Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 5

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#5 of B&C:Memoirs

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I must have been very horny when I wrote this because it's not got one, but two different sex scenes in it! What can I say, given who the storyteller is in this one, can you blame me?

Did you feel... teased about how episode 3 ended, my lovely? Well, fret not, for that is about to be corrected!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I must have been very horny when I wrote this because it's not got one, but two different sex scenes in it! What can I say, given who the storyteller is in this one, can you blame me?

Did you feel... teased about how episode 3 ended, my lovely? Well, fret not, for that is about to be corrected!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 5:

Sarnai: The Worth of the Price.

"What the fuck do you mean, two o'clock!?" I roared out as I sprinted down the deck of my caravel in a driving hail of rain.

"It was just suddenly there out of the mist, I didn't even sense any life energy from the crew until she was bearing down on us!" Elias shouted back to me as I snarled and grabbed the ship's wheel.

"Give me half-mast to turn this damn thing before they broadside us!" I screamed out to the crew as the sails shifted while I spun the wheel, forcing the ship to start to turn. The larger ship was already preparing to fire as I shouted to the crew, "Brace for impact, you salts!"

Nearly a dozen canons roared as I pivoted the bow to face the shots, hoping to minimize damage. The damn ship must have had a mage on it that had concealed their approach, we barely had time to react to the sneak attack in the middle of the night.

Canon shot splashed around the angry waters and my husband had the keen sense to summon his fires, managing to intercept one that would have struck our belly, sending it down off course with the foxfire. The heavy shot glanced off the hull, the ship only taking two other impacts, both glancing blows that were of no threat but scattering tinder debris all the same from the splintering planks.

"Bastards! You'll pay for shooting up my fucking ship! Elias, take the fucking wheel, I'll go leap upon that ship and tear them asunder myself!" I screamed the orders as I drew my saber and sprinted down the deck before leaping forth in a massive jump, clearing the distance of the ships as-

--*-- Record Scratch --*--

"Wh- What?" Sarnai showed her teeth with a fussy-looking glare at you.

"Ha! Spoiler alert, you and everyone else on your ship lived, right?" Alice showed a haughty grin as she cocked a brow.

"It would appear your protege is more interested in a more recent tale," I gave an annoyed sigh at the subject.

"Ho ho... it stands to reason, especially given how we trapesed off together that last time, my ewe!" Triallia barked out with amusement while perched next to me, a smug grin showing on her muzzle, the myriad of tails rolling about behind her.

"B-But... I was uh... really enjoying that story?" Kylie stammered out from the other loveseat, sitting there with Val who had an arm thrown over her, another over Elias, looking as smug as he could be flanked by his lemur and fox.

"Tch... at least one of you cares about the ramblings of an old pirate!" Sarnai rolled her eyes and flopped back down next to me, pouting childishly a bit as my own arm found her.

You apologized to the lemur and I scoffed out, "These tales do get rather salacious usually, though I am loath to have our business broadcast once again, I suppose-"

"If you do not wish to regale your child, I will more than happily tell the tale!" Triallia barked out and shifted to stand.

"Get back down here." I snarled and grabbed one of her tails, the Ninetails giving a cute yip before falling right against me, hugging up with a grin. She did however move a paw over to the vixen's head next to me, offering one of her ears a loving pat.

Sarnai gave the gesture a half-glare before looking back to the rest of the room with a sigh, "I... suppose I can since I agreed to tell the story tonight!" She fussed but didn't pull her head from Triallia's petting paw.

"You've not regaled me with this story, my wife. I, Val, and, Lorelai, were all of course, present during that battle." Elias spoke with a gentle smile towards the vixen.

"Yeah, but I wasn't!" Kylie fussed out with a blush on her cheeks. "I want to hear about Sarnai being a badass dread pirate!"

"I'd like to hear about that too!" Alice chimed in while perched right on Ryder's lap, she then leaned back into the angel, looking smug as he held her. "But, I'd like to hear about Lore, Trilly, and my fox's crazy tentacle sex first!"

"They aren't tentacles, you obstinant rabbit!" I snarled out, showing my teeth.

You spoke out once more and Sarnai frowned but gave a nod. "Yes, my child... I suppose I can circle back to my tale after you deviants are satisfied."

"That sounds like a gesture that should leave all parties happy, wouldn't you agree, Lady Lakestone? Why I'll even regale you of my part in Sarnai's tale." Ryder called out, offering a surprisingly smug grin as everyone in attendance looked surprised.

"Okay, what are you on about, Celestial?" Sarnai shifted to a defensive posture as she sat up.

"Sister, there's always more than meets the eye, but I think my old friend will stubbornly refuse to tell his side of things if you don't lavish us with the good bits of your time with that fox and sheep," Val cooed and crossed his leg.

