Avalanche of Love - Episode 10

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#10 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's gonna be a fun lewd episode my lovely, but it was an effort to make this one I won't lie. If you're reading this in the timeline of it coming out, you know it took me a while, that's because I lost one of my best friends and it shattered me for several weeks. I hate to get all serious right before an episode, but given she made the cover for AoL and my L&L series, as well as being a constant source of literary inspiration... I feel she deserves some recognition.

So it may seem odd to dedicate some lewd furry romance to someone, but this one is for you, Courtney. I know you wanted to see how this series would end, and I'll make sure to see it to its conclusion for you! I'll keep writing and even work on improving as an artist in your name, so rest well my dear friend, I'll take things from here...

Okay... let's jump right in.

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

It's gonna be a fun lewd episode my lovely, but it was an effort to make this one I won't lie. If you're reading this in the timeline of it coming out, you know it took me a while, that's because I lost one of my best friends and it shattered me for several weeks. I hate to get all serious right before an episode, but given she made the cover for AoL and my L&L series, as well as being a constant source of literary inspiration... I feel she deserves some recognition.

So it may seem odd to dedicate some lewd furry romance to someone, but this one is for you, Courtney. I know you wanted to see how this series would end, and I'll make sure to see it to its conclusion for you! I'll keep writing and even work on improving as an artist in your name, so rest well my dear friend, I'll take things from here...

Okay... let's jump right in.


Episode 10:

Is There Nothing We Can do?

"Keep that guard in, and your goggles on, I don't need you wrecking that pretty face of yours!" Madeline pointed at Kayla with a grin before popping her own guard in her maw and pushing off from the top of the slope.

"Yeah, yeah, as if I wouldn't!" The leopardess mewed out before pushing her own guard back into place and dropping in behind the bunny.

The slope was less graded, so the descent wasn't as fast as dropping in for a half-pipe run, which stood to reason as the rabbit shifted to one of the rail structures and with a bend of her knees hopped right off the snow, her board grinding against the aluminum piping before she plopped back down.

Kayla followed her lead, easily grinding the rail before coming back down. The rabbit threw her gloved paw out, showing two digits before she moved to the next section of rails. Sure enough, she jumped up on one rail, grinding it for a heartbeat before hopping right off it to land on an adjoining one that ran parallel to it before hitting the snow again.

Once again, Kayla followed a moment later, hitting the first rail and as she transferred, even doing a quick spin to grind on it backward before landing with a smirk. Madeline watched her out of the corner of her eye but nodded as they shifted to another rail set.

The third rails were cleared and the slope elevation spiked downward much more sharply to build speed. At the bottom was a takeoff point, not as extreme as one from a big-air competition but still enough the rabbit launched off it sailing through the air.

Madeline did some very basic tricks, more worried about making her landing so she could glance back to see how her lover handled it. Kayla's tricks were much more elaborate, spinning and twisting before sticking the landing at the last moment with an awkward wobble before evening up.

Giving a nod back to her, the slope dipped again for the final jump, again a modest set of tricks from Madeline, as this was more about watching Kayla's form. The leopardess went big with a frontward flip followed by a spin to land once again in the opposite direction she took off from, her view facing the slope she'd just come down from.

They came to a halt at the bottom of the course and Madeline lifted her goggles as she gave a nod. "Well, I'd say you're fairly comfortable. Don't commit so much that you have to make a messy landing though."

"Saw that bobble on the first jump eh?" Kayla pulled her own goggles up with a sigh.

"Yep, and you know the judges will too. I think you're ready to attempt qualifying next week, but we should still keep sharpening things." The bunny scoffed and then put a paw to her own chest. "After all, I want you to at least somewhat keep up with me."

"Ha! Just grooming me to compete and defeat you huh? Sounds like a bad anime plot!" Kayla called out and gave a small shove to the rabbit's shoulders, sending Madeline back into the snow with a squeak, but the rabbit gripped her lover's coat on the way down.

Kayla mewed out with a laugh as she was dragged down with her, both the girls collapsing into the snow together. "No, no... I'll still beat you at every meet, don't you worry about that, my cat." Madeline hummed and pushed her maw to her leopards, heads tilting as their tongues met in a heated kiss.

She felt her lover's purrs roll down her own throat as they kissed, then gave a cute squeak as they broke the kiss, Kayla already shoving her gloved paw between Madeline's legs, pushing firmly against her crotch through the thermals and snowboarding pants.

"Ngh... how are you able to hit that spot through all the layers?" She squeaked out, squirming as she panted against the leopard's maw, both their boots still locked on their boards.

"I know your body better than you do, sister... c'mon... give me that bunny love..." Kayla hissed into her folded ears, the rabbit groaning at the rough press but feeling her work her pearl through the layers of cloths.

"Fuck, fuck, fuck..." Madeline snarled then jerked her right glove off, glaring at the big cat before Kayla mewed out, her girlfriend shoving her paws down the front of her own thermal tights, taking the direct route.

"Meerr nyah!" Kayla cried out in a mewl as the rabbit gripped her coat with her one gloved paw, grinning with a challenging huff, her paw stroking intently at her sister's own spot directly.

