Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 3

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#3 of B&C:Memoirs

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The term "power couple" gets tossed around a lot, but I can't think of a more apt two than the ones in this episode. I think this might be one of the more romantic and cute episodes I've written in this series and I'm 100 here for it!

Romantic and cute doesn't mean it's now lewd though! I'm not gonna lay the spoilers on too thick here, let's just get to it and see what you think, yeah?

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The term "power couple" gets tossed around a lot, but I can't think of a more apt two than the ones in this episode. I think this might be one of the more romantic and cute episodes I've written in this series and I'm 100 here for it!

Romantic and cute doesn't mean it's now lewd though! I'm not gonna lay the spoilers on too thick here, let's just get to it and see what you think, yeah?

Let's jump right in!


Episode 3:

Lorelai: You would demand my love?

I stepped down out of the gate onto the hewn stone of Triallia's throne room. The fox spirit had requested my presence but made it explicitly clear it was not in any formal capacity. In fact, she said I should dress in something that would be 'frolic' worthy.

Originally, I was going to just wear boots and jeans, but Alice wouldn't have it. She told me I needed to wear something cute and sexy for my first date with Triallia. Was it a date? The Ninetails said nothing about that, however, I wasn't stupid and she had expressed obvious interest.

So there I stood in probably the most feminine thing I'd worn in years. A prismatic flowing skirt of light colors, the fabric soft and wavy coming down to my knees. The top was a short-sleeved minty green color that clung a little tighter to my breasts than I'd liked, as well as making a deep v-shaped cut to show the swells of my cleavage, it was also just short enough that I couldn't get that gap between my skirt and top to fully close, so it constantly showed my midriff. I had a shawl thrown around my shoulder of the same color as my skirt, the outfit finished off with some minty-colored knee-high stockings that rose up out of the sneakers I wore.

Triallia was already standing before me several paces away as if she had sensed the gate opening. She wore robes like she always did but these were different. They weren't as formal or battle-ready. They were beautiful but functional, like an elegant summer-style yukata you'd see from the eastern side of the world.

The fae was right about my height so she was at eye level, but I still couldn't help but look down slightly, seeing I wasn't the only one showing off cleavage today. The little fox actually did bring more than I thought she did up there, the robes parted down her shoulders just enough to offer a nice view of the shapely swell of her breasts under a thin coat of mint-colored fur. The robes parted at one side, giving me a good look at one leg that was fully exposed, moving all the way up her thigh before her hip disappeared into the silk once more.

I wasn't crass enough to gawk though and quickly returned to her eyes, they weren't as green as they were the last time I saw her, more of a yellowish tint coming through. She showed her sharp teeth in an amused grin as if she already sensed my confusion.

"Thank you for coming, Lorelai." She stepped forward, her footpaws bare, and presented me with a single blue flower, a type that wasn't of the mundane realm I was sure. The nearest I could describe it would be if you combined the traits of a rose with a daisy. The petals spread out but then started to curl up slightly in a twist as if starting to fold upwards as a rose would.

"Ah..." I couldn't really form any words in that moment, it was such an earnest almost child-like gesture of affection, like giving one of the kits on the playground a flower you really liked. I took it and gazed upon it, a smile showing on my lips before I tucked the flower into my hair, letting the base of it rest in the curl of one of my horns.

Triallia looked my outfit over and gave an approving nod. "Yes, I think that is appropriate for our rendezvous." The Ninetails offered her paw to me and I blinked as I stared for a moment before moving to clasp it. Her grip was very warm and the pads on her fingers felt soft to the touch, I have to admit it felt nice to hold it.

I kind of felt silly, I could feel my cheeks flushing, my heart pacing up even though it obviously didn't need to beat. Actually, that wasn't quite true. Once all was said and done, between Alice and the ancient blood, I had a mish-mash of so many energies in me, that just like Alice, I couldn't halt my heart fully. I'm sure it was like that for all the others that regularly laid with her.

She gave me a bashful grin and I couldn't see her cheeks through the fur, but I was sure she was blushing as well. I cleared my throat as I gripped her paw a little harder before stepping closer. "Triallia... this was not what I expected."

Her teeth showed and I watched her mass of tails roll behind her. "What did you expect, Lorelai?"

"I don't know... you to pounce on me, or maybe to pick a fight right out of the gate? Just... not this?" I held my hand up where we were holding grips, then I bleated out and huffed as I felt her grip weaken, squeezing her paw to keep hold of it, "Ah! N-Not that I'm complaining!"

She blinked a few times then gave me a small smile before moving in and bumping her muzzle to my lips in a quick kiss, she had to tilt her head to the side to do it which made it even more endearing. "They are normally yellow, they are only green during spring. As the season wanes, they slowly return to their natural state. Not unlike how your brown eyes will return if you are not channeling power."

