Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 8

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#8 of L&L 3

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The time is finally at paw my lovely! Our idols are about to have their first show, and then their tour will begin in earnest! Are you excited? I know I sure am!

Oh ho, but how will that first show go? Will Karen get stage fright? Will the girls sync up properly? Only one way to find out, but you can be assured of one thing... It's gonna be a hectic time with plenty of romance and some spicy post-concert sex!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The time is finally at paw my lovely! Our idols are about to have their first show, and then their tour will begin in earnest! Are you excited? I know I sure am!

Oh ho, but how will that first show go? Will Karen get stage fright? Will the girls sync up properly? Only one way to find out, but you can be assured of one thing... It's gonna be a hectic time with plenty of romance and some spicy post-concert sex!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 8:

Here We Go Again

The audience had grown quiet as the lights in the hall dimmed to complete darkness and the pre-show music had slowly faded. There was a long pause, just enough to build tension, as if there was something wrong with the start of the performance, then the sound of her heels clicking on the stage was heard, the silhouette of the idol sauntering forward to the center of the stage in the near pitch-darkness.

She stopped right there as everyone just remained hushed, then her voice filled the area as she spoke out, "Yo, Eddie, where are my damn lights?"

On cue to her words, the dual spotlights came to life right on the calico. She had one paw tucked behind her head her other outstretched with padded-palm open towards the audience. "Heh... Sorry to keep you waiting, loves."

The whole place went wild, roaring cheers of adoration as she brushed her paw through her hair and placed it on her hip, her other still out before her fans. She showed her sharp teeth and lifted her paw a few times as if encouraging them to let loose so she could drink in their energy.

Her stockings were white with glittering stones dotting them and they came all the way up to her thighs, a gap between them and the snug dress that clung to her of the same color. The material hugged her hips and accentuated her ample breasts, offering a nice show of cleavage but not so much to be overly adult either.

She folded her arms which were covered in elbow-length gloves but fingerless, again keeping with her theme of white to suit her stage name, with her claws painted a sky blue to match her eyes. Her dirty blonde hair had a few highlights of platinum white running through it with ribbons of blue adoring it near her perked white and brown ears.

Ivory, or Cream as it were, just stood there with her arms folded, nodding her head as the audience just lavished her with their love and adoration. "Mhm... I missed all of you as well!" She called out as she spread her arms again, offering a playful wink as she followed up, "Miss and love you of course!"

The place shook with the screams of adoration as Karen shoved a gloved paw over her muzzle at the side of the stage. "I'm... I'm gonna puke... fuck..." She huffed out with a stammer.

Her manager was right there, on a knee, clasping her left paw, "Karen, love bunny, you can do this, I know you can. You've worked so hard and-"

"Joe! I... That's too much! It's too big... I mean... look at all them! I- What if I fuck up? What if I ruin things for Ivory?!" Karen looked at him with glitter on her cheeks, her eyes shining, looking on the verge of tears.

Isaac was on a knee to her right and his large paw cupped her cheek, pulling her gaze to his. "Angel, you're not going to do any of that! You're going to go out there and break hearts just like our cat is doing!" He offered her a knowing grin as she blinked and glanced back to the stage as Ivory kept her introduction going, knowing she only had a few moments before she had to be out there.

Her husband pulled her face back to his, their eyes meeting. "Mocha... Karen... Don't look at it as a show, look at that stage as your biggest competitor on the mat ever! Just some stupid punk that thinks they're better than you!"

The rabbit lifted her ears, several glittering earrings in them as she processed the words and looked back at the whole scene, the stage, it was a stage just like the one she practiced on with Ivory. "Y-Yeah... it's just a fucking stage, right?"

"Just another one waiting to be put in its place, yeah!" Joseph barked out and squeezed her paw. "We got lots of them coming up, so this fight is just getting started!" He grinned as Karen smiled at him, seeing the fox leaning into what her husband had started.

"Angel, you've got this, and I and Joe will be right here to support you. Anyone gets cute I'll kick their ass for you, so just focus on your fight!" Isaac raised his other paw in a fist, wagging his crimson tail.

"Alright... thank you, honey." Karen quickly moved to give her husband a kiss, a bit of green lipstick lingering on his lips. "You too, sweetie!" She pivoted and gave her fox a kiss as well before releasing both their paws to clench her own in fists. "Okay!"

Both the dogs stood with green lipstick smudges on their muzzles as Joeseph put a paw to his earpiece. "Alright Eddie, remember, on the right side for approach."

"I love you, Karen, so go out there and make everyone else love you just as much!" Isaac showed her a grin as he folded his arms.

She shifted her green eyes back up to his blue ones and gave a nod, showing a cocky little smirk. "I love you too..." Her eyes darted to Joseph who wagged his tail and seemed to shift out of manager mode, his eyes softening as the rabbit gave him that confident grin like she could take on the world and win. "You too Joseph. I'll use both your loves!"

He felt his cheeks burn but gave a nod to her. "Now you're sounding like an idol, Mocha! Get your tail out there and break some hearts!" He barked out proudly and thrust a finger towards the stage.

"So! Are we ready to get this show on the road?!" Ivory called out with a musical inflection in her voice as the crowd screamed its approval. Karen heard her mic feed go live as she made her approach.

"Starting without me, baby?" She called out as she willed her footpaws into motion in a more purposeful stride, her own heels clicking on the stage as she pushed into the view of the audience, a stage spotlight hitting her as soon as she appeared.

The crowd roared their approval as their idol's partner made her appearance. The rabbit was dressed in a similar off-white set of stockings that shamelessly dug into her thicker thighs to accentuate them. The dress also showcased more of her hips and backside, whereas Ivory's had focused more on her chest.

Karen stuck her tongue out at the audience playfully as she trotted over to the other idol. The hot lights of the stage felt oppressive on her, but it made the glitter on her cheeks and sequins in her dress sparkle, along with the myriad of earrings in her ears. Like Ivory, she had painted nails and ribbons in her hair, but they were emerald green to suit her eyes.

Cream folded her arms over her stomach, making her ample show of cleavage push out, mostly for her partner's eyes."Of course, I'm not starting without you, Mocha, love. Remember we did this whole thing in practice where I pretended to, you came strutting out acting fussy?" The audience was filled with laughter at the candid moment the idols were presenting.

Mocha folded her own arms, pushing her chest out, again the dress showing plenty of ample furred cleavage. After all, she may have not had as much upstairs as her lover, but she still had plenty to show off. "Yeah, and then I strut out and you casually tell the audience our choreography plans and they laugh, are we doing a comedy show or gonna sing?"

