Club Propagation

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#1 of Commissions

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

Ava isn't a very social mouse, a bit of a homebody actually, but when her friends talk her into checking out the new mysterious club that seemed to open up out of nowhere, all their lives are going to change from it. Ava may even find she quite enjoys the thrill of the consequences.

Let's jump right in!

Commission Piece for

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a commission, my lovely, so CHECK THOSE TAGS!

Ava isn't a very social mouse, a bit of a homebody actually, but when her friends talk her into checking out the new mysterious club that seemed to open up out of nowhere, all their lives are going to change from it. Ava may even find she quite enjoys the thrill of the consequences.

Let's jump right in!

Club Propagation:

"Heyyyy, you looking forward to tonight, Ava?" The white-furred mouse asked as she slid right into the seat opposite her coworker, her teeth showing in that troublemaking grin she always had, her blue eyes sparkling with mischief.

Sharp purple eyes looked up over the expenditure report she was still working on even through her lunch break. The other mouse known as Ava sported an almost charcoal tone of fur in contrast to her coworker's snow-white coat, which shifted to a more ashy-gray collar along her throat and muzzle.

"I don't recall agreeing to anything for tonight, Sasha," Ava spoke out cautiously as her paw closed the face of her work laptop, her small purple nose twitching in irritation as her whiskers bounced slightly. Her nose color was nearly identical to her eyes, even her hair sharing the similar hues that looked at home on her darker fur, save for some bleached highlights that offered a more pinkish-purple at the tips.

Sasha showed her teeth in a grin as she flicked her pink wiry tail out, almost as if wagging it like a dog would one of her clawed fingers twirling a lock of her bleach blonde hair. "Ava, babe! There's a new club that opened a few weeks ago, you're not gonna make me go alone are you?"

The darker-furred mouse gave a click of her tongue and lifted the screen to her computer back up, as if that was all that needed to be said on the matter, her own gray tail flicking in mild irritation.

"Ava, c'mon, girl, when is the last time you let your hair down? Charlie agrees with me, right?" Sasha turned to the third mouse that was just trotting into the break room with her own paper-bagged lunch in her paws.

The brown-furred mouse lifted her rounded ears and looked to the other two mice, her green eyes looking curious as she tilted her head. "What am I agreeing with, Sasha?"

"See! Even she agrees!" Sasha squeaked out with a grin as she pushed on the screen of the computer, making it snap closed as Ava offered her a fussy squeak of her own.

"Sasha, what trouble are you up to?" Charlie asked with a small smile as she sat down on the other chair of the table, the three mice all seated now as she started unpacking her lunch.

"She thinks she's still in college and wants to go clubbing," Ava said dryly, offering a small snort through her indigo nose before collecting her cup of coffee, taking a sip, her claws encircling the cup to show they were painted the same purple as her hair.

"You just think you're older than you are, you're not even thirty yet, Ava!" Sasha offered another fussy counter-argument.

"Clubs are a young kits scene, go harass one of the girls at the local college campus," Ava poked her nose up, sounding done with the topic.

"Charlie, help me out here?" Sasha pleaded.

"Oh uhm... I mean, I've not been to a club in easily..." The brown mouse counted on her paw. "My, it's been at least five years now, but I'm a married mouse, so that makes sense."

"So both of you need to get out and live a little! C'mon, what are you going to do, go home, watch Vetflix and eat pizza?" Sasha gave them both a fussed look.

"I suppose if my husband didn't mind, it might be nice to do something together, just have a girl's night out?" Charlie frowned as she looked over to Ava.

"Really? You two are going to gang up on me over this?" Ava sighed and ran her claws through her hair before leaning back, shrugging in defeat. "Fine, but only for like, an hour, deal?"

Sasha hummed and gave a victorious grin. "Deal!'


Even in college, this wasn't really her scene. As the three mice entered the club the loud thrumming warble of heavy bass filled the air, some lasers scattering across the ceiling with a large open dancefloor dominating most of the room, scatterings of booths and tables dotting the rest of the interior along with, of course, the bar.

"You talked up a big game about not wanting to come, but then you wore that, you mousey slut," Sasha squeaked into Ava's large rounded ear, the older mouse snarling and giving her a shove, the movement making her breasts bounce a little in the snug form-fitting dress she'd picked out, a deeper shade of indigo purple to accentuate her other features, the outfit clinging several inches above her knees to show off some of the soft thick thighs the mouse sported.

"It does fit you rather nicely and even cups your butt like a glove, Ava," Charlie offered her own playful grin. The brown-furred mouse had dressed more modestly as if she were a chaperone for the two younger girls, a snug pair of blue jeans and a frilly top that dipped just low enough to show some cleavage without being too overly sexual.

"You also going to tease me tonight, Charlie? Guess it's just pick-on-Ava day, huh?" The darker-furred mouse grumbled but then squeaked as Sasha grabbed her arm and pulled her along toward the bar.

"Oh c'mon, let's get some drinks then dance! I wanna see how many guys I can get to grab my ass tonight!" Sasha squeaked out eagerly, the mouse having worn a snug dress like Ava had, but a few less inches on her thighs and a little deeper cut of cleavage.

The three mice settled at the bar together looking over the drink menu curiously. Sasha gave a laugh at the cocktail names. "Holy shit! They weren't lying in the reviews, the drink names are crazy!"

Ava sighed as she read one aloud, "Baby Maker; vodka, juice, and a special blend that will get your ovaries working double time or your sacs overfull of swimmers... This is ridiculous." She groaned.

"Ha ha look at this one!" Charlie pointed at another one as she read it aloud, "Divorce Papers; Guaranteed to make you cheat or your money back!" She laughed in amusement with a grin.

"It's just a gimmick for their shitty drinks, it's no worse than gamer bars naming their cocktails after old video games, right?" Sasha played along and read another aloud, "Ohh... The Milky Muse; Cream liquor cocktail to fill those milkers in your top!" Sasha cackled out in laughter.

"I think they're aiming at a certain clientele here, can we leave girls?" Ava groaned.

"C'mon, we already got here, let's just have some drinks!" Sasha hummed out and threw an arm around Ava, "First one's on me, girl, let's have a baby together, I mean, Baby Maker, together!" She laughed at her own wordplay.

"Heh, yeah! I'll be trying that Divorce Papers, one. Challenge accepted as it were!" Charlie declared with a playful squeak as she pushed a paw to her chest, her own wedding band shining in the lasers of the club.

"Cheers!" All three mice squeaked out as they held their drinks aloft before starting to sip on them.

"Yeah, that's gin in there, and OJ, might as well have called it a Screwdriver," Ava said with a shrug.

"Man... a little part of me was hoping this would dial my heat up or something, it's just a lame ol' Screwdriver..." Sasha pouted as she sipped on it.

"This one I have simply tastes like Irish cream liquor over ice, but there is some kind of aftertaste I can't quite put my paw on," Charlie said.

"Yeah, there's something on the back end there, but I can't... that's so weird, I'm usually good at picking out flavors," Ava said as she took another sip, smacking her tongue a few times.

