Avalanche of Love - Episode 12

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#12 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The funny thing about sports, you'd be amazed how many bad memories and regrets are tied to them. We only see the highlights, the greats, but what about the ones that fall short or have their dreams flounder too soon?

What happens when you're not done, but outside factors beyond your control say you are? What happens when you let your fans down? Or worse yet, the rivals that looked up to you.

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

The funny thing about sports, you'd be amazed how many bad memories and regrets are tied to them. We only see the highlights, the greats, but what about the ones that fall short or have their dreams flounder too soon?

What happens when you're not done, but outside factors beyond your control say you are? What happens when you let your fans down? Or worse yet, the rivals that looked up to you.

Let's jump right in!


Episode 12:

I Never Forgave You

The older leopard ran his paw through his graying hair and fur, looking over the small document on the table before him. "Really now? You all want to form a union against us? I like to think Altima has done right by you guys." His gray eyes looked back up at the collection of riders that had made the trip to speak with him in person about the player league.

"This isn't against you or Altima specifically, Allan, it's about watching out for our own. If anything, if we were against you, we'd not be coming in talking to you openly about this, giving you the chance to get in on the ground floor of this," Kai explained as he tapped his padded fingers on the shiny conference room table.

"Kai is right, we're taking a big chance even talking to you about this, you could literally go tell the league and turn this into an even steeper uphill fight for the lot of us. We are showing faith in you and Altima, despite how it might look at first glance," Hiroshi offered his own input on the situation with a shrug.

The VP tapped his paws together as he frowned. "Be that as it may, you have to understand how the company feels about custom-"

"Come off it, Allen! You aren't stupid and you know Gemini will snatch up most of the new riders that are forced off custom boards anyway! All this stunt is doing is alienating the competitors, it's setting the sport back just as we started getting some real traction!" Kayla hissed out and smacked her paw down on the table with a loud thud.

Jarome was the last Altima rider to show for the meeting and lifted his own muzzle. "Kayla is right, they finally added slope and big-air to the lineup at the Olympics last time, this stunt will just slow down the growth of the sport on the whole. You're all going to end up losing cash long-term over it."

"I appreciate your enthusiasm, but our shareholders, lawyers, and finance experts all agree this will pay off in the long term," Allen sighed with a frown.

"Yeah, and did any of them expect us to form a league?" Hiroshi snarled back, seeing the older leopard offer a deeper frown at that.

Kai sighed as he spoke, "Allen, you helped me and my sister get started in this... I know you used to ride too... I'm grateful for you and Altima taking the shot on us, but the only manufacturer that might come out of this in the black if we all form and strike, is Gemini."

Allen drummed his padded-fingers together. "So you're willing to jeopardize your own careers over the other riders that use non-commercial boards? What sense does that make?"

"When you competed, what were you there for, Allen? Were you worried about the money, or the challenge? I'm doing this for my fans because I want them to see me being the best I can be. I can't do that if I don't have everyone pushing me!" Jarome called out with a grin on his muzzle.

"You sure need someone to push your tail out of fourth place!" Kai mewed out in a sassy tone of voice.

"I bet you'd like to push something into my tail," The lynx snarled with a playful grin back at the snow leopard as he lifted the middle finger of his paw.

"Hey, you two try not to have a lovers quarrel in front of the boss, okay?" Hiroshi drolled out, Kayla offering a giggle at the commentary.

Kai and Jarome glared at the buck but then lifted their ears as Allen gave a jovial laugh at the display. The older leopard offered a small grin as he folded his paws on the table. "Oh man... that takes me back... I guess some things never change, eh?"

"Do you know how many guys you used to ride with that used non-commercial boards, Allen? How many major manufacturers were there then?" Kayla asked as she lifted her muzzle.

"Point taken..." Allen frowned and looked at the document in front of him once more, paws tapping the table. "How many riders do you have in on this thing?"

"So far? About twenty, and given there are only around eighty competitive boarders in the league right now across all sports, that alone is significant, and we've only been talking to people for about three days." Hiroshi gave the VP a resolute nod.

"I've not talked to the girls from slope-style, and Kai hasn't even mentioned this to the slalom guys, but Madeline is reaching out to others every day. Almost two dozen riders were displaced from the decision, and you know they'll all sign on. We'll probably easily have two-thirds of the base by the time we're done." Kayla pulled out her cell phone to check the figures. "Yeah, we're currently at twenty-five riders."

"Our lawyer, Trevor, said you and him were old buddies. You've both lived the life, you know this isn't right, and you also know if we drag most of the riders to strike, the only ones that are coming out of this unscathed are Gemini. I hate to say it, but, Altima, Astral, and the other manufacturers quite literally have a gun to their heads, and we're the ones holding it." Hiroshi scoffed matter-of-factly.

"I respect you shooting straight with me on this, Yukazama. I can't deny your argument either." Allen sighed and shook his head. "Tell Trevor I'm in favor of this, I'll have to talk to the shareholders and President, but I think once I show the chain of logic, I can sway them."

"Thank you, Allen. I appreciate your continued faith in us. Don't think me and Kayla won't remember this when it comes time to renegotiate with Altima." Kai gave a nod to the VP.

