Avalanche of Love - Episode 13

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#13 of Avalanche of Love

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a big episode my lovely, and if you like short girls, you'll see plenty of them as this is going to be a lot of Madeline and Jasmine! No not like that! I'm sorry to say for as big as this one is, the plot muse was real and there's nothing lewd this time! I'll make it up next episode I promise!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy drama and character development because this episode is absolutely dripping in it!

Let's jump right in!

Welcome back, my lovely reader~

Did you know I wrote this over a week ago?

That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and your support on Patreon or Ko-Fi helps make that happen. Supporters even get to see stories a week early to avoid all that pesky waiting. I also appreciate non-financial support like faving, voting, and following me here or on Twitter. Thank you so much for your continued support! Please enjoy the episode.

And with that out of the way...

Welcome back, my lovely reader!

This is a big episode my lovely, and if you like short girls, you'll see plenty of them as this is going to be a lot of Madeline and Jasmine! No not like that! I'm sorry to say for as big as this one is, the plot muse was real and there's nothing lewd this time! I'll make it up next episode I promise!

Anyway, I hope you enjoy drama and character development because this episode is absolutely dripping in it!

Let's jump right in!


Episode 13:

I'm Not A Legend

Jasmine ground her board to a halt at the bottom of the half-pipe, wincing as she rubbed her knee before spitting her maw guard out to pant. "Fuck... not went that big in a while, that landing was-"

"Huh... Not as bad as I thought, you probably could qualify, Jasmine." Madeline folded her arms.

"You really think so?" The mouse lifted her tail.

"Yeah, for the junior leagues, this is a waste of my time," The rabbit growled and turned on her heel taking a few paces away, snow crunching under her boots.

"Wait a sec! That was my first run! Even your first runs have been shit before, Madeline!" Jasmine hissed out as she unbuckled her boots and stepped off the board, grabbing it up as she gave chase after the rabbit, wincing at the ache in her right knee.

Those red eyes peered over her shoulder at the mouse, Jasmine giving a huff as she stopped short of catching up, mist rolling from her panting maw as the two girls locked into a stare. Madeline had told the twins to stay at the hotel, maybe so they wouldn't see this side of her.

"Your knee bothering you that much?" The rabbit cocked a brow as her paw shifted to a hip.

"I'll be fine!" Jasmine snarled back, even as she clearly favored her left leg while standing there, even using the board to support herself. Her brown eyes widened as Madeline reached across and just snatched the snowboard out of her paws, the mouse giving a squeaky yelp, feeling her knees reinforce before she fell to the right with a hiss.

Madeline scoffed and looked down at the slightly smaller girl. "C'mon... who do you think you're kidding? One drop in and you're already crying."

"I'm not fucking crying!" Jasmine screamed up at her, showing her teeth as she glared, tears clearly streaking down her cheeks.

Madeline twitched an eye at that, feeling her stomach twist, seeing this mouse she idolized, the girl that got her in this game, now on her knee, glaring at her, tears showing, looking broken and beaten. It's one thing to defeat your heroes, and it's one thing to see the cape come off, but it's an entirely different thing to see them so vulnerable.

With a sigh, she knocked her fist against the board she took from the mouse. "This isn't a Gemini, you road Gemini when we competed..."

"It's... all the rental place had," Jasmine grunted and climbed back to her boots, locking her right knee with a hiss before moving and snatching the board out of the rabbit's paws. "One more drop, give me one more fucking drop!"

Her red eyes looked to that locked knee and then to those fierce brown eyes glaring back at her. "You got a brace for that?"

"It doesn't bother me day to day, and I usually don't do these kinds of tricks, so no. I have one I carry in my normal boarding gear for general aches sometimes." Jasmine frowned as she put her free paw to her hip.

"What are you, stupid?" Madeline tilted her head and clicked her tongue. "Even I use fucking knee and elbow braces and I'm not a beaten-up defeated has-been."

"Fuck you, I'm not beaten yet! I just had to nurse my injury a bit!" The mouse sneered and stomped her right boot hard in the snow with a glare.

"Nursed it for nearly four years? Yeah, okay..." Madeline tugged her glove off before taking her phone out and dialing up a number. "Hey, yeah... Yes... No, make the flight home without me, I'm flying out. Where? To Gemini with this bitch here. Yes... it'll be fine... I love you too, pass it along to brother. Yep."

Jasmine gapped her jaw at the one-sided conversation, cocking a brow at the end of it. Madeline pulled her glove back on after pocketing her phone. "Don't ask questions you don't need to, Jasmine, focus on your own tail. You coming?"

"Coming where? What are we doing?" Jasmine stammered out, shaking off the confusion as she gave chase to the rabbit stalking off.

"You showed up, I'll call it good enough for now. We're going to Gemini, to a proper training facility, with a medical staff that can prep your sorry tail to attempt competition," Madeline spoke matter-of-factly as the mouse followed in her boot tracks.

Jasmine shook her head in disbelief, "You mean the main... Wait, don't I need clearance to reserve-"

"They'll do what I want, and they'll be interested in seeing a ... legend, like you want to represent again. Even if it's a fucking last gasp, if you can pull off anything, they'll eat that shit up."

"So you're just going to use this as an excuse to get in good with-" Jasmine squeaked as the rabbit turned on her and shoved a gloved finger into her chest.

"Don't fucking kid yourself, I don't need Gemini, they need me!" Madeline looked down at the smaller mouse, showing her own teeth as she hissed out, "That little kitten that saw you fucking stand on the podium, that teenager that watched you on that late-night show while struggling through the junior leagues... I'm doing it for her, I'm doing it for the hero that died on the slopes that day four-something years ago."

Jasmine swallowed a lump in her throat, her mouth feeling extra dry as she gave a small nod before hesitating and then showed her teeth as she gripped the rabbit's paw and shoved it off her chest. "Fine... Fine. Do I need to ask for my shit to be shipped to Gemini?"

"Don't bother, we'll get you kitted out on my dime. Now stop asking annoying questions and let's go," Madeline hissed out and turned on her heel pacing away. The mouse huffed and stomped after her, moving to walk beside her and not in her wake, glaring at her from the side, the rabbit lifting her chin ever so slightly in approval.


"Hmph... let's give this a whirl... go on, hop up," The trainer drolled out as he stepped back. Jasmine climbed off the examination table with a purposeful hop down on her footpaws, already wincing in anticipation, but then perking her ears as she looked down at her knees.

"Whoa... uh, that feels good, it's compressing much better than my normal stuff." She bent her knee and twisted at her hips as if testing the fit.

"Yep, this kind of stuff isn't even on the market yet. Proprietary only Gemini riders get access to, how's that back support feeling?" The trainer sighed, looking like he was already bored with this.

"It feels good, but is this fair?" Jasmine frowned as she squirmed on her footpaws, feeling the snug secure embrace of the various supports along her back, elbows, knees, and even a bit of compression against her spine from the thermals they suited her up with.

"You think sports are fair all of a sudden, Jasmine?" Madeline gave a snort as she walked over and looked the mouse over. "Sports at their core aren't fair. The privileged ones that can put the most time into training and equipment will always have an advantage."

