day's maturing morning once he sank into the memory of his partner's first nocturnal discharge. The warmth of that wet, throbbing penis pressed against his body, so very close to his at-the-time untouched cloaca...the heat of his cum... that sweet, maddening taste he sampled on his beak in a moment of lustful curiosity, all filled him with yearning. A yearning fueled by days of job-induced abstinence. A vicious chain of lust that pushed right through his grizzled training, making his cloaca squeeze with want and his claws tighten their grip on the fabric they stood upon.

Similarly to that first heated night, Arcanine noticed nothing in the dull present they found themselves wrapped in. He busied with his berries the same as he slept back then, completely oblivious to his arousing influence. While other fellow bounty hunters would focus on the dashing black stripes slashing their way across his orange coat, or admire the fluffiness of his pale leg tufts, his...other features found themselves admired by the naughty avian. Swellow's eyes lingered long. Too long on things that should have kept his eyes averted, such as the supple sheath hidden neatly beneath the canine's thick belly fur, or his orbs, two playful things Swellow often bounced on his beak during downtime.

He could entice his partner into a game or two. Yet he wished for something more intense though. Something savage. A straight plunge of his beak into the fleshy halls of his mate's sheath, leaden with lubrication as the grass that shined in the light of the morning. Yes. Deep, he'd delve. Deep enough to take the very tip of his cock within his hungry beak and force his partner to grow inside his gullet!

Swellow's cloaca tightened with need. His tongue wettened with rising passion for a taste that combined the aromas of their berries into the most harmonious concoction that ever graced the avian's beak, and that scent, that wild, musky scent of need forged in the flames of extended abstinence...One horny avian could only dream of inhaling such bounty.

And so he did. Upon the winds of memories, Swellow infused the monotony of his everyday feeding with the allure of that first time when he sunk more than half of his beak into his friend-at-the-time Growlith a few days after he confessed to his nocturnal exploration. A juicy reward came instead of the punishment he expected, and not even a day later, the pervy canid, drunk on the euphoria that made him orgasm consciously for the first time inside the avian's hungry beak, proposed something different. Something that would allow both of them to experience that hot, shuddering bliss that made their members twitch and erupt their hot white reward. Flopping on his back like the tamest of dogs, Arcanine welcomed the inconsequential weight of his feathered partner upon the fluff of his belly, and bade him to rub his nethers against the protruding pink of his penis until something would happen.

Swellow thrust, and thrust, and thrust...and then...

Juices spilled down Swellow's beak, the berries he unconsciously trapped there escaped down the lower half of his beak in a stream as thick, rich, and bountiful as the flood he tasted within his cloaca during their very first actual mating.


"Craak?" he stumbled into something furred and unmovable.

"What's going on within that feathery head of yours?" Arcanine carefully hopped over the avian's smaller frame to rest on his belly right in front of him.

"It's...nothing. Absolutely nothing." Swellow closed his eyes to further enjoy the enrapturing feeling of his partner's tongue wiping every trace of juice from his beak's surroundings. "You don't need to clean me. I'll find a river to-"

"Nonsense. The nearest water source may be a few wing flaps away but I am not risking the success of our mission for a few sweet berry stains."

Swellow conceded to that well put argument. "Any sign of our target?" he murmured.

"Nothing but the kiss of the wind, the frolic of the forest, and your pesky beak digging into my sweet share of the berries." The dog pointed to the remnants of the red berries Swellow accidentally dined on. "You're going to deprive me of my morning sweetness if you keep this up."

"Sorry," Swellow quickly began to separate the sweet reds from the sour indigo. While he did so, Arcanine contemplated something of his own, seated on his haunches much like a statuesque sentry. With strong limbs hidden beneath his lush coat and a naturally fierce, battle-ready physique, he had every reason to be admired. From...every angle. Even the one that led between his legs!

The pink escaping from his hanging maleness always captivated Swellow's attention, when hot shivers bothered his needy form after what seemed like hours of fantasizing about their steamy past. Even then, long before Arcanine offered him a chance at partnership, Swellow stole a few glances here and there at the in-between of the canid's legs. Something about the construction of his genitals aroused him deeply, infecting him with pestering lust that only grew worse with time. In this particular instance, he deeply wondered how his partner smelled down there. If his balls, swollen by abstinence, caused a few drops of seed to seep out of his penis during the night, leading him to tongue his-

"I know you're staring." The canid said without even turning his head from the clouds he admired. "The vast wetness beneath your tail heated the air around us for some time now. I didn't ask because I thought I'm the only one who yearned to indulge in our usual routine..." his warm eyes found Swellow's embarrassed gaze . "But from how hungrily you stare down the very thing your lusts created, might as well open your beak and take it."