"They say never show loyalty to a brand, but yeah, if you guys show you have the rider's best interests at heart, count me in on that too." Jarome mewed out with a grin.

"But let's be realistic for a moment. I can schedule the shareholder's meeting in a week, but you all will have to work quickly. Obviously, once this gets out, the league is going to lose its collective mind. You'll need to get talking to those riders sooner than later." Allen gave the four of them a grim look.

"No worries on that, you just focus on getting Altima onboard with us, that will give us more leverage with the other manufacturers, and thank you, Allen." Kayla offered her own smile to the older leopard.


"Don't I see enough of your tail at our job, Jaron?" Jasmine showed a grin to the greyhound as she took a seat at the small table in the dive bar, the last member of the trio to arrive.

"C'mon, Jas, you know you love me." He leaned back in his chair with a grin across his muzzle, rolling his mostly full beer around in the glass.

"Do you two actually do that back-and-forth thing in person too?" Madeline asked with an already irritated look before sipping on her sugary cocktail.

Jaron perked his ears while barking out, "I have no idea what you're talking about Madeline-"

"That's right, Jaron, it's clear we talk like perfectly normal people when we're together off camera." The mouse gave him a nod.

"I agree Jas, and-"

"Oh my gods, stop it..." Madeline groaned and rubbed her forehead with a paw, both of the other members of the table showing playful smiles to the rabbit.

"Anyway... how'd the studio take you two bailing a few days ago?" Madeline composed herself as she asked, then took another sip of her drink.

"Oh they're furious with us, but we also have most of the fan support behind us, so they're treading lightly. Currently, we're just being warned not to do it again." Jaron shrugged.

"Yeah, even if we did try to step out of line, the producer and engineers would be watching us like hawks, they'd cut to commercial the instant we acted out." Jasmine gave a nod to the barkeeper who brought the hard liquor cocktail she'd ordered.

"You know what? I'm just going to get right to the point." Madeline pushed the small document between the mouse and greyhound, both of the sportscasters looking it over for a few long moments.

"Huh... thought I smelled something cooking up, wasn't just my imagination after all." Jaron sipped his beer and leaned back once more. "If you're asking, I'm in."

Jasmine frowned at him and spoke up, "Jaron, you don't even know what 'in' is yet."

"So? I still ride even if it's not professionally, I want to support my fellow riders in whatever way I can." Jaron fixed the mouse with a small adamant glare.

"Cool, what I'm asking is for you two to get your social media flex on with this info, maybe officially endorse the players association. Off the air of course." Madeline shifted her red eyes to the mouse. "Unless you like the idea of trying to do your job with a dwindling field."

Jasmine sipped her hard drink before speaking back to Madeline, "I'm willing of course, we could start right away if-"

Madeline cut her off, "No, I'd need you guys to hold your cards until I told you to go. We've got more riders to talk to and I want to get everything lined up before we pull the trigger. Once we start this the league is going to lose it."

"Going to have as much ammo as possible before you go to the table to negotiate eh?" Jaron smiled.

"You know the old saying, you'll get more with kind words and being armed, than with just kind words." Madeline scoffed as she pulled the cherry out of her glass with the toothpick.

"So that's all? Just plug our social media when you give the green light?" Jasmine asked.

"I mean, you can go talk to some of the other sportscasters about it if you wish, they're former riders too, and they'll probably have personal stakes in it. I could go talk to them but I've got a lot of riders to talk to as well."

"Do you plan to pull that stunt again next competition?" Jasmine asked dryly.

Madeline shook her head. "We won't be able to. The league isn't stupid, they'll just require us to register boards before the competition, so you'll probably just see a lot of scratched riders, and the fans will do most of the heavy lifting from there."

"But, it doesn't matter, I plan to have all the irons out of the fire before then. They'll be dealing with negotiations or a full-on strike of riders, so good luck filling their allotted time slots and keeping advertisers." Madeline scoffed as the two sportscasters frowned.

"Madeline, not every rider is an elite that can afford to go on strike," Jaron said pointedly.

"Most workers historically couldn't afford to go on strike, Jaron, that's why it's a big deal," She fired back before sipping more of her mixed drink.

"The Olympics are just around the corner, are you sure this is the time for all this?" Jasmine asked.

"The fact they are coming up in a few months is exactly why this needs to be sorted now. Even my sponsor, Gemini, will lose their collective shit if they can't be represented during the games by me, and they can't legally make me do it, there's no clause in my contract about the Olympics."

Jaron frowned and pushed a paw through his hair. "This is going to get messy..."

"Actually, I don't think it will be as messy as you're thinking, Jaron," Jasmine responded back.

"And why is that, Jas?" He cocked a brow his voice shifting as if he were on camera.

"You guys are doing that thing again," Madeline grumbled.

The two sportscasters paused and Jasmine smiled before composing herself. "Sorry about that. Anyway, you're planning to just basically fire all the cannons at once, yes?"

The rabbit gave a nod at that. "More or less. I'm telling the riders to be ready to dig in if they need to, a strike will supersede contract terms, but I'm hoping since we're not really asking for a lot here, the league will buckle rather quickly."