"I like to think anyone can strive for excellence if they put their mind to it." Jasmine glared at the rabbit, the trainer rolling his eyes and walking off.

"Yeah, tell that to all the mice that play in the pro leagues of basketball, Jasmine. Go on, name a single famous mouse, I'll wait." Madeline folded her arms as Jasmine just clenched her teeth.

"I can't..." She finally said.

"Sports aren't equal, you're not going to see someone our size slamming it on a basketball court, and you're going to be hard-pressed to find one of those bitches doing what we do. Good luck swimming competitively against an otter or something too. Now if you're done with your flowery daydreams, let's go see if that shit works properly." Madeline jerked the door to the room open, the cold air rushing in.

Jasmine frowned but said nothing as she walked out into the snow, making her way to the halfpipe area of the training facility, the thermals making her feel warm and secure as she moved.

"Those things are not fucking magic, you're going to have to limber up extra long before and after runs. You'll also need an ice bath after competitions, get deep tissue work by one of the trainers, on and on and fucking on..." Madeline scoffed as they made their way to the drop-in point of the halfpipe.

"I get it, but I'm not some decrepit old fossil, Madeline, I'm only thirty-five!" Jasmine frowned as she walked with the other girl.

"Might as well be seventy-five in a professional league and you know it. That's an Ice Reaver mark two in your paws, don't be stupid and take a few drops to work into it, I'll not bust your tail about it. Match my pace and don't be fancy, understand?" Madeline smacked her own board, a similar model that had no fancy graphics, just the production version.

"I understand," She responded pointedly before dropping her own board to the snow and strapping into it.

Madeline took her through a basic run the first go, just some simple lifts from the pipe, some board grabs, and a half turn in the air. Jasmine kept up well with all of them. The second run had a few more labored tricks involved including a simple corkscrew and even a slight grind that the mouse again was able to keep up with.

"Good... guess you're not dead yet, how are those braces feeling? You okay over there, you mouse-mummy?" Madeline offered a toothy smirk.

"Feeling good so far, you smart ass," Jasmine offered her own smirk.

"Heh... alright, let's dial it up, try to keep up grandma!" Madeline shot her a finger gun and then dropped her goggles into place before kicking off.

"Hardy har!" Jasmine squeaked out as she shoved her maw guard in and kicked off behind her. The rabbit went up big and made an elaborate series of tricks like she was at a full-on competition. Jasmine's eyes widened in her goggles at that as she processed it in split seconds before following it.

It had been over four years, but her body remembered the motions in those moments in the air, twisting, turning, and spinning. In those moments it hit her, the adrenaline, that rush, something she'd not felt in four, no ten years, the high of pulling something exhilarating off. It wasn't the day-to-day tricks anymore, this was all exciting and fresh, things she'd given up on.

Madeline snorted as she came down, looking at the mouse out of the corner of her eye. She wanted to be shocked but she wasn't, she knew what 'Glitter' was capable of. She burned the second pass to build up more speed, then went up with even bigger air, affording herself time to grab the board while doing an even more complex set of tricks.

Jasmine was feeling it now as she went up, grabbing the board, following the tricks, then her eyes widened as a sharp jolt of pain tweaked in her back, her twist locked in mid-air, she couldn't position the board. It hit the lip of the pipe and she crashed into the curved wall, tumbling down it in a less-than-controlled fall, wincing as her body took the impact.

"Gods... ow... fuck..." She whimpered as she spat her mouthguard out, shifting to brace on her elbows, panting down into the snow, feeling tears in her eyes from the pain.

"Flew too close to the sun, Icarus?" Madeline drolled out, having halted her run to unbuckle and climb back up the pipe to where the mouse was balled up.

"Ngh... bite me... huff..." Jasmine blinked her teary eyes clear, panting down into the snow.

"Anything broken?" Madeline tilted her head.

Jasmine sniffled and wiped her cheeks off, "I- I don't think so, but-"

"Then get back up and let's go," The rabbit huffed out and shifted her paw to her hip, then tilted her muzzle. "Or are you just going to die in the snow again?"

"I'm... not fucking, dead!" Jasmine glared over at the rabbit, shoving her gloved paws to the snow to right herself, wincing at the ache in her spine.

"Jury's still out on that one, Jasmine." Madeline turned and just started walking down the halfpipe with her board thrown over her shoulder.

Her tail stuck straight out as she squeaked and shuddered while slowly climbing down into the ice bath, her teeth chattering before she settled full in, hissing out. "I a-always hated... th-these things..."

"Better get used to them, you should have been doing these your whole career," Madeline scoffed out from the other tub of ice water, looking completely relaxed in the bitter cold.

"Tch... course an icy bitch like you'd, b-be okay with th-these damn thi- ngs!" Jasmine stammered out but couldn't deny the numbness was easing the throbbing aches of her torn-up body.

"Hmph... You'll thank me when you can move in the morning." Madeline sighed as she sunk deeper into the icy water, her own body aching. She was younger, but it didn't mean she didn't have her own aches and pains.

The cold seemed to grow normal somewhat for the mouse, her teeth not chattering but still wanting to climb out of the water. "Fuck... how long we gotta do this?"

"We'll soak for about five, then go into the sauna for about ten, then we'll do it again a few times," Madeline hummed out casually.

"Gods... why do you do this to yourself?" Jasmine hissed out even though she already had the answers.

"You like to complain, don't you? You already know why. You've done nothing but whine and groan this whole time, even though I'm doing you such a big favor here," The rabbit spoke cooly while lounging in the ice water like it were a hot tub.

"It's not that... I do appreciate it, truly..." Jasmine sighed and looked away, chewing on her lower lip before whispering, "I'm sorry..."

Madeline opened a red eye, looking over at the mouse in the adjoining ice bath. "For what?"

Jasmine shook her head. "Letting you down, letting everyone down. I knew how you felt back then, even if I didn't acknowledge you, I saw the look in your eyes, I had the same for a girl that came before me. I knew trying to feed into it wouldn't help, so I just kept riding your tail to not make excuses and do better."

"Hmph... like I'm doing you now?" Madeline asked calmly.

"Yeah, I guess so... It's hard to imagine I'm even here, trying to come out of retirement, getting help from the girl that wanted to take me out, to begin with."

"I told you before at the bar that night, I'm selfish. Just doing what that kitten would have wanted me to do, nothing more, nothing less. That little girl bunny would have done anything for you, and though I'll not go to extremes, I'll see what I can do within reason."

"This isn't extremes? You took me from retirement to sponsorship, the latest gear, and an elite training facility. I quite literally have everything I could hope f-for..." Her teeth started chattering again.

"Your core temp is dropping, let's get you to the sauna, you're not as used to this as I am." Madeline stood from the ice bath, moving over to the mouse and thrusting a paw out.

Jasmine blinked up at her and clasped her paw, her own shivering before Madeline helped her from the ice bath. Once they hit the sauna she gave a squeak, her tail going rigid again. "Gods! It feels like I'm on fire!"