"Oh bitch... that... is... it!" Kayla hissed out and jerked her own glove off, returning the favor as Madeline gasped, both girls grinning upon one another as Kayla responded in kind, both there with paws in their winterwear, panting and huffing as each worked the other, whisps of foggy mist coming from their maws.

"You first sis... ngh! I won't lose!" Madeline gave Kayla a challenging grin, then shuddered as the leopardess pinched her pearl with those padded fingers.

"Nu uh... bunny... sister goes first... that's the rules... ngh!" She mewled out, tongue lolled, both clutching to one another, misty steam coming from their maws as they each desperately tried to hold out.

"Fu- cck..." Madeline shuddered and rolled her red eyes, feeling herself cresting as she squeaked out in a throaty little moan, her own paw pinching and grinding hard at her sister's pearl with wet eyes from the forced orgasm.

Kayla gave a victorious little snarl, but then shuddered and lolled her own tongue, happy to release to her sister's coaxing, both girls groaning and panting as they worked the other, stimulating their releases.

"Ha... ha... Damn it... ngh..." Madeline gave a little groan and kissed her sister's muzzle with a drunk but fussy-looking grin.

"Mhm... I win this time, sister..." Kayla nuzzled the bunny's jaw proudly, lapping her cheek as Madeline hissed and pushed at her.

"Gah... don't go licking my fur in the cold, I'll have frost on my cheek and whiskers!" She laughed out as they both just grinned, then threw arms around one another, pushing into another deep kiss, huffs and purrs filling the air as they held one another nice and tight, just drinking in their moment.


"Well, well, well! Are any of us surprised to see our wonder twins branching out? First Kai pulls a shocker with Hiroshi in the Slalom competition, then-" Jasmine lingered to let Jaron pick up.

"We see Kayla joining in here with slope-style! I'm interested in seeing what tricks she'll bring to this different style of competition to be sure!" The greyhound barked out excitedly.

"Jaron, you did both slope and half-pipe, yeah?" The mouse asked conversationally.

"I sure did, Jas! They're very different beasts to be sure! I also juggled those with my time on the skateboarding league, so slope style felt right at home!"

"Look at you, Mr. Jack-of-all-trades! I kept my tail happily in half-pipe competition!"

"That's why you've got more medals than me, Jas! Harder to master if you diversify too much, eh?" Jaron laughed out.

"Huh... tell that to our 'Snow Bunny', she's currently sitting in points leads in half-pipe, slope, and big-air!" Jasmine scoffed.

"It's the red eyes, she's a demon, must be bringing supernatural energies from the netherworld!" Jaron called out casually.

Jasmine snorted a laugh and grinned at that. "You been nerding out with your tabletop group again, Jaron? Pretty sure red eyes are fairly common with certain rabbits!"

The greyhound snorted as his ears flicked from his earpiece going off. "Ugh... the director wants me to say the thoughts and opinions I express are my own and in no way reflect the viewpoint of the league or any sponsors. Also, I should state I have no issues with bunnies or any other species that happen to have red eyes."

"Eh? Yeah, I guess better to cover your bases, you nerd. Maybe lay off the sword and sorcery stuff before you start work eh?" Jasmine offered him a challenging grin.

Madeline gave a snort as she looked up at the TV in the prep-area, arms folded. "Tch... I'll show that dipshit a demon."

"Heh... gonna change your nickname to 'Snow Demon' instead?" Kayla cooed out playfully.

"I didn't choose my nickname, my fans did, I just embraced it. If they wanted me to go with that, I'd roll with it." Madeline showed her leopardess a grin as she turned to face her.

"You're sure a demon in bed these days... a far cry from the nervous bunny you started out as..." Kayla cooed as her gloved paw moved to the rabbit's hip.

"Huff... you should be trash talking before a competition, not sweet talking, baby..." Madeline reached up to grasp Kayla's coat collar, pulling the big cat down to kiss her muzzle.

"Oh my gods, get a room!" Gina mewed out with a laugh as the two broke their kiss, their tongues withdrawing from one another's maws.

"Gina! I didn't know you also did slope-style!" Kayla mewed out in surprise to see the other cat strutting over, sporting her custom board.

"Yeah! I'd do pretty well if it wasn't for 'demon bunny' over here." The persian showed her sharp teeth as she thrust a gloved thumb at the rabbit.

"Don't propagate that annoying lingo," Madeline grumbled as she pulled away to go make some tea.

"This is so exciting, we can throw down like we do on half-pipe, all three of us again!" Kayla mewed excitedly and clenched her paws into fists.

"Hah... yeah, for now anyway." Gina grinned, then looked away, clearly showing a look of concern in her eyes.

"For now?" Kayla cocked a brow at the normally peppy cat now looking solemn.

"Have you not heard the talks about what the league plans to do, Kayla?" Madeline stepped back over, dunking a teabag up and down into a paper cup of hot water.

Kayla frowned and rubbed her muzzle, she'd been so focused on her own training, so she hadn't been keeping up with the politics of the league. Finally, she gave a shake of her head.

"My board is custom-made, Kayla. I get my half-pipe and slope-style boards from Raul's father. A few riders in the league use non-commercial boards, actually." The persian looked over at her board near her gear.