"Maybe it's that special blend that's gonna make you ovulate like crazy or your balls swell up like coconuts!" Sasha giggled before sticking her tongue out, Ava offering a smile at that, but it was clear by the lingering scent all three girls were in cycle, she'd smelled it back at the office too.

Several minutes passed while the girls drank and chattered, then Sasha perked her ears with a huff as she looked right at Charlie. "Charlie! Let's go dance, I wanna grind on you a little and then we'll see about trading with some hot boys!"

The normally reserved mouse of the group giggled and offered a smile as she took Sasha's paw. "Sure, that sounds fun, Sasha! Don't grind on me too much, it'd be a shame if you were the one I cheated on my hubby with!" She laughed as the two mice trotted right off.

Ava gave an irritated snort, getting left alone at the table, her hips squirming. She felt restless, she wanted to dance too, but she didn't want to go up alone either. Sure enough, the other two mice started dancing, and it wasn't casually either, they had arms around one another, chests pushed together.

A moment later Charlie was turned around, shimmying down and grinding her round backside right into Sasha's crotch, the other mouse grinning as their wiry tails whipped around and twined together.

"Glad those two are having fun... Maybe I should just call a cab now that I've been so thoroughly ditched..." Ava grumbled and leaned on her paw, her eyes drifting about, seeing the dancing couples or the groups in their little cliques at various booths or tables.

Her purple eyes settled on the bar, giving it a bored look before they landed right on another set of eyes looking back at her. It was a dog, a black-furred wolf to be precise, a younger-looking boy that might have been in his early twenties, perhaps still in college. He realized he had been caught looking and quickly averted his eyes.

"Huh..." Ava clicked her tongue and then looked back to the dance floor, looking stunned as she saw the two mice had indeed pulled away and were now with other boys. Sasha was pushed up to a white-furred cat, but what really was shocking was Charlie, a married mouse, was now grinding and pawing on a rather lovely brown rabbit boy.

She almost wanted to get up, stomp over and pull Charlie off the floor, reminding her she had a fucking husband, but then her eyes chanced another look to the bar, to that wolf. His ears perked as if sensing he was being watched and he hesitantly looked back over his shoulder, his blue eyes catching some of the laser lights as he saw the mouse was staring at him this time. He offered a small smile and gave a little wave to her, then opened his paw, gesturing to the seat next to him, tilting his head curiously.

"You know what? Hell with it!" Ava squeaked out loud and trotted right over to the bar, seeing the younger wolf's tail wagging faster, his smile quickly shifting to an excited grin. Drawing closer she could see his fur wasn't as black as she thought, more a deep brown.

"Whoa! Uh... Hi! C-Can I get you a drink?" He barked out eagerly, his tail blurring behind him. Ava showed him an amused grin, seeing she was right about his age, he was a ball of nerves right now, especially with an older experienced mouse next to him.

"You even old enough to buy it, baby?" She asked with a surprisingly confident tone that even shocked her a little.

"Hey hey, I'm old enough, by about... six months!" He offered her a small grin and then nodded. "What would you like?"

"Surprise me," Ava said cooly as she took a seat, crossing one leg over the other, strategically making more of her dress ride up to show off more of her soft thick looking hips under her thin charcoal fur.

He gazed over the drink menu and then called out to the bartender, "Can I get a d-" He paused as if realizing what he was about to say out loud before rethinking the statement, "Can I get the drink, named, Deep Throat?"

The bartender a persian cat with deep blue fur offered an approving grin at the dog saving face before quickly mixing and presenting the drink straight to the mouse.

"Glad to see you have your head screwed on, I wonder how many fall for that every night?" Ava picked up the glass, rolling it around before holding it up, "Cheers." She took a sip, the drink tasting like cola and whiskey.

"Sorry for uh... staring, I just thought you were really pretty, and surprised you were alone," He explained with a small grin.

"You think I'm pretty, baby?" She offered him a small smile, her eyes looking him over, if he wasn't an athlete he was sure built like one, with strong broad shoulders, muscled arms, and toned legs in those snug jeans he wore, she drifted her eyes to his lap curiously but the angle didn't offer much of a view before she shifted her gaze back to his.

"Well, I wasn't alone originally, but my friends decided to-" She cut her words short as she looked to the dance floor, seeing Sasha pushed up to that cat boy, their maws shoved together in an eager kiss, another white cat looking identical pushing into her backside. She pulled from the first boy's paw, grabbed the other by the collar, and pulled him down, giving him a heated kiss too. "Really, twins?!" She squeaked out in shock.

"Oh hey, those are a few of the guys I came here with, yeah, they're brothers alright... guess twins really do, do everything together, huh?" The wolf gave a small bark of a laugh.

Ava grunted at that and sipped her drink, then scanned the dancefloor but couldn't find Charlie. For a moment her heart sped up in worry, but then she saw the brown-furred mouse trotting right over to her with an eager grin her paw dragging that bunny boy with her.

"Ava, sweetheart, I'm gonna have to bail a little early, you and Sasha have a good night, okay?" She squeaked out as her wiry pink tail wrapped around the rabbit's leg possessively as she clung to his arm.

"Ch-Charlie, but you've got a fucking hu-" She squeaked as Charlie pushed a paw to her lips with a small pleading glare.

"Shh, I don't need to hu-rry home, I don't work tomorrow, remember?" Charlie offered her a wink before tugging the rabbit along, the younger boy offering an excited grin, his own smaller tail flicking behind him.

"Son of a bitch..." Ava pushed a paw through her hair and then looked back to the wolf. "Uh... yeah, so there went one-third of my group, and the other looks like she's got her paws full." She thrust a clawed thumb back towards the other mouse making out with the twins.

"I feel that," The younger boy sighed as he sipped his drink, Ava looking at the menu, looking intently at the 'Divorce Papers' cocktail listing. A moment of clarity seemed to hit her as she looked back to see Sasha had dragged both the cats to a seating area where the trio was fervently making out.

Now that she thought about it, she was very warm, and not from being drunk. She tapped a claw on her mostly downed drink and looked up at the wolf who gave her a small polite smile, his tail wagging behind him slowly.

"Why'd you call me over, baby?" She puffed out curiously and leaned closer, making a point to let her cleavage come into view. She had fairly average breasts, but given she was a mouse with a small stature, it made them appear a few sizes bigger.

He looked into her eyes then clearly she saw him look down into her cleavage. She strategically hooked a claw at the front of her top, looking him in the eyes as she pulled the dress forward, letting him get just a faint glimpse of her areolas, a dusky indigo color like her nose against the gray fur.

She watched his teeth snap together and if she could see his cheeks through that dark brown fur, she knew he'd be blushing. "Gonna answer my question sweetie?" Ava cooed, feeling her confidence swelling, her body feeling like it was on fire as if she were suffering a brutal heat cycle.

"I uh..." He cleared his throat and met her eyes. "I thought you were really pretty, sexy, uh... also you looked lonely, so..." He rubbed the back of his head, offering her a cute toothy grin.