"That's what it does..." Madeline took a seat on a nearby bench with a puff of breath, steam drifting off her fur. She had donned a simple swimsuit, though she and Kayla usually did these naked and shared the same tub.

Jasmine was also wearing some modest swimwear as she took a seat nearby, shivering still but the heat of the sauna quickly started to rush warmth into her freezing limbs. The two girls sat there in silence for a few minutes before the mouse spoke out, "Yesterday when you called, Kayla I assume, you said our brot-"

"Don't shove your nose in my business, mouse. You ask me anything I don't like, I have you kicked out of this facility and you do the rest of this on your own!" Madeline narrowed her red eyes, clenching her fist a few times.

Jasmine frowned and shook her head. "Okay okay... sorry, I was just trying to make conversation?"

"Hmph... Kai told us about how you casually came on to him." Madeline sighed and propped an elbow on her knee, looking into the distance.

"Y-Yeah... well, he's cute and I am single?" Jasmine gave an awkward laugh then huffed out, "I mean he did shoot me down, an older mouse sniffing at his tail. I'm sure you guys laughed at me over it."

"We didn't laugh at you, but if you're looking for casual, maybe get Jarome in your sights, he's the playboy of the field." The rabbit gave another shrug.

"Heh... I'm not some whore, Madeline, I just took a swing at Kai because I thought he was really adorable... I don't approach boys like that ever, really."

"Hmph... How are you doing over there?" Madeline asked.

Jasmine clenched her paw into a fist a couple of times. "I actually can feel my fingers again."

"That means it's time for the ice plunge again, let's go." Madeline hopped right up with a bounce of her chest and thrust her paw out toward the mouse.

"Guh...Staying retired is sounding pretty good about now." Jasmine groaned but took her paw and climbed from the seat, walking with the rabbit back to the ice bath.


"Gods!" Jasmine cried out as she tumbled down the wall, tucking and rolling before coming to a stop with a whimper, wincing as she picked herself back up.

"Stop trying to do that spin, you're not ready yet!" Madeline shouted back at her.

"I was doing this for almost twenty years, I think I'd know if I were ready!" Jasmine snarled back.

"Yeah but your body isn't conditioned yet, c'mon, we're dropping in again!" Madeline shouted and pushed back off to finish the run.

"Fuck!" The mouse squeaked out as the edge of her board caught the pipe, sending her down with a grunt once more.

"Your fur is dark, the bruises will be hard to see, get the fuck up, let's go again!" Madeline spat out.

"Ngh!" She found herself face down in the snow, groaning as she picked herself up, blinking over at the rabbit. Madeline just extended her paw in a finger gun at her then cocked a brow. Jasmine snarled and picked herself up once more.

"Again! We're not leaving the ramp today until you finish that fucking spin!"

"What the fuck are you doing?! Perk your damn ears and listen you stupid mouse!"

"Glitter?! Maybe you should have named yourself mud, that flip sucked!"

"Can you give me one fucking whisper of praise?!" Jasmine grabbed Madeline by the coat and wrenched her forward, her spittle hitting the rabbit's cheeks. "I've been fucking at this for months with your ass! I've not fallen down in weeks! Say something positive at least fucking once!"

It had been like this for a while now, multiple days a week with just the two of them. Kai and Kayla had come to help her as well, but their training was clearly much more encouraging than Madeline's.

"Did you ever praise me, Jasmine?" She cocked a brow, not looking phased by the grab.

Jasmine snarled and shoved her back, glaring down at the halfpipe. "I fucking told you 'good job' all the time, I did lots of riders, especially the younger ones."

Madeline tilted her head at that. "Did you ever bother to remember my name, or was I always just that girl in second or third place for a few years?"

"Of course, I paid attention to your ass! How could I not!? You were always there, nipping at my fucking heels, making me push harder, making me have to do my maxi- ... mum." Jasmine stepped back as if realizing something.

"Qualifying is in a few weeks, Jasmine. I'll be making sure you drop in before me too. I'll be there nipping at your heels, right there a breath behind you, and if you don't put it all out there... I'll gun you down, then I'll give you a casual look over my shoulder and say, 'good job, kid'." Madeline dropped her goggles, put her mouthpiece in, and kicked off.

Jasmine shuddered at the statement, feeling the old memories wash over her. Madeline had been doing what she did then, she wasn't being nice on purpose. She was treating her like a competitor, a rival. That little teenage rabbit that was always just finishing a fraction of a point back, but always there, making her have to push more to win than any other girl did.

"You little bitch..." Jasmine snarled and shoved her mouth guard in, dropped her own goggles, then kicked off.

Madeline treated the run as if a championship were on the line as if all her fans and loved ones were watching. They'd been doing these training sessions multiple times a week, for hours at a time, all while juggling competitions and work.

She cut through the air, biting down on her mouthguard, flipping, twisting, and putting it out there as if a gold medal were hanging in the balance. She had a head start, so she finished the run just as Jasmine was coming in behind her for the first pass. Even some of the techs that worked at the facility were hooting and cheering from the display, the hardened veterans that had seen it all impressed by her.

The rabbit just folded her arms, standing there watching, her chest rising and falling in a pant, sweat dripping through her fur while she watched the mouse as a judge would. Jasmine perfectly matched the first and second passes, then bringing nearly two decades of experience to bear. The small mouse used her momentum to add a full corkscrew and even an extra end-over-end flip before immaculately sticking the landing.

Jasmine felt her legs wobble like gelatin, barely getting the board to slow before flopping over back first into the snow, panting up at the overcast sky, flakes of snow drifting down. Her heart was pounding in her ears, and everything on her throbbed, but she'd matched, maybe even managed to keep that rabbit off her heels one more time.

Madeline came into her view, standing over her. The mouse blinked as she saw the bunny point at her, again making a finger gun, as if aimed right at her heart. She held that for a moment, then her gaze softened ever so slightly as she fully opened her palm. "Get up."

With a small grunt of effort, Jasmine took her grip and lifted herself from the snow, still panting and feeling weak in the knees, she'd quite literally dumped everything in her tank into that run, all to stave that rabbit off. She felt Madeline squeeze her paw, then jerk her forward.

Jasmine squeaked out at the pull as she suddenly crashed into the rabbit's chest. Madeline slapped her on the back in a quick hug, patting it a few times. "Good job, Glitter, remember that feeling, remember to just leave it all out there like that... like you used to do."

She pulled back, both girls staring at one another as Jasmine just gave a nod, still panting as if she'd just run an entire marathon, but her heart started to ease. Madeline offered her a haughty smirk as she stood before her. "Kai and Kayla will be here next session to go over finer points with you again, but I think we've managed to tear through that wall of four years, what do you think?"

Glitter blinked at her before looking down at her paws, squeezing them a few times. She was aching everywhere, her joints were screaming, her muscles were groaning, and even her head was throbbing. It didn't matter, this was that feeling, even if it would be harder to muster up, this was that feeling from back then.

