Avalanche of Love - Episode 8

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#8 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I left you on another mini-cliffhanger last time, didn't I lovely? It just has to be like that sometimes, doesn't it? Well, your wait is over and now we can see how that overtime match will play out!

Ah who am I kidding, we know why you're really here, yeah? You want to see our favorite twins and their new bunny-sister, right? No shame in that, but I hope you'll humor me as I give you a little more sporty drama first.

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

I left you on another mini-cliffhanger last time, didn't I lovely? It just has to be like that sometimes, doesn't it? Well, your wait is over and now we can see how that overtime match will play out!

Ah who am I kidding, we know why you're really here, yeah? You want to see our favorite twins and their new bunny-sister, right? No shame in that, but I hope you'll humor me as I give you a little more sporty drama first.

Let's jump right in!


Episode 8:

Can I Do It This Time?

"Welcome back to Ice Stone Lodge here on beautiful Mt. Crystal Lake!" Jasmine called out with a bright grin to the camera.

"Say that line three times fast, Jas," Jaron hummed out melodically.

"Ice Stone Lodge, Mt. Crystal Lake. Ice Stone Lodge, Mt. Crystal Lake. Ice stone Lodge, Mt. Lystal Cake-"

"Ha!" The greyhound barked out.

"Ohhh... shut up! We should focus on our overtime anyway!" The mouse squeaked out with a fussy glare at the dog.

"Right you are, Jas, let's get down to the gate where our current points leader, Kai Hanna is set to drop in!" Jaron said to the camera, the scene already having shifted to the snow leopard.

The camera panned over to the leopard as he offered a slight grin and shrugged. "Maybe I should start charging by the hour, huh?" He dialed his music up and pushed off, moving into the pipe.

Kai had nothing to prove on this run, it was just for fun to him, as if he were just practicing, but he knew Hiroshi would lose his mind if he didn't put it out there. He hit the first pass and launched off it, spinning in a controlled flourish.

Sticking his landing he moved right on to the second, mixing things up with an end over end, seeing the pipe then the sky repeat a few times before settling and hitting the ramp once more. His third pass showed more casual but skilled tricks.

The leopard hopped up on the edge of the pipe on his quick fourth pass, grinding on it like a skateboarder would, even going so far as to remove his mouthguard and stick his tongue out at the camera as the drone zipped by.

Grinding his board to a halt he showed another playful grin at the camera, then cocked a brow, his eyes looking challenging. "Your move, Roshi."

The buck had been watching the whole thing up top on the TV, he was a professional and could clearly see the leopard was having more fun with it than dialing fully in. Still, the effort was there and when Kai called him out, his teeth snapped together before he stomped over to the gate.

Seeing the buck stomping over, the lead staffer tilted his own head. "Hey, not my business, but you might want to shake that off and focus. Don't you guys trash talk all the time?"

"This is different..." Hiroshi snarled as he locked his boots into place with a scowl.

"Yeah, okay. Try to keep your head screwed on right when you drop in." The staff member rolled his eyes and trotted out of the way as the camera came in.

"And here comes our other competitor for this special exhibition run, Hiroshi Yukazama!" Jaron called out to the viewers.

"He looks pretty serious, guess Kai lit a fire under his tail!" Jasmine hummed out as the buck quickly glanced at the camera before snapping his goggles into place, dialing his music, and pushing off.

Why was he so upset? Other boys had trash-talked him much harsher than Kai had. The leopard's jabs were playful at worst, and encouraging at best, so why was he so riled up by them? The questions whirled in his mind as he hit the first jump.

His tricks came out in a controlled, nearly mechanical flourish. Years of skill coming to the front, showing he'd broken the X3 in easily. Broken it in easily, because Kai, Jarome, and even Kayla had helped him. He'd gone from being a loner in firm control of his own destiny to having to rely on others to keep his dreams alive.

His second pass showed a full mimic of Kai's end over end, even adding a quick corkscrew to it to one-up the leopard as he stuck the landing. That's when it dawned on him, Kai was different, because Kai earnestly had gone out of his way to help, and had been a ... friend.

Hiroshi's eyes widened as he snapped out of his own headspace a moment too late, he'd gone up for a fourth pass, having completely been going on autopilot for the third one, not even remembering what tricks he had done, but the crowd roaring their approval.

Last season Madeline had stuck a fourth trick by the claws of her footpaws, but that wasn't happening this time. The buck missed the side of the pipe and came straight down without a slope or anything to ease the tumble. He drew himself up into as tight of a ball as he could, feeling a stabbing shock of pain against his hip and shoulder as he impacted the compressed snow.

"Roshi!" Kai screamed out and was already rushing over to the buck from the waiting area since he was mostly down the pipe. There was a collective gasp of shock from the rest of the spectators, Kayla pushing her paws over her mouth, Madeline just wincing at the impact.

