Avalanche of Love - Episode 11

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#11 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

There's a lot of drama coming to a head in this episode my lovely. The league is going to finally drop that new rule in place and it's going to come with quite a few ramifications. I wonder if they realize just how far-reaching that rule will go though.

A certain rabbit is already making moves in the shadows though. Wait- You think I'm talking about the league drama... uh, yeah! Yeah, TOTALLY talking about the league drama, uh huh... yep.

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

There's a lot of drama coming to a head in this episode my lovely. The league is going to finally drop that new rule in place and it's going to come with quite a few ramifications. I wonder if they realize just how far-reaching that rule will go though.

A certain rabbit is already making moves in the shadows though. Wait- You think I'm talking about the league drama... uh, yeah! Yeah, TOTALLY talking about the league drama, uh huh... yep.

Let's jump right in!


Episode 11:

It's Not Just About Us

Slalom competition six.

Charles slammed his gloved paw into his open one before offering a fist pump as the score dropped on the final run. "Yeah! How do you like that?" He roared out as the fans screamed their approval, coming in a full tenth of a second faster to cinch the gold medal.

"Congratulations, big guy. Feel you've gotten some validation?" Kai mewed out as he perched next to him in the bronze position.

"Hmph... you punks just shook things up, but now that I've got my head together, things will be different." Charles scoffed and folded his arms.

"We'll see how that goes next time, won't we?" Hiroshi grumbled beside Kai, not even getting a medal and sitting fourth in this competition.

"Heh, I almost got you this time, mate. You sure you're one hundred again? A tenth isn't much." Ellery showed a cocky little grin as he put a gloved paw on his hip.

"It's an eternity when the medal is on the line," Charles grumbled but didn't seem to have the will to keep his trash-talking up.

Slalom competition seven.

"Damn it!" Charles snarled out with his paws clenched, glaring at Ellery in the top spot.

"Oi, come off it man, this is my first gold of the season, you really gonna hate on me for finally one-upping your tail?" The buck offered a playful grin, the other deer next to him giving a snort.

"I think he's just salty he didn't medal at all this time," Hiroshi said casually.

"Hey, I'm salty I ended up with a bronze again! Two bronze does not make a gold, so there's at least that, big guy!" The leopard offered the other big cat a grin.

Slalom competition eight.

"Happy you finally got a gold, you big cry baby?" Charles grumbled as he folded his arms.

"Happy to be back on the podium Mr. Silver?" The leopard offered the lion a smirk, playfully shoving the bigger cat, the step up making them eye level.

"I need to step it up, but at least I beat out that other dumb deer." Hiroshi drolled out with a sigh.

"I heard that! You are on mic after all, you dipstick!" Ellery called out from the group of other riders with a laugh.


"Hello everyone and welcome to beautiful Mt Ockenfold!" The perky young rabbit called out from the small desk that overlooked the ski resort, "Hi! I'm three-time Olympic medalist, Harley Andrews-"

"And I'm five-time Olympic medalist, Chaz Dalton, I only say that because I'm required to," the graying calico spoke out in his marquee greeting with a lazy grin.

"Chaz! The points totals and placements have been crazy! I don't know who to expect to see on that podium from one week to the next! We've got so many really good and cute boys this season!" Harley squeaked out while clenching her fists with a grin.

"I dunno about the cute part, Harley, but it's been crazy ever since those two from half-pipe came over, I'll admit!" Chaz followed up with a grin.

"I love it, it's so boring when one person is just clearly winning all the time. I'm sure the viewers at home will agree!" She hummed as she looked into the camera.

"Depends on who they're fans of, now doesn't it?" The calico nodded.

"Charles Mallory is still holding the points lead, but his grip is slipping by the day! Think Mr. Dynamite is going to be able to hold off?" Harley asked Chaz.

"There are still six more competitions left, so he'll have to keep it together. The other riders like Ellery Brown are stepping it up, and the two newcomers are gaining on the points leaders fast. I think the second half of this season is going to be a wild ride," Chaz spoke with excitement in his own voice as he looked to the camera.

"Speaking of wild rides, did you see that stunt Kayla Hannah pulled off in the slopestyle earlier today?" Harley asked the other sportscaster.

"Those leopards are nothing to mess with huh? She and her brother both are something else! I hope Kai will step it up today as well, so his sister doesn't outdo him!" Chaz laughed out.

Kai stood before the TV in the staging area, his tail going rigid at the thought of it. Kayla had placed a monster score even Madeline couldn't compete with, so his tail was safe for now, but Madeline had reminded him as soon as she bested him-

He gave a sharp mew at the sudden paw on his shoulder, jumping a little from the touch, "Holy shit!"

"Oi! Easy mate, was just saying hi, no need to throw paws!" Ellery jumped back a little with both gloved paws up and open.

The leopard frowned at the buck and gave a nod, before composing himself. "S-Sorry, you caught me daydreaming and spooked me."

"Should you have your head in the clouds before a run, Kai? Good way to find yourself end over end in some netting or snow, eh?" Ellery offered a laugh as his paws shifted back to his own hips.