"And therein lies the dilemma. Remember when Hiroshi got nixed from Gemini and needed to go through intense training to re-learn?" Madeline prodded Kayla as if to spark her memory.

The leopardess' ears perked up as she finally recalled. "Oh... oh shit. Yeah, the whole talk of banning non-commercial boards..."

"Mhm... Gemini can use propriety techniques to give an 'edge' as they like to think, and though it all comes down to the rider's skill levels, they are using that same argument against custom-made boards."

"That's right, saying there are unknown factors, the boards might have techniques that are giving the riders an advantage when in reality, they just want a bigger piece of the pie." Gina hissed, showing her bitterness.

"Wait, can they do that? I mean does Gemini have that kind of pull?" Kayla hissed out, showing her own irritation now.

"It's not just my sponsor, baby. Yours too, along with all the other major players. They're kind of joining together to say they want custom boards removed or they'll pull their funding. Money talks, right?" Madeline gave a shrug.

"But- That's bullshit, what about Gina and Raul?" Kayla snarled and glared at Madeline.

"I'd probably need to take the season off to break in a new board, maybe two... Raul... hmm, I don't think we'll see him again once this goes down. It'll trash his family's business and I don't see him being okay coming back with a commercial board." Gina scratched the side of her muzzle with a frown.

"That's terrible, can't we do anything?!" Kayla hissed out.

"We play the game we don't make the rules, Kayla..." Madeline gave a shrug but then folded her arms, seeing her girlfriend wasn't accepting the logic. "Look, we'll talk about this more after the competition, our here and now take precedence. Both of you flush the thoughts for now and focus on losing to me."

Gina gave the rabbit a sharp grin and perked ear ears. "Oh, we'll see about that, Demon Bunny!" She hissed out playfully.

"I told you to knock that off, cat!" Madeline snarled and shoved a paw against the persian's shoulder, giving her a playful shove.

Kayla gave a laugh at that and smiled, but Madeline could see the concern still in her eyes, moving over to slap her shoulder before whispering into her ear,. "C'mon... head out of the clouds, dial it in. You worked too fucking hard, sister."

The leopardess gulped and nodded a few times at the words, hugging her lover up once more, then as if on cue, the lead event staffer came in to get the girls ready for dropping in.


"And our fifth rider for the day is now at the gate for her debut run. I don't think we need to tell you who Kayla Hannah is, she may be the newest competitor in this lineup, but she's by no stretch a rookie!" Jaron barked out excitedly.

"That's true, Jaron, and I for one will be eager to see what kind of tricks she can pull on the bigger jumps!"Jasmine said as the camera moved in on Kayla who was at the starting gate. She offered a smug grin and popped her mawguard in place before dropping in for her run.

The course had been set up with not just rail grinds, but even square blocky structures to simulate a skateboarding course. There was a small alleyway of snow the cut between three of the structures on the descent down and Kayla decided she'd try to grind from one edge to the other, not even bothering hitting the snow when she got to them.

Her board hit the edge of one of them and the crowd cheered louder as she transitioned with an impressive hop onto the other one. It wasn't like jumping rail to rail, there was a substantial gap of easily eight to ten feet between the blocks.

The crowd was roaring their approval as the leopard then after a few moments of grinding made another transition back across to the third structure, sticking the landing, but Madeline snarled at the TV as she watched the run, "God damn it, sis!"

"Sis?" Gina asked, but then saw why the rabbit was angry as Kayla didn't have the momentum to keep the third grind up, having to ditch the trick, smack the snow and even tumbled right down into it in a controlled fall.

Madeline groaned and rubbed her muzzle before shaking her head. "C'mon baby, you know better than that..."

"At least she took the fall well, yeah?" Gina said as she looked down at the smaller rabbit.

"Yeah, I'm glad she's safe, but still... She didn't have the speed for that, she should have stopped at two." Madeline glared at the TV with folded arms, watching Kayla finish her run. She still did all the grinds and even did rather fancy tricks in her jump segments, after all every rider knows even if you fall early, you use the run to feel out the course for the next drop.

"Did you call her sis?" Gina spoke out conversationally once Kayla finished the run.

Madeline gave a shrug as she cooly deflected the question, "Sure, guys call one another 'bro' all the time, Gina, even the couples. It's just something I say to her during training usually."

"Oh... that makes sense, yeah." Gina nodded as the rabbit moved away from the TV to get her own gear ready.

Down at the bottom of the course Kayla already had a mic in her muzzle from Jaron. "Got a little greedy up there, eh?"

"Heh... yeah, I didn't have the speed but I tried to milk that third grind and paid for it." Kayla laughed and gave a shrug while holding her board in her paw.

"That was a good tumble though, always scary when a rider falls near all those sharp corners and walls! Glad you're okay, Kayla." The greyhound showed her a grin.

"Thanks, you'd think the judges would have given me extra points for that immaculate faceplant right?" She mewed out with a laugh before giving the camera a peace sign and sauntering back to the lift to go back up.

Once the first runs were done no one was surprised to see Madeline in the top spot with Gina right behind her. Kayla's fall set her score back but she still did some impressive tricks and would be dropping fourth of the ten girls in the second run.