"He'll... I think he'll be okay..." She whispered to Kayla as the leopardess looked back at the rabbit. "I've taken drops like that before, he got into a good tuck."

"Gods! Are you okay, man?!" Kai had beaten the medical staff over as he dropped to his knees next to the buck.

"I'm... fine..." Hiroshi winced as he slowly tried to pick himself up, then gave a pained gasp as he collapsed back down into the snow.

"Idiot! Hold still and let the medical guys check you out before you try to move!" The big cat snarled.

Hiroshi just hissed through his teeth as he glanced up at Kai. "Sorry..."

"For what?" Kai frowned as the medical staff pushed forward.

"C'mon give us some room here!" One of the MT's snarled as Kai backpedaled while they started looking the downed rider over.

"Oh gosh... well, why don't we go to a commercial, we'll have more info for you when we return, everyone!" Jasmine huffed out, trying to shift back into her own professional tone.

"We'll be right back, everyone!" Jaron called out as the feed cut and an impromptu commercial break started.


"The x-rays came back. He ended up dislocating his shoulder on the impact, and also has a thin hairline fracture on his pelvic cavity. The doctor is recommending he avoid any strenuous activity for the next few months, but he could theoretically be back on the slopes after a few weeks of r and r." Kai explained to the other riders that were all waiting in the lobby area after having gotten the news from the doctor.

"Well, at least that's something... You know Hiroshi will be back at it in like two weeks tops!" Jarome mewed out with a grin.

"Yeah, but if he takes another fall anywhere in the area, he'll be done boarding, for good most likely. It'll slow his overall recovery rate too." Madeline offered her own words, a realistic foil to Jarome's optimism.

"Tch... He'll be fine, Madeline!" Jarome hissed out then looked over at Kai. "Can we go see his stupid ass now or what?"

"Uh yeah... they said he wanted to see me first, but I wanted to give you guys the update."

"Well, we have our update, now hurry along and see him, my friend." Raul placed a paw on the necklace he wore and nodded to the large cat.

"Yeah, get your tail moving, don't keep him waiting, brother!" Kayla mewed out as well, putting her paws on her hip, looking similar to how their mother used to look when she was scolding him.

"Okay okay! Just don't look at me like that, geez!" Kai hissed out and stomped off.

Kai pushed into the small room, Hiroshi looking his normal composed self as he sat there in the bed. The buck inclined his head as the leopard entered. "Kai, glad to see you."

"Are you? Isn't it my fault you're like this, man? We wouldn't even be here if I hadn't been goading you on." The leopard hissed out as he took a seat next to the bed.

"I put myself here by daydreaming on the pipe, Kai. All you were doing was trying to spark my competitive spirit as I did yours when you started last season." Hiroshi sighed as he leaned back into the pillows of the bed.

"That's true, I wasn't goading you to be malicious, I just wanted to see you beat my score, see you rub it in those Gemini guy's faces." Kai offered him a grin and then leaned forward, resting his elbows on his knees. "So what are you gonna do?"

Hiroshi sighed and shook his head. "I'll be professional, I'll nurse this damn arm and hip injury for the bare minimum, then get back to things."

Kai nodded at that and frowned. "I won't try to talk you out of it, I know how it is... Still, you will have to be extra-"

"I know what I have to be and don't have to be, Kai," Hiroshi cut him off, his words sounding calm but pointed as he spoke.

"Sorry... I'm not trying to placate you or something, just worrying." Kai sat up straight and looked out the frost-covered window of the hospital.

Hiroshi frowned and then seemed to shore his composure up before just rapidly snarling out, "I get it... Look, I appreciate you lighting a fire under me, you're... my friend okay? I wanna kick your ass in the points totals after that shit you pulled too, so don't think I'm going to go easy on you!"

"Heh... Yeah, I appreciate that. I feel the same, that's why I'll make you fight tooth and nail, make you earn every last point!" The leopard shoved his paw out, the buck gripping it as they closed grips as if ready to arm-wrestle.

"Hmph... I'll miss one competition but I should be back to form then. You better get as many points as you can, you'll need them when I'm back." They parted grips as the leopard grinned at the trash talk.

"Yeah, I know I will, man." Kai shook his head and slowly rose from the seat. "Hey, we can talk more later, you've got a whole waiting room full of riders wanting to see your ass. Let me get out of here so they can visit too."

Hiroshi snorted and shook his head. "Don't bother, tell them to just wait. I'll be discharged within half an hour."

"Already?" Kai tilted his head curiously.

"They've got more ailing people to take care of, I'm more or less fully functional, Kai. Just achy and sore. I'll need to wear a brace on my left arm to keep it in place for a few days, but after that, I'll be fine." Hiroshi nodded.

"Geeze... you're one tough son of a bitch, Roshi!" Kai gave a laugh as the buck cocked a brow at the use of words.

"Son of a bitch, eh?" Hiroshi inclined his head.

"Oh uh... hey, I'm not hating on your mother, sorry, I know you respect her, man." Kai quickly followed up.