"Sure is a lot of making out and stuff in here... isn't there?" She called out conversationally as she looked around, the wolf also looking, seeing several couples had broken down into full-on makeout sessions or worse. One couple was clearly having straight-up sex in one of the booths, the doe-deer just in the boy's lap, her panties around her ankle.

"I think we fumbled into a swingers club or something," He said calmly as he looked out over the crowd, having turned the stool to do so. Her eyes darted down, finally getting a look at his crotch, seeing the fat bulge within his jeans.

"What do you do? You in school?" She asked while pointing to the menu and throwing two fingers up from her paw to the bartender.

"Uh, yeah! I'm a senior at the local university, I also play on the baseball team. Other than that, I work on the side as a mechanic, uhm... what about you?" He huffed out and she could see his tongue was showing, he was panting.

"Nothing fancy, out of college, an accountant for a firm, good pay, soul-sucking..." She felt her stomach twisting in a knot and hopped right up with a bounce of her chest before gripping the front of the wolf's jeans, pulling him to stand.

He gave a small bark but didn't resist as he stood, the mouse keeping one paw gripping his belt buckle, her other paw grabbing the two shots the bartender presented, before pulling the dog that was near twice her height along.

"H-Hey, uh... is this okay?" He asked, his tail blurring behind him as she pulled them along. Her purple eyes looked back at him as she hip-checked the restroom open and tugged the dog right in, slamming the door behind them shut.


"Oooh what frisky kitties I've found!" Sasha squeaked out with a giggle, one of the twins nibbling at her throat, flanking her on the large sectional couch they'd found themselves on, his paw pushed down into the top of her dress, claws digging into her fur as he kneaded her left breast.

The other twin was nibbling on her ear, his paw already having roamed up her thigh and rub and squeeze at the crotch of her panties, the cotton absolutely drenched, her thigh fur already damp from her eagerness.

"Fuck, that's it... I'm burning up boys, so paw all over me..." She groaned and shifted a paw to the brother that was pawing her mousey pussy through her panties, her clawed fingers tangling into his blonde locks to drag his muzzle down, kissing him heatedly, their tongues rolling together as the mouse squeaked from his pinch against her pearl through the wet fabric.

Her other paw was already pushed to his brother's lap, feeling that swollen bulge in his tight pants, giving another squeak and breaking the kiss with a grin as the cat found the bar in her nipple. "Ha... find something interesting, my frisky kitten?" Sasha panted out as she broke the kiss to shift her paws from both boys to tug her top right down, her full ample breasts bouncing into view, peaks hard and pink with small silver bars shining in the lasers.

"Wow!" One of the boys exclaimed, the other didn't hesitate and moved right down, shoving his maw right to her left teat.

Sasha bit her lower lip and squeaked out before lolling her tongue, then cut her eyes to the brother. "C'mon, you too my kitten... I wanna feel you both suckle me!" The other twin happily responded to her orders and just like that, she had twin boys both sucking hard on her mousey tits as if they were starving cubs, her paws running through each of their mussed blonde hair.

As if working in tandem one boy got a paw on the left side of her panties, the other the right, each of them pulling the soaked fabric clear down her soft round thighs, the heady scent of mouse sex filling the air with the mingling feline rut.

They were out in the open and a few were gawking, but most of the patrons were off doing their own things, too busy with their own paws full to worry about the trio. Sasha felt her stomach twist and knot, starving for affection as she finally tugged on the leftmost twin's ear, the only boy that had pierced ones. "You sit!" She squeaked out as the boy nodded eagerly and did as he was told.

"You don't mind sharing or letting brother go first, do you my kitten?" She huffed back at the other boy as she quickly shoved her paws to the sitting boy's tight pants, flicking the button free and jerking the material open, squeaking excitedly to see the eager jumping length of feline cock spring to attention.

"I'll get to fuck you too, yeah babe?" The cat without pierced ears gave her a cute pout as Sasha shifted her gaze from the impressive length before her to grin back at the blue-eyed boy her own glittering in the lasers as she nodded.

"If you're packing like your brother is? Fuck yeah, I want you both in me tonight!" Sasha declared as she rolled her dress up to fully expose her soft round hips before throwing a leg over the cat before her. He settled paws right on those soft white hips, claws digging into her fur as she pushed up against that jumping length, watching the younger boy flinch a little from the touch.

"Oh you poor dear... you're sooo pent up, aren't you? Gods you're just dripping pre and throbbing so hard!" She squeaked out with an impressed tone. His sacs really did look swollen and bulged against his base.

"Y-Yeah, it's... fuck it's not usually this intense, fucking aching I'm so pent up for you, babe!" He purred out, panting as he looked at her while she hummed and ground herself against that throbbing shaft.

"Guess we gotta fix that for you and your brother, now don't we, kitten?" Sasha looked over at the other boy while lifting her hips, shifting and grinding as that gushing tip pushed up against her petals, spreading them as she started to slowly shift her hips, working this complete stranger into her pussy, another boy waiting his turn. "Fuck... it's big... might need some help, kitten, grip my hips, grind under me..."

The twin with the pierced ears perked them, then nodded as his tongue lolled, shifting his hips, pushing down on her soft waist as Sasha moaned out, feeling that large feline cock start to gain ground, slowly filling her as she panted back at the other boy and pointed to the seat next to his brother. "H-Here... on your knees facing me, kitten!"

With an eager mew the other boy quickly followed her directions. Sasha gave a squeaky moan as the honey from her mouse hole and his own pre finally started to make the difference. He hissed out and flexed his paws, pulling down hard as she cried out happily from him finishing the last inches.

She saw stars from the impact as that head smacked into her core, gasping a little at having somehow taken that massive feline cock, biting her lower lip before looking down, seeing he was so deep there was even a rise showing in her belly through her dress around her waist.

"Fuck... I can feel you gushing that pre into me... H-hold still, let me get used to that..." She panted and quickly tugged at her other cat's tight pants, giving a throaty sigh of approval as she revealed that other length of cock, not disappointed and seeing he shared plenty in common with his brother.

"Oooh you're such a loving brother, letting your twin go first, I'll let you finish in me first as a reward, okay, kitten?" She blinked her sparkling blue eyes up at him while stroking her paw up and down against that impressive jumping length, seeing his tongue loll from her pawjob, all while the mouse slowly ground the other twin's throbbing cock nice and deep against her core.

"Holy shit babe... you're like a fucking oven in there..." The twin she was riding panted as both hips paws shifted to grasp and knead at her swaying breasts while the mouse licked her chops and nodded.

"Uh huh... uh huh... huff... c'mon big kitty... give me a few good strokes before I give your brother a turn, okay?" She squeaked out and dug her claws into his shoulder, her other paw still pumping at the aforementioned brother's length, pre dripping all over her fingers.

The cat under her eagerly responded, starting to stroke up into her, making her pierced breasts bounce in his paws as she squeaked and moaned, her tongue lolled, drooling as he quickly brought her to crest, the intense impacts to her core handily drawing forth her first orgasm of the night. The cat hissed and folded his pierced ears as she licked her chops and asked, "Ngh... can you handle it kitten? You're not losing already are you?" He rapidly shook his head but it was clearly a struggle to survive the crush of her mouse pussy.