The calico moved her paws forward, clasping the rabbits, her own cheeks sparkling with glitter under her piercing blue eyes that even now made her lover's heart leap to see, especially here in the stage light. "Of course, we'll sing... annnnnd..."

Cream flourished a paw out, keeping her right clasping Mocha's as the rabbit lifted her ears slightly, this wasn't part of the plan, her girlfriend was already improvising on their first show. The bunny gave a shocked squeak as the cat drew her right into her arms, one paw on her hip, the other still holding hers as her sharp teeth flashed, "Dance... Patty, Catspaw Serenade, go!"

Mocha heard their keyboard girl Patty mutter, 'Crap...' before quickly fiddling with her rig and a moment later the intro started for one of their ballads. "Uh... W-what? Isn't the romantic stuff supposed to be second-act?" Mocha stammered out awkwardly.

"Too bad, I wanna dance with you now!" Cream mewed out in her haughty diva voice as she started leading Mocha in a slow dance, already starting up the opening vocals for the song, "Now its quite simple... Don't think, and try not to stare..."

"Pulling me into your arms without so much as a care, I should be angry, you deserve my glare!" Mocha gave her a challenging quirk of a brow as she fired off her set of lyrics while they danced.

"I'm a cat, we're hunters, and I pounce on what I want!"

"Is that the case, or do you just hope to flaunt?" Mocha sang out before pushing out of the cat's paws, circling her in a slow elegant step, one paw resting on her lover's hip. "Oh what a brazen cat, acting like a lion... but I can't deny your bravado is something... I... rely... on!" She hung on each of the last words with a cute grin.

"Well one of us had to start this show!" Cream called outside of the song lyrics before the two embraced once more, Mocha giggling at the words before they started another more proper slow dance, each singing in unison together for the main chorus of the song.

"Follow my paws, yes just like that, hold me close and never look back! All I want is this moment, this, and forever more-"

"If you're not careful rabbit, I'll drag you right to the floor!" Cream sang out in a playfully brazen tone, breaking the pace of the song as Mocha gave a shocked squeak and the audience cheered with laughter at the very impromptu performance they were being treated to.

Isaac stood there at the side of the stage looking shocked at the break from the performance schedule but Joseph didn't seem surprised at all.

The fox pushed a paw to his earpiece before calling out to the crew. "Okay people, no big deal, we'll pull catpaw from the second set and continue the order after this one, but be ready to adapt if our diva wants it." He grinned as he watched the two dancing, making sure to rein in the staff before they started panicking about how the show would progress.

After a few more moments of dancing Cream lifted her muzzle and tapped her paw against her mic to kill the feed, Mocha blinked at that and did the same as the calico moved to her ear to speak against it through the cheering, "Got the nerves out now that I pulled you from your comfort zone?"

Karen blinked at her with a lip bit, realizing Ivory had done this on purpose, knowing she'd respond better thinking on her feet, not following the script as it were. Sure enough, she'd been more focused on keeping up than worrying about the thousands of people cheering for them.

"It did... thank you, my kitty!" She spoke back into Ivory's lifted ear as the calico's blue eyes sparkled, reminding the rabbit of her husband's.

Cream grinned and nodded as they nuzzled for a moment, then she hit the mic piece on her headset to bring the feed live again, "Okay, that's enough mushy crap for now! Patty back to the top, in five, four, three..."

Mocha grinned and turned her own mic back on, feeling more comfortable now as she synced right up with her lover for their real opening song, nodding her head to the synthetic beat as she prepared herself, then dropped the opening lyrics, "Why must I be all alone tonight?"

"Time is on our side, just take my paw and we'll be alright!" Cream stepped forward, both girls locking paws together as they looked out at the roaring fans, thousands cheering and several hundred phone camera's on them.

"Yeah! Now that's what I'm talking about!" Joseph called out while clenching his paws into fists, his own fluffy tail keeping a perfect wag in beat with the music as the girls started their opening act in earnest now.

"Ivory really knew what to do there, huh?" Isaac called out while tugging at his gloves, already looking over the front of the stage for troublemakers.

Joseph just showed him a proud grin and gave a nod before hitting his mic piece, "Okay people, back to the original plan since we didn't finish catpaw. Keep the original format, the girls will probably want to do that one in full when we get around to it! Eddie, man what are you doing, keep those lights in sync!"

With Ivory's support, Karen settled right into things after that, picking up with the practiced choreography they'd been working on for the last few weeks. After nearly an hour, the show eventually reached the halfway point and intermission.

"Oh my gods... let me sit down, I'm exhausted..." Karen panted out as she took a seat on a folding chair backstage, her fur shiny with sweat as she sighed.

"Damn... You look sexy as hell right now, angel!" Isaac growled out as he passed her a bottle of water, his wife offering him a smile before drinking.

"Fuck... forgot how much this wears you out... phew... feels good to be up there again though!" Ivory clenched her gloved paw, her own chest rising and falling, her cleavage soaked in sweat as she showed her manager a grin, recognizing that ravenous look in his eyes. "Concerts not over yet, Joe. You'll have to hold off on that post-concert meeting I see in your eyes."

"Heh... you're doing amazing out there baby, the energy you're giving off is ten times what you did last tour. You two are electrifying!" He hummed proudly and offered a bottle to Ivory as she happily took the drink.

"I just... I'm shocked... I didn't realize when I was up there how tired I was. It was like I was hooked up to a battery!" Karen panted out as she looked up at the stage with a shake of her ears.

"That's what it does, love. The crowd really does feed into you when you're up there. It'll get easier, but the first few shows will always wear you out the most!" Ivory groaned and sat down on the stairs of the stage. "Fuck... can we get a few extra minutes for Karen, Joe?"

"I got this, leave it to me!" He barked out proudly and hit his mic, "Give me a live feed, our idols need a few minutes so I'll keep our audience company!" He wagged his tail as he strutted forward.

"Wait- What's he doing?" Karen asked in a pant as her ears perked.

Ivory just smiled and shook her head. "Just a little something me and him have been working on the side."

The beat tapered off from the speakers as the crowd quieted from their chatter, thinking the show was about to start back up. When the fox strutted right out on stage as if he were an idol himself, a few cheers rolled out, despite him being in just jeans, but most of the audience just looked surprised.