She closed her brown eyes and clenched her right fist, opening them a few moments later with a glint of fire in them as she looked at the smirking rabbit. "C'mon kid, one more time, let the techs over there be the judges, loser buys the drinks."

The Snow Bunny showed her own teeth in a grin, slapping Glitter on the shoulder. "You're on!"


"I'd say that's not too bad for our first season, what do you think?" Kai stood off to the side with Hiroshi after the festivities, the buck still wearing the bronze medal around his neck.

"I feel we would be at the top if we'd started a little sooner in the season, but we've made our case for the next one." Hiroshi frowned as he spoke, then pulled the medal off and just shoved it in his jacket pocket.

Kai smirked and shifted a paw to his hip. "Technically you were at the top in third, I just ended up falling back a few points to fourth, but I'm still beating your tail in the half-pipe, so..."

"No surprise as it's been a wild year for me. Losing my sponsor, signing with you guys, the injury, and not to mention the whole player league drama." Hiroshi scoffed as he folded his arms.

"That excuses I hear, Roshi? Not like you to lean on the details." Kai gave a playful grin.

"Hmph, call it what you want, at least I got a medal." The buck shoved his nose up in the air as Kai gave a laugh at the display.

"Damn man, you're spending too much time with Charles and Madeline, gonna develop one of those haughty better-than-thou attitudes at this rate!" Kai playfully shoved the smaller boy by the shoulder. Hiroshi took a step back from the light push and smirked up at Kai.

"Did I hear my name?" A voice bellowed out as Hiroshi just rolled his eyes to see Charles sauntering over to them with Ellery in tow.

"Coming over to assert your dominance, Charles?" Hiroshi drolled out with an already irritable look.

The largest boy of the group smirked as he showed his sharp teeth, still wearing his gold medal, the buck next to him with a silver one on. "Maybe I should, yeah? Light a fire under your two's tails so you'll-" He cut himself off and folded his arms. "Nah, I came to say good job this season, congratulate you and all that supportive stuff, you know?"

"Really now? No blustering and bravado, Mr. Dynamite?" Kai cocked a brow skeptically.

Charles clicked his tongue and looked away, his demeanor looking uncharacteristically passive. Ellery smiled and gave him a shoulder bump before speaking, "Charlie knows what you mates did, he-"

"Ellery, I can speak for myself!" The lion snarled and clenched his gloved paws.

"Then spit it out ya big goof!" Ellery gave him another bump with his shoulder, making the lion stumble back a pace.

Charles rolled his eyes and sighed before finally speaking rapidly, "Look, I know I'd not even have finished the season if you guys hadn't intervened, and... I know you missed an entire competition to go take care of business with the players league. I guess I'm saying... Thanks."

Hiroshi tilted his muzzle up towards the big cat and nodded. "You're welcome, and this is your only free pass. I and Kai will be taking both of you down next season."

"That's right, you two better watch your tails next season!" Kai declared with a playful mew as he threw an arm around Hiroshi's shoulders, the buck looking more irritated by the second at the gesture.

"Oi! You guys focus on your rivalry with Charlie then, I'll just mind my own and quietly take the points lead while you three fuss about with one another!" Ellery gave a laugh and put a paw on his hip.

"I don't think so, Ellery, your tail is invested in this as much as theirs. You have to help me show these two up, here and in the big games coming up!" Charles showed the smaller buck a toothy grin.

"Ey, we mates now, Charlie? I've been tending your crybaby ass for the last few years, I guess it's about time you saw me as such." Ellery waved a paw and grinned.

"Oh go make out somewhere else," Hiroshi grumbled and ducked out from under Kai's arm.

Kai smiled and shook his head. "Heh... the big game huh? Well, you guys are guaranteed to win against me then, as I'm going to be just focusing on halfpipe and qualif-"

"Like hell you are!" Hiroshi snarled out and shoved the snow leopard's shoulder, Kai stumbling back looking surprised at the smaller boy who glared at him through his dark bangs of hair. "Your tail dragged me into this, you're running the damn course with me!"

Kai bit his lower lip as the buck glared at him with hard fierce eyes, giving a nod of understanding before running his paw through his own hair. "Ha... uh, like I was saying... Yeah, we'll see if you guys can back that up in qualifying next week!"

"Oi, if anyone should be accused of a boy romance, it's these two, eh Charlie?" Ellery cat-called out playfully.

"You can say that again, Ellery." The lion snorted and grinned at Kai and Hiroshi who were glaring daggers at them.

"Hmph... guess that's how it is, we'll see how you two handle the games with us, that'll give you an idea of how next season will be," Hiroshi said matter-of-factly.

"I'm eager for it, but uh... Isn't it awkward for you mates? Having to have that big gap in between the half-pipe final?" The smaller buck of the two tilted his head curiously.

"It's just how it lined up, the Olympics sure as shit wouldn't delay for a single sports finale, happens all the time I'd imagine," Charles added.

"You're right there, the league just has to schedule around it, but it's fine with me!" Kai mewed out and grinned down a Hiroshi, the buck glaring at him, already looking ready to shove him as Kai continued, "Just means I'll get two halfpipe golds back to back!"

"You shut up!" Hiroshi snarled and shoved the big cat hard enough that he fell right over onto his rear in the snow with a laugh. "You're only three points ahead of me Kai! All I need is a win at the next meet to tie your tail, then I'll beat you in a ride-off!"

"Heh... think so Roshi? Jarome is only four points back and Raul is tied with him. Everyone is gunning for me, you think I'm not going to put it all out there?" Kai purred with a haughty smile, looking eerily similar to Madeline as his tail smacked the snow behind him, the rabbit obviously wearing off on him.

"You're so annoying," Hiroshi grumbled as he glared down at the big cat.

"Ey, I think they should just fuck and get it over with, what do you think, Charlie?" Ellery cat-called once again.

"Seems the logical conclusion, maybe the loser is the one that takes it in the tailhole." The big cat gave them both a laugh as he turned on his heel and threw a gloved paw up.

"Oh go off somewhere and make out already!" Hiroshi snarled at the other two riders.

"Heh... see you next week at qualifying, guys, try not to come into the staging area smelling of boy love, eh?" Ellery gave them both double-finger guns as he quickly hopped back a few paces.

Hiroshi snorted as they walked away, then glared down at Kai who was still just lounging in the snow with a smirk on his muzzle. "What?" The buck grumbled.

"I think if this were a boy love dating game, this is the part where you confess and we have our first kiss in the snow, Roshi." Kai batted his eyes up at the buck with a loud forced purr.

The smaller boy twitched an ear at that, the first time he'd heard Kai purr in such a way, then proceeded to kick his boot forward, digging up a nice big cluster of snow that scattered all over the leopard on the ground before he spun on his heel and started off.

"Oh, so you're that type of bachelor huh? Is your special dating event the one where I have to beat you at the Olympics to max out your heart levels?!" He called out with a laugh as he stood and brushed snow off himself.

"What kind of games are you playing in your free time, Kai?! That sounds ridiculous," Hirosh grumbled as he kept walking.

