Avalanche of Love - Episode 7

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#7 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

There is a LOT to unpack this episode, my lovely! No, seriously... this thing bloated up to like almost 13k words, so bring a snack!

Madeline confessed her feelings last episode, already knowing what our lovely twins are all about, that took some guts huh? But does she only like Kayla? Maybe the bunny has eyes for both of them?

There's also some sporting issues to come in this episode as well, so you're spoiled for plenty of drama this go around! Well, like I said, there's a lot to unpack, so...

O-Oh yeah one more thing! You know that whole Author note last episode? W-well I ran that by my muse and they smacked me in the head, called me a dumbass, and... Look, I can't argue with them, okay?! They're scary when they're mad and... so ... I_lied_again.jpg

But hey, give it a chance, I may surprise you, ya know? >:3

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

There is a LOT to unpack this episode, my lovely! No, seriously... this thing bloated up to like almost 13k words, so bring a snack!

Madeline confessed her feelings last episode, already knowing what our lovely twins are all about, that took some guts huh? But does she only like Kayla? Maybe the bunny has eyes for both of them?

There's also some sporting issues to come in this episode as well, so you're spoiled for plenty of drama this go around! Well, like I said, there's a lot to unpack, so...

O-Oh yeah one more thing! You know that whole Author note last episode? W-well I ran that by my muse and they smacked me in the head, called me a dumbass, and... Look, I can't argue with them, okay?! They're scary when they're mad and... so ... I_lied_again.jpg

But hey, give it a chance, I may surprise you, ya know? >:3

Let's jump right in!


Episode 7:

Can I Call You Brother And Sister?

"So... Your brother is okay with this? He doesn't expect me to hit my knees and assume the position or something to be with you, does he?" Madeline shifted a look to Kayla, asking the question point blank.

"Hey! I'm standing right here, don't just talk about me like I'm not!" Kai hissed out with a fussy glare, clenching his paws.

Madeline offered him a playful grin and shook her head. "I'm just giving you a hard time, Kai." She shifted her red eyes back to Kayla and tilted her head, then looked at the slightly taller leopard. "So what's the verdict?"

"Uh... You say, together, but are we even dating, Maddy?" Kayla quirked a furred brow at the smaller girl.

"No, not yet, but I want to get it out in the open now. That's why I asked to talk to both of you at once after the snow settled." She gave another shrug and met Kai's eyes. "What do you say, big guy? If this is going to fuck with you and your sister's own relationship or you've got some seedy-"

"Give me a break, Mad! I'm not going to try to blackmail you into fucking me just to see my sister!" Kai gave her a fussy glare and put his paws on his hips. "I'm not that kind of guy, and..."

He trailed off and Kayla looked over at him. "And what, Kai?"

"Tch... not like I ever got anything from sex anyway other than with you, Kayla." Kai hissed the words quietly.

"Ah, got a really bad little sister complex eh? Maybe you need to just find the right girl to role-play with you?" Madeline offered him a smug grin.

"Maddy, stop picking on Kai!" Kayla gave her a fussy look, the rabbit offering her a surprisingly cute smirk.

"C'mon, Kayla, I'm just trying to be myself and lighten the mood." She stepped back and gave another half-shrug before looking back to Kai. "Sorry if it ruffled your fur, Kai."

"No no, I'm alright, and I appreciate you just being down-to-earth with me, Mad." He gave a nod and met the rabbit eye-to-eye. "I want my sister to be happy, and I'd never try to pull some bullshit like that, Madeline. I like you and I wanna see you happy too, I'd never try to coax you into anything."

Madeline looked surprised at that and cocked her brow once more. "You... like me, Kai?"

"Of course! You've become a good reliable friend to Kayla! You inspire her, help train with her, make her happy, and even challenge her to improve. What's not to like about that? Also, I have a high level of respect for you as an athlete too."

Madeline looked away and frowned, feeling her cheeks burn a little under her fur as she rolled a lock of her white hair in her paw. "So... I wasn't fully truthful earlier about saying I didn't like guys."

Kayla perked her ears and frowned, Kai showed an eerily similar gesture, both the twins tilting their heads at the same time, the rabbit finding it a bit jarring as she blinked upon them. "Uh... let me just get this out there. Dating and shit aside, I don't really vibe with sex, okay?" The twins looked upon one another and then back to the rabbit. Madeline frowned and looked away, actually looking a little timid in the moment after making the confession.

"So... you're ace then?" Kai spoke out curiously.

"I think so... I've had sex a few times, it never really did much for me, even if I did get off. It'd be weird having this conversation with the two of you, but I did kind of walk in on the two of you having sex that one time, so there's a level of awkwardness that's been shaved away at this point." She mustered up a smile as she put a paw back on her own hip.

"That's fair... So you're saying if we got serious, you'd not want to have sex with me, Madeline?" Kayla tilted her head.

"Uh... it's complicated..." She sighed and pushed a paw through her bangs and shook her head, her ears wobbling about slowly behind her. "Like... sex isn't awful to me, I just don't actively want it. I'd have sex or do things sexual if I liked the person, I just wouldn't really have any of my cylinders firing during it, does that make sense?"

Kai offered her a nod. "It does. So you do the whole not liking boys thing, just to avoid the situations that would arise?"

"Yeah, boys tend to be a bit more aggressive than girls when it comes to making their wants known. The girls that do that kind of stuff have a lot more confidence and know what they're doing anyway." Madeline sighed as she shook her head, Kai just gulping a little as he remembered Jasmine's little impromptu offer the other day.

"I'm happy you're opening up, and this doesn't change anything of how I'm feeling about you, Maddy, but why tell us this now?" Kayla stepped closer and rested a paw on Madeline's arm gently.

She cut her red eyes up to the leopardess's blue ones and then looked over to Kai. "Because I just want you to know I'm not here to fuck up what you guys have going on. It doesn't bother me you two are doing your thing, I'm perfectly content to just be here for the stuff at first base, you know?" Madeline offered Kayla a small grin.

"First base? I forget how the base system works in truth... I've heard it described so many different ways." Kai frowned then perked his ears as he smiled at the two girls. "Regardless, I just want you two to be happy. So long as Kayla is happy, I'm happy!"

"You're pretty dutiful, Kai... I'm not even sure if this would go anywhere, but I'd like to try it. I'm perfectly fine letting you be the boyfriend to Kayla and do the sexual lifting if we did start dating. I'm fine with just getting hugs and kisses..." Madeline looked away awkwardly, a small smile showing on her muzzle.

"W-We've not even kissed, Maddy..." Kayla felt her cheeks grow hot, doubly so having this conversation right in front of her brother.

"So can I make out with you too, if I keep it in my pants?" Kai mewed out with a laugh.

"Kai!" Kayla gave him a fussy glare, giving him that look she did when they were kittens and he was trying to play with a toy that was hers.

"I think you're nice, Kai... cute too, you look just like my girlfriend, so I probably wouldn't say no, after I got to know you a little better." Madeline shifted right back into her haughty-mode, poking her nose up slightly.

"W-wait a sec, when did I become your girlfriend?" Kayla stammered out feeling warm all over as she glared at Madeline.

"Oh, did you not hear me? I just said it... You're my girlfriend now. We're not hanging out anymore, we're going on dates." The rabbit huffed the words in her diva voice, running a paw through her hair, flourishing as she stood there.

"Wow, you don't hold back, huh, Mad? I do have to put a line in the snow though." Kai set her with a determined look, showing he was seeing straight through her false bravado, clearly cluing in on it was a defensive mechanism for her. Madeline gave him a hard look but then nodded.

Kai looked at Kayla and then back to the rabbit. "I think you're a nice girl, but I need to hear it straight from your muzzle. I know you've said it a few times roundabout, but I'll ask you point-blank. You're not going to try to break us up or something are you?"