"It's been a while, huh loves?" Joseph called out casually as a few more cheers were heard as he nodded. "Heh... at least some of you remember me eh?" He rubbed the back of his head while grinning.

"I remember seeing some videos of him coming out and talking to the crowd when you were on intermission. It's one of the reasons you guys did so well, the manager and husband getting hands-on with the fans."

"Joseph isn't an idol, but he's got his own stage presence, yeah!" Ivory purred and leaned forward, kissing Karen's lips, then leaning up to kiss her wolf's muzzle as well. "You two take five, I'll be on stage when you're ready!"

"Ivory?" Karen tilted her head curiously as the cat just offered her a wink and moved to the side of the stage as if waiting for her cue.

"Well, you guys know I'm no idol or singer, but I've been practicing my piano and singing a bit since the last tour, I'd probably only get two or three beers thrown at me during karaoke." There was some laughter as the fox spread his paws and grinned wider the lights hot against his brown-red fur as his chestnut eyes sparkled in them. "Mind if I play you guys a song while our idols catch their breath?"

There was an eruption of cheers as one of the stagehands pushed a baby grand piano out onto the stage, Joseph offering a smile as he moved right over to it, the tech guy quickly moving in to rig up the sound.

"Well... I'm pretty nervous, haven't played one of these for an audience since middle school. Guess I better thank mom later for making me take lessons," He hummed out as more cheers and applause filled the arena. Clearing his throat, he took a seat and plucked a few of the keys just to check if it were properly in tune which he knew it would be, as he'd tuned it himself during setup.

"Phew... okay, here we go, wish me luck, everyone!" He barked out a laugh as he started strumming the keys casually, it wasn't a hurried pace, just a relaxed strum of music, whistles, and cheers filling the air at the smooth tempo he was presenting.

Clearing his throat, he started singing into his mic, "Now let me tell you... This life ain't an easy one, no... lots of long rides, living off the next cup of... Joe?" There was some chuckling from the crowd at the play on his own name as he continued, "You ever wished you could just be in your own damn bed? Take a shower in your home instead..." He melodically sighed out as he kept the flow of notes pouring forth gently.

He looked to the side of the stage as he played while the audience kept small encouraging cheers and whistles going, nodding his head. The cheers intensified as Cream strutted right out on stage, her mic feed already live, as she joined in with him, "Oh but honey, any place is home, if it's where you and I lay our heads!"

Her voice shifted to a more sultry lounge-singer-style tone as she continued, "Because no matter the trip, forget how much coffee drips, you're the one at my side when it's thick!"

"And thin!" Joseph barked out cheerfully as he strummed the keys. "Up and down this coast again! The ritziest resorts, the cheapest hotels, east and west..."

Ivory purred as she took a seat on the small bench next to him, lifting her paw as she sang out in her sultry voice, "With you, I'm the best! But I'm also the worst, you're the one that bears it all, lock and stock!"

"Because I'm your rock... and you're my raison d'etre!" Joseph sang out jovially as she pushed against him.

"You know I can't speak french! Do I rhyme with 'd'etre' or 'being' at that part?" Ivory laughed out, the harmony fracturing but the smooth piano still rolling along as if this was all part of the song.

"Sorry, baby..." He growled and pushed back against her, the cat throwing an arm around his shoulder, bumping his own mic piece off to avoid feedback as they pushed close to her own. "Reason to be... or reason to live... does it matter which... just ad-lib?"

"Pretty good, Joe!" She giggled out as she clung to him with a purr, her tail whipping about, pushing to his own fluffier one as they intertwined while sitting on the bench. "I should apologize to my fans tonight, so much impromptu singing..."

"It gives it character, makes the price of admission less stinging!" He barked out while strumming the keys, a small eruption of laughter filling the concert hall as they kept their duet going, the whole thing very personal and organic.

"That one felt a little cheap, maybe I should give you something trickier like the word orange." She showed her teeth in an amused grin.

"Door-hinge, I don't gotta follow the rules, not like I'm one of the jewels... of this performance that is, like you and Mocha, baby!" He barked out while hitting some of the deeper notes to bring the tempo back down.

"Hm hm... maybe rhymes with baby, but maybe you're the best thing to me... and maybe without you, I'd have never felt so free." She mewed out in a return to that sultry voice as she clung to her fox-husband while he played the piano, just the two of them sharing the moment with thousands looking on.

"I feel the same, but my paws are starting to ache... Guess I need more practice for this kind of take," He hummed as Ivory nuzzled his jaw with her own.

"All good things must come to an end... but maybe my husband and I, will do this again?" She offered a grin to him as he smiled back and finished the last few rolling notes on the piano.

"Whatever you want, baby. You're my star, it's my job to see you go far." He finished the outro and then they each stole a kiss as the whole place applauded them at the last-minute intermission performance.

"That was so fucking cute..." Crystal muttered as she shook her head while standing at the side of the stage with Karen and Isaac.

"Was any of that planned or scripted?" Karen asked as she looked between the wolf and persian, each of them offering a shrug.

"Thanks loves! I'll let you get back to your idols, thanks for humoring me!" Joseph gave a finger gun to the audience as they cheered, trotting off the stage with a cocky little grin. He met Karen's eyes and offered her a smile, "You caught your breath and ready to hit it, Mocha?"

She blinked at his overwhelming aura of control and nodded several times. "Y-Yeah... damn, Joe. I didn't think you had that in you..."

"No big deal, been living this life for a while, you'll get it soon enough, now get out there and break some hearts!" He barked out and flourished his paw as the rabbit perked her ears and nodded again before making her way back on stage, the crowd roaring to life.

"Phew... now I'll try not to puke as the adrenaline clears... ha ha!" Joseph rubbed the back of his head while grinning at Isaac and Crystal.

"Joe... damn man, just... wow." Isaac grinned at him, then perked his ears as the fox just sighed and slumped up against his chest, the wolf frowning and holding him.

"Thanks, give me a minute, that was nerve-wracking..." He growled as he leaned into Isaac, enjoying his scent, the fox smelling like the sweat and clinging musk of his wife that was holding onto him.

"Even I know adrenaline can be a mother fucker when you're coming down off it. I'll handle things here for a bit, get some water, Joe." Crystal slapped both the dogs on their shoulders and turned her feed back on. "Okay, mushy stuff inbound, dial the light intensity down by about half for the next duet!"

