Sparking Surprises

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


Another a bit different story from me with a couple of interesting elements to spice it up a little. Favs and comments are welcome as always!!

[Commencing furry fun]

Dan paced the small living room of the small apartment, snorting grunting as he did so, glancing over at the clock on the brick wall, then glancing over to the television that was showing local news with the sound on the mute, then over to the table which had been set for two, then walking over past the kitchen counter to check the oven where a delicious homemade salami pizza was cooking, then back to the living area, then around the table again, then past the sofa with the intention of sitting down, but he did not, instead the large lion snuffled and looked at the clock once more. Quarter to nine and his mate Speckle was over fifteen minutes late from his usual homecoming time.

The seven-foot-tall lion went over to the kitchen to check the pizza again which he had intended to be put into the oven just as Speckle would come home so that it would be all ready to be enjoyed once the Dalmatian dog would have showered and gotten changed. He had been forced to put it in at half past eight since he was damn hungry himself, being hours since he had last time eaten at the fire station where he worked. The lion was shirtless at the moment and only wore a pair of tracksuit bottoms after having showered himself, letting his golden and creamy furs dry on their own as he walked about and occasionally scratched his flat, six-packed belly. He was a paramedic slash fireman and damn proud of his toned body that was a necessity in his line of profession, going on wild rides in the ambulance through the bustling city and saving whatever poor fur had gotten into trouble at the time. Right now all he could think of was his mate who was the most important thing to him in the world. The admiring looks people gave to a firefur were nothing compared to the spotted canine's warm, playful eyes when they would rest upon the big lion just before he would say something funny that would make Dan feel better than anything.

And now the light of his life was running late and he was getting worried that instead of being stuck in the chaotic traffic something might've happened to him. He doubted that, though, since he was sure that they would have phoned him from the hospital where Speckle worked as an ER nurse if he had been attacked by a junkie or a gang member or something as equally terrifying. Dan knew he had been marked as the proudly out nurse's next of kin on his files so it could not be by a mistake in informing of the dog's demise in a terrible ER accident that he was still unaware of the dog's whereabouts. He glanced over at the silver form of the mobile phone resting on the kitchen counter and considered phoning him but then reminded himself that he was being a fuss once more and that he should ease over. His rumbling belly and the delicious smell of the cooking pizza lingering in the air did not make the wait any easier than that.

Ten to nine, he looked over to the clock and mourned, his ears flattening a little. The pizza would need to be taken out of the oven in a few minutes for it to be perfect, and now his mate was going to miss that, as it seemed. Then the clock clicked to nine to nine just as he watched.

But then he could hear the familiar click of the lock of the apartment and his ears perked up, his head turning as he moved to the small corridor that connected the living room to the bathroom and the hall, and then the door opened and his lovely mate entered the apartment, in his brown, smart winter jacket and wearing a slightly goofy-looking winter cap that looked like it would've fit the head of Sherlock Hound the better with its funny ear flaps that were probably really convenient because of the Dalmatian's floppy ears.

"Hey, doggie!" the relieved lion greeted with a beaming smile, squeezing his large frame into the small hall so that as soon as the Dalmatian had closed the door behind him he could give him a proper rib-cracking hug and kiss. The canine laughed as he was lifted off his hindpaws by his big, loving mate and turned around.

"Hey kitten...," he replied with a smile, returning the smooch he had just received with a small kiss on the lion's nosepad.

" just came in time for the food," the lion spoke, settling the dog bag to his paws as he moved back a little to give him some more room. "I made your favorite pizza..."

"Lots of salami?" the dog inquired, sniffing the air more carefully.

"Oh yeah!" the lion enthused, watching as the canine removed his winter coat, boots and cap and placed them neatly on their places. He was wearing only a simple hoodie and jeans under the winter clothes, having left his nursing scrubs back to the hospital - despite Dan's insistence that he love seeing him in them and how sexy and smart they made him look. He didn't have to mention that seeing a glimpse of the handsome doggie at the ER while Dan's ambulance was delivering a patient, the nurse Dalmatian acting all confident and professional , was all that it had taken for Dan to fall for the male. They had become the gossip of both the ER and the fire station but neither cared as their relationship flourished and now a year and a half later they were sharing a lovely little apartment and their lives together.