"Probably not, just got a lot on my mind I guess..." Kai rubbed the back of his head with a frown.

"Well, get your mind on today, I'm going to beat you, but if I find out you're not at one hundred, I'll break my board over your head, Kai!" Charles roared out with a challenging grin, some of the words jovial but also keeping that edge like he might just be serious.

"Yeah, I'm sure you'd love replacing that board of yours, big guy. I've got a hard fucking head so it'd break first," Kai hissed out with his own challenging grin.

Charles frowned at that and looked to his board with a hiss. "Hmm... well given that new decision is coming down in a few days, won't do me any good anyway, huh?"

Kai frowned at that and so did Ellery, neither of them really knowing what to say to the subject. Charles was like a lot of riders, using a custom board and being forced to adapt or leave the league.

"Do you think you could handle a commercial one? I think the Astral series might be a good fit given the type of board you use." Hiroshi spoke up finally as he walked into the conversation with a cup of tea.

"You been snooping on my board, Hiroshi?" Charles grumbled.

"Yeah, actually. I was pawing on it while you were in the bathroom. Wanted to think of a good commercial brand you might be able to use, wouldn't be the same, but it'd be easier than others." The buck shrugged as he stepped over to Kai.

"I'm sure you guys would love for me to just bail so you can catch up, wouldn't you?" Charles scoffed as he looked at the trio.

"I'll beat your stupid ass fair and square, not over league bullshit, mate!" Ellery showed the lion a challenging grin.

"We all know it's bullshit, Charles, but if you need help breaking in an Astral, I'd be willing to work with you in some friendly competitions," Kai said.

"I don't need your pity!" The lion snarled and clenched his fists.

"Big difference between pity and honest support, you neanderthal." Hiroshi rolled his eyes as he drolled out.

"Hey, hey! Break it up ladies, we need to start this show, so hold hands later!" The lead event staffer yelled out, giving the lion a glare.

"Yeah, yeah, I wasn't going to start a fight, pull your panties out of your tailhole!" Charles hissed as he stomped over to his own board.

When all the fur and snow flying was sorted out, Hiroshi was the one that ended up with the gold for the day, with Kai taking silver, and Ellery a bronze. Perhaps it was the looming concerns over the board rules, but Charles ended up uncharacteristically out of the top five, finishing in seventh place in total time.

The lion was skulking back to the lodge when the buck's voice called out to him. "Mate! What the flying fuck all was that, today?" He turned to see Ellery trotting over to him, the other deer bringing up the rear.

"What do you two want? Here to rub it in my face or some shit? We're off the clock if you're wanting to pick a fight, I'll give you one." Charles showed his teeth, flexing a gloved paw as he turned to face the two smaller boys.

"Who hurt you as a child anyway?" Hiroshi sighed with an eye roll. "This dipshit said we should check on you."

"I don't need to be checked up on, I just had an off day." Charles poked his muzzle up and turned on the heel of his boots.

"Nothing to do with hangin' that board up?" Charles flinched at that but said nothing as Ellery continued, "Yeah, I thought so. I know that board has been your mainstay for years, but times change, gotta roll with the punches, eh?"

"Something like that..." The lion snarled and clenched his paw into another fist, looking at his board, the graffiti-style art decorating it, spelling out 'Dynamite'.

"Kai's too kind-hearted to the point of stupidity, but... maybe he's wearing off on my ass. An Astral would suit you, you don't have to have a contract with one of the big names, and Astral would probably be happy to pick your tail up if you started repping for them." Hiroshi said in his usual relaxed but detached tone of voice.

"Even if I could shift to one, I'd not be able to be competition ready for at least a few more meets, so what's the fucking point?" Charles spat out and started stomping off.

"Oi! Why don't you pull your head out of your ass, Charlie?!" Ellery cut him off and gave the lion's shoulder a shove, the smaller deer having to actually rise up on his boots to do it.

"Don't just go shoving me, Ellery!" Charles clenched a fist as he snarled but didn't make any signs of returning the gesture.

"You only worried about first place, Charles? We all compete for different reasons, but if all you give a wag for is the points total at the end of the day, maybe it is best if you just limp away into obscurity, this life wasn't for you to begin with." Hiroshi snarled and spun on his own heel, walking back the way he came.

"Hey, mate! Where are you going? I thought-" Ellery grunted as Charles pushed past him, shoulder-checking him back a few paces as he started walking in the other direction.

Ellery stood there watching the other two boys walking away in opposite directions as he yelled out, "Both of your asses have it wrong, you know that, yeah!?" His words echoed out over the banks of snow but the other two just kept walking, leaving the buck standing there alone as the last rays of the sun were setting for the day.


Later that evening the two deer met with the trio of 'siblings' even if only the twins were the known ones.

Ellery was already working on his second drink and had loosened up as he snarled and jabbed a finger into Hiroshi's chest. "Ey! I thought we were gonna help Charlie!"

"Can't help someone that won't help themselves, Ellery," Hiroshi shoved the buck's paw away with a hiss, then took another sip of his own beer.