"Come on foxy, take a load off and have a bottle of water, Crystal will handle things," Isaac growled out as he helped joe away from the stage area. The fox took a seat but perked his ears as it wasn't on the steps, but right there on Isaac's knee. He didn't mind though, he was just happy to get some cold water down his throat as he sipped from his bottle.

"That was really impressive though, Joe. To go out there like that, be so smooth with it and calm... I couldn't have done it, foxy." The wolf said as his paw gently stroked the wagging tail before him.

"I went on stage a few times for and with Ivory on her last tour, usually to distract the audience with chatter or something if we needed more time for technical issues," Joseph finally spoke up after finishing off nearly half the bottle in one go. "Still, that's my first time playing and singing on stage like that."

"Well, you did great, Joe!" Isaac smiled and hugged him close, the smaller dog wagging his tail a little more.

"Thanks... it's the mantra I live by... for you, and them. Get shit done, do it for them... suffer the consequences once the situation has passed, but step up when it's time to step up." He nodded as he was held.

"That's impressive, Joe! I still remember when you came to be about Ivory to begin with. That took a lot of guts too for you, didn't it?" He grinned as the fox pulled back a little, offering him a nod.

"It did. I had a lot of respect for you, and I didn't want to make you feel like I'd just been buttering you up to get at your connections or something." Joseph gently pushed a paw to Isaacs' chest, giving his muzzle a quick kiss before finding his boots and standing once more.

Isaac nodded as he stood, thinking about how Joseph had a much more potent connection than he realized. Still, not relying on Josephine might be what made him this strong for Ivory and the rest of them. "I'd never have thought that in a million years, foxy." Isaac pushed his forehead to Joseph's. "You good now, love?"

"I am, thanks for the moment, let's get back to work." He offered his wolf a confident grin and hit the earpiece to make the feed go live again, moving back to the stage.


The concert came to a close and after an encore, everyone started packing things up. The girls had just finished their post-concert meeting with the managers, a normal meeting, not something perverse as Crystal was with them.

Isaac had been outside the small conference room keeping an eye on things as the head of security for the idols, so it surprised the girls and Joseph when he was standing there with a vixen they all knew quite well.

"Josie?!" Ivory mewed out happily and trotted right over, her heels clicking on the backstage concrete floor. The fox showed her sharp teeth in a loving grin that bellied the look of a predatory mother that would murder for her kits.

"Ivory, I did tell you I'd come to see your show before you all went to tour." She embraced the calico in a gentle hug, Ivory's purrs heavy and loud as the fox stroked her still-damp hair while they nuzzled. "My, but the two of you put on quite a show, that duet with my son was particularly lovely, I'll admit I cried a little during it."

"Mom, I'm thrilled you came out and happy to see you, but uh... how did you get back here without a pass?" Joseph called out with a curious tilt of his head.

Josephine scoffed and eased her hug on Ivory who pulled away. "Your mother goes where she wants, my pup. However, Isaac was kind enough to come to collect me and guide me where I needed to be after I applied enough... pressure, to the staff."

Isaac and Karen shared a quick look, the vixen perked her ears at their exchange but just lifted her arms. "Come here, give your mother a hug, or are you too embarrassed to do so in pub-"

"Oh give it a rest mom!" Joseph laughed as he moved over and hugged right up to her, listening to his mother's proud growls rumble in his ears as she held him, rubbing her muzzle against his before pushing his head down to her chest.

"My little pup has grown to be such a reliable fox and a bit of a showman himself. You've certainly inherited the charisma and presence for this kind of life, my pup. Also, you're welcome for the piano lessons." Josephine grinned as she hugged his head to her chest, Joseph grunting awkwardly, trying not to nuzzle into her.

"You also did well, Karen. I was concerned you'd have stage fright, but it looks like you had a successful first performance, my congratulations to you." Josephine looked at the rabbit after parting from her son.

"Thank you, Josephine. I did have a bout of it at the start, but between all my loved ones, I was able to power through somehow." Karen eased her stance slightly, but still seemed a little on edge over the vixen being here.

"You tore it up out there, love! There were points I felt like I was trying my best at just keeping up with you!" Ivory linked an arm to Karen's, purring happily as the rabbit hugged her with a more relaxed smile.

"Mom, I'm really happy I got to see you again before the tour started, I wish we had more time but we have to be out of the venue pretty soon and on our way." Joseph frowned as he moved over, holding paws with his mother.

The two foxes stood there staring upon one another, Josephine clearly showing some tears in her eyes as she nodded. "The last one was also difficult, not seeing you for so long... Make sure you video call your mother from time to time, alright my pup?"

"I will, I'll text and call you regularly too, so don't cry, mom." He hugged her as they nuzzled one another for a few more moments before parting. Josephine nodded and composed herself before straightening back up.

"Alright, I'll excuse myself so you all can begin your new adventure. I do wish you the best of fortune on it." The vixen spoke in her haughty little tone and poked her muzzle up, then cut her gaze to Isaac. "Isaac, would you be a gentlewolf and escort me to my car? The hour has grown late after all."

Karen and Isaac shared a look of concern before she gave her husband a nod. "Go ahead, honey. I don't think we're gonna have any security issues." He gave her a nod and they shared a quick kiss before he stepped over to the vixen.

"Ah, Karen... Might I trouble you for a hug? You are part of Joseph's family now, so I wish to welcome you... properly." She showed her sharp teeth as her arms spread.

Her heels clicked on the concrete as she moved forward, quirking a brow as if she didn't fully trust the fox, but then squeaked out as she was hugged right up. The vixen offered a growl as her muzzle pushed to the rabbits, rubbing against it as she'd done with Joseph and Ivory.

"Eh? A-are we that close already?" Karen stammered out as she lifted her muzzle, feeling the vixen push against it there too marking her fur.

"It's a tradition in this family," Josephine explained pointedly and just like that, pulled from the rabbit's arms, straightening herself and looking over to the wolf. "Shall we?"

Karen swallowed a lump in her throat, knowing that the 'family' part, wasn't as benign as Joseph and Ivory were probably thinking it was.

The gathering crowd didn't seem terribly interested in them as they stepped out, seeing it wasn't the idols or their manager. That stood to reason, Isaac hadn't gotten much of the limelight so he wouldn't be recognized unless fans really dug deep into Mocha's life.

They got to her parked car, a simple nondescript little sedan, not something you'd expect some crimelord to be driving around in. You would imagine armor-plated limos or something with an entourage of thugs at the ready with guns in their suits.