I nod as she answers the question I never asked, then I gave a little huff before shaking my head. "Ah... anyway, what's the plan? Why did you ask me to dress for frolicking?" I stammered out, still recovering from the quick kiss.

Triallia smiled as she saw me finally rein things in and squeezed my hand with her paw. "Sarnai mentioned you expressed to see some of the Faemarch!" She stepped closer and linked her arm with mine, drawing our bodies closer. "May I be a guide and give you a brief tour of some of the sights?"

My cheeks darkened as my vixen had recalled my casual statement during our trip to gather the summer shard of power. I looked away, thinking about the situation. So much of my life was fraught with combat, council affairs, and sex. Even me and Diana, or Gloria as it is now, we threw ourselves straight into the sex, but Triallia was courting me. I looked up and parted my lips but she seemed to already know what was on my mind.

"No, I and Alice got straight to it," She tilted her head, clicking her tongue as she spoke.

"Then, why me?" I felt us in motion as she already had a gate open, the air coming from it icy cold.

"Because you are different. I want us to be different," her words came out pointedly as we stepped through, a biting cold breeze on my face, helping to cool the heat in my cheeks. She didn't seem the least bit off at walking barepawed in the snow as she led me.

"Us? Is there an Us, Trillia? You know I'm grateful for everything you've done and-"

"Pardon me, a potential future us, Lorelai. Alice loves hard and fast, you do not, but I suppose..." She looked away with a huff, as if choosing her words. We fell into silence for several moments as we walked in the snow, the trees and landscape glittering with snow but surprisingly, there was lots of flora too. Several flowers, some looking like intricate glass pieces, others like hearty brambles, I also realized we had flowers sprouting up behind us in her wake, little crystal blooms popping out of the snow in the pawprints she made.

"Do you remember when I said I'd kill you if you didn't put it all in?" She tilted her muzzle as we kept walking.

"How could I not, you had that huge ass sword at my gullet," I responded dryly

She gave me an awkward smile. "A gentle prod, nothing more, I knew you would rise to it, I felt it in my soul, please believe that, Lorelai."

"I understand, and again, I'm thankful for the advice, I obviously needed the push, so I'll not resent you, besides... I gave you as good as I got once we started going." I pushed against her playfully while we held hand to paw.

"Hmm... that you did, Lorelai." She showed me a grin as we came to the crest of the hill, overlooking a massive valley. There were small lakes doting the area, miles of terrain outstretched, all of it sparkling like glitter in the light.

"These are eight lakes of Halenfeir, the story is a great whale the size of an island sprang forth from the ocean, sailing through the air before punching a hole into the crust of the earth, water filling it in before it leap forth again and again, but on the ninth, it collapsed dead and became the mountain you see to the west, mount Shaleighne."

I smirked at the tale but then again, this was the Faemarch, perhaps it was actually possible. "Well, I'm sure the place smelled like dead fish for a while, but I won't deny the results are impressive."

Triallia lifted her ears and gave a bark of a laugh at my commentary before summoning another gate, this one a little warmer thankfully. "You'll excuse me if we move along, my footpaws are getting numb."

"Of course." I tugged her into motion myself to pull her from the snow. We arrived in what I only could assume was the autumn realm, several of the flora looking as if ready to shed leaves or flower petals, giving off brilliant hues of yellow, orange, and red.

Triallia kicked the snow off her footpaws for a moment, taking a second to wiggle her padded-toes before giving a resolute huff. "Let us continue."

"Yes, lets... you seemed like you were hanging on words back there, Triallia. What did you want to say?" I prodded and halted my feet after several strides, keeping a grip on her paw. She jerked to a halt as she saw I wouldn't keep moving, then looked back at me, frowning before looking away.

"Come on... is it that bad? You've been tossing around in the sheets with Alice for what, a month now?" I released her paw, putting both of my hands on my hips now, frowning at the Great Spirit.

She blinked at her open paw, the look saying she keenly missed the grip of my hand. Her yellow-green eyes jerked back up to mine and hardened before she rolled her tails. "Alice approached me, and when I spoke as I did, of you and Ryder coming to celebrate, it was bravado. I have not... pursued another of my own volition in centuries, several to be in fact, perhaps even a millennium or longer."

"And now you pursue me?" I tilted my head, trying to offer her a smile to keep the situation less tense.

"I do." She gave me a strong gaze and I watched her paws curl into small fists.

"Why?" I tilted my head curiously.

She scowled and whipped her tails around in a mass of rolling fluff. "Tsk... if I tell you earnestly, you must swear to not laugh or chastise me, Lorelai!"

I grinned and pushed my hand up into my hair, careful to not disturb the flower she had given me. "Come now, Triallia, you should know I'd not-"

"Swear it!" She barked out sounding surprisingly childish as she hardened her gaze at me, the words growled.