"Good kitty..." She hummed and then licked her chops before looking back at the panting brother. "Your turn my patient kitten..." Sasha cooed out as she shifted both paws to the cat's chest under her slowly lifting herself up, feeling all of that massive cock glide from her walls, his brother already moving to stand behind her between his brother's knees.

"Ha!" She squeaked out as she pulled back, the head popping out as she gasped with approval, the other boy already with paws on her round rear as she grinned back at him, feeling him lining right up, her wiry tail wrapping around his wrist.

The twin brother pushed against her soaked hole, then with a little grinding, started pushing right in, a lot faster and eagerly than his twin had. "Ha!" Sasha squeaked out with a loud moan as she fell right against the cat's chest under her, feeling her other cat plow nice and deep into her.

He smacked her core and just started pumping right away, her tongue lolled as she panted while clinging to the other cat's chest. "Fuck yes... fuck me kitten... pound my mouse pussy nice and hard!" She moaned back while panting up into the face of the cat that had just been inside her while his brother had a turn."Y-you're gonna fuck me nice... and hard... like this too, yeah?" He nodded rapidly as she grinned.

"Almost... almost... c'mon, kitten, make me cum!" She squeaked out, then curled her toes in her heels as she cried out in another moan, her walls crushing the other boy's cock as he mewled out in shock. "Ngh... G-gonna make it?" She asked with a pant, the twin hissing in focus but nodding as she licked her chops again with approval before shifting forward to slowly withdraw him.

"I'll do it myself this time, kitten, hold still..." She dug her claws into his chest, skillfully shifting her hips before lining that tip up and once he was at her entrance, she shoved her hips down hard, taking him all in one deep stroke, lolling her tongue as he smashed against her core, her belly showing a rise once more as she started grinding.

"Oh, my gods!" He mewed out, his own tongue showing, looking stunned as she offered a grin and kept her hips shifting.

"Not yet... promised your brother he could go first, you can' hold it, right my kitty?" she smacked her hips down hard, feeling the other cat with his claws dug into her round ass, gliding his own jumping length against her cheeks while she rode his brother.

"I don't... know if I fucking can... babe!" He panted out, clenching his sharp teeth as this mouse tested every fiber of his endurance.

"It's okay, I like going after, sexy..." The cat behind her whispered down into her ears, the mouse grinning back at him and giving a nod before she slapped her hips down hard into the other boy's lap, plunging that length hard and deep into her.

"C'mon then! Been drinking those Baby Maker drinks all night, wanna make a mother out of me, kitten!?" She squeaked out her declaration, seeing the boy before her loll his tongue, hearts in his eyes, looking stunned for her as he nodded, his claws digging into her hips hard.

He yowled out in a feral mewl of a moan as Sasha rolled her own heart-filled eyes up, feeling the feline cock viciously jump inside her tight walls before a thick potent spray of her new cat's love poured into her waiting womb, filling it in the first rope, making her belly bulge forward a few inches.

"Oh, my gods! Oh my... gods!" He mewed out, looking stunned at how hard and intensely he was giving in for this mouse, his eyes distant as he stared at the mouse who was grinding back against each thick rope.

"All of it! All of it! Breed me, kitten!" Sasha squeaked out as they stared at one another, both of their eyes showing hearts as the younger boy nodded with a lolled tongue, each rope adding inches to her belly before he clenched his teeth, hissing as she milked him for the last thick gush.

He collapsed back against the sofa his tongue showing, his eyes looking distant and broken for this mouse, as if he'd fallen for her even though none of them had shared names. Sasha sighed and licked her chops, pushing one paw to her belly, he'd filled her so ful she looked nearly full-term.

"Ha... I'm used to getting stretched a little, comes with the territory of being a smaller girl... but, this is the most I've ever taken, but I think I've got a little room left for you, kitten," She raised up, pushing her belly against the panting boy's chest beneath her as that spent length popped from her entrance, flopping down looking spent as she looked back with a grin.

His brother seemed even more eager to get to it and pushed right up against her well fucked mouse hole, only a little of his sibling's lust dripping out before he pushed forward. Sasha squeaked out with a moan as she was filled once again, grinning as his own paws shifted around to clasp her rounded belly, the mouse lolling her tongue as he squeezed hard, feeling her white-furred flesh dimple against his claws while he pumped nice and hard against her.

"Ha... like how it feels and looks? Imagining me full of kittens, my kitten?" She giggled and leaned back, shifting and groaning, her belly jiggling against his paws like her breasts were doing now.

"Gods yes... Can I breed you too babe?" He mewed into her ear as she grinned and hummed, nodding her head.

"Fuck yeah, I want both of your kittens... come on, I know you're close... deep hard strokes, okay?" She squeaked out, then lolled her tongue, feeling the hard vicious impacts to her core before the cat shifted hips paws to her hips, jerking her back with a final vicious smack to her round ass.

He yowled out, similar to how his brother had as she panted back at him, seeing hearts in his eyes as she cupped his jaw. "Gods yes! Gods.... Yeees!" She moaned out as she felt another thick potent helping of feline lust gush into her womb as her belly started bulging out more for her other twin's love.

"Oh gods! B-Babe... holy... shit!" He gasped out as she wrapped her tail tight around his wrist, panting down at his brother under her as her tummy just pushed out more and more, her womb absolutely drenched in the potent cocktail of the two brother's adoration for her.

Thanks to whatever was in the drinks, both boys came more than they ever had in their lives and their mousey playmate was nice and fertile for them as well. The eggs she'd ovulated didn't have a prayer against her new boy's potent love and just like that, her new twins had given her twins, two kittens with blue eyes, white fur, and blonde hair.

As her fertile body milked the last rope of her second lover's adoration in, she sighed in relief, licking her chops, looking well beyond ready for labor, looking as pregnant as she now was, then offered a surprised squeak as she realized she had streams of milk dribbling from her pierced nipples, her breasts looking like they'd taken on a few more cup sizes.

"Huff... huff... wow, maybe you two actually diiiiid breed me!" She giggled and then sighed in relief, before leaning back to lap the jaw of her panting cat that was clinging to her, then grinned down at the one under her. "I'll give you a kiss once I can move, I'm a little too full to bend down right now, kitten!"


He said his place wasn't far and within five minutes she was in this younger boy's small apartment. As soon as he closed the door she had her arms thrown around his neck, both of them shoving muzzles together, heads tilted, and tounges desperate to taste one another.

Charlie gave a squeak when she felt his paws shift up to her frilly top, kneading and rubbing at her breasts, she was certainly the most endowed of the three mice that had come to the club this evening, her peaks already achingly hard in her top.

"You like them sweetie? Huff... I've never done something like this before, you know?" She panted into his large elongated ears, the rabbit meeting her gaze with his soft brown eyes, already showing hearts for her as he leaned in, kissing at her throat, his paws moving behind her back, up into that top, and snapping the bra free.