Swellow was sorely tempted to. Ever since he evolved into the ankle-sized bird he was now -compared to his partner, of course-, he dreamed of being a proper partner for his lover. One that could fully shelter Arcanine's knot within his squeezing rear without creating worries about size, speed, or technique when they mated...

"No...much as we want it, we would be absolute fools to put our needs before the mission." Swellow shook off his head of every heated thing that swam around his ruffling feathers. Lust, as he found out, could be the most dangerous of vices. Especially on a mission of such importance.

A silent agreement spread between the two of them, and so, they returned to their meal. Whatever remained of it.

Though something bothered him. A sliver of heat belonging to long spent events that should not have crept into his mind right now rustled through his feathers like a slithering serpent made of heat, of need. Ever since that lovely incident, flashes of tormentingly hot scenarios bothered him every night when he cuddled with his partner. He hoped for dreams as wet as that tongue, and in their absence, fantasies proved an equally reliable source of arousal. Perhaps even...better. Thoughts of his partner's large canid cock swell to full mast inside him -his knot, tying him like a fertile bitch to a virile stud- had been Swellow's only focus when the need to release slithered beneath his feathers...

"Perhaps you can take to the skies?"

Swellow shook his head without even thinking too hard on the silly nature of that suggestion. One sure way to get their cover blown, that was. But he didn't answer his partner right away. Nor did he realize how long he'd been lost in his thoughts.

His dreamy distractions once again pulled the interest of his partner in the form of a joke about the uselessness of their stake-out, for Swellow's miasma alone would wrench their target down to the ground by the massive weight of his raging erection.

The joke hit a bit too close to his pride. How could he preach the importance of their mission if the underside of his tail mirrored the gushing vent of a female at the peak of her heat? He chose to quickly rub the shameful results of his fantasies over the cool grass, turning down Arcanine's offer for a quick licking.

But the dog never backed down so easily. Earth became sky as Swellow found himself inverted, with an eager nose taking in the scents of his crotch, followed by the slow lashing of a tongue he relieved himself over hundreds of times. He wanted to like it. He forced himself to expel the heat out of his body as the show went on. Legs spread, vent clenching with passion, Swellow tried to work himself towards the gates of a climax that seemed to fly farther away from his grasp the more he wanted it, for seed flowed plentifully, while coin did not. If Archeops escaped for any reason, Swellow would bear the burden of their failure. Him, and him alone.


He what? Was there any way he could convey his worries to such a spontaneous pup? His eyes gleamed with lust reflected in the dew trickling down his cherry red tip, made fat and heavy by the stretch his black furred sheath suffered as a side effect of his copiously swollen knot.

Such picture of innocence and arousal tugged at the avian's heartstrings. He forfeited words in order to nuzzle his way under the big dog. The wetness of his cock sliding along the smooth top of his beak made him shudder with desire, and the smells...skies, the smells drove him close to the breaking point! He barely even got the chance to feel the sturdiness of Arcanine's knot when the dog pulled him into a fluffy hug that took him with his back on the ground once more, but this time, with that hot, leaky, tip of a canid penis rubbing against the pink opening of his hungry cloaca.

"We shouldn't... not now.." Swellow pleaded.

"Shouldn't what?" Arcanine licked him sweetly. "Who said we are even doing 'it', my friend? I just want to kiss you a little. Down there. With something far sturdier than my tongue"

Swellow chirped. His partner's tip sank ever so slowly inside him. Throb. Throb. Throb.

He loved the feel of it. The strength of it. The fantasy of what could happen. And then, the cool air as he dismounted.

"Raaaak...so quickly?" He cawed back at the retreating dog.

"I promised you a taste, not a dive. You'll get more after we finish our mission," he promised, smiling with a wink.