"Roshi is right, Charles has to come to grips with his situation, you won't get him to cooperate with you unless he feels it's right." Kai smirked as he looked over at Hiroshi. "That's why I just made you the offer and fucked off back then, letting you to feel comfortable with it."

"Don't drag our past into this, Kai. This is about that stupid lion, not you and I," Hiroshi fired back with a shove of his paw against the larger cat's shoulder.

"It's not just about him though, it's also about Gina, Raul, and all the other riders getting trashed over this change," Kayla sighed before taking a sip of her own beer.

"Why do you care so much, Ellery? I've played the bad cop before to keep my status, no worse than Charles is doing. Aren't you glad to see his pompous ass out of your fur?" Madeline wasn't drinking beer like the others, opting for a very fruity mixed cocktail.

Ellery frowned as he looked at the rabbit. "Because I'd already been doing this for a few years when his dumb tail got on the scene. I helped him break things in last season. We fuss and snarl but-"

"You think he's your friend? You think he owes you something, Ellery? Think he owes you the effort? It's only his second season and his break out is already puttering out thanks to you, me, and Kai." Hiroshi gave the other buck a lazy blink.

"I don't give a damn if we're friends, I feel like I owe it to him to be there for him, like I was last season. Charlie is amazing and the fans love him, he... deserves better..." Ellery grumbled and looked down at his half drank beer.

"All the riders deserve better, but if things keep the pace they're going, he'll have to just suck it up and learn to ride a new board, or walk away. We can only do so much," Madeline scoffed and dug around in her pocket, popping a jawbreaker into her maw as she started grinding her teeth.

"Do so much? You got something brewing over there, 'Snow Bunny'?" Ellery cocked a brow at her.

Madeline held the hard candy against her back teeth as she huffed out, "Yeah, with these three, I do." Hiroshi rolled his eyes but just sipped his beer, the two leopards showing smug grins at their sister's words.

"Oi! If you all have something cooking over this, I want in on it! I owe Charlie that much!" Ellery clenched his paws as he glared across the table at the four of them.

"You don't owe him shit, butt out, Ellery," Hiroshi groaned out and rolled his eyes.

"Be nice, Roshi, he just wants to help!" Kai gave the buck a light shove, Hiroshi snarled and shoved the cat back.

"Hey, hey, go make out in a booth if you two are going to start cuddling!" Kayla mewed out with a grin, both the boys offering her awkward glares before jerking their paws away from one another.

"Heh... looks like your sister knows all your buttons, Kai!" Ellery gave a laugh.

"You really have no idea..." Madeline scoffed out, the buck looking confused before she followed up, "Okay, Ellery, we'll let you in on things, but if you blab about it, you'll fuck everything up, also you might be risking your own paycheck."

Ellery looked hesitant, as if having to mull on that, then sighed and gave a nod. "It's not just for Charlie, I'm not okay with this shit, so if it helps everyone that's getting shafted in this, I'm game."

"Hmph... guess you're alright, stupid, but alright." Hiroshi snarled out as he sipped his beer, then gave a small grunt as Ellery tossed a wadded-up napkin off his forehead right between the bumps of his horns.

"Hiroshi just getting all the affection from the boys, huh?" Madeline showed the buck a playful grin while rolling the jawbreaker against her back teeth. "Alright, Ellery, we'll give you the gist of it, so listen up." The bunny showed the buck a haughty look as the candy broke against her sharp teeth.


"Ha! Brother!" Kayla gave a cute mew as her brother pushed her right up against the wall chest first, her tongue lolled as his crotch pushed into her round backside, grinding against her bathrobe. His sharp teeth nipped at her rounded ear, her hair and fur still slightly damp from the shower.

"Been thinking about you all day, sis..." Kai hissed through his teeth, paws already pulling the sash of her robes clear, shifting in to grab both of her full breasts, peaks hard against his pads as he started squeezing and groping his little sister's chest.

"Gods... our bunny sister is going to be sooo mad if you just-" Her words were cut off with a cute gasp as he turned her to face him, her breasts swaying before big brother shoved his maw to her own. The twins drew into a heated kiss, tongues rolling against one another as Kayla felt him shift the robes off her shoulders, letting the silky garment drop around her footpaws.

"You're such a pervert, brother... Want little sister to pose for you while she's naked too?" Kayla offered him a cute grin, stepping back to press a paw to her own hip, making a quick little pose with her other paw behind her head.

"I want little sister to do a lot of things..." Kai purred out as his paws found her hips and Kayla giggled as she fell back onto the nearby bed, bouncing a little as she leaned back on her paws.

Kai already was peeling his own bathrobe open, those strong arms and defined chest coming into view under a thin layer of his spotted fur, along with that show of pink flesh from the scar on his shoulder.

"Ha... not even going to offer foreplay, just planning to plunge right into your little sister, brother? What if I'm not worked up enough yet?" Kayla purred as her knees spread, her paw slipping between her legs over her clearly damp petals. The leopardess offered a playful grin as she lifted her muzzle, looking smug as she spread herself with two padded-fingers, showing how wet she already was for him.