Kai caught up to him with a laugh. "Ah, you wanna talk about video games now? Is that going to be one of our bonding scenes where I explain dating sims to you and you get a bonus on your aff- mew!" He found himself shoved right back into the snow again with a well-positioned trip and shove.

"Knock it off already, you need to get your head out of the clouds, we've got qualifying to worry about next week, both for slalom and halfpipe!" The buck glared down at the big cat with his paws on his hips.

"Yeah yeah... I hear you, Roshi. I've got too much of a sister complex to want boys anyway!" Kai laughed as he slowly climbed from the snow.

"Isn't that the truth," Hiroshi rolled his brown eyes and started walking off again. Kai frowned at that, was it getting obvious? Had he and Kayla gotten too lax in their affection in public?

Kai picked himself up and gave chase. "Eh? I was kidding, I don't really-"

"Yeah, yeah, I was just fucking with you, and I really don't care who you fuck as long as it's not me!" Hiroshi snarled out.

"Ah... So you're the plutonic bachelor that wants to avoid sex and just cuddle, I get it!" Kai mewed out playfully.

"I'm, going to, kill you, Kai." Hiroshi jabbed his gloved paw into the big cat's chest with each pause as he spoke.

"Guess that's one way to ensure you win the championship, huh, Roshi?" He gave a smile to the buck who just glared at him for a long moment, their eyes locking before Hiroshi rolled his own and turned away.

"Thanks..." He whispered as he walked.

"What'd I do other than pick on you?" Kai caught up to him once more, snow crunching under their boots.

"Just being a ... friend to me, keeping me from stressing about stuff for too long. You annoy me, but, I'm glad to have you in my life, this last year has been nice with your constant support. I feel like I've got more to ride for than just one-upping my mother now." Hiroshi just spat the words out in an almost whisper as Kai kept his ears up to hear them.

The buck grunted as Kai threw an arm around his shoulder as they walked. "We're friends, Roshi! I'll keep pushing you, and you keep pushing me, no matter where the road ends, we'll make sure to get there together!"

Hiroshi grunted but then gave a small nod as he looked ahead. "Sounds good."


"Welcome to beautiful Peachwood Snow Resort on picturesque Mt Elwart! I hope all of you at home are ready to be on the edge of your seats!" Jaron spoke excitedly as the camera showed a panoramic sweep of the hills and trees in the area before the drone pulled in towards the halfpipe area.

"I know I am, Jaron! We've got the best in the country here today, all competing for a chance to represent in the upcoming Winter Olympics!" The camera shifted to a shot of the blonde rabbit grinning as she continued, "Hello, I'm three-time Olympic medalist, Harley Andrews, sitting in today for Jasmine Sayotame."

"And I'm two-time medalist, Jaron Randolf! It's great to have you here today, Harley!" He barked out with a wag of his tail, both his aforementioned medals showing that he wore for the occasion.

"I'm thrilled to be here, Jaron! Especially given the situation, but I guess the viewers at home are not aware of that little nugget of wisdom yet," Harley nodded to the greyhound.

"For those of you wondering where Jas is, you may have seen her social media post yesterday," as the sportscaster spoke, the screen shifted to an image of the post.

"I hope everyone is well, I have an announcement to make during tomorrow's broadcast," was all the post said, with no picture.

Harley put a paw to her ear. "Are we ready? Okay! Let's go to Jasmine now who's waiting at the top of the halfpipe!"

The familiar-looking sports caster appeared on camera with a mic in her paw, but given she was in full boarding gear with goggles on top of her helmet the 'announcement' was obvious. If all that wasn't enough, she had glittery blush in the brown fur on her cheeks letting long-time fans know without a doubt what was up.

"Thanks, Harley, if you can't tell from my outfit, my announcement is, I'm officially coming out of retirement for this qualifying and if I don't embarrass myself, the subsequent games to come!" The mouse showed the camera a smirking grin full of bravado.

"You're gonna do great, Jas! I'm rooting for you!" Jaron barked out eagerly.

"Ha! You're not supposed to show favoritism, Jaron, but thanks!" Jasmine grinned and then looked back to the prep area. "Oh, looks like they're getting ready, I better not delay things. Wish me luck, everyone!" Jasmine passed the mic off and gave a wink as the camera watched her moving back towards the prep area.

As the mouse pushed into the staging area Kayla was right there waiting on her, "Jasmine you were so cool during all that!"

"My job is having a camera shoved in my face, Kayla, trust me I feel like I'm going to throw up!" Jasmine squeaked a laugh as she rubbed at the back of her head, her brown hair pulled back behind the helmet.

"Yeah, it'll be like that sometimes," Madeline joined the two girls, her look much more serious as the mouse met her eyes.

Kayla frowned as she watched the two staring one another down for several moments before speaking out, "Hey, uh... shouldn't we try to have fun today?"

"There's a time and a place for fun, baby. This is not one of them, not for this mouse," Madeline didn't look back at Kayla as she spoke, then to the leopard's shock, the bunny even pushed a paw to Jasmine's shoulder and pushed her back a step. "You remember what I said?"

"Maddy!" Kayla hissed and then perked her ears as Jasmine gripped her arm.

"It's fine, Kayla." Jasmine nodded to the big cat and locked her gaze with Madeline again. "You remember what I said, kid."

The mouse stood before the bunny and even raised up on her boots to make sure they were at eye level. "I'll thank you for all the help, by kicking your ass in the qualifying."

"Hmph... that's some wishful thinking there, just try to get fifth or better and we'll call it even," Madeline scoffed out and spun on her heel, trotting off. Leaving Jasmine standing there looking neutral and cool.

"Madeline! What the heck? I'm used to you trash-talking but you never put paws on the other girls like that!" Kayla was already next to her as they walked away.

"It was needed to center her, we all have different triggers and motivations, love." Madeline looked back to her lover and sharpened her gaze. "How are you feeling?"

"Me? I'm nervous as fuck!" She mewed out with a laugh and rubbed her own arm with a grin.

"Yeah, but you're fine, huh? Don't need me to push you around, too?" Madeline smiled and shoved playfully at the leopard's shoulder, the larger girl not even budging.

"Hgn... only if you want me to shove you to the floor, and we miss the qualifying because I'm too busy ravaging you!" Kayla purred and moved nice and close, nuzzling the rabbit's jaw.

"Heh... so instead of the Olympics, we go to jail? Tempting, but I think we better focus!" Madeline gave a giggle at the nuzzles, then looked over to see Jasmine frowning at them before she patted her lover's head. "Okay, Okay... let's rein it in, baby."

"Do I have to? You know it's yours and our brother's love that fuels me to do my best..." Kayla purred the words right in the droop of her ears, only loud enough for Madeline to hear as she felt a shiver roll up her spine.

"D-Damn it..." She gripped Kayla's jacket and gave her muzzle a quick kiss before huffing into her ears, "Yeah, but I need to dial my super bitch vibe to eleven for Jasmine, okay? She needs that push or she'll waver."

Kayla cut her eyes back to the mouse who already looked a little more unsure and then nodded to Madeline. "Oooh okay, I can help too!"