Jaron perked his ears. "Chaz was also a rider that used a custom board, I think I could get him in on it. He's the oldest sportscaster we've got, but he's got a good heart, and participates in lots of community programs getting riders into the sport."

"Cool. The more pressure we can apply at the onset, the better. I know some other athletes within Gemini that do other sports that might throw in support on social media." Madeline grumbled as she rubbed her own head. "What a pain..."

"Why are you spearheading this, Madeline?" Jasmine asked her.

The rabbit cast her red eyes down to her empty glass, mulling on that for a while before shrugging. "I'd like to say it's for my stupid girlfriend and her brother... Kayla was so adamant about doing something, but-" She leaned back and folded her arms, frowning as she looked away. "I dunno, I guess I'm just selfish..."

"What do you mean by selfish? Isn't this the opposite of selfishness, Madeline? You're putting your own money and energy into this." Jaron tilted his head curiously.

Madeline snarled as she drummed her claws on the table. "People ride for different reasons, I ride for the competition, I ride for that feeling I get, seeing people hate me, idolize me, knowing I've got a target on my back, pushing myself and pushing others, that's the shit I live for. I'm in my prime right now, but I also know it's a short journey, you two can attest to that. Jasmine, how old were you when you retired?"

Jasmine frowned as she answered, "Uhm... I was thirty-one, blew my left knee out, doc said it'd take at least six months to heal. I knew it'd take me years to recoup my training losses, so..." She got a distant look in her eyes as she trailed off.

Madeline looked to the greyhound who just sighed. "Yeah, I broke my arm at thirty coming down off a trick jump, skateboarding competition of all things, not anything to do with the snow. By the time I got out of the cast a year later and tried to train again, I realized I'd lost so much and it was a slow climb back. I went from consistent top-three finishes to struggling to qualify."

Jaron rubbed the back of his head with a frown. "I guess I always wanted to finish my career in a blaze of glory, you know? I was running out of steam, maybe medal at the Olympics one more time, then retire with my head held high."

"Yeah, sports as a lifestyle are rough, and you guys were elites like I am. A lot of the riders in the league do this as a side gig while having to balance work, school, or even families." Madeline grumbled as she looked away. "Whatever... all I'm saying is, I know this is my time right now and it's really short. So I want the most competitive experiences I can get while I can rise to it. If I can invigorate the industry to raise the level of competitors all around, I'll do it."

"I mean your girlfriend is right there on your heels, and she's not a custom board user." Jaron smiled at her.

Madeline frowned and put a paw to her chest. "Sure, and I can put aside my relationship with her when we compete, but Gina has also always been there, and she is a custom board user. A little part of me was devastated at the idea of losing her as a competitor."

"You act tough, but you've got a soft side to you, huh?" Jasmine grinned at the rabbit across the table.

The bunny snorted at that. "Acting as if you know me? I wish you were in your prime so I could kick your smug tail on the halfpipe, mouse."

"Ha! I wish I was still in my prime too!" Jasmine laughed then slowly frowned. "I get you though, I was never at your level for what that's worth, 'Snow Bunny', but it really does go too fast and I felt similarly to how you did when I rode."

"I suppose that's the toughest part of being a sportscaster. We see the young kits out there doing the crazy tricks we used to do, and we're all like, 'Man I wish I could still do that crazy shit', but I guess that's true for a lot of things." Jaron sighed and sipped his beer.

"Maybe you old guys should form a 'senior league'. Award a special medal to see who can fully suit up fastest without running out of breath!" Madeline offered them both a cocky smirk.

"Blow me," both the sportscasters said in unison, then looked at one another with a grin as Madeline just guffawed out.


"Papa!" A blur of black slammed into the greyhound's leg as he barked out with a laugh.

"Ooph! Okay okay, hey there, sweetheart!" Jaron offered a grin as he leaned down to scoop the small feline girl up into his arms, her fur the color of onyx, but having his eye color.

"Well, you've been away for a few days, of course, she's going to miss her daddy," The black cat purred out as she trotted over in the wake of the small kit that had run to the door the moment the lock was thrown.

"Yeah, I'd have been home sooner, but I had to meet with Jas and, believe it or not, Miss Snow Bunny, herself." The cat in his arms perked her ears at the words, she made sure to watch all the events her father covered and both of them knew she specifically enjoyed watching Madeline.

"Was that about the whole player union thing you texted me about?" His wife purred as she moved closer to him, having to raise up on her bare footpaws to reach his muzzle for a quick kiss.

"Uh-huh! I've already told them I'm all in on supporting them, Jas is also going too! I'll call Chaz tomorrow and see what he wants to do." Jaron hefted his kitten daughter to his shoulder as she grabbed the side of his head with her paws.

"It's great to see you helping with this, I was very proud of you for standing up for the riders like you did last show," She smiled at him with a comfortable look in her green eyes, seeing their kitten clinging to his head awkwardly, her husband giving a goofy grin at it.

"Of course. I hope you didn't think it was silly of me though. I am risking our livelihood over this after all..." He sighed as he looked away.

"We'll figure something out if it came down to it, I want you to always follow your heart, honey. You may be retired, but you'll always be part of that life. You can stop using the board, but the board will always be part of you, isn't that the gist of it?"