Josephine smiled as she saw Isaac looking her car over, the vixen taking out a cigarette, lighting it, and taking a pull from it. "The windshields are bulletproof, it also has reinforced doors, and a GPS signal that keeps everyone that needs to know my location aware."

He perked his ears as she seemed to read what he was thinking then he tilted his head. "You smoke, Josephine?"

"Only on special occasions like this. Some people are occasion drinkers, I'm a smoker." The vixen took another pull from the smoke and offered it to the wolf with a smirk. "Cheers?"

He showed his teeth in a grin and shook his head. "I've never even tried one, my old side-partner James always tried to get me to take a hit too."

"Ah Rickson, you still keep up with the detective?" Josephine leaned against her car, taking another puff from her cigarette, still looking every bit the femme fatal he'd seen her as years ago.

"We text occasionally, now and again he'll ask me for input on a case, but we don't go trapesing out onto the street together looking for clues and such if that's what you're asking, Josephine." She could hear his words were guarded as she smiled and shook her head.

"Relax, Isaac, I'm not trying to dig up dirt on your old buddy, just making conversation. I've already got his boss in my pocket, why would I care about him?" She showed a predatory grin before flicking her mostly smoked cigarette away, the cherry scattering off into the parking lot as it hit the ground.

"Were you trying to give one last flex before we hit the road, Josephine?" Isaac asked her point-blank.

"Perish the thought, I came here to see you all off, to show my support as a mother and... friend." She lifted herself from the lean and straightened her posture, dragging her paw through her long hair that showed just faint signs of white starting to come in. "I'll not throw any obligatory threats at you, Isaac. I'll simply ask you, as a mother, to please protect my son and daughter-in-law, protect them and... make them happy."

He perked his ears at that and gave a nod, a small rumble of thunder filling the air, a rarity in this part of the country. Josephine showed her sharp teeth in an amused grin at the ambiance and reached a paw up, gripping his collar and pulling him down. Isaac's eyes widened but he didn't resist her as she pushed her muzzle against his, pushing her scent onto his jaw.

"Like it or not... you are part of my family now, wolf... not in the capacity I originally would have wanted, but..." She shifted and pushed her snout under his chin and then on the other side, getting her scent into his fur like she'd done his wife.

"So... scent marking is part of the tradition huh?" Isaac said as Josephine gave a small huff against his throat.

"Indeed, though I seem to be more popular doing it than my late husband ever was... I wonder why that is?" She growled before she pushed to his jaw, her tongue coming out as she gave the side of his muzzle a small lap, Isaac's eyes going wider at the kiss, but then it was over and the vixen was before him fully composed once more.

Isaac swallowed the lump in his throat, rubbing his jaw. "Uh... was the kiss part of it as well?"

"Hardly, but humor me, at least it wasn't mouth-to-mouth like our last one." Josephine offered him another predatory grin. "I'd not put you in that kind of situation and upset my new daughter..."

The wolf bit his lower lip, knowing the 'daughter' title wasn't the same as what she called Ivory, but he just nodded at her. "I get what you're doing, but is this going to complicate my and Karen's lives?"

"Not at all. I stand by my previous words, just remember you're part of this now, and we don't accept resignations. So..." She set him with a deadly serious look and lifted her muzzle. "Do your utmost to protect what is mine, wolf. Otherwise, I will be very displeased."

Isaac offered her a lopsided grin and couldn't help but laugh as Josephine tilted her head. He showed a grin and shook his own head. "C'mon Josephine. I'd have already taken a bullet for any of the three of them, if this was motivation fuel I was already there."

She scoffed at that and poked her nose up. "W-well... then consider it a convoluted thing to steal a kiss from you, that way your ego will be sufficiently stroked!" She growled and pushed a paw to her chest, her tail snapping about in annoyance.

"Heh... Alright, but if I'm part of the family, does this mean I have to call you, mother?" He shrugged as the vixen glared daggers at him.

"Only if you wish me to put a bomb in your house while you're on tour, Isaac! You're as obstinant as Ivory and your wife! Tch... my son's tastes in partners..." She grumbled and folded her arms, jerking her gaze away, muzzle still poked up.

"Ha! I like this side of your better, Josephine... ya know?" He shoved his paws into his jacket and looked back at the venue, seeing the buses pulling in. "Hey... I gotta go, but uh... thanks for the kiss. Maybe if things had been different, ya know?"

"Indeed... but my son and daughter's happiness is paramount to me, so... take care of my pup, Isaac. Take care of him as more than just his guardian." She offered the wolf a nod as she smoothly slipped into her car.

Another rumble of thunder cried out as raindrops started falling on his ears while he stood there with his paws in his jacket, watching the sedan pull away. He thought back on those days and was sure Josephine was doing the same right now.

"Man... I really should invest in a hat one of these days," He barked out loud to the rain as it started falling harder, turning on his heel to walk back to the waiting buses.


The way to the bus was a frantic mess. It was the first time for Mocha as she clung to Cream, half afraid to get close to the screaming throng of fans that clambered against the wall of security, but Isaac and Joseph were by their side all the while.

At the calico's lead, the girls took a few minutes to autograph some albums or various other collectibles that fans had brought before Joseph played the bad dog role and told them they needed to make the bus.

Eventually, the four of them got inside as Ivory gave a relieved groan and collapsed right down to sit on one of the sofas that was bolted to the floor. "Oh, my gods... I'm one hundred dead after all that... Joe, tell me we've got at least two days until the next-"

"Tomorrow night, sorry baby." He offered a smile as the idol scowled at him and stood right back up, stomping over to him.

"You trying to kill me, Joeseph?" She hissed out and put her paws on her hips.

"Hey hey, I didn't pick the first leg of this tour, Jacob set that up," Joseph growled back with his own fussy look.

"C'mon guys, everyone's tired, no need to fuss. Ivory, love... It's okay... it just means will work the kinks out faster, right?" Karen gripped her feline lover's shoulder gently

"My angel is right, we're all just worn out and it's been a hectic day. Why don't we have a drink to celebrate and get some rest?" Isaac lifted a padded finger with a smile to the trio.

"Yeah, that might be nice, my legs feel like gelatin and my footpaws are throbbing." Ivory sighed as she flopped back down on the sofa, an arm over her eyes. "Ngh... bring me a beer, hun?"

"Of course, baby." Joseph barked out and moved over to the small mini-fridge bolted down as well, taking out one of Ivory's favorite beers.

"So this is it huh? This is just... what all our lives are going to be for the next year or so?" Karen finally looked around the bus in earnest, a rather large bed taking up the back end of it, two sofa's bolted to the floor with TVs above each of them.