Madeline pulled Kayla aside before the second run started, gripping her arm as she spoke,"You got your head screwed on straight now? Still got three runs so stop thinking about the board th-"

"No love, it wasn't that. I'm worried about it but it's not affecting me. I just got greedy and was trying to put on a good run for you." Kayla moved in, nuzzling against Madeline's jaw with a purr.

Madeline reached her gloved paws up and cupped the leopard's cheeks, staring hard into her blue eyes. "I'm always proud of you. You and brother... The shit talk of the competition aside, you two are my everything, so never doubt that. Even if you came in last place, it'd not change my love, respect, or pride in having you as mine."

Kayla offered her bunny sister a grin and sniffled as their muzzled brushed together. "Geeze... got me all teary-eyed on that one, sis.... Now I've gotta kick your tail in the next run..." She stole a few quick kisses as they clung to one another.

"If you wanna be in charge tonight, you sure do..." Madeline scratched under her leopard's muzzle, showing her a small grin as she listened to the deep contended purrs coming from her sister.

"Hey! You two wanna stop making out in the snow and get in here? You're dropping next, Hannah!" The lead staffer yelled out from the entrance to the staging area. Both the girls offered one another a grin before walking back paw-in-paw.


"And here's Kayla Hannah coming in for her fourth and final run of the day. She's put on some really nice tricks for her first competition but she's currently sitting just outside of medal contention in fourth place," Jasmine squeaked out.

"We've seen enough of Kayla to know she always performs at her highest level when she's on the defensive, especially when she's trailing her demon girlfriend!" Jaron barked out with a laugh.

Kayla grinned at the camera as she adjusted her goggles, lifting her muzzle with a cocky smirk. "Jaron, Madeline is gonna kill you if you keep this up." She showed her sharp little teeth as she dialed her music up and dropped in for her last run.

Jaron was right that she did better when she had her back to the wall. It was all in good fun, but she still couldn't just let her sister run away with the win without sweating a little. She'd avoided that triple jump the last two runs, but she knew she didn't have the tricks in her pocket to match Madeline in the big jump tricks just yet.

She had pushed off with all the force she could and lowered her profile to build extra speed, jumping onto that first edge like she'd done on her first run, not being so greedy on it before transitioning to the other structure to grind.

The crowd realized she was going for the triple grind again, their own cheers picking up pace as she hopped to the third edge like before. She didn't have the speed to keep the grind to the end but just hitting it and recovering would get her the credit she needed. After just a second or so she hopped back to the packed snow, the fans screaming their approval from the smooth finish.

"Bitch... she's going to make me triple grind that damn thing after all!" Madeline growled out from the prep area, a glove on her hip.

"I mean weren't you going to be grinding on something one way or another after this competition? You two looked ready to drag one another down into the snow earlier!" Gina laughed out as she adjusted her gloves.

"Tch... shut up cat! She's going to be your problem first you know!" Madeline scoffed, then looked back at the TV as Kayla finished her run.

The leopardess ground her board to a halt at the end of the course, showing a cocky grin as she lifted her goggles, and pointing to the camera. "How's that then? Don't face plant trying to match my grind up there, Maddy!"

"Trash-talking bitch. No wonder I love her." Madeline snorted as she folded her arms before stomping over to her gear, not bothering to wait for the score, knowing she would be taking the lead.

"Well, well, well... channeling that competitive spirit, Kayla?" Jaron called out conversationally as he shoved the mic in her face while they stood in the waiting area for the other riders.

"Guess that demonic energy is wearing off on me from my girlfriend, huh?" Kayla mewed out casually as the greyhound barked out with a laugh.

"Oh, that is it!" Madeline hissed out as she jerked her gaze back to the TV with a fussy glare, clutching her board.

"Uh oh... is the kitty gonna be in the dog house tonight?" Gina catcalled out.

"You shut up and go do your run!" Madeline snarled at the persian before finding her own gloves, but before she could get them on her phone pinged, her ears lifting as she dug it out of her pocket to check the text message.

"Wow, you gonna let her show you up like that, sis?"

"Of course not! I'm kicking your sister's tail just for the demon commentary."

"You mean our sister? Admittedly, you are a bit of a demon in bed, sis!"

"Don't you start that shit or I'll cut you both off from any bunny love for a week or two."

"Okay okay! I take it back! Ha ha... Have a safe run, sister. I love you."

"Hmph... I guess I love your dumb ass too, thanks."

"So you definitely gonna one up her score, bunny-sis"

"Bet your tail I will, brother!"

"So if you don't...?"

"Really?! Now of all times? Fine, I don't have time for semantics, you can do whatever you want to me if I don't, how's that?"

"Have a safe run, sister!"

Madeline snorted and put her phone away after spending a few minutes texting Kai, then finished getting geared up and making her way to the waiting area since she'd be dropping in last.

"Oh man, it's like we're watching half-pipe again! How many times have we seen these two in this situation?" Jasmine called out to the viewers.

"Been a few now! Let's see if Madeline can dig into her bag of tricks to wow the judges. The other two girls tried and failed to do that triple grind, think she can get the win without it?" Jaron mused.