Madeline frowned and shook her head. "No, Kai... if anything, I'm relieved she's got a partner that can pick up my slack. I can smell how horny you two are, and I'd feel bad about not being able to get into it."

"So... I guess this works out?" Kayla tilted her head.

"I mean, I always said if I was going to date, I'd just find a couple that could keep it PG-thirteen with me personally, so this is kind of ideal. Not why I started falling for you, but it will work out." Madeline shrugged again and grinned at Kai. "We'll see how things go, I'll not hog her too much, we are just getting started after all."

Kai offered Madeline a challenging grin. "Thanks, I'm happy to do what'll make Kayla happy. Are you going to bring me along on dates with you guys sometime, or is it girls only?"

"Are you asking to date me, Kai?" Madeline fired back with a haughty huff.

"Eh? Jokes aside, I already promised, Kayla she was all I would pursue, and she's all I want, so..."

"Kai, uh... I was talking about having sex, if Madeline ends up liking us both, I'm not going to kick up a fuss." Kayla folded her ears, looking away awkwardly.

"Heh... that right? Well, since sex with any other girl but you was depressing, maybe we'll see!" Kai mewed out playfully.

"You might have just ended up thinking you were asexual like me, Kai... mayhaps that's what happened, I was raised without a brother. Curse my mother for having only me!" Madeline scoffed dramatically with a laugh.

"This really is a lot to take in all at once." Kayla frowned and rubbed her arm. "What should we even do from here?"

Madeline perked her ears and put her hands on her hips. "Let's go have dinner and then watch a movie. All of us."

"All of us? Don't you want to just hang out with-" Kai mewed awkwardly as the rabbit grabbed his paw, already holding his sister's as well.

"That's enough out of you cats, I can see I'm going to have to hold the reins here. Yes, all of us. For better or worse you need to get to know me too, Kai. Even if we just stay friends, your sister has a bitch-girlfriend now and you need to learn to at least tolerate her!" The rabbit spat the words out matter-of-factly, her nose up in the air.

"I never agreed to that!" Kayla mewed out but was already grinning at the paw holding, her brother just looking stunned by this, his whole life looking like it was about to be flipped on its head.


The rabbit dragged the two off to a local pizzeria in the city they were staying at, as the next competition was in a few days. It had been nearly a week since that fateful incident that occurred.

Madeline tapped her fork on her plate before pointing it at the twins before her. "So anyway... how did you guys actually uh... start this whole thing?"

Kayla smiled at her and looked to Kai, then showed Madeline a playful smirk. "Before that, Maddy, I think we need to reconsider this... I don't think I could ever be with someone that ate their pizza with a fork and knife."

The bunny perked her ears at first, then scoffed with a glare. "Don't you give me that, you're stuck with me for now, so answer my question!" Kayla just giggled at her sassy response.

"Damn... when was it that we started getting affectionate, Kayla?" Kai mused the words as he rubbed his jaw.

"When we hit puberty and we rough housed a little too long one day. I tackled Kai down into the snow and he tried to pick himself up but I shoved him back down by the shoulder." Kayla purred as she recalled the memory. "He hissed as he tried to sit up, but I shoved him down again and loomed over him purring. Then he tried to come up a third time and I just slipped my paws off his shoulders, so he rose straight up and I planted my muzzle on his own."

Madeline blinked at that and smiled. "That's actually really cute... then you two just embraced in a deep loving kiss?"

"No way, we both tried to open our maws at once, tongues couldn't reach... hadn't figured out you have to tilt your damn head to kiss deeply." Kai laughed out as he recalled the ensuing first kiss.

Kayla grinned at him as Madeline snorted out a laugh and moved to put another slice of pizza onto her plate. "Well, you sure seem to have worked it out now. So you two been fucking since you were teens?"

"Nu uh... me and Kai didn't seal the deal until only a few seasons ago." Kayla purred and leaned up against him with a huff. "Though our paws and maws get some practice prior..." Kai offered an awkward grin and said nothing to that.

Madeline nodded and cut into her pizza with a fork and knife, Kayla glaring at it like she was committing the most heinous crime. The rabbit didn't look like she gave a wag as she popped the piece of pizza in her maw, then after a few chews spoke, "I've had sex three times."

"Oh?" Kai tilted his head as Kayla also titled her own in the opposite direction. Madeline frowned at their synchronization but nodded.

She gulped down the bite she was working on and continued, "Uh huh... Boyfriend right out of high school took about 3 minutes and left me hanging. Another guy at an after-event party, actually went for a while and got me there for the first time. Then I tried with another guy about two years ago, he was alright, got me off at least."

"And you didn't enjoy the orgasms?" Kayla cocked a brow.

Madeline tapped her fork on the plate in thought as she mulled over the question. "Hmm... I mean, my body enjoyed it per se... but it wasn't like, anything amazing? I can perform and my body will respond, but I never actively crave sex."

"But it felt good?" Kai asked, now also looking curious.

She sighed and glared down at the half-eaten pizza slice. "My body liked it well enough, but it didn't like... make me want it more, you know? Every time I've ever had sex, it's been because I felt obligated to. I've never wanted it myself."

"Gods... that's awful, Mad. Couldn't they have just respected that?" Kai frowned at her with folded ears.

The bunny laughed at that and cocked a brow. "No, because they're guys, Kai. I think you're the first boy I've ever heard sympathize with me on this if I'm truthful." She rolled her eyes and started cutting on her pizza as she drolled out, "C'mon baby, you'll like it when we get to it... Madeline, it's normal things people do when they like one another... or my favorite, it's what people are supposed to do in a relationship."

Both the twins frowned at that and then Kayla spoke up, "Maddy... that's so mean of them. I'd never guilt you or some shit like that!"

"Ah, it's fine, Kayla... They didn't get what was up and neither did I at the time. It's not like they took it or something, I willingly gave it up." Madeline popped another hunk of pizza into her maw and chewed a bit before muttering out, "Hell... I don't know if I know what's up with my body or needs, so how can I fault them?"

"Well... I know I'm putting the cart ahead a bit here, but I'd never disrespect you like that, Mad, and I know Kayla wouldn't either!" Kai snarled out and clenched his paws, looking irritated the rabbit had to go through all that.

"You're a sweetheart, Kai." Madeline shrugged as she looked up at the two of them. "I think a lot of ace people end up feeling this way though, wondering if there's just some combination to their lock they're not discovering. Like all sexualities, it's not like we have some end-all be-all handbook we can follow, some ace people despise any intimacy, others revel in it but never actively seek it out."

"Do you think that's the case, Maddy? Do you think you're just missing something?" Kayla frowned as she collected another slice of the pie in the middle of the table.

"Don't know, don't care. I know what I like and what I don't, that's simple enough for me. I like you, and I like snowboarding." The rabbit smiled over at the twins as Kayla looked away shyly, her red eyes then meeting Kai's. "You're also alright, how you've handled all this and how I've talked about my own issues has earned you more than a few respect points tonight, big guy."

"They aren't issues, Mad. It's just part of who you are and there's nothing wrong with that. As far as respect goes, you won my respect when you didn't judge me and my sister, or go blathering to the world about us."

Madeline offered him a crooked grin, feeling her heart beat a little faster, and then looked over at Kayla who was smiling adoringly at him for the words. "Damn... you're both pretty great..."

"You're not bad yourself, bitch." Kayla purred out with a grin.

"Yeah yeah, you fucking giant." Madeline scoffed back with a grin, her red eyes shining, looking rather pleased with the playful trash talk.

After finishing up their pizza, the three of them went to go see an action romance movie. Kai tried to enjoy the movie, but Madeline just complained about how bad it was, Kayla joining her several times about it.