"Me either, Charlie... gods you're beautiful..." He groaned against her jaw before kissing her lips as mouse and rabbit drew right back into a heady kiss, their tongues rolling for several moments before Charlie pulled from him with a cute smile, her paws gripping her frilly top, peeling it and the bra right off, those full round mouse breasts coming into full view, hard pink peaks and her areolas showing through the thin brown fur.

"Are you sure you like how I look sweetie?" Charlie pushed a paw to her hip, posing for the younger rabbit. She was a married mouse who hadn't exactly been keeping herself in a fit condition. She wouldn't call herself fat but she had a bit of bulge in her tummy and faint love handles at her sides as she bit her lower lip nervously.

The bunny before her gave his own excited squeak, pulling his t-shirt off as Charlie felt her heartthrob in her chest, strong arms, a lithe but strong-looking definition in his chest, even a small showing of abs.

"I think you look gorgeous," He stepped forward, cupping one breast in his paw, kneading it gently as the mouse groaned, his other paw resting on her side, his touch confident as he pulled the older girl forward, their muzzles pushing together once more in a heated kiss.

She moved her paws to his chest, pushing against the defined muscles, her claws raking through his thin brown fur, this rabbit's fit body a far cry from her husband's who had let himself go even more so than her.

With a soft squeak, she felt him start to nibble at her throat, lifting her jaw to give this young bunny full access before he shifted his paws to her hips and hefted her right up off her footpaws. She hadn't been carried like this in years and moaned in approval as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Her legs clung to him as she pushed her forehead to his own, her reddish-brown bangs against his as they stared at one another like a newlywed couple.

It was a quick few paces to the young buck's bedroom and if the scent lingering in the air was any indicator, he wasn't lying about this being a rarity, she couldn't make out any other scent but his own, even as she was playfully dropped right onto the bed.

Charlie giggled as if she were a teenager again, then bit her lower lip as this strong confident rabbit climbed over her, his paws gripping the front of her jeans, popping the buttons and dragging the zipper down. "Huff... I wanna taste you, Charlie..." He whispered as she practically moaned at the thought of it, nodding her head as she lifted her hips, her body on fire for his touch.

Her small pink tongue showed as he pulled her jeans down along her round soft hips, the bunny just hooking his small claws into her plain no frills cotton panties, peeling them down along with the denim. The scent of mouse sex filled his snout as he hastily peeled her pants off along with her socks, as she'd kicked her shoes off at the door.

There was no hesitation as the confident rabbit boy she'd met slide his paws under her knees, spread her wide to get a good look at her drenched pink petals against her brown fur, then was down there with his maw against her.

"Oh, my godssss..." Charlie squeaked out, pushing a paw down into his brown-red hair, then her other joined, both of them rubbing at those large floppy ears, feeling his tongue skillfully roll and flick against her pearl, his brown eyes looking up at her with hearts in them as she panted.

"Yes... yes... I fucking love oral... I don't ever... get it... oh please, sweetie... make me do it with your maw!" She practically begged and the rabbit happily obliged her, moving to suckle against her pearl while rolling his tongue, the mouse squeaking in a loving moan as his paws moved up and down, stroking her soft thick hips while they squirmed.

She tucked her tongue and gripped his ears hard, her own heart-filled green eyes rolling up as he offered a small grunt from her rough squeeze on his ears, then she let out a throaty moan as he threw her over the edge.

"Gods... gods... holy... gods..." She heaved and panted, seeing stars in her vision from the intense orgasm, whimpering a little as he lapped his tongue tasting her mouse honey for the first time.

She was still reeling from her orgasm as he sat up, her chest rising and falling while she watched him unbuckle his own jeans he'd worn for the night. Charlie cooed and pushed a paw to his chest as she whispered, "You're so sexy... take all your clothes off too, sweetie, I want as much of us touching as I can get!"

His large ears perked and he offered her a loving grin as he nodded, "O-Okay Charlie, anything for you, love!" He squeaked out his own words and parted his own jeans. She widened her eyes to see the large fully slid-free rabbit cock that had been straining to bust out of that denim finally freed before her. She could see the thick vein throbbing against the crimson flesh, the bunny's sacs looking so full they were swollen.

"Oooh you poor thing... huff huff... you look like you're practically aching from how worked up you are!" She squirmed her hips while watching him follow through with her requests, peeling his pants and boxers away, along with the socks on his paws.

"Yeah... You've had me straining against my jeans since I laid eyes on you Charlie..." He confessed while panting, climbing back over to her, dribbles of precum hanging from the tip of his jumping length.

Her heart swelled in her chest and her womb ached at that confession, her tongue showing a little as she panted. "M-Me too, sweetie... uhm... I hope this isn't... too trashy?" She hesitated before digging her heels in, spreading her legs wide for him, then she pushed her paw down to glide her clawed fingers to her mouse hole, spreading her petals so the rabbit could see the clenching pink walls of her entrance.

His floppy ears perked straight to attention and she saw that massive bunny cock jump hard, spattering pre on her fur before he shook his head rapidly. "Holy damn... no way, Charlie, that's not trashy, you're sexy as hell!"

She offered him an excited grin, her heart pounding as he climbed between her legs. She could feel the head of his length against her fingers as he pushed it right against her entrance, already grinding eagerly. Charlie showed her tongue, panting for him now, looking up into his brown eyes, this young sexy boy about to have her, the thought of her husband miles away now.

"Wow... you're really... small and tight..." He panted and gripped her hips, hefting her closer to work, slowly but surely starting to work into her.

"Y-You're just... really big, sweetie... ngh... c'mon... almost... al- most!" She squeaked out as his tip finally popped in, her tongue lolling as she felt a gush of his hot prelove splash against her walls, then her own heart-filled eyes rolled up as he started slowly pushing into her, taking this married mouse as his own.

"Holy... fuuuuck..." He moaned out as he pushed forward, Charlie grinning at him through teary eyes from how big he was as he forced her tight little mouse walls to spread to take him in, then she gasped out as he gave a final push, his brown-furred hips slapping to her own as she squeaked out, feeling all of that ample rabbit cocked housed in her, no flesh showing, just fur on fur where they were joined.

"Holy... fuck... is right... sweetie... oh my gods... How did you make it all fit?" She cooed out, brushing a paw over her belly, a rise showing in it as she panted up at him.

"I- I don't... know... I don't ever remember having it that slid free before, ngh!" He winced as her walls rippled and clenched, then gasped as he felt her honey dripping off his swollen sacs. "Whoa... Y-you came already, Charlie?"

"Mhm! You feel so good, I love how you're jumping and throbbing... gods... you're the best boy I've ever had already sweetie..." She frowned and shook her head. "Uh... N-not that I get around! This is... I mean, you're like... only my second, okay?!"

He took a moment to compose then dropped right down onto the bed on his elbows, nose to nose with the mouse he was inside as he huffed lovingly, "I don't care how many guys you've been with, what matters is I'm with you now, Charlie..." Her eyes widened at the romantic words, then she moaned as his maw pushed to hers, her arms wrapping around his neck.