"That's right! Even when I'm old and falling apart, I'll find a way to putter down the slopes, and I'll always support the present and future riders," Jaron gave her a nod while listening to his daughter purr happily in his ear.

"Then follow your heart, honey. Come what may we'll be here to support you." Her dark ears perked as she showed her sharp teeth. "Now unpack your bags, I'll have dinner ready in a few minutes."

"Oh thank the gods, I'm about ready to eat my arm!" Jaron barked out with a laugh.


The small click from the door shutting filled the darkness, followed by the heavy thump of duffle bags hitting the floor before the mouse flicked on the nearby light switch, illuminating the empty apartment.

Shrugging her coat off, she went straight to the kitchen and brought down a bottle of scotch whiskey, pouring some into a tumbler with some ice. She moved over to the mantel near her stereo system, looking at the various medals that decorated it, pictures of her on the podiums of each one.

Sipping her drink, she could clearly hear the sportscaster's words in her mind as she looked at that first silver medal.


"Can you believe it? At fifteen years old, Jasmine Sayotame is going to be one of the youngest girls to ever walk away with an Olympic medal in the sport of halfpipe! I think we're going to see a lot of this mouse in the future!"

"At fifteen she became the youngest mouse to ever win a medal in halfpipe, now at nineteen, she's claimed her due with her first Olympic gold!"

"Not many athletes can make it to see four Olympics, let alone medal in every single one, but at twenty-seven years of age and with her fourth medal and second gold followed by the silver last time, Sayotame is showing she's still got what it takes to keep up with the young kits on the snow!"

She sat there perched in the surprisingly uncomfortable chair next to the large desk the night show host sat at. He had opened with some casual conversation, then asked point blank, "So four medals, your career has spanned well over a decade, think we'll see you stepping down soon?"

With a smug grin, she put a paw to her chest. "Not yet you won't. I'll ride this train as long as I can, I plan to be the first women's snowboarder to ever do five Olympic runs, medals be damned!" She grinned out at the audience as they roared their approval for her.

"It's rare for boarders to even make it into their late twenties and stay competitive, but I think if anyone could do it, you could, Jasmine!"

She grinned at that and lifted her muzzle. "Yeah? Gonna have me back on your show when I do it then, medals or not?"

"It's a promise!" The host thrust his paw out and she gave it a firm shake as the crowd cheered.

"Fuck me! Gods fucking damn it all!" She sobbed out in the medical tent, tears streaking her fur both from the anger and pain as the doctor examined her.

"Jasmine, I don't have the equipment here to properly diagnose, but you've clearly got a torn ligament in your right leg, you're not going to be able to finish this qualification," The doctor told her pointedly.

"Just fucking wrap it up! I'll fucking finish this damn thing even if I have to break it!" She snarled out bitterly.

"You can't do that! I can't let you do that and the event staff would never let you drop in like that anyway!" The doctor responded with a determined look in her own eyes.

"I have to fucking get through these qualifiers, I have to get my fifth! I fucking... promised my... fans..." She flopped back on the cot, throwing an arm over her eyes, feeling the tears flowing as she ground her teeth.

"I'm sorry... even if you could, this would easily take half a year to heal, at your age, probably closer to a full one..."


"Thanks for dredging all that back up, Madeline..." Jasmine sighed as she finished her drink and plunked the empty glass down in front of the medal display before padding out to the balcony, to look over the city.

Looking down at her right leg she lifted it up slightly, bending it at the knee a few times, hearing the audible groans and grinding sounds from it before she lowered her footpaw back down, frowning as she looked out over the horizon, the wind tossing her brown hair about lightly. "Yeah, Jaron... I know what you mean about wanting to go out in a blaze of glory... at least one of us moved past that... I guess I'm just still stuck at that moment from four years ago."


"Ngh! You just couldn't wait to get your paws on me, eh big brother?" Kayla purred out with a grin, Kai's paws already grasping hard at her chest from behind, feeling him grinding his crotch into her backside, the bathroom quickly filling with steam.

"Can I ever resist pawing all over you, sister?" Kai gave his own purr and a playful nip to her rounded ear, the leopardess groaning from his touch, his paws already quick to part the bathrobe she wore, letting the full breasts spill forth before he cupped them once more.

"Fuck... I love when you touch me, Kai..." Kayla hissed out as she felt him pinch her hard little pink peaks through the matching bluish-white fur they shared. "Couldn't even wait until we were in the shower huh?"

"Should I apologize?" He purred as he shifted his paws to grab her hips, spinning his sister around to face him, seeing her bright excited grin, those ample breasts swaying from the motion before he took a knee before her.

Kayla mewed out as her brother shoved his maw to her left breast, suckling hard upon it as her paws rubbed at his own rounded ears. "Hgn... you sure love to suck on them, no wonder mom had trouble weening you..." She cooed teasingly down into his ears.

Kai parted his maw, flicking his tongue hard at her nipple before kissing through her fur towards the other. "I've already got a sister complex, don't go trying to accuse me of having a mother one too!" He purred out playfully then shoved his maw to her other teat.

She giggled and rubbed her padded-fingers through his blonde locks. "Ngh... I think what you've got has gone well and beyond a complex, Kai..." She puffed down into his flicking ears, "It's a full-on addiction now, but I've got it too..."