"Right. You're completely right." Swellow rolled back on his feet, dribbling copiously. The two bounty hunters, now properly separated from each other's infatuating warmth, rehearsed their plan for what could be the last time before their prey showed up: upon Arcanine's command, Swellow would drop a net on their Archeops prey, then both would descend upon him once the entrapping fiery tornado would dissipate. They had to get him quickly, for if a chink in their trap allowed him to fly away, no amount of running could help Arcanine catch up, just as no ability in his badly matched toolkit could aid Swellow in taking down the armoured rock element pokemon from the embrace of the sky.

With the recap coming to a quick end, the two got back into their gear. Swellow flew up into the tallest tree he could find while Arcanine prowled in a bush, mere specks of his bright coloring popping out in that sea of shrouding green. And then, back to waiting...

The wait extended to a couple more dreadful few hours that resulted in growling stomachs overlapped with boredom and restlessness...yet something seemed to change. Upon the calm winds, the sound of wings beating down with purpose could be faintly heard in the distance. Arcanine recognized the cues of a leaden flier. He could tell by how heavily he beat the air, their prey carried spoils measuring close to their full carrying capacity.

To prove him right, an Archeops swooped down upon the hideout, dropping the heavy sack from his talons before he made his landing. That definitely had to be their target. Not only was the coloration of his plumage a one to one match, but the sparkling specks coming from the slightly parted mouth of the sack confirmed the presence of many luxurious, illicitly obtained goods.

Swellow saw nothing. Heard nothing. Thought nothing but the fantasies from his youth. A time when Arcanine never even dared to put his cock on his cloaca for fear of losing himself to the heat of his passions.

It seemed like yesterday, how during their training years, they had to settle their horny urges via the goopy insides of a maw, the tightness of a beak, the fleshy whipping of tongues, if the tongue allowed such, of course. Cursed with the stubby tongue of the avian kind, Swellow's swallowing talent far outweighed his nonexistent licking capabilities. Yet never had the lack of a tongue sliding across his nether regions bother Arcanine. His throbbing dogbone always felt right at home tensing in the tight confines of his Swellow's gizzard; unleashing its streams down a canal that felt so little different than the constricting birth-tunnel of a female of his own kind appeased him always. In exchange, his delightful tongue had given the avian pleasure beyond his wildest dreams.

Oral methods had, for better or worse, turned into their preferred means to achieve a fulfilling release.

And it worked. For months, even years, repeated oral simplicity coupled with the occasional grinding of feathers on fur, penis against cloaca, tip to tip, had sated their need to bond with each other as deeply as any mated pair could.

Yet even so, Swellow's fantasies had a tendency to fly towards possibilities beyond the comfort of their established methods. One of these most recent occurrences happened very recently. Right before they embarked upon their mission! Inside the warm comfort of an inn that made their kind feel at home, he spread himself over the bed to allow Arcanine's tongue to do its thing, its dripping caress doing what Swellow loved most until...something different made his feathers stand on their ends. His partner's tongue pierced him deeper than ever before, triggering a spontaneous climax that left the shuddering avian paralyzed with bliss.

Swellow's talons clenched tighter on the branch he sat upon. He crouched just a tad lower...and lower...until he felt the uneven texture of the bark upon his moist, tender spot. He barely resisted the urge to make a noise. In his worked up state...even a slight rub could provoke throbbing amounts of pleasure.

Beak shut, eyes closed, he waited. In that haze of lust and memories, he clung on to the vague instinct. That his partner's signal would come...before his fantasies had the chance to make him cum.


Back on the ground, Arcanine had been closely following the movements of their Archeops prey. He waited for the crook to make himself at home. Surprise attacks always had a higher chance of success when the victim's attention was fully stolen by a particular task.

And now, it seemed, the burden of dragging a heavy sack over to his hideout kept Archeops plentily distracted. He tried to drag it with his beak at first. Then, with his talons. Finally, he settled on pushing the bulging thing across the several leaps distance separating him from his wooden storage. How silly he looked, struggling like that. How futile, his efforts were! Leaping out of the bush right when Archeops showed signs of exhaustion through parted beak and hanging tongue, Arcanine slammed his paws down on the ground. He willed the essence of flames that always burned within him to form a tornado of flames around his mark, and so it did. A bright blaze of living flames enveloped the Archeops and his spoils, shrouding everything between its furious tempest and the target it swirled around.

"NOW!" he barked towards Swellow, holding his focus on Archeops, but no flaps of wings answered his call.