"You look good to go to me, Kayla, and do you think brother needs any more build-up?" He hummed out as he parted his own robes, tossing them to the side as well, fully bared as his sister gave a little sigh to see brother was already fully slid free, dripping with prelove for her, that crimson flesh standing out against his bluish-white fur.

"Of course, I'm revved up you perv! It's because big brother has been playing with my body for years and knows all my buttons..." Kayla lolled her tongue as Kai shifted to climb between her legs, bringing that dripping head right to her entrance. "Gods... now hit that button deep inside me only you can reach, brother..."

Kai nodded with a snarl as he ground himself against his sister's entrance, the smaller leopard puffing and whimpering as he worked in, then offering him a cute mew as he pushed past. She held herself the whole while, groaning out and showing her tongue in more of a loll as big brother pushed deep into her, gliding every inch past until he kissed right to her core, not a bit of flesh to be seen, just the matching fur of their crotches pressed together.

"Oh, my gods..." Kayla moaned out, feeling all of her brother throbbing and even jumping a few times, his prelove spilling into her as she collapsed onto her back.

"Hitting that button now, sis?" Kai huffed out as he braced his paws just above his sister's shoulders, her own blonde hair scattered across the sheets as she licked her chops and nodded, feeling him shift and push deep inside her.

"Fuck yes..." Kayla clenched the sheets above her head, her tongue lolled, hearts practically in her icy blue eyes for her brother, her breasts swaying in time to his deep thrusts, feeling him kiss at her core, leave a gush of pre then withdraw to do it again.

"Gods..." Kai groaned out, panting down into his sister's face, then perked his ears as she threw her arms around his neck and drew him down on top of her, shoving her muzzle hard to his, tongue rolling as she snarled with a surprising amount of savagery in her throat, legs draping against his hips as they shifted.

The shift was surprising but he was happy to give in to her affections, their tongues rolling as he dropped to his elbows, pumping nice and deep, feeling his sister's honey dripping off his sacs as her walls clenched and squeezed.

His ears and tail both perked up, the fur on the tail fluffing as he felt something on his own backside, a paw, and not one of his sister's footpaws at that. He broke the kiss, tongue lolled, and jerked his head back, seeing their bunny sister had snuck up on them.

Madeline had a sadistic, almost wild-looking grin on her face, completely nude before him, jewelry shining in her hard nipples, that white fur looking shiny from the shower. She wasn't completely nude per se though, as she had straps of black material around her hips and crotch-area, the front of the rig sporting a very large neon purple shaft that was even tapered like a canine's cock would be.

"What th-" Kai mewed out as he felt Kayla wrap her legs around him, her arms tightening around his neck to draw him down to her as much as hold him down.

"Shut up and kiss me, brother!" Kayla hissed out with her own wicked little grin, hearing him gasp out and struggle against her powerful legs as she forced him into a kiss.

"Ha... that's right brother, this thing is dripping with lube, don't worry I won't break you or anything!" Madeline snarled out with a wicked little grin of her own as Kai broke the kiss with a panicked mewl as that tapered tip shoved right to his own tailhole, his bunny sister keeping a firm grip on the base of his tail.

"Fuck! Now wait just-" He hissed out, his tail fluffing out hard in her paw as he felt her grinding, pushing past, then yowled a bit as that tapered tip gained entrance into him.

"Don't be such a baby, Kai! Thought you could have both your sister's tailholes without any repercussions?!" Madeline shuddered and lolled her tongue as she ground herself, slowly pushing the length past.

"Y-You okay back there, s-sister? Ha... he's jumping like crazy inside meeee!" Kayla mewed out as she kept a death-grip on her brother, feeling him squirming and hissing out.

Madeline nodded with her tongue lolled. "Y-yeah, the other side is just pushing pretty deep as I-"

"Stop asking if she's okay! I'm the one that... Guh!" Kai choked out as Madeline squeaked out and shoved forward, the leopard shuddering as he felt that length his sister was wearing sink even deeper, then hit a spot in him he'd never even known was there.

"Oh my godssss..." Kayla mewed out as she felt her brother throb and jerk hard inside her crushing walls, hissing as her claws dug into Kai shoulders. "He's jerking sooo hard, you gonna unload in little sister before we even get started?"

"Fuck fuck fuck!" Kai mewed out as Madeline grinned, pressing her paws to his shoulders, then shoved forward, the rabbit squeaking out in a throaty moan as the motion sent the other end of the strap-on deep into her own bunny pussy, shuddering and lolling her tongue as her honey dripped down, squirting forth and dripping onto Kai's fur.

"Oh gods... Oh gods... I can't... think..." Kai mewed out, his hips feeling like they were on autopilot as he kept pushing into his sister, but each time he did, that length ground deep into him, hitting that button in him and stimulating him on a level he didn't know was possible.