He nodded while suckling, as if a hungry cub wanting milk, then popped her peak from his maw, both of them looking darker from her brother's affections. Kayla purred and stepped back to full drop her robes, baring her body to her brother before the flowing shower.

"You sure like them, should I get them pierced like our sister has hers?" Kayla cooed as she rub a paw over her left breast, using her own padded-finger to roll at her hard nipple, putting on a show for her brother.

"Whoa... uh... T-that is..." Kai gulped and then shook his head. "You should if you want to Kayla, but I'm happy with your body how it is too, so don't even do something major like that for my sake!"

"You're such a fucking sweetheart Kai... ngh... this is why I could never go anywhere with other boys, my big brother is just too perfect!" Kayla grabbed the front of his own robes, jerking him back to his feet, quickly pushing the fabric off his shoulders to see that scar he sported in her name.

His toned strong muscles came into view under that thin fur, her claws dragging down his chest as she purred. "Gods... big brother is so sexy... and so... eager?" She purred with a crooked grin as her paw shifted to grasp his mostly slid-free length, pumping gently against it.

"Gods... your pads always feel so warm..." He hissed and shuddered, feeling little sister pawing on his length, giving him a pawjob right there before the shower.

"You say that every time, brother..." Kayla hummed as she dropped right to her knees, smirking as she saw his wiry tail fluff out at the position, but didn't hesitate to part her maw and grin his head right to her mouth.

Kai mewed out with a groan as Kayla rested both paws on his hips and calmly pushed his length right into her mouth, tasting her brother's pre dribble onto her tongue, his musk from the day heady in her nose as she blinked up at him with those matching blue eyes.

"Fuck sis... ngh..." He ran a paw into her blonde locks, petting one of her ears and shuddering as she took him deep into her maw, suckling and purring, the vibrations rolling through his jumping length as she skillfully worked him, avoiding grazing him with those sharp teeth.

He gripped the side of the wall with one paw, his other still petting her as she spent several heated moments working him before he finally panted out, "Gods... G-gonna just go all the way?"

Kayla shook her head before pulling back, popping the head from her maw, tongue lolled, saliva dripping off his length and her tongue before she gave him a haughty smirk and stood right back up.

Without a word she stepped into the shower, splayed her paws against the wall, and bent forward, properly presenting for big brother, even showing a sharp toothy grin as she hiked her tail.

Kai mewed out at the display and quickly threw his robes off the rest of the way, climbing into the shower. The stream of water beat down on both of them as he snarled and grabbed his sister's hips, his jumping length already rubbing at her petals.

"There you go... right there, Kai... sister is burning up for her brother, so don't tease her and put it in, nice and deep, okay?" She panted and shifted her hips in his paws, squirming on her footpads in the flowing water.

He was happy to oblige and lined the tip of his length right up with his sister's soaked petals, grinding only for a few moments before getting it past. "Fuck... you're always so wet, Kayla..." He hissed out as he pushed forward as she moaned out in approval, feeling big brother's jumping length slowly pushing past her tight walls.

Kayla offered a sultry groan as he bottomed out, then shoved her hips back with a wet slap of fur in the shower, already grinding, forcing that length to dig deep against her core. "Oh my fuck... right there big brother... ngh... does your little sister's pussy feel good?" She looked back over her shoulder as she asked her lewd question.

"The fucking best... Gods..." He groaned and shifted to rest one paw on her hip, his other holding the safety bar of the hotel's shower since she was bucking and pushing back against him.

"Ha... don't tell our bunny sister that, she might get jealous..." She purred and braced on the wall, shoving back hard with another wet slap of her round backside smacking into his abs, that leopard cock plunging deep, kissing hard at her core as he ground back against her movements.

"You both are the best in your own ways, Kayla... huff... huff.. Both my sexy sisters... but right now I'm happy to focus on you." He purred and bucked back as Kayla mewed in surprise at the deep counter push, biting her lower lip hard as she felt him unwilling to let her just do the work, counter-pumping against her movements.

"Fuck brother... yeah that's it right there... fuck I love when you hit that spot..." She panted against the wall of the shower, resting her forehead on it as she focused on her movements. Kai shuddered at the view of his sister's wet round rear bouncing in time to his thrusts, watching that crimson length of his cock pumping deep to where only their matching fur was seen before withdrawing a little to do it again.

"I love you so much... fuck..." He moaned out as he kept pushing against her, both of the twins having been working for several heated moments now.

"Ngh! Y-You always say that when you're getting ready to come, Kai!" Kayla mewed out playfully as she shifted and smacked her rear back hard, forcing her brother to crash into her core again and again.

"I can't... fucking help it! I don't deserve either of you... fuck... fuck..." He moaned out with each brutal jerk of her hips, hissing as she ground against him, digging his tip deep against her core, her walls crushing and squeezing. "Fuck... and... you've cum plenty already, that's like what... four now?"

"Ngh... five!" She mewed out as she slapped her hips back hard and his tongue lolled as her walls just crushed him, then Kayla lolled her own tongue, mewling out happily as her brother lost the fight against her pussy, that first thick rope rushing in.