"Yay! I'm so hungry, I only got some coffee and a chocolate bar on my last break, I'm starving!" Speckle declared as they made their way to the kitchen, the dog settling down to his customary seat on the nicely laid table as he watched the tall lion tinker with the oven.

"You're lucky today wuff because this pizza is right about finished!" he beamed, reaching for a pair of very large oven mittens to produce the sizzling treat from the oven.

Over the next hour the two furs exchanged banter on the everyday goings at their respective jobs as well as whether anything particularly interesting had happened. Dan's shift had been uneventful, thankfully, since the most exciting dispatch had been to a school where some kid had fallen off the jungle gym and hurt his tail, but it had not been broken after all. Speckle's 12-hour-shift on the ER had also been perhaps not as exciting as the average episode of the eponymous TV show they used to watch together and laugh over at, but he had seen over the usual stream of cuts, bruises, car accident victims and a single stabbing that had been an all-out mess, the doctors going all the way to cracking open the chest in an attempt to save the patient but they had been forced to call on it. The lion did his best to assure the canine that everything they could've done had been done and Speckle smiled and thanked his mate for his kind words. This was an everyday ritual to them, getting over the harsh things they often saw, so that the time they had together would be as carefree as possible.

Once the pizza had been utterly destroyed Speckle informed his mate that he would pop by the shower and join him in the bedroom shortly, since it was already too late really for TV-watching, and both of them and worked long shifts. The lion replied to this information with a small grin and headed to the bedroom, grinning to his self as he decided to give the Dalmatian a fun little surprise. He slipped off his trackies and boxers and slipping under the covers of their double bed, propping himself comfortably on the pillows and listening as the water ran while his mate showered.

"...I was wondering if there was any mail to me today...," the Dalmatian spoke absentmindedly as he entered the bedroom after his shower, wearing a dark grey bathrobe and rubbing his headfurs dry with a towel that obscured his vision for the moment. As he got to the end of his question the towel was removed and he was treated with the sight of the big, strong, nicely muscled lion lounging under the thin sheet that left lots of space for imagination but also gave some tantalizing hints to his true form.

"...only your science magazine, nothing more," Dan replied in a casual voice as if he was not in fact lying on their shared bed in a seductive pose straight out of an underwear advertisement.

"Oh my...someone looks like very, VERY tired tonight...," the dog spoke, enjoying the sights that his feline mate provided as he finished drying his hair , hanging the towel to a wall hook, soon followed by his robe as he then climbed to the bed, fully naked and slightly damp-furred, but uncaring for that as he lay down next to his mate, on his side, and smiled in just that way that had won the lion's heart over.

"I am exhausted...," the lion played along, flicking his tail under the sheet, making it rise suggestively but not enough to give a sneak peek for the Dalmatian, "utterly, utterly spent. I shall sleep till noon I think...nothing will wake me up."

"Not even this?" the dog asked, brushing his smiling lips against the lion's as his paw rested on Dan's side... "or...this...?" he continued, his tilted knee rubbing against the lion's general crotch area.

That touch got him a purr from the lion.

"Oh, definitely not...," the lion chuckled, leaning over to return the kiss once more, lapping over the dog's black lips.

"I may have to shake you up...," Speckle spoke teasingly, hooking his calf over the lion's and pulling himself against Dan's body, the paw on his side helping as well as they were pressed close together, face-to-face.

"Or bite, even? Or bark?" the lion teased, enjoying the closeness and pillow talk and the Dalmatian's body pressed to his.

"Oh, definitely. You know I like to bite...," Speckle nudged verbally before he kissed the lion again. It became a proper makeout session very fast and soon the Dalmatian was gently pinned down to the bed while the lion was lying on top of him, their bodies slowly rocking against each other as their paws explored and their arousal grew slowly. They were randy lovers and never missed an opportunity to have some fun together, especially to relax after a long and a tiring work shift. It was always so much fun to fall asleep curled up to each other, the air heady with scents of their lovemaking.

But tonight Speckle had something special in mind.

"Dan?" he asked as the lion on top of him was nibbling his shoulder.

"Hmmmrrr?" the lion purred against the lavished shoulder.

"I've got a surprise for you," Speckle said, rubbing over the lion's shoulderbladers to get his attentions.