"C'mon brother, don't blow it yeeet... we just got started..." Madeline dug her smaller claws into Kai's shoulders, laying against his back as she shifted and pumped her own hips awkwardly, this being the first time she'd used such a toy. Each movement and shift made her brother make such cute sounds though, so she couldn't help but move even as the other end drew her to more since it was shaped to also hit her pierced pearl.

"Fuck... you sound soooo cute big brother!" Kayla panted into Kai's face, seeing the larger cat looking stunned, his tongue lolled, drool rolling from it as she playfully gripped and kneaded his rounded ears, feeling him stroking hard against her core.

"Too much... too... muuccch...." He hissed and shook his head, yowling out, his voice sounding panicked.

"It's okay! You had a head start, give me your love, big brother!" Kayla mewed out eagerly as she gripped his ears and hair, jerking his gaze to hers, their eyes locking together.

"Yeah brother! Cum in our sister... and do it... now!" Madeline squeaked out into his ear from behind, then drove forward as hard as she could, her tongue lolled as she forced through the orgasm to finish strong.

Kai's mind went blank at that, not able to even rationalize the sensation of her plowing so deep into him and smashing against that spot. His blue eyes rolled out and he yowled out in a savage almost feral moan, hearing his little sister give her own throaty cry as his thick ropes of love started rushing into her.

"Kai! Kai! Big brother!" Kayla mewed out, her hips grinding, her walls crushing him, milking at him as her twin filled her with fiery thick gushes of his lust.

"Ngh! Good boy... that's my brother... pump our sister full with... every fucking drop..." Madeline cooed into his ear, her own claws dug into his shoulders, gripping tufts of his fur as Kai nodded with his tongue lolled as if his body was responding to his bunny sister on command.

"Fuuuck... he's cumming so... fucking... much..." Kayla shuddered and then gave a soft moan of a mewl as big brother finally seemed to reach his limit, the last thick gush filling her womb as the leopardess collapsed back fully, her arms above her head. She panted out then licked her chops, humming at just how full and warm she felt with all of big brother's love for her. "So... much... gods..."

Madeline huffed and shuddered as she ground her hips, keeping her movements up until she felt Kai was fully finished. "Tch... I'm jealous... I wanna feel that much of your love in me, Kai... good thing this is adjustable, we'll have to swap positions sometime... huff... sound good to you, sister?"

Kayla licked her chops again and nodded at her, the larger cat just slumped against her, heaving, as if unable to even form words yet. His body just shuddered at the intense orgasm his bunny sister had given him, feeling lightheaded from the whole thing.

"You good down there, brother?" Madeline puffed into his ear, giving it a playful nip.

"Guh... can't brain..." Kai panted against the crook of Kayla's throat, sandwiched between his sister's.

"Hgn... maybe we need to power him off and back on again?" Kayla offered Madeline a playful grin.

"Maybe I need to start thrusting again..." Madeline cooed out as she started to brace her paws.

"Guh! No more... I'm awake, I'm awake!" Kai mewed out as he jerked his gaze back with a pant, seeing his bunny sister offer him a smug grin before she leaned down and kissed his muzzle.

"Okay, okay... we'll call it square this time, even if I do think you enjoyed that more than you should have." Madeline snorted then lapped his jaw. "Now say you love me."

"Me too!" Kayla mewed out with a grin from under him.

Kai shuddered but it was more at the realization of his good fortune as he nuzzled his bunny sister's nose with his own, then looked down at his sister. "Gods I do, I love both my sisters so much, even if they are a couple of sneaky bitches that plotted to take my tailhole virginity."

Madeline and Kayla both shared a grin as they responded almost in unison. "We love you too, brother."


"Welcome back, we're just about ready to get started. Man, does it feel like it's already been ten of these, Jas?" Jaron asked his co-host.

"It really doesn't Jaron, but here we are, the tenth competition of the season, and only five more to go after this one! Madeline Lashinger and Kayla Hannah are in a stiff points competition with only two points separating them." Jasmine rubbed her chin as she smirked at the camera. "Is it a points competition or a lover's quarrel at this point?"

"They never seem to be too fussy one way or another, but let's not count Gina Rodriguez out of this just yet. She's only eight points behind and five competitions is plenty of time to close that gap!" Jaron wagged a padded-finger at the mouse.

"Speaking of Gina, it was quite a pleasant surprise to see her make it through qualifying! I was worried she'd have to take the rest of the season off, but she managed to eek by." Jasmine said, but then saw the greyhound frown at her.

Jaron spoke out, "Yes, but the competition lineup has thinned by about-"

"Ah, c'mon Jaron, we have to keep things neutral in our view remember?" Jasmine squeaked out.

"Mmm... right. I'm being told they're almost ready for the first drop, so let's go down to the gate." Jaron nodded to the camera.

"I still think this is a bit crazy, guys... not so much for me as it is for you!" Gina huffed out with her paws on her hips, glaring at Madeline and Kayla.

"Yeah yeah, you let me worry about me and my girlfriend and stick with the plan. I hate you're in the crosshairs, but this ball has to start rolling somewhere and you're going to be that movement." Madeline scoffed as she folded her arms.