My eyes rolled as I shook my head. "I swear not to laugh or chastise you, so spit it out."

She gave me a cute nod and grabbed my hands with her paws. I bleated out slightly as she stepped right up to me and glared hard into my eyes. "That moment, the moment you focused when I saw your eyes clear. When I saw you go from just being mad with power, to a ewe with a cause. I felt it, in my very soul. I fell in love with you, Lorelai!"

I bleated out again but didn't jerk from her grasp, my teeth showing and my eyes flushing as red as my cheeks were probably looking. "Love?! N-Now wait a second here, it took me years to tell Ryder or Alice I loved them!"

"Ah- I... I am not asking you to love me back, I am simply expressing my feelings, so..." She huffed out and released my hands to spread her paws. "I wanted to take you on a date, that is what Alice said I should do to show I love you! She said if you like someone, really like them, don't just fuck them, take them on a date and then fuck them!"

I couldn't help but crack a grin at that, pushing a hand through my locks once more as I shook my head. "That... is very much an Alice way of thinking, I've got to admit."

Triallia stepped back, clenching her fist again and I heard the gulp in her throat before her ears drooped. "So..."

My sharp teeth flashed at her cute demeanor and I moved to link her arm with my own, tangling my fingers into her own padded ones once more, my other hand pushed outward. "So finish showing me around, you're not cutting the date short, are you?"

Triallia perked her ears up and I felt her squeeze my hand with her paw before she composed herself. I watched her chin lift once more, regaining some of her smug air, though her tails wouldn't stop wagging. "Yes, of course!"

She started walking again and I let her lead, both of us arm in arm. I'll admit, it was rather romantic and the innocent feelings she presented were quite endearing. I'd of course, not be spouting off confessions of love today, but I received her feelings clearly, or so I thought.

"This is one of the highlights of the autumn regions of the land, you see the leaves and petals are in a constant state of fragility, even if they break free, a new one will quickly grow, bloom, and turn to the state of withering within heartbeats. Of course, the leaves will spark into flame to quickly burn away, as otherwise the whole region would be buried rather rapidly."

"That stands to reason, I suppose, given what the state of things is." I gave a nod of understanding.

She nodded back as we slowly came to a cliffside that once again looked over a large swath of land and I blinked my eyes wide, gapping my jaws a bit in awe. It was just one massive sea of trees, but the way they swayed, there was a torrent of constant wind that swept over them.

Large plumes of leaves and petals were scooped up by the gales, lifted high in the air where they sparked into flames and vanished, then a wave of green ran through the forest, the blooms seeming to all regenerate rapidly and turn back to the duller colors, then another gust would come along shortly after and repeat the process. It created a cycle of flames and bursts of colors that seemed to sweep through the whole valley.

"Gods above, that is a wondrous sight! I- I've never seen something like that, nor would I ever imagine it so..." I whispered the words, staring in awe upon the whole thing for several moments.

"Yes, like all things in life, once you are used to it, it becomes a very normal occurrence, but... it appears different to me as well now, perhaps because I share it with you?" She cut her eyes to me and I looked to her own, offering her grin before leaning down to cup her muzzle, drawing her to look upon me.

Triallia gave me a small grin, her tails rolling as I tilted my head this time and offered her a kiss, a deeper one than what she offered me. My lips parted and her tongue came forth as mine did. We shared a deep if not new kiss, after all her muzzle made it tricky, but we did alright for our first passionate kiss I'd like to think.

Once I pulled away she gave me a wide-eyed grin, like a little girl that had just gotten her favorite treat. Once again her earnest emotions and happiness just melted my heart. I think this is why she was so powerful and fierce as a warrior. She bore her emotions like a little pup, and what is purer but also simultaneously as vicious as an innocent child? They can be the kindest souls and the cruelest monsters depending on their motivation.

She tilted her head curiously at my gaze, then spoke out pointedly. "Lorelai, you look lost in thought, are you perhaps contemplating if you also love me?" She showed her teeth in another grin and I couldn't help but giggle at the statement.

"Perhaps I am, what's next?" I took one last look at the leaf firestorm before she pulled me through another gate.

Now, this was an area I was used to seeing. I'd been in summer before. I suppose I'd technically been in winter before as well, though that was mostly a blitzkrieg of fighting then back to spring.

We stepped forward on the sands of a beach that overlooked a vast wide sea. There were odd trees that could be mistaken for palms, but they had tendril-like growth as if a weeping willow, yet on the end of each of those were some sort of blue fruit. Triallia pointed at the trees as she spoke, "These are Herelli trees, they are only native to the summer regions. They bare a fruit that is disgusting to eat, but highly nourishing."

I wrinkled my nose and grinned. "I think I'll stick with my standard diet."