"It's a heck of a tough act to follow, but if anyone can do it, our 'Snow Bunny' could!" Jasmine squeaked out.

Madeline adjusted her goggles and tilted her head. "You make it sound like you're a fan, Jasmine. Let me show you how you transition on a triple grind the right way!" she scoffed out before dialing her music up and shoving her mawguard into place.

'Okay sister, you wanna turn the heat up, I'll leave a sheet of ice in my wake!' She thought to herself as she pushed out of the gate and lowered her profile. Kayla had power and inertia but she had technique and experience.

The bunny hopped right up on the first edge, grinding her board before hopping to the adjoining surface, her strong legs affording her plenty of clearance as she ground, even having landed her board so she was facing the other direction.

When she made the hop to the third one she could feel her speed wasn't going to last the whole length and gave another hop as she launched herself forward, planting both her paws on the surface to practically cartwheel off the trick and land in the snow to continue down the course.

"I take it back, she is a demon!" Jaron stammered out with a bark over the thunderous roar of the fans.

Madeline hit a few more token grinds on the way to the jumps but knew she already had the judges in her pocket, a smirk showing as she bit down on her mawguard and took off from the inclined slope.

A flourish of tricks and she landed, quickly approaching the next jump, everyone was roaring for her, they already knew this was the run that would win the whole thing as she took off and sailed through the air on her last series of tricks.

Her red eyes widened as she stuck the landing but had done it in a deep track of wet snow the other girls had been avoiding, but she'd put too much on the trick so when her board hit, she already felt it sliding out from under her knees.

The years of training told her body what to do before her brain could even question it, locking her legs and shifting her hips, the landing a sloppy bobble but keeping herself upright. The crowd gave a collective sigh of relief as she saved the run at the last possible second.

Grinding to a halt she shrugged at the camera as she spat her mawguard out, "There's how you triple grind, just ignore that final landing!" She spoke out coolly and brought her gloves up to make a heart with her paws.

Unbuckling her board she strutted over to Kayla with a haughty smirk on her muzzle. Jaron moved in on her with his mic at the ready. "Madeline, that was-"

He barked out as her red eyes shot to him, then before he knew it she had hooked a boot behind his, hip-checked him, and planted him tail first in the snow. The greyhound yipped as he fell into the snow, the rabbit poking her nose up looking smug as she ignored the interview and moved over to the waiting area.

"Looks like you're the one in the dog house over your demon commentary, Jaron!" Jasmine called out to the viewers with a laugh.

"Why do you gotta be such a show-off, Madeline?" Gina sighed with a grin, putting her paws on her hips.

"Show off? I was just doing my thing, not my fault it comes off that way." Madeline scoffed and brushed some snow off her board.

"You were showing off and you know it!" Kayla chimed in, moving over to hug her girlfriend. "Bitch... couldn't let me have gold first time out huh?"

"Nu-uh..." Madeline bopped the leopard's nose with her glove playfully, then moved in for a quick kiss before the two girls started nuzzling one another.

"Hmm... you worried me at the end there, held my breath thinking you were going to wipe out." Kayla puffed out as they parted from the embrace before they got too heavy on the PDA since they were on camera.

"Even if I had it would have been a pretty controlled one. Falling is something we just do, it's making sure we do it right so we don't get hurt that matters most." Madeline shrugged then turned to the score display as the scores came in.

Her red eyes widened as her mouth gapped slightly at the score, it was literally a tenth of a point less than Kaylas, putting her in silver position. A collective gasp and even boos started filling the stands at the score.

"Whoa! Colored me surprised! How was that-" Jaron barked out as his feed went live in his ear before he nodded. "Okay folks, apparently uh... since she used her paws to finish the trick on the third grind it didn't count."

The greyhound hissed out at the enraged jeers and boos from the fans as he stammered to continue, "Uh... um... also since her last landing was sloppy-"

"Okay okay, that's enough!" Madeline stomped over to him and snatched the mic out of his paws. "All of you stop booing before you make my girlfriend feel bad. If the third grind didn't count it's a fair score. I simply thought since my board left the ground first it would be okay, that's on me." She shoved a paw to her chest as she spoke out, the fans calming their outrage before she shoved the mic back into Jarons chest.

She jerked him down to her level and snarled into his ear where the mic wouldn't pick it up, "You call me demon-anything after this performance, I'm talking to my lawyer, we clear, doggy?" He frowned and nodded at her in response before the rabbit showed her teeth and moved back over to the waiting area, taking up position in the second-place spot.

Kayla frowned at her. "Madeline, this really isn't okay though, I don't feel like-"

"You don't like it love? Retire and go be a judge. It's okay, I promise. Not the first time I've lost to you, won't be the last I'm sure." She gave a smile to her girlfriend to reassure her.


"So you were okay with the final scores of the day, sister?" Kai purred into her ear as Madeline squirmed in his paws being held by him.

"Hmph... don't be stupid, of course, I'm not. My board was clearly under my control and my paws were only used secondarily, they nixed the whole damn third grind! But, I wasn't about to make a scene, make my fans get in a tizzy and our sister feel bad about her placement." Madeline scoffed then shuddered as she felt his tongue lap against the side of her muzzle while she stood over his lap, the leopard's paws on her hips, kneading them slowly.