"Grrr..." he poured all he had into strengthening the lick of the flaming lasso, the only wall between him and failure. "Swellow, come...ON!"

Three breaths passed. Five. Before he counted ten, dozens of leaves scattered from the tree where Swellow sought refuge. In a blur of black, he soared above the tempest, the net from his avian feet falling into the eye of the storm just as Arcanine's flaming abilities sizzled into nothing.

"Grrrhhh..." he panted as Swellow landed next to him. He began to apologize before Arcanine silenced him with a quick padded bap of a paw. "Did...did we get him?"

Their stares went back to the cloud of dark smoke left in the wake of the dissipated flames. For a few seconds, no sound but the charred grumbles of the vegetation could be heard. Then something came from the ominous cloud. Something too quick for even a wind-blessed pokemon like Swellow could avoid.

"Swellow!" Arcanine turned his barred fangs towards the source of the sand blast to see their mark emerge from the wall of shadows and into the light, the sand coating his body almost too bright to stare at.

"Kraaah!" Another blast of sand left the enemy's twined wings,

But this time, Arcanine was ready. Quickly leaping from the projectile's path, he zig-zagged his way through three more blasts before he tackled the villain and rolled with him back into the charred ring of vegetation.

"I got him!" he declared proudly. "Plan B, Plan B!"

Shaking off the dusty haze from the hit, Swellow rushed to fetch their backup bola launchers.

Archeops owl eyes went wide with fear. He squirmed and struggled enough for the protective minerals in his feathers to flow off of him like water...along with Arcanine's grip.

"Swellow, fire those damned bolas already!" he struggled to hold onto his prey to no avail, for Archeops was as slippery as the sand he controlled. Sand that started to get into his ears, into his eyes. Bit by bit, Archeops slipped from the grasp of his paws, the sand he shed off buzzing around him like a small, controlled tempest. It did not shield him though. Instead, it compressed into a small cloud that shot in Swellow's direction, and though the avian shielded himself from harm, plan B was in shambles.

"It's stuck!" The avian cawed desperately. "Sand must've gotten into the firing mechanism."

With no tools left in their kit to stop the archeops, their quarry flapped his way back upon the winds as Swellow and Arcanine watched in dismay. They both knew there was no point to give chase in the absence of any ways to restrain their mark.

"It's useless. Completely and utterly flooded with sand." Swellow tossed the launcher and worked himself out of his tactical vest.


The outcome they feared had occurred and the bounty would now be much harder to track again, but at least some stolen items could be returned to their owners. The mission was a failure, but they were still partners after all.

Arcanine barred no frustration inside his growling throat, rather making his frustrations visibly known on the wrinkles that creased his growling muzzle on his way back to his bird, where he corked his irritation behind a caring veil. He quickly checked upon his friend to see if any harm came to him, with a balming tongue rushing over Swellow's disheartened face.

"That could've ended better," Swellow croaked.

"Far better." Arcanine agreed. "Sit still please. I need to inspect you for injuries."

"Me? You've wrestled with him far more...thoroughly!"

Arcanine let known no disagreements were allowed through an insistent growl. And so, he sniffed his way along Swellow's flared wings, around his head, even beneath his tail to make sure his nose missed nothing of worth. Besides the usually soft smell of his partner's feathers, he was instantly assailed by the sharp musk of relatively fresh arousal. Emerging with a wet nose from what almost caused his tongue to come out and taste in reflex, he shook his head off the oppressive miasma and pretended otherwise.

"I'm fine...I most surely am. Only my pride is marred." Swellow said calmly, rubbing his way under the canid's fluffy neck. "You?"

Arcanine let his tongue answer this time. Two loving strokes painted his partner's head with a wet sheen before he let himself splay on the side, with the avian closely tucked against his chest, his shame as obvious as the scents he exuded. Rather than make this situation even more painful for him, Arcanine sneaked his muzzle under the avian's body, brushing past any resistance until he had Swellow on his back with his vent as warm, wet, and shining as his two beady eyes, pleading for something better than the sting of defeat.

From the moment his tongue made contact with the bird's heated vent, Arcanine found his senses delighted by a most pleasing concoction. Sweetness latched upon his tongue while his ears flooded with the cutest of chirps. He picked up his pace, believing his licking to be the culprit behind such sweet caress of chirping approval, but not even three strokes later Swellow flapped himself back on his two hopping feet, awkwardly making his way to the Path of Spoils with a winking vent still shuddering for a continuation of the teasing it received.

