Beneath the Warmest Feathers

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Two gryphon brothers are forced to copulate inside a grand arena, before thousands of attendees, at the order of one horny horseboy.

Two gryphon brothers are forced to copulate inside a grand arena, before thousands of attendees, at the order of one horny horseboy.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor


Beneath the Warmest Feathers


Kaelrak's breath came in ragged gusts that dried his throat further with every gulp of air he swallowed. The talons placed against his chest felt heavy, the creature towering above him, nothing short of intimidating. A gryphon, just like him. On top of his slightly larger size, he boasted a similar feathered crest, which perked up in excitement, and broad, streaked wings that seemed to outclass Kaelrak's own span. By all means, he should've felt nothing but envy at his situation. A male gryphon like him in the prime of his life, splaying below an adversary of similar gender like a defeated, whimpering female? How ungainly!

Yet this victorious conqueror wasn't just a random gryphon. The excitement painted across his beak -an emotion that could be noticed similarly in the generous amount of pink escaping from the small, felid sheath beneath his swishing tail- could only belong to a gryphon related to him.

Sythrak. His dear, inseparable brother.

"Must we keep pretending?" Kaelrak squawked under the full weight of a grown gryphon settling on top of him. His brother's beak tended to some of his displaced feathers, while further down, the moist heat of his excitement continued to test Kaelrak's resilience. "You have me defeated." The fallen gryphon continued as he squirmed in restrained bliss under the prickling heat coursing along his own twitching erection, "I'm not going to dislodge your dust sodden feathers off me with just my hinds or...any other decent means."

"Stay still. Let me enjoy the fruits of my victory a while longer." Sythrak said. He continued to rub their genders together, coaxing much softer sounds out of their beaks than what the fight's attendants demanded.

"Your fruits...are starting to become a bother."

"Really?" Sythrak wriggled his rear a little, further sending jolts of pleasure down their brushing erections. "We've done far more. Paws, beaks, other things. Savage...things..." his brother said, seemingly oblivious to how hard they throb against each other in the blanketing shelter offered by his fanned tail feathers. To the admiring public, his preening looked like a maneuver to coerce his opponent into admitting defeat. But to kaelrak, this embrace brought back a taste of the raunchy past they shared together.

A dangerous thing in such an exposed place. "Stupid, bird-brained, heat-addled creature. If a single drop of your seed smears my fur, I swear I'll-"

"Do what? Spray me in turn?"

Much to Kaelrak's fortune, his brother's infuriating preening came to a brisk end. The Emperor spoke, a single raised hand from the guest of honor for this edition of the Clash of Claws games summoning the attention of everyone present. Theirs, their scaly opponent's, and to the few other creatures spread across the arena.

Argus Augustus, Silver Stallion of the Eastern Rises, a warprince that ruled the easternmost part of the sprawling collective, instilled a certain level of respect. He did so with a dry attitude as coarse as the dunes he ruled over. Some said he'd been different. An overly eager noble wishing to do his best. But after he'd been privy to the kind of games played by the ruling elite, he hardly took himself -or others- seriously anymore.

"The warprince has the final say in the course of these contests. If he bids us to continue, then scuffle we shall!" Sythrak spoke over Argus' uninteresting closure of today's events.

Kaelrak clacked his beak. Unlike the warprince or his brother, he considered himself a proper gryphon. One that never did anything out of turn. Such notion came into challenge now, when his brother pushed him so hard towards repeating the couplings of their past. Merely thinking of engaging in such disheveled act in front of others made his tongue feel as dry as the sand of the arena he splayed in. Part of his pride stung at how sneakily his brother snatched the sweet taste of victory from his grasp. But then again, Sythrak's keen mind tended to find chinks in everyone's defenses. Just like he came up with a strategy to overpower the emerald dragon curled up next to them, he could worm his way into the eastern emperor's esteemed graces.

He but only had to wish it.