"Even when you don't win, you handle it with such poise and grace, Madeline, this is why your fans adore you." He said as he nibbled along her throat, sharp teeth offering little love bites through the thin fur as she tilted her head to bare herself to him fully.

"Tch... buttering me up, brother? Or just savoring us actually having time alone together?" She offered him a soft groan as he shifted his paws up to cup her breasts, the thin silky nightgown she wore, her peaks clearly hard in the material along with the outlines of the bars she had in them.

"Well, Kayla did pass out into a heap after the competition, her first full-on slope-style after all, aren't you tired, my bunny sister?" He leaned back to admire the view as his paws kneading those perky breasts before him, watching Madeline's hips shift and squirm at his touch.

She hissed out, "Fuck... of course I'm tired, but you smell too good and-"

"And you were soooo confident you'd bring back a gold, you told brother he could do anything he wanted to you didn't?" Kai mewed playfully as he moved his paws to the frilly hem of the gown, then hefted the whole thing up, Madeline glaring at him as she lifted her arms, letting the silk pull clear, her pierced peaks coming into full view for her brother, breasts bouncing slightly as he pulled her closer.

"Fuck... just gonna rub it in my face, huh?" She gasped out with a little squeak as he hefted her right against his chest, his large paws splaying over her now mostly bared backside, the skimpy panties offering no protection as claws dug in, then his maw was over her left teat, suckling rather hard upon it as she winced.

"Ngh... c'mon brother... y-you know they're sen...sitive..." She panted and moved her own paws up to rub at his rounded ears, feeling him nod against her chest while rolling his tongue as if a hungry kitten eager for bunny milk.

After several moments she hissed out as he popped clear, his tongue still lolled, saliva hanging from the shiny bar in her peak to it. He purred proudly and kissed along to her other breast, Madeline taking a breath in through her teeth before she gasped out as he snapped down again, suckling with just as much intensity.

"Gods... Why do you like our tits so much, brother? Ngh..." She groaned again, squirming her hips that were still held in his large paws, feeling that skilled tongue roll and tease at the bar in her nipple.

"I know how much it drives my bunny-sister crazy..." He hissed out after parting once more, lapping the side of her jaw with his tongue before shifting to grip those skimpy black panties, dragging them down her curvy hips. As they pulled clear, he could see her petals and fur were both shiny with her eagerness, the rabbit biting her lower lip.

"See? Hgn... turn around and let me get a good look at your ass, sister." Kai purred the orders out.

Madeline gave him a half-hearted glare and then shifted to turn away from him, even dropping down to straddle his knees as she arched her back, hiked her fluff of white tail, and presented to him, both her holes on full display for her brother. "Like... this, brother?" She looked back with a pant on her breath, her red eyes looking sharp.

"Gods, what a great ass you've got... then again both of you have great asses!" He gave a laugh and casually tugged his own sleeping pants down, having been shirtless this whole time. Madeline's ears jumped slightly and she couldn't help but lift her tail higher as that length of leopard cock surged forth, clearly smelling her brother's heated musk for her.

"G-Gonna do me facing away from you, Kai? Wanna fuck your bunny sister's pussy while I lean my back into your chest?" She offered him a crooked grin, then jerked her tail and ears up slightly as she saw him withdraw some lube and start dribbling it on his head.

"Well, that position is accurate..." Kai cooed out as he withdrew his claws and poured some on his padded thumb, Madeline starting to speak but then squeaking out in shock as that thumb shoved right up against her tailhole.

"Gah! N-Now wait just a second, Kai! I know I said you could do wh-" Her words cut off as she felt his thumb push past, snapping her teeth and shuddering as he started pushing it against her, stroking with the intent to push more into her.

"Heh... you're squirming so much, calm down and just let brother touch you... he's done this before..." He cooed out as he kneaded her backside with one paw, his other still working at that tight little rabbit tailhole, pushing his thumb up to the knuckle as she squeaked out loudly.

"Gods! W-Well I haven't! I've never even... ngh!" She grit her teeth hard, the odd sensation growing deeper before her tongue lolled, feeling him shove most of his thumb in. Kai purred proudly as he worked his sister's tailhole for several moments, then felt the rabbit shudder as he pulled free.

"Ha... there we go... I think bunny-sister is all good to go..." He purred and dug his claws into Madeline's hips, the rabbit squirming and groaning, clearly showing honey dripping on her petals as he hefted her back and up.

She braced on his knees, whining out as she felt that head push right to her tailhole, tail hiked up despite her protests and squirming hips. "Ha... G-Gods... Kai, you bastard... you really gonna... T-take your sister's tailhole virginity over a bet?!"

"Uh huh..." He mewed out proudly as he ground his head against her slick worked up tailhole, Madeline crying out with a squeaky groan as his head pushed past.

"Fuck... fuck... it's too damn big, you're gonna fucking break me, stupid!" She snarled back at him, her own smaller claws dug into his knees, whimpering and jerking as he slowly was feeding his length into her inch by inch.

"You'll be okay... almost... just a bit more..." He brought her down slowly despite her wriggling hips, feeling her half-heartedly trying to pull from his paws as he filled that full round rabbit ass he'd been admiring for months.