"Two, three, four..." He turned around excitedly. "I saw at least five items we can placate our failure with. Not everything is lost!"

My mood certainly is. Arcanine thought. His peeking tip began to recede as he went from object to object to drag all of them together in the pile of junk that they formed. "If there's anything of real value, it will be in this box," he placed a fluffy paw over it to prevent Swellow from prying the safety open. "But let me be clear. If whatever hides in there fits your vent, I think I'll stuff it into you as deep as I can, the price to pay for missing your net. Agreed?"

"Very much so, dear dog," Swellow imitated Archeops's belittling mannerisms.

That took him by surprise a little. "Really? I expected retorts. Or even complaints."


Swellow watched Arcanine toy with the box like a cat exploring its newest toy. He rolled it from one side to the next after his teeth failed to pry the delicate latch apart, wondering how to pry it open, for that feat also applied to the clumsy grasping attempts of his claws. With a deep growl of resignment, the canid eventually rolled the ornate box in front of the patient avian, bidding him to try. He then rolled on his back like a pup to stare at the clouds. Therapy for his justified anger, he goofily called it, while to Swellow, his thoughts were as clear as the pink excitement that spilled out of his sheath. The damned pup certainly orchestrated some nefarious plans in his head with whatever hid inside the box.

I sure hope it's not a bunch of diamonds.

"There." Swellow said once he cracked the simple safety mechanism keeping the box locked. "Want to have the honors...pup?"

Arcanine eagerly rolled back to his feet. He approached the box -and the skeptical avian- with a merry wagging of tail and grabbed the box in his mouth. On the grass fell what appeared to be a smooth gold ornament cast in the bizarre shape of a spike or plug...one that strongly resembled something, or even more befitting, someone's phallus.

"No. That can't be-"

"A cock?" Arcanine nosed it around as if to inspect its every angle. "Sure looks that way to me." His tip throbbed, a small drop of precum trickling on the grass. He walked around, the intensifying wags of his tail as bright as his voice. "You should consider yourself lucky, my beloved bird, for you are about to experience smoothness unmatched. Compared to the other things the box might've housed, this outcome really is the best!"

"You aren't putting that thing in me." The avian said sternly, a talon raised protectively to house his pink vent from sight. "Your tongue, I welcome. Your cock, I may tolerate. But metal is anything but accommodating to my dainty insides."

"Your dainty insides would ache for days if I'm the one doing the humping though. Look at it." Arcanine placed the toy in front of the avian's unwilling eyes. "Look. Please. For my sake, if not for-"

"Fine. Fine. I'll look."

Swellow did. Then, he touched. Once his talons grasped around the phallic, slightly curved object, curiosities began tickling their way across his feathers. The cold feeling could be adjusted with some warm breaths over its form, lubrication could be applied, thrusting could be achieved with some degree of effort. Even the size felt blessedly convenient, for his avian talons barely clenched halfway around the object before he felt the strain of his grip. Compared to Arcanine's fully engorged cock, this toy felt easy. Why not try it? Why not indulge his friend? Why not...wash the very sins that led to this moment in the fires of the heat that once burned beneath his tail feathers?

"I'd still prefer to clamber onto your penis like a dignified bird than allow myself taken by this lifeless object like some sort of...pleasure maiden." Swellow let the toy fall back on the ground, then rubbed his beak along Arcanine's belly, eyes half lidded from the pleased smells of his musk. "But if that is your desire...I can accommodate. Perhaps even prove myself worthy of the gift throbbing between your legs."

"It is. Very much is." A wet tongue graced the avian's beak. "My promises tend to be sticky. Just like the lust that will flow out of the both of us once we engage in this experiment."

Us? Swellow prepared to ask, then noticed just how full his partner's sheath looked. More than half of his tip came out, its glistening splendor so beautiful, he felt himself moistening in an instant My, he may even spill himself to the scent of my release. This will be fun.

"I see the way you look at my meat. First we fulfill my pledge, and if you're still hungry, I may allow you to take at least half of me into your delightful gullet. Sounds good?"


"Then roll on your back please, for I fear I may hump you instead if you keep me waiting any longer."

