Werewolf's Claim

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A young wolf is recruited by a mysterious creature for a purpose he does not yet fully understand until his cock is laid bare and his balls churn with the need to release.

A young wolf is recruited by a mysterious creature for a purpose he does not yet fully understand until his cock is laid bare and his balls churn with the need to release.

Story written by me , avatar?user=322896&character=0&clevel=2 Siranor

***Werewolf's Claim***

"I'm going to die...aren't I? After some sort of fight for the amusement of your kin or by choking the life out of me here in the wilderness...one way or another...tonight is the night when I'll meet my creator at the tips of your claws, or fangs. I know it. I...feel it."

Frightful whimpers, murmured words, and frightful steps made the journey into an otherwise beautiful night a hardly believable experience for Ardrenth, shaman's aide of the second ascent. He uttered many of such concerns throughout his travels tonight; words of an untimely demise rolling from a tangling tongue unfit of such a serene night. His ramblings plagued the otherwise tranquil song of the forest with their unshackled fears, so much so that even the shifting branches of the trees seemed like they were out to get him whenever the wind blew through the canopy.

Three lupine creatures traveled together, separated by a short distance. Two confident and relaxed. One slouched and jittery.

"I wonder if you can have a use for me. I-I can do many things, besides manual labor. The shaman taught me the arts of healing. I could brew you a tea for every affliction. Recite tales I've heard from our travelers! Please, just please, let me live."

"Hrrrhhh." Harak growled sternly, a gesture that shut up the young babbling wolf for a while longer.

With his words of comfort taken away, temporarily as that may be, Ardrenth settled his worries by looking at anything else but his captor. He was there. Up ahead. A muscular figure that stomped its way gently across the forest floor next to the padding paws of a wolf larger than the common wolves from the valley -Ardrenth's people- were used to. There were tales, sure, along with a few rare accountings written by the courageous travelers that ventured past their natal borders to spread the Creator's teachings into the wider world. Tales of grizzled wolf-like people living together with their feral kin far into the heart of the forest.

But to Ardrenth, the sight of a direwolf walking so closely to yet another creature he never put too much price on meeting prior to his kidnapping felt as surreal as the entirety of this situation.

How could one, werewolf or not, tame a wolf the size of a horse?

Who was this growly, silent captor?

Why was he taken out of all five of the shaman's aides? Where was he going? Why him, why now, why travel at night and not during daytime?

Questions and dread alike buzzed through his mind, a hive of bristling concerns that kept his spine slouched as if the weight of the world weighted his weary shoulders. He had been walking so long the pads of his paws started to crack from the many fragments of split branches they treaded over. Yet even now, possibly about four hours since his unwilling departure from his shamanistic home, his brute of a captor offered nothing in the way of replies besides his name, his ragged breathing. and the occasional warning growl.

"We should stop." Ardrenth pumped his fists as strange courage seared through the chill in his veins. "If I am to meet my demise while the moon is still bright, might as well do it here...unless you purposefully wish me to die exhausted."

That last part came out in a rather bizarre way. Here he was, walking his last steps in this world...and the foremost thing he worried about were...aching feet? The young wolf would've laughed if this was another night around the blazing bonfire in the company of his kin, but in this situation, he only managed a chuckle strangled by natural anxiety.

Somehow, that elicited a response from his captor. Stomping his way back to his prey with determination blazing in his amber eyes, the black werewolf's heavy hands fell on each of the young timberwolf's clothed shoulders.

"Hrrfff. Pup speaks much tonight...and thinks too little. Life. Our struggle, meant to bring life." The werewolf said, and with that, he turned right back around, his bushy tail slapping the confused youngling over the cheek.

"Life?" Ardrenth spat the few hairs he felt he accidentally got in his mouth, courtesy of the werewolf's bushy tail. "What in Creator's serene light is that supposed to mean?"

"Ngrhhh, think. Pup must think!" the werewolf answered.

No amount of riddling stood a chance of solving the gruffy, growling, fluffy mystery that led Ardrenth Creator knows where. And the more time passed, the more he spoke. Out of turn. Unanswered. Unasked. Exactly the sort of thing his captor Harak -a name befitting the beast he was- advised against.

Eventually, even he reached his limit. With one of his growly commands, he sent his huge quadrupedal partner scurrying into the depths of the forest for some kind of task, then turned around.

Ardrenth's blood froze in his veins. Fierce, predatorial, intimidating eyes found no other target of interest to settle upon but one. Him.