She offered me a grin, then spread her free paw out before the sea. "This is the ocean of Idleschilette. It is a massive sea that acts as a natural barrier between the four realms. There's also an archipelago with several islands near the center of it."

"Sounds like something Sarnai would love to see," I called out conversationally.

"Indeed! I have told her she is welcome to bring herself and the one known as Katrina if she'd ever enjoy sailing some unknown waters again. Well, unknown to her as it were."

"That's very kind of you, Triallia. Do you harbor no ill will over what transpired between those two and Elias?" I tilted my head curiously.

"I, of course, did not enjoy being humbled, who does? I am no child though, Lorelai and I try to learn from the lessons that are put before me," She spoke with a shrug then continued, "No, that was unfortunate but it was resolved. Your sisters and brother are quite formidable and I'd quite enjoy sparring with them sometime, but I hold no ill resentment for any involved, not even my siblings now that I have the ability to keep them in check."

"I'm glad to hear that. You're a good fox, Triallia." I felt her push a little closer, her tails wagging as we stared upon the ocean, the Faemarch's own sunlight glittering off the waves.

It was nice, I never thought I'd see sunlit things again outside of pictures or television, but to know we were safe in the light here, and to a degree even in the citadel. I smiled and drank in the moment, then I looked over at the fox clinging to my arm, she looked back at me, those large ears perking, the tails rolling about. She looked so innocent and cute, her face taking on all the ranges of emotion I'd see from any other being.

She blinked a few times, realizing I was staring intently and averted her eyes. "Lorelai... you give me such a look, it puts butterflies in my stomach," She growled the words quietly and I pulled her closer.

"Like my sister, I also love the sea. I'm very grateful for this time with you, and I have a request of you, Triallia."

As I mentioned a request her ears perked right up. "Name it."

"Can we do this again sometime during the night hours? I do quite enjoy seeing things from the view of moonlight as well."

She nodded several times and barked out, "Of course, we can do it tonight if you wish! It will be a bright moon, so viewing should be splendid." She gave me a cocky grin and wagged her tails. "Heh... let me give you some interesting information, Lorelai. I thought you might request as much, so I tried to time your visit to coincide with the lunar cycle, so I could show you things in both ways!"

I lifted my drooped ears, impressed as I gave a nod. "I'm flattered you were so thoughtful for me, truly."

Triallia growled as she stepped before me and pushed her muzzle under my chin, rubbing under it, marking me with her scent as her tails rolled. I shivered at the gesture, then huffed out as she gave my cheek a lap of her tongue, blinking up at me. "Now I wish to make a request."

"What is it, Triallia?" I grinned and tilted my head.

"If I use my glamor to appear as mundane, will you take me out on some dates as well in the mundane realm? I'd like to see it, but... I want to see it with you!" She barked out and I could swear I saw the blush under her cheek fur.

I moved in and kissed her muzzle with a quick peck, then stepped back with a smile. "I'd be happy to, Tri-" I paused, folding my arms in thought, I wanted to give her a pet name, but Alice already had snatched up Trilly. I nodded and quirked a brow as I spoke, "I'd be happy to, Llia."

Her ears perked right up and I saw her run the new name through her brain a few times before she gave me a cute grin. "It's a date then, Elai!"

I giggled and put my hand to her muzzle playfully. "I don't think that's going to work for me, Llia, sounds too close to my brother's name. Why don't you call me Lore, that's what all my loved ones call me."

Her ears perked and she nodded again before gripping my sash and pulling me closer. "So, by calling you, Lore. You're saying I'm a loved one?"

I bleated out gently at the words, not realizing my slip-up. Triallia was approaching this very openly and so naturally, she'd see it in that context. I heard her give me a hungry growl, her paws gliding over my shoulders before pushing against me, both our sets of breasts squeezing together. Her muzzle was parted slightly as she moved in for my mouth.

"I love you..." She snarled the words and then pushed her muzzle to my lips before I could respond. My eyes blinked several times, then I just closed them and let the kiss happen. It was slow and passionate, our tongues mingling together, rolling and exploring one another. She smelled so feral but sweet, her tails wagging in a rolling mass as we embraced.

I gave a slight snarl as my hands tangled up into her surprisingly soft hair, little blooms of flowers in it. I curiously shifted my grip to her large ears, rubbing them as she gave a cute little yip, then pushed harder against my chest, her tongue showing slightly in a pant. "Lore... they are rather tender... be careful..."

I gulped and gave a nod. This was all very wonderful and I was conflicted, I wanted to reassure her, but saying such a thing. She'd saved my loved ones, she even came to my aid without hesitation when I called upon her. She stood before the very lord of the Underworld at my side. None of this would have been possible, but even after all that, was it fair of me to just say it out of obligation?