Madeline frowned and felt her pull away. "Kayla, uh-"

"Sup, Jasmine? You never seen two girls make out before? Or you crushing on my bunny after all the time training?" Kayla fluffed her tail out as she addressed the mouse.

Jasmine slacked her jaw for a moment, as if shocked the leopardess who'd always been so nice was now shit-talking at her. "Uh..." Her eyes hardened and she put a paw on her hip. "Kayla, you should un-bunch your panties, I only like cock, okay?"

"Uh huh? So you just have a problem with girls loving one another, that it?" Kayla hissed out and shifted a paw to her hip.

Jasmine looked aghast at the accusation as she stammered out, "K-Kayla, what the fuck? I'm not some bigot that has any issue with-" She was cut off by the leopardess giggling.

"I'm fucking with you, Jas!" Kayla mewed out in her normal tone of voice and showed Jasmine a smug grin. "You need to relax and dial it in, Glitter... It's just three trips down the pipe, easy peasy, right?"

The mouse gapped her jaw again as she realized it was just a facade, then closed her maw and gave a small nod, offering the big cat a smile. "Y-Yeah... just a few trips down the pipe, no big deal... I've been doing it constantly for months now."

"Hmph... you never cease to amaze me with your ability to comfort and motivate, baby," Madeline grumbled as she joined the other two girls.

"You think I needed you shoving my shoulder and stuff, Snow Bunny? You already got me back in my groove. I don't need trash-talk to lay it all out there," Jasmine offered a grin, folding her arms.

"Hmm... Guess we'll find out soon enough," Madeline scoffed as she folded her own arms, giving a nod as the lead staffer came in.

"Sayotame! You're going to drop in first, so get your tail to the gate!"

"Heh... my fans await, guess I better get to it!" Jasmine squeaked out and poked her nose up, trotting away from the other girls.

"Oh, I'm ready for this!" Jaron barked out excitedly as the name 'Jasmine Sayotame' appeared on the bottom of the screen, the camera on her as she was finishing her adjustments. "Jasmine 'Glitter' Sayotame! Four-time Olympic medalist, out of retirement at thirty-five to try for her fifth games!"

"If she qualifies today, she'll be the first female athlete to make it to five Winter Olympics, Jaron!" Harley squeaked out playfully. "Gosh, I'm a little jealous if I'm being truthful."

"You mean, WHEN she qualifies, Harley! I know you got this, Jas!" Jaron called out as the camera panned to Jasmine, the sunlight sparkling off her glittery cheeks as she grinned at it.

"Jaron, I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to be showing favoritism!" Jasmine pointed to the camera with a smirk as she pulled her goggles down into place.

"Hell with it, go tear it up, Jas!" He barked out.

"Aye aye, sir!" She gave a playful salute before shoving her maw guard in, then dialing her music up. She was listening to some angry alternative rock from her high school days like she always did when she competed.

Pushing off from the gate she dug the board in a flourish she'd done since she was fifteen, making snow scatter behind her in a glittering wave as the sunlight hit it before dropping into the pipe.

The music was earsplitting, it had to be, she couldn't think, she had to just do this, she had to just lay it out there, she wouldn't get this chance again, today had to be the day. Jasmine hit that first jump and the crowed gasped in awe at her height, her teeth showing against the mouth guard in a snarky smirk as she did a complex pattern of flips before sticking the landing.

Even with the braces there was a bite of pain when she stuck, but it didn't matter, she'd ice it off later. Her second pass was even higher, the crowd screaming now as she held the board, doing an upside-down corkscrew spin that made her wiry tail whip around her before another smooth landing, the new Ice Reaver gliding against the snow like it were glass.

"Oh my gods yes, that's what I'm talking about!" Jaron just cried out right there on camera as the mouse went up for the third pass.

'Shit!' Jasmine thought to herself as she took off more than she wanted, that wouldn't be a problem right now but the landing was going to hurt like hell. A problem for the future her though as she twisted, tucked, and spun, the world blurring in that controlled chaos she'd trained her small body to endure years ago.

The board clapped down hard partway through the glide down the pipe, her tail going rigid as the pain burned through that bad knee and up her spine, having to use all her strength to keep it together and not topple over. She still had momentum and wasn't going to leave it there, she'd make that damn rabbit earn it.

"Wait, she's going up for a fourth?! She hasn't got the momentum for that!" Kayla mewed out with concern in her voice, Madeline just kept her arms folded and snarled.

Jasmine hit the lip of the pipe, ground a little on it, then made a quick little back flip off it to smack back down into the pipe with another hiss through her teeth, but still just a little extra tacked onto the run for more points.

"Hell yeah! Hell yeah!" Jaron barked out, pumping his fist.

"J-Jaron, ha ha, take it easy!" Harley laughed as she was already walking over to the area where they did the interviews.

Jasmine spat her maw guard out, doubling over and panting as she held her knees, hearing the roars, the scream, her heart leaping to the sounds of the fans, something she never thought she'd hear again. It eased the pain and made it worth it.

Summoning up her bravado, she straightened her back and picked her goggles up off her face, showing a smug grin at the camera as she cocked a brow. "Keep up, Snow Bunny, you can do it, kid!"

"That's it, she's dead," Madeline snarled as she grabbed up her own Ice Reaver and stomped towards the gate, Kayla just giggling at the moody bunny.

"Jasmine! I'm sorry... Glitter! Be glad it's me interviewing you right now, Jaron probably would have tackled you in a hug!" Harley laughed out before shaking her head as she continued, "What do you even say after that run?"

"Ow," Jasmine responded with a grin, putting a gloved paw on her own hip.

Harley giggled and lifted her ears. "How do you think you did?"

"I'd guess mid to upper eighties, maybe... eighty-seven." Jasmine cooly predicted her score, offering a small grin to the other sportscaster.

"Ohhh, pretty high expectations, let's see!" The rabbit squeaked out as they turned to the display, then the score dropped, an 91.1 to show for it.

"Wow!" Harley sounded legitimately shocked as she gasped out, the whole place roaring and even Jasmine frowning as she blinked at the score a few times in disbelief.

"Guess uh..." She smiled and nodded to herself before cracking another grin at the camera, "Guess you other girls better step it up, don't let the old mouse show you up, yeah?"

Madeline was strapping in while glaring as she heard the words, her heart pounding like it did when she was in her teens, like it did when she was... nervous. "No, no... you get it together stupid!" She spat the words out loud and slapped a closed fist into her other open paw, taking a deep breath and then opening her red eyes with the focus of a sniper lining a shot up.

"And here is the current points leader for the girls, Madeline Las-" Jaron bit his tongue with a bark as she didn't even wait on the introductions and just pushed out of the gate. "Whoa, guess we're off!"

Her red eyes focused as she juked her board, kicking her own swath of snow up just as Jasmine had done, a much bigger wave of it kicked out to shine in the rays of the sun before she dropped into the half-pipe. She didn't have her music on, she dropped in without starting it, and she could hear the screams, the roars, the love, it was hers, she'd earned it.