"It'll be okay Gina, you just stick with what we told you, okay?" Kayla showed a reassuring grin to the smaller cat.

"Tch... fine, I guess I'm already here, right?" Gina shrugged as she snatched up her board, moving to the gate.

"And here comes our third rider of the day, Gina Rod-" Jasmine bit her tongue, cutting her words off as the cat was clearly having a discussion with the lead event staffer. There was lots of pointing to her board, head shakes, and the cat offering a shrug, Jasmine gave a nod as the camera shot pulled in and the feed went live near the drop-in.

"Yeah, that board was a loaner, all I got is my regular, am I dropping in or not?" Gina snarled at the staffer.

"Gina... you know I can't let you drop in, it's against regulations to-"

"Fine, scratch me from the competition then!" She scoffed out and trotted back from the gate.

"Uh... seems we've got a scratch," Jaron growled out.

"Y-yeah it does. Well uh, let's go to a commercial while the next rider gets ready," Jasmine said to the audience, the crowd already clearly muttering and booing. Gina was still a very popular rider with lots of her own fans after all.

"That was really awkward, I think they even picked it up on the live show..." Gina hissed out and rubbed her face with a gloved paw.

"Good, sorry you had to deal with that," Madeline patted the other girl on the shoulder as she moved off to make a call on her phone.

A few more riders dropped in, then it was the 'Snow Bunny's' turn. The crowd roared and screamed their adoration as the most popular rider and points leader strutted up to the gate looking smug as always.

"Okay! And here's the rider I'm sure a lot of you have been waiting for, it's ... urf!" Jaron barked out as he saw Madeline having an exchange with the lead staffer at the gate.

"Yeah, I guess I packed the wrong board, oopsie daisy... what you gonna do about it, gonna tell me I can't go? I don't have to ride a Gemini board every competition you know." Madeline drolled out, a paw on her hip looking bored with the discussion already.

"Madeline, you never used custom boards!" The staffer snarled out.

"Sure I do, I have a whole collection of boards I use regularly and this is the board I have today, take it or leave it." She lifted her ears, already hearing the crowd getting on edge.

"M-Madeline, you can't drop in with that board, it's... against the rules." The staffer sighed out.

"Okiedokie," Was all the rabbit said as she gave a shrug to the camera and walked away from the gate. Now the crowd was straight up booing and yelling their disapproval evident as the points leader had been refused a ride.

"Uh... did they just... scratch Madeline Lashinger?" Jasmine stammered out.

"Looks that way, next rider up is the second place points contender, but it looks like with Madeline not riding, Kayla is assured to take over the lead," Jaron said in a dry unenthused tone of voice.

"Oh my gods..." Jasmine muttered out loud as the staffer was now arguing with the leopard too, who was clearly not holding an Altima board in her paws.

"Seriously?!" The lead staffer groaned out.

"Uh huh... must have packed my wrong bag, oopsie daisy..." Kayla hummed out lazily. "You telling me I'm scratched too?"

"K-Kayla, you already know I can't let you ride with a custom board!" The staffer frowned.

"Guess that's how it is." She looked back to the camera with a shrug. "Sorry loves, maybe next time... if I don't forget my Altima board again, eh?" She turned and stalked off.

"We uh... have four scratched riders out of ten and the three points leaders are amongst them?" Jasmine muttered to the camera.

"Good!" Jaron barked out as he finally slammed a paw to the desk.

"J-Jaron, we have to-"

"I rode a custom board in my career too, Jas! You think I'm okay with this crap?! I can't keep being impartial when-" The feed cut to a commercial suddenly for the rest of the viewers at home as the greyhound snarled and ripped his earpiece out. "Fuck this, I'm going home."

"Jaron! Wait a sec!" Jasmine chased after him with a squeak.

Several fans were already starting to filter out of the stands and leave, booing about what was happening as the 'Snow Bunny' gave a shrug. "Well... shall we go kill an hour at the lodge until the boys compete?" Madeline called out casually as her phone started ringing. She looked at it seeing who it was as she nodded. "Give me a sec..." She connected the call on speaker mode, "Sup?"

"Ms. Lashinger, just what do you think you're doing?" The voice called out dryly on the other line.

"Something within my contract boundaries, and if you don't like it, don't sign with me next season. The fans and money go where I go, don't call back unless it's important." The rabbit sighed and disconnected the call on the spot. "So how about cocoa?" She hummed out to Gina, Kayla, and the other rider that had joined them in their little rebellion.

"Jaron! You can't expect me to just run that damn show alone!" Jasmine snarled as she finally caught up with the greyhound.

"Sorry, Jas, but I can't stand for this shit, I can't just sit there grinning and pretending it's okay! If they wanna fire my tail, let them. This isn't right... I'd not even have had a career, to begin with if this shit had gone down when I boarded."

She hissed and put a paw on her hip. "I get that but..." Her ear flicked as the producer told her to return to the desk in her earpiece so they could go live.

"Sorry Jasmine, I'm not asking you to go down with me, go do your job, sorry to put the load on you." Jaron sighed with a shrug, turning and walking away.