"It's true. Come now, Sarnai... a trade, yes? You tell us about the three of your's encounter, and I'll explain my part in your story. It's a fair offer, yes?" Ryder offered a grin as Alice giggled, moving a paw up to rub under his chin.

"Geeze, you angels are as vicious as magi and Fae when it comes to negotiations, huh?" The rabbit grinned up at him and then met my eyes with a confident smirk. "Also I'm eager to see Lore squirm as the details are revealed, I've already decided I'm-"

"You shut up, you haughty damn bunny!" I snarled out, glaring at my lover as she grinned again, but then I bleated as Triallia pulled me back down to her and Sarnai.

"Yes, we are getting long in words. Sarnai Blackpaw, begin our tale from your vantage point, or I shall take the reins!" The Ninetails scoffed out and Sarnai glared at her before sighing once more.

"Fine... but I better get the details on your part, Ryder, and... if any of you try to slip out in the middle of my swashbuckling story, there'll be hell to pay!" She snarled as she glared right at Elias and Val.


I pushed the chamber door open with a smug grin, arm in arm with my sheep, even if I was having to pull her along, but I had a fae to help me out. We stepped into the large guest chamber and Triallia casually bumped the door closed with her footpaw.

"So, you wished to test your mettle and endurance against me once more, Sarnai Blackpaw?" Triallia growled the words as she clenched her paw a few times, shifting her stance.

"Impromptu you said, yes?" I showed another smug grin as I shifted a hand to my hip, lazily wagging my tail.

"Tch... if you two are just going to fight, go to the training areas, do not ransack a bedroom!" Lorelai bleated out with her own snarl and poked her nose up, turning to leave us behind.

Triallia quickly hopped before her, blocking the door as her paws moved to the sheep's shoulders. "Now now, my ewe... You have to bare witness to all of this, I won't keep my confidence if you're not around, you know?"

I saw Lorelai's gaze soften as she stared at the spirit and I couldn't help but feel jealousy creep into my heart a little, seeing her already so fondly looking upon her as she does me. Triallia seemed to instantly recognize my feelings and turned to me with a knowing grin as she stepped from the sheep to walk right over to me.

"I can sense your trepidation, Sarnai Blackpaw... Rest assured I'm not taking your sheep from you..." The Ninetails' breasts swayed in her robes as she moved, a purposeful sway in her hips I'd never seen before, she'd no doubt learned a thing or two from Alice since our fateful meeting.

"I said nothing, nor do i-" I couldn't help but yip as out of nowhere, two vines shot out and wrapped around my wrists, forcing my arms to snap down to my side.

"Ha... you looked surprised... are you worried about being made to submit before the ewe we both love?" The fox offered me a smug grin across her muzzle as I shuddered, feeling another vine already coiling around my left leg, moving up the dress I'd worn for the evening. "Hgn... rest assured, even were she made my wife, I'd not keep her from you or any of her loved ones, that is how much I love your sheep, Sarnai."

I glanced over to see Lorelai looking not shocked but, well, she was actually biting her lower lip, as if she enjoyed seeing the power struggle between Triallia and me. That look reinforced my soul as I moved to look back to Triallia, offering her a challenging grin.

"Tell me something... Triallia?" I snarled and with some effort, yanked my right arm up, clenching my fist a few times as I felt the vines strengthen, trying to pull my arm back into place.

"Yes... my fox?" She offered a wicked little grin, her yellow eyes shining with mischief at calling me hers.

"Would it cause you pain if I simply tore these vines off me or set them aflame?" I growled and tried to keep my cool, even as that other was already up to my thigh while it coiled around my leg.

Triallia snorted and folded her arms at my words. "I suppose... as they are an extension, if you were to tear or burn them, I would indeed feel the pain, but nothing compared to say... losing an arm." She gave me a level gaze.

"Hmph... I'd not planned to hurt you in this exchange, so I suppose I'll not just tear them away, however, I will-" I gave a loud bark as I felt myself slam to the wall rather roughly, the smaller fox now eye level with me.

I cut my now red eyes down, seeing her footpaws weren't touching the floor, but she grabbed my jaw and jerked my gaze back up to her. "Don't... underestimate me, Sarnai..." She hissed out and then tilted her head, pushing her muzzle hard to my mouth.

A loud gasp filled my throat from the forced kiss, it was awkward at the angle, but she'd already tilted her head to adjust. Needless to say, the fox had gotten her practice in so it wasn't long before I was kissing her back, our tongues rolling as my wrists struggled with the vines.

"I'm not... underestimating... a damn thing!" I barked out as I jerked from the vines grasp and shoved my hands up into her hair, grasping both those ears before shifting and turning the tables on the smaller fox. She gave a small bark as she found herself against the wall, grinning into my face and licking her chops as I shifted my hand right down into her robes.

"Did you two just want me to play voyeur and watch you?" Lorelai sighed as she walked over to us with hands on her curvy hips.

"A moment longer, my ewe, I need to make my... point!" Triallia snarled into my eyes with a crooked grin as I let out a shrill bark, that vine at my thigh slithering past my panties and unapologetically gliding right past my petals to plunge deep inside me.

My tongue lolled as I gave another shocked gasp, feeling that vine slither nice and deep, deeper than any male or toy I'd ever used had gone, it didn't help I had gotten pretty worked up over our power struggle so I was a little wet. My knees buckled as I groaned, then yipped as the Ninetails grasped me before I fell, holding me against her, our breasts pushing together. "Come now... give in to me, my new fox... be a good girl and let me... gah!"

She gave her own shrill yip as my hand pushed right up against her own pearl and I pinched it, stroking as I watched the small spirit loll her own tongue. "Ah! N-No faaair!" She whined out as I tried to shore up my resolve, trying to keep my body from responding to that constant pumping of that vine up and down.

"Y-You're... gonna cum first, bitch!" I barked down into her face, both of her paws clutching my dress as she panted, but to my surprise, the smaller fox whined loudly and nodded her head frantically at my orders.

I felt that little spark and then tangled my other hand into her hair, jerking her gaze up to me, seeing her sharp rows of teeth, the Ninetails looking blissful as I pulled her hair hard while roughly stroking her pearl. That wasn't to say her vine wasn't still just relentlessly pumping into me, and I was right there, regardless of my bravado.

"Hurry... up! Fucking... do it!" I kept rubbing and grinding my fingers at her pearl, her fur silky and drenched for me as I pinched again. The smaller fox howled out in a euphoric moan that made my heart leap into my throat. It was so cute and sexy sounding.

I couldn't relish my victory though as just a heartbeat later, my own orgasm tore through me, making me moan out with the spirit as she panted and sighed proudly as she forced my own release forward as well.

We clutched to one another, paws and hands grasping as we panted right in one another's faces through our throes. Finally, I felt my own orgasm taper off and shudder as I felt her vine withdraw, the little mint-colored fox sighing in relief as her own release eased.

"So... did you two establish dominance, or do I need to rein you both in?" Lorelai snarled at us as we both glanced over to our sheep while panting. She was showing her teeth, her eyes red as she gingerly dropped the set of panties she was holding, the silk clearly soaked through with sheep honey.

"Ha... why... I dare say... you got aroused by all this, Lore!" Triallia panted as she grinned at the sheep that was now sauntering over to us.

"You don't say, Llia? You two did just make me sit and watch all that. Two foxes I adore so much... putting on such a show... how could I not respond and grow impatient?" Lorelai huffed the words out in that haughty little tone and I shuddered as I realized her willpower was flooding into the area.

"Llia! Get your tails over her!" Lorelai snarled as the Ninetails barked excitedly and disengaged from me, prancing over to the sheep and throwing her arms around her, muzzle crushing to her lips as Lorelai snarled her approval and I watched their tongues roll in an open mouth to maw kiss.

Lorelai's eyes shot to mine and she didn't say anything but just curled her finger, her teeth showing in a crooked power-hungry grin as my own tail fluffed out and I found my feet in motion, regardless if I wanted it or not. Once I was in arms reach, she grabbed the front of my dress and hauled me down.

I hit my knees and before I knew it, we were kissing just as heatedly, our tongues flicking and rolling together as I desperately tasted the ewe I'd loved throughout history. After several heated moments, we both heard Triallia whining with need as Lorelai parted the kiss, our tongues lolled, sharing a strand of saliva before the sheep offered another haughty grin.

"Fine, put your maw to use then, Llia!" Lorelai shoved a hand over Triallia's head and pushed as the fox yipped out excitedly and dropped right down onto her rear, grabbing the sheep's curvy hips and pulling her closer. Lorelai grunted as she stepped over Triallia's lap, then tangled her hand into the spirit's hair, grabbing a fist full and shuddering as she guided the small fox's maw over her bared crotch under the skirt.

Triallia's tails rolled in a mass at our legs as Lorelai lolled her tongue, obviously happy to have the Ninetails lapping and suckling at her pearl, then she snarled and jerked me close. I offered her an excited bark before we kissed once more, then I shuddered, parting my lips with a moan as my sheeps hand pushed down into my soaked panties.

Lorelai's eyes glittered red as she licked her lips, her fingers working my body with the knowledge and skill that only rivaled my husband's. Then right as I was about to crest, she finished the job by jerking me closer with her free hand as she pulled away from Triallia's head. I felt a flash of pain, then the euphoria from my lady feeding upon me, and that was all the push I needed.