My mind was made up and I gave a nod to myself before I rubbed one of her ears and met her eyes hard with my own. "Llia... I want to see your bed chambers next, okay?"


The Ninetails' bed chambers were prim and elegant, with posh-looking sheets on a cushy bed. I could see the frame and most likely even the mattress was made of vines or various other foliage, not unlike how her throne room had been constructed. The room was lit in a soft ambient purple haze from flowers dotting about, making Triallia's green fur seem deeper almost like back, while the mint-colored fur along her throat was looking more purple. It was almost as if being in a room under black lights.

Her eyes sparkled and she offered me a nervous smile while her paws clasped my hands. "W-Well here we are, Lore..."

"Indeed..." I moved in and kissed along her jaw, then even though the motion was a little awkward for me, I gave the side of her muzzle a lap of my tongue like she had done to my cheek earlier. Triallia whined out in a needy whimper, her hips shifting from the mass of tails wagging so hard behind her.

"Ha! I- I didn't know you cared that much, Lore!" She barked out and squeezed my paws with a wide smile on her muzzle.

"W-what?" I stammered out, blinking in confusion.

She cooed and pushed close, giving my cheek another lap of her tongue, then her muzzle was pushing under my chin, apparently, cheek laps were a very intimate form of affection for them.

I gave a sigh into her ears as she nuzzled and bit my lower lip. This was all new to me, and I'm sure Alice handled it with much more poise and grace. Then again, it was Alice, she probably just tackled the Ninetails to the floor and worked things out as she went.

"You seem conflicted, have I upset you, Lore?" She growled out before gently disengaging, looking at me with a tilt of her head.

"No, Llia, I'm not upset in the least with you, I just uh..." I frowned and folded my arms, trying to put it into words. "I'm not sure where to begin, I'm not Alice, and most of my lovers have always taken the lead, it's been centuries since I myself instigated a first encounter."

"Ah, I feel the same. When Alice came to visit, she quickly asked to see my chambers, then simply threw me to the bed and started peeling my robes off!" Triallia gave a laugh and then looked away with an awkward grin.

I gave my own laugh, looks like I was right on the money with my prior line of thought. My hand pushed to my chin as I gave it some more contemplation and then a nod. If we were going to get anywhere, I had to take the lead, Triallia was simply shy and nervous because she... loved me.

"Alright, get over here!" I gave an awkward snarl as I reached right for the sash of the fox's robes. She gave me a bashful grin but didn't resist as I loosened the belt, feeling my heart pounding in my chest.

I pushed the robes open, seeing her toned flat tummy come into view, showing of abs from how lithe and strong her small body was in comparison to my softer figure, of course, they were under a very thin layer of mint-colored fur that looked soft purple in the light of the room. I shivered and bit my lip before simply moving my hands up to her shoulders and casting the robe off her to reveal her small body to me. I wasn't ready for what I saw.

My eyes widened and I stepped back, blinking a few times as I cocked a brow, the Ninetails had ample shapely breasts similar to Alice, but they were covered in a skimpy swimsuit top that had been hidden in the robes. I slacked my jaw slightly, seeing she had a frilly little bottom on as well, both the color of blue making them look deep purple in the light.

Triallia clumsily posed, putting her paws behind her head, I could tell it was a practiced motion as she awkwardly thrust her chest out. "Uh... Y-you look upset, Lorelai... Sarnai and Alice said you liked these things called swimsuits, so they told me to wear this under the robes for you."

"Those little bitches..." I snarled and ground my teeth, but I couldn't deny it was a splendid view, the vixen's hips were curvy and sloped nicely, her legs similar to mine with thicker thighs. She was like a nice balance between me and Alice, a little curvier than the rabbit but lither than I was.

"Lore... are you upset?" She lowered her arms and her ears, giving me a cute little whimper.

My own ears lifted at her words and I shook my head as I reached for her paws. "What? No! I think you look amazing, Llia! I just was uh... surprised, it's a very thoughtful gesture! I was simply snarling over Alice and Sarnai meddling in our relationship so much!"

She gave me a haughty bark and showed her teeth in a grin. "That's what I like about you, Lore... You want to carve out your own trail!" Triallia snarled and seemed to gain a little confidence as she pushed close to me, her paws at my sides, grasping my snug mint-colored shirt that also looked purple in the light. "You too... okay?"

I didn't resist or argue, letting her peel my top off me, my breasts snug in a bra as they swayed from the fabric tugging free, my braid having to be pulled clear of the top last before the shirt went to the floor. She went right for the dress next, peeling it away and revealing my curvy hips and thighs, standing before her in a skimpy pair of red panties Alice picked out, the same color as the bra, both looking stark indigo in the light of the room.