Madeline gasped as he finished pushing into her, shuddering as her rear plopped right down into his lap, her lower lip bit hard as she felt every inch throbbing in her, in a whole new spot of her body. "Gods... it... it feels so weird!" She spat out and glared at him, then squeaked out as he jerked her back to his chest.

Her tongue lolled as she felt her brother's chest push into her, holding her against him, his hips gently shifting, making that length she'd had many times now stir in her tailhole. Brother was actually in her ass, inside her and even moving as he cupped and pawed at her breasts from behind.

"Huff... huff... your ass feels amazing, sister... every bit as good as Kayla's, if not better... I think your bunny tailhole might even be tighter..." He purred down into her ears with a smug tone in his voice.

"Ngh... g-gon...aa....eg... you for this!" She squeaked out, then gasped as he jerked his hips a little harder and lolled her tongue, one of his paws dipping between her legs to stroke and tease directly against her jewel while he was enjoying her tailhole.

"Huff... what was that sister? Couldn't hear you through the pleasure I'm clearly giving youuuu..." Kai purred in that smug tone again as he ground himself, his paw a constant in stroking at her sensitive spot.

Madeline squeaked out then rolled her red eyes up, shuddering before she moaned in defeat, rabbit honey squirting forth and spattering onto her brothers knees before she slumped back, panting weakly as he kept going, stroking her through the orgasm while pumping inside her rear.

"Huff huff... that's my sister... my good bunny sis... ha..." He groaned and pinched at that spot, making Madeline squeak and moan out as his hips kept confidently grinding, her round full backside shifting and squirming to the movements.

"Gods... gods... Kai..." Madeline gasped and panted, then hissed out as her red eyes widened, squeaking out in a throaty moan as he pinched her pearl, forcing another out of her.

"Ngh! That little bunny ass of yours squeezing sooo hard when you cum, sis..." He purred and went back to stroking her pearl, his hips still shifting and pumping himself inside her, the panting on his breath telling her he was close.

"Gods... Y-you might as well cum in my ass too, brother!" She gasped out as he bucked excitedly and then moaned as his paw started working her pearl hard again.

"Ngh! Eager to have me unload in your tailhole, sis?!" He snarled proudly as he ground his hips back against that round bunny butt, Madeline squeaking and whimpering to the movements.

"No! Fuck!" She cried out and dug her sharp nails hard into his own paws on her, shoving her hips down into his lap with an angry snarl as he saw her fierce red eyes meet his while looking up at him.

Kai mewed out as he saw the rabbit furiously glare at him even as her body clearly jerked from her own orgasm again, then she huffed and spat out with a panted breath, "You better pump my ass full and enjoy it, brother... because I'm pegging you later for this!"

"W-Wait, what?!" He stammered out even as he felt his body giving in.

"Shut up!" Madeline snarled out and shoved her ass back as hard as she could, grunting as she heard her brother yowl out in a throaty moan, shivering as she felt that heat rushing into her, chewing on her lower lip trying to stay composed even though he was still stroking her bunny jewel.

"Oh my... gods..." Kai mewed out, groaning and whimpering as she just kept shifting her backside against him, even clenching herself purposefully to milk at him as each thick rope sloshed into her from this all-new direction.

She felt him pinch down hard on her pearl as she shuddered and lolled her own tongue, more of her own lust squirting all over his paw and lap as she squeaked and whimpered, feeling him finish using her tailhole while she crested for a fourth time.

"Gods..." She panted out and slumped against him, panting in relief now that he was finished, feeling spent from the rapid-fire orgasms and him pouring it all in like that.

Kai panted in relief then shuddered and puffed down into his sister's ears. "Ha... enjoy it?"

"It was alright... I'll be interested in seeing if you enjoy it next time I win." Madeline huffed out, her haughty tone resurfacing even through her panting.

Kai frowned and perked his ears. "Uh... C-c'mon Mad, uh... no need to go there, right?"

"Oh, you bet your tail there is a need to go there! You took my tailhole virginity, I'm taking yours, dipshit!" She humphed out cutely then shoved into his chest, grabbing his wrists and forcing him to hug her.

Kai swallowed a lump in his throat as he hugged her up, keenly feeling a sense of dread settle over his sexual bliss.


The trio of siblings walked into the simple-looking office, a sturdy oak desk right in the center with two chairs facing it. Other than the law certificate framed on the wall, you'd never assume it was a lawyer's office, given it was mostly full of sports memorabilia.

Another rabbit sat at the oak desk, brown-furred but showing white near the tips of his ears which were more elongated, perking up naturally compared to Madeline's which tended to stay hanging down. He wore a no-frills business suit and looked like he spent more time at the gym than in the office, given the clear definition in his arms that strained against the modest outfit.

"Madeline, glad you could make it, along with your brother and sister!" He called out cheerfully, the leopards both stopping in their tracks and looking shocked.

"It's cool, I tell Trevor everything, he's like my dad or some shit, relax and get over here." Madeline spoke like it was no big deal as she moved to take a seat before the oak desk.