"Oh, really?" the lion asked as he raised his head up, his paws on each side of Speckle's body keeping him up in the perfect makeup position and not crushing the slightly more slim Dalmatian with his weight.

"Yeah, you wanna see?" the dog winked.

"Oh, sure," the lion replied.

"Let me get it ok?" the dog said, nudging on the lion's side with a paw.

Dan rolled off from his mate and rested on his side again, looking over as the dog crouched on all fours on the bed, showing off his cute rump and his slowly wagging tail as he went over to his side of the bed and pulled open the drawer of his night stand and taking out a brown paper bag. He pushed the drawer closed and turned to sit on his haunches on the bed, handing over the brown bag to Dan who took it, feeling its weight with his paws.

"From Eric's Erotic Emporium," the Dalmatian grinned, "I hope you'll like it."

Dan shook his head a little at his mate's affinity for yifftoys, something he was not as enthusiastic about, maybe, but he was never afraid to try out whatever little new thing his mate had gotten for them to test out together. So far they had ventured into some mild bondage, some very teasing feathery things that felt amazing to brush against your more sensitive areas, as well as blindfolds, which had been rather interesting as well. The ice cube sex, however, had been a bit of a failure since Dan had accidentally dropped a tubful of them over his mate and the mood had been definitely ruined for the night.

"Go on, open it!" Speckle spoke eagerly.

Dan unrolled the top of the package and reached with his paw to the inside. He felt around and with a curious look on his face he produced a large, curved, horn-shaped dildo from the bag. To his eyes it did not look like any cock he had ever encountered, but the shape looked interesting enough, as did all the small, smooth bumps that covered its surface. In its end it had a small round protrusion, almost like a miniature canine knot, but not nearly as large as the average one, nor the one that graced his lover's stiff hardness.

He held out the sex toy out in front of him and frowned.

"You bought me a fake cock, why?" he asked from his cheekily grinning mate, "do you think yours is not good enough for me anymore and I might want something else and this is your pre-emptive strike?"

"Oh, give up!" Speckle replied, kicking Dan's knee with his hindpaw, leaning back himself, propping himself on his paws and proudly displaying his own jutting erection. "It's just something I think you'd like to try, I mean, you love it when I top you, but you always say you'd like me to fuck you longer but since you're so hot and nice cat I just can't hold it longer and I can't shoot many times in a row like you can and keep going and going..." the doggie mourned, slightly envious of his feline lover's secret abilities.

"Well we can't help it, and I still rather have three minutes of your real, sloppy cock than some plastic thingy up my tail...," Dan spoke, placing the offending sex toy down to the mattress before he crouched down all cat-like and came over to Speckle's position on the other end of the bed, walking on all fours before coming close and nuzzling the Dalmatian's toned chest and licking over between the division of his nice pectorals. Then, grinning he looked up to the dog.

"You know I love your cock, Spec...and your hot tail, and your body...," he rumbled, lapping over the dog's chin, "I love you...simple as that. And that makes me want to jump your bones...NOW!"

With a yelp he crashed upon the lounging canine, causing him to topple over to his back and become instantly covered by a very large, very purring and very horny lion who rubbed their hard, leaky cocks together with his insistently humping hips and licked sloppily all over Speckle's lips and nosepad.

"Heh heh, wait a second, Dan..," the dog laughed upon the ticklish assault, though his giggles were interspaced with small moans as the rough barbs of his feline mate's big cock brushed against his own strained length, "I really want to do this to you, to make it something special tonight..." he spoke softly, trying to keep his hips still and not hump back to his lover's hips.

"You're always special...," the amorous lion murmured, tilting his head to nip at one of Speckle's floppy ears.

"Yeah, thanks but Dan...nhhhhh....," the dog whimpered under the nibbling, pushing a paw against the lion's creamy chest, "this once? Please? Let it be just me giving you pleasure and have mine in that?"

Then he made such a pouting face that the lion could only grin widely and give the doggie a deep, tongue-filled kiss before he rolled over to his back, off from on top of his mate and tilted his head to look at Speckle.

"Ok, show me the joys of artificial bumpy phalluses," he huffed, relaxing himself upon the mattress.