Swellow got himself into the proper position. Talons raised, wings spread, he shuddered with glee as he felt his partner's moist breath descend upon his vent. With a quick nod of his head, he prepared to meet a warm, delightful sensation he knew too well on the kneading surface of his eager vent...But even if he'd been here before, spread eagled before his partner's huffing muzzle, even if his featherless shelter had known the softness of a dog's tongue, the goopy nature of his saliva, or even the kiss of his cock...that first contact still felt so delightfully intense!

Swellow croaked out a bliss-filled caw. His talons clenched, his wings fluttered, the very vibrations that coursed through his body feeding his partner's eager nature with more than just the sweetness of his squelching core. Beyond the physical stimuli assaulting his senses, Arcanine took significant joy in making his partner squirm. Oh, he loved to have his bird cawing for him to go on, even begging for him to go faster, and most of all, adored how his well-honed techniques worked to bring his partner within that zone.

No later than five meager strokes of tongue applied to the in-between of his legs, Swellow's talons already began to tremble in bliss, a long squirt of watery essence escaping his lone orifice.

"So quick?" Arcanine licked his huffing muzzle clean off the intoxicating liquor that splattered all over his guilty lips. "You must be more than ready for this."

He picked up the phallic decoration within his jaws and began rubbing its tip along the avian's kneading lips. Though the thing felt rather cool as it rounded the heated circle of his featherless vent, Swellow found himself cresting too close to his climax to care. He flapped his wings eagerly to quicken his mate's tentative prodding in the absence of words to speak with and cawed when he found the entrance of his cloaca stretching around the increasing girth of that smooth, lifeless thing. Little by little, it sunk inside him, cold metal upon flesh, the road inside so...uneventful. The tightness of that thing, so delightful! His guttural caw gave way to sonorous chirps as more of the toy went in, masterfully handled by his partner's constant vigil over the cues of his body. Whenever his beak strained with effort, the dog changed the angle. Whenever his breath hitched in his throat, Arcanine paused too, afraid to overwhelm the avian with too much of that new, exotic sensation. The toy had been well received, yet there still lingered a bit of resistance. Some unknown, deeply-embedded part of a male's instincts that wished the intruder out of their one-way hole.


Arcanine immediately unlatched his jaws from the half-sheathed toy. "What's wrong? Am I hurting you?"

"More..." Swellow assured his partner's concerns quickly with a needy look in his eyes. "I can take it. See me filled...just like you vowed to."

Arcanine growled warmly at the sight of his writhing partner. With his half open beak sucking greedy gulps of air and his eyes glazed over with sheer pleasure, Arcanine got all the confirmation he wished for. From his seated position, Swellow had such a good look at how much he really enjoyed this process. His leaky tip throbbed up and down in excitement, too fattened by the smell of sex to feel anymore at home within the bloated sheath that sheltered it. He, in turn, could so easily see that Swellow's tolerance to penetration had grown with time. Years back, shortly after they started being intimate with each other, he struggled to get more than a quarter of his tongue inside. And now? The same jaws that so tenderly licked him back then now carried a tool that pierced deeper than his tongue ever had. Slow and steady, he managed to insert almost all the toy inside him; so much so that he could feel Swellow's hungry kneading on the side of his muzzle.

"Mrrrfff..." He growled lustfully.

Swellow could notice the slight buckle in Arcanine's hips, and couldn't help himself but imagine how the now-cold tip of his penis -soaked by the ample fluids summoned from the depths of his delightfully squeezing tunnel- would feel like. Warmer. Bigger. Better than the toy his partner so awkwardly held between his growling jaws...

"Take it out." He said at once, drool hanging from his beak. Arcanine's hopeful look immediately confirmed his suspicions. "Yes. We'll try the real thing. Right after you...chiiirp!"

With the toy removed from his slightly gaped hole that began to throb in the absence of something to knead against, Swellow watched his partner's desperation. He began to polish his rod with a few quick kisses of tongue, from his feet, a hindpaw awkwardly raised in the air so he could have access to his maleness. Quick, simple hugs of tongue enveloped a tip that squirted its need out in the open, while further behind, the dog's almost fully formed knot provided Swellow with a clear idea on what sort of adventure he signed up for.

Can I really fit all that meat in? His knot is huge.

"Mraff, sorry for the delay." Arcanine's voice -and more, his tongue, leaden with the fresh taste of his pre-coital fluids- broke Swellow out of his deliberations. "The way you took that toy makes me leak like a broken fountain. Are you sure this will work the way we wish it to?"