The camera came back onto an empty desk, the mouse rushing over to it with a huff of breath. "Okay, sorry about that everyone, let's go down to start the second heat!"


"My friends, after seeing what your sister and the other girls did earlier, I can surmise now what your plans are. So this is why you asked me to use your X3 in qualifying and arrive with my normal board, is it not?" Raul sighed as he looked at Kai and Hiroshi.

"Didn't expect Jaron to jump ship, that really helped the situation I think." Hiroshi sighed as he looked at the event staffer who was giving them all a worried look as if he already knew what was about to happen.

"I'm happy you honor me and the others like this, but shouldn't you worry about your own careers? Altima will likely not be happy about this." Raul put a paw to his chest as he frowned.

"Fuck 'em then!" Jarome snarled out as he joined the other boys. "I happened to forget my X3 at the hotel, can I borrow your custom board, Raul?" The lynx folded his arms as he grinned at the collie.

"Certainly, if they will let you use it, my friend." Raul offered him a lazy smile.

The lead staffer finally came over. "Hey... are you guys about to-"

"Just do your job and let us worry about us, you can deal with us when we get to the gate," Kai hissed out as he looked over at the staff member.

"My job is to stop situations before they arise, you know, but... Since I don't like what's going on, I'll just do my job and not ask questions."

"Thanks for that." Hiroshi nodded.

Jasmine sighed out as she looked at the lineup on her sheet of paper, sipping water, her voice feeling dry since she'd been doing all the talking since Jaron left.

"Oh boy, we've got all the points leaders right at the top of the order, how exciting is that folks?! We'll be starting with Raul Sa-" She bit her tongue, seeing the scene playing out again like with the girls.

"Yes my friend, I am aware of the rules. I simply seemed to have misplaced the X3 I borrowed, I'll try not to let it happen again, though I feel my memory may be foggy." The collie hiked his tail and poked his nose up, trotting away from the gate as Jasmine groaned.

"I forgot my board, can I borrow Rauls?" Jarome mewed out with a lazy grin as he got to the gate.

Kai strutted up, clearly holding his own custom board. "Oh, how did that get there? I could have sworn I grabbed my X3, oops!"

Hiroshi gave the camera a bored look when it was his turn. "This is what I have, take it or leave it."

As the sixth scratch of the boy's side went down, what was left of the fans that didn't leave over the girls, started to filter out, booing and snarling their disapproval. Jasmine frowned as she looked at the camera, hearing her producer giving her orders that she wasn't even processing.

"This is... messed up, I can't do this... I'm sorry." The mouse sighed and pulled her earpiece out, dropping it on the desk and walking away, the feed cutting to go to a commercial in her wake.


"Not often you see snowboarding stuff on Sportsball Center, huh?" Trevor called out casually from across the table at the sports bar, sipping on a beer.

"We practically staged a walkout, but I didn't expect those sportscasters to join in, that was an interesting turn of events." Madeline nodded while sitting amongst her lovers and a few of the riders of the day.

"A calculated risk when you have former athletes at the helm. It's tough to turn a blind eye to that sort of thing, especially when the 'what if it were me' syndrome kicks in." Trevor sighed as he looked over the small group of snowboarders present. "Anyway, you're probably wondering why I asked to speak to all of you."

"To try to get us to hire you for when the league inevitably sues our tails for this?" Jarome gave a laugh.

"Checks out." Gina nodded at the lynx.

"Ha! Hardly... however it is regarding the league and the little stunt you guys pulled today." Trevor mused as he rubbed under his jaw.

"You think it'll get their attention and that of the companies?" Kayla asked.

"Oh, it got their attention alright, but you have to understand, it's a long game with players that can invest the time and money. You all could boycott the rest of the season, it would piss the fans off, cut their profits temporarily, but it won't put a dent in the new rules." The brown rabbit wagged a finger as he finished and sipped his beer.

"So the fates will do as they please. No matter how the wind howls, the mountain refuses to move," Raul spoke out solemnly with a paw to his chest.

"This guy always like this?" Trevor asked with a grin.

"Yes." Was the universal answer from the table as Raul just offered a small snort.

"Anyway... to the point..." Trevor smiled as he produced a document and shifted it over to Raul. "Pass this around and see what you think." The collie quickly glanced it over and nodded before shifting it over to Gina, the document making its rounds along all the present riders before returning to Trevor.

"A players league... You're proposing a players union," Kai spoke out to the table.

Madeline gave a nod. "Once I saw you two were serious about taking a stab at this, I asked Trevor if it were a possibility."

"Yes, baseball and football leagues have unions for the players, for reasons such as this. If you leave it to just the league and sponsors, you get situations like what we're dealing with here, but a union can keep that in check, and has legally binding ramifications that even the corporate shills will have to navigate around." Trevor lazily swirled his mostly drank beer around in the glass.

"Okay, what's in it for you? You want to head this union and negotiate for us? Is snowboarding even that big of a deal?" Hiroshi asked dryly.