"Respect her? Huh... I can't stand her, Kai. I don't even talk to her and haven't since I debuted professionally three years ago." The buck shifted his cool brown eyes to the leopard's shocked blue ones.

"Whoa... when you talked about her though? I mean you have that picture of her and you on your wallpaper?"

Hiroshi snorted over at his phone. "Kai, I knew a professional kickboxer growing up, a friend of my parents. You know what he used to do before an upcoming match?"

Kai tilted his head and then gave it a shake. "What?"

"He'd put the guy's picture on his refrigerator." Hiroshi cocked a brow as if seeing if the leopard would follow the chain of logic.

"Ah... so that's it... she's your rival. You keep that picture as motivation for what you want to beat!" He mewed out in understanding.

"That's the gist of it, yes. She dragged me into this world for her own pride. I resented not getting to be a normal fawn. While other kits got to play, I was training, that was my life from the moment I was able to get on a snowboard."

"If you resent it, why don't you just turn your back on it?" Kai frowned.

Hiroshi grumbled and shook his head. "Because this is all I know, Kai. This is what I am for better or worse. I have no other goals or aspirations, no family, no friends, I have-"

"You do have friends and family, Roshi! Me, Kayla, and Jarome all are like your little Altima family, ya know? Hell, Madeline, Gina, and Raul like your stupid ass too!" Kai hissed out and folded his arms. "Besides, we just established the friend thing. Stop trying to shoulder everything, you're too damn uptight."

"Hmph... so now you're giving me a lecture?" Hiroshi offered a small smirk across his muzzle.

"Someone has to." Kai grinned and clenched his paws into fists. "You could do whatever you want, man. Be a sportscaster like Jaron, or go on to coach, or just board until you're a gray-muzzle and can't keep up with kits anymore."

Hiroshi snorted and shook his head. "Your optimism is annoying, but I appreciate it."

"Hey... everyone is here and if you feel like it, why don't we all go hang out! Kayla has been wanting to go karaoke with Mad, this city's supposed to have a really nice place for that!" Kai mewed out with a smirk.

"I'm still licking my wounds here and you want to drag me out to sing?" Hiroshi scoffed.

"You need a fucking walker, grandpa? It's a bruise, shake it off and come hang out with everyone, enjoy the bonds you have with everyone for once!" Kai showed a challenging grin.

"You're an asshole, I don't need a walker." Hiroshi snarled and then shoved his nose up. "Get out so I can get changed, tell them I'll tag along, but if Jarome pisses me off, he'll be the one in a hospital bed next time."

"Heh... sounds good, see you in a few, Roshi!" Kai mewed out and quickly trotted out of the room with a smirk.


"So baby, come to me! Show me who you are! Sweet to me, Like sugar to my heart. I'm craving for you, I'm missing you like candy!" Madeline sang out, one paw holding the mic, her other pointing at Kayla with a wink while she strutted around the small stage. Kayla's tail fluffed out, looking rather embarrassed with a silly grin on her muzzle as Gina prodded at her with a smirk of her own.

"Were any of us even alive when this song came out?" Jarome sighed out to the other boys.

"Uh... I think I was like two or something?" Kai gave a shrug.

"We commonly hear our parent's favorite music early in life, and it can leave an impression upon us. Perhaps this style was something they enjoyed." Raul hummed out melodically, almost in time with the song.

"She's got a nice voice on her, she could probably hone that if she tried." Hiroshi nodded toward the bunny as she sang.

"You mean like a pop idol, my friend?" Raul asked.

"Maybe she could! But... uh, I think at this point that plot point has run its course, you know?" Kai shrugged at the commentary, all the boys giving an agreeing nod to let the subject rest.

Jarome looked over at the buck who was just neutrally watching the girls. "Hey man, you want me to get you another beer or something?"

Hiroshi perked his ears and scoffed at that. "My arm is just in a sling, it's not broken, and I can walk fine. No, I don't need-"

"Maybe you should offer to unzip him and hold it for him in the bathroom too!" Kai mewed out at the lynx. Raul who was normally very composed couldn't help but give a snort as he turned away to not bust out in a laugh.

"Asshole!" Hiroshi and Jarome both snarled in unison toward him.

The music faded on Madeline's song just in time for the three girls to turn to the boys, hearing Hiroshi and Jarome yelling at Kai. Madeline just rolled her red eyes and placed the mic back into the stand. "Geeze, you guys should all just fuck and get it over with."

"Oh my gods, shut up, Mad!" Jarome hissed out with a fussy look on his face. The rabbit just gave the lynx a smug smirk as she stepped down and flopped next to Kayla on the leather sofa in the lounge.

"All of us have done a song, when are one of you guys going to break up the boy's romance club meeting and come sing?" Gina catcalled out.

"Uh... I guess I can sing something, let me go look at the lineup..." Kai moved over to the screen with all the songs listed.