"Not fully." Swellow replied, wet from his partner's continuing licks. "It is a risk. A foolish one. Yet..." He brushed away the dog's tongue with a flutter of wings to seek his gaze instead. "I'm sure I want to feel it inside me. Even if it's big. Even if it...aches. I need this, Arcanine, or else I'm cursed to dwell on this fantasy for years to come."

"I too yearned to bury my bone in you for a long time now...we'll try half, alright? And if you feel beyond coping, we stop. No questions asked."

A quick dip of his head had Swellow carried snuggly by warm padded paws against his partner's chest. Once Arcanine lowered his body over him close enough to touch the ground with his belly fluff, he began to thrust. Swellow guided him towards his eager vent however he could in-between lustful displays of affection like kisses and rubs, until, at last, his cloaca thrummed with the same delightful vibrations he tasted upon the cold surface of that lifeless phallus.

"Aaaaarrrk!" he croaked, beak parting wide, talons digging into Arcanine's fur. It throbbed so intensely inside him, and the sharp spurts of pre it unleashed filled him with heat of which he never found upon the surface of cold metal, no matter how bright it glistened.

"Mrrfff....tight. So very tight." Whines and huffs came forth from his partner.

In response to the penetration, Arcanine's first instinct was to push deeper, yet he did so in a restrained way, with quick, shallow thrusts instead of the bestial ramming of a wild beast.

"How does it feel? Am I going too fast?"

Swellow gasped and tensed under the assault of that delightful cock, burying his head inside his partner's fluff, vent squeezing hard around his penis. Its wet warmth and lively pulsing felt so very stimulating to his passage. He encouraged his partner to slide himself in further, his pleas answered with licks and increasingly tighter feeling within the soaked depths of his cloaca. Even with a lead in size compared to the phallic ornament, Arcanine's naturally slimy penis slid much more easily along the bird's hungry canal, surprising both partners in the process.

"Aaaak. Raaaak! I love...how deep it reaches. More. Please. I must taste more!"

"Randy bird." Arcanine grunted. "You're...going to get yourself knotted."

Swellow was more than willing to take that risk now, with more than half an arcanine cock pulsating within him. He felt not only confident, but eager to break new limits as his clenching muscles demanded more meat inside them. He squirmed in order to give his partner a better angle and chirped, moaned, shuddered and cawed in orgasm once he tasted the dog's very knot on the outer ring of his cloaca. A place packed with nerves, pressed into submission by his partner's almost fully grown cock. The very shelter of his own cock.

He had to cum. There was no way around that. Once the contractions began to draw out the fire from his depths, Swellow found himself inundated by debilitating pleasure. He could do nothing more than to ride those waves as his feathers bristled and chirps ruptured their way out of his throat.

To feel his partner throb in return in the smashing waves sent forth by his trembling nethers, to hear him whine, to taste his dripping saliva upon the insides of his parted beak as he too ascended into climax....that was a gift beyond anything he could ask for.

With huffs and groans softer than anything he normally vocalized, Arcanine's mighty load erupted inside him in waves, leading to a squelching battle of fluids that led them into a frenzy of passionate kissing.

"Done already?" Swellow asked the spent canine once the spurts of hot seed began to gush out of his stuffed hole. "You've barely begun to thrust before you went off like a volcano inside me..."

"It felt so much better than I imagined." The dog answered with a droopy tongue and eyes glazed with pleasure.

"Well..." Swellow rubbed the front side of his creamy cloaca along the exposed surface of his knot. "What if we can prolong this feeling?"

"I'd prefer we laze around and enjoy the afterglow, but...I know I'll never hear the end of it if I pull out completely."

He had that right! With proper nudging, Swellow roped his beloved pup into stoking up his reserves for a second round. He knew from his pulses and throbs that his nuggets still had an ample reserve of seed left in them and thus enticed the dog's instincts into mounting him properly, like he'd mount a bitch.

It worked. Sooner than expected, Arcanine began to grind his girthy knot against his cloaca on his own accord, stirring chirps and moans that split Swellow's beak apart with sonorous cries that washed over the forest. He knew what he was doing, for his thrusts had a methodical feel to them. An aimed goal that hit Swellow's most sensitive spot along his cloaca, making him throb the hardest.