"I mean your little stunts today got you on Sportsball Center, so you tell me? Every single match gets televised. Sure you might not get the timeslots of football, but the sport is growing by leaps and bounds. It's also one of the most popular winter Olympic sports behind hockey. I think now is a good time to start taking care of its players and I feel I'm the rabbit to make it happen." Trevor poked his nose up looking smug.

"Look, he's a mouthy ass, but he's lived the life like us, and there's no one I trust more with my career. That's all I'm saying on this." Madeline looked over the table.

"I've got no reason to say no, but what do we even do then? Just all sign-up and say we're a union?" Jarome cocked a brow.

"That's more or less it, yes. A group is only as strong as the amount of support and members it has. If we can get a few companies to look our way, that might help too. I'm looking at you, Altima riders." Trevor hummed.

"You think Altima would really go along with this?" Kayla asked.

"Your current VP is an old buddy of mine and I know how desperate Altima is to get the lead over Gemini. Altima is going to no doubt reach out to you guys about this stunt and then we'll bring it to the bargaining table. Gemini has a bigger advertising budget, so the reality is, most of the future riders that didn't use custom boards would get snatched up by them." Trevor folded his paws on the table, showing a small grin.

"That makes no sense, why would they go along with it then?" Kai hissed out.

"The enemy of my enemy, Kai," Madeline responded matter-of-factly.

"If Altima sees a better opportunity with getting in on the ground floor with a unionized player association, they'll jump on it, if for no other reason than to sink a knife into Gemini's back," Gina spoke out in realization.

Trevor grinned at the persian. "Right! We can get things rolling faster with some support, they'll get to look 'innovative' and on the side of the players. It'll be a huge win for them, especially if they then throw Gemini under the bus, which they absolutely will."

"Aren't you worried about damaging the reputation of your sponsor, Madeline?" Raul asked her.

"Not really. I can work with any board I've currently got, and I've the fan base to go where I want, I could probably even start up my own damn line of gear if I wanted to!" Madeline smirked and rubbed her jaw. "Well, maybe things to consider when I retire. For now, my fans and the money go where I go. Gemini fucks with me, I'll just let the contract lapse and go freelance, I already make more money off advertising. Hell, I've already had offers to help design and model my own fashion line."

"Baby, you consider a sundress a fancy getup," Kayla gave a laugh as she grinned at her girlfriend.

"So? They want to design a line and slap my name on it, I'll take their money so long as it's quality shit and not an eye sore!" Madeline fired back with a smirk, "I'll even drag you in on it, now your figure is model-worthy, love!"

"Can we get back on topic before these two start making out and Jarome pops a boner?" Hiroshi sighed.

"Can't deny I'd love to see that!" Jarome mewed out with a grin, then hissed as Madeline bounced a coaster off his forehead.

"Okay okay, we're getting off track to be sure. Here's what I need from all of you. I need all of you to essentially sign up, yes. Say you're now part of the players association. Encourage your fellow riders to do it too, the more of the rider pool we get, the stronger our case will be, but try not to make too big of a scene about it. The league finds out it's forming, they'll throw everything they can at it to stop it." Trevor nodded grimly.

"Makes sense, they want to keep all the control. So we're doing the cloak and dagger thing. Building the power base up, then springing the trap when they least expect it?" Kai asked.

"That's the gist of it. You four go talk to Altima as well, I'd ask Madeline to talk to Gemini but-" The other rabbit just cut him off with a guffaw at the idea of it. Trevor smiled and continued, "I'll also reach out to those sportscasters, I think they could be paramount in getting things rolling."

"Why them? Won't the league try to muzzle them right away?" Raul tilted his head.

"Yes and no. They are the voice of half-pipe and they have a history as competitors. They also have a very strong social media presence and the league can't control that. It's just more fuel for our fire." Trevor smiled and folded his paws on the table. "Anyway, what do you all think?"

"For me and my father, we have little recourse but to go along with this. I only pray it works out for the better for all involved." Raul sighed as he pushed a paw to his chest, giving a small bow of his head.

"Nothing to it but to do it, right?" Jarome shrugged and leaned back in his chair.

"I'm in a similar position to Raul, the league drew blood. All I can do is accept it or fight back, and I've never been the damsel type." Gina showed her sharp teeth in a grin.

"And that's why I love you, Gina!" Jarome fired back with a wink, then mewed out as the persian hooked her shoe behind his chair and pulled it further in, making the lynx topple over to the floor with a thud.

"Fucking idiot..." Hiroshi snarled then looked over to Trevor with a cool glance. "The wheels are already in motion, might as well."

"You already had the three of us in on this from the start, so we'll do our best, not just for Raul and Gina, but for all the riders that are getting displaced!" Kayla clenched her paws into fists with a determined grin showing on her muzzle.

"Heh... you've made my life very complicated once again, sister." Kai purred out as he offered a grin to her.

"You mean our lives." Madeline scoffed out as she hooked an arm with Kayla's possessively. Trevor just offered a small nod, being the only one at the table that knew the true details of their relationship.

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