"Be just right back," the Dalmatian spoke, pecking a kiss over the lion's lips before he got up from the bed and disappeared through the doorway leading the large lion alone in the bedroom, lounging on the bed, feeling horny and wanting some more substantial action.

Speckle returned soon, carrying something on his paws that Dan soon realized to be one of their dining chairs from the kitchen. The dog set it down on the floor and stood by the piece of furniture.

"I want you to sit here," Speckle explained, gesturing at the chair.

"In the chair?" Dan questioned, looking over at the sturdy chair.

"Yeah, we've done it sitting up before, haven't we?" Speckle enthused.

"Well I guess we have," Dan agreed, getting up from the bed and walking over, his eight inches swinging in front of him teasingly as he walked over to his doggie. "So, you want me to sit here?"

"Yeah, I want that, "Speckle replied, suddenly looking a bit shy, and then also, if you know...", he spoke before he took hold of one of his lion lover's ears and stood up to his toes to whisper something into it.

Dan snorted and looked down to Speckle's eyes.

"You want that too?" he exclaimed, really surprised of his mate's antics tonight.

"You loved it on your birthday when I tied you down to the bed and rubbed you all over with warm oil...," Speckle reminded in a sultry voice, reaching with a paw to scratch the lion's belly just above his belly button, a secret weakness that Speckle was very well informed of and which he did not hesitate to exploit.

"Hmmm...I did," the purring feline replied, eyes lopping closed as he enjoyed the little rub on his vulnerable belly.

"And how you almost cummed without me ever touching your cock...," the Dalmatian continued, taking his touch teasingly close to the swollen cock that had a glob of pre-cum sticking to its pointed tip.

"Oh, very well, "Dan caved in, disentangling himself from his lover before the heavy petting would take him dangerously close to coming, and he wanted this to be a nice, long session.

With a soft sigh he stretched himself a little and sat down on the chair while Speckle went over to the night stand to take out something from it. What he was carrying in his paws when he returned was a bunch of black strips of cloth with Velcro attached to it for securing the straps safely around the limbs of a hapless furry to be tied down in erotic play. Smiling hungrily, the doggie adjusted his mate's left arm on the corresponding armrest and wound the black foot-long strip around it sufficiently tightly before he closed the Velcro around it.

"Not too tight?" he asked in a gentle voice as he checked the strap to make sure that it was all right for his lion.

"Yeah, it's all right. Nice and tight but not cutting off my circulation," Dan replied, liking how the pressure felt around his arm. With a little smile he watched as the dog secured his other arm to the armrest of the chair, checking it as well with little tugs on the strip and Dan's paw.

Then the dog, grinning widely, settled between the lion's spread legs and took each of them in a paw, brushing them with pleasure as he lifted them up, the lion's body stretching and curling on the chair as he raised them and placed each ankle against his shoulder.

"And what're you planning now, Spec?" Dan huffed, looking up to the dog who was now propped between his legs in the classical 'gonna fuck your tail tender' position. It was a bit of an awkward position for the large lion, his spine curving, his shoulders pressing against the backrest and his tail hanging over the edge of the chair's seat. He also knew that this position exposed his pink, puckered tail hole to the dog and his plans fully, the way how his ass was pressed down to the seat and his legs were up.

"Just to make this comfortable to you and so that I can properly pleasure you, " Speckle spoke, taking yet another of the Velcro strips and wounding it around Dan's right calf, tying it up and pushing it down until his ankle almost rested against Dan's shoulder. The dog secured the tied leg to the backrest and looked down, making sure Dan was not showing any signs of discomfort despite being almost bent in half on the chair.

"This is gonna do wonders to my back," Dan snorted as the dog was fumbling with his final strap to secure the opposite leg to the chair as well. In reality, the stretching would be pretty nice after the hardships of the day, and the lion was flexible enough to twist into such a position without danger of damage or discomfort.

"And other places as well if I'm correct," Dan snickered, checking the final tie before he stepped back and admired the sight of the big, naked, aroused lion on the chair, his ankles by his shoulders, his cock throbbing against his belly, his flicking tail doing nothing to cover his now vulnerable netherregion where the inviting hot tail hole beckoned for his attentions.