She was already spinning when she took off, the world a blur of madness as she twisted, spun, and flawlessly stuck the landing. A roar filled the stand, the spectators chanting "Snow Bunny", her own smirk showing against her maw guard as she hit the second pass, again corkscrewing and spinning before hitting the pipe hard as she continued.

Kayla blinked at the TV in shock, her maw gapping at the display, even hearing the roars from fans from the top of the halfpipe in the prep area.

The third pass was a blur of movement, a twisted symphony of tricks that didn't seem like it had any hope of landing, but the Snow Bunny stuck it and backward to boot, facing away from the other side of the pipe, not even looking at it as she went up for her own quick fourth, doing an end over even tumble to right herself.

Grinding to a halt she pulled her goggles up, her red eyes glittering in the sun of the day, the chorus of 'Snow Bunny' rolling forth as she just stared at the camera, her paw open, just holding it towards the bleachers, as if to show the world what was going to the Winter Olympics as her fans said more than she ever could.

"Madeline, I- I don't have any words!" Jaron just stammered out as the rabbit trotted over with her board slung over her shoulder.

"That was for my fans," She scoffed out and shoved her nose up into the air as if that was all that needed to be said, not even waiting for the score to drop as she walked away.


"That... that's almost a perfect score... only two girls in the entire history of snowboarding have gotten a one-hundred..." Harley whispered out, as if she'd seen something sacred, her words barely heard over the eruption of cheers.

Kayla grinned and shook her head, putting her paws on her hips as they called her name to drop in. "I thought you loved me, Maddy... making me drop in after something like that? Damn... I can't touch that, how in the world could I?"

The crowd was still cheering, having not calmed down, Jaron having to speak a little louder over them as he continued. "And here is Kayla Hannah! A hell of a performance to follow after from her girlfriend, think she can come close?"

"Hey hey, I'm no expert like you Jaron, but Kayla is the biggest girl in the field, she can really get the lift when she jumps, we'll have to see if that power can prevail, eh?" Harley squeaked out.

"Can't hope to even tie that... ya know?" Kayla snapped her goggles into place, showing a small grin, feeling her heart swell with pride as she continued, "But hey, I know my brother is watching, so all I can do, is beat it!" She declared with a sharp toothy grin as she pushed right out of the gate.

The leopardess didn't kick the snow up, she just dropped into a tighter profile to squeeze a little more speed before dropping into the pipe. The crowd was still cheering from Madeline, but when she went up, she easily got a few more yards of height, the cheering growing silent at that as the big cat spun and twirled with the grace of a figure skater.

Sticking the landing she hunkered down and as she hit that second jump she kicked off with all the strength she had in her legs, soaring high into the air as she bit down hard on her maw guard, doing several end over end flips before sticking the landing, this set looking more brutal than the graceful start.

She was already twisting her hips to launch from the third, her own corkscrew while hanging upside down, her slope style having given her the tricks to be able to squeeze every microsecond out of the hangtime she had, sticking her landing backwards just like Madeline had done.

Showing her size and strength advantage, she kicked off the fourth to do another few twists, doing more tricks than even Madeline had done. The crowd was in shock as she ground her board to a halt, lifted her goggles, and spat her mouth guard out before flashing a sharp toothy grin to the camera. "That was for my brother and fans!" She clenched her gloved paw into a fist as she mewed out,"sit down mousey and bunny, this is my house!" The whole place shook so loud with the cries of the fans that they'd make jokes later on Sportsball Center that they were lucky they didn't start an avalanche from it all.

"Is this qualifiers? Are we at qualifiers or is this a gold medal match?!" Jaron barked out into his mic, sounding as stunned as Harley looked.

"K-Kayla... are you going to be in the doghouse for this later?" Harley laughed a little as she asked.

"Oh no way, Madeline loooves it when I push her, it'll be quite the opposite I assure you!" Kayla purred the words with a smug grin as the crowd cheered and 'ooohed' at the implications, then everyone went wild as the score dropped officially, a 99.4, the snow leopardess having bumped both of the veterans down to take the lead and it was only the first drop of three.

The rest of the qualifiers seemed stunned by the scores, no one else even breaking seventy points after the overwhelming display of power between the two top riders and the returning legend.

The second set didn't see any shift in the numbers and as the third set winded down, Jasmine felt her heart pounding. She didn't care if she was in third place, she just had to hold in the top five to qualify. She thought she had made a statement with the 91.1, but she had also told the other girls to step up and now they were.

One of the other riders scored a 91.5, bumping her down to fourth, another hitting 92.0 to make it fifth, then it happened. The girl before her pulled off a 93.0, she was in sixth place and out of the qualifying range. A collective murmur went over the crowd even as the last rider celebrated, now the girl that landed the 91.5 looking on edge down below.

Jasmine sucked in air through her teeth and rubbed her face, her tail twitching behind her. She could feel the ache in her knee. She'd taken it easy on the second run, not pushing herself, feeling the score she dropped would keep her secure, but now here she was, and her knee throbbed as if she had a hundred extra pounds on her shoulders.

"C'mon, Jasmine, you can do this. You got your fans behind you, you even got Jaron cheering for you, yeah!?" Kayla mewed out in support as the mouse's name was called to come to the gate. She gave the big cat a small smile, but as she moved to collect her board, feeling that ache in her knees, she felt like an inmate walking to the execution chamber.

She was thirty-five, she'd be thirty-six in a season, this was too much. The score she dropped was a miracle, she was too old for this, she was in a young kit's game, she was foolish to think this was possible. The thoughts whirled in her head as she tried to keep the smile on while pacing forward.

A hard shove hit her shoulders, making her fall right down to the ground on her rear, a few yards from the gate. There was a collective gasp from the staff members and other girls as they saw it had been Madeline.

Jasmine squeaked out as she landed in the snow, blinking up at the rabbit that was snarling, showing her teeth, and red eyes looking like they could glow from the glare she had on her face. "Giving up, Glitter?"

A bitterly cold wind whistled through the area, not even the staff members saying anything as the girls had their stare down. Jasmine grunted and started to pick herself up, then Madeline grabbed her coat and just lifted her back to her boots, shouting into her face. "We had an agreement!"

"I know! I... fucking know, okay?!" Jasmine shouted back at her.

Harley called out, "We seem to be having some-"

"Take us to commercial, we'll be back in a few minutes folks!" Jaron barked out, then ripped his earpiece out and walked away briskly.

"Jaron, what the heck?!" Harley stammered out as he said nothing and ran to the lift.

"Say something, Glitter! Are you going to do this shit again? Do it to me, do it to your fucking fans?! Do it to every fucking girl that's around your age and thinks she can't do this anymore, not even for fucking fun?!" Madeline was shaking the mouse as she screamed, an event staffer finally gathering the courage to step forward.

"Okay, okay, that's enough, Lashinger!" The staffer grumbled.

"Stay out of this, asshole!" The rabbit glared back then shifted her focus back to the mouse in her paws. "Say something already!"