Ardrenth's entire pool of saliva seemed to have evaporated from his mouth, letting his tongue twist and tangle amidst his clattering jaws for a reply that would never come as the large wolf approached him step... by step...by step. He yelped in fright when large, powerful arms snatched them into their murderous embrace to-

...hug... him?

"Wh-what-what are you..." his stuttering words quickly devolved into a submissive whine as the familiar wetness of a broad tongue traveled along the top of his head. Strange. Scary. But somewhat...comforting, at the same time...if not for a terrible realization that suddenly struck him!

"Oh, oh no!" His foolish mind immediately jumped to the next worst thing besides fighting a losing battle against the werewolf's giant quadrupedal partner in some sort of primitive gladiatorial games later on. "You're planning to...eat me?"

"Mrrhmm, eat." The werewolf rumbled with a deep, animalistic satisfaction. "Feast, I must. After pup's breath flows smoothly, like river, pup know what means to be taken. To be had."

The thought of 'being taken' whatever that implied fueled the young wolf's survival instincts...but not for long. In the comforting embrace of muscles and fur, tended by a tongue that never showed any teeth, Ardrenth began to realize that 'being taken' was not that bad of a thing! He could even let the earth slip from under his feet and rest comfortably in the werewolf's embrace, knowing those strong, comforting arms would never let go of him. Soon enough, the experience turned from a frightful, unexpected embrace littered with questionable intentions to something with...intimate undertones. Harak's natural scent felt as wild and clean as the forest he called home rather than that of a stinky beast one might initially think! In spite of his strength, he also proved very gentle! Claws that never raked their tips into Ardrenth's fur combed their way across his back in a delightful sort of massage undoubtedly practiced on the direwolf's lusher coat.

"Breath slows. Flesh eases its tension. Pup starts to get used to river's embrace, yes?"

"That's...how you call this thing?" he chuckled with unease.

"Hmrrff," the werewolf grunted, one of his hands scratching the whining pup's scruff while the other played with his tail. "In warm days, when sun burns bright in sky, werewolves play in river until night falls."

"That long? What's so great about-"

"Water is life. Keeps us nourished in life, takes us to the great beyond after primal essence departs our mortal forms. Pup smart. He know this."

He might have, were he not overly focused on how increasingly tight his nether regions started to feel from the shameless way the werewolf's bare genitals rubbed against his loin coverings. The thought of a few strips of tangled fabric separating the protruding tip of his member from the werewolf's sizable sheath kept Ardrenth's mind distracted with a stream of erotic thoughts that made him feel more vulnerable than ever.

"Warm. Too warm. Can you...let go please?" he tried to push against the werewolf's unmovable form. "I can't breathe with all this fur strangling me!'

The pressure applied by his surprisingly gentle grip lessened in order to make way for an even bigger oddity. Slowly, gently, just like the tranquil river he mentioned earlier, Harak started to inspect the front of Ardrenth's form, this time, with his nose rather than his hands!

Ardrenth had no words to describe how incredibly exciting the inquisitive sniffs he received from the werewolf that slowly knelt before him truly felt like, whether they felt pleasant, or scary, or perhaps both! All he knew...all his senses immediately registered in the heat of this bizarre moment, was a hand shifting beneath his limp tail while another worked on untying the coil of fabric protecting his modesty from the werewolf's eyes...but certainly not from his sense of smell.

"Awwrrrr, you're...taking my loin coverings off. Why-why would you-"

"Free." The werewolf growled over his 'captive's stuttering. "Tonight, pup shall walk free. Unburdened by rules. Unweighted by craftings. Free...like nature made him."

While the werewolf worked towards whatever debauched feasting he had in mind, Ardrenth...did nothing. He stood still, only the slight tone of his muted whine giving the world a clue that he was not a lifeless, yet lifelike statue. What could he say? What...could he do, but wait like a submissive pup for the Alpha's command? Wild and unashamed, Harak paused at nothing to show his interest in the noticeable scents originating from the depths of Ardrenth's subligaria. He sniffed intently...and when he paused his sniffs, he grabbed.

"Ngrrhhh..." Ardrenth slouched forward with the thrum of heat that speared out of his undoubtedly emerged penis like lances of warm water. "Stop...please...you're...you're making me..." claws sank their tips into the werewolf's lush black fur. Whines mixed in with the forest's natural song.

