Wolf's Bond: Part 1

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An inexperienced jackal receives a taste of animalistic pleasures when a werewolf introduces him to the erotic rituals of his own pack.

An inexperienced jackal receives a taste of animalistic pleasures when a werewolf introduces him to the erotic rituals of his own pack.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor


Wolf's Bond: Part 1


The trek to the camp barely took long enough for Kvaresh's fur to feel lighter from the bathing he took moments ago. His tawny, sodden fur still spiked up like a hedgehog about to be hunted, while his groin, covered by a light strap of cloth tied around his waist, still itched with the warm memories of last night's warm embrace. With each footstep he took away from the place where he and Blackfang shared more than just seed, he felt regretful. Almost as if he lost something precious back there.

Yet there was little time to dwell upon such matters now. Blackfang still walked by his side, his owner still tried to create opportunities of small talk, and more importantly, tasks still had to be attended to. As soon as the bare pads of his feet traded grassy mud for the tougher concoction of river pebbles embedded in the soil that created the camp's forking pathways, Kvaresh found himself swept from one side to the other by a plethora of daily responsibilities. The woodcutters took him to split wood. The fur-tenders wished to show him how to properly cure a hide. Even the warriors tried to test his mettle with their lightning fast spear attacks, as if a lean bodied canid like him ever had a chance of toppling down a beast almost two heads taller than him.

By the time he finished his chores, Kvaresh felt completely exhausted. He helped himself from a pot of warm stew cooked by the spicemaster's apprentices and watched the last vestiges of the day slip past into the curtain of darkness with his ass seated on a fallen log. With nightfall came the hunt, and hunters, as many of the other groups today, sought to boast their own skills upon the silver of his inexperienced back. He would have gone, just to experience this unique event among a pack of werewolves, be they bullies or otherwise...until Nightfur made his appearance upon the back of his living shard of the night, Blackfang.

"Pup will follow me this night." He growled over the group of vocally disheartened hunters, then softened his voice upon approach next to the jackal's perking ears. "Moon bright. Essence replenished. Hrrrm. Pup shall accompany me to the great rift with no questions given."

Kvaresh did as he was bid. Atop the high incline that led into an overlook of the moon-blessed valley stood a small private camp with a few stashed belongings. As Nightfur began to build the fire from chopped wood, sticks and tindling he produced form a pouch tied to his waist, Kvaresh leaned against the side of his wolf, tranquil and silent as the night itself.

"I know Blackfang prefers solitude...but why are we here, Nightfur?" Kvaresh asked.

"Pack...not always home to Nightfur." The werewolf began in his calm, yet grizzled voice, grabbing two seemingly simple rocks from nearby. "Moons back, many many moons back...when Nightfur himself a pup, he lived lone life. Harsh life. Traveled much to avoid war. Packs then respected nothing but strength, all paid by blood. Grrhhhh, blood. Essence of a life long spent. Is seed what we now need. Seed. The very essence we're born from!"

A few clash of fire rocks later, and enough sparks flew into the kindling to fester into the beginning of a fire.

"You...fought each other?" Kvaresh's padded fingers dug into Blackfang's luxurious coat, his stomach heavy with the brutal images flashing through his mind. Nightmares, really, of savages fighting as if they were no more than beasts themselves.

"Hnrhhh, we hunted, we mated, we trapped, used own kin to..." he suddenly dropped the rocks from his hands and pondered in silence until a more determined growl replaced his morose voice. "Pup should not hear deeds that make moon itself shroud away in darkness. We live different life now. Better life."

Kvaresh said nothing, merely watched the werewolf blow into the flames. Once they acquired enough strength to burn on their own, Nightfur walked over to him, his pleasant musk as imposing as the wolf himself. Standing almost two heads taller than Kvaresh, he sprouted a dark reflective coat of an inky blue crafted from the threads of the night sky itself over muscles toned by years of fighting and labors. Yet it weren't the things a normal man would look at that stirred the jackal's blood in his veins. No. That honor belonged to Nightfur's sheath. A thick, yet formly home for a most proud cock that would truly amaze anyone with its splendor, were it to come out in force. Right now, it slept, tucked beneath flesh and fur, cozy and soft, like the two heavy fruits dangling slightly between the muscular legs of this alpha example of a werewolf Kvaresh couldn't take his eyes off.