"Ha! That's it brother... ngh! Cum in your sister's pussy, no sharing tonight... it's all for meee..." Kayla panted over her shoulder, her tongue lolled as she ground hard against him, hearing him mewl and moan as he shot thick gushes of his love deep inside his twin.

Kai's blue eyes rolled up as she gripped hard at the bar he held to keep from toppling over. Kayla licked her chops and purred happily as she felt her walls squeeze and milk that last gush of her brother's love deep inside her.

"Gods... Kai... you came so much... You really love the dirty sibling talk, eh... big brother?" She panted as she looked over her shoulder at him with a smug grin.

"Can't... brain... fuck..." Kai panted out, his legs wobbling as he tried to not just topple over while the shower washed over their fur, the water milky looking as it rolled down Kayla's thighs from what was spilling out of her around big brother's base.

"Huff... I'll take that as a yes..." She purred out and then grunted as she shifted to jerk her hips clear as Kai mewed out from the sudden release, then she turned to face him and pulled him into her arms, feeling him hug her weakly.

"Ha... You did great Kai... ngh... Just hold onto sister, I'll keep you secure until you're through the throes..." She puffed into his ears as he nodded and hugged tight to her with a sigh, the smell of their sex even headier from the steamy air of the shower.


Trevor took a seat at the shiny oak table with a smile. "Thanks for having me, I appreciate your time," The brown rabbit called out casually, even though the small gathering of three males before him looked anything but pleased to see him.

"Heh... already saw those social media posts that dropped this morning I take it?" He hummed out with a flick of his ears.

"What are you on about with all this?" The president of the snowboard league just asked point-blank with a glare. He was a stocky badger with brown and white fur, with a large scar across his jaw from his own boarding accident from years past.

"To the point, I approve." Trevor pushed the document forward to let him and the other two members present read it.

"The answer is no." The president grumbled as he pushed the document back.

"You have no choice in the matter? Yes, I agree, you do not," Trevor hummed as he leaned back and drummed his fingers together.

"We're done here." The president of the league pushed away from the desk and got up.

"We are? Because the next time you see me will be in a courtroom if you're dismissing me now." Trevor cocked a brow as he spoke, "I've got a pretty good track record of lawsuits and defamation cases under my belt too."

"Lawsuit? You've no legal-" He stopped as he saw the lawyer that was with him grimacing. "What's going on?"

Trevor called out, "I'll give you the short version. You can't stop a players league from forming, you don't have to let them play, but then I'm ready and willing to sue you for discrimination and a host of other fancy terms. Translation, your event, your rules, not your riders, and not your choice in how they operate."

"Is that true?" He asked his personal lawyer.

The lawyer was actually the biggest male in the room, an ox with large horns that strained his suit, but despite his size, looked small and sheepish around the president before he sighed out and answered, "Technically they can't... but uh... Yes, they can form a players union, and they can strike. Also by the world sporting authority guidelines, if we don't have enough players, we have to cancel events, which includes issuing refunds to all ticket purchasers."

"Yeah, and have fun getting your money back for that airtime you purchased from the sports networks, etcetera... I've got you by the balls, man," Trevor leaned back with a smirk and kicked his boots up on the shiny table.

The badger snarled as he took a seat, "Okay, I'll play along. But even if you strike, we can get new players next season. Yes this one would have to be canceled but-"

"You want to cancel a season, in an Olympic year?" Trevor called out then whipped his cell phone out. "Hey, let me quote you a social media post from the Olympic committee."

Trevor cleared his throat before reading from his phone, "We at the ICO will always support players' rights to fair competition and fair work environments. Rest assured as long as the equipment meets the sports criteria, all types will be welcomed including non-commercial varieties."

"You got the ICO involved in this shit?" The badger snarled and slammed his paw to the table.

"Actually they involved themselves, and so did the sportscasters. All I did was try to protect the players." Trevor shrugged. "Ah yes... you have contracts with the ICO, don't you? Host the qualifiers, but have to do it by their standards? Well, your contractors are also showing they're not okay with this, you wanna buck up against them? I'm sure the world sporting authority will be happy to express their own displeasure as-"

"Okay okay! I get it!" The president snarled and ran his paw through his graying hair. "What do you even want out of this?"

"I've already gotten Altima and Astral on board with the idea. Just pull the board restrictions and let the players do as they do. We aren't asking for drastic sweeping changes. As the head of this new players league, I'll come to you first with any concerns before they become strike-worthy demands. Seems fair to me." Trevor gave a shrug.

"Sir, given the situation, it really is a rather fair and simple request," The ox next to the badger spoke out politely.

"Fuck... that didn't last very long... I hated this idea to begin with, so whatever, make it happen. Get someone in PR to write a few flowery social media posts about it." The badger snarled as he stood from the table.

"If you hated it, why do it?" Trevor tapped his paws together.

"The manufacturers make up seventy percent of our income. Without them, there would be no league, but now that you've kicked up a hornet's nest, they'll be the ones to deal with it, and once our PR department puts a nice spin on it showing we had no choice, it'll be completely their problem." The badger showed his own teeth in a grin, showing he'd already made contingency plans.