For how ashamed he felt to stand so irrevocably exposed before the werewolf's fine nose, Ardrenth also...wanted more. To feel and hold onto this big, beautiful predator of the woods rather than repel his advances. Somehow, a perverted, instinctual part of him took over. A part of him that not only felt right at home with displaying subservience towards a stronger pack member, but one that enjoyed where this was going.

Like the delicate wrapping of a luxurious present, the wolf's loin coverings gently slid down towards his kneading feet, baring his gender before the hungry nose of his assailant.

Harak wasted no time in taking what he wanted. For as delicate as he'd been until now, the werewolf held back nothing from displaying his hunger for another's scents through eager huffs and hungry prods that would've swept the young wolf right off his feet without the support of the werewolf's strong hands. Never in his wettest of dreams had Ardrenth imagined his privates would become an object of worship for a werewolf almost twice his weight. Harak's tongue eagerly lapped the beads of pre that formed on his leaky tip, then slathered the rest of his sheath with slick saliva, each insistent stroke of his voracious tongue pushing a bit more of the young wolf's protruding pink out of its tense, soaked home. He seemed so very eager to taste more...so much so that he growled when Ardrenth sought to protect his privates from the flurry of licks testing the resilience of his overly full balls.

"N-no. This isn't right." Ardrenth took advantage of his captor's temporarily dazed senses to wrench himself free of his grip. Stumbling backwards with his half-unsheathed penis dribbling crystalline droplets on the grass below his unsteady feet, he took a fierce stance against a creature not many dared to challenge!

"The Creator frowns upon those who spill their seeds in barren soil." He spoke even as his penis leaked its lubricants. "I-I'm meant to lay with a female. I've saved myself for my future mate since I passed the shaman's trials! Mighty as you are, wild and...free as you consider yourself to be, taking what you wish, when you wish to, is wrong!"

"Hrrmmm..." a deep rumble emerged from the werewolf's half parted jaws as he rose up to his full, towering height, his own sheath tip glistening with concealed lusts. "Tasting is no forbidden thing for Packleader's sons. Great wolf blessed us with fangs to hunt, claws to defend pack, and mates to seed." Harak spoke. "Who is Creator, to deny pup the wants of every male? To separate him from tongue of a mate?"

"Mate?" Ardrenth laughed. Trembling with anxiety, heated by rampant desires coursing through his throbbing mess of a cock with every heartbeat, he laughed...for there was no other reply he could offer this...this stinky, lustful captor!

"You stole me from my pack! Took me into the heart of the forest to...have me for whatever debauched reasons your 'Packleader' filled your head with, took my scents and my taste with barely any consent given, and somehow...that makes us... mates? You really are a beast. A s-ssss..." he resisted the urge to call him stupid outright. "An unenlightened one too!"

Harak's features softened somewhat, his tail slowing its excited wagging. "Pup is right. But that not mean werewolf is wrong!" Within two large strides, he fell once again upon his prize, holding him in tight, yet delicate embrace. "We honor Packlord with pup's essence on this brightmoon night, and if pup refuse to become part of pack. If pup chooses another way, Harak will let him walk back to home valley."

Ardrenth needed a moment to catch his thoughts. Harak had this...intense way of looking at him. More than anything, he loved to be close. And right now, his nose neared Ardrenth's muzzle so much, he could almost feel the werewolf's nostrils twitch with hungry eagerness.

"I'm not sure about this..." he whined, ears splayed on the back of his skull. "If by essence you mean my...s-s-seed..." he struggled to speak that lone word that described the greatest treasure he possessed, given that droplets of pre still made their way out of his penis even if it fully retreated back inside during the argument. "I'm alright with only a taste. But make it a very brief one. Understand? I care for my Creator's Wisdom, perhaps more than you care about this Packlord of yours."

"Harrrr, rules. Is Creator human, to spew so many rules?"

"He...is not. Maybe. To us, he shows himself in our image, but to humans...he may look like one of them, I suppose? The shaman hasn't been very...his guidance had been...nghhh...unclear on...the other races."

Dear Light, but it felt good to have such a primal, wanting creature poking his way down there. While his mouth struggled to speak words of wisdom among whines and huffs, Harak worshipped his deity in his own ways, his hungry nose swerving around the young wolf's bloated sheath to take in as many scents as he could.

"Aaaaghh, my balls! Be careful there!"