"A fine display of intellect in those last maneuvers, Sythrak." Argus' voice finally broke past Kaelrak's filtered hearing. "You continue to awe us with but a taste of what a creature of wind and earth can do. And you too, Kaelrak, you stood admirably against your brother. If it were any other gryphon to stand against your slashing talons, they would find themselves where you are, with a fistful of claws on their necks and a barbed cock in their arse!"

The crowd burst in loud, raucous laughter.

"Enough." The silver stallion's voice cut through the din of the excited crowd. Their voices shrunk, yet not low enough for Kaelrak to ignore their ridiculous demands for a gryphon's cock in the ass of their very own brother. "I shall allow our warriors to leave with their feathers matted and their dignity intact. If you beasts have a problem with my judgment, then I invite you to line up on the sands and have a taste of my royal rump!"

The joke split the crowd into two unequal halves. The smaller conceded to their emperor's desires, but the louder, wilder one embraced the way of life the Silver Stallion himself paved through his many care-free policies.

"I said enough! Our contestants put on a fine performance before the eyes of such an uncivilized clod of dust-breathers. They deserve more than the mass fornication you submit this arena for after the games are done." He motioned something towards the gryphons. "Rise up, fallen bird. Stand tall and embrace your brother. And you too, Sythrak, let your brother catch a breath from your suffocating grip. You fought. Now you bond."

The breath of fresh air entering his beak once the weight left his chest invigorated the grateful gryphon. Rolling on his feet quicker than even his own brother expected, he shared a wing embrace with Sythrak, a customary display of mended emotions after a tough fight. The two brothers took that a bit further even, with preens and affectionate rubs flaring out the chirps escaping their throats. For Kaelrak, the familiar scent of his brother's feathers shielded him in a cocoon of comfort as delightful as the warmth that enveloped his tense muscles in pulses of relieving relaxation.

"Well, that felt nice." He broke away the hug, his tail kept low to conceal the throbbing pink pulsing eagerly at the head of his felid testicles. "Shall we turn around and show them how deeply we got in in our bonding session?"

"Do that, and you'll get my paws for the end of the warm season. I won't let myself tripped by your stupid tail next time."

"Next time...I may just concede this fleeting victory for a thorough preening. Skylord knows, my feathers need that more than I need the emperor's admiration."

They almost forgot there was a third combatant on the sands; one whose nostrils caught the flame of their affection deep within their cavernous halls. The dragon merely nudged them, his snout prods followed by a rush of moist air that quickly saw the gryphons separate from each other. Kaelrak took a step back with an instinctive flare of his wings, while his brother moved closer to the dragon, rubbing along him like an affectionate house cat.

"Rathnor had his fill of fighting, brother/ What he craves for now is the very thing the crowd roars for."

"Nrrhh..." the dragon rumbled ominously, no obvious reply leaving him apart from a turn of his head. His golden eyes moved away from the gryphon, rising towards the emperor's ledge high above the lush ring of trees that encircled the sands they fought on. Without wasting any time, he leaned politely on his front legs, wings spread halfway towards his sides in acknowledgement of the stallion's wordless praise.

The two gryphons followed suit, mantling so low their beaks formed narrow holes in the grains of sand shifted by their breaths. They waited for the emperor to give them leave, then stood up to walk next to each other towards one of the four gates that led deeper into the oasis surrounding the arena.

"Rathnor, right? Is he the sort that raises his tail in invitation, or a beast that claims gullible gryphons like you as possessions for his harem?" Kaelrak chirped.

"He's a traveler, brother, and thus, he takes whatever he gets. I would have spent the night with him, but then a bird chirped something about my own flesh and blood gracing this dry husk of land I indebted myself to. Of course, my choice was you." His brother teased back. "Winds may blow us in different directions yet I can never wash away the heat of the past. Nor ignore the appetite of testing our might against each other in primal, intimate ways. The memories of our first mountings linger still, undiluted by the years we spent apart."

"Save the tales for your scaled admirer. He seems to follow the underside of your tail more keenly than you accused me of when we built our first nest."