"Madeline! I know my fucking limits, okay?! I-" Jasmine clenched her teeth eyes watering as she shook her head. "There's no way in hell I can-"

"Drop in without your good luck charm, right!?" Jaron shouted out as he rushed over, everyone looking shocked as the sportscaster panted, having ran here from the lift.

"Jaron, what the hell are you doing here?" Jasmine stammered out as Madeline released her coat and stepped back.

"Here, it's yours." Jaron quickly pulled one of his own gold medal off he'd worn for the broadcast, putting it around Jasmine's collar.

Jasmine squeaked out, "Wait- wha?! Jaron I can't take your medal, you promised your little girl you'd give her-"

"Then your ass is going to have to get to the Olympics and get one to give me, Jas! It doesn't have to be gold, okay? Any medal will do!" He barked out as he reached into his coat pocket and pulled out a can of cold spray they used for minor injuries.

The lead staffer sighed out, "We can't keep stalling this-"

"Shut up!" Madeline and Jaron both snarled in unison as Jasmine frowned at her friend taking a knee.

"Lift your thermals and drop the brace down for a sec, okay?" He asked her.

"Here, let me help, it'll take her too much work since she's suited fully up." Madeline dropped down next to him as the mouse just hissed out loudly the moment the spray hit her leg area.

"There, that'll get you through this drop-in, Jas!" Jaron showed her a small grin, eye to eye with her since he was on his knees. Madeline was already tugging her gear back into place for her.

"Jaron, t-thanks..." She hugged him and the greyhound just gave a laugh of a bark, patting her back.

"I believe in you, Jas and so does Madeline!" Jaron smirked down at the rabbit as he slowly stood.

"Do you?" Jasmine cocked a brow.

Madeline stood up and shrugged. "I'd not be wasting my time on your sorry ass if I didn't. I wouldn't even be boarding if not for you. I've believed in you my whole life, Glitter." She folded her arms and stepped back, her red eyes level with the other girl's. "I'll put my faith in you again, don't let me and your fans down this time." The bunny turned and stomped off back to the prep area.

"You owe my girl a medal, Jas!" Jaron offered her a finger gun before trotting away, then threw his paw up as he called out, "Remember, only two girls have ever gotten a one-hundred, Jas! You're a legend for a reason!"

"A legend..." Jasmine huffed aloud, then closed her eyes, her teeth grinding as she shook her head, thinking of that time and now. "I'm not a legend, Jaron!" She shouted back as the greyhound halted his pace and looked back at her, his ears lifted.

The mouse clenched her gloved paw into a fist as she showed him that smirk full of bravado. "Can't be a legend until I'm finished, I still got shit to do!" He gave her a grin, then nodded and offered a thumbs up with his own gloved paw before moving back to the lift.

"Sorry for the drama, let's go," Jasmine dropped her goggles in place as she pushed past the lead staffer to go to the gate.

"And we're back, after some technical difficulties, sorry about that everyone! We're ready at the gate for our next rider, Jasmine Sayotame! She needs better than a ninety-one point five if she wants to make it to the games, we're about to see if history is going to be made again by this mouse!" Harley squeaked out as the camera panned onto the gate area.

Jasmine looked down at the medal with a smile then tucked it into the coat before shoving her mawguard in, giving the camera a peace sign, and dropping in.

With her flourish of kicking up snow, she hit the pipe and went up for her first jump. The cryo-spray had numbed out all the pain but it was supposed to only be available to trainers and medical staff, she'd have to ask Jaron how he pulled that one off later. Regardless it did its job and when she landed from her flurry of tricks, she didn't feel anything.

That's the thing with sports, no matter how much you're loved, you're as much a dream maker as you are a crusher of them. Jasmine hissed through her teeth as she launched onto that second pass, gripping her board and holding it as she tumbled before sticking and moving on. The whole place was roaring and screaming, they knew this was a run that could contend for the top spots.

On her third pass, she made sure to leave enough room for a faster pass on her landing, already knowing she'd have to squeeze a fourth in. On the fourth jump, she had enough momentum to hold the board for a quick flip trick that had her land backward.

Grinding her board to a halt, she just crumpled over as the absolute crash of adrenaline and fatigued gripped her, like a marionette having its strings cut. The fans were roaring, but it sounded distant in her pounding ears and head, even with the spray, her whole body was just wracked with ache.

It wasn't her most graceful finish but the points mattered up top, not how she ground her board to a halt. After several moments she managed to roll over and sit up, wincing as she lifted her goggles, looking out at the fans cheering and then up at the sky, snow starting to drift down as she lowered her head, giving it a little shake, knowing she'd just ruined another's dreams to make her own come true.

She unstrapped her board and climbed to her boots, wincing but showing the crowd a fist pump as they cheered, then slowly made her way to the waiting area, a slight limp in her knee as Jaron stood there waiting for her with his mic in paw.

"How do you think you did, Glitter?" He asked before shoving the mic in her face.

"Huff... huff... gimme a break, Jaron... my head is killing me, don't ask me to math!" She gave a laugh and just took her helmet off to ease the ache in her pounding head, brown hair matted with sweat to wet fur.

"Well, let's see what the judges thought!" Jaron wagged his tail as he looked to the display.

Jasmine slowly blinked at the score as it dropped, a 98.4, a decisive and commanding statement that she'd not be denied her dream. It didn't feel real, she felt numb, then her legs just turned to gelatine as she started to slump before Jaron caught her with a laugh, holding her up with his arm. "Whoa there! Ha ha... you okay, Jas?!"

"Uh... y-yeah... just doesn't seem real?" She huffed out while trying to will her legs to work, barely hearing herself through the screams of adoration, the girl that had been bumped off came over to offer her a hug before walking away.

Harley squeaked out in a cheer of her own into her mic, "Ladies and gentlemen, Jasmine 'Glitter' Sayotame has made snowboarding history again! You are now looking at the first-ever five-time women's winter olympian!"

"You dropping in, love?" Kayla folded her arms, looking over at Madeline while they stared at the tv in the prep area, easily hearing the roars from the crowd below.

"No, take the top spot. We'll let Glitter have this moment." The rabbit smiled at the tv, a nostalgic look in her eyes.

"Hey? For what it's worth? You're pretty awesome, baby!" Kayla threw an arm around her bunny-sister as they walked over to the lead staffer to say they were passing on their runs.

Madeline scoffed at that. "Just a self-serving-"

"We both know that's bullshit, just take the compliment already!" Kayla mewed as she hugged her closer.

Madeline gave a small squeak at the hug, but just nodded with a small smile. "Fine."

Jasmine took a seat on the lowest step of the winner's area with a relieved groan, then withdrew the gold medal. She smiled and shook her head, seeing it wasn't even a winter one, it was from the summer games Jaron had participated in. The sun beamed off the now nearly decade-old trophy as she looked up, seeing the snow start to fall harder against the rays of sunlight, making the flakes almost look like glitter.

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 14

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 12

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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Avalanche of Love - Episode 11

Welcome back, my lovely reader~ Did you know I wrote this over a week ago? That's right, being a writer is my dream job but it has full-time hours and doesn't pay the bills. I want to keep writing these stories for everyone to enjoy and...

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