"Yep, living out of a duffle bag, trying to keep yourself sane on long rides, milking every second of free time you can get when we stay over in a city. We warned you it'd be hell." Ivory nodded to her partner as she cracked open the beer, Joseph brought her.

"You think we'll fuss a lot?" Isaac asked, the other three looking to him, then around at one another.

"I mean, me and Ivory had our fair share of arguments and such last tour. It's bound to happen living so close together constantly. Let's just always promise to not take it personally, or get too personal with our frustrations." Joseph took out a few more beers for the other couple and one more for himself.

"I sure hope so, I hate the idea of fighting with any of you. Though I know we got into spats and arguments at our old job together from time to time." Karen opened her own beer and took a sip, moving to take a seat on the other sofa.

"Sure, but I could walk away from your bitch ass there, we can't do shit when we're driving down the interstate unless you wanna practice your cartwheel skills on asphalt going seventy miles an hour." Ivory scoffed out with a playful grin at the rabbit.

"My... bitch ass, is it?" Karen cocked a brow at that.

"Oh damn, we just got on the bus and we're already going?" Isaac barked out a laugh and moved right over to sit next to Ivory, throwing an arm around her as he held his open beer in his other paw. "C'mon my Siren, don't pick on your girlfriend, eh?"

Ivory perked her ears as the wolf settled against her, but leaned into his embrace, a loud purr filling her throat. Karen looked over at Joseph with an expectant glance, then down at the seat next to her. His ears perked and he quickly moved right over to take a seat next to his bunny girlfriend.

"So uhm... You two did great tonight and-" He grunted as Karen pushed against him, nuzzling under his arm so he'd lift it and hold her like Isaac was doing with Ivory. He couldn't help but grin, his cheeks feeling hot as she cuddle up to him, then looked back over at Isaac who smirked back at him.

"Aww geeze..." Isaac spoke out as he quickly tucked his own beer between his knees, grabbing Ivory's before it fell from her paws, the calico slumping on him already having drifted off to sleep.

Joseph felt Karen slump a little closer too as he preemptively took the drink from the rabbit. She offered minimal fuss and just threw her other arm around him, then a few moments later he heard her soft but deep huffs of sleep he'd grown familiar with.

"They really outdid themselves tonight, huh?" Joseph spoke out quietly the bus shifting and finally starting to pull from the venue.

"You did too, foxy. I feel like I'm the only one that really didn't do much, even Crystal was giving it her all." Isaac looked out the window, watching the streets he recognized slowly pass by, knowing he'd not see any of this again for almost a year.

"You did a lot, you were there protecting them, and you were there for me after my showboating when I needed the support. You helped us with sorting logistics earlier too. Trust me, man. My job is a hundred times easier with you, and I feel much better knowing the girls are being watched out for." Joseph gave him a reassuring nod, then looked out the window nearest him as he sighed, "Here we go again..."

"Yeah... this will be my first time being away from home for so long... I'm a little excited for me and Karen, but I can't help but feel apprehensive as well." Isaac kept looking for a few more moments before looking back at Joseph with a smile.

"Hey, Isaac?" He looked him square in the eyes.

"What's up, Joe?" He tilted his head, keeping a secure grip on the fox's wife at his side.

"This will make or break us, you know? I mean all of us as a thing. I just want you to know I trust you and... I love you."

Isaac grinned and shook his head. "Yeah, it's gonna be tough, but I think it's worth it for our girls, for them, and for us." His blue eyes flicked back to Joseph's chestnut ones and he lifted his muzzle. "And I love you, foxy. I'll protect and support all three of you, so just leave it to me."

Joseph looked at the beer between his knees, Karen's own in his paw, the rabbit clinging to him like a teddy bear. "So much for that post-concert drink with everyone?"

"I don't think either of us is so lightweight we couldn't handle two light beers, foxy." Isaac grinned and lifted his can. "To a successful tour and our lovely gals?"

"I'll drink to that, love." Joe lifted his own beer as they both grinned at one another.


After the boys finished their beers, they took the worn-out idols to bed, everyone settling in for the first time on the bus. It was a large bed but still pretty cramped for four people given the width of the bus but the girls seemed happy to just cling to one another with a dog flanking either of them.

Everyone was exhausted and several hours passed before Joseph was the first to stir, giving a little groan as he tried to squirm out of the bed without making too much noise. It wasn't really a bed so much as just boxsprings and mattresses with lots of pillows piled on the floor of the bus, so he had to pick himself up to stand. It was, of course, something he was used to from the last tour.

Drawing the privacy curtain back into place, he gave a yawn as he fumbled over to the fridge to grab a small bottle of cold brew coffee, sipping on it before moving to collect his cell phone. He was still in his jeans from the concert, having not bothered changing since he was so tired, just taking his shirt off.

"Ngh... looking good, foxy. You should walk around shirtless all the time." The voice made his ears perk back towards the back of the bus, seeing Isaac had followed him out of bed, his own red hair and fur looking as messy as Joe's.

"Did I wake you? Sorry about that." He offered the bottle over as the wolf took it and sipped on the cold coffee, grimacing a little.

"I'm an early riser, you know that. What time is it anyway?" He asked while taking another pull from the cold brew.

"Only about seven, we were down about six hours... good enough." Joe huffed out as he tucked his phone into his jeans.

"Says you! Old wolves like me need more sleep!" Isaac gave a laugh as he moved next to the fox, a paw moving along his shoulder.

"Hah... I've heard about your stakeouts from Karen, I call bullshit on that." Joseph wagged his tail, letting the larger dog pull him a little closer.

"So when do we stop to wash the sweat off, or do I gotta start doing it for all of you now?" Isaac growled playfully as he moved in, lapping his tongue against the smaller dogs throat, Joseph giving a laugh as he lifted his muzzle for his lover's lapping.

"Hah... probably not much longer, maybe an hour... Jeeze, love, did you wake with morning wood or something?" Joseph grinned then perked his ears with a huff as Isaac shoved his crotch right up against the other dogs backside, letting him feel the ample hard bulge in his own jeans.

"Ngh... you tell me, foxy... C'mere..." He growled and pulled Joseph right to the sofa, the fox happy to comply as they settled down together. Joseph shifted to lean against the larger wolf, resting his paws on Isaac's shoulders, claws sinking into his t-shirt as they tilted heads and pushed into a deep eager kiss.