"You're quick on your footpaws, I like that." Trevor kicked off from the table and hopped up with a roll of his shoulder. "Okay, work shit is sorted, you wanna go have a beer and tell me how you got that scar? I'll tell you about one of my old baseball injuries in return."

The president scoffed, "Rabbit, do you have any idea how long it's been since I went out for a beer like that?"

"How much longer is it going to be is the better question." Trevor showed a challenging grin as he slung his briefcase over his shoulder like a college student would do with a messenger bag.

The badger grunted at that and jabbed the intercom button in the conference room. "Cancel my two pm and reschedule the rest of the day."


"That all went terribly well! From start to finish we got things sorted in what, two weeks?" Trevor spoke out over the table, several of the riders and even some of the sportscasters were present for the celebration. Even the president of the league had shown to offer support for the players union.

"You not planning on trying to stab us in the back over this are you, boss?" Madeline folded her arms, leveling the Badger with a glare.

"At the time I had little choice if I didn't want the funding for the league pulled, but thanks to your pressure on the manufacturers, all of them have withdrawn from the demands to save face, also please, call me Greg." The president offered a small grin to the table.

"Hmph... we'll see, boss." Madeline scoffed before leaning into Kayla.

"Alright, Mr. Ally, why don't you do the honors then so we know your heart is in the right place and lead a toast to the players league?" Hiroshi huffed out.

"Sounds fair to me," Greg picked up his beer and stood, holding the glass aloft. "To the players league, may we have a bright future for present and future riders."

"To the players league," Everyone at the table held their drinks up as they responded.

The evening stayed a relaxed affair after that, everyone drinking and enjoying the relief of knowing the tension was settled for now. Raul, Gina, and all the other riders affected would have no concerns about catching up either as the league agreed to extend the season an extra event to make up for the missed one.

Jaron looked over at Jasmine who was staring intently at the whiskey and cola she'd been working on. He gently nudged her shoulder with his elbow. "You okay down there, Jas?"

Her rounded ears lifted as she jumped a little, looking up at him with a frown. "Eh? Oh yeah, I'm good, just tired I guess."

"Yeah? Maybe you should pack it in and get back to the hotel, you need me to share a cab with you?" The greyhound tilted his head showing a frown on his muzzle.

She waved a paw and smiled. "Thanks, I'm okay, this is only my second one, so not like I'm fucked up or something, Jaron."

"Alright, you know, we're friends, Jas. I'll always be here for you if you need it, I got your back, you know?" He showed another smile as he patted her shoulder a few times, but not enough to seem like he had any kind of seedy intentions.

She nodded at him and sipped her drink before responding, "Thanks, I appreciate that."

The night eventually winded down as everyone started splitting off into their collective groups to leave. Kai, Kayla, and Madeline were no exceptions, having said goodbyes before leaving the bar to return to their own hotel.

"I'm so glad things were resolved, and even the president seems happy about how it went." Kayla grinned as she kept an arm hooked with Madeline's.

"He was just doing what he could to keep the league going, he had a gun to his head basically and the manufacturers knew it. Hurt some of my players to spare the majority as it were. It's only because we got the attention shifted properly that anything could be done," Madeline responded matter-of-factly.

"I'm glad it worked out for everyone involved. Altima didn't even dock our bonus for that stunt," Kai said.

"Hmm... Gemini is furious with me, they've already docked my bonus, and given the cursory threat they may not sign me after the season." Madeline shrugged.

"Oh shit... is that going to be okay, sis?" Kayla frowned as the rabbit just offered her a grin.

"Shut up, of course, it's going to be fine. I use their brand at my leisure, not theirs. I'm going to be a mega bitch and demand they double my fee or I'll just go to someone else or even solo." She scoffed and put her free paw to her chest.

"You are so damn sexy when you're full of yourself, sis..." Kai snarled and shifted closer, his paw on her hips, Kayla's own purrs growing louder, showing she approved.

Madeline giggled as they both drew closer. "You both have shit taste in girls, but... I'm glad you approve sister and brother..." She hummed and moved a paw to Kai's jaw, rubbing under his muzzle.

All three of them instantly pulled away and assumed a casual stance as the bar door opened, Jasmine stepping out into the cold air in her coat, looking over at the trio. "Was hoping I'd catch up to you guys before you caught a cab."

"What's up, Jasmine?" Kayla tilted her head as the mouse approached them with her own paws in her coat pockets.

"Uh... this is going to sound weird, but I was thinking about you guys, and-"

"I'm not sharing Kayla with you, mouse," Madeline growled out, Kayla giggling at the possessive words.

"Geeze, Maddy, I don't think this was a confession or something!" Kayla grinned and pulled her rabbit closer.

"Hah... hardly, I only like cock anyway, Madeline, relax," Jasmine smirked and then cut her brown eyes to Kai who awkwardly averted his own, his tail fluffed out a little.

Jasmine sighed as she explained, "Anyway, the three of you... You've all been training multiple sports and, I mean... Kai, You helped Hiroshi and I know you were also helping that other guy Charles with new gear as well. Madeline, you taught both Kai and Kayla new race styles."

"Yeah, what about it?" Madeline put her paws on her hips, having released Kayla's arm. "Get to the point, Jasmine."

The mouse frowned, then hissed through her teeth. "I still board regularly but..."