"Gods, you are splendid to behold, you make my heart pound, Lore! These are quite large now that I am seeing them so plainly!" Triallia barked out excitedly and I gave a little groan as her paws pushed right up to my breasts, curiously squeezing at them. I shivered at her paws, the pads feeling soft against my skin while she rolled her tails.

"T-Thanks... they're sensitive a bit so... eep!" I bleated out as she deftly slipped paws to the straps of my bra, sliding it down and unfastening the back. It was obvious she was practiced at undressing girls thanks to Alice. I bit my lower lip as my breasts came fully into view for her.

"Oooh gods, they are smooth and shapely like Alice's but so much larger. Come, I wish to taste them!" She grabbed my hand with surprising force and led me to the bed, sitting me at the edge before she moved to her knees. I flinched a little at those sharp teeth as her muzzle parted, but it was too late now.

The Ninetails snapped right down on my left breast and I hissed out as her teeth dug in, but it wasn't painful, then I felt her tongue roll and tease at my nipple, a shudder rolling up my spine as I started panting. My own hands moved into her hair, rubbing those large beautiful ears as she whined and shifted her hips.

I felt her paws deftly move up my hips then my crimson panties were pulled free, tossed back into the room near our other clothes. I moaned out as she parted from my teat to lap her tongue playfully along my now very hard peak. "Ha... this seems hardly fair... I'm bared but you still have-"

"Sorry!" She barked out apologetically and I watched her hastily tug her swim top right up over her head, tossing it away as her heavy full breasts bounced into view. She gave me a bashful if not apologetic smile as I admired the view. Her mint colored fur moved down over them, little dark brown peaks showing through it. The lighter colored fur moved all the way down her middle as I watched her untie the sides of the swimwear, peeling it clear to see just the start of her petals through the mint fur.

I giggled and sighed at the display. "You are so cute, Llia, I wasn't insisting you-" I bleated out as she slipped paws right under my knees and spread them just like that. I had to rock back slightly on one hand, my jaws slacked at how eager she was. My own petals came into view and just like that, she had pushed her maw down against my crotch.

With her jaws spread she could get the whole thing in her mouth and that was new in and of itself, but once her tongue got into the mix it was a whole different thing. That wasn't a mundane tongue as I quickly realized as she rolled and flicked at my pearl but then I nearly lost my mind when she pushed it in.

I bleated out loudly, my eyes wide and my tongue lolling as several inches of it managed to get into me, slithering and twisting, hitting my walls in a way I never thought I'd feel. I moaned out and dug my hands into her hair, nails in her scalp as I bleated out, then within moments I was cresting as I felt this cute little fox force me past.

"Gods... I can't... t-think... gods..." I panted out, feeling her lap and taste my honey, her eyes sparkling as she looked up at me, those tails rolling in a wag.

After a few more laps, she pulled back and licked her chops. "You taste so good... did I... do a good job?"

I gave her a loving grin and nodded before offering my hands out to her. "You did, now get up here, I need to return the favor." She barked excitedly and nodded as her paws clasped mine and she climbed into the bed with me.

Originally, I thought her mass of nine fox tails would create all kinds of logistical problems, but just like with my angels that had large wings on their backs, she logically adapted and knew how to position around them. I laid her out on her back in the bed, tails fanning out in all directions behind her.

She gave a cute little bark and lolled her own tongue out of her parted jaws, her hips squirming as I moved to grasp under her knees, spreading them. Her petals were clearly glistening in the purple light of the room, her fur around her thighs plainly damp, she'd been dripping with need for a while now, maybe before we even got to the room.

"Gods... that scent of your musk is amazing..." I huffed out at her sheer smell of desire, as if her body were screaming how much it needed me. I moved right down and my tongue pushed against that pearl of hers, lapping at it eagerly. Triallia treated my ears to a loud whimpering whine that broke down into chuffing pants.

My own crimson eyes looked deep indigo as I looked up at her, her own paw in my hair now, stroking as she moaned and yipped from my attentions. I kept her knees spread and kept up the attack, rolling my tongue against her pearl since it seemed to get the best sounds out of my new fox.

Finally, she gave in as well, she practically howled out the soft moan, my heart leaping at the sounds of her relief as I started lapping up her own honey, tasting the musky taste of a wild Greater Spirit. She whined and whimpered from my tongue's strokes, then gave a relieved sigh as she came down from the euphoria.

"Ha... ha... Lore... ngh... my heart soars... gods above and below I love you..." She huffed the words as I climbed over her, offering a small grin at her confessions.

I bit my lower lip and nodded. "Triallia, love is something I guard and hold close to me, you realize this, yes?"