Isaac's paw pushed against Joseph's crotch, rubbing at the fox's own eager bulge, squeezing the outline, and listening to the smaller dog's eager whines as they kissed, tongues rolling gently together against one another's sharp teeth.

"I fucking love when you grab me up like this first thing... ngh..." Joseph snarled against his muzzle, their tongues flicking again as Isaac nodded before pushing into the kiss once more, their growls filling the bus as the wolf went for Joseph's jeans, unzipping them.

"Huff... you got any lube so I can plow your ass, foxy?" The wolf moved to pant against the fox's ears, Joseph's tongue lolled slightly and his tail wagged, happy to be letting his wolf have the lead this morning.

Joseph lapped Isaac's jaw with a hungry growl and pushed back from his chest and paws, "Yeah, let me go gra-"

"You boys looking for this?" Both their ears shot up as they looked over to see their rabbit idol still in her own ruffled-up stage outfit, one stocking missing as she wagged a small tube of lubricant in her paw.

"L-love bunny?" Joseph stammered out, his tail unable to help but wag as the rabbit gave him a playful grin and sauntered right over, barepawed and still looking slightly disheveled from her sleep, the chocolate hair mussed slightly.

"Sorry if we woke you, Angel. Was it the growling?" Isaac said with a grin as Karen moved over to him on her knees, sitting on the sofa and kissing his muzzle.

"More like the smell... you two just start reeking of that musk when you're getting worked up... I was dripping for both of you on stage last night, but my stupid body collapsed before I could do anything." Karen cooed and deftly pushed her paw right into Joseph's open pants, casually withdrawing that crimson length Isaac had been groping on.

"You really worked him up, honey... all sticky..." Karen offered a sly grin to her fox, Joseph just lolling his tongue and panting as she pumped his length, hearts practically in his eyes for the rabbit that had kept his love captive for years now.

"He's not the only one that's worked up, but I think you already can tell that..." Isaac huffed out as his wife already had her other paw working his jeans open as well. Soon enough both her dogs had their length's free, tapered heads sticky and dripping precum from one another's heated affections.

"Sorry to barge in, but you know how fucking horny I get in the morning, honey... you know too, sweetie..." Karen shifted her green eyes to Joseph's the fox whining and nodding as she squeezed his length.

"I'm not complaining in the least, Angel... ngh..." Isaac grunted as Karen gave his own fully slid free length a squeeze, pumping both of them a few more times before giving a nod as she patted the side of sofa and stood right up. "Sit, sweetie..."

Joseph perked his ears as he felt her paw leave his length, growling and nodding as he eagerly took a seat right on the sofa, then blinked as the rabbit shifted to sit right in his lap, one paw on his shoulder, her other moving to tug one side of her thong down. "Wanna help me-" She gave an approving grin as Isaac already was bringing her other side of the skimpy panties down.

She shifted and then kicked the damp fabric clear, the scent of bunny-sex filling both the dog's noses, mingling with their own heady scent. "Gods, you're so fucking beautiful, Karen... fuck I love you!" Joseph groaned out, his paws already on her messy outfit, pulling the zipper on the side clear to let the top be removed, her ample mocha-colored breasts spilling forth, her fur a thinner color along her throat and between them.

"I love you too... I love both of you..." She hissed out and pushed forward, gliding her now exposed rabbit petals down to push right up against that fully rigid fox-cock, feeling it throb as she shifted and ground her hips. "I know you wanted Joseph's tailhole, but I hope mine is an okay substitute, honey?" Karen perked her tail right up as she pushed into Joseph's chest, grinding on his length and presenting to her wolf-husband.

Isaac had already gotten the lube onto his own jumping length, rubbing it as he moved over to his wife's presenting backside, that ample round bunny ass swaying invitingly while teasing the fox, Joseph's own whines filling her ears.

"As if I'd ever pass on this glorious bunny ass of yours, angel..." Isaac snarled and shifted a paw to grasp at her cheek, pulling it away slightly to show more of her pink little tailhole as Karen lifted up to a better position, Joseph's tapered tip moving to brush along her entrance, the fox now rubbing at her breasts.

"Gods... that's is, hun... ngh!" Karen bit her lower lip, feeling his tapered tip push right up against her tailhole, rubbing and grinding, starting to work in with the assistance of the lube.

"Fuck... fuck... this angle is no good, down you go rabbit!" Isaac barked out as he grabbed Karen's hips, the rabbit widening her eyes as the wolf grinned and forced her right down fully into Joseph's lap, every inch of that fox length plunging straight up into her drenched rabbit pussy.

Joseph widened his eyes and started to belt out a loud throaty moan of a howl, but Karen grabbed his muzzle with both paws, giving him a lustful grin as his howl just ended up being a squeak so as to not wake his sleeping wife. All the while he felt her walls crushing him, rabbit honey already soaking into his lap fur.

"Gods that's good... don't wake our kitty, Joe... okay? Ngh... I can feel you jumping inside me..." Karen moaned as the fox nodded and felt her release his muzzle, her paws drifting to rest on his shoulders, hips already rocking, digging that tapered tip into her core, even as her husband now worked against her tailhole at a better angle.

"Almost... allll... most!" Isaac snarled and she gasped out as she felt him gain purchase and get his head in, then the rabbit moaned and looked back at her husband, tongue lolled as she clung to his boyfriend while he pushed forward gently, slowly filling his wife's other viciously tight bunny hole.

"Oh, my gods..." Joseph panted out as Karen gave a cute little squeak from the feel of Isaac bottoming out in her backside, then he gave his own bark as Karen through her arms around his neck and pushed to kiss him.

His heart slammed into his throat like it always did to be kissing the rabbit he loved, one paw moving to cup her jaw, his other pushing back to grip Isaac's own paw that was on Karen's hip now.

"You two let me handle the pace, got it?" Isaac tangled his padded-fingers with Joseph's the fox breaking the kiss to nod, Karen also looking back, giving her husband a nod as his own hips started to move. Each push the wolf made, forced the rabbit's small body to shift against the fox's, one tapered tip kissing her deeply and then the other, both hitting her in deliciously deep spots that made her paw-toes curl.

"Oh gods... right there, Isaac... gods, honey..." Karen kept one paw resting on Joseph's shoulder, her other moving up to rub under her wolf's muzzle, feeling his hot breath, his tongue lolled as he rutted gently against her rear, gently pumping and the movements making Joseph's own length jump harder inside the rabbit's clenching walls.