With his nuggets held fast between two of the werewolf's warm, padded fingers, Ardrenth thought he planned to give them a squeeze of sorts. But Harak merely measured his orbs. Once his fingers got the weight and the size of those soft, squishy nuggets, they moved to another round thing. This time a harder one, and several degrees more sensitive.

"N-n-no, not there, nn-nhhaaaaaahhh!" The squeeze applied behind his knot, slight as it may have been, sent the young wolf's penis spearing forward as suddenly as the lance of precum that splattered on Harak's blissful face. The werewolf hissed in satisfaction as heat painted his body and fresh scent filled the air, and while Ardrenth slouched over, maddened with the desire to bury his knot as deep into something tight as possible, Harak knelt before his unsheathed prize and took it all into his mouth, bathing the pup's entire erection within his accommodating jaws, feeding on his strong, throbbing emissions until three more spurts graced his tongue.

Then, he pulled back, panting with the satisfaction of a hound that just sampled the flavors of a bitch at the peak of her heat.

"Young. Virile. Arrhhh. Truly...unmated." He licked his muzzle clear of wolf fluids as he rose back up to his feet. "Pup spoke truly. An unexpected delight...a most welcome one. Excellent offering, pup shall make. Now, bond with me."

"You...want me to do what with you?"

"Merge bodies, share essence, twine souls." He said, spreading his arms in invitation.

He obviously wanted another hug, but Ardrenth only had to peek at his healthy erection to immediately feel unfit to follow through with whatever the werewolf had in mind. Though his knot had retreated back inside his sheath, he still felt hard and warm and tight down there, almost on the verge of spilling his truest essence, rather than just the precursor of it.

"To be clear, you want me to...mate with you?"

Harak eagerly dipped his head, making Ardrenth question the werewolf's judgment. How could they? Even if both of them worshipped under the same God, no creatures of the same gender could truly mate with each other!

While his mind looked for answers, Ardrenth's eyes subconsciously searched for their own answers to the dilemma. His gaze inevitably paused on the werewolf's plump sheath, and the smell it exuded -a spicy tone his nostrils definitely agreed with- forced the young wolf to focus on more...immediate matters.

Harak probably noticed how his eyes lingered, yet in his distracting fascination, Ardrenth paid little attention to anything above his waistline and a whole lot more to the in-between of his legs. The particularities of werewolf genitalia were not something Ardrenth ever consciously analyzed...until now. For starters, it looked BIG, compared to his own. Almost matching the thickness of his forearm and definitely long enough to fit all of him in, were Harak a female he could mate with. Yesss...mate with! A wicked, lustful thought born of innermost perversions that only now came into the light, stirred by the scents of sexual need scribbled all over the sodden fur surrounding the luscious black tip of Harak's ripe opening.

"How..." Ardrenth found himself licking his lips with lust at the sight of this alpha male's unnaturally arousing cock-home. "How do you propose we...do it with each other?"

He peeked at Harak's fuzzy balls swinging gently between the werewolf's steps while his eyes still lingered down there.

"Trust." Ardrenth's attention swung back up. He was grabbed again, and licked too! Head bowing under the caress of a most enthralling tongue rolling across his forehead, he shuddered and whined his inevitable approval, his tail wagging just a little, stirred by motes of excitement that awakened all over his furred form.

"Then, I guess I'll...give myself to your caring embrace." He spoke between the licks. He really wished he could offer more than just whines coupled with a trepid scratch along the back of his protector's tall form. Being a head or so taller, Harak had easy access to his scruff, licking and nibbling all he wanted on ears and fluff while Ardrenth saw nothing but the lush fur covering the trained muscles that protected the werewolf's chest. Somehow, this didn't feel right. To let his protector do all the work while he reaped all the rewards like a lazy leech!



"Could you...a little bit lower?"

"Pup's ears in need of more nibbling."

"Pup would appreciate the chance to look upon you. Properly. Before we...you know..."

His concerns had been alleviated by Harak's immediate stance. Dropping to one knee, his honest, honey colored eyes met his gaze for a few long breaths before his sneaky tongue once again lashed out like the wet pest it proved itself to be!

"Rrrhh! Is your plan to...slobber all over me tonight?"

Harak continued with his playful licks until the playful shoves, yips, and yaps, turned more serious.

"We can make this prelude more interesting if we get more familiar with each other! For starters, here's four scars. Two on the muzzle...one very close to this eye." Ardrenth nuzzled the werewolf with his wet, curious nose. "What stories do they hide?"

"Hrrmm...this tale, better wait while Packlord's eye still shines in the dark sky of night."