As if to flaunt the very blessings he'd been given, Nightfur crouched down so he could scratch along his pup's hind leg, hanging balls and swollen sheath getting the briefest peek out of Kvaresh's own cock-home.

"Hrrr, I feel that."

Kvaresh took a step back, his instinct warning him of the golden eyes so fixated upon his groin. "Feel what?"

"I...smell your scent, pup!!"

Within moments, a thick paw grabbed his behind. With a yelp, Kvaresh found his tail tossed out of the way as easily as the fold of cloth that was supposed to keep his privates private. Flying to the side from a mere nudge of the werewolf's curious snout the cloth gave way for only a moment before it fell back over the werewolf's forehead, hidden, yet neither calm nor still.

Beyond that veil of cloth and fur, in a place no eyes could see, Kvaresh heard. Squirmed_. Felt._ Copious sniffing mixed with his own rising whines as he tasted the heat of the werewolf's salivating tongue upon the very tip of his cock and felt his balls tighten up under the nudges of Nightfur's cold, oozing nose.

"Nrrff...you're...making me hard..."

"Shy not away from the embrace of the wolf, pup." Nightfur said in between the lascivious sounds made by his sniffs and slurps while the jackal whined for relief that never seemed to come. "Unity made pack whole. Unity gave wolf purpose. Now, pup too shall become part of the pack, hrrr!"

"Aa...aaarrhhh!" Kvaresh's whined with the weight of a lick that penetrated the very home of his cock. The embrace of that fleshy tongue made him spill his first squirt and hunch over the werewolf's body like he was in pain, using Nightfur's strong shoulders for support. "Stop...please stop..."

"Nrrf," the werewolf grunted, pulling his head back and licking his muzzle with a long delightful lick. "Pup holds enough seed in his balls, but is not prepared. First, he must see. Must learn."

Kvaresh watched Nightfur crawl over to his wolf, elegant in spite of his size, while he..he was still slouched by heat and degraded by the promise of release, a lustful beast with a hand snuck below his protective cloth as if to ensure his tip was neither too hard nor his knot too ripe for a spontaneous ejaculation.

Once he reached his other pup, Nightfur began to lovingly caress his wolf, the animal's fur flowing like water along the werewolf's large but blunted claws. Nightfur knew exactly where to insist to make Blackfang expose his side to him, and, more importantly, his plump, beckoning sheath.

Pushed on his side for a full on display, Nightfur began to play with Blackfang's plump sheath, fingers traveling back and forth over the first few inches of the furred organ to expose the slightest peek to the moon's silvery caress.

"In my pack, wolf did not come of age through hunt or birth." Nightfur's motions became hungrier, greedier, barring more of his direwolf's tip with every pass he made back and forth along his sheath. "We shared life. Spilled seed. Clashed tips...until two became one."

Kvaresh struggled to stand straight on his feet at the sight of Blackfang's sheath dancing over his cock tip. Seen, unseen. Out, inside. These very journeys caused warm jitters to creep over his muscles like those very sparks created by Nightfur's fire stones. His sheath felt hot, and his testicles, warmer still, reminding him of the sizable quantity of semen he'd built up throughout the course of the day.

Seed...the very essence of life, none more appealing than when it dribbled from the very cock tip of a creature like Nightfur.

"Watch closely, pup. Thirst for it, like parched soil waiting for rain. Absorb...for you shall be next." The big werewolf muttered, heavy sheath dangling with the weight of his movements. Legs on each side of Blackfang, he switched to a four-legged stance and clambered on top of his waiting wolf. He crouched lower, and lower, their sheaths slowly drawing their wet naked tips closer to each other until they finally kissed. Growls, whines, and a whimper thinner than anything a larger canid could produce accompanied the union of such blessed gonads. With slow and practiced movements, Nightfur began to ram his sheath against Blackfang's, a mesmerizing dance of fur, flesh, and hidden tips that could not be seen.... but certainly smelled. Kvaresh's nostrils fluttered with the savory aroma of sex began to filter through the smell of burning wood and vegetation like a mesmerizing mist, and Kvaresh, unsteady on his feet, found himself pressing his legs tighter together as his own tip began twitching out of his own leaking sheath.

He's going to cum. He fantasized. He's going to cum inside his wolf's sheath like I did...

True. Nightfur's thrusts became hungrier. Heavier. More...primal. Wet with the pre-coital juices that kept their veiled cocks lubricated at all times, the cock-homes of the two males began to grow increasingly wet from tip downwards.

