A Passing Resemblance - Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#2 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


Back in the real life and time and place lolz I find myself drawing the attention of a wolf, all shaggy grey and white furs, nicely snug jeans, a T-shirt with a loud logo of a rock band on it and a studded collar around his neck. He looks about my age, a bit out of shape telling by the fit of that shirt, but he has nice, perky eyes and smart-looking eyes. I suspect that he's been looking at me for a while and edged closer slowly as I've been browsing the porn movie shelf, and now maybe he's going to make a move... and yes, my instinct wasn't wrong even now. The wolf approaches, pretending to be taking an interest at the fleshlights arranged on the shelf on the other side.

I give him a sideways glances and he kinda glares back at me...a wordless "Hey there, I'm a big male, too" in that look. I find it amusing, actually, and let this game carry on for a little bit longer. I keep perusing the datastick boxes while keeping half an eye at the wolf. Yep, he has again moved and is now up to the cockrings. I prepare for the inevitable as the wolf walks over and pretend to be looking at the "TOY PLAY" section of the porn shelf. I give him a little look and a tiny smile again and flick an ear, and he gives me a nod of sorts.

"Wassup?" he said casually, not in an overtly macho manner which could have been the case as well, but in a pretty much...normal fellah kind of a way, I guess. As far as pickup lines go, his choice isn't that bad actually. I greatly prefer it to something along the likes of "Have I seen you somewhere before?" because in my case it' possible they may be intimately aware of my facial features. Or my cock. Or my nice ass. Or just how many wrinkles my anus might have.

"Everything's cool, yeah, " I reply in a friendly enough a voice, keeping my posture relaxed and not at all like in those porn flick covers.

"Yeah, I guess...," the wolf replies in a somewhat detached tone... he seems bored and somehow a bit awkward despite the confident air around him. I give him another nod.

"You come here often?" I say. "Heheh, this is my first visit...busted, hah!" I joke, giving a wry look at the porn shelf as if it is actually a ridiculous thing to be wanting to purchase such a thing.

"Yeah sometimes I guess," the wolf replies, "not really big on most of this stuff but sometimes you...need a little bit something, you know...," he speaks to me in a somewhat vague manner that I suspect is meant to be mysterious and attractive for that, but comes of sounding like a bit awkward again.

Who knows, maybe I'm just overanalyzing it all.

I give him a grin again, showing a little bit of my row of pearly white teeth.

"Yeah, I guess we all do, " I affirm his words before going for the kill..."...say, you often go picking furs up at a sex shop?" I state with a slightly pointed look.

I can see he feels like he's been caught with his proverbial pants down, because his ears flick down flat and he seems even more awkward than before.

"Well they don't actually sell sex here do they?" he speaks, cocking an ear at me again once he has gotten them up and proper again.

"No, but they sell the illusion of it," I state, speaking matter-of-factly. "A rubber cock, a fake tailhole, a musk spray to make yourself smell like a breeding stud, a porn flick to make you feel like you're in there yourself...yeah... that's what's their business."

I shake my head a little at the thought, considering how oddly professional my statement came out. Nobody had ever told it to me while I was in the business but it was the view I'd made myself, gathered from the bits and pieces of experience over the years.

The wolf gives me a blank look for a moment before kinda nodding.

"Uhh...guess so."

A little flicker of memory passes my thoughts as I now realize what is oddly familiar to me about this wolf. I am pretty much positive I have never worked with him or fucked him in a leisurely occasion, but this weirdly awkward behavior reminds me of my co-star in one of my movies, the small classic "RAM THE NERDS!" where I was, like every young twink hitting the porn business, cast into the position of a random fur who gets seduced in a really blatantly and obviously fake manner and then fucked in a variety of obscene poses.

I remember how I'd been made up to look like the stereotypical geek with glasses and all and how my co-star, a wolf with a slightly nervous manner, had chatted me up in a set of a high school classroom and before the viewer got bored with the cheesy dialogue and bad acting I would be on my knees and pulling the wolf's pants down to expose his big and straining hard cock.

The cameras caught me from every angle as I slobbered over the big canine cock and took as much of it into my maw as I could. I coughed and gagged a bit since I wasn't quite used to such a big cock at that tender point in my career, but in a way I guess you couldn't really expect inexperienced geeky twinks to have amazing deepthroating skills. My paw fisted the remaining shaft of the hot cock as my spit flowed down the horny length and wet my paw as I kept going until I was manipulated by that wolf's paws to bend over the teacher's desk in the simulated classroom and soon the room was full of the lewd slurping sound of a cock slipping in and out of my lubed rectum like the needle of a sewing machine, a mechanic reaming coming from a real, fleshy fur.

There I was, bent over and panting in the bitchiest pose as possible with my tongue hanging out and my bespectacled eyes fixed at the camera while I got skewered with an eager, ball-slapping rhythm by the lusty wolf who was poised over me, arms and pecs flexing from the effort of keeping up his hard fucking of my teen ass. He growled and made all kinds of porn faces and then suddenly stopped it all and stood up, moving his paws back to spread my ass cheeks to give a really nice closeup of his pink condom-enclosed cock buried into my nastily spread pucker with his huge, fleshy knot stuck on the outside. The big bulb of flesh strained against my hole while the wolf huffed and grunted and I did my best for the camera catching my expressions and I really didn't need to jazz it up too much when that giant knot finally slid deep into my ass caught us together.

After that the wolf leaned over me again and began an extremely fast and hard fuck in my poor, dilated ass, his knot bashing my prostate over and over again until I groaned and shot my hot feline cum all over the polished surface of the desk. My orgasm sent the wolf over the edge as well and he spent himself inside my tightly plugged tail. WE stayed mated for a while before the cameras were treated to a sloppy shot of his half-deflated know being roughly yanked out of my well-taken anus, showing how it gaped and leaked a steady stream of wolf cum out of its red and rough ring.

It had taken eight hours to shoot half an hour of material, and I barely could sit for a week, but it did pay the rent and expenses for yet another fortnight.

I glance at the shelf again, almost as if to check whether the aforementioned movie might be in stock here, and then back to the wolf whose passing resemblance to a long past random porn star had brought up this remembrance. I give him a little smile again.

"Well, I'm sorry, fellah, but you will have to do with the illusion I'm afraid, as long as it comes to me, wolfy," I speak the last word with a bit of flirt, the way it was spoken in the sort of movies I used to make during the bad acting phase of things.

I can see his disappointment as soon as the words leave my maw. His ears flatten again and his tail flicks low between his legs as if the strength to carry and swing it from side to side has suddenly disappeared. He tries to avoid my eyes but I speak on.

"Sorry, wuffin, I'm a one fur's man nowadays...can't say that for my past times, but yeah, you ought to look for someone else," I speak to him as kindly as I know...as kindly as a fortyish, buff lion like me can do.

"Whatever," the wolf grumbles and stamps away, disappearing from my view after passing behind one of the aisles. I shake my head a little bit and turn back to the expansive selection of adult movies that I have been busying myself with for almost fifteen minutes now.

So much cock and ass and tail and cum and maw on the offer...and I know I used to be one of the ultimate sluts.

Blue Paws Memoirs - Confessions Of a Gay Porn Star

_Standard disclaimer:_ _This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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