"Ohhhh you're so damn hot Dan," Speckle smiled, his tail wagging as he fetched a big tube of YiffSlick Economy from the nightstand as well as the momentarily neglected adult toy from its resting place on the bed. Speckle almost wanted to bark with delight as he eyed the big lion, his own erection bobbing as he came over and settled down to his knees in front of the chair-bound lion, placing his equipment down by him as he looked up to the lion's contemplative eyes.

"Just remember that you can tell me to stop if you want, I'm not gonna do anything you don't want me to all right?" he assured to his lover, his paws rubbing over his hips and thighs, his claws scratching lightly through the rich golden furs.

"I'll break this chair down if you even try, wuff," Dan replied and he meant it. He was easily strong enough to if not tear down the straps that held him down but also to break the wooden chair into splinters on his will.

"You won't regret, I promise," Speckle grinned, leaning over to run his tongue over the lion's sheath and ball sac, causing him to tense and moan with pleasure as the wet lapping teased his senses.

Pleased of his lover's reactions, Speckle began to massage the lion's splayed ass with his paws, his thumbs making a circling movement as he helped his lover to relax, just as he continued to lick and kiss over the lion's undertail area. He paid special attention to the big balls in their fuzzy sac and the wrinkled base of the sheath that had pulled back from over the pink prickly cock that was slowly oozing more pre and matting Dan's belly furs.

The Dalmatian's tongue began to make dirty slurping sounds as his licking reached its ultimate target, the hot, tasty anus of his lover and mate. He could feel its ring-shaped, tight muscle clench under the attack of the horny tongue that slobbered over the small wrinkle as the dog's saliva dribbled over his own chin and the base of the tail that was flicking down against the floor and occasionally tickling Speckle's belly and thighs, each of the little brushes causing the dog to growl in his throat with delight.

Dan,, meanwhile, purred and snorted under the attentions he was subjected to, his feet straining against the straps as his muscles flexed with pleasure, his back arching even more as he tried to push his hind to his lover's maw more intently. The teasing tongue was making decadent circles around the rim of the small tailhole, making it spasm again and again with the heavy teasing. He was already enjoying himself greatly and wondered what else was to come.

Then Speckle leaned, back, glancing over at his tonguework, the sloppy tailhole winking at him as it clenched for one final time after coming into contact with the cool air once more.

"Ready to take it up the tail, catman?" he smirked, brushing his thumb against the hot tailstar and pushing lightly, making the muscle part a little.

"I won't beg if that's what in your mind, " Dan replied, his brow frowning as he looked down to the dirty-minded canine who was kneeling down in front of him, his tail wagging and his tonguetip hanging between his lips.

"Your moans will be enough for me, thank you, "Speckle giggled as he reached over for the tube of YiffSlick. He popped the cap open with his thumb and squeezed a hefty amount of the clear substance onto a waiting paw, rubbing it between fingerpads to warm up the goopy lube before picking up the dildo and smearing the slickness over it. He coated the toy carefully so that it would be sure to slide easily into his lover's tail and get as deep as it could reach. With his lubed paw he reached over as well to rub his fingers over the inviting tailstar once more to get some of the lubricant on it as well before he wiped the remaining watery substance to his own spotted thigh.

"Here it comes," he gave a small playful warning to his lion as he placed the narrow, round tip of the sex toy against his lover's precious tailhole. Holding onto the plastic length with both paws he nudged the pink, glistening muscle with the tip, applying gentle pressure as he pushed, his lion's tailhole relaxing enough to let an inch of the toy to pass into his tight heat. He growled briefly as his muscle squeezed around the artificial intruder and the pressure sent a little jolt of pleasure through him. It did not go unnoticed by the canine Speckle who grinned and leaned in to lap his tongue over the lion's balls once more, causing them to tighten even further and the making the big lion snort.

Pleased by the reaction, Speckle pushed on the tapered dildo again, sliding another inch, this one covered in the small, round bumps, through the persistent tailring. Encountering no trouble, he pulled on the toy slightly before pushing it promptly back in, four inches disappearing within his mate's tail tunnel in a single, smooth thrust. The lion was tensing and huffing again as the growing thickness of the toy spread him open further, the bumps rubbing against his hole and his inside in ways that was not unlike the feeling of feline barbs within a tailtunnel. The next, five-inch push brushed the pointed tip of the toy against his prostate and made Dan's cock jolt on his belly, his entire lower body tensing on the feeling as it disappeared, only to come again as six inches slid slowly and slickly under his tail. On this pass he could feel the top of the "knot" press against his tailhole and Dan guessed that the toy which was feeling surprisingly good was nearly all the way in now.