She bit her own lip and nodded, looking worried as I continued, "You've done so much for me, and I can feel your love plainly. I... I can't say it now, but I'll tell you this. I think... no, I know I'll fall in love with you, you're just so-"

I bleated as she rolled us over just like that, her ears folded as she moved down into my face. "Yes... flower the words up if you need to, honey them, but I want to hear them!" She gripped my wrists and shoved them above my head, licking her chops as I saw that haughty Ninetails come back to the surface. "I love you, tell me now, no need to hedge the words. You say you're sure it will be, so just trust in that and let me hear them now."

My body shuddered at her dominance and I bit my lower lip hard, nodding at her demands before looking into her eyes, feeling my cheeks heat up. "Stubborn... can't you just wait until I'm ready to say them in earnest?"

"I'd rather not if I'm being truthful, you say it will happen naturally and I am impatient for your love, So tell me now, will it help if I ask? Will you please return my love, Lorelai?" She cocked a brow, rolling her tails as she held my wrists down.

Another shiver rolled up my spine before I gave her a nod. "I will return your love then, Llia, but you had better not hurt me, you understand? I will trust you, I will... love you." I shivered again as I spoke out the last of the words.

She barked excitedly and just like that her muzzle was to my own mouth. I bleated out as we drew into a heated kiss, her paws moving down to cup my face as our tongues rolled together, tasting one another's own lust upon our breath.

My freed hands moved up to her ears, rubbing them as we kissed, then I pulled from her muzzle and gave her a fussy glare. "Why must I just blather it out for you, huh? If you love me so, couldn't you just wait?"

Triallia showed me a haughty grin as she licked her chops. "Because Sarnai and Alice both told me you'd need a push, told me you'd take years to over analyze our relationship before you'd tell me."

"Those two, again!" I snarled and glared daggers at her, even though my heart was pounding and my cheeks were burning.

"Come now, my ewe... the deed is done and we may now revel in our love together!" She barked the words happily and I bleated as I was suddenly scooped right up against her, her tongue lolled as she threw her arms around my neck, kissing me again.

It was during the snarling kiss I realized I was being held at the hips but she had her arms thrown around my neck. I bleated out as I broke the kiss to look down, red eyes growing wide as I saw a large vine sliding along my hips and her own as well.

"T-Triallia! What are you even doing?!" I glared at her, then bleated again as we both jerked as her leg deftly shifted, as if the tendrils around us just moved us into position, our petals slapping together as my tongue lolled.

"Calm yourself, just a little aid for us, I'll not be sending a whole swarm upon you and I have full control, just something... huff... to assist." The Ninetails cooed out as her own hips started rocking, my own instinctively grinding back, that odd rolling sensation of the vine tangled around both our bodies, moving under my own knee as if guiding me as we shifted into a more direct position, our pearls right against one another.

"Ha... think of it... as just another arm or paw of mine, love..." Triallia cooed as her paws braced on the sheets, my own hands also bracing as our hips worked, feeling that tendril slide up between my breasts, wrapping at one and squeezing it as I hissed out through my teeth.

"T-This is... so strange..." I panted out, but I couldn't deny all the stimulation was intriguing, not to mention it was a new experience I never expected to have.

"But it is new..." She showed me a smug grin, as she worked her hips, then I saw her dip her head back, tongue sagging out as she gave in. I bit my lower lip at the very feral-looking relief on her face before bleating out and shuddering, feeling my own body happy to give in for her as well.

"Gods... are you in my head or something?" I panted out after coming down from the euphoria, both our hips right back to it, her fur silky against my own thighs, both of us panting and groaning as our petals ground together, honey dripping between us.

"No, my ewe, just huff... huff... done my research. When I want something, I put the effort in, and now that I have you... I'll take good care of you!" She barked the declaration out and I clenched my teeth hard, enjoying the view of her own small body bouncing and jerking. A vine had slithered up her own chest, cupping a breast like my own, gently coiling around it as mine was doing, all the while our hips constantly grinding, as much of our own eagerness as the gentle tugs of the vines along our hips and legs keeping us close.

"Y-You're pretty sweet... for a haughty stuck up, fox..." I moaned out and offered her a playful grin as she jerked her hips harder against me in response.

"Ngh! Yes... but I'll be your haughty, stuck... up... ngh... fooooxx...." She moaned out as I saw her tongue loll out once more.

"Gods... gods... fine, you brat... ngh... I'll be your ewe as well... fuuuck!" I bleated out as my own orgasm came once more, both of us riding them out, grinding and panting as we stimulated one another's own release.

We went on like that for quite a while, but finally, we collapsed together in her bed, soaked with one another's scents of honey and lust, both my breasts aching from the vines getting a little tight, but I'll admit, it was quite a fun experience to have.

She snuggled up to my chest, sighing and pushing her muzzle against my bared breasts, hugging me up tightly. "Ha... this was heavenly... to have you in my arms like this..."