True, the dragon's eyes never left them. Settled on his haunches, with the tip of his gender shamefully out on display, he watched the gryphons with longing even as their steps took them further and further from him.

"Think he has the energy for a different sort of tussle?" Sythrak glanced back at him from under a raised wing.

Kaelrak's chance to reply stopped abruptly at the single word that left the emperor's mouth.


The gryphons froze in their tracks. They turned their eyes to the emperor, heads bowed, crests perked in wonder at his peculiar request. The crowd too fell silent. What could he possibly wish?

A short flight down on the back of his golden sand wyvern filled the ears of the two brothers with far more than they expected.

"Sire...our that truly what you would have us do? Before the eyes of so many?"

Argus began to speak nobly as he strutted around like a peacock, his fancy blue cloak trailing behind the rest of his splendorous, naked form. Though he considered himself royal in demeanor, his hands were anything but. Amidst the justifications he produced -the emperor's duties were this, the crowd's wants, that- his hands touched, grasped, and rubbed what they found far more intensely than one of his stature should have. He even paused to condense his thoughts in constructions clever enough to melt anyone's doubts about the authenticity of his request...but to Kaelrak, the hunger of his fingers running along his feathers, the thirst in his eyes, the strength of his grip around particularly delicate places like the sack dwelling beneath his upraised tail spoke of a different set of intentions...and far deeper lusts.

"Quite a heft, they have." The stallion weighted the firm testicles with an appreciative nod, relieving the gryphon of his bothersome squeezing without touching the entrance of his sheath, left wet by his previous erection. "Both of you have been blessed with weighty sacks to make even dragons grow hard with envy. Why not...delight us with a different form of conquest?"

"Sire, we-"

"It's but a single mounting, gryphon." Argus said with a hand on Sythrak's beak. "A simple skill every male's born with. Consider it another form of fighting if you want, bless it with whatever flair you wish, but you two are beholden to me until you sign the completion of your service in seed, upon these very sands. You shall NOT go free until your splendorous stones are thoroughly drained to sate the will of the crowd. Understand?"

"Lord, if I may," Sythrak began. "The victor of a fight should have the boon to concede the games. Any games. No matter their nature, once their fight is concluded, they are free to depart. What you're asking us your own words, a dust-breather's fantasies. We are legitimate workers of the dominion, approved to live like any other-"

"Like any other citizen, yes?" The stallion cut his way in, his blue eyes narrowing in a scowl to rival the wrath of a lightning storm. "Then both of you should be aware any leader of squads towers above your station, and they are fit to ask any favor they wish of you, as long as the requests does not lead to the loss of innocent lives or the immediate harm of others."

Argus took a long breath. He had more to say, but common sense seemed to have caught him back in its grip once he settled his back against his laying wyvern. "Let's dispense with the rules and the laws. There is only one thing the crowd wants. A few dropped feathers and some feeble squirts of seed on this parched soil are the price you need to pay in service of your emperor. If the deed is too wicked, you may demand compensation, but mate each other, you shall. Proceed."

Stunned, with his legs unable to even take a step away from that storming oaf of an emperor, Kaelrak simply...watched. He watched how the dragon they fought, the emperor's wyvern, and even his own brother left him there to boil in his own brand of shame. One by one, the rest of the city's elite formed a circle of anguish around the two anxious gryphons. With the vocal crowd drunk with the fervor of their wildest wishes come true, Sythrak brushed up along his brother to give voice to the cold apprehension dwelling within Kaelrak's frozen muscles.

"We have no choice, dear brother. The only thing we can control is ourselves. We can either fly with the winds and make the best of this unpleasant situation, or...force ourselves to finish as quick as possible. I could let you mount me, if you think that helps lighten your burdens.

"No." Kaelrak clacked his beak. "Look at the state of me." He shuddered from every bone. Every muscle, tense with anxiety. "You have the crowd's favor. We know what they want. What the Emperor wants. You'll be gentle. I know you will be."

Kaelrak submitted to his brother's kind tokens of affection. He settled on his back, just like before... and let himself preened, rubbed...