Their tongues rolled together in the heated kiss, his hips getting to work now that he was adjusted, grinding the head against her core, her own hips working back against him, mouse walls milking at that rabbit cock. She tangled her fingers into his brown-red hair, drinking in his kisses while her womb drank in that prelove, slow steady bumps nudging her core with each shift of his hips.

After several heated moments, he pulled back, and their tongues both lolled, sharing a string of mingled saliva as he raised up on his paws, bracing as he looked down at this older mouse he was taking. Her green eyes shined with hearts in them for him, her own paws pushing to his strong chest as he kept himself moving, impacting her core with each shift of his hips.

"You're gorgeous, you're perfect... I think I love you, Charlie!" He panted the words drunkenly as she gapped her maw, looking stunned, but then tucked her tongue and clenched her teeth hard, squeaking through them as her body told her exactly what it thought

Her walls viciously crushed down on this young bunny's cock, more of her honey soaking him and dripping off his sacs that were slapping up against her with each stroke him made. She felt him jumping, throbbing, and just filling her womb with prelove. This bunny had already lasted longer and made her give in more than her husband who had just settled into routine lazy sex with her.

"Y-you okay sweetie?" She panted out as she pushed a paw to cup his warm cheek, seeing him open his eyes, focused to not just give in to her vicious milking walls. He nodded and then pushed his forehead to her own, shifting and grinding once more, intent to get at least a third out of her, Charlie's breasts pushed into his chest as they moved against one another.

"Sweetie... gods... you're so good to me... treating me... so... fucking... good..." She panted into his face, both paws on his cheeks, seeing his small pink tongue showing as he panted while they stared upon one another.

"You deserve it, gods you deserve it... anything for you Charlie..." He groaned the words, clearly smitten for this older girl as she cooed and rubbed his cheeks, feeling sexier than she ever had in her whole life.

"I'm... fuck... I'm getting close again... oh my gods... you're going to get four out of me?! I've... n-never had more than two!" She stammered out, panting hard as she felt herself building up rapidly.

"Gods... I- I wish I could give you half a dozen, love!" He ground his teeth and then gasped as she felt him jump hard inside her, the rabbit folding his ears with a groan. "F-Fuck... hurry up and come for me so I can pull out, Charlie, I can't..."

Her eyes widened and her stomach clenched at his words. "S-Sweetie? D-Do you want to pull out?"

"Of course, I don't!" He snarled and pushed hard against her core as she squeaked out, her tongue showing, then he groaned as he felt her walls milking harder. "B-but I don't wanna be disrespectful of-"

"Oh, my, gods! You are so fucking sweet! Fuck I love you too! Don't you dare pull out, I want your kittens and puppies, now!" She wrapped her legs tightly around him, jerking him close as he collapsed against her chest, bracing on his elbows, looking stunned.

"Seriously!? I- I've been thinking the same thing!" He gasped out, his own heart pounding as she felt his length jump hard inside her.

"Gods, love! Breed me, breed me like a rabbit!" Charlie moaned the words as she started to crest, throwing her arms around this boy's neck she'd only just met but already was confessing love to. They drew into another heated kiss, their tongues rolling in a frantic desperate display of their coaxed love.

She squeaked out a loud moan that he swallowed right down as they kept kissing, even as that rabbit cock in her jumped viciously hard and sent a thick potent rope of his love straight into her womb. Charlie broke the kiss with a loud sharp gasp, already pregnant before the first gush had settled, her tummy pushing out several inches against him.

Her claws dug into his scalp, both of them face to face, nose to nose, as he jerked his hips, sending another rope in as she squeaked out, taking another kit from it as her tongue lolled, more inches adding to her belly, making him have to lean back as he panted down at her with hearts in his eyes.

"Gods, love... gods love... I've never... had this... much!" He squeaked out, looking stunned, but his length just kept jumping, kept pouring it into this mouse he'd fallen for at first sight, her belly growing rounder and tauter with each one.

"Me either! It's soooo much! Breed me, sweetie, make me... a mother! I wanna carry for you! Gods I love you!" She cried out drunkenly her tummy not the only thing swelling as her breasts seemed to be growing in cup sizes as well.

His tongue sagged out of his jaws, looking stunned but nodding, feeling in his heart he was meant for this older mouse, shuddering and even whining as her walls crushed him, milking every last drop of that potent rabbit love into her highly fertile body.

"Haaa...." Charlie sighed out in relief, not even noticing the dribbling trails of milk coming from her nipples, her tummy looking easily full-term for her new rabbit lover as she panted up at him, lazily rubbing a paw on her swollen belly as he braced on his paws, having to lean back to give her room, hearts in his own eyes.

She asked him to breed her like a rabbit and she got what she wanted, two bunny kittens and two mouse pups, every single one of them a boy, giving her quadruplets from this boy she'd confessed her love to but hadn't even asked his name yet.

"Can you... stay the night, Charlie?" He asked her with a pant, wincing as he pulled free and settled next to her on the bed, nuzzling her jaw lovingly.

"Ha... I will, love... ngh... let me just turn my phone off, the rest of the world can fuck off." She cooed and returned his nuzzle, scent marking her new rabbit buck in a claim, his own claim well established with four kits nestled safe and sound in her womb.


As soon as Ava got into the restroom, she set the shots down on the counter, took one into her maw, then grabbed the wolf, shoving her maw to his in an open-mouthed kiss, passing some of the cocktail to him as their tongues rolled against one another, tasting the heady mixed drink and feeling the effects it was taking upon them.

His kiss broke as she squealed and moaned as the wolf moved in for her throat, having to drop to his knee to be level with the smaller mouse, his teeth digging into her dark fur, offering love bites and lapping at her neck, tasting the heady pheromones coming off the mouse in heat, his paws already cupping and rubbing her sensitive breasts through her dress.

"Gods... yeah, right there, baby... I've been dying for you to touch me..." She squeaked out a gasp as his right paw shifted to her knee, then slide up her thigh, making her dress ride up around her soft hips before gasping as his paw pushed right up against her panties.

"How about this... Okay to touch here?" He growled into her rounded ear as his paw shifted to press right up against her pearl through the clearly soaked fabric.

"Y-You didn't even ask, but yeah... so good, fuck..." She panted and leaned against the wall of the bathroom, panting and working her hips, her body on fire, desperate for release. He knew what he was doing, his paw confident, his padded-fingers intent as they kept working her spot.

Finally, after several heated moments, she squeaked out with her tongue lolled, feeling a vicious orgasm tear through her small body, jerking against his paw as she gasped, looking stunned while grabbing his shoulders, panting into his face.

"Damn... you gushed through those panties, babe it's dripping through them... Did it feel good?" He snarled down into her ears while she clung to him, feeling him stroke at her drenched panties, the mouse nodding as she slowly recovered, her breath hot against his throat.

"I can't stand this... come here, wolf!" She squeaked out and grabbed his wrist, pulling him along as he stood once more and let her lead him right into a stall. As soon as the door was shut, she pushed him up against it as best she could, her paws frantically flicking the buttons clear on his own shirt.