"If you sing ska, I'll throw something at you!" Jarome mewled out mockingly.

"Just for that, I'm going to find the most ska song on this damn thing!" Kai fired back with a grin.

Kai stood up on stage, everyone giving him glares as he just happily sang, "I'll sing along! Yeah with every emergency! Just sing along..."

"'Don't sing ska, I'll throw something at you', he said!" Hiroshi snarled and used his good paw to shove Jarome.

"Hey! I didn't think he'd actually do it!" The lynx hissed back before throwing an empty cup at Kai who skillfully juked to the side while continuing the chorus.

"I think this should veto his rights to how we handle him tonight." Madeline snarled as she folded her arms while lounging back on the sofa.

"Oh? So you didn't want to try what he wanted? Should I just do it with you, without Kai involved?" Kayla spoke out nice and close to the bunny's ears so Gina wouldn't hear over Kai's yowling.

Madeline bit her lower lip at the questions and shook her head before pushing nice and close to Kayla to huff into her own ear. "Uh... It's fine he's just uh... never had it that close to me yet, you know?"

"Heh... you afraid of brother's cock, sis?" Kayla purred seductively into her girlfriend's ear which jerked a few times behind her head.

"Uh... yes? I mean... no? I don't..." Madeline sighed then winced as Kai attempted to hit a high note and snarled back at the leopardess. "Oh, my gods... I think I'd offer to let him put it in my tailhole if his ass would shut up!"

Kayla giggled and hugged Madeline right up, the rabbit huffing and snuggling into her leopard. "He's almost done, this is the last line."

After that, the party agreed to put a ban on any more ska for the rest of the night. Jarome got up and sang some newer pop music, whereas Raul actually surprised everyone by knowing some R&B, both older stuff and more modern. Hiroshi snarled and fussed but finally went up to sing a single song, surprisingly a rather broody punk-metal one.

No one had too much to drink so everyone was able to leave safely, not that any of them were driving since they weren't far from the hotels and none of them lived in this particular city.

"This was pretty great! We should do this after every competition!" Kai mewed as he walked out of the lounge with the rest of the group.

"So long as you swear to never sing ska again, I'm game for that," Gina purred out with a playful smile at the larger cat.

Kai hissed out and clenched his gloved paws. "Oh come on, was I really that-"

"Yes!" Several of them snarled in unison. Kai grumbled and stuck his nose up with a hiss.

"Oh, don't take it to heart, brother dearest, you just need to focus on tunes you can actually carry!" Kayla moved up and gave her pouting brother a gentle but casual hug since everyone was watching.

"Indeed. You'd not go try to play soccer or baseball with bravado, even though you sport the title of a professional athlete, yes? Stick to your strengths, my friend." Raul hummed out melodically as he trotted out with them, whisps coming from his breath in the cold night air.

"I'm still just blown away by Hiroshi! Heh... Not sure if I'm surprised or not you like the moody angry stuff!" Jarome showed the buck a playful grin as he leaned over toward him.

"Having you around sets my mood to angry all the time," The buck snarled and shoved the lynx away from him with his good paw.

"They put up a fuss but you can tell they like one another's company," Madeline said with an amused grin on her muzzle.

"Wanna do a ride share, anyone? I'm staying at the Marrileap about a half mile off," Gina asked the group.

"Oh, that's where I'm at too, I'll totally share a ride with you, babe!" Jarome mewed out with a grin.

"A cab ride is all you're sharing with me, player, so get that smirk off your face." Gina offered the lynx a challenging grin.

"Not to worry, I also will share a ride as I also am staying there. I'll be sure to keep my friend from making too many obtuse innuendos as even a little alcohol has gotten Jarome into trouble in the past." Raul playfully poked his nose up.

"Man... no wonder I can't find any tail with you guys around!" Jarome laughed aloud as Gina snorted at his commentary.

"I've seen you slip away with fans before, don't go whining about not getting laid, you drama queen." Gina hissed out as she waved down the driver she'd already ordered on her cell phone.

"We're in a different hotel, so we'll split up here," Kai said cooly, even as his heart fluttered as he casually looked over at the rabbit and leopardess giving him their own side glances.

"What about you, Hiroshi?" Gina called out as Raul and Jarome fussed playfully while walking to the cab.

"I'm in a different one altogether, but don't worry about me, I can-" He grunted as the persian moved right up and gripped his good arm.

"I don't think so, you're still a bit banged up, I'll have the ride drop you off on the way, c'mon!" She pulled the buck along as he blinked at the gesture but didn't put up much resistance, glancing back at the trio left behind.

"That's gonna be a crowded cab, watch your arm and hip, Roshi!" Kayla called out with a wave.

Madeline was already pawing through her own phone. "I've called our own ride, it'll be here in two minutes."

Both the big cats nodded at her then a silence settled between the three of them, an odd sensation now that all the festivities were concluded and they were alone. Kai looked off at the cab pulling away and rubbed the back of his head. "Hey... uh... bets aside, I don't want you to ever do something you don't wanna do, Mad, ya know?"

Her red eyes snapped up from the phone as she cocked a brown. "You about to tell me you can read muzzles, Kai?"

"What? No! I just uh... I wanna respect your boundaries, you know? I've been thinking about it since this was our first competition together as an uh... what do we call ourselves now anyway?" He offered a small smile and looked at the two girls.

Kayla purred and linked her arm with Madeline's. "When we're alone like this? We call ourselves siblings. Isn't that right, sis?" She nuzzled the rabbit's jaw, Madeline's white tail fluffing up as she bit her lower lip.

"I... Yes, I would prefer that...Is that alright with you, brother?" Madeline offered a small childish grin at the larger cat of the two.

Kai felt his heart flutter again and gave a quick nod. "Of course it is! I did mean what I said though, Ma- Sister!" He mewed out excitedly.

"Thank you, really... you've let me explore myself, but also never... well..." Madeline sighed and scratched the side of her jaw. "I don't even know... but I like doing things with you two, it all feels good... feels right. So, I'll tell you if I ever feel uncomfortable, I promise."

"Thanks, sister." Kai reached his gloved paw out to grip Madeline's free one. The rabbit offered him a grin and squeezed his own paw back.


"You guys feel better after that shower? Didn't get too pawsy on one another while in there, did you?" Madeline called out, walking over to the twins who were coming out of the bathroom adjoining the rest of the suite they were staying in.

"Only a little, nothing too intense," Kayla purred while smiling at their bunny-sister. Madeline had showered before the twins and now stood before them holding a small tray, three mugs of cocoa steaming.

"You made us, cocoa, Mad?" Kai mewed as the rabbit looked away and clicked her tongue. She was wearing a simple bathrobe but it clung to her curves nicely, even parting just enough to show a slight swell of white-furred breasts just before the tray.

"It's no big deal, just take it already," She scoffed as the two leopards collected their mugs before she took the remaining and laid the tray down on the bar.

"It's even got little mini marshmallows in it, how cute! You really do have a sweet tooth, don't you, love?" Kayla purred happily before sipping on the hot drink.

"Don't tease our bunny-sister too much, Kayla." Kai hummed out as he sipped his own cocoa while purring, his blue eyes meeting Madelines as he continued, "Thanks sis, this was very sweet of you, and it's very good!"

"Tch... it's no big deal..." Madeline averted her eyes, her cheeks warming under her white fur and not from the hot cocoa she was now sipping on.

"You said that twice, Maddy!" Kayla purred and moved right up next to her, bumping muzzles with her, giving the bunny a gentle nuzzle.

"Y-yeah? So what?! I can't say it as much as I want!" Madeline fussed but still returned the nuzzle with a faint smile showing.

Kai grinned as he watched the two girls nuzzling a bit before sipping on more of his cocoa. "By the way, you've got a really lovely singing voice."

Madeline grunted as she pulled from Kayla and shrugged. "I was in choir all through school. It was my favorite elective but I hate singing on command, I could never do it as more than just something for fun."

"That explains how you were able to carry the tune so well, unlike Kai!" Kayla mewed out with a grin at the larger cat.

"Hey, don't make fun of me, I'm an instructor and athlete, not a singer!" He gave his twin sister a fussy glare.

"Oh don't fuss, I like you even if you sing like you're dying. Come here..." Madeline grumbled as the pouting leopard gave her a small half-glare at her words but then widened his eyes as the rabbit gripped his own robe at the collar and pulled him down to her.

He took a knee as she moved in and bumped her muzzle against his, giving him a gentle nuzzle, pushing her jaw against his, making sure he got her scent in his clean fur. Kai couldn't help but purr at that, a loud deep rumble of one that Kayla could easily hear as well.

The leopardess took a cue from the situation and moved to her own knee, leaning in close to her brother. Before Kai knew it, he had both his sisters nuzzling at his jaw, leopard, and bunny both getting their scents into his fur, marking him as theirs.

"Damn... I didn't even... finish my cocoa..." He mewed out with a chuckle, then lifted his chin as Madeline pushed closer, her breasts pushing into him as her nuzzles turned to kisses, getting a good close scent of that heady musk he always had, even through the shower it was plain to smell.

"I love how you smell... brother..." She puffed against his jaw, kissing up it, feeling as much as hearing those deep heavy purrs coming from him. He felt her small paw drift up to his hair, gripping it and pulling him to look upon her before she pushed her muzzle to his in an eager kiss.

Kayla purred happily as she watched her big brother kiss their bunny-sister, seeing Kai's sharp teeth showing occasionally as they both huffed through the kiss, their tongues dancing together. Madeline gave another hungry huff then pushed closer, sealing her maw to his, deepening the kiss even more, their tongues hidden from view but clearly still working.

"Hey... me too?" Kayla finally gave them a pouty-sounding response. Kai gasped out, as if forgetting to breathe as the rabbit pulled from him, her paw on his muzzle, both their tongues lolled a bit with mingled saliva hanging from them.

"Sorry, sister..." Madeline puffed out and moved to shove her maw right against Kaylas. Their lips sealed, their heads tilted as Kai huffed out, watching both of his sisters deeply kissing before him, biting his lower lip and wagging his tail as if he were a dog.

Both girls seemed to know what they were doing, each opening their eyes closest to their brother and parting their maws enough for Kai to see their tongues lazily rolling against one another. Bunny and leopardess both occasionally kissed throughout the show, but focused on displaying their own adoration for one another for their brother to enjoy.

"Holy gods... you two are stunning..." Kai whispered out and bit his lower lip, then gave a small mew as Madeline pulled from Kayla's maw, their tongues sharing a connected strand of saliva like his had done. The rabbit gripped his paw and pulled him along toward the large bed in the adjoining room.

"C'mon, sister... I'll reheat the cocoa after we're done heating our brother up!" Madeline gave Kayla a playful grin as she stood and watched the bunny dragging the much larger cat into the bedroom.

"R-Right!" She mewed out and quickly gave chase, her own tail whipping about in the air.

Kai found himself perched at the head of the bed, leaning into the pillows. Madeline straddled one of his legs, Kayla on the other, both girls with a paw on his chest, having pushed the robes open. Leopardess and rabbit alike were at his collar, lapping and kissing along it.

He already had a paw on Kayla's backside, claws dug in through the bathrobe, kneading her round rear. His other started to move over to Madeline, but then he hesitated. The rabbit pulled back and met his eyes with a frown.

"Kai... brother... you don't have to be afraid to touch me. I trust you, I'll tell you if something bothers me so..." She shrugged the right side of her bathrobe loose, her shoulder coming into view along with her right breast. Kai bit his lower lip to see the small silver ring showing, then mewed as Madeline grabbed his paw and guided it over it. "Touch me..."

"O-Okay!" He stammered out and gently kneaded at the rabbit's soft round breast, feeling that little ring of metal push against his pads before he curiously gave it a little tug. Madeline hissed out and bit her lower lip but didn't stop him. This was the first time she'd let him just touch her at his whim, most of their affection had been light touching, mostly with her touching herself and watching them during their intimate moments.

Kayla purred and untied her own robes, letting them slack before she parted them to show off her own slightly larger breasts. "Me too, big brother... huff... touch both of your sisters, okay?" She grinned and then purred nice and loud as Kai's paw guided over her own left breast.

Kai couldn't help but have a childish grin across his muzzle as he kneaded both their chests, Madeline panting slightly, showing just the peak of her tongue, Kayla looking more reserved but proud, a small groan escaping her throat from time to time.

"Gods... I just..." He bit his lower lip, then looked at both girls with a determined look before he pushed his paws right down between their spread legs. Madeline squeaked in shock and Kayla mewed excitedly as his padded fingers found both girls' sensitive little spots.

"Oh, gods! Yes, big brother... ngh!" Kayla mewed out, her hips already grinding on his leg as she felt him skillfully work her spot. Madeline just bit her lower lip hard, clutching to Kayla's own shoulders, whining in her throat as she felt Kai expertly stroking her spot, doing it more skilled than she'd ever managed herself.

"Ngh... c'mon... I want both my sisters to feel good... You said if I won you'd do what I wanted... well...?" Kai showed a confident grin, the rabbit panting at him while clutching to his twin, nodding her head as her own curvy hips shifted. Kayla just clung to Madeline, also nodding, and being more vocal.

"Okay... a little more... fuck... just like that... oooh yes, I love when you go side to side!" The leopardess felt the toes of her footpaws curl as big brother built her body up, Madeline panting wide-eyed at the leopardess who was at her edge.

Kayla felt herself crest and cried out in a blissful moan, her blue eyes rolling upwards as Madeline gasped while clinging to her. "You too, sister!" Kai snarled out and gave the rabbit's pearl a snug little pinch. Madeline saw stars and squeaked out in her own throaty moan, both his sisters sharing an orgasm their brother had coaxed from them.

"Good girls... ngh... that's my good sisters..." Kai hissed out proudly, his padded fingers gently stroking both their pearls. Kayla nodded and panted, then mewed out as Madeline pushed her muzzle to the leopard's both of them kissing once more for their brother, their hips lazily grinding.

Madeline finally broke the kiss with another soft squeak as she came down from her euphoria, panting with her tongue showing, Kayla's own tongue showing too before they both shifted to look at Kai who was all grins.

"Feel better you two?" He purred out lovingly.

"As if one would be enough..." Kayla purred and moved her paws to tug the robes open that Kai wore.

Madeline bit her lower lip as they parted and she saw that length of cock jump to attention, precum beading up from the tip. The scent of his musk slammed into her and made her stomach twist as she panted a little.

Kai bit his own lower lip and called out to her, "M-Madeline, if you don't-"

"S-Shut up brother! I know what I do and don't have to do!" She hissed out with a glare as she pushed her robes open full, letting them hang on her shoulders, fully exposing both her pierced breasts and the clearly wet rabbit petals to him.

"That's right... I and sister have done this together a few times already, I'm sure we can do it with you between us, big brother..." Kayla mewed out as she threw a leg over Kai's thigh, tucking the other under his knee.

"This is a really... awkward position... but..." Madeline grumbled as she shifted into her own spot, one paw grabbing Kai's shoulder as her legs intertwined with Kaylas. "Huff... we'll make it work... for you brother!" The rabbit hissed the words and then gave Kayla a determined look as they both pushed forward.

Kai's tongue lolled, both girls seeing the hearts in his blue eyes as rabbit and leopard petals squeezed together against his throbbing length, hugging it snugly in their hot wet embrace, just the tip showing from between them.

Madeline flinched and bit her lower lip, feeling his throb against her for the first time, that precum erupting forth and dripping down over her own pearl. "W-Woah... you throb so hard, brother... Gods..." She shifted her hips as she panted, feeling Kayla start to move as well.

"Ha... how does your sister's pussies feel on your cock, big brother? Is it everything you hoped it be?" Kayla mewed out, grinding and shifting in time with Madeline, both of their sensitive little jewels grinding against his length, stimulating themselves along with him, their hips rising and falling slowly.

"Oh my gods... oh my gods..." Kai mewled out with a lolled tongue, staring at both the leopardess and rabbit, their robes hanging off their shoulders, each of their breasts swaying in time to them pleasing their brother. "Fuck this is heaven!" He moaned out, his own hips moving, making his length glide up and down, stimulating each of the girls spots as well.

"Gods... brother... keep doing that... please..." Madeline whispered, her own tongue showing again as she panted, feeling him stroke up and down, stimulating her pearl as she pushed against him.

"Fuck yes... fuck... c'mon Kai... make us come again! Make us do it... all over big brother's cock and lap! I want your fur to reek of sex with us!" Kayla cried out, her own words a lewd foil to Madeline's more calm pleas.

Kai just nodded as his claws dug into the bed sheets hard, hissing as he tried to control himself and focus on pleasing them. His own hips moved as he pumped back and forth, stroking their pearls as each of his sisters pushed together, grinding as well.

"A-almost big brother... Just a bi-" Kayla didn't get to finish as Madeline gave a melodic moan of a squeak, the sound of her bunny sister giving in throwing the leopardess over as well as she cried out with her.

Kai felt his heart soar as both his sisters gave in again, his tongue showing as their hips kept grinding, stimulating themselves as he kept pumping, letting each go through their throes. It took them both a few moments to recover before Madeline groaned while looking at Kayla and biting her lower lip.

"Ngh... what's on your mind sis?" Kayla mewed as she panted a bit.

"Ah... uhm..." Madeline grunted then hardened her focus before spitting it out there, "I wanna fuck our brother, that okay?"

Kai mewed out at that and Kayla offered her bunny sister an amused grin. "Okay, but I wanna use your wand, sis..."

"H-Hey... don't I get a say in this?" Kai asked while both girls shifted off his lap.

Madeline pulled her wand out and tossed it to Kayla before climbing right into Kai's lap with a determined look in her eyes. "No, you don't."

Kai bit his lower lip, feeling his heart pound as the small curvy rabbit grabbed his shoulders and shifted to push her petals against the underside of his length, feeling it throb, the whole thing dripping in precum and both of their honey.

Kayla already had the little vibrating wand pushed up to her own pearl like Madeline had done a few times now. "Huff... huff... go on, Maddy... I wanna watch it happen, I really do!" She groaned out excitedly.

"W-well if you're sure, Mad..." Kai slipped his paws over her hips, his heart pounding in his chest as the rabbit met his eyes, biting her lower lip and nodding as she shifted up a little, grinding and awkwardly positioning his head along her petals.

"I am... I've watched you... cum in our sister a few times... and I wanna feel it too, brother... I'm protected so..." She hissed out as she awkwardly moved her hips, then shivered as Kai moved his paw down to grip his own length, better positioning it for her as she felt his head slip up against her entrance.

"Alright, sister... ngh... is this your first time on top like this? Do you need me to help?" He purred as his paws shifted back to her hips, the rabbit giving him a small nod as she bit her lower lip once more.

"All the other times, it was the boy wanting it, so I just laid there and... ngh..." She panted and whimpered as she felt him grind under her, his paws secure on her hips, keeping her supported. "Ah... It's been a few years so uh... T-take it easy okay?"

Kai nodded and kept a firm grip on her hips, licking his chops as his eyes stared into Madeline's, then cut back to Kayla who was panting and stroking herself harder with that wand. The rabbit gave a small gasp as he managed to push past her entrance, his head popping into her tight rabbit hole for the first time, the first boy to have been inside her in some time now.

"Ngh... it's okay, sis... J-just relax..." He panted out, trying to keep himself composed as he slowly lowered her down, his length pushing up into the viciously tight walls of this bunny he'd started calling sister.

"Ngh... it's... really big... brother... fuck... h-hang on, I don't know if-" She gasped out as he pulled her down the last few inches, her hips pushing to his own in a wet slap as every inch of her brother's cock buried itself deep into her.

"Oh... my... goooodsss..." Kayla hissed out with a groan, clearly going through another orgasm as Madeline lolled her tongue, looking over at her leopardess. Kai hissed out and snarled, his claws digging hard into the rabbit's hips as he felt her body respond to him and Kayla, crushing him like a vice as her own orgasm came forth, gushes of rabbit honey squirting into his lap.

"Fuck fuck fuck!" He hissed out and tried to compose himself, his new sister absolutely relentless as she crushed him in her smaller body. Madeline bit her lower lip, then squeezed Kai's shoulders as she started to awkwardly rock her hips, grinding and making him stir deep inside her.

"Oh, my gods! Madeline, hold fucking... still!" He pleaded and lolled his tongue staring hard into the rabbit's red eyes as she panted and clung to him, then he bit his lower lip as he saw that smug haughty grin slowly creep back onto her muzzle.

"Ngh... no fucking way... brother feels too good..." Madeline sighed and wrapped her arms around Kai's neck, pushing her muzzle to his own in a deep kiss. Kai mewled out at the sudden attack, moaning into her maw as Kayla squirmed and rubbed the wand harder while watching her big brother and her bunny girlfriend having their first time.

Kai rolled his tongue with her own, hearing the little squeaking huffs from Madeline as she rode against him, forcing that tip to kiss at her core with each push of her hips. Kai moaned and then break the kiss with a hissing gasp, "Fuck... sis... c-calm your hips down! I'm not-"

Madeline snarled and shoved into another kiss, refusing to let her brother explain, her hips grinding harder, digging him into her as much as she could get, her honey soaking him, making him stink of her like he always had of Kayla.

"Fuck... that's it, sister! Ngh... fuck... fuck our brother... ha..." Kayla moaned out as she watched her grind in his lap, Kai's eyes rolling up slightly as he lost himself to the rabbit's own body demanding his love for her.

Madeline broke the kiss with a huff, seeing the leopard right there on the edge, her hips relentless as they shifted. "It's... okay Kai... you already had us scissoring you... not like you were going in without being built up, yeah?" She puffed the words against his muzzle, rubbing under his jaw, her claws digging in gently as he nodded and whimpered.

She'd seen him finish in Kayla a few times now, and knew his reactions well enough to know he was right there. Glancing over her shoulder, she saw Kayla biting her lower lip, also clearly at that breaking point.

"Kai! Fuck... grab me and haul me down! Claim your sister properly!" Madeline snarled the orders, the leopard giving her a wide-eyed look, hearts in his blue eyes for this rabbit as his body responded instantly to her commands.

His claws dug into her fur so hard he broke her skin a little as he wrenched his rabbit sister down hard, forcing her to crash into his lap. Madeline's tongue lolled and she saw stars from the impact, then cried out a loud moan as his thick love rushed into her.

"Madeline!" Kai moaned out her name as she threw herself against him, shoving her maw to his own, feeling him kiss her back with just as much intensity even as another thick hot rope flooded into her.

Their tongues rolled as she ground her hips, his claws dug into her fur, pink spots showing against the white where he had broken past her flesh. The third gush flooded in and they both parted their kiss as Kayla mewled out in another orgasm of her own, the leopardess lolling her tongue as she intently watched the two of them finish.

"E-Every... drop... okay... brother?" Madeline whispered against his muzzle, jerking as another gush flooded in. Kai just nodded, pushing his forehead to her own, then shuddered and offered her a surprisingly cute little mew as her walls clenched, milking the last of his love into her.

"I... can't..." Kai groaned and collapsed into the pillows, looking absolutely spent. Madeline shuddered as her own orgasm finally cleared her system, collapsing atop his chest, panting in relief, feeling so very warm and full of her brother's love.

Kayla somehow managed to drag herself over and snuggle up beside Kai, giving her own relief sigh as she nuzzled her brother's jaw while lazily patting the fluff of tail on her rabbit's backside. "Gods... that was hotter than it had any right to be..."

"Fuck..." Was all Madeline could slur out as she panted against his chest, looking ready to collapse into unconsciousness.

"Gods... I think I'm going to be bruised from this... fuck... C-can you stop crushing me now, sis?" Kai panted into the rabbit's ears.

"Ngh... shut up and let me sleep..." Madeline grumbled and hugged up close to him, nuzzling her cheek against the fur of his chest as she sighed happily, now truly feeling like a sister amongst the two of them.

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