"I can't believe that passes for entertainment these days..." Madeline grumbled as they made their way out of the theater, her paws in her jacket.

"C'mon, I thought it was okay. The special effects were pretty cool!" Kai mewed out as he paced along with the two girls.

"You one of those guys that only watches action movies, Kai?" Madeline cocked a brow.

"I'm guilty of enjoying some explosions in my movies from time to time, but I enjoy drama and suspense too." Kai fired back, offering her a grin.

"I kinda agree, I'd have given it a four out of ten. It wasn't very substantial." Kayla chimed in.

"Great, two movie snobs..." Kai hissed out with an eye roll.

"You rather it just been me and Kayla? You upset we dragged you along?" Madeline showed him a smirk.

"What? No no, I enjoy hanging out with the two of you, it's not like I'm doing much with myself anyway when Kayla's not around." Kai shrugged in response to the question.

"Hmm..." Madeline rubbed her jaw in thought.

"What's up, Maddy?" Kayla moved next to her, gently gripping her arm. The rabbit lifted her ears and smiled as she pushed right into the leopard's arms. Kayla mewed at that but grinned and held her.

Kai just grinned at the two of them. "Should I let you two have some time alone?"

Kayla gave him a fussy look. "Kai, be nice and stop picking on-"

"You two wanna come back to my room for the night?" Madeline asked pointedly.

"Uh... What?" Both the twins spoke in unison.

The rabbit rolled her eyes and pulled from them, pacing away a few steps before wheeling on them, her boots crunching in the thin snow. "I didn't fucking stutter. Do you guys wanna stay the night with me?"

Kai spoke out first, "Is that really-"

"Yes." Kayla interrupted her brother and clenched her paws, looking at the bunny with a challenging look of her own.

Madeline offered them both a determined nod and then just like before, she gripped both of the larger cat's gloved paws, pulling them along. "Then let's go before I chicken out!"

"Have you ever chickened out of anything in your life, Maddy?" Kayla mewed out with a grin.

"Mmm..." The rabbit offered her a fussy look, her red eyes looking sharp as she pulled them both along.

"You don't uh... have to push anything, Madeline, you know?" Kai called out, trying to pace up with the small rabbit's more rapid strides.

"I'm not forcing anything, let's just go!" She snarled out and poked her nose up into the air.


The hotel was fairly impersonal which stood to reason, the three of them hadn't been in the city for more than a day. Most of Madeline's bags looked unpacked, tucked into the corner of the den. There was, however, a small pile of individually wrapped jawbreakers sitting on the small table near the entrance.

Kayla grinned at Madeline as she watched the rabbit trotting into the room and shrugging her coat off. "Got a sweet tooth, Maddy?"

The rabbit looked over her shoulder at the leopardess and showed her teeth in a grin before bringing her paw up, tapping a clawed-finger on her two front teeth. Kayla looked curiously at that before Kai spoke out, "Sister, you remember that little mouse you hung out with in middle school?"

"Oh! Huh... guess I've got a lot to learn about bunnies, eh?" Kayla gave a laugh as she stepped away from Kai to hang her own coat up on the wall near Madeline's.

"Since you're dating one now, yeah." Madeline scoffed.

"Are we really dating now just because you said so, Maddy?" Kayla purred and smiled down at her, putting a paw on her own hip.

Madeline snorted and shrugged a shoulder. "I mean I wouldn't force you to, but I also get the feeling you would drag your footpaws for a while."

"That's me you're thinking of, Mad. Kayla had to pretty much spell it out for me to get us going." Kai spoke out as he started tugging his own coat off.

"I'd say that was a much more difficult step to take. You two were solidifying a very unique relationship there. I've never judged you two, but I can see how it'd have had a level of apprehension involved." Madeline tossed her gloves down on the floor under the coat and trotted over to the kitchenette, a slight sway in her hips as she snatched up a jawbreaker on the way.

"You guys want a drink or something?" She spoke while grinding the sphere of hard candy back and forth against her teeth, both the cats clearly hearing it as the rabbit took out a wine cooler.

"What the hell, I rarely drink but why not?" Kayla mewed out cheerfully as the rabbit gave her a nod and tossed one to her. Kai also got one tossed to him without even asking, just assuming they'd both want one.

Soon enough the three of them were seated in the den, each holding a drink as Madeline rolled her half drank bottle about, the rabbit sighing out gently, "So anyway... let's be real a second here." Both the leopards looked at her, sitting on the sofa while the bunny had perched in the chair nearby.

"Uh... I can only poke my nose up and do this for so damn long, you know? This shit scares the pants off me, I'm not stupid, you know?" Madeline hissed through her teeth as she looked away, then took another pull from her drink.

"What are you afraid of, Madeline? I mean I get what you mean... but still." Kai sipped his own drink before looking over at his sister.

Kayla nodded. "Maddy, you don't have to force anything. I've received your feelings loud and clear. Kai knows you're interested in him too, isn't that enough? We don't need to rush anything and-"

"Yeah, I get that... Still, I'd rather get the awkward shit out of the way before we got too deep into this." Madeline finished her drink before she stood, rolling her neck and stretching her arms, both the leopards taking note of her round hips and the plump swell of her breasts through the shirt. She didn't have Kayla's girth up top, but she still seemed to have a nice pawful to work with.

"Uh... what awkward shit are you referring to, Maddy?" Kayla finally asked.

She frowned and shook her head, resting her paws on her hips, mulling on things before trotting right over to the two leopards. "You remember what I told you that day at the training facility when I accidentally found you two?"

"Y-Yeah, of course! Me and Kai dialed the PDA down dramatically after that, and we've had no problems since!" Kayla mewed out pointedly.

Kai nodded to her. "I do appreciate that advice Madeline... you could have revealed that to the league or something and just removed one of your rivals instantly from-"

"As if I'd do that, you dumb cat!" She snarled and then glared hard at him for several moments, shifting her eyes back to Kayla before she spat out pointedly. "The way you two looked, it made my heart pound that day, and I never forgot it."

Both the twins perked their ears and she heard a similar shocked little mew escape their throats at the confession. A silence settled between the three of them for several moments as Madeline jerked her gaze away while standing there.

Kai finally broke the tension, "Uh... I thought you were ace, Mad? Why would that stick with you?"

"Look, big guy, I can still like something... I don't have to have my panties soak through to know I enjoyed seeing something... Also, I said I think I'm ace, I never said I was one hundred sure about it!" Madeline shivered and whispered, "You two were so feral... desperate... intense... the smell, the sounds..." Madeline shuddered again and then simply glared at Kayla before climbing right into her lap.

"Ah... M-Maddy?" She mewed out as the rabbit just grabbed her shirt and pulled the cat down, shoving her muzzle right to the other girls. The kiss was forced but she didn't force her to hold it, however, Kayla happily brought her tongue forward, and both the girls deepened the kiss. Their heads tilted as their tongues moved to explore, tasting the candy and alcohol on the rabbit's breath.

"Whoa... O-Okay... that's actually really hot!" Kai mewed out as he bit his lower lip, watching his sister and Madeline kissing.

"You're a pervert..." Madeline hissed as she broke the kiss but then shifted to move over to Kai. His eyes widened as the rabbit didn't even bother pulling him down, just finding her footpaws to straddle his lap as she shoved her maw to his own, once again giving him a forced kiss just as Kayla had received.

Kayla bit her lower lip similarly to how Kai had, watching his tongue move forward, the small rabbit giving an approving huff as she kissed both brother and sister in such a way. Their tongues lingered before she parted from him with a small grin, her red eyes having that confident look once more now that it was out of the way. "You two kiss identically, go figure..."