"Apologies if I said something that-"

"Is problem, not. Pack...healthy when love prevails. Fighting, only when necessary. We no spoil tonight, a time to celebrate life, with words of death. Hrr?"

He had the right of it. Ardrenth felt foolish for even bringing something so silly into discussion. As he slowly withdrew his muzzle far enough to no longer feel the werewolf's moist breath rolling along his face, he grew impressed by the experience hiding inside Harak's amber eyes. By the intelligence he exuded. Veiled by a bestial exterior that could easily mislead others into falling prey to false assumptions. Ardrenth became a victim of the very same trap when he called Harak a brute, words he wished he'd take back.

Instead, he apologized, as warmly as he could. Not with words. At least, not entirely. When he opened his mouth to speak a reply, Ardrenth launched his own licking attack on the insides of the werewolf's mouth. They stared wordlessly at each other in the aftermath of this unexpected turn of events, almost as if they both waited for the other to make the first move. This time, Ardrenth realized what gave Harak pause.

He, as the object of tonight's ritual, had to willingly and unequivocally give his approval. An approval that came in the form of licks around and along the muzzle of an alpha wolf hardly in need of someone as shy and pitiful like him. Ardrenth knew this. His first licks were short, shy, unsure and quite abrupt, but Harak nonetheless surprised him with a pull that forced their jaws to lock together in passionate embrace. Rumbling growls twined with whines of satisfaction as the two grabbed around each other with more than just limbs. This sloppy union of fangs felt primal. Something beyond the reach of words. Of reason. As their hands traveled along each other's bodies, their tightly pressed genders began to grind together like two fire stones, every grinding motion serving to further stoke the heat that blazed between the emerging tips sliding smoothly against each other along with the movements of their bodies.

"Arrhhh..." Ardrenth lustfully looked down at the dancing union of their sloppy sheaths, half formed knots, and wet, shining tips all meeting each other in some sort of perverted dance. He wished he'd be able to lower his muzzle a bit further. To sniff Harak's scent from a far closer distance. To...taste the strength of his character upon his very tongue, a thought that drew a sharp squirt of pre from his tense, heaving cock.

"Nraww! Ss-sorry!"

For that silly apology, Ardrenth found his balls cradled inside Harak's large, warm hand. "Seed must flow. Pup is desperate to unleash, yet apologizes instead."

"That's because...I've been taught to think of mating as something sacred. Something that...only happens with your one and only mate."

Harak chuckled in his hoarse, growly way, scrapping up a joke from his somewhat limited vocabulary about how the world was simply too big a place to love a single mate. Ardrenth would've gladly contested that piece of lupine wisdom if the crafty werewolf hadn't grabbed hold of his hand to direct the warm pads of his fingers over to his own privates.

"Pup bleats constantly about this Creator of his." Harak spoke confidently while he rested Ardrenth's fingers on the sizable, yet supple form of his black furred sheath. "Let Creator come down from the stars and punish pup for touching one who is not his mate, grrr!"

Rather than act stupefied, his natural state of being in any unexpected situation like this, Ardrenth explored the werewolf with a fascination of a virgin placing their fingers on someone's member for the first time...which was not very far from the truth at all. So far, he never felt the tension hardening another male's knot whilst their entire member still rested inside their sheath, or cusped nuts as large as the whole grip of his palm. Yet one thing stood above the rest. Tracing his finger along the underside of Harak's fuzzy sheath, Ardrenth sunk it into the wet, opening home of his cock, a realm so warm, so wet, he winced with need at how his finger prodding squelched amidst the generous lubrication. With his curiosities barely satiated, he could hardly help himself from tasting that sweet, silky wetness on the tip of his tongue.

"Mmmhh, see? No punishment. Only us."

"And our needs..." Ardrenth added, eyes shining with lust. "We can perhaps ignore my Creator's wishes, at least while the night still lasts, and see what other...pleasures we can discover together."

He wished he could have been honest about the hot desires rampaging beneath his fur. To just tell Harak he yearned, wished, NEEDED to taste him much more thoroughly...to go as far as to allow him to relieve his seed right into his very gullet!

But he couldn't. Not in such a raw form anyway. So he meekly offered the werewolf an opportunity to show him how their kin tamed the nefarious urge of release...be that by hand or through other means only werewolves were aware of.