All three of them kept the gentle movements up, a slight creaking coming from the bolted-down sofa, both dogs panting against their rabbit, buried to the hilt in her relentlessly tight rabbit holes.

"Right there... fuck yes... c'mon Joe! A-Almo-" She lolled her tongue, giving out a melodic but soft moan, then all of their ears perked up as they heard Ivory snarl out at them.

"Fuuuuuck... I can't stand it anymore!" They jerked their gazes to the bed, the calico wrenching the privacy curtain open, panting with her tongue lolled. They saw she was buck naked and had a vibrating wand pushed to her petals.

"Gods... D-don't mind me... just listening to the three of you... I couldn't take it any more... I had to see it too!" She offered a drunk grin, then a gaspy little mewl as she moaned out, clearly cresting.

Karen bit her lip hard, feeling Joseph jump deep inside her, then licked her own lips. "Gods... fine... at least we don't have to keep it down now! Ngh! Moan for me my fox!" Karen winked at her vulpine lover.

Joseph perked his ears as the rabbit's walls just locked down like that, crushing him as he responded to her orders, howling out in a throaty moan, his tongue lolling, and looking at his wife out of the corner of his eye, watching Ivory pant as well, rubbing that toy aggressively against her own pearl.

"Ha... good dog... You too, honey!" Karen snarled as she jerked her hips back, Isaac grunting and lolling his tongue as she showed that plump rabbit ass was every bit as adept at squeezing as her other hole, crushing the wolf as he snapped his jaws together. A moment later he gave his own moan as he started pushing against Karen's rear once more, a knot clearly showing like the one that Joseph had as well.

"Fuck... fuck... You too, let me hear you, my kitty!" Karen shifted her orders to the calico who nodded and threw her own head back in a melodic moan as well, the rabbit joining her as her own walls crushed at both the dogs inside her.

Joseph yowled out, Isaac's deep strong moans, Karen and Ivory's melodic ones, it was too much. "Oh my fuck! I c-can't! I can't fucking h-"

He gave a loud shocked gasp as Isaac snarled and gripped Karen's hip with his one paw and shoved forward hard, his other squeezing Joseph's. The bunny gave a throaty moan of approval as she collapsed hard onto the fox's bared chest, he saw her tongue loll and practically showing hearts in her eyes as she moaned up at him, having been forced down on his knot to take it all, the rabbit jerking slightly with each thick rope the wolf was clearly sending into her, Isaac's own paw squeezing Joseph's in time to filling his wife's tailhole.

Joseph howled out, Ivory joining him in a moan as Karen moaned out blissfully, feeling fox love pouring into her as well, jerking with each thick rope she took, her claws dug into his chest hard as she cried out, "Yes! Fucking... both of your loves! So fucking... much!"

"Too fucking hot... you three are too...fucking... nyah!" Ivory shuddered as the orgasm cleared her system and she flopped right over onto her side, panting into the sheets, her blue eyes staying on the three of them, watching her fox wince and clutch Isaac's paw as Karen milked him for every last drop like she'd done her wolf.

"I... can't... brain..." Joseph groaned, the rabbit clutching his chest just humming proudly and nuzzling him, Isaac grinning and squeezing his paw.

"Hell of... a wake-up call... huh?" Isaac finally panted out, but the other three still looked too out of it to return his banter.

After several minutes and some awkward cleanup, the four of them finally settled down for the morning. Isaac got the small coffee pot going, the potent scent of the stuff helping to purge some of the smell of sex out of the bus, and all the windows cracked as well.

"Man... waking up with you all is the best... Tomorrow morning I want you two DPing me!" Ivory mewed out as she sipped her hot coffee.

"DP?" Joseph asked in a confused tone of voice.

"Double penetration," Isaac huffed out casually as he sipped his coffee.

"O-oh!" He barked out and then looked to Karen who just offered him a sheepish grin and flicked her tail.

"So uhm... when can we stop? I mean after all that I... really need to go to the bathroom and take a shower!" Karen finally squeaked out awkwardly.

"Oh uh... Y-yeah right, of course, we did kind of sleep through the night stop huh?" Joseph barked out awkwardly and quickly grabbed his phone, dialing a number. "Hey... yeah, yeah. Please. Thank you!" He tucked his cell phone away and nodded. "Okay, next exit has a travel center, we'll be stopped in about five minutes."

Karen grunted and nodded, crossing her legs and looking away awkwardly in focus. Ivory cleared her throat before lifting a finger, "So uh... what time is tonight's show?"

"Doors open at seven, you two are on stage by nine after the local band opens for you." Joseph gave his wife a smile.

"Okay, sounds good. I'm also kinda dying here... what with having just gotten off and all..." Ivory hissed out as she awkwardly twirled a lock of her blonde hair.

"Sorry, maybe this was bad timing, it just kind of happened ya know?" Isaac barked out a laugh and rubbed the back of his head.

"It's fine! The impromptu sex was fun, I'm glad you enjoyed it too, my kitty!" Karen smiled over at Ivory who offered her own grin back.

"Yeah, this kind of thing is something you just have to get used to, but at least it's not too far away. There were a few times I had to make the bus pull over at the side of the interstate!" Ivory mewed out with a laugh.

"Yeah, and you weren't the only one thankful for it!" Joseph gave his own laugh as Karen and Isaac frowned at one another, looking nervous. The fox offered them a grin and shrugged. "Well, I told you it'd be a bit crazy... we're gonna be getting real personal in a lot of ways going forward, so I hope you two mean it when you say you love us!"

Ivory grinned and offered her own nod. "We both love you guys, so try to tolerate our bullshit and we'll try to deal with yours. We don't have to be perfect to one another, just... real, ya know?"

Isaac and Karen both gave their lovers nods as the wolf spoke up, "You're right. This will show if we're built to last or not, I pray we are."

"Me too, I want to make this work, I have faith in our love and-" Karen clenched her teeth and glared at Joseph, "Will murder the driver if he doesn't get us there, five minutes ago!"

"Right! Right! We're almost there my bunny-diva! Just tough it out a little longer! I'll give you a back massage and everything once we're done!" Joseph barked out with a grin.

"I better get one too, hun!" Ivory hissed out, looking fussy as she shifted and crossed her other leg.

"Me too, foxy!" Isaac barked out with a laugh, his own leg crossed as they all just gave one another awkward grins at the situation they found themselves in as they felt the bus shift and mercifully start to take the exit ramp towards the truck stop.

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Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 5

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Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 4

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 9

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