While the excitement of his brother's moist traveling along his fuzzy balls in preparation for the upcoming penetration had not presented itself to him, Kaelrak knew it, deep within himself, that his weakened muscles and frayed mind could hardly perform up to the emperor's expectations. There was no way he could enjoy this act enough to even harden like before.

Yet...part of him found comfort in ceding the element of choice. To surrender himself to his brother's whims, to do...nothing. Yes. That seemed easy enough.

"Dispense with the pleasantries, Sythrak. He wants you in me. I can see it in his eyes."

"Are you sure you're ready?"

The comfort of his brother's straddling form kept his shuddering unease from showing. Talons rested on either side of his neck, and a loving beak came down to seek a taste of his tongue.

Kaelrak's beak parted. Moisture and love flowed across the twining tips of their pointy avian tongues, brushing against each other like eels while their clattering beaks clacked and chirped in the heat of the act. Once they broke apart from that first exchange, they pressed their brows together, looking into each other's eyes; intentions their beaks would not openly state flowing across the bridge of emotions they shared.

When their naked cocks had touched for the first time, many years ago, during their juvenile years, the bursting heat of his seed climbing along his sperm ducts felt so intense to Kaelrak that he exploded on the spot, matting his fur along with his brother's own member with the thickness of his first copious release.

He wished to taste the same heat again. To breathe in his brother's comforting musk. To let himself drown in his warm blanket of feathers and fur...

Yet much as he forced himself to, Kaelrak could not easily dive back into the fantasies of their youth, nor ignore the intrusive distractions pattering against the fantasies of his past like jagged drops of frozen rain.

The crowd's awful demand for a more savage type of copulation, his unwanted entourage's pestering presence, it felt so jarring. The very antithesis of their silent, passionate rutting.

At the top of the pile of annoyance stood the emperor's criticizing gaze. So cold, so deep, so...piercing, that his brother's warm member lost every allure Kaelrak remembered. Bereft of the heat it once carried, littered with annoying barbs that prickled his sheath with every thrust, it scraped its way along Kaelrak's genitals instead of caressing and hurt instead of balming the distressed gryphon's inner feelings.

"Leave that. My enjoyment is not important. What matters is we finish. Please...see it done."

Sythrak's pause lasted moments before Kaelrak's tail muscles contracted around the intrusive, tapered shape of his brother's felid cock. Unlike Sythrak's trembling tone upon the first embrace around his cock, laden with the tight excitement of his first penetration, Kaelrak's screech felt weak and muted. Tense. Just like the rest of his jittery body. With so many pairs of eyes watching, the weak trill that left his beak instead of the resounding screech of pleasure expected by the crowd convinced nobody.

Especially not the presiding emperor of the eastern regions.

"Dear gryphon, you sound like a chicken treading across hot coals!" He got up, looking down at them like a father admiring his bastard family. "What's the matter? Is the cock of your own kin too big, all of a sudden? Or Perhaps find it woefully small?"

Argus scoffed, gesturing back to his wyvern. "I've a mind to let my wyvern have a mount at your rear if you continue on with this pathetic display. Or I can let the green one you fought take his revenge. See?" the gryphon's gaze followed the stallion's gesture towards the lone dragon and his big, big problem. "All by himself, yet he's wetting the sands like the blessed summer rains while I've yet to see a drop ascend to the top of your shy, little spire. Not even a single drop!"

He squeezed his fist in anger.

"If we don't feed the crowd with an offering of seed, my wyvern will plant himself so deep in you that eggs are going to come out from the crack of your tail!"

Hearing no more of that monster's words, Kaelrak pulled his brother into a beaky kiss. Though imperfect at first, the decision to embrace the inevitability of this copulation -like the hundreds of times he'd done before- awoke some of the gryphon's instinctual cravings. A second kiss followed, longer, wetter, and far more passionate than the first.

Soon, Kaelrak found out the less he focused on his surroundings, the calmer he felt. And the more he sampled his brother with every one of his instincts...the better he felt.