Speckle moved between his lover's spread legs and pressed his chin against his belly, one paw carefully securing the toy to the lion's tailtunnel, the other brushing and rubbing over his chest as he smiled playfully on the feline whom he had 'subdued' for his erotic purposes.

"Good, nhhh?" he asked, enjoying the sight of the lion's cock throbbing and making a mess of his belly furs, and all within inches of his maw that longed to slurp over the length.

"It's different," Dan replied, feeling his innards squeeze around the plastic cock again which sent another of those little surges of pleasure through him as it pressed against his prostate. Truth to be told, he was starting to enjoy the feeling of the dildo inside him, no matter how suspiciously he had been disposed to it in the beginning. Once again his lover had displayed his keen creativity in making these little sexual surprises for his pleased mate.

You bet it is, Speckle thought to himself as he lapped over the little pool of precum on the lion's belly, enjoying the taste on his tongue before he crouched back again for the next part of his game.

He pulled on the toy again, the bumpy length sliding smoothly out until only the tip of it was inside his lover before he pushed it in again, the lion letting out a sigh as the pressure returned, only the replace that with a growl as it hit his prostate, and then the process was repeated, over and over again, the Dalmatian working the toy in and out of his tight tailtunnel while the doggie's other paw was idly brushing his own before-neglected cock, his pre-slicked fingers flowing nicely over the red, veiny skin of his hard and leaking member.

Dan was enjoying this new game to its fullest. Just like Speckle had spoken before, the lion sometimes mourned the fact that the dog was often on a hair trigger when he was mounting Dan and it was a rare thing for the lion to receive an anal orgasm since often the canine would come up his tail before Dan had the time to get his own pleasure, which would then usually be brought upon by the dog's maw or paws afterwards. Now, however, the constant sliding of the yifftoy in his tail was hitting just the right spots inside him, his prostate and stretching his tailhole with each of the inwards pushes that was just perfect for the lion. His hard cock spewed more pre to his belly and pusled with each jolt to his prostate and he was starting to feel his pleasure approaching, which was also evident by the tensing of his legs that were drawn up over to his shoulders.

"Nhhhh....yeah, Spec, I'm gonna...," the lion muttered under his breath as he felt the orgasm approach. The canine grinned, forgetting his own pawing off for a while as he instead cupped the lion's swollen balls into the slick paw and squeezed them gently. The lion grunted and pushed his hips upwards to meet the touch and just in that moment the Dalmatian pushed the knot of the toy into the lion, stretching him open evne further briefly as it slid inside, his burning tailring closing around the toy below the knot as the toy was now secured into the hot tunnel of the lion who was panting now, so close to his orgasm.

The spotted dog did not stop his administrations for a moment. Massaging the tightly-packed balls, his paw kept pushing and pulling on the base of the yifftoy, making it move up and down within the closed tailtunnel even if it couldn't slide freely in and out as it was doing before. This rapid thrusting battered against the lion's prostate and it came as no surprise for the canine when Dan let out a loud near-roar as his pushed his hips down against his paws, his tail flicking around fiercely, his entire body going taunt and stretching against the restrains so violently it looked like he might indeed break them with the force of his orgasm as his barbed cock began to shoot streams of pent-up cum all over his chest and outstretched neck. The thick, ropey strands clung to his furs as the golden feline spent himself, his hefty load filling the air with the musk of rut as he shot more and more of the hot, watery cum.

Speckle only stopped his teasing of the lion's senses once he saw that he was biting his lip, his head lolling back as he all but collapsed to the chair, his cock making one last, weak throb before it simply lay still and spent in a small puddle of the cum that was dribbling down in small streams along the lion's belly and gathering around his navel. Some globs hung to his furs under his chin and all over his neck, staying there as lewd reminders of his strong cumming.

"Looks like you enjoyed it," the canine spoke and giggled, crouching by an armrest now so that he could look at the lion's eyes from his new twisted position. Dan snorted and raised his head again, feeling lightheaