Avalanche of Love - Episode 9

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#9 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I've got a pretty chunky episode for you this time, lovely! What can I say? I was inspired I suppose. Regardless Hiroshi is doing alright now it seems, especially with Kai helping him with recovery.

There's a lot going on this episode and it's going to be a pretty wild ride, but stick it out and I think you'll have a nice saucy scene at the end with our favorite sibling trio!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I've got a pretty chunky episode for you this time, lovely! What can I say? I was inspired I suppose. Regardless Hiroshi is doing alright now it seems, especially with Kai helping him with recovery.

There's a lot going on this episode and it's going to be a pretty wild ride, but stick it out and I think you'll have a nice saucy scene at the end with our favorite sibling trio!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 9:

Pride and Glory

Kai peered down over Hiroshi as the buck lay across the bench. "C'mon, one more, give me one more!" The leopard hissed out, his gloved paws hovering over the bar.

"Fu- You're gonna make me break my fucking arm before I even get back on the pipe tomorrow!" Hiroshi snarled back, but his paws tightened their grip as he puffed his cheeks out and strained to heft the bar up one more time, the weights on the ends clinking a little.

"You'll be fine you big baby!" Kai mewed out as his own paws grabbed the bar once it was high enough, pulling it back to rack it. Hiroshi just flopped his arms down while panting.

After sitting up and taking a drink from his sports bottle, the buck grumbled as he pushed his wet locks of hair out of his face. "Are we done yet?"

"Nope! We still gotta go for a run!" Kai called back to him with a grin before hopping a few times on his own footpaws that were already in running shoes.

"It's below freezing out there and sleeting." Hiroshi sighed as he looked out at the frost covered window pane.

"We board in below freezing all the time, just make sure you wear your slip resistant shoes!" The leopard grinned as he thrust a gloved paw out to the buck.

"I think you're just trying to kill me before tomorrow." Hiroshi spoke dryly as he gripped the slightly larger paw and stood from the bench, his arms still feeling like gelatin.

"Mwa ha ha! You've seen through my devious master plan a moment too late, Mr Yukazama!" Kai cackled out in his best spy-movie villain voice, then gave the buck a smirk. "Get your shoes on, man."

The first thing Hiroshi did when he got back in was sling his jacket off, the thermals doing a good job to wick away the sweat from his fur as he heaved and put both paws on his hips, slowly pacing, knowing better than to double over or he'd throw up.

"Heh... it's only been two weeks, already that out of it, man?" Kai called out as he panted himself, but not nearly as labored, calmly tugging his own jacket off.

"You said a mile... that was like... three..." The buck panted out before finding his bottle and drinking from it.

"Uh huh... you'll thank me working all the injury kinks out now, vs you feeling them halfway through the competition tomorrow!" Kai shoved his thumb into his own chest. "I've gotta push you hard now, so you'll be limbered up and ready to lose to me tomorrow!"

"We'll see about that." Hiroshi fired back in that cool tone of his, but still had a light pant on his breath.

"Heh... that's the spirit!" Kai mewed out and threw his fist forward.

Hiroshi just rolled his eyes as he knocked his fist with the leopards. "Thanks..."

"It's no big deal, I kind of feel responsible anyway. I got you using an X3, I also whipped you up with my shit-talk that day. Least I can do is help you bounce back." He gave a shrug before moving for his own bottle of water.

"Yeah? Well, trash talk is part of the game. I should have kept my head level. Still, I appreciate you being such a good... friend." Hiroshi hesitated on that last word.

"We're all your friends, Roshi. You don't have to stay so closed off. Look at Madeline and Kayla. They're absolute monsters because their feelings fuel their own competitive spirit, just like with me and them! We all care about one another, so we try our best to challenge one another!" Kai gave a jovial laugh then shrugged again with a smile.

"You almost make it sound like you're also dating Madeline, Kai." Hiroshi huffed out casually.

"Ha! I wish! You seen the ass on that bunny?" Kai fired back with a snarky grin. He'd been working on his deflections since the Raul incident a few weeks ago. He knew it wasn't just his twin's career but his bunny-sister's too that could be put at risk if it got out, so he made his mind up to put the effort in to protect both of them.

"Yeah? I don't really pay the girls or the boys much mind." Hiroshi shrugged.

"Nothing wrong with that, man. Life's not all about chasing tail and adding notches to your bedpost like Jarome!" Kai gave another chuckle as he rolled his shoulder.

Hiroshi just snarled at the mention of Jarome and picked up his phone, just staring at the lock screen. Kai frowned and moved his paws to his own hips. "Roshi, what are you gonna do after you one-up your Mom?"

The buck frowned as he looked over at the larger boy then shrugged. "I don't know, and honestly, that scares me a little. Maybe I'll just retire and go be an instructor or something."

"Hey, do you even enjoy boarding?" Kai took a seat on one of the benches in the Altima gym area and looked up at Hiroshi.

He folded his arms, rubbing under his muzzle in thought. "It's complicated... the air and tricks are exhilarating when I'm in the zone, but a lot of times I just feel like I'm on autopilot unless I'm being pushed. Truth be told, I'm actually not very competitive with anyone but myself, so-"

"Hey!" Kai interrupted him with a lifted finger. "What about slopestyle or a big air style?"

Hiroshi slowly blinked at the cat, processing things. Slopestyle was a lot like freestyle skateboarding. You would grind on course obstacles, still would hit hills for tricks too, but it was a very different beast compared to half-pipe. Big air was as the name implied, where you just built up a lot of speed for one jump and just went as crazy as you could before you had to stick the landing.

He shook his head and sighed at him, "Kai, those are usually their own things. It's rare that-"

"Madeline does all three, and Kayla is thinking about getting into slope-style. I've thought about trying slope myself. I used to love trick riding on my skateboard as a kit!" Kai offered the buck a grin.

"Madeline is a savant, and your sister hasn't actually done it yet. Most riders need to stick to one style for a reason, Kai." Hiroshi's voice took on an edge as he folded his arms.

"Things like prodigies and savants? I call bullshit on those terms, man. It's all about how much effort and time you're willing to sink into it. Sure, you need to have the time and equipment for it, but if you've got the means, anyone can be a savant with enough effort!" Kai fired back and cocked a brow.

Hiroshi glared at him, then sighed and put a paw on his own hip. "What are you getting at, Kai?"

"Your mom just did half-pipe. Groomed you for surpassing her in that, yeah? Sure you could follow your prescribed destiny, but wouldn't it be cool to get to the olympics doing other stuff too? Sure Mom you got a half-pipe medal, but I got medals in multiple sports, on my own terms!"

Hiroshi perked his ears at that and Kai could see his eyes darting about, as if he were processing things. "I... do really like going fast on the board... that's probably my favorite part."

"Ha! Sounds like you need to start practicing your high speed turns and flag dodging then!" Kai hissed out as he stood and clenched his fists.

Hiroshi cocked a brow. "Are you proposing I look into the slalom competition? That's very different from half-pipe, Kai."

"Exactly! It's snowboarding, but very different, and something totally different than what mommy-dearest groomed you for! Have you ever even tried it?" Kai perked his ears.

"Uh... I've not. Mother wanted me focusing on tricks and air. I distinctly remember as a fawn I wanted to once and she told me it was a waste of ... time." Hiroshi looked up at Kai, his eyes looking clearer.

"There you go then. Keep doing what you do, but let's talk to Altima about getting you a Slipstream in your paws so you can start practicing before the next games!" Kai mewed out excitedly.

Snowboards are just like many other athletic tools. Different ones are used for different styles of competition. You'd not try to figure skate on hockey skates for example. Nor would you try to play baseball in soccer cleats.

Hiroshi sighed at the leopard, "Kai, I appreciate your enthusiasm, and I like this idea, but the Olympics are next year, I can't poss-"

"You'll be fine! I like going fast too, my mom used to joke around that I should have been born a hedgehog! We'll start training together and both get in, then I'll ride your tail to do your best all the way to the podium!" He offered the buck that challenging grin he always did when it was about competition.

Hiroshi offered a small smile at that and shook his head. "I feel we both are overestimating ourselves, but... alright. Let me see how I hold up in tomorrow's competition, and we'll go from there."

"Shake on it!" Kai thrust his paw out, the buck cocking a brow but shoving his gloved paw into the larger one before him, both the boys giving a few firm shakes before parting grips.


"Cwap! Cwap! Cwap!" Kai mewed out through his mouthguard before the board simply flew out from under him and he slammed into a small bank of soft snow. Spitting his mouthguard out he groaned as he brushed snow off his muzzle.

"C'mon, brother. You gotta focus, this isn't like half-pipe, you don't slam the breaks on, you kinda drift, like a car." Madeline ground her board to a halt near him, offering a grin as she put a gloved paw on her hip, having chosen to use the title since no one else was within ear-shot of them.

"I know, I know! It's just really tough to know when to slow down and how to position the board!" He huffed out as he dusted himself off and looked down at the course with the flags dotting it, he'd only gotten three turns in, but that was still his best so far.

"Okay, okay... let's go slow, follow me, and try to pay attention to my movements, not my ass." Madeline patted her own rear with a wink and pushed off to continue down the slalom.

Kai couldn't help but admire his bunny-sister's round butt in those tights, but finally shook his head and mewed out, "Hey, wait for me, geeze!" Scrambling to push off, he shoved the mouthguard back into his maw and tried to match the rabbit as she slowly took the course while he followed.

Once they got to the bottom of the slalom course, Hiroshi and Kayla were there waiting for them. Kayla showed a grin to her brother as he ground his Slipstream to a halt. "I dunno, Kai. I think you and Roshi should go do the couples figure skating competition instead, what with the grace and coordination you two seem to show as you crash into the same snowbanks together!"

Kai scoffed at his twin and spit his mouthpiece out before responding, "Hardy har! You're so funny, sis."

"Heh... don't be too harsh on them, babe. I don't see your tail up there trying." Madeline offered her girlfriend a challenging grin.

"I just like to pick on the boys." Kayla showed both the leopard and buck a playful smirk.

Hiroshi snorted and turned to Madeline. "Madeline, why aren't you also doing the slalom? You seem fairly comfortable and adept at it. You already do-"

"I don't like it." She gave a shrug as she cut him off. "I'm a show-off, Hiroshi. I wanna do the crazy tricks and make my fans scream, I just don't get that intensity when I do slalom. That said... End of the day, I do this for me. Not my fans, not Gemini's paycheck. I do what, I want." Madeline patted her own chest with her gloved paw, then jerked her gaze to the lift. "Now c'mon, let's try to get you past turn three."

"Well, that's fair." Hiroshi followed after the rabbit as the two of them got on the lift and started riding it back up.

"It's really cool that Madeline is trying to help you guys get your paws wet." Kayla glanced over at her brother who already looked like he was over her teasing words from earlier.

"She's really something special. Maybe that really is her secret though. She does what she loves above all else, she doesn't give in to the hype or fame." He folded his arms, watching the lift chair move back to the top of the course.

"You know, she actually used to be pretty closed off and stuffy. Talked plenty of shit, kept her distance... She's changed more than I realize until just now..." Kayla mused on the words, rubbing her jaw.

"She seems happier, so does Hiroshi." Kai nodded as he just flopped down into the snow, then gave a little grunt as Kayla plopped right down with him, hugging him and nuzzling under his jaw.

"You seem happier too, brother. I know I'm happier since you came back into my life and she joined ours." Kayla feathered a few kisses along his throat while they had the privacy.

"Yeah, I remember a time when we thought it'd just be the two of us forever, then the next thing I know, we've got a bunny-sister sharing our bed!" Kai chuckled and patted his sister's backside while she clung, feeling her offer little love nips along his throat before she pulled away.

"I better not get carried away..." She sighed as she gently moved to sit next to him in a less intimate fashion.

Kai gave her a nod and smiled. "Yeah, I've been working harder on keeping my cool and responding more casually about you and Mad. I wanna keep your guy's careers safe, but I get it, Kayla."

"It kinda sucks I can't show you both off." She gave him a little pout like she did when they were kittens and fussing over toys.

"Yeah, but it's also no one's business but ours, so to hell with it. I got you two when we're alone and that's more than enough for me!" Kai spoke out cheerfully, then slowly stood back up as he saw Hiroshi getting ready to drop in.

"The Olympics huh?" Kayla huffed out as she stayed in the snow lounging, foggy mist coming from her muzzle.

"I think..." Kai folded his arms and frowned. "Is it arrogant to say, I think Hiroshi needs me for that push?"

"Not at all. You're his friend, brother. Just like how me and Madeline push you, you push him. You don't have to be in a sexual relationship to be a means of inspiration or challenge." Kayla purred out and then gave a laugh. "Or do you think you two are going to start some boy love up? Your cock is enough for me, brother, but if you-"

"Oh my gods... shut up, Kayla!" Kai laughed out and shook his head. "If anyone was a contender for boy love with Roshi, it's Jarome."

"Ooooh, you'd get punched in the face for that if they heard you!" Kayla laughed.

"Which one of them would do the punching?" He grinned down at her.

"Both of them!" She fired back with her own grin.

The twins both looked up as they heard Madeline shout, "Watch your angle, stupid!" Right as the buck went end over end into the snowbank on the fifth turn.

"Heh... progress is progress I guess." Kayla purred with an amused flick of her tail in the snow.


"It was only a week ago that Hiroshi Yukazama returned to competition after his injury last month, but he showed the world he wasn't letting that get him down, handily taking the gold in the half-pipe competition, but could anyone have seen this?" The older male calico called out while propping his elbows on the desk, his short hair salt and pepper to match his naturally gray coat of fur.

"Certainly not, Chaz, and Kai Hannah the current half-pipe points leader also joining in?" The younger blonde rabbit responded before her green eyes shot to the camera. "Hello, I'm three-time Olympic medalist, Harley Andrews-"

"And I'm five-time Olympic medalist, Chaz Dalton, I only say that because I'm required to." He snorted into the camera with a fatherly smile.

"Hey hey, Chaz. What do you think of these two nosing in on slalom competitions like this?" Harley asked curiously, the announcer's desk positioned to show the slalom course behind them, both the rabbit and cat dressed in durable winterwear.

"Well, Harley. They barely eeked by in qualifying to get here. They may be elite in the half-pipe but you and I both know that's a very different beast. I'd say we'll see some middling performance out of the two of them, but I'd be shocked if we saw any amazing times."

"I agree with you, Chaz, but we've been wrong before though!" Harley fired back with a grin.

"Of course! It's always a good thing when the competitors surprise us after all. We don't actually know how long they've been training, and they are professional athletes already with the nerves mostly worked out." The older calico snorted out then jerked his head towards the slopes behind them. "Give them the details, Harley."

The shot shifted to the drone that slowly panned down the course as Harley got right into her explanation, "Most of you know already, but the course is dotted with gates at each turn, so riders have to zig-zag down the course, trying to maintain as high a speed as possible, but stay within the gates!"

"That's right, and if they miss a gate, there's a time addition added to their final total." Chaz hissed out, "Also it's murder on your knees!" He laughed out jovially.

"Gods, you can say that again!" Harley laughed out then continued, "Competitors get two runs, keeping their total time between both."

Kai stood with Hiroshi in the staging area, both the boys alone for the most part, the rest of the competitors seeming to take a wide berth of them.

"Heh... a far cry from the greeting I got when I started with you guys last year." Kai rubbed the back of his head with a smirk. "I don't think any of these guys have made eye contact with me since we got here."

"We aren't rookies, Kai, and a lot of them probably see us as infiltrating as it were. Slope-style and big-air both are similar types of snowboarding, we do fanciful tricks and try to wow people. This is all about going fast." Hiroshi gave a shrug.

"It's more we see a wannabe in this prep area every other week. We don't bother getting to know someone until they prove themselves. You think going up in the air flittering about doing your parlor tricks makes you a superior athlete to us?" One of the riders finally chimed in, a lion, a rather large guy, even larger than Kai.

"Yes," Hiroshi cooly responded, not even bothering to look at the boasting cat, a small murmur filling the staging area from the other competitors.

"Stuck up little punk, you're out of your element here, don't act so tough!" The lion grabbed the bucks shoulder, jerking him to look him dead on, a snarl showing on his muzzle. Then he back pedaled several paces as Kai shoved him off Hiroshi.

"Keep your paws to yourself, big guy, no one's here for that." He snarled and flexed his own gloved paws even as the bigger cat stood up over him, easily another head in height. Kai gave him a bored glare as he shrugged. "I used to skateboard and hang out with all the punks, you're sadly mistaken if you think I'm intimidated by your showboating, I've taken bigger guys than you down a peg or two."

"Hey hey, that's enough. Charles, chill the fuck out, man!" Another rider came over, another deer like Hiroshi but almost as big as Kai in size.

The lion gave a snarl, glaring at the bored looking leopard for a few more moments before stomping off. The other buck rubbed the back of his head before shaking it. "Fuck... that guy needs a therapist for that anger. Sorry about that guys, welcome aboard!" He shoved both his gloved paws out, even crossing his arms as he did.

Hiroshi and Kai both exchanged awkward pawshakes with him before he shifted his paws to his hips. "I'm Ellery Brown, cheers."

"Kai Hannah, nice to meet you." The leopard offered a smile at the first friendly face they'd seen today.

"Hiroshi Yukazama, thanks for chasing off the guy obviously over-compensating for something," The buck sneered out as the lion snarled at the trash-talk over his shoulder.

"Down boy! You know you're already sporting an infraction, you wanna get kicked out of the league?" Ellery called out as the lion known as Charles snorted and turned back to his coffee he was making.

"An infraction? We can get those?" Kai cocked a brow.

"Heh... Charley over there has a hot head, got in a fight with a mouthy fan a few months ago, league told him if he causes anymore issues like picking fights with rookies, he's suspended for three years!" Ellery explained jovially.

"Ah, I recall hearing something about that. We may be different sports, but we're all still snowboarders, word gets around in the community." Hiroshi shrugged.

"It'd be a shame too, because Charley is having a break-out year this season, a commanding points lead of six, mainly because none of the rest of us can make up our minds on placement!" Ellery laughed again as the lion just gave a snarl at the casual commentary.

Kai rubbed his muzzle at that. "Wow, but there's only been like four competitions, so-"

"Yes, I've ranked first in all four of them, so you little pukes can dash any thoughts of winning today!" The lion growled out with a glare.

"First taste of winning huh? Happens to a lot of guys. Was he this bad last season?" Hiroshi drolled out, largely ignoring the lion.

Ellery showed an approving grin and shook his head. "Nah, mate. He just came back with a chip on his shoulder, must have been all the intense training I'd wager."

Kai snorted at the lion. "Well, me and Roshi are still learning things, so I don't think you've gotta worry about us nipping at your heels." Kai offered a smug grin as he lifted a gloved paw, flipping the larger cat off. "Yet..."

"You coming in here trying to start something?!" Charles snarled and stomped back over to the leopard who still had his middle paw-finger poking up at him with a smirk.

"Okay, that's enough, save some of that bullshit for when you guys race!" The lead event staffer pushed in with a snarl, breaking the two big cats up before it turned into something. "Gods, Charles, you gonna let a couple of rookies get under your fur? You're never gonna make it through the season at this rate!" The staffer sighed as he moved to start giving everyone their drop in orders.

Things got sorted, and the two boys found themselves near the starting gate. Hiroshi folded his arms and tilted his muzzle up. "You nervous?"

Kai grinned and gave a shrug. "Of course I am, I know you are too, yeah?"

"Well sure... everyone's nervous at first, right?" Hiroshi shifted to put his paws on his own hips. "Though frankly, I wouldn't mind one upping that stupid lion."

"Sounds like a goal. Hey, you got some solid clear times, you're probably more than capable man!" Kai shoved his fist out as they knocked their paws together and Hiroshi walked away from the gate.

"And dropping in first is one of our new riders, it must be surreal, being the top cat at one sport, but coming in all the way at the bottom in another." Chaz spoke out as the leopard showed the camera that same cocky grin.

"Well, he doesn't seem too worried at all." Harley called out as the camera moved to Kai.

"Hey, just gotta make my sister and fans proud, easy peasy!" Kai mewed out to the camera as he dropped his goggles then pushed off.

The average time to the bottom in qualifying came out to about 38.4 seconds. But, as everyone knows, not all riders put it out there during qualifying runs. Kai knew he had to put on a good showing for Hiroshi, but it probably didn't help he had a certain set of girls down at the bottom of the course cheering him on.

He didn't have the confidence to be too technical on his first run, he just wanted to get a feel of the course, he'd try for more speed on his second drop. He shifted by each gate, trying to be smooth as possible, feeling the board oddly rut under him during one of the turns, but he kept it together, only losing a little time but not crashing.

Coming to the bottom of the hill, he threw his arm up with a fist as the crowd cheered, having set a 33.1 which would have actually put him in second if they had gone by first drop ins during qualifying.

Moving to the edge of the barricade, both his sisters were there cheering him on. Kayla looked like she was about to leap over but Madeline grabbed her hip to hold her at bay.

"Damn! That was solid, brother!" Kayla mewed out with a grin.

"It was okay, turn four was sloppy, dip your knee a little more next time, also keep your chin up for the wind drag. Don't forget to tuck your tail as you do these, wrap it around your thigh if you need to!" Madeline barked out orders to him as he grinned and nodded.

"Thanks coach." He gave them both a loving grin before unbuckling and moving back to the lift.

Kai sauntered over towards the lift, Chaz already waiting there with mic in paw. "That was a far cry from your qualifying time, now wasn't it, Kai? Think it'll hold up as the day goes on?"

He offered the smaller older cat a grin as he lifted his muzzle and flicked his thick tail. "It better not, be pretty sad if you let the trick-style guys come in here and one-up all you pro-feshional types, wouldn't it, Charles?" The leopard offered a wicked little grin at the camera.

"Trash talking on your first day? I'm here for it young'un!" Chaz laughed out and slapped his shoulder with a heavy pat. "Good luck on your next run."

"Arrogant piece of-" Charles snarled and clenched his fists, then glared at the buck that just cocked a brow, calmly standing there leaning against the wall. "Not gonna say anything without your buddy around?"

Hiroshi snorted and sipped his tea before meeting the lions eyes. "I'm not here to lower down to your petty bickering level, and I've been knocking down faster times than Kai on average, so..." The buck took another sip of tea and shrugged. "Put up, or shut up."

Ellery barked out a laugh and grinned at the other buck. "Oh man, you guys are bringing a much needed attitude shift to these things. I love it!"

"Why don't you butt out, Ellery!" Charles snarled.

The large buck seemed to feed on the tempo and showed his own grin. "Maybe you should worry about your own run, Charley! Seasons just getting started, big guy!"

"Yukizama!" The staffer called out.

Hiroshi snorted and finished his tea before moving over. "It's Yuke-ah-za-ma, you'll be hearing it a lot, so get it right." The buck snarled as he shoved his nose up like Madeline would do and sauntered out of the prep area.

Kai was back up at the staging area to head the buck off before he dropped in, offering a grin as he quickly spoke with him, "Heh... watch out for turn four, make sure to keep your knees in for it, okay?"

"Thanks, Kai. Be ready to give that moron CPR after I lay this time down." Hiroshi offered the big cat a grin.

"Heeey... Mad's wearing off on you! I think I could get used to trash-talking Roshi!" He clapped the buck on the shoulder. "Ride safe man, be sure to kill it!"

"And here's our second rookie of the day, Hiroshi Yukazama. A rookie to us, but no slouch in the boarding community, he's currently in a points battle with Kai Hannah for first place in half-pipe!" Harley squeaked out to the viewers at home.

"Kai surprised us a few runs ago, and Hiroshi did better than him in qualifying, it'll be interesting to see what this buck has up his sleeve." Chaz cooly spoke out as the camera focused on the buck that was finishing strapping his boots into the board.

Hiroshi gave a nod to the viewers before snapping his goggles in place and dropping in. He wasn't just chilling in the prep area with tea, when Kai did his run, the buck had watched every second of it, analyzing each turn and gate point. Where as Kai was a little more conservative with it, Hiroshi focused on the tight turns and speed.

There was a reason there were larger guys in slalom vs the other sports. The more mass you have, the more speed you can build. It also lets you dig in more for the tight turns whereas lighter competitors had to be more technical with their turns lest they lose all control.

Just like how Kai and Kayla were innate at a disadvantage on paper with the trick-style sports, Hiroshi was at a disadvantage here in the slalom. That's of course, on paper.

Hiroshi grit his teeth against his mouth guard as he came into turn four, remembering what Kai said and tucking a little tighter, even shoving one paw out into the snow to offer some drag as he made a tight pinpoint turn that even got the crowd excitedly cheering at how technical it was.

Zipping past the last gate, he shifted into a low-profile position to get as much speed as he could, as a skier would going downhill, and when he passed the finish gate, the time blinked at 31.2 seconds.

Just as Kai did, he ground his board to a halt near the barrier where the girls were waiting. He lifted his goggles and perked his ears, hearing the crowd roaring and cheering more than he expected for a simple race, they were really into it.

Kayla also was cheering and clapping her paws for him, but wasn't looking like she was ready to tackle him like she had been with Kai. Madeline gave a nod as she folded her arms, leaning in as Hiroshi did to hear her over the crowd, "Good, but turn six had too much drag, on your next approach, angle it a little steeper, imagine one of those sports bike competitions where the rider gets really close to the road on the tight turns, let your board cut the snow, don't just fight against it."

Hiroshi gave a nod of understanding and threw his paw up, giving a thumbs up to her before walking back towards the lift. Kayla shoved Madeline with a grin as she huffed into her ear, "Listen to these guys going crazy, imagine what kind of cheers you could get, love! You sure you don't want to do this?"

Madeline snorted and just pushed her paw around Kayla's hip, leaning in to speak into her ear. "I'll stick to doing slalom non-professionally, but I'll do it any time you want to watch it, babe." Kayla offered her a grin and they both quickly stole a kiss, the camera getting the shot of it happening, because after all, they were the top women's riders right now, they wouldn't pass up a chance to get a shot of that.

"31.2? That would have landed you in a gold position last competition, Hiroshi, think it'll hold up?" Harley shoved the mic into the buck's face.

He snorted and put his paws on his hips. "Just one half of the run, Harley. I don't need to worry about it holding up until the second run is complete." Hiroshi responded cooly, not bothering with any trash talk, and gracefully walked back to the lift.

"Aye! He's so cool!" Ellery spoke out while clenching his paws, showing a grin as he watched the TV in the staging area.

"He's okay." Kai gave a laugh and put a paw on his own hip.

"Brown!" The staffer yelled out.

"Alright! After seeing that I have to step it up!" Ellery declared with a fierce-looking grin.

"Ride safe, man!" Kai slapped the buck on the shoulder with a grin, Ellery giving him a nod as he moved to the gate area. Kai watched Ellery locking in on the tv, then perked his ears, hearing Charles snarling from across the room. "Something weighing on you, big guy? Still sore about my trash-talking, or you got more worries on your mind?" Kai showed his sharp teeth and a cocky grin.

"You two didn't put numbers out at all like this in qualifiers, were you just holding back?" Charles hissed out, seeming more composed than he had since Kai had first spoken with him.

Kai grinned at that and lifted his muzzle. "We've got a good instructor, and we've already got the nerves of being a professional cleared in our systems thanks to half-pipe." Kai showed his teeth as he flexed his paw and locked his sharp blue eyes with the lion's yellow ones. "We only needed one more catalyst to excel and you gave it to us, so thanks for that."

Charles snapped his teeth and clenched his own paw into a fist. "What's that supposed to-" He was cut off as he heard the roaring crowd even from up top in the prep area.

"Looks like Ellery isn't going to let the new buck steal this competition away without a fight!" Harley's voice shouted out excitedly from the TV as both the big cats looked back, seeing the other buck had just laid down 31.5 for his own time, only a few points from Hiroshi's.

Kai showed his teeth in a grin and shoved his paws into his jacket pockets before looking back at Charles. "I'm still new to this, probably like you are... but you see, the thing is, when you're really in the head space, you thrive and push past your limits when the other competitors step up. You've been on cloud nine thinking you're the big cat in town, but now you're going to have more even competition. Are you going to rise to that challenge, or sulk about it?"

Hiroshi pushed into the waiting area and walked right over to the TV. "Don't tell me he just beat my time already?"

"Almost, but it'll be tight for the next run." Kai just turned to his friend, leaving the lion there with his jaw gaping a little at the words as if trying to process them still.

Charles finally composed himself and snarled out at the two of them, "You... You two can't expect to just come in here and-"

Hiroshi sighed rather loudly at that and spun on his heels, taking a few steps towards the lion as he looked up at him with that cool neutral gaze in his dark eyes. "Give it a rest. No one here cares or will even consider caring once I and Kai are done. We're here, and we're shaking your whole world up. Do you want to stay on top? Earn it, because this is how it works. We'll spark the other riders to try harder too. More falls and failed rides, but lower and lower times."

"Your smug ass attitude is pissing me off, prey!" Charles roared out and grabbed the buck up by the collar of his coat. All the other riders in the area snarled and shouted at the lion to calm down, it was incredibly disrespectful in this day and age to refer to non-carnivores as 'prey' and the whole room was clearly upset by it.

Kai was already moving over to them as Hiroshi just gave the lion that same slow blink of a bored look, then Charles saw a flash of white before dropping the buck and stumbling back, gripping his snout with a snarl. Hiroshi sighed and rubbed his forehead before giving him a bored look. "Lucky I didn't have my antlers in, or you'd probably be blind right now, huh?"

"Damn, man! Didn't expect you to just headbutt the moron!" Kai laughed as Hiroshi snorted and folded his arms. Charles just scowled and held his bloody snout, his own wiry tail whipping about.

"Oh that is fucking it!" The head event staffer snarled out and stomped over. "I'm reporting this to the league, you're not going to turn my fucking staging area into some kind of fight club!"

"I was just defending myself, you reporting me as well?" Hiroshi cocked a brow at the large elk that had the event coat on.

He snorted down at the deer and shook his head. "No, everyone saw he started it and you just ended it, you're fine, Yukazama."

Charles already looked panicked as he felt the realization dawn on him, all the other competitors grumbling and muttering agreeing sentiments to having him reported. Hiroshi looked to Kai who just gave a frown and shrugged, then cut his dark eyes to the lion, who already looked like the whole world was falling down around him.

"So... it's my forehead that got bruised, no big if I don't make a fuss out of it, right?" Hiroshi looked back over at the lead event staffer.

"Well... he's fucking around in MY prep area, so it kind of isn't just about that, Yukazama, but what are you saying?" The elk cocked a furred brow.

"I'm saying leave it with his nose busted, I don't want to file anything with the league, and if he stirs anything up again, then do what you have to do. Is that fair enough since I'm the one that had to deal with it?"

The elk snarled and looked over at the lion, then back down at the smaller deer. "You sure about that? This guy has a reputation for a reason."

Hiroshi looked over at the shocked-looking lion who now had a paper towel against his snout, then back to the elk. "I'd appreciate it if you turned a blind eye this one time, but it's your staging area at the end of the day."

He snorted in disapproval before looking at the TV, "And we're still waiting on the next rider, I'm being told we're having some mechanical issues with the gate, so bare with us one-moment folks," Chaz drolled out to the viewers.

With a grumble in his throat, the elk jerked his gaze to the lion and thrust a finger at him. "Mallory, shove some tissue into your fucking snout and get to the gate, if you're not there in 2 minutes your run is canceled!"

Kai folded his arms with a grin as he looked to the lion in the room. "Better wipe the blood and shock off your face. Get moving, big guy."

Charles looked like he had a million questions for the buck but quickly composed himself and scrambled to make it to the gate. Hiroshi hissed and rubbed his head before looking to Kai. "Can you find me some painkillers? That moron has a thick skull."

"Heh... no problem man, give me a sec!" Kai trotted over to his own bag to fish out some medicine.

"I'm being told the mechanical issues are sorted and we're ready for the last rider of this first series of runs." Harley hummed out to the viewers at home.

"And naturally it's Mr. Dynamite himself, Charles Mallory! He's been uncontested this whole season but today he might be about to take it on the nose!" Chaz laughed out.

"Well the bloody tissues shoved into his snout says he might have already done that! Either that or he saw my swimsuit spread I did a few years back!" The rabbit catcalled out.

Charles snarled at the camera, the tips of his gloves still caked with blood as he adjusted his goggles and pushed off. His board seemed to just carve through the snow thanks to his size, his speed just growing with every turn he made. Despite the drama he managed to throw down a clean run that gave him a 31.3, barely slipping him into second place between Hiroshi and Ellery.

"Well well! For the first time this season, it looks like the King isn't finishing the first half of our competition in the lead! One of our newcomers is taking it to his house and showing he's not going to make it easy on, Mallory!" Chaz mewed out with a bit of excitement in his face.

"That's right, and we've got our other newcomer right on their heels too, this promises to be a clawbiter folks!" Harley chimed in with just as much excitement in her voice. "We'll see you all for the start of the second half in just a few minutes!"

Once back up top in the prep area, the lion went straight to the buck. "Hey."

Hiroshi gave him that same calculating look and cocked a brow. "What do you want?"

"Why? You think I needed your pity?" Charles snarled as he shoved his paws into his coat pockets.

With a sigh, Hiroshi shoved his paws into his pockets and looked at the big cat with a side glance. "Look, I didn't do it for any reason other than I felt you were fucking up in the moment. You fuck up again, rest assured I'll let you have what's coming to you."

"That's it?" The big cat cocked a brow.

"Who do you think I am? You expect me to tell you to throw a ride for me or something?" Hiroshi showed his teeth in a snarl as he stomped over to the lion and lifted up on his footpaws to get more eye-to-eye. "You ride like your fucking life depends on it, Charles, or me, and Kai will have you wearing bronze or worse the rest of this season."

Charles showed his teeth in a snarl but said nothing as he pushed past the smaller boy, bumping his shoulder, Hiroshi looked bored with the gesture and let the lion stalk on by. Kai who had been watching from a distance finally sauntered up with his gloves in his own pockets.

"You just gonna put up with that overly-macho bullshit?" He hissed out curiously.

Hiroshi shook his head. "It doesn't bother me, we all cope in different ways after all."

"Think it'll psych him out for the next run at least?" Kai mused as he rubbed his chin.

"If he was able to keep it together with tissues shoved up in his snout after almost getting blacklisted from the league, I doubt anything I can say would rattle him." Hiroshi offered Kai a smug grin. "Which is good, I want us to drag him from his throne kicking and screaming."

"Oh ho... I think that's the most malicious thing you've ever said, Roshi." Kai smacked him on the back and smirked. "I think he's a bit out of my league though, but you seem-"

Hiroshi snarled and shoved at Kai's shoulder with a glare. "Don't talk like that. We both know that kind of lingo is something lesser athletes say to comfortably settle in where they feel their limits are. If you're not going to give one hundred and fifty, then how are you going to ride my tail to the Olympics?"

Kai looked shocked, then gave a nod of understanding. "Hmm... I get you Roshi, sorry about that, I'll make sure to-"

"Win a medal. Medal and then give it to Madeline since she won't compete." Hiroshi shoved his paws into his coat once more and spun around to walk away.

"Why wouldn't I give it to my sister instead?" Kai smiled at Hiroshi's back.

The buck cocked a brow, giving him an indiscernible look from over his shoulder. "Why indeed?" Was all he said as he marched right off, the leopard frowning at that.

"Wait a sec! W-Why are you saying it, man!?" The leopard mewed out with a huff and gave chase, knowing he didn't smell like them and Hiroshi had never seen their personal PDA.

The buck smirked and shook his head. "Oh come on, Kai... I've seen the way you look at Madeline... You clearly have a thing for her."

"Uh... I... do?" Kai rubbed the back of his head, feeling his cheeks darken at how on the nose that statement was.

Hiroshi grinned and Kai realized he was trying to do the whole 'guy talk' thing. "Well, sure... Maybe see if Kayla will share her with you, yeah?"

"Ah- O-oh... ha ha! Y-You got me man... yeah! I'm a little jelly of my sis dating that cutie, but uh... you know, I can't go muscling in on Kayla's terf, she'd kill me! She's bad at sharing her toys, has been since we were kittens! Ha... ha!" Kai mewed out, trying to tamper down on the awkwardness.

"I'm just giving you hell, but it would be a thoughtful gesture. I plan to give her my first gold as a token of thanks for helping me." Hiroshi nodded.

"Gonna work on that next competition then? Since I'll be getting her a gold medal this time?" Kai fired back with an excited grin.

Hiroshi just shoved his shoulder and smirked. "Now that's what I wanted to hear!"

So it went, the other riders did their runs, the times shaking things up a little, but everyone dropped in the order they placed at the end of the first part of the competition. Kai was set to go down next and was on the phone outside of the prep area.

"So yeah...Now I need to do it to wipe that smug look off that fuckhead's muzzle, and for you, sis!" He mewed out playfully.

"For me, huh?" Madeline drolled out, smiling as she scratched the side of her cheek. He'd always said he was doing things for Kayla, this was the first time he made a declaration for her. After getting the butterflies to settle she cleared her throat, "Alright, brother... do it then. I think you can do it, you've set clear times better than these in training. You win me a medal, and then you tell them who it's for!"

Kai felt his heart leap as his bunny sister's tone of voice shifted to that diva she would be on the slopes. "I will, sis!"

"Damn right you will! The lead in on turn two is chopped up bad, go on the inside this next run. Five is also torn up pretty bad, I'd actually go wide into the softer powder, sounds bad on paper, but you should squeak out some extra time there. Finally, the tracks people are using for the final approach have gotten wetter as the temperature raised, just cut some fresh ones to avoid it!"

He nodded, clinging to every word she offered, then perked his ears as he heard them call for him. "Oh shit... okay, thanks sis, I'll make you proud!"

"You already have, brother. Ride safe!" She said in her diva voice as the call disconnected, blinking back to his wallpaper that was now a picture of the three of them in their snow gear, his arms thrown around each girl, all of them grins.

"And here is our wonder twin's second run in his debut competition!" Harley called out as Kai offered a smirk to the camera.

"You steal that line Jasmine and Jaron?" He yelled back as they closed up him as he showed a haughty little smirk and dropped the goggles into place, the world taking on that yellow tint it always did.

"What do you think he's hoping for today, folks?" Chaz asked.

"My sister would only be happy if I bring her a gold medal, so... sorry Charles and Roshi, this one's mine." Kai gave a shrug to the camera in response, dialing his music up and pushing out of the gate.

Kai was the second biggest guy next to Charles, and he had his bunny sister's advice to go on. He went inside on turn two, kicking slushed chopped snow into the air, the path probably only going to be useful this run, making the turn even more sloppy for the following riders.

Keeping his knees tucked in and cutting his board instead of resisting, he was quickly zipping by the flag gates. Everyone made a collective gasp as he pulled so far out of the turn on the fifth gate, as if he lost his control, but then twisted his board to dig hard into the snow and juke back into the lane, having avoided the whole mass of chopped up slush in the narrow corner.

"Woah!" Was all Harley was able to say at the highly technical adaptation to the turn. Once he finished passing the last gate he once again shifted, opting to cut into fresh powder and leave the tracks alone, the quick shift winning him just a few more microseconds of time as he blurred past the finish, the time blinking at 26.5, bringing his total time to 59.6.

He ground his board to a halt with a cocky little smirk showing across his muzzle as the camera focused in on him. "Yeah, how'd you like that one everyo- mew!" He cried out as a blue of blue-white fur wrapped in a winter coat tackled him to the snow in a pounce.

"Kai! How the hell did you do that! Gods that was so cool!" Kayla mewed out as she moved down and hugged him nice and tight.

"Well, I was cool, until you tackled me to the ground!" Kai laughed out but hugged her nice and close, both their tails wrapping together.

She moved close and puffed into his ear, "It was hot too..."

He grinned as she composed herself and climbed up, offering him a paw to stand back up, his board still locked in place. Madeline was just standing there, paws on her hips, a small grin showing as she shook her head.

Unbuckling, he moved over to Madeline who also hugged him, leaning close and puffing into his ear. "Good job, I'm proud of you brother... regardless of where the medals fall, it means so much to know that was for me. I'll make sure to show you how happy I am later too." She bumped her muzzle to the side of his in a quick show of affection, then pulled away.

Kai offered his bunny sister an excited grin, then another one to Kayla before he sauntered over to the waiting area, poking his nose up and looking smug now that both his sisters had shown their approval.

"You sure you've not done this before, Kai?" Harley grinned as she shoved the mic in his face.

The leopard smirked and threw his paw up, spreading three digits. "Talking smack, will light a fire under my tail." He retracted one finger as he continued, "Being supported by my dear friend Roshi and fans, will also stoke those flames."

Kai cocked a brow, keeping his index paw-finger lifted, giving the camera another cocky grin before pointing to Kayla and Madeline. "But nothing will make me burn with the desire to win like those two over there!"

Harley whistled at that while the whole place roared with cheers. "Daaaamn boy... I've not seen this place so alive in years, you go!" The smaller rabbit shove his shoulder with a grin, then gave a nod to the camera. "Back to you, Chaz!"

The feed clicked in her earpiece and Kai gave a laugh, rubbing the back of his head. "That didn't sound too silly did it?"

"No way! That was seriously really sweet of you. I've seen how you and those two tear it up on the half-pipe. I love you're bringing that energy, Kai! Keep it up!" Harley squeaked out with another grin and trotted off.

Ellery dropped in next with a total time of 60.5 still almost a full second behind Kai. The buck gave the Leopard a fistbump once he got to him. "Hey, congrats, mate. Looks like either way you're walking out of here with a medal for the sheilas, eh?"

"Thanks, a good run out there." Kai fired back with a grin as he looked up at the TV feed showing the replays of Ellery's run while they got ready for the next one to drop.

"This is absurd..." Charles snarled as he buckled in, shaking his head at how today had turned out.

"And here is our current points leader getting ready to drop in. If he wants to extend his winning streak to five, he's going to have to do better than 28.6, that's the time to beat." Chaz spoke out to the viewers as Charles gripped the edge of the gate, rocking his board back and forth a few times to make sure his boots were secure before pushing off.

The lion used his weight and training as he did before, building speed and cutting through the corners precisely, each gate update showed him right there with Kai's time, sometimes a .1 behind, sometimes ahead, but holding right there the whole time.

He came to the fifth set of gates, the one that the leopard had gone wide to save time on. He'd seen the condition of the snow, Ellory having opted to just push through it, but Charles knew he had to try the same maneuver and the moment his board hit the path Kai had made, the slosh left behind from fresh powder being dug into so much made his board rut violently.

Charles showed his experience and kept the board stable to avoid a full-on wipeout, but the damage was done, the sloppy turn adding too much friction as he missed the gate, an instant five-second penalty.

He pushed his gloved paws over his head, snarling to himself as the board ground to a halt at the finish, with the added penalty, his time was 60.8 meaning he was behind Ellery, and if Hiroshi just had to keep his own run around thirty to keep him off the podium.

"How's the view down there, big guy?" Kai offered a snarky grin to the lion after his token interview.

"Planning to rub it in?" The lion hissed out with a glare.

"Hmm... maybe just a little..." The leopard pinched his gloved paw-fingers together with a smirk.

Hiroshi's run was every bit a technical clawbiter as Kai's had been, having to creatively navigate down the torn-up course, but what everyone didn't expect was the same thing that happened on Kai's debut for half-pipe. The buck's total time came down and it was 59.6, a tie for first place.

Charles hissed through his teeth but then offered his paw to the other big cat. Kai lifted his muzzle and shoved his paw into the lions. "Good run today." The leopard said respectfully as they shared a firm few shakes.

"Congratulations," Charles snarled out bitterly, then slapped Ellery on the shoulder as he stomped off.

Hiroshi came over after talking to the girls and having his interview, then smiled at Kai. "We gotta stop doing this, man..."

"I agree... stop copying me, Roshi!" Kai mewed out with a laugh, the buck offering a grin in response.


Madeline frowned as she rested her paws on her brother's thigh, blinking at the fully slid-free length of leopard cock that was now jumping slightly with a bead of precum showing at the tip. She gulped a little and huffed out hotly, his scent all in her nose, "I said I'd show you, but being right down on top of you like this... is intense..."

Kayla offered her sister a crooked little grin as she perked her rounded ears, her own paws resting on Kai's other leg. "It is... his musk is so heady when you're up close like this!" Her blue eyes shifted up as she felt big brother's paw rest on her head, rubbing her ears. Madeline's red eyes looked up too, feeling him pet her hair as well.

"Ngh... neither of you has to do this you know..." He purred out lovingly.

"Hush!" Both his sisters said in unison, each offering him an eerily similar glare as Kai bit his lower lip.

"It's easy, sister... just follow my lead..." Kayla gently rested her padded-fingers at the base of his length and moved in, her breath hot against the jumping flesh as she started kissing up it.

Madeline gulped and nodded as she moved in, brushing her own fingers against Kayla's. She'd been with them for a few months now, but this was the first time she'd tried doing this with her brother before, all the oral play having mostly been his muzzle between her legs.

She felt her head spin a little at her brother's intense musky scent, but then moved in and started feathering kisses up his length as Kayla had done. Kai mewed out with a pant, his paws moving to rub at both their ears.

Kayla got to the tip of his throbbing length, tongue lazily lapping at the bead of precum that just seemed to bubble forth again. Madeline curiously lapped her tongue along the tip when she got there, then pulled back a little smacking her tongue a few times. "W-whoa... it's so potent... ngh... makes my stomach twist..."

"Yeah, it's the beeeest..." Kayla mewed and then smirked at Madeline. "Give me a kiss, right down here..."

The rabbit bit her lower lip and moved in, her tongue meeting Kayla's as both sister's flicked and teased at the head of their brother's jumping length, Kai whimpering now as he panted for them. Her red eyes met Kayla's blue ones, then they shoved their maws together, tongues meeting, tasting their brother on one another.

"Gods... you two are perfect..." Kai panted out as he rubbed both their ears, then his teeth snapped together as he hissed out, Kayla just casually breaking the kiss and shoving her maw down on big brother's cock, beginning to bob her head lazily.

Madeline bit her lower lip, listening to Kai's mews of pleasure, the sound of brother's happiness making her squirm, her body loving it as she tried to study Kayla. The leopardess pulled back with a pop, her maw parting to show a strand of her saliva hanging from her tongue to his head before it broke.

"Now you try sister... make sure to sit up a little and watch your teeth..." Kayla purred as she leaned back to give her bunny-sister room.

"Are... you sure you're okay with this, Mad?" Kai stammered out, the rabbit giving him a half glare, her maw already open, showing those slightly prominent front teeth that he'd seen break jawbreakers like they were made of cotton.

The rabbit gave him a fussy glare as if he'd challenged her to a race. She snarled and shifted up and pushed that head right into her waiting maw, her red eyes widening at the taste of him, feeling precum erupt down her throat a little as he jumped in excitement. Her teeth did graze him slightly, but not painfully so as she awkwardly started suckling on him.

"Ngh! F-Fuck... Sister... it's not one of your lollipops, take it easy on the... sucking..." Kai panted out as Madeline blinked up at him curiously then looked over at Kayla who purred proudly.

"Just ignore him, he's being dramatic... Shift your head a little to the side like this... and you can get a little more of brother down..." Kayla gently pushed a paw to Madeline's shoulder to guide her, the rabbit shifting and nodding, pushing her maw down a little more.

Kai shuddered and lolled his tongue as she managed to get him to actually bump her throat, but her red eyes watered as she jerked back with a cough, a few tears showing as she took in a gasp for air.

Kayla laughed and rubbed the back of her head. "Ha... sorry, yeah once he gets that deep, makes it hard to breathe and your gag reflex goes crazy..." The leopardess licked her chops as she shifted forward. "Don't worry sis... it's like sports... practice makes you better, yeah?"

The leopardess rolled her tongue at the tip of her brother's length as she glanced up at him. "And... I've had a lot of practice, haven't I, big brother?" Kai started to speak, but just managed to mewl out as Kayla shifted to take him into her maw once more. His own blue eyes rolled up, his teeth clenched as drool piddled from the corner of his maw as his sister just deep throated him.

Kayla gave a loud purr that seemed to roll against every inch of him, his sister's throat and mouth relentless as she held him there for several heartbeats. She finally pulled back with a loud groan as he popped free, saliva all over the length, Kai looking distant in his eyes already.

"Mmm... let me try!" Madeline snarled as she shifted closer.

"Okay, babe..." Kayla shifted back to let her sister have another go, Kai lolling his tongue, barely having recovered from his leopard-sister and now his bunny one was primed to go.

His teeth snapped again as he mewled through them, his claws shoving to the bedsheets, digging in as he felt Madeline take him deeper than she had before. She looked focused now, even taking in a shallow huff through her nose before forcing him further. Her eyes watered as she felt ready to gag, but just like when she was tumbling in the air, she tuned it out and tried to focus like she did when she was competing.

"Oh, you're really good at this, babe!" Kayla mewed as she looked up at her brother who looked completely lost to his bunny-sister's maw, his tongue even sagging out of his jaw, his blue eyes looking unfocused.

Madeline blinked up at Kayla then slowly pulled up and popped him free, taking a small gasp of air before licking her chops. "Gods... his musk is just... all in my mouth and nose... I can't even fucking think straight..."

"Yeah... huff... it's great isn't it?" Kayla sighed then nuzzled the panting rabbit's jaw. "Okay, let me go again, I don't think he's got much left in the tank at this point."

"E-Eh?" Madeline bit her lower lip at the prospect of that but Kayla was already taking Kai's length down into her maw once more.

"Oh... my ... godssss..." Kai hissed out, digging his claws hard into Kayla's scalp as the leopardess deepthroated him once more. "Too good... I..."

"Ngh! You'll... be fine, hold it, because I wanna do it again too damn it!" Madeline hissed out with a glare. Kai bit his lower lip hard and gave a nod, whining in his throat as his sister purred and bobbed her head gently.

It was only a few moments but it felt like he was holding on for hours as Kayla finally popped free, her sharp teeth showing, tongue lolled with saliva hanging from it. "Gods... I'm impressed you held out, big brother... seems Madeline is more than just a motivator in the competitions."

"Okay... huff... let's uh... I wanna do it one more time, then let's finish him off... together?" Madeline offered a smile to her sister and girlfriend as she shrugged her robe open, letting her pierced breasts bounce into view.

"Oooh... I'm down for that, once Kai's done I'll take care of you too, sis..." Kayla parted her own robe, Kai shuddering as he watched both his sister's ample breasts come into view, Kayla's slightly bigger, but Madeline's sporting those shiny silver rings in her nipples.

The rabbit shifted forward, her white-furred breasts pushing into Kai's leg as she took him into her maw once more. The leopard snarled and braced himself to endure it, knowing what would be his reward if he managed to hold out through it.

"Ngh... make him earn it, Maddy!" Kayla hissed out in encouragement while rubbing her own breasts to tease Kai as the rabbit nodded and shifted to push him deeper, again that gag reflex hitting as her eyes watered, but she just snarled in focus.

"I... oh my gods... I'm going fucking crazy! I can't fucking take this!" Kai hissed out, shaking his head as his body screamed at him to give in, his bunny-sister quickly tearing down what was left of his resistance.

"Better come up or you're about to take that load yourself, sis!" Kayla purred as Madeline blinked up at her, as if hesitating to contemplate about doing just that, but she withdrew as her maw popped free, tongue lolled as saliva hung from it.

"Gods... I didn't think I-" Kai gasped out as Kayla shifted forward before he could even finish, her full soft breasts pressing to his length.

"C'mon sis..." Kayla purred out as Madeline licked her chops and nodded, sitting up and pushing her own breasts to Kaylas. Kai just dug his paws into the sheets, panting and shuddering as he felt both his sister's pushing their ample breasts to his length that had already endured so much.

"Ngh... no need to hold it back now, brother... I'll even take some in my mouth for you if you want me too..." Madeline offered a smug grin up at her boyfriend and brother as that throbbing length jumped hard, between their shifting breasts, both girls keeping paws on them to knead against their brother's cock.

"Yes, fuck fuck... Madeline... K-Kayla..." His eyes went wide as his bunny-sister just nodded and shifted forward, pushing just the head of his length into her maw that was poking out between their shifting furred breasts.

Kai's mind went blank at that, hearts in his eyes as his tongue lolled and he just mewled out in a loud defeated moan as Madeline felt her brothers thick hot love gush into her waiting maw for the first time. Kayla was pushing close and Madeline pulled back as Kayla heard a loud gulp as she took it down, his teeth clenching as Kayla had her maw on him right as the second gush poured forth.

Kayla purred hard and blinked up at her brother, taking it and even another rope before she pulled back, making sure to gulp it down loudly for Kai, knowing he loved to hear it. Madeline lolled her milky looking tongue and Kayla sighed proudly as the remaining ropes of her big brothers love spilled forth, spattering all over their breasts.

Kai looked distant in his heart-filled eyes, claws dug hard into the bed sheets as he panted out, feeling both his sisters still rubbing their breasts against this length, making sure every last drop spilled forth.

"Ha... good job, big brother..." Kayla licked her chops as she looked down at the streaks of white cream that dotted her blue-white fur.

Madeline hissed through her teeth, seeing the tracks of her brother's love scattered all over her own breasts, some of it dripping off one of her rings. "Gods... brother it's so hot when it first comes out... I could feel it through my fur... and... you came so much..."

"Huff... huff... you surprised... after all that build up... sis?" He moved to weakly rub at his bunny-sister's hair as she kept panting, the taste of his love still lingering in her mouth.

Madeline sighed at the head petting, a grin showing across her muzzle before looking to Kayla who was also getting her brother's loving pets. "Gods... I adore both of your asses so much..."

"I and Kai do have pretty nice butts, don't we?" Kayla mewed out with a grin.

Kai just groaned and panted out, "Yeah... you too, sis... we love you too."

Kayla offered Madeline a grin and nodded. "Mhm... now come here rabbit, sister needs to love that bunny-pussy now that big brother is taken care of!"

"Hey! My maw and paws aren't broken, ngh... think I'm not gonna help my sisters?" Kai snarled proudly as he slid down the mattress to take a seat right between the girls who had been kneeling on the floor. Both of them gave small gasps as his paws moved behind them to pull them closer.

Their love-soaked breasts pushed into Kai's own bared chest, smearing his sticky lust about as his paws slid along their rears. Each of their tails lifted as he moved further down and both his sisters gave little moaning gasps as their brother's padded-fingers found their pearls.

"Ngh... c'mon... now... I know you two are worked up after all that love you gave me so... once like this, then I'll be using my maw on each of you as well in return... huff..." He snarled down into both Kayla and Madeline's ears as they clung to his chest, their claws dug in as they each nodded eagerly to his words.

Bunny and leopard alike panted and groaned for their brother as his paws relentlessly worked their pearls, skillfully stroking them, showing he knew just how to work his sibling's bodies.

Kayla dug her claws in and was the first to break, mewling out as her tongue lolled. The blissful sounds of her girlfriend giving in was all it took to throw Madeline past the edge next, the bunny moaning out with a loud squeak as Kai felt her honey gush forth in a squirt all over his paw and hip.

"Ha... that's my sisters... good girls..." He purred proudly as both of them panted against his chest, going through the throes of release, honey dripping from his padded-fingers. "Ngh... alright, who's getting brother's maw between their thighs first?" He mewed out excitedly, both the girls offering one another a fatigued but eager grin.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 10

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 8

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