And neither showed any sign of slowing down. Panting from an upside down position, Blackfang's legs twitched with the need for more, which his panting master gladly provided. He thrust, hard, the larger cock-home of a direwolf allowing Nightfur's tip to poke inside its fleshy halls further and further each time their sheaths met in that squelching spectacle of dripping pre and snarly hisses. Nightfur's knot already started to form further down the pocked of flesh housing his red throbbing cock, and he wanted to use it. Oh, how he yearned to sink it into his own werewolf's cock-shelter. To just bury his bone as deep as he could and just empty his balls down to the last in one of the warmest, most welcoming embraces a werewolf's cock could know...

But the direwolf had some needs of his own, and, much to Kvaresh's rising arousal, a second tip started to push back against Nightfur's, far larger, quite darker in tone, and a lot messier. Blackfang squirted, time and time again, each pulse of blood rushing through his hardening phallus making him increasingly eager to plant his own seed inside his partner's much tighter sheath.

"Nrrf, blazing appetite swells under moon's silver caress." Nightfur planted a hand onto the soil so he could keep his balance while the other felt and squeezed its way around his direwolf's impressively large knot. "Full. Almost ready to spill. Good. Good..." He said that even as he allowed his own penis to slide against the direwolf's squirting urethra, the heat of the excretions washing over Nightfur's glazed tip like water over a sodden rock.

"We pause, so pup may absorb."

"You don't...have to," Kvaresh's voice diminished into nothingness.

Too late.

As he picked himself up, squirting into his own palm so he could have a lick of his own secretions, Nightfur walked over to Kvaresh, his protruding tip still dripping with pre-seed. The sight of it would've gotten the jackal right out of his sheath if he wasn't already hard as stone from the glorious portrayal of two cocks kissing each other.

"Pup watched." His heavy hand fell on Kvaresh's shoulder. "Pup thirsted." It moved across his slender abs and parted so that its large, padded fingers grabbed his package whole. "Pup drips like Angtha'nara, the river of life itself."

He sure did, yet no word could save him from the werewolf's blessed touch. Once he squeezed those large paws around his equipment, Kvaresh loosened a thin howl along with an equally tender lance of pre-seed taken by the werewolf's flaring nares.

Kneeling besides his cock, he made the jackal admit his deepest fantasies over a dance of tongue and fingers that rewarded him with several squirts of fine-smelling precum over his satisfied face. Only then, as the juices of life itself cascaded down his inky black fur, the werewolf finally admitted what Kvaresh yearned to hear ever since he found his cock almost worshipped by this big, beautiful, most entrancing werewolf.

He was worthy to taste the deepest union known to wolf kind. To share semen with them. To be one of them. To finally add his own essence to the many others that stood at the base of... the Union.

Before that came to happen, another lesson had to be observed. With the wet tipped sheath playing between his fingers, Nightfur gently coaxed his direwolf's smaller tip out, pink, not quite as swollen with blood as before. He recited some ancient words in the language of his people that Kvaresh interpreted as some sort of blessing before he began to explain why the urethra of a male is akin to the very valley they dwelled in. Like it, the small, fleshy cavern from which a male's most precious of essence sprang from could easily bore a very high significance for the wolf-kind; a sacred and revered place where the very essence of life came from. Nightfur tapped the tip with the pad of a finger enough to produce a twitch that carried a small glob of slightly cloudy fluid upon his pad, promptly savored by his eager tongue.

"Pay close attention now, pup. This is how wolf breeds."

Like before, Nightfur got in a four legged position from which he could easily plough into his direwolf's homely sheath...but this time, he began thrusting far quicker, with quite the stronger intent. From the very first meeting of their cock-homes, their lips squelched as they mashed together in a shuddering slap that allowed each other's tips to kiss like two enamored lovers meeting after years of separation. A sharp, warm, reverberating kind of kiss allowed their urethras to not only touch but slide against each other, glazed by shared secretions.

A touch that made Nightfur shudder with the need for more. A second thrust followed. Then, a third...each stronger than the last. Each driven by more than just logic. Each...filled with the intent to ejaculate.

"Oh, sweet moon..." the voyeuristic jackal swung his loincloth out of the way to prevent his own throbbing penis from rubbing against the unwelcoming piece of fabric that so very much lacked the same silky feel present along the inside of a sheath. More than half of his member slipped out by now, making his groin feel hot and his balls all the heavier...