"Harr, pup becomes bolder!" he laughed hoarsely. "Harak accepts, but on another night. Packlord unleash terrible, wet nightmares, if werewolf spills his essence before his chosen pup during initiation. Next night, I give myself to pup. Tonight, he mine."

Ardrenth found himself swept into another passionate kiss, jaws twining in glistening moonlight while below, other things of a far more bestial nature took place. Gently guided towards the same wet gates he tasted with the tip of his finger, Ardrenth allowed Harak to guide him closer and closer towards his sheath, until his unsheathed tip finally tasted something much warmer than the night's chilly air.

At that point, Ardrenth shuddered on his feet from the eagerness to sink himself deeper. His tip poked eagerly in search of flesh, and when it found an entrance, his hips pumped with one determined thrust, allowing more than half of his eager cock to disappear inside the fur covered tunnel that embraced him as tight as any female could.

"Arrrrhhhh!" he gritted his teeth under the oppressive lashes of heat assaulting his cock, eagerly thrusting his way further inside. Once he found himself delving into that slick paradise of softness with something far more sensitive than a finger, the young wolf's cock spat incessantly while he moaned, hissed, and thrust, eager to further sink himself into the myriad of delightful stimuli that assaulted his throbbing cock.

"Sss-sorry! Can't...can't stop..." his furtive apologies rang between panting noises mixed with the squelching of a full, accommodating sheath.

But rather than chastise him for burying his bone deeper, Harak mounted his own, far heavier thrust. That one motion furrowed Ardrenth's muzzle with creases of orgasmic bliss as more than half of his cock now left his sheath to invade the home of another far bigger and more impressive cock. He felt it. Kissed it. Cock grinded against cock, tips poking and prodding one another inside dripping sheaths, a dance of whines and lust kept aflame by Harak's gentle thrusts.

"Thoughts, unnecessary. Mating is for wolf like eating. Like drinking. For this, a lesson you need not."

Amazing, how he could form such calm, rational words in this maddening heat of sexual bliss. Compared to him, Ardrenth's intellect completely gave up before the fiery need of his instincts to inseminate, to ejaculate, claws sinking into the werewolf's muscular back as his erection threatened to reach full mast. Harder and harder he spat the deeper he slid inside the werewolf's sheath, his precum forming a veritable stream of lubrication that fell over to ground in slick, uneven trails, groaning and panting with bliss as the bulge of his increasingly harder penis became increasingly noticeable within Harak's sheath.

"You're so...fitting." He looked down to see his own sheath stretched close to its limits by his big, almost fully formed knot. The only thing still not swallowed by Harak's own cock-home. "Sure there is enough room in there? Hope...this feels good for you too..."

The warm, brutish hand cupping his balls offered a clearer answer than words ever could. The werewolf liked to tease, but Harak's intentions fully revealed themselves when his careful fingers climbed up towards the pup's knot, surrounding it beneath soft, squeezing pads. Whatever Ardrenth wished to say came out muffled in that moment, his words buried by a more primal set of sounds. By Creator's Grace. The shaman kept warning against copulation with others besides your mate, but if it truly was such a sin to spill outside a female, why did this feel so incredibly good?

"Ready to bind pup's essence with mine?"

"Ahhhh, yes, yes!" Ardrenth yipped. "I feel so...big, so tight down there. Want to...inside. Grrrh, so close, please, take me inside."

His vision fizzled once his knot found itself squeezed behind the werewolf's fully formed one. One thrust. That was all it took for Harak's stretchy sheath to fully envelop his cock down to the very knot. The pleasure of finding himself fully hilted inside this half of soaked flesh, trapped against a warm, impressive cock, hit Ardrenth like a storm. He ejaculated so hard, so intensely, his eyes went in the back of his head after the very first spurts, legs giving way under the spikes of pleasure that seared their way across his throbbing, cumming member.

He knew not the ground's cold embrace at the peak of his pleasure though, but his werewolf's caring embrace, sprinkled with licks and gentle thrusts to keep their knots locked together.

"Worry for nothing, dear pup. The Packlord welcomes you into his den..." he rumbled with satisfaction as one hand snuck between Ardrenth's legs to squeeze rhythmically around the tie formed by their locked knots.

Ardrenth barely made sense of those words. Drool trickled down his jaw, as slick and abundant as the pearlescent fluids overflowing from Harak's stuffed sheath. Even filled to refuse like this, bloated by the cock and cum of another, he paused at nothing from milking his pup inside the tight sanctuary of his cock-home all the way until Ardrenth would spill his last.

***The End***

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