I cried out in a throaty moan, feeling my ewe stroking my pearl and drinking my blood, seeing stars as my tongue lolled, the dual bliss of euphoria and lust making my knees buckle, but Lorelai just held me possessively as I listened to her gulp down my essence. Somewhere in the haze, I felt her shudder but she maintained her drinking for several more gulps before she pulled back with a pant on her breath.

"Huff... good girl..." She hissed out as her hand moved down to stroke the vixen's head between her legs, Triallia wagged her tails rapidly, then she offered me a bloody grin before kissing my own lips. "You too, my fox... ngh... such good girls..." She cupped my jaw and I couldn't help but groan at her praise, staring back into her red eyes as I held her.

"Lore! This wellspring of dominant confidence is enticing, can we mate now, please?" Trillalia barked out eagerly as she pulled back, whining a little as she spread her legs, her robes already parted, showing off her perky rounded breast and soft-looking hips, pink petals showing through the mint-colored fur that seemed to grow lighter along her belly and breasts.

"So... the two foxes forego their struggle once a sheep gets involved eh?" She cooed out and cupped my jaw, giving me a kiss on my lips before puffing against my ears. "Go take advantage of that maw of hers, I'll save some energy for you as well, my love."

I wagged my tail and offered a proud grin at her words, then looked down at the eagerly panting Ninetails sitting on the floor, her knees spread slightly as I shuddered and then shot my sheep a haughty grin of my own, Lorelai's eyes widening as if she knew what I was about to do.

"Ngh... tempting but..." I grasped my dress and peeled it right off, my own breasts spilling into view as Triallia barked out eagerly at the view of my body on full display as I peeled my own drenched panties down.

"My! Sarnai Blackpaw... you also have quite a sizable bosom and curvacious hips! You are quite lovely to behold in truth!" The spirit growled out with hunger as I climbed right down into the floor with her.

"Your body is quite lovely as well, Tria... Maybe I do have a thing for smaller girls..." I snarled the pet name, the Ninetails wagging her tails and lolling her tongue, looking in love with me at having given her a pet name like Lorelai had done.

"W-wait a sec! That's not what I said to do!" Lorelai gave a fussy glare at me as I was leaning over the Ninetails now, the fox happily lapping at my cheek as she panted as if she were in heat.

I showed Lorelai a wicked grin as I shifted to take a seat, the Ninetails frantic and happy to shift her legs as I did the same, the position obvious that we were getting into. I slapped my crotch right to the spirit's the fox letting out a cute little moan as her hips got right to rocking, her wet fur slick against my thighs as I felt her getting right to it.

"Huff... oh that's nice... ngh... wanna do me a favor, my Tria?" I panted out as the sheep next to us was getting fussier and fussier looking, once again playing the role of voyeur in all this.

Triallia looked like she had hearts in her eyes at me taking the lead over her as I did, her tails rolling wildly behind her as her smaller curvy hips bucked and ground, making me clench my teeth as her eagerness made her push harder against my sensitive spot. "Yes yes! Anything for you, my fox!" She moaned out.

Lorelai looked ready to throw her domination out on us again at being ignored but I quickly huffed out before she could, "Ha... grab that sheep like you did me! Drag her down here and do the same thing to her sheep pussy you did to mine!" I barked out with a hungry grin as I shifted my red eyes to my ewe.

Her own red eyes widened as she heard my demands, then snapped her teeth with a snarl, "Now wait just a gods damned minu- Bwah!!" Lorelai bleated out as Triallia showed her teeth in a grin across her muzzle as vines wrapped around her wrists and knees, dragging the sheep right down to us.

"Llia! D-don't you da-" Her mouth gapped as her eyes looked distant as one of the vines around her left leg plunged right up into her soaked sheep hole. Triallia shuddered at the look Lorelai gave, moaning out as I felt her crest. I couldn't blame her, it only took a few more movements of her frantic hips before I was also moaning as I gave in for my new fox.

Lorelai snapped her teeth together, shuddering as her own red eyes rolled up, that vine clearly relentless. I kept my own hips grinding against Triallia's, the Ninetails humming happily as she returned the gesture, eager to keep the mating up as we watched our ewe finally give in with a bleating moan.

Her small curvy body writhed as she sat there on the floor, the vines holding her knees spread and her arms pinned to her sides, sheep honey clearly gushing over the tendril as it kept pumping into her. Her eyes looked distant as the orgasm was forced from her, then she shook her head, snapping her teeth with a glare. "I will end both of you!"

"Ha! I think she needs more, Tria!" I showed the sheep a challenging grin as the Ninetails blissfully groaned.

"Yes! Yes! You need more my love, release for me again! For me and our fox!" Triallia snarled and shoved her hips hard against my own. I winced but grinned at her, bracing on my palms as Lorelai bleated out again and again as the vine got right back to work, pushing deep into her.

"Gods... damn... you... bo-th!!" She shuddered the bleated out in a loud throaty cry of moan, her tongue lolled and red eyes rolling up. My body couldn't take hearing her cry out in such a way, moaning out as well as I crested once more all over Triallia's own grinding petals.

The Ninetails nodded her head, panting out desperately, "Me too! Me... too!" She howled out in a moan, sounding more feral than she had this whole time, her tongue sagging out of her jaws her yellow eyes now green from all the energy she was expending.

Lorelai huffed through her clenched teeth, shaking her head, snarling as her red eyes hardened and focused. "L-Llia! Get this damn thing... out of... me!"

Triallia bit her lower lip and nodded as the vine withdraw, the sheep shuddering and lolling her tongue before she set her fierce eyes on me. "You rambunctious damn fox!" I barked out as the sheep dove on me, shoving me to the ground, snarling as I blinked up at her with a crooked grin.

"W-Why my lady! What ever have I done to upset you?" I barked out as she gave me that furious little pouty glare that made my heart pound, then I gasped out as she slipped herself between my legs, grabbing my ankles as I lolled my tongue, feeling her slap her own soaked petals to mine, grinding right away. "Ngh... T-this isn't so-"

"Llia! Sit on her face, I don't want to her her damn mouth right now!" Lorelai snarled out as I gasped out from the intense grinding of her body against my own.

"Okay!" Triallia barked out and scrambled over to us.

"N-Now hang on a second!" I huffed out but then barked as the Ninetails shoved me squarely down on my back and then before I knew it, I had those petals I'd been grinding against moments earlier now right in my face. Triallia was facing Lorelai and moaned out, throwing her arms around the sheep as they pushed into a heated kiss.

I started to say something but she just dropped her hips and I had no choice in the matter as I grabbed those curvy hips and started lapping and suckling at her pearl. Triallia moaned against Lorelai's lips, her tails rolling wildly as she ground her hips against my mouth that worked her, Lorelai's own hips relentless as they worked against my own rapidly building body.

Finally, I gave a muffled bark of a moan as I was forced to crest, Lorelai parting to bleat out as well, then a moment later, Triallia joined in our chorus of moans with her own cute little howl as I got my first taste of her honey, lapping my tongue to taste the love for the fox that at one point had nearly killed me.


"I eventually got her off my face, then we sort of just settled into a mass of tails and cuddled for the rest of the night with some occasional heavy petting." Sarnai sighed and rested her hands on her lap. "Satisfied?"

"Lorelai... you were that assertive during all that? I'm legitimately shocked!" Alice cooed out as she sat up on Ryder's lap with a grin.

I gave a shrug at that and cleared my throat before speaking, "Alice, so long as we live, we will change as people if even a little. I felt like being the dominant factor at that time, so it was what I did. Perhaps next time I'll fully submit."

"My wife can be a handful, but she does quite enjoy it when she's put in her place too." Elias growled as Sarnai lifted her ears with a scoff.

"Husband! You best watch that disrespectful tone, or your next place will simply be the doghouse! Alice, Katrina, and I will happily enjoy the bed while you sleep in a guest room!" She poked her nose up with a huff as Elias just grinned at her.

"Uhm..." Kylie whispered.

Sarnai perked her ears and barked out at the lemur before jumping to her feet and pointing out dramatically to no one in particular. "So there I was, having just leaped from the deck of my carvel, guns roaring, the shine of steel glinting in the lantern lights!"


My boots hit the deck as my senses sharpened, cutting down the few soldiers that were nearby before sensing the energy of a mage. Sure enough at the end of the deck near the helm, I could see the magical energy, so I started carving a path through the crew.

The acolyte saw me blurring towards them, a massive rake of electrical power shooting forth like a lightning strike but I juked to the side of the attack. I could see recall the look of terror and surprise in the fools eyes as my saber ran him through before I grabbed his head and tore into his...


"... throat, to... drink." Sarnai cocked a brow as the story caught up and she looked over at the angel lounging on the sofa, a small knowing smile showing as Alice leaned into his chest.

"Back then, I only knew so much about magic, but now that I put it together. Lightening strikes, they aren't thrown like a jet of flame or wind sickle." Sarnai folded her arms as she glared at Ryder.

"You're correct, Lady Blackpaw. Thunder strikes like that will always strike a target you can see, no need to aim them, they just arc to the intended location without fail," Ryder nodded his head before showing a small grin as he continued, "Unless they hit a screen of power that ricochets them off."

Sarnai showed her teeth and snarled as Kylie looked even more interested in the story now, looking between the two of them. The vixen growled at the angelic fox, "Explain yourself, celestial, why? Why were you there that night?"

Ryder showed a small smile and shook his head. "Keeping my word. Protecting Sayana's daughter."

"Sayana... was that my mother's original name?" Sarnai looked away with a frown, rubbing her own shoulder.

"W-Well yeah, I guess it didn't come up while you were around, sorry about that. Uh..." Ryder rubbed the back of his head as he sat up, Alice rolling off his lap to sit up. "So uhm..." He looked over at Elias who was already looking down at his feet.

Ryder shook his head as he spoke out to the white fox, "Lord Blackpaw, if this isn't the time-"

"No. Go on, explain it to my wife, she needs to know, and... I need to hear it as well." Elias sat up fully as the air in the room grew heavier.

Ryder took a deep breath and explained what he'd already mentioned to me and you during his own tales. How as Nugai, he stood and faced Elias in his maddened state, saved Sarnai's life, but died protecting her.

"So, you protected me not once, but twice, eh?" Sarnai lifted her ears looking upon the angel.

"Indeed, as Nugai and as Ryder." He nodded.

"I sent him word every time you set sail, with or without me on your crew." I chimed in, lifting my head as my vixen looked over to me with a surprised look in her eyes.

"And you chose not to tell me, my lady?" Sarnai gave me an annoyed look.

Ryder spoke out once more, "That was my request, Sarnai. The Seraph felt it would be detrimental to you and Rachel had you known the truth, and frankly... look at where we are now. We are all at peace, and-"

"And so you just meddled in my navel skirmishes? Do you think I-" She snapped her jaws closed, her eyes darting back and forth a little, a look I recognized when she was arguing with herself internally, then she scowled before sitting back down with a sigh. "It... doesn't matter. I am thankful for your assistance, I just have difficulty accepting my own weakness sometimes."

"Sarnai Blackpaw, you are one of the mightiest warriors I've ever stood again, and I am proud to call you my lover. Lift your chin for you are not weak, I'll not sit here and watch you belittle yourself!" Triallia snarled out, already off the sofa and pushing a paw under her chin, lifting it to look upon the Ninetails.

Sarnai offered a grin at that before nodding. "Thanks, Tria, guess I just had to have a moment of self-pity."

"Sarnai, for what it is worth, I've no doubt I would not have been able to save Ryder without your help, and I surely would have been dealt a fatal blow by Lashimar. You also saved me a few times before that and I returned the favor."

"That's correct. We've had one another's backs this whole time, Sarnai, even when we didn't realize it perhaps. I would not be free right now had you not assisted Lorelai, nay she may have not even lived to attempt to save me had you not been there for her." Ryder opened his palms as he smiled at her.

"What everyone is saying babe, is that you all can thank me for keeping it all weaved together!" Alice hummed out proudly as she pushed a hand to her own chest. "I kept Ryder from going crazy, gave Lorelai and Elias reason to keep going and-"

"Yes, you are a paragon that we all owe so much to, you obstinate rabbit!" I huffed out in my fussy tone as Alice gave me a cute grin.

"C'mon Lore, you know I'm just trying to lighten the mood, even that little shit Ezekiel saved my tail a few times when I was an angel! The point is, we've all helped one another in so many different ways." The rabbit huffed out and put her hands to her chest, in an uncharacteristic display of being humble. "I am thankful for everyone that has intertwined into my life, and will continue to protect and cherish them all."

There was a long silence before Elias spoke up, "Thank you, Alice. You are correct. We've all regrets, but we've all something to protect and love these days as well."

"Of course, Master! We'll always keep protecting one another, isn't that right babe?" Alice showed Sarnai a cute grin as her fluff of tail flicked about.

Sarnai sighed and gave a nod. "Yes, I've my share of regrets, but I'm happy with where things are these days."

"Heh... I feel so insignificant in this whole thing..." Kylie mused as she rubbed her own arm with an impish smile.

"Hey hey, you helped Alice and Lorelai bond, and without your love and support, I'd never have galvanized myself to be strong enough to help Ryder and Elias during that whole situation!" Val spoke out and hugged his lemur close to his chest. "Also, you're my dear partner and have made my days so much more joyful, so chin up, my Lady!"

Kylie smiled at that and nodded at Val, then turned her head back to Sarnai as she spoke, "I'll tell you what, Kylie. Let's plan to meet up for one of these nights of storytelling on my yacht! I and my cat will teach you a bit of sailing, how's that sound?"

The lemur perked her rounded ears and sat right up. "Oh, my word! Yes, that sounds amazing, my sister!"

"Oh good, and you can recant us some of your saucier tales from what my husband and brother have done with you while we're there." Sarnai offered the lemur a challenging grin.

Kylie looked like the whole world crashed in on her as she squeaked and shoved up against Val's chest and shook her head. "N-Nevermind! I'm fine right here!"

I couldn't help but bleat out in a giggle at that and shook my head. "Now now, Kylie, my sister. You should have more pride in having my brothers as your lover's they are both mighty warriors and have shaped the course of mundane history, not something to be ashamed or shy about speaking of." I showed her a smug grin as I huffed out, "Also if I must subject myself to these awkward stories, you shall as well, do I make myself clear?"

The imp pursed her lips and peeked at me over Val's chest, whimpering a little but offering a nod, showing she wouldn't argue with me. I gave her a knowing grin and looked back to Ryder. "So, you used your divine powers to make some of the canon shot go wide, and kept the magic off Sarnai until she closed in, is that not the summary of things?"

"That's correct, my ewe." He gave me a gentle smile.

"Thanks, Ryder... and thank you for taking care of my mom too." Sarnai gave the angel a nod of her head before we resumed the evening of storytelling.


Once the get-together was finished, I found myself walking the paths of my garden, mulling on things to myself. Thinking about the angel's hand in things, and how I had now added another lover to my tally. I stopped at the small stream that cut through our property, only a few hundred yards from where all of that went down not so long ago.

"It's been a crazy few years, hasn't it?" His voice called out as I gently inclined my head to it, moonlight reflecting off the flowing waters.

"Even now, after everything. A part of me can't forgive myself, you realize this, yes my husband?" I didn't bother looking back at him, having sensed his approach long before he spoke out.

"Then we are one and the same in that regard. Hearing the names tonight... Oktai, Nugai, and... Sayana? Even with how things played out. I took your family, and a stalwart protector from you." Elias moved next to me as he stared up at the moon.

"True, but had you not, all of us might have just been less than dust by now. A trying and long road, but... one I ultimately do not regret treading, least of all with you at my side, Elias." I offered my hand, feeling his fingers intertwine with it, both of us still wearing our wedding bands, despite the multiple lovers we had these days.

We stood there in silence for several minutes, just touching and staring into the night, each left to our own thoughts. Things were active and busy these days, what with new relations established with the celestial court, and the fae. To say nothing of our personal relationships we each juggled.

"I always thought, it would just be you and I for all our days, Sarnai... the fates have certainly steered our ship in an unexpected direction," Elias whispered to me to break the silence.

"That is the truth, husband... However, my heart remains firmly yours in all things. We have shared lovers in Alice and Katrina. Likewise, we have our own lovers but when all is said and done. You are my husband and I am your wife, you have waded into the jaws of death for me and I have done the same for you."

I turned to face him, joining my other hand with his. Our eyes locked upon one another, those blue eyes that at the time, I found so exotic, those eyes I'd turned to for comfort in my deepest darkest of times, and the ones I'd longed to see at the absolute limits of my sanity. "Know this, my fox... come what may, I am yours and you are mine, and should the fates take you from me, I will not be far behind you, for a world without you in it, is one I wish never to see."

Elias cupped my face in one hand, his other moving to rest on my hip as we drew closer. "I feel the same, my wife. Were you gone from my life, I would sort what needed to be sorted, slay who needed death brought upon them, and then I would join you."

His snarled words made my ears perk as I felt his nails dig into my hip. I shivered and drew closer, a hungry growl rumbling in my throat as I pushed my own hand to his face. "I do so get a thrill when you talk of killing in my name... Yes, my husband, if the day comes something gets the better of me, make it suffer, make it truly agonize the fleeting moments it has left at your hands," My lips were brushing his own as I spoke, then another approving growl filled my throat as he pushed to kiss me.

I rose up on my toes to accept the kiss, arms wrapping around his neck as it quickly deepened, then our tongues met, gliding along one another, each brushing to the other's sharp fang, cutting them to let our mixed blood mingle. We held that embrace for several moments, just drinking in one another, then I parted and tilted my head as he moved to kiss down my throat, his hands already drawing the front of the jeans I wore open.

"Elias, let us do away with all of our clothing, I wish you to have me fully bared in the moonlight, as feral and primitive as we can get!" I snarled as I already tugged at his own jacket, peeling it free and tossing it to the ground as he did the same with my own.

As soon as my pants were off me along with my panties. I didn't let him strip my top, doing it myself as I peeled my shirt and bra away at the same time. My husband's eyes looked upon me with the same hunger they always did, as if we were newlyweds and he had not seen my body thousands of times.

I took a moment to slide a hand to my hip, posing for him and pushing my chest out slightly, displaying all of myself before the fox that had been with me for centuries. "You look upon me with the same hunger as the first night you claimed me as yous."

His own shirt was tossed to the ground, revealing his strong toned muscles and well-sculpted abs, his long flowing locks of white hair hanging off his shoulders. "I could say the same of you, my wife... we have our own partners these days, yet..." I huffed out and parted his jeans, that length spilling forth, jumping a few times and beading with eagerness for me in a sticky drip of precum. "I see your eyes show how eager you always are for my body."

"Guilty as charged, my love." I grinned and then flipped my dark hair off my shoulder as I turned from him, a purposeful sway in my hips as I paced away several feet, then settled into the grass under the moonlight, braced on my knees and palms as I glanced back at him.

"Come now... we are foxes at the end of the day, yes?" I hiked my tail, fully exposing myself to him, letting him clearly see how eager my body was as I gently shifted my rear in invitation. "Take me as if I were a bitch in heat," I snarled the orders as my ears folded.

Elias offered a hungry growl, stalking over to me fully bared now, white flames lapping at his ears and tail. I had black flames drifting from my own hiked tail as well as he climbed right over me, his tapered head gliding against my petals as he moved into position.

I licked my lips and braced myself, digging palms into the earth, feeling him stroke and rub, then after a little effort, I gave a small gasp as he pushed past my entrance. I felt his weight over me, his own palms pressing to the grassy earth near my own. My tongue lolled as I looked back at him out of the corner of my eye, his chest to my back as he fully mounted me and pushed inside at last.

Every inch filled me, my walls clenching until I gave a primitive-sounding yip as he impacted my core at last. "Gods... right there..." I settled onto my elbows as he did the same, his larger body over my own, his hips grinding, making his length pump inside me gently, digging that tapered head at my core as pre spilled forth into me. "Ngh... no one hits the spots you do, Elias... my love..."

His hands gripped my own as he panted into my dark ears, shifting and grinding himself as I bucked back in time to his thrusts. We were moving slowly but purposefully, two lovers that knew just what the other needed and wanted without any words to be said. It didn't take him long and with a decisive buck of his hips, he gave a proud snarl as my toes curled. I gave in to my fox, moaning blissfully, my honey dripping off him as he kept grinding, stimulating my release while panting proudly in my ears.

"Ngh... more..." I groaned out and braced myself, grinding and pushing back against him, feeling him moving with me once more, eager to meet the demands as his length pushed deep, kissing at my core with each impact, more of his precum filling me.

We both were snarling now, letting the moment take us, two dogs in the moonlight, bared full and acting out the most primal form of intimacy upon one another. My tongue lolled as I pushed one paw up to cup his cheek as he panted back, both of us shifting and grinding, flames rolling off us as we both focused to please one another. "Ngh...c'mon... I'm right there, Elias..."

He nodded and snarled again as he took a few more practiced thrusts, hitting the perfect spot to make me crest as I cried out in an almost howl of a moan, my tail fluffed as it smacked his chest while he kept pushing into me through my orgasm.

I collapsed fully onto my chest, my breasts in the grass, my fingers dug into the earth as I jerked in time to his thrusts. I was whining now, whining like a bitch in heat, whining for my alpha as he plunged deep with each stroke. I didn't say anything, he didn't need me to, he knew what I wanted.

His hand pushed into my raven locks of hair, grabbing a fistful as he held me down. I moaned out in approval, more of my honey soaking his plunging length, his won sounds more and more feral as he rutted up against my backside, the air filled with the sounds of the night that just mingled with our primitive mating.

He was roughly pumping into me now and my red eyes were rolled up, my tongue lolled, yipping and moaning with each deep stroke my husband gave me. I could feel him growing outside me, that knot feeling nearly to full.

I broke the primal snarls and growls to cry out, "Do it! Take me my Alpha!" I then yelped out as he jerked my hair hard, my scalp aching as he pushed hard eliciting an almost pained whine from me as he forced that knot past with a messy-sounding pop.

My tongue lolled out again, my black ears lifting high as he pulled hard on my hair, then howled out in a feral savage cry of a moan. His thick burning ropes of love slammed into my womb as I joined him in his howl of a moan, feeling his fires pour into me as I looked over my shoulder at him, both of us looking at one another, our tongues lolled as he erupted in me repeatedly.

He snarled and jerked my hair with one final tug as I yipped out, then groaned in relief as his last rope flooded in, my walls crushing him for it, milking it out of him as he gave that satisfied little whimper he always did for me.

"Gods yes... that's... my husband..." I snarled and weakly moved a hand to rub his cheek as he panted over me, then leaned in and kissed my cheek as I hummed proudly, feeling warm and full of his love.

"I love you, Sarnai... With everything I am, not and forever..." he panted and nuzzled my jaw as I grinned and wagged my tail.

"And I love you, Elias. Come what may, we are bound by soul and blood, I will never leave your side," I panted out happily, my heart pounding for the fox that stole it centuries ago, to begin with. I leaned back as he leaned over me and we pushed into a deep kiss as best we could in our current position, what with being mounted and knotted together.

Eventually, we collapsed together in the grass. I clung to his chest and he held me. We just stayed like that under the moonlight for several hours, not a word needing to be spoken between us, just happy to bask in one another's love.

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Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 4

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 9

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