Contracting with need around his brother's fully inserted member, Kaelrak muscles began to sting with pleasure. Fiery lashes raced across his rutted tailhole while his cock quickly bloomed to full mast under his brother's slow, gentle thrusts, eager to release its own pent-up desires.

"Raak...found your footing, my not-so-little brother?" Sythrak dug his head under his chest clacked his beak with lust as his eyes drank in the sight of his sibling's fully aroused cock staring back at him. "So're squeezing me so tight, raaaak!"

Kaelrak grabbed his squawking brother and nuzzled him fiercely. Flashes of the past flashed through his mind, tales of positions as varied as the unique feelings they experienced in each other's embrace.

With sharp, rhythmic squeezes, his tailhole began to remember the intense thirst for his brother's seed. That hunger for deeper, passion-driven thrusts fueled Kaelrak's own eager muscles.

"I want you..." he told his brother while he tried to hold him inside for as long as he could, unashamed of how hard his own member began to pulse. "There's nothing more I crave right now than the sharp spears of your seed deep, deep inside me."

Sythrak squawked in understanding, haunches bucking with effort, his expression growing more strained with each journey he made in and out of his brother's increasingly wetter tailhole, painted well with the precursor of his seed. He no longer sunk into still, lifeless muscles, but into a quaking cavern of want that pulled onto his cock more hungrily every time the gryphon sunk all the way in, balls touching the rim of his brother's twitching tailhole with every deep dive.

"Close, I'm too close," Sythrak panted. "I hardly remember a time when you were as hungry for my-my seed..."

The mention of seed drew a long watery squirt out of Kaelrak. He wanted it. Needed it badly, in fact. His legs spread wider with anticipation, and through a short, passionate embrace of beaks, he urged his brother to just let go. To stop clinging so hard to the bounty brewing inside his balls. To just cum hard inside him.

"Yesss! Harder. HARDER!" the emperor beckoned over the furious coupling of cock and ass that took place right in front of his delighted eyes. "I want to see your claws leave their marks in the sands at the peak of your pleasure. To see your balls quake, and your members unravel in torrents of cum!"

Slapping both of their haunches, the lust-stricken emperor quickened their inevitable ascent. Sythrak squeezed his eyes from the tremors that prickled away at the last bits of his resistance while Kaelrak panted with glee, his tongue dry in the absence of his brother's dribbling saliva, head thoroughly lost in the flood of pleasure awakened by his brother's hungry thrusts. His well defined haunches rippled with strength as his cock mounted a final, desperate assault moments before his testicles drew up against his tailbase, and his tail violently jerked up with a spasm so intense it bled into a screeching release swiftly joined by a second, equally desperate cry...

"Raaaaawk!" The brothers sonorous screeches filled the arena, just as intense, wild, and lasting as the lances of caressing heat rushing deeper inside Kaelrak with each of his brother's cock spasms.

Thought the balming touch of his brother's abundant spurts made his tailhole dribble with the excess of love he desperately needed, it was the embrace of his brother's padded toes that triggered his untimely release. With but a few desperate jerks of his hips, he buried his cock between Sythrak's middle toes just in time for his brother's soft pads to caress the flaring nubs of his penis. Gushing semen poured out in waves, each stronger than the last, painting the surface of the gryphon's naturally ruddy foot with the same sticky ivory substance that now trickled from his own stuffed tailhole.

"Beautiful," The emperor said. "I shall have my wyvern clean you momentarily before you accompany me to my villa. That is a request. Not an invitation. You have until the end of my speech to set your thoughts in order...and milk whatever remains in your entrancing cocks. I promised the crowd a spectacle. Make sure you make the aftermath last longer than your...brisk coupling."

Argus did give his speech, the wyvern did clean up the residue of their coupling with great pleasure...yet the gryphons had no idea what the emperor wished of them.

Not until they found themselves adorned with golden necklaces bearing the symbol of his house. Whether they would be his guests, servants, or pleasure-beasts...that remained to be seen.

***The End***

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