He yearned to cum. To spill the very essence Nightfur held in such high regard. But though his need burned hot, it still did not bur nearly as heavy as Nightfur's must've felt like. As he pushed his tip against the direwolf's through hungry, growling thrusts, the jackal realized how little each of them had in the way of restraint as juices flowed down from the mashed union of their cock-homes while balls swung heavily with the weight of each thrust. Could they both ejaculate from this enticing dance of cock tip poking against cock tip?

Would they?

Kvaresh's answer came in the form of a howl, too long and refined to belong to a gruffy werewolf like him. He saw ivory semen trickle upon black fur moments before a flood of cum completely overwhelmed Nightfur's sheath, and in an instant, his penis hardened to deliver a fragment of the same ruthless spurts the direwolf emptied his balls through. He came, long and hard, an onlooker with his own squirting penis trapped within an enclosed fist. Kvaresh could only imagine the heat, the passion, the pleasure that creature must've felt as he came over the cock of his own master...

While the jackal watched, Nightfur experienced the brunt of that most exhilarating climax. Stream after stream of hot, fresh semen swelled his sheath to refuse, yet still, he throbbed. Still, he leaked. He felt each twitch of Blackfang's urethra as it widened around his own with rhythmic throbs that brought more and more semen into his stuffed, loaded sheath. Cum trickled in thick messy strands down on the fur below their crammed sheath union as it had little room left inside the werewolf's sheath, stuffed to the brim with the creamy essence of his partner.

"Cum," he said to Blackfang, pressing his tip just a bit tighter against his spitting cock so he could feel his urethra widen and twitch against his own as the might of that warm, overflowing climax slammed on the very tip of his cock...inside the urethra he respected above every other part of his cock. "Give it all, my boy. Forge our bond in the essence of life itself..."

He did. He so did...

Hiding his shameful, squirting erection, Kvaresh waited for Nightfur to dislodge himself from his partner. A cascade of pearl-white direwolf cum flowed in the wake of their departure...and more trickled still from the flooded mess of Nightfur's plumper-than-usual sheath. He still joined the jackal though and took him by the warmth of the fire so they could have a talk while the direwolf splayed on his side, leg lifted, tongue eagerly lapping every bit of cum dry from his soaked belly fur.

"I should maybe release the pressure before we proceed with the ritual..." he said, gazing upon the stubborn drops of sticky semen trickling in long ropes from Nightfur's sodden sheath.


"But..." He had no time to finish. Before he even realized what kind of brute force swept him into the werewolf's embrace, Kvaresh's blood already blazed hot upon feeling his own half-erect tip sink inside Nightfur's sheath with barely any effort. He whined, of course, shuddering like a virgin inside his first partner, the heat of direwolf cum, still fresh upon sheath walls, thrust him straight into the gates of heaven. He wondered, inside that delightful shelter of supple flesh, just how long his cock could last before it blew its load in the very same place anointed by a direwolf's semen not too long ago.

"Ngrraaahhhh! Warm...too warm..."

It felt so, and more, truly an exhilarating experience that easily surpassed his wettest dreams. Lost in the bliss of having his exposed tip caressed by such delightful stimuli, the jackal hardly paid attention to anything but the heat. Lured by the urge to push deeper, he did just that, his jerking thrust sending his tip right against the werewolf's significantly bigger one.

Nightfur's urethra twitched in response, blessing him with a spurt of fresh pre-coital juices before large brutish -yet warm, and softly padded- fingers wrapped tight around their union to keep their two sheaths tightly locked.

"Pup can cum now. Any time he desires. But wolf...appreciates restraint." He said. Then, he licked.

Kvaresh shivered under the warm treatment that followed. A tongue quite bigger than his own dashed over his face twice, thrice, five times. Teeth followed, careful, warm, considerate as the very sheath that welcomed him in. As Nightfur grazed his way around his neck, Kvaresh squirmed and whined, asking...or rather pleading the werewolf to not harbor resentment should his seed leak out too quickly.

"Nrrhhh, pup concerns himself with small things. Small, like his tip."