He continued this dance of in and out motion, of sheath pulling further along his ever-exposing knot and spitting cock unloading its heat deep inside the tunnel of the circular gates that slowly began to cave in. The chirps lengthened, and with them, so did the windows between Swellow's contractions. With a sharp push, his knot gently popped into the squeezing halls of molten heat, causing his tip to in turn go deeper than it ever did.

To Swellow, that combination of stimuli came too hard to bear. He expelled his heat sharply against his partner's bulging knot, crying out his bliss while Arcanine's hips pumped his spasming cloaca with fresh reserves of his own cum. The fiery sensation coursing through his pulsating shaft felt intense enough to work up shivers along his tense muscles. He whined in bliss, jerking with the urge to still push himself deeper still. And when the next spurt of his semen came, Arcanine pulled Swellow so tight against him and unleashed a roar so triumphant it made the forest itself shudder with their all-encompassing passion.

The pleasure seemed to last ages, but even the brightest fires eventually smoldered into dim specks of their former selves.

And so they rested against each other in panting bliss following the most intense romp of their lives, sharing kisses and words as warm as their tie until a breeze brought a most familiar smell into their nostrils.

"Please, by all means, ignore my presence." Archeops said. "I've no desire for qualms when I'm...well...you can see for yourselves now that the poker is out of the chimney."

"How long have you been there?" Swellow snapped with embarrassment.

"Nevermind that. We're sitting ducks anyway." Arcanine whimpered, struggling to separate from his partner with his knot still firmly lodged within him.

"A while. Long enough to unclog my pipes." He said with sardonic pride as he chanced a quick look at his still obviously unsheathed penis. "It would've gone back by now were I to be on my own, but alas, my senses are titillated by the very same union that tethers you before me."

"What are you after? The artifact?"

"No, dear bird. I assure you, the real treasure right now is you. Yes, you!" He pointed a wing tip at Swellow's narrowed eyes. "In all my travels, in all my years on this world, I have never seen such a petite Swellow female take such a monstrous arcanine inside her, all the way to the very bone! Nothing can replace this memory. Not even the ornate jewel your partner trained you with." He retrieved it from the ground, playfully smelling and licking what he perceived to be musky female residue.

"Enough theatrics." Arcanine growled. "Tell us what you're really after, or be on your way."

"Mhmm...that question poses a most infuriating conundrum." He said, smearing the tips of his wing feathers in order to sample more of his own intoxicating sweetness. "I was going to recover my possessions while you two helplessly watched me strut around with a naked cock, but that feels too...ordinary. A wasted opportunity, really, to leave such talent here in the grass when you can put these skills...elsewhere? Before an audience as debauched as I am?"

"What exactly are you hinting at?"

"More of...this!" He spread his wings around the clearing. "Humping. Stretching. Growling, cawing, spilling! This gift of yours can be so easily monetized for a sliver of the time you spent on chasing my tail. In exchange for a few days of work in my employ, you will earn more coin than you would in dozens of similar missions. Raak, the waiting, the worrying, the inevitable failure...is that somewhat preferable over the heat of coupling before eyes whose owners you'll never see?"

"That sounds like a trap."

"The only trap here is your tight vent, dear Swellow. Think on it, and if you are interested, meet me at the village tavern this time tomorrow. No nets, no funny business, and I will even allow you to keep this golden treasure you raked out of my sack as a signing bonus.

As he rebagged his stolen goods and turned around departing to the skies, the smell of freshly spilled semen began to breeze from the path of wetness he left behind. The smell of sex. Of honesty. No matter what brought it forth.

Swellow turned his eyes back to his partner. "Should we trust him?"

"I ask, what can we lose by entertaining his ideas? At worst, we rehearse this delightful act in front of an audience, while at best...we get the chance to take our revenge on him. One thing he is right of is how splendidly fit for a hen your moans are."

Swellow quickly recognized the mischievous glint in the dog's eyes. "Surely they do not intend to advertise me as a female!"

"You never know, it might be fun," Arcanine chuckled, nuzzling his mate. "For now, we have other...issues to worry about."

"How inconvenient. Remind me, how much time until we're more than sitting ducks waiting for some other perverted bird to rob us of our task and dignity?"

"A while, my dear, delicate, delightfully tight Swellow. Quite a while longer..."

***The End***

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Wolf's Bond: Part 2

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