"Uhm... Nice to meet you, Trevor, sir. Wait- everything?" Kayla jerked her gaze back to her girlfriend with lifted eyebrows.

"It's good to have some contingency plans in place incase her relationship and the nature of your own got out, yes everything." Trevor spoke out for Madeline as he offered a paw to Kayla. "Don't you worry, no judgment here and my muzzle is sealed."

Kayla awkwardly exchanged a shake with the older rabbit, his grip firm but not over powering before he shifted to shake her brother's paw as well. Kai looked just as uncomfortable about this sudden turn of events but exchanged the greetings.

"Look you two, I brought you up to keep yours and my own tail safe if shit got out, it was necessary. I wasn't hiding it, it just hadn't come up yet." Madeline shrugged, again acting like it wasn't a big deal.

"I understand why you two would be nervous, rest assured that I'll take that secret to the dirt with me, now take a seat, and lets talk about why you all are here." Trevor moved a paw to the other chair, then frowned as he folded his arms. "Oh uh... let me go get a folding chair."

"It's okay, Trevor. I'll be fine to stand." Kai pulled the chair out and winked at Kayla who smiled, happy to take the rare opportunity to be treated like his partner instead of his sister.

The brown rabbit gave a nod and settled back down before folding his paws on the desk. "Madeline got me a copy of both of your contracts. They were generous terms given your status, but I would highly recommend you retain me in the future when it comes time to renegotiate."

"Trevor isn't just my lawyer, he's also my agent. Has had his paws in the business in one way or another his whole life." Madeline lifted her paw, pointing to some of the various sports objects near by.

"Wow, that's pretty impressive. Did you also play any?" Kai asked while looking at a baseball that was scrawled with several signatures from a team on it.

"I did! I played baseball in college and even pitched for a minor-league team. Got called up to the majors for a year, but ended up blowing my arm out within five games, that pretty much stuck a fork in it." He laughed about the story and gave a casual shrug.

"That's so sad, I'm sorry to hear that happened, Trevor," Kayla frowned and put a paw to her chest.

"Don't stress it, I wasn't some savant, just had a good arm. I'd have never been some household name. This pays better anyway and lets me keep my paws in the world I love, you get me?" He gave another shrug, then cleared his throat. "Anyway... let's talk about the situation that brought you here, Ms. Hannah."

Kayla perked her ears at that and nodded. "Kayla will be just fine since we're just using your first name, Trevor."

He gave another nod and tapped his finger on one of the contracts before him. "Altima has you two locked in pretty nicely for the rest of the season, I can't negotiate you better rates until after the season ends. However..." Trevor flashed his teeth in a grin before continuing, "They have you set up similar to Gemini. You are required to accumulate a threshold of performances under their sponsor but not be exclusive."

"A threshold? So we have to basically do X amount of games with their brand, but not all of them. Is that what you're saying?" Kai folded his arms, leaning back against the wall of the small office.

Trevor nodded, his ears perking up to see the big cat was following the logic chain. "That's pretty much exactly it, Kai. The short version is, you could compete with non-Altima gear for up to five competitions. This would nullify the small bonus they add to your paycheck at the end of the contract terms though."

"Okay, not like we're hurting for money right now, but what does this have to do with the league trying to ban non-commercial boards?" Kayla tilted her head, Madeline clearly frowning at the question.

Trevor rocked back in his chair and drummed his fingertips together. "I also represent Mr. Stallford and have even advised his father on matters. The league can do as it pleases. If they want to ban something they can. They could in theory even ban certain species if they cared to. It'd be met with all the blowback you'd expect, but theoretically, they could do it."

"So we're shit out of luck, basically." Kai gave a shrug. "Or more to say, Raul and Gina are."

Trevor frowned and drummed his fingers on the desk. "As a lawyer, I have to be careful about what I offer as advice and what I offer as opinion. I've spoken with Madeline at length about this as her friend, not her legal aid. That's all I'll say on that matter."

"So this was just a glorified meet and greet to try to secure us as clients?" Kayla frowned and put her paws in her lap.

"On paper, yes, but also to let you know what you are working with, Kayla. Rest assured it's more than meets the eye." Trevor gave a small smile.

Madeline scoffed out, "What he's saying is, I'll give you the details after the meeting, but yeah, I wanted you guys to meet and I strongly encourage you to sign on with him, he's an alright rabbit. I don't get humble often, but he helped make me what I am, I'd not be nearly as far as I am today without his support."

"That means a lot to me, Madeline. You know you're very special to me, like a daughter and certainly one of my most treasured clients. I'd keep helping you even without the legal traipsing or finances involved." Trevor smiled and put a paw to his chest.

"Cool, that means I can skip paying your fee for this?" Madeline shot him a playful grin.

"Ha ha! Of course, you can... not." He fired back his own grin, his brown eyes glittering with amusement.

Madeline gave a laugh and hopped up with a huff. "Okay, got the legal malarky out of the way, let's go, we've got some calls to make!"

"Calls?" The twins spoke out in unison, each tilting their heads at the same time.

She'd grown used to that by now and just flashed her own teeth, her red eyes shining with mischief. "Heh... yeah, we gotta call Raul's pop. We've got some new competition equipment to procure."

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