She threw his shirt open, seeing the large chiseled muscles under that dark-brown fur. "Gods, you've got a hell of a figure, baby... must be drowning in tail, huh?" she looked up at him with her glittering purple eyes, dragging her indigo claws down his chest, leaving tracks through his fur as they drew over the strong shapely abs.

"I'm actually a bit of a homebody normally, I had to get talked into coming here tonight, and never been in this kind of situation" He stammered out, losing his train of thought as Ava calmly peeled her panties down, dropping them to the floor before she turned around.

"Same here, my friends had to practically drag me here, never done anything like this before, but... I'm sure as hell not going to stop if you aren't!" She squeaked out and tugged her dress up, showing off her round full backside, her tail whipping about before she leaned forward to grasp the handrail for support, shoving her rear out as she lolled her tongue.

"I'd be insane to stop after a view like that!" He barked out excitedly and jerked his own pants right open, Ava giving an impressed huff as that thick towering length of wolf cock surged out of the pants and drawn-down boxer shorts. She could smell his potent eager musk mingling with the scent of her mouse sex, making a heady cocktail of odor in the stall with them, her walls clenching in her mouse pussy already at the thought of him.

"Gods fuck baby... that's not a dick, that's a monster you're packing in there, you're gonna break me with that thing, and... ngh... I'm here for it!" She squeaked out and wiggled her ass in an invitation, panting as she clunge to the bar.

With an almost feral snarl in his throat, he grabbed her hips and she gave a soft squeak as she felt her footpaws leave the floor, her heels hanging in the air as she clutched harder to the safety bar for support, feeling that massive tapered head push right up against her soaked mouse hole.

"Y-you're so strong... and so big.. Fuck... is this comfortable for you, baby?" She panted back, the wolf just holding her up like she was nothing, his large arms not even looking strained to hold the smaller girl as he ground that tapered tip against her entrance.

"Y-you're light, it's easy, babe... but I don't know if I can get it in, you're so small and tight..." He panted as his own claws dug into her fur while he held her, Ava humming excitedly as she felt him slowly starting to gain purchase into her heated body.

"Do your best, baby... I know you can do it..." She squeaked out as he finally popped right into her vice-like mouse hole, then moaned out as she felt him slowly push into her, already giving in as he was in mid-entry, making her depths ripple and squeeze all the harder as he pushed past, forcing her walls to make room for him.

Finally, he pushed his hips up against her round ass with a slap of wet fur as Ava squeaked out, lolling her tongue, her paws and arms shaking to hold onto the bar, a clear ample bulge showing in her belly from this massive wolf cock a small mouse like her had no business taking.

"Fuck... fuck..." Was all he could say as he panted down atop her while she nodded and licked her chops.

"Uh-huh! That's what we're doing, baby... I'd push back but you're holding me up, so you gotta do the work!" She squeaked out with a grin, then huffed out as he started grinding, his swollen sacs bumping against her thighs, feeling large and bloated as the smacked against her with his first strokes.

"You're so good... fuck..." He growled and kept his slow pace up, but she could feel as he adjusted he was picking up speed. Her tongue lolled again, drool rolling from it as he just started pumping in earnest. She had to drop to her elbows on the safety bar that ran along the length of the stall, squeaking with each deep smack that hit her core, her tail coiling before it wrapped around his wrist possessively.

"Right there, right there! Been wanting you to tear my pussy up all fucking night, baby!" Ava moaned out to his deep strokes, that tapered head hitting so deep it felt like it was pushing right into her womb, shooting gushes of his prelove straight into her heated body, the drinks having encouraged her to ovulate, being in a prime breeding state just like every other female in the club was.

"I fucking love your sounds... your smell... huff huff..." He snarled, sounding feral as he kept smashing into her core, Ava nodding her head in agreement.

"You too! You too! Love those growls, that smell of your musk, the throb of that fucking cock of yours, baby! Ha!" She squeaked out as he felt her crush him, the mouse rolling her heart-filled eyes up as she panted out, her honey dripping off his swollen sacs, wet sloppy sounds coming from him just fucking her mouse pussy through the orgasm, slapping hard up against her round ass.

"I want you! I wanna..." He growled as he ground his teeth, feeling the urges in him building, like an alpha taking a pack bitch in heat as he shoved hard against his small mouse's ass, feeling his own knot starting to show at his base, "I wanna keep you and breed you like my bitch!"

Ava squeaked out at the declaration, shocked at how good that sounded to her. She moaned and nodded her head, looking back over her shoulder as he kept pounding against her, that tapered tip just banging at her cervix with each vicious stroke she took. "Ha! I'll be your bitch, baby! Your bitch in heat! You know what you do with bitches in heat, right!?"

"You fucking breed them!" He barked out, as he slammed hard into her round backside, her tail tightening on his wrist as she squeaked out.

"You fucking do! Breed me, baby, make me... yours! I wanna be yours, I wanna have your puppies!" Ava cried out, sounding as drunk as he did, the wolf just pumping against her, both of them frantic to make pups and sate this induced desire within them.

"Fucking gods!" He barked out and slammed up against her with one final brutal thrust, Ava seeing stars in her heart-filled eyes as that wolf knot slapped up hard against her entrance but couldn't make it into her tight mouse pussy before his length was jumping and shooting his fertile load deep into her womb.

"Yes! Fuck yes! Give me puppies, baby!" She cried out as her belly bulged and rounded out with each thick rope she took, hanging down as those wolf swimmers seemed to follow her command, pouncing on those mouse eggs she'd ovulated without hesitation.

Ava gritted her teeth, eyes rolled up, her wolf's own heart-filled eyes rolled up as he panted and even drooled onto her round ass while erupting in her. By the time her walls had milked that last thick rope in, she looked nearly full-term with all this love inside her, two pups to show for their efforts nestled into her womb as she panted and looked back at him, feeling her footpaws gently lowered down, her heels touching the floor before he fell back slightly, leaning into the corner of the stall, panting in fatigue, his length still dripping fertile wolf jizz but still looking at attention.

She shuddered and cleaned herself, as if desperate to not let that potent seed drip from her as she rested a paw on her belly, rubbing it absently as she leaned forward, using her other paw to rub at his jumping cock. "Huff... still got some in there, baby?" She slipped a paw down to his base cupping one of his balls, feeling how swollen it still was as she grinned up at him.

"Damn... damn... ngh... Y-yeah... I think... so?" He panted out, looking shocked that he was still at full readiness.

"Fuck... I want more too, c'mon..." She pushed the door open gripping him by his base, claws dug into his swollen sacs as she just pulled him along, the large dog yipping and following along as the mouse just hauled him back into the main area of the bathroom.

With some effort she hopped right up onto the counter with the sinks, spreading her legs as she grabbed up the still waiting shot, taking it down and holding it in her maw as she curled a finger for the wolf to come share the drink.

Like last time, he pushed his maw to her own, their tongues rolling as they shared the laced cocktail, his paws grabbing at her breasts as she hissed out and broke the kiss, tongue lolling at how tender they were, the front of her dress wet as she jerked the top down to let them out, biting her lower lip to see streams of milk rolling from her peaks, both of them looking larger.

"Whoa..." He huffed out at the view, his cock jumping hard, showing he liked what he saw. Ava was too horny to care at this point and just spread her legs, leaning back, keeping one paw resting on her nearly full-term-looking belly.

"Come on... don't you wanna fuck your pregnant mouse, baby? The bitch in heat you just claimed with puppies? I think the milk is clearly indicating that!" She offered an eager grin, her heart leaping at the thought of it, the thought of having this sexy wolf's pups in her.

"Hell yeah, I do!" He barked out hearts in his eyes as he scooped up under her knees, holding her spread as he shoved that jumping length that was soaked in mouse honey and wolf spunk back up against her entrance. Ava clenched her teeth as he worked back into her, then gasped out in a squeak as he pushed nice and hard, bottoming out again as she released her belly to brace on both paws, feeling him get right back to it, rutting his hips, pumping deep inside her.

"Fuck... right there baby... fuck my claimed body... all yours now, yeah? Made a mother out of me for the... first time?" She panted and looked up at him, her tongue lolled, hearts in her eyes for this wolf as he stared back, slapping his hips eagerly against her own, milk dripping from her nipples, this mouse looking every bit his and claimed as he smacked his tapered tip hard into her core.

"Y-Yeah, fuck... all mine! My sex... mama-mouse!" He barked out the pet name and Ava looked shocked at it, her heart aching at the thought of it, desperately wanting his puppies, not just his, just aching to be pregnant, yearning for it.

"Ha... that's right, I'm your bitch... your mousey bitch starting a pack with you, baby! Let's have lots of puppies, a whole fucking pack's worth!" She squeaked out while he just kept pumping hard into her, mouse honey and wolf spunk dripping off his sacs and reinvigorated knot, sloppy wet sounds filling the air through the muted thrum of the club music outside.

"A whole fucking pack for my mouse!"He snarled in agreeance as he splayed his large paws over her showing belly, Ava grinning with pride through the deep heavy strokes, then lolling her tongue, looking shocked as he bottomed out hard again in her, this time that knot gaining purchase, this time knotting her properly as a bitch for an alpha wolf should be.

"Gods! A-Again!?" He gasped out, then threw his head back, howling in a moan that bounced off the wall of the bathroom, her own heart-filled eyes widening before she let out her own throaty squeaky moan, as if howling with him at another fiery rope of his love sloshed into her already overly full womb, her dress stretching against her belly, the fabric starting to break threads as it gave way.

"Ha! M-making sure... you get every... last... mouse egg... in your new bitch, baby?!" She panted into his face, both of them with hearts in their eyes as each thick potent rope sloshed in, making her tummy swell more right against his rubbing paws.

"Gods! Yes... my little breeder mouse... gotta make you happy and pregnant, r-right?!" He panted down into her face as she nodded rapidly, the sound of that making her heart pound as her tummy rounded out more, the dress tearing in spots to show the taut gray-fur beneath.

Finally, she milked the last thick rope in, the wolf finally sated, his sacs looking less like the size of softballs and back to normal, every drop of his potent seed in her. They had another puppy tallied up for their efforts, her new wolf lover having to lean back from how round and full she was.

"I... really... really wanna give you... ngh... puppies..." She panted out in fatigue, her tongue lolled, her eyes looking distant with hearts in them, just like his own as she weakly rubbed her tummy, already sporting triplets from this wolf, all three pups having her fur color and eyes, but they weren't mouse pups, each one was a wolf like their daddy.

After his knot calmed down and they were able to get somewhat cleaned up, she left the club to get a cab, looking like she should have been on the way to the hospital in labor, not going home to sleep the night off.

He managed to pry her address out of her for the cabby in between slurred love confessions and talk of puppies from the mouse, seeing her safely home before riding another cab back to his own place.

Ava woke the next morning, groaning and clearly hungover a little, rubbing her head as she fumbled for her phone, seeing texts from both Sasha and Charlie about how much fun their night had been. Wincing she pushed a paw to her tummy, seeing she was still a little bloated from the night, but not nearly at the scale she had been, more like a second trimester in size. Her breasts were still milky though as if clearly indicating she was indeed pregnant, but that made no sense, given that usually didn't start happening until several months into a pregnancy.

Flipping through her phone, she perked her ears as she saw a text message that simply read, "Had a great night, hope to see you again!" the contact simply was named "Call me! ;)".


"Okay! Okay! Let's all turn them over at once, okay?!" Sasha squeaked out excitedly to the other two mice. Charlie just frowned and Ava bit her lower lip, all of them holding test sticks in their paws they hadn't revealed yet. It had been about two weeks since that night and the club had just gone and vanished as quickly as it came without a trace, just an empty warehouse in its place.

"Hell yeah! I already made them promise to marry my ass together if I was! Looks like I just bagged me some hot kitty-twin husbands!" Sasha cheered as she showed her positive test off like a trophy.

"O-Oh dear... uhm... gosh, I'm happy but also that's going to make my life, very complicated..." Charlie huffed out as she pushed a paw to her cheek.

"Did you get his contact information, Charlie?" Sasha asked with an amused grin.

"Of, of course! I'm still uh..." She trailed off, fidgeting on her footpaws awkwardly.

"Oh shit! You're still seeing him aren't you?!" Sasha laughed and put her paws on her hips.

"He's really nice, says he loves me, and, and... he fucks me really well, also he uh..." She squirmed and then lifted her muzzle as Ava put a paw on her shoulder.

"It's okay, you'll sort it out, don't stress too much if you love him, go with it, your hubby's fault for not taking care of you right?" The darker-furred mouse gave her a smile.

"Eh? W-Well sure, but I'm... I'm more worried about the fact he's a rabbit, I mean, you know what they say about bunnies, yeah? What if I've got like triplets or something?" Charlie put a paw to her own belly, frowning.

"A little late for that worry now, eh, Charlie?" Sasha hummed then looked to Ava with an expectant grin.

Ava showed a small smile and turned her test over, the positive line clear in it. "I uh... pretty much already figured I was, so it's not a surprise, I'm sure he will be thrilled too."

"This is great! We can have baby showers together, and even take sexy pictures as we start to develop to tease our boys!" Sasha squeaked out eagerly.

"Y-you're enthusiasm is infectious, Sasha... Yeah, this will be nice, I'm sure... I always wanted kits, but he didn't so..." Charlie absently rubbed her tummy again before nodding her head, as if reassuring herself.

Ava shivered and pawed her own belly as she thought about it. Even without the laced drinks, she'd kept up the puppy talk with him, and even now, it felt right. She knew this was something she wanted to do again and again, be a little breeder mouse and just have packs worth of kits.


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Want to talk about my work with me or others that like it, maybe ask about a commission? I've got a discord for that!

If you want to support my creation of more writing, check out myPatreon page! You can even get episodes a week early there.

Ava belongs to the commissioner of this story, Festoon and they retain all rights to said character, all other characters are my intellectual property. This written work is copyrighted to me and may not be reproduced, sold, or redistributed without my consent.

Avalanche of Love - Episode 13

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 12

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 11

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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