The slight but powerful jerk caused Kvaresh to almost lose his balance as the werewolf's fleshy tip pressed against his own, forcing his cock back by a little bit, but not fully out. Not with that big, squeezing hand still applying pressure around their union. Nightfur explained through gruff words that, as long as they remained tied together...as long as their semen met while the moon was still full, the ritual would be fulfilled. Or else, they'd need to wait another full moon cycle.

Kvaresh took that as a joke. He even found the mental acuity to compare his own aching balls in dire need of relief with the moon itself in an attempt to discern which of the two stood fuller...yet the answer came to him just then, through a sharp throb that made him bigger. Harder. Even more exposed to the cum-stained insides of Nightfur's delightful sheath.

He thrust deeper inside, his swollen knot flaring at the chance to sink into something tight enough to seal with its girth, his penis too swelling with glee...and met no resistance. Nothing but Nightfur's own twitching cock tip, stimulated on and on by the jackal's thrusts.

Teeth gritted, balls full, Kvaresh's greedy thrusts pushed him deeper and deeper towards the precipice of release. He almost thought he would cum there and then before Nightfur grabbed him once more in his burly embrace. The ground gave way from under his feet, but fall, he did not, held tightly by the werewolf until he found himself lain upon warm furs next to the crackling fire. Him on his back, werewolf on top, a sight as sweet and mesmerizing as the affection that followed.

The hugged, licked, whined together, tongues, muzzles, spirits meeting among rubs and licks not very dissimilar to what their rubbing cocks experienced within the tunnel formed by their twined sheaths. A seal formed by more than just fur and flesh.

"Nightfur..." Kvaresh said after one long shuddering-inducing kiss. "I'm not sure...how much longer I can hold it...My knot feels like stone, and my balls like-"

"Hrrhhh..." his growl washed forth, primal and direct, unlike the methodical way he mated. He thrust slowly, carried forth by strong muscles and steady limbs. "When pup cums...the caverns of our cocks should meet. Your tip against mine. Your cock, inside mine. Your soul...twined with mine." He said in between loving licks that painted the jackal's already wet face with fresh streaks of saliva. "Pup understands? Pup...must know how sacred life essence is to us. How...hrrfff...much we value the place it comes from..."

"Yes..." Kvaresh moaned. "Yes....YES!" he began to chant feverishly with the speed Nightfur began to add to his thrusts. It became obvious from the way he breathed that release would soon be upon Nightfur...and the thought of his cock bathed in Nightfur's cum made Kvaresh all the more ravenous for it. He too thrust, meeting Nightfur's urethra with his own, grabbing him, licking him...praising him. The heat inside their sheath unity started to feel like a churning an oven of flesh and lubrication one could not easily escape out of, and yet, both of them held back for as long as they could, until the kiss of fangs upon his neck pushed the jackal way past his point of no return.

He cried out as sharply as he came, blasting his first stream of cum so hard into Nightfur's urethra that the werewolf himself howled in response. His toothy grip squeezed a little bit harder, large hands burying their claws in the furs as ominous shudders crept through his body.

Too distracted by his own orgasm to notice, Kvaresh blissfully pressed himself tighter and tighter against the werewolf's body, against his flesh, against the very tip of his cock, filling his urethra to the brim with his hot, thinner seed...until he got answered back in kind. A jerking thrust, followed by a discharge of semen so strong it almost exploded out of their instantly filling sheaths rocked Kvaresh to his very core.

Nightfur came. And by the moon's silvery light, he came HARD! With his fist pumping around their unity, he did his best to hold and stimulate while his teeth grazed upon the neck of his moaning partner who whimpered in approval of their shared orgasm.

"More..." the jackal whimpered. "Squeeze tighter. Right...here." His petite hand directed Nightfur's fingers towards his knot...

But the werewolf had none of that. With slowing thrusts, he aimed to plant his tip against the jackal's...and that's where he remained.

"The tips," he kept on saying. "The sacred tips must touch. Must leak. Must...fill."

The mantra went on as long as the flames of the orgasm itself. Different words of similar meanings, all flowing across the clearing like their combined essence trickled through the gaps of their near perfectly united sheaths, silky and smooth. Kvaresh still thrust. Still tried to make this moment last. But after a few attempts he gave up, surrendering himself to Nightfur's warm embrace. Why push against the inevitable? Why not just...allow the union to happen on its own?

They were one now, twined under the silvermoon's unblinking gaze. And that was all that mattered.

***The End***

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Wolf's Bond: Part 2

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