"I- I didn't expect that at all, Madeline..." Kai stammered out, his blue eyes wide as the rabbit stood over his lap to be eye level with him.

"Well, no duh... That's why I did it. I wanted to see how well you two kissed." She offered the leopard a smirk then climbed off him, moving to stand before them both, her own fluff of white tail flicking behind her.

"Well... let's hear it, did either of you get jealous or angry seeing me kiss the other?" Madeline tilted her head as she shifted her gaze between the two cats.

"It... it didn't bother me watching you kiss Kai, but I was feeling a bit fussy I couldn't kiss you more, Maddy." Kayla offered her a sheepish grin.

"I thought it was hot and I was happy to see my sister enjoying it. B-But yeah... It was fun to kiss you, Madeline, I could taste the candy on your tongue." Kai offered his own grin, the rabbit smiling as she offered her paws out to the two of them.

They each took a paw as they stood, the bunny poking her nose up again as she started pulling them to the bedroom adjoining the den. "Awesome, now let's work on getting the other part out of the way and see if we enjoy it." She offered them a smug grin as she led them.

Once they got into the bedroom Madeline released their paws and was already unbuttoning her own jeans. "Uh... So, you guys got to see it, I wanna see you two kiss as well!" She almost sounded like she was demanding things as her ears perked up a little from their nearly constant folded position behind her head.

Kai and Kayla offered one another grins before he sat on the edge of the bed, his sister sliding right into his lap. The twins pushed right into a deep open mawed kiss, small purrs and snarls filling the rabbit's ears while she watched them. Each of the leopards cut an identical blue eye to Madeline, seeing her intently staring, biting her lower lip as they made a show of displaying their tongues that were rolling, sharp teeth glinting in the light of the bed room.

"Wow... you two... I love seeing that... Gods..." She puffed out and shifted out of her jeans, showing a skimpy little bikini-style set of panties on. Both cats parted from their kiss as they huffed out, smelling the odor of rabbit sex fill their noses for the first time.

"Any other requests of us, Maddy?" Kayla purred the words as she rubbed her paw under Kai's muzzle, his loud purrs almost sounding like growls as he felt his sister proudly rubbing, digging her claws into his fur a bit.

"Yes! I wanna..." Madeline swallowed a lump in her throat, then clenched her small paws as she glared at the two of them before spitting the request out, "I wanna watch you two do it! Like I did that day... but this time the whole thing, not just a glimpse that haunts my dreams!"

"Did you really think of it that often, Mad?" Kai purred the words as he kissed along his sister's jaw, the leopardess purring happily as she tilted her head.

"Of... of course! And... if you will, I'll uh... join you!" The rabbit just bit her lip as she took a seat at the headboard of the bed near the pillows, already reaching into the nightstand as she withdrew a small vibrating wand.

Both the leopards bit their lower lips, looking at one another, each seeing the intent in the other's eyes as the rabbit bit her own lower lip as if waiting to see what they'd do. Kalya grinned and shifted her paws to grasp her shirt, peeling it up to let her full breasts come into view, snug in a white bra that complimented her white-blue fur. "You too, Maddy... Let me and Kai see you..." Kayla purred the words as she cocked a brow.

Kai already had peeled his own snug t-shirt off, showing the rabbit his own chest, the muscles defined and sleek, much larger than any boy she'd ever been with, a large scar partting fur on one shoulder. Madeline looked them over intently, but it was clear their bodies weren't what was stoking the rabbit's urges as she sat her wand down.

"You're both so pretty and sleek, I'm just short and squat..." Madeline hissed the words awkwardly as she fumbled with the hem of her shirt, looking surprisingly timid now that things were moving along.

Kayla slipped right off Kai's lap to grasp the rabbit's paws. "You're fucking cute as hell, Maddy and I like how you look from what I've seen, now show me the goods!" The leopardess grinned as she met the rabbits red eyes, showing that haughty look she did when they were competing.

Madeline nodded and huffed out before focusing like she would when she dropped in, then peeled the shirt right off, her snow-white fur coming into view, shapely round breasts in a snug red bra that matched her panties. Her figure was curvy with soft sloping hips and the crimson undergarments suited her eyes perfectly.

"Woah... you're gorgeous, Madeline..." Kai moved over to her as well and the rabbit squeaked out as she glared at him.

"That's enough! Uh... Y-you two focus on one another, l-let me just watch, I don't want your paws on me this time, okay?!" She spat the words out rapidly and frowned. "N-next time is fine, but uh-"

"I understand, Madeline." Kai purred out as he backed away on his knees and paws, Kayla offering her a grin as she followed her brother.

Kai gripped his sister's hips, pulling her forward and then turning her away from him, the leopardess facing her new rabbit-girlfriend as he purred and deftly snapped the hooks of her bra clear. Kayla bit her lower lip but let the bra be pulled clear, showing her ample breasts off to Madeline for the first time.

"Goodness... I'm jealous I don't have a set like that, but they look great on you, Kayla..." Madeline gave her an eager grin, then returned the favor, tugging her own crimson bra free, the latch in the front instead of the back. When the fabric parted both twins got to see that soft white fur sporting hard little dark peaks, both their ears springing up as they realized the rabbit had small silver bars in each of her nipples.

"Woah... you sure I can't touch those, Maddy?" Kayla mewed out excitedly, Kai looking like he was thinking the same thing.

"Y-You can both touch and play with them later, keep going damn it..." Madeline hissed out as she gripped her crimson panties, peeling them clear and kicking them off, then awkwardly leaning back into her pillows, hesitating before she parted her knees, letting both of them see her petals for the first time, the pink flesh looking at home against the snowy fur.

Kai snarled with a hunger Kayla recognized all too well, her heart throbbing in her chest but sinking for just a moment at the thought of him hungering for a girl other than her, but it quickly passed as his paws started rubbing at her breasts.

"You like how your new girlfriend looks, sister?" He purred into her rounded ear.

"You mean ours? Seems you sure do..." She purred back and grinned at him, pushing back, grinding her rear into that hard bulge in his jeans.

"I'm both of yours now, am I?" The white rabbit tilted her head, her brow cocked as her left paw was casually rubbing at her pearl for them, just a faint pant on her breath.

"You were all dominantly saying I was yours earlier, so yeah, packaged deal, Maddy!" Kayla mewed out with a giggle as Kai made short work of her own jeans, panties coming off with them as well as the rabbit bit her lower lip, seeing the leopardess fully revealed to her for the first time.

"Hope that's okay, Madeline. I'll always respect your wishes no matter what happens!" Kai mewed the words out as the rabbit bit her lower lip again, watching him join her and his sister in being completely bare. His jeans came off, then her ears perked as his boxers went next, that length of cock jumping hard to attention, a stark reddish-pink showing against that soft light fur.

"Whoa... T-that's a bit bigger than I imagined..." Madeline whispered as she reached for her wand, her hips squirming.

"Right here, little sister... get a good look at our new rabbit..." Kai puffed into Kayla's ears as he brought her down right on her knees and paws before the small rabbit that was biting her lower lip to see the position before her.

Kayla lolled her tongue and looked back at her brother, her hips wiggling as he moved up behind her. "O-okay, big brother... Hurry up!" She whined out, her tail coiling eagerly as he moved to mount her.

"Gods... do you two... always call each other... brother and sister, during?" She panted out, clenching her teeth as she pushed the head of her wand right up against her petals, watching Kayla intently look upon her, only a few feet from her spread knees, clearly smelling the rabbit's sex fill her nose.

"Uh huh... do you like it, Madeline?" Kai purred the words, his confidence surging now that he was stroking his jumping length back and forth against his sister's soaked entrance. The rabbit just bit her lip and nodded to the words.

"Ha... big brother... c'mon... our rabbit's been waiting... fuck me right in front of our new bunny!" Kayla mewed the words out, then Madeline felt her heart leap into her throat as she saw the leopardess sag her tongue out as he pushed into her.

Kai looked feral as he snarled and pushed past that tight little hole, filling his sister with every throbbing inch, Kayla treating his and Madeline's ears with a cute little mewl as he bottomed out inside her.

"Ha! Oh, gods yes... that's it Kai... ngh... fuck your little sister's pussy!" He knew she didn't usually talk this dirty, but it was clear Madeline was loving it as the rabbit gasped out in a cute squeak and kept rubbing the wand against herself.

"You two... are really cute... huff... huff... T-Thank you for doing this with me..." She panted the words, her hips squirming as she watched Kayla gently jerking in time to her brother's thrusts, now letting the rabbit get the scene she'd had played out in her mind since that night.

"Huff... glad you like it, Mad..." Kai dropped to his paws over his sister's back, the leopardess purring up at him as he moved into a more proper breeding position. His icy blue eyes met the rabbit's crimson ones as he panted while pumping inside his sister's tight little hole. "Like me calling her my sister... in front of you... Mad?"

The rabbit bit her lower lip, panting and showing her tongue slightly as she nodded several times, watching him keep his pace up, Kayla looking absolutely drunk on her brother's love as he crashed into her core with each stroke, smelling them as much as seeing them do this before her.

Kai seemed to feed on the rabbit's own eagerness and puffed into his sister's ear, nibbling it for a few moments as he stroked, then his eyes cut back to Madeline's, deciding he'd test his theory. "C'mon my little bunny sister, push that wand hard against yourself for brother!"

Madeline's eyes widened as she showed her tongue and pushed that wand right up against herself, then her red eyes rolled up as she gave a loud squeaking gasp. Kayla mewed out in shock as rabbit honey actually squirted forth a few inches from the rabbit's spread legs, spattering onto the bedding as she felt her brother keeping that pace up inside her.

"Ha! You came so hard, sis!" Kayla mewed out as Madeline gave a loud gasp at the words and chewed on her lower lip, nodding at them as she kept rubbing the wand against herself.

"I- I've... never had more than one per... b-but..." She stammered out while panting, her curvy hips shifting as Kai grinned at her while impacting his twin sister's core with wet sloppy thrusts, feeling her own honey dripping from what she had just witnessed.

"Ngh! T-That's okay Madeline... huff... I know you'll get off more for me and our brother..." Kayla moaned the words as she braced and pushed back against those thrusts, feeling Kai impact her harder from the motions.

"Fuck... fuck!" Kai hissed out as his claws dug into Kayla's shoulders, the leopardess showing her tongue as Madeline nodded her head, moaning and rubbing her wand against her pearl, her other paw kneading and teasing her left breast.

"Y-Yes... anything for you brother and s-sister... ngh... will you cum with your sisters this time, brother?" She groaned as she looked up at Kai, seeing his blue eyes sparkle at the rabbit's request.

"I will Madeline! Ngh... I'll pump our sister full while my bunny sis gushes for me again!" He gasped out, impacting Kayla's core again and again as the leopardess rolled her eyes up, mewing and crying out with each thrust until he bottomed out viciously hard.

"Gods! Big brother!" Kayla mewled out then gave a loud savage moan, her tongue lolling as she felt his fire pouring into her, hearts in her eyes with each thick rope, then the leopardess mewed out as bunny lust gushed onto her cheek, her ears filling with the savage sounding moan of her brother and her new rabbit's own throaty squeak of a moan.

"Kayla! Kai! B-brother... sis...ter!" Madeline grit her teeth, whimpering the words through them, shuddering as another small gush erupted forth before she slumped back into the pillows, panting in relief.

Kayla bit her lip hard, Kai also chewing on his lower lip even as he jerked his hips a few more times, finishing off in his twin sister. Kayla groaned as that last rope filled her, then blinked up at Madeline who was still looking at them while panting. Kayla watched her new girlfriend and licked her chops to taste that rabbit lust now that her womb was full of big brother's own.

"Holy hell... I can't even... think..." Kai dropped to his elbows, panting in relief, hearing his sister's contended purrs and Madeline's own relieved pants fill his ears as she nodded in agreement.

A little while later, she found herself snuggled right up in bed between with them, Kai resting a paw on her belly while Kayla kept one on her right breast, both the cats flanking her and purring contentedly. She had calmed down and composed herself rather quickly but all of them seemed content to just enjoy the comfortable silence that followed the frantic bonding.

"Ah... so about the sibling thing..." Madeline finally spoke out.

"What of it, sister?" Kai offered her a grin as he circled a paw along her navel, the rabbit squirming at the words before offering him a fussy look.

"It... it's okay, Kai... you don't have to humor me or some shit, okay?" She gave him a small glare out of the corner of her eye.

"I'm the one that started it, yeah?" He fired back and leaned in, giving the rabbit's muzzle a lap of his tongue in a kiss, Madeline shivering a little at that.

"Yeah, it's okay, Maddy... if you liked it, that's what matters, and I enjoyed calling you my sister during all that. It's not hurting anyone and it's our business between us, yeah?" Kayla purred into the rabbit's ears, then leaned in to lap the other side of her jaw in a kiss like Kai had done.

"I... suppose? Does it not bother you two?" She looked between each of them as they purred in her ears.

"Not at all," They answered in unison, Madeline frowning at that.

"You two do that shit on purpose or something?" She grumbled, but then offered them both a smile. The twins grinned at one another then moved to nuzzle the rabbit's cheeks once more, marking their scents on her.


"The powder is fresh, no wind, and the sun is out, this is going to be a perfect day for competition!" Jaron called as he pointed at the camera with a gloved paw.

"That's right and we've got a stellar lineup of the world's best ready to compete today! I hope all of you out there are ready for some drama!" Jasmine showed her own grin to the camera while clenching her paws into fists.

The drone panned out over the halfpipe and freestyle course of the resort, the sun making the snow almost glitter with the light as the list of the girl's competitors showed on the screen.

"What the hell was up with last week? Kayla puts up higher numbers than we've seen in a few years, and Madeline answers it? Those two seem to just feed upon one another's competitive spirit!" Jaron barked out.

"You can say that again, Jaron. I thought Kayla had that last week, then Madeline goes and reminds us who the queen of these slopes is!" Jasmine hummed as the shot came back to the sportscasters.

"Speaking of those two, how about that social media announcement yesterday?" The greyhound called out conversationally.

"You mean the one the whole snowboarding world is talking about?" Jasmine spoke out calmly as the post in question displayed.

It came from Madeline's feed and showed the girls in their snow gear giving peace signs to the camera, cheek to cheek, pushing nice and close. The following picture simply was the leopardess and rabbit sharing a kiss together, the caption under the pictures simply reading, 'It's what it looks like <3'

"Think we'll see even more wow factor out of them now that we know what's going on, Jasmine?" Jaron asked while holding his mic.

"You know we will, Jaron! Those girls aren't going to give an inch to one another. I'd say we'll see an even more fantastic show out of them!" She squeaked out with a grin as she winked at the camera.

Once the introduction was finished and things started getting toward the competition, Jasmine took some time to hunt down a certain leopard before she needed to be back to the broadcast area.

"Hey, Casanova, you got a second?" She called out as Kai lifted his ears, his tail shaking a few times as he saw the mouse wave him down. He swallowed a small lump in his throat and went to speak with her, snow crushing under his boots.

"Oh, hey Jasmine, is this something to do with the broadcast?" He tilted his head curiously.

The older mouse waved a paw and smiled. "Nah, I just wanted to apologize to you for last week, ya know?"

Kai tilted his head at that, looking confused. "You didn't do anything wrong, Jasmine."

She folded her arms and frowned. "Sure but... I mean after I said that to you, you seemed to be all stressed out and had some dicey runs at first. I'm not so full of myself to think it might have been over me, but it was super unprofessional of me to bring that up right as you were about to compete."

Kai nodded slowly as his tail whipped about a few times. Of course, that was almost all Kayla and Madeline at the time, but she was a bit of a factor too. He offered her a smile and shook his head before answering her, "Hey, no harm done. I was flattered, but you know, I've actually got a girlfriend, Jasmine, she just wants to stay out of the spotlight so to speak."

The mouse snapped her paw fingers with a grin, even though there was no sound since she wore gloves. "Damn, that's too bad, you're a cutie, but I understand, Kai, no hard feelings!" Her eyes sparkled as she huffed out, "So... how do you feel about your sister and Madeline revealing that?"

"Oh, I've known for a bit now, they just made it official. I'm quite happy for them both!" He mewed out and poked his nose up proudly with a smile.

"That's great to hear! Good luck today, Kai!" Jasmine gave him a finger gun as she turned and trotted off, gracefully accepting the rejection as if it were nothing to her.

Back at the girl's prep area, Madeline was there with Kayla, both showing grins at one another. The rabbit folded her arms and tilted her head as she spoke up, "Okay, Kayla... You know the deal, no quarter given."

"Yeah, you better put it all out there, or I'll be in charge, and you know what that means." She showed Madeline a smug grin.

"That I'd still be having to take the reins while we had sex with our... brother?" Madeline offered a haughty grin, twirling a lock of her white hair in her paw.

Kayla grinned at that and pushed a paw to Madeline's hip, bumping her muzzle to the bunny's, both the girls stealing a quick kiss before parting. "Something like that, sis." The leopardess offered her a wink.

"Well, big brother asked his sisters to scissor together on his cock if he out-scores us, you okay with that?" Kayla puffed down into Madeline's ear as the rabbit grinned and shook her head.

"Kayla, I already told you, I like making both of you feel good. Just because I'm not always outwardly craving it, doesn't mean I won't have sex with you two. I'll do it, and I'll love doing it because it makes you two feel good." Madeline scoffed and pushed close to the leopardess, puffing into her ear as she leaned down to nuzzle. "Though... it's getting more fun these days now that I'm with the two of you... Maybe you two really were the little secret factor I was missing..."

"That makes me really happy to hear, Maddy..." Kayla lapped her jaw and hugged the rabbit nice and tight while they had their brief moment before the competition. Madeline just nodded and hugged her back, both of them rubbing their muzzles together, making sure their scents were prevalent, both of them smelling a little like Kai on their fur already.

"You too are too damn cute! Seriously, break it up, you're making me feel the forever single pains!" Gina mewed out playfully as she walked over to the two of them with a wide grin showing on her muzzle.

"Oh, it's you." Madeline scoffed as Kayla stood fully back up after having taken a knee to be level with the rabbit.

"Be nice, Maddy. Gina's just being playful." Kayla offered a smile to the smaller cat.

"Yeah yeah..." The rabbit grumbled as her haughty diva side came out, the snow bunny flicking her tail up as she huffed out and put her paws on her hips.

"Jokes aside, you two are really cute. I always thought I saw you two looking a little too fondly upon one another. Love blooms on the halfpipe, how romantic!" She purred out with a grin, wagging her own tail.

Kayla and Madeline shared a look at the 'love' part but said nothing as Gina gushed about them a little more before one of the competition staff came in to start getting the girls ready to drop in.

The girls dropped in their current qualifying order, so Kayla was dropping in right before Madeline, with Gina being the last to go since she had done the best in qualifying. The leopardess had already suited up and was heading for the gate when she gave a small mewl as she felt a pull to her tail. She jerked back with a snarl, but then saw it was Madeline there with a smirk on her muzzle.

"O-Oh... Maddy, what's up?" She tilted her head as the rabbit simply grabbed the front of her coat and jerked her down, placing a quick kiss on her muzzle, right there on camera before resting a paw on Kayla's jaw.

"You have a safe run... don't you let the butterflies of what I'm going to do to you when you lose to me, take you off your game, okay?" She rubbed the leopard's muzzle, staring intently into her eyes.

Kayla felt her heart flutter at the rabbit's strong confident gaze, feeling her stomach twist in the way it did when Kai would do such things. She offered a grin and leaned in, nuzzling the top of the bunny's head, puffing into one ear warmly, "I'll be focused, you too, sis..."

Madeline felt her cheeks grow warm but nodded, pulling away and stepping back to the staging area to let Kayla do her thing. The leopardess gave a controlled huff, tampering down those butterflies before she sauntered over to the gate.

"That was super adorable, but aren't there rules about PDA during competition?" Jaron called out to the viewers at home.

"Gods, I hope not, that was too cute! It's not like they were making out on camera, just some pre-competition cuddles, I wish I had gotten those when I competed!" Jasmine called out with a laugh.

Kayla offered the camera a grin at the words, then snapped her goggles in place, dialing her music up, and giving a nod to the viewers before she dropped in for her starting run. She felt lighter than air today and when she hit that wall, it seemed like it too, getting huge amounts of it, spinning, flipping, and twisting before seamlessly sticking the landing.

The crowd screamed out their adoration as the second pass finished with more over-the-top flourishing tricks. A third pass left her with less amplitude but she still pulled off a half corkscrew and even went up for a fourth, just enough speed to pawstand at the edge of the pipe for a heartbeat while gripping her board in the other paw, the crowd loving the impromptu trick even if it wouldn't win her anymore points with the judges.

Grinding her board to a halt she felt awash with love and adoration from the fans, showing a haughty grin to the camera as she lifted her goggles up, offering a finger gun. "Beat that, big brother... and you too, Maddy!" She winked as she unbuckled, trotting away while waving at the fans.

"Came out swinging, Kayla?" Jaron was there waiting between her and the lift, mic already being shoved into her face.

"Heh... Maddy and Kai would be disappointed if I didn't put it all out there with every run, to say nothing for my fans!" Kayla smoothly spoke the words, even putting her fingers together in a heart for the camera, the whole place roaring in approval.

"You are not the cat we saw last season, that's for sure!" Jaron spoke out before pushing the mic back to her.

"That's true in a lot of ways, isn't it now?" She purred and looked at the camera, her gaze softening. The rabbit shoved her glove over her mouth, feeling her heart pound, seeing it look like the leopard was looking right at her even through the display on the TV in the staging area.

The score dropped a moment later to a very impressive 93.0, the fans roaring their approval. There was a time nineties were fairly rare in these competitions, but ever since the twins got into it, the stakes seemed to have raised and both sides of the field were seeming to push past the original norms.

"You look like you're in love, Madeline." Gina puffed out into the rabbit's ear from behind, startling the rabbit out of her state with a shocked squeak.

"Fuck! Don't sneak up on me like that, damn it!" Madeline snarled and shoved the cat's shoulder, making Gina laugh and backpedal a few steps.

"Sorry, but they're freaking out that you're not at the gate. You need to stop ogling your girlfriend and go drop in!" Gina offered her a cock of her brow, just shaking her head while purring.

"Tch..." Was the only sound the rabbit made as she stomped over to the gate, her heart still pounding as she tried to focus on her own run.

"Ah, here we are, a rare first! A lover's duel is it?" Jasmine called out to the audience.

"Perhaps it's been that way for some time now and we only just got to be privy to it, Jas?" Jaron barked out.

"Mhm! You might be right, Jaron! Well, let's see if the Snow Bunny can muster up what she needs to top a ninety-three!"

The focus redoubled in her red eyes as she showed her teeth and snapped the goggles into place, dialing her music up and pointing at the camera before kicking off. The rabbit hit the wall, getting just as much air as Kayla had then a bit more, her smaller form offering faster tighter twists before the board hit the wall in a perfect landing.

The second pass had her do a full upside-down corkscrew, the world blurring in chaos she'd long learned to endure. Madeline finished her third pass with just as much flourish as the first and even went up for her own fourth, pawstanding just like Kayla had done but going so far as to actually hang there, looking at the camera an extra second, even cocking a furred brow before dropping back into the pipe.

Of course, the crowd was screaming the whole time, Gina stomping a footpaw up at the prep area as she pushed a paw to her forehead, just shaking her head. "Fuck... Apparently, I need a girlfriend or boyfriend if I'm going to keep up with these two!" She gave a laugh and sighed as the score hit 94.2, the persian just shaking her head as she moved to the gate.

"Trying to say something to Kayla with that one, Madeline?" Jasmine showed the rabbit a grin as she pushed the mic to the rabbit's face.

"What? That was for my fans, as always. I keep a separate score on my bedpost for Kayla." Madeline pushed a paw through her white hair, hearing the cheers and 'oohs' from the fans at her brazen statement.

"What? I'm sorry what was that?!" Kayla laughed as she stomped right over to the two of them, having been waiting on Madeline to finish so they could ride the lift back up together.

"Did I stutter?" Madeline offered her a cute smirk.

"Oh I see how it is, guess I'll just have to only do those tricks for my fans from now on, eh?" Kayla hummed out, Jasmine just looking amused as she shifted the mic back and forth between the girls in their play-fight.

"Just shush and let's go, you got two more runs to one-up me, love!" Madeline poked her nose up, and grabbed the snow leopard's paw, dragging her along to the lift as Jasmine just stood there with a grin on her own muzzle.

"Looks like our viewers are getting some romantic drama with their sports today! Back to you Jaron!" The mouse called out with another grin as the scene cut back to the gate for Gina's drop-in.

"You mad at me over that?" Madeline called out to her on the lift back up.

Kayla hugged her up, an arm around the rabbit's shoulder as she shook her head, giving the bunny's jaw a nuzzle. "No way, it was cute, and I know you're putting it out there as much for me as anything else!"

"Hmph... Kai too, it's a shame we can't do this sort of thing with him as well, huh?" Madeline frowned and Kayla sighed before nodding.

"He's such a good sport about it, you could have just as easily done this whole thing but with him, we'll have to make sure to love him extra for having to be the one in the shadows." Kayla nodded to herself as the rabbit hugged her and offered a nod as well.

Gina had finished her own run as the girls got back, and she wasn't able to handstand with a fourth pass, but she didn't need to. The cat just stuck her tongue out at the camera as she lifted her own goggles up, knowing the two girls would be looking at her by now from the prep area. "There, how about you two love birds beat that instead?" She offered them a snarky grin.

The fans were elated to see multiple nineties dropping today on the first pass to boot, Gina showing she wasn't going to let the new couple just run away with things, putting down a 94.8.

Kayla groaned as she glared at the TV up in the prep area. "Asshole! The order literally is going to be the same on the next pass now!" She fussed out with a hiss.

"Works out this way, you should get used to dropping in before me, since I'll always outscore you," Madeline offered her girlfriend a grin.

"Shut up, you ass!" Kayla laughed and gave the rabbit a playful shove, the bunny stepping back a pace before pushing right up against the leopardess. Kayla grinned and threw an arm around her as Madeline gave her a hug and huffed out in that haughty little way she always did.


"A three-way tie at ninety-five point-five? How often do three-way's happen anyway?" Jarome called out as he looked up at the TV, seeing them replaying the last of the girl's competition from earlier.

"For you? I'd wager it'll never happen." Kai catcalled out playfully from the beanbag chair he was lounging in.

It took Jarome a second to process the jab before he hissed out, "Asshole, I've had plenty of threeways!"

"Clearly you haven't judging by your responses," Hiroshi drolled out from one of the other chairs.

"You guys are brutal... c'mon Raul, help me out here?" The lynx looked over at the collie pleadingly.

Raul gave a calm snort and shook his head. "Apologies, my friend. I seek to obtain conquest over the ride, not the fairer sex, you're on your own in this defense."

"Alrighty, guys! It's almost magic time!" One of the event staff called out into the prep area.

"About time." Hiroshi stood from the beanbag and rolled his shoulder. Kai offered him a challenging grin as the buck offered him his own.

"Still fussy about last time, man?" Kai slowly found his boots as he climbed from the beanbag.

"I disagreed with the judges." The buck folded his arms with a snort.

"Then go be one and leave the boarding to me." Kai put his paws on his hip, smirking down at the smaller male.

"Whoa, look at you two, already starting the trash talking huh?" Jarome purred as he shifted a paw to his own hip.

Kai smiled as he leaned back and flicked his tail. "Heh... I just need to beat ninety-five-five. After that, you can have whatever color medal falls into place."

"Still trying to beat sister's score, or is it more personal and going after Madeline's too, now since they're dating?" Jarome asked with a grin.

"Of course, I can't let my sister or her girlfriend one-up me!" Kai shoved a gloved thumb into his chest with a grin. Of course, he was only thinking about what he'd be getting if he was able to beat their scores.

"You seem extra dialed in today, my friend. Have some realizations cleared your mind as of late?" Raul smiled at the large cat with that relaxed grin he always sported.

"Y-You could say that! I guess I've gotten some things put into perspective for me." Kai purred and rubbed the back of his head.

Raul gently bumped against him as he walked by, huffing out just loud enough for the leopard to hear his words, "Indeed... their scent lingers upon you, not the smell of casual touch either..." The dog of the group cut his dark eyes to the cats, seeing the shocked look in Kai's gaze as he casually paced away.

"W-wait a sec!" Kai followed after the collie as the other two boys looked confused by the sudden display between them.

Raul trotted out to the gate area, glancing back at the leopard with that same lazy smile, tilting his head. "What is it, Kai? You won last week, you're last to drop in."

"What was that just now?!" Kai hissed out with a fussy look in his gaze.

The collie showed just a slight glint of teeth as he offered a smirk. "That was me telling you... that you should more thoroughly bathe before you do these... You assume all have a sense of smell like you, but us canines have a much more-"

"Okay okay! Yeah, I get that but uh... is that it?" Kai tilted his head.

Raul gave him a confused look and slowly blinked. "Was there more? I simply offered some advice to keep you out of an awkward position in the future, Kai." He gave the leopard a bored look and smirked once more. "Did you assume I'd... blackmail you? Do you think so little of my ethics, my friend?"

"S-Sorry... I just uh..." Kai rubbed his arm and looked away awkwardly.

"Kai, you should focus on your ride. We are at peace and so long as you do not mean harm or foul towards me, I will remain the same towards you. So push this from your mind, focus on your ride, and remember my advice." Raul pushed a paw to the small tribal-looking charm at his chest that he wore as a necklace, then turned away without another word.

Kai nodded slowly to the collie's back, making a mental note to get a better body wash once this competition wrapped up.

He finished first, the last competition, and managed to be first in the qualifiers, so he was dropping in last today. Hiroshi already had a 94 on his opening run with Jarome sporting a 90.3 and Raul a 92. It was clear the boys weren't going to let the girls just throw all the nineties out this time.

"Okay... focus, dumbass..." Kai snarled as he buckled in, then perked his ears as his phone pinged, it was a text message from Kayla. He quickly looked at it and it was just a selfie of her and Madeline hugged up in their winter gear after the girl's competition. The text below read, 'Good luck brother, your sisters are rooting for you.'

Kai felt his tail fluff out at that and a shiver roll up his spine before he swallowed the lump in his throat. He offered the phone a grin before tucking it away, feeling himself compose now that both of them were cheering him on.

"And here is last week's champ and current points leader, Kai Hanna. He looks pretty dialed in today, doesn't he?" Jasmine called out cheerfully.

"He does look like a cat on a mission, that's for sure. I wonder what's going through his head right now?" Jaron hummed out.

Kai showed the camera a snarky grin as he dropped his goggles into place and spoke back to the sportscasters, "Nothing family-friendly, I'll tell you that!" He gave the camera a point with his gloved paw before pushing off.

"Oh my!" Jasmine squeaked out with a laugh as the leopard dropped in for his run. Kai's X3 hit the wall like it was ice, soaring up as he held the board, the sun reflecting off his tinted goggles as he grinned into the biting cold air while the world tumbled and spun.

His landing stuck flawlessly and on his next pass he was getting more cheers and wows from the crowd, soaring through the air twisting and turning, his tail whipping behind him as the board hit the slope to move on to the third pass.

His knees bent as he pushed forward as hard as he could, that cocky little grin showing on his muzzle. He had lied to Hiroshi, he already had one gold and he wanted another, it wasn't just about his sister's, even if that was a major factor.

Just like his sister did, he went up for another pass on his fourth but didn't pawstand, he had enough amplitude for one more quick flip, just barely sticking it by the edge of the pipe as the crowd gasped out in shock at the extra trick.

Kayla slacked her maw at the performance, Madeline just clenching her own jaw while staring wide-eyed, the jawbreaker shattering against her teeth as the sisters realized brother wasn't going to be denied what he wanted tonight.

His board ground to a halt, a camera already in his face as he lifted his goggles and cocked a furred brow, speaking into it. "Think the judges will get that one right, Roshi?"

He felt so in control at that moment, felt as smooth as he had ever felt in his life, right up to the point where his world spun and he gave a shrill little mewl as he was tackled right into the snow by Kayla.

"Brother! Holy crap, what was that?!" She called out excitedly, her tail coiling as she gave him an excited grin, having shattered his whole presentation with her eagerness.

"Damn it, sister! I was trying to be cool for once!" He huffed out with a fussy half-hearted glare.

"You've always been awesome, Kai. Don't worry." Kayla offered him an apologetic grin and climbed off him, offering a paw to help him up.

Back at the top of the pipe in the prep area, Hiroshi was having mixed emotions over that as he glared at the TV. Sure, Kai had been the reason he was able to get a sponsor again, but at the same time, he felt so called out, feeling his temper wanting to flare up.

Raul called out melodically from behind. "Hiroshi, when I was a puppy, first learning the ways of the board, I had many shortcomings, you know?"

The buck turned to look at the collie, cocking a brow but saying nothing as Raul continued while looking into the other competitor's eyes, "The wind gusted, that patch was too slick, I got too dizzy... Every time I had something come up... My father would tell me, The biggest excuse is the one in the mirror."

Hiroshi snarled at that and darted his eyes away towards the TV, seeing the 97.0 on the screen. "Disagreeing with the judges only gets you so far, my friend. Perhaps you also lean on some excuses as a crutch. Some food for thought, nothing more..." Raul huffed out and casually trotted over to collect his gear as they prepared for the second run.

Back down at the end of the pipe Kai had already had his token interview and was talking to both of his 'sisters' before he rode the lift back up. Madeline folded her arms, feeling her cheeks burn as she scoffed out, "You didn't even hold back, threw it out there on the first run... pervert... you really are eager for us to do that, aren't you?"

Kai laughed and rubbed the back of his head. "Give me a break, Mad... it wasn't just that, I was... really feeling it, ya know?"

The rabbit cut her red eyes to him and nodded. "You both are there, you know? For what it's worth, I'm happy to have you both as rivals and lovers." She ran her paw through her hair with a flourish and gracefully trotted back to the waiting area.

"Damn, brother... that was amazing though! Weren't you a little mean on Hiroshi there though at the end?" Kayla gave him a grin.

"Nah... he needs that push. He's been grumbling about having to learn the X3, using it and the judge thing as a talking point. I know he can beat me, but he has to have the fire lit under his hooves, ya know?"

"Yeah? You watch out for him, don't you? Feel responsible since you dragged him over to Altima?" She smirked and moved over, giving him a hug, nuzzling his jaw quickly before pulling away. "You're very cool in a lot of ways big brother, I'm proud of you, and I'll give you a proper reward tonight with our bunny-sister." Kayla offered him a wink as Kai felt his heart ramp up at the sparkles in his sister's eyes.

The competition sorted itself and the initial run Kai dropped was never beaten, but there was one small caveat to that...

"I want a tiebreaker!" Hiroshi snarled while at the podium, clenching his gloved paws as he lifted his muzzle, glaring up at the larger cat as they both stood there, cameras on them. Jasmine and Jaron looked shocked, the ski resort's owner that was about to present the two gold medals for the event also looked surprised.

"Hiroshi, those only happen at the end of the season, you can't just demand a run off because we had a tie during a regular event," Jasmine spoke out diplomatically towards the buck.

He grunted and looked at the mouse, then glared back at the leopard before him, the usual cool composure the buck would exude cracking in this moment. Kai frowned and put a paw on his hip. "Hiroshi... if you're upset about earlier, I'll apologize right here on the air to everyone at home for trash-talking you, man."

The buck clenched his teeth and snarled before shaking his head. Composing himself before he spoke out in that cool tone of voice, "I don't care about the points, you called me out earlier, and despite our amicable relationship, I demand we resolve today's competition between us, point's standings be damned."

"Amicable? That how you say we're friends, Roshi?" Kai offered him a grin then shrugged. "Okay... I'll drop in one more time if the judges haven't packed up and gone home. Points or not, I'm game!"

Jaron folded his ears and looked to Jasmine before stammering out, "Uh... I'm not even-" Both his and the mouse's ears perked slightly at the feed in their earpieces. "Really?"

Jasmine pushed a paw to her own ear and nodded, then looked at the two boys. "Alright, judges are game, but it's an exhibition run, no points involved."

Hiroshi simply nodded and hopped right off the podium, trotting over to the lift. Kai offered a shrug and grin at the camera as he followed after the buck. The leopard quickly caught up and made sure to grab the same lift up the buck was taking.

"Roshi, we cool? You know my jab was just to prod your tail into action, yeah?" Kai called out as they rode up.

"I am thankful, but I have pride and honor to think about. If we don't resolve this now, I'll not be able to focus between now and the next competition. Do you understand?" Hiroshi sighed as he looked straight ahead while explaining.

Kai grinned at that. "Sure sure, I don't need you taking it personally, we'll sort it here, but I'll trash talk you any time I think you're slacking, ya know? You still gotta get to the Olympics later this year and get a medal to rub in your mom's face, right?"

Hiroshi cocked a brow that Kai remembered the story but simply gave him a nod as the lift slowed to a stop, the buck hopping down and moving right to the prep area.

"Okay you two, exhibition or not, we treat this like any other competition run! Kai, you agreed to this, so we'll have you drop in first. All the rules apply of staying out of the gate area until you're called!" The event staffer barked out the directions as they plodded over. He was the only one there, the others having already left thinking their job was done for the day.

"Well well well! We've got a spicy little bit of... can we call this overtime, Jasmine?" Jaron called out to the camera.

"I think we can, Jaron! Points or not it looks like our riders have a bit more to show us today!" The mouse squeaked out cheerfully as she grinned at the camera.

"Stick around, folks! We'll be back to get this duel started right after this!" Jaron called out melodically as the commercial break started.

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Murder & Gin

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