"You want to get back into the game, don't you?" Kai spoke out above the three smaller girls.

Even Madeline hadn't put the pieces together yet, but instantly followed the chain of logic as the mouse gave a sigh before nodding. "Yeah... I do."

"Jasmine, you are in your mid-thirties, there is no way your body can keep up with this, not coming in cold," Madeline just spat the words out point-blank.

Jasmine gripped her gloved paws into fists. "I still board several times a week, and I think I could-"

"It's not happening, you'd just embarrass yourself," Madeline snarled back at her.

"Hey hey, c'mon, Mad... Isn't it unfair for us to just not even try to let her see what she's capable of?" Kai gently called out to his bunny-sister, putting a paw on her shoulder.

Madeline frowned at that as she closed her eyes. "I was nineteen, it was going to be my first Olympics... I had a singular goal, it was to beat the bitch that kept one-upping me in the league, that old stupid mouse that should have already retired, but she just stuck around, getting in the way of the younger riders, getting in my way. She'd been a thorn in my paw for three years, but I'd made my mind up, I'd beat her on the world's biggest stage and show I was the superior rider."

Jasmine clenched her teeth and looked away, not saying anything. The twins looked shocked by the venomous words their partner had just muttered.

"We put capes on our heroes, but we also wish to defeat them. That's what you accept when you become part of this world. The ones that idolize you and love you, will also seek to destroy you. Isn't that right, Glitter?" Madeline cocked a brow as the mouse's tail perked up at that name.

"Not heard that in a while, about... four years or so," Jasmine muttered but didn't look at the younger girl.

"Glitter?" Kai asked.

"When Jasmine boarded, she always put glittery blush on her cheeks, the fans just started calling her that, and so did I," Madeline said with a frown.

"Oh, were you a fan of mine back then?" Jasmine looked back to the rabbit, folding her arms.

"A fan, a rival, flower it up however you want. I was a gunslinger trying to prove something, but you went and died before I could pull the trigger. Yeah, I had some posters of you, maybe I got into this game over your ass. I remember as a kitten watching you win gold for the first time. I might have been seven or eight at the time but knew in that instant, I was going to do that."

"Yeah, I have to do my research on all the riders as part of my job. That was your first Olympics, favorited to win gold, but you only ended up placing fifth overall. The whole snowboarding community was stunned, our country didn't even bring a medal home." Jasmine shifted a paw to her hip with a frown.

"Favored to win gold only because of you. Everyone had no faith in me winning gold until you died on the fucking slope during qualifying!" Madeline stepped forward and jabbed a finger into the mouse's chest. "How could I bother to focus when the whole reason I was there was gone!"

"It's not like you to make excuses, Madeline, I never let you make them when I beat you in the league competitions, you think it's okay to make them now?" Jasmine tilted her head with a cock of her brow.

She clenched her paw into a fist, her teeth showing and red eyes shaking a little, but then she stepped back and opened her paw, flexing it a few times. "I was supposed to beat you, usurp you, and take the lead, that never happened. Everyone just passed the crown to me when the queen died, and that pisses me the fuck off, I never forgave you for that."

"Sorry fucking my knee, ruining my career, and sending myself into a spiral of self-hatred was inconvenient for you, Snow Bunny." Jasmine pushed a gloved paw to her cheek with a feigned frown.

Madeline scoffed at that. "Trying to make good on that promise of five? You think you have a snowball's chance in hell of winning medals against me, Kayla, or Gina?"

"Probably not, but I do have a snowball's chance of getting there, I like to think so anyway." Jasmine frowned and tilted her head. "Qualifying is about a season away, I need help, and so I came to you three. I'm not just sitting around on my tail, let me show you what I can do before you decide?"

Madeline snorted and clicked her tongue, then looked to the side as Kayla put a paw on her shoulder. "Maddy... What would the kitten back then have thought about her idol asking to train with her?"

"Mad, if anyone could help in this, it's you, It's us. You know that as well as I do." Kai put a paw on her other shoulder and Jasmine frowned at the display, the mouse looking like she was processing some things about the three of them.

"Had you approached me before these two pains in my tail came into my life, I'd have told you to go fuck off, Glitter!" Madeline snarled and clenched her paw into a fist once more. "Come to the resort in this town tomorrow at ten in the morning, show me what your tail can do, I'll make a decision then!"

"I don't have my gear with me?" Jasmine folded her paws in front of her.

"Uh..." Madeline looked away for a moment, realizing she didn't have her own since this was a trip to meet and greet. She rubbed her paws over her muzzle and then sighed. "Whatever... We'll rent some shit, just do it."

Jasmine gave a small nod. "Thank you, I appreciate you humoring me in this."

"I have one stipulation though if I end up helping your ass," Madeline snarled and jabbed a finger at the mouse.

"Name it." Jasmine tilted her head.

"If, by some miracle, I can whip your tail into shape in the tiny window of time I have. You wear your old blush, and if we meet on the course, you fucking board as if your life depended on it to beat me!" Madeline practically shouted the words as she clenched her fist again.

"You've my word on both." Jasmine shoved her gloved paw out, the rabbit gripping it as they gave one firm shake on the agreement.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 13

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 11

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 10

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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