I lovingly stroked her mussed hair, the vines just having simply slipped out of existence. I'd have to prod her about how all that worked later, but for now, I was quite content to just lounge with her. "Thank you for the fun and new experience."

With a little pleased grunt, she shifted and lapped along my cheek. "I pray I can share many firsts with you, Lorelai... you truly have captured my heart. I love Alice, but what I feel for you... it is like comparing a river to an ocean..."

I bit my lower lip and shook my head. "Such a confession... Triallia... I hope we can share many first together while we explore... our love."

She shivered at the words and nuzzled close, sighing as she puffed out. "Mmm... yes my love, for now. I am very fatigued, spending so much energy with the vines and of course, all the mating... Let me nap for a few hours in your arms, then we'll go back out to frolic in the moonlight."

I gave her a grin and nodded my head, holding her close. It didn't take her long to drift off to sleep and I just laid there stroking her ears. In the past, I felt crushing guilt for being in another's arms with so many loved ones suffering, but now I could just truly relish this, and with the one that did so much to help me complete those final steps. Content with the way things were, I let myself drift as well, deciding I'd join her in a brief respite.


"No, I will not give more details on the-" My cheeks darkened and I snarled at you, "They were vines, not tentacles!"

"I will be happy to elaborate, you see those are actually an extension of my own sensations, I can even fee-" I clamped my hand down over the vixen's muzzle, shushing her.

"No! I've already elaborated into more detail than any of them deserve!" I barked out at Triallia then huffed at the room, Alice just sitting there looking amused along with Sarnai.

Sarnai showed a challenging grin and tilted her head. "Come on, my lady. If I can talk about Alex fucking me as a werewolf, what's the big deal about you mentioning your tentacle sex?"

"They were not, tentacles!" I bleated out, feeling my cheeks hot before Triallia gripped my hand and pulled me back down with her.

"It's fine, Lore, no shame in enjoying what I do for you." She lapped my cheek and pulled me possessively to her. I grunted and then glared at Alice's pout.

"Trilly... how come you never used those on me?"

My ears lifted at that and the Ninetails looked away awkwardly. "Ah, it was uh... I suppose it felt right, with Lorelai? I mean I could do it with-"

"Yes." The rabbit gave her a matter-of-fact look. "I want you to tie me and Lorelai up together, even if she says no."

"Hey! Don't drag me into your tentacle fantasies!" I bleated out with a snarl.

"Ha! You just admitted they were tentacles!" Sarnai fired back with a smirk.

"Fox, don't you test me!" I rose to my feet, fists clenched.

The vixen stood with a smug grin, wagging her dark tail and folding her arms. "What are you gonna do, Lorelai? Gonna make me wrestle you to the floor right here and hold you down?"

My cheeks flushed as I glared at her and then stomped for the exit of the room. "Ugh, I'm done with storytelling!"

"Yes, let's go find a guest room, I think I want to pin you down now." Sarnai cooed as she linked her arm with mine as I bleated in protest looking back to see you stunned at the reversal and Triallia all grins at the display.

"Sarnai Blackpaw... I've never been more impressed with you, wrangling her like that." Triallia growled the words as she licked her chops.

"Do not encourage her, Llia!" I fired back with hot cheeks, feeling my fussy meter ticking off the charts right now over all this.

"I was under the impression you and Alice had a date, are you asking to join us, Triallia?" The vixen showed the Ninetails a smug look as she lifted her chin.

"Is that a challenge, Sarnai Blackpaw or an invitation?" The Ninetails quickly hopped up from the sofa, tails rolling.

"Sounds like both to me, you three go have fun, I'll keep my pet company like the old days!" Alice hummed out and pushed close to you with a grin.

"Why are these decisions being made without my input?!" I bleated out once again, but felt Sarnai tug me along out of the room, Triallia giving me an eager lick of her chops as her tails rolled behind her.

"Do not fuss, my ewe. Impromptu bonding and mating seems to be a normal with your family. I'll be happy to make amends with this fox by making her yowl my name out." Triallia gave a smug bark as she spoke.

Sarnai grunted at her and flicked her tail a few times. "Not if I keep you panting and drooling the whole while!"

"You two sound like you're ready to fight, go spar in the basement then and I'll be on my way!" I bleated out and pulled from Sarnai's grip, but then gave another protesting yelp as Triallia took her place, linking an arm with mine, giving me a hungry growl.

"Now now, my ewe. I need you present, I'll lose my confidence without you and surely she'd win." She growled and lapped the side of my cheek.

"That's right, you're not getting out of this one, my love." Sarnai cooed out as she took my other arm and they just started walking me to a guest room as I swallowed a lump down, my tail flicking excitedly despite my fussing. This is not how I intended the story time to conclude for the day.

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Blood & Carrots: Memoris - Episode 4

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Love and Latte's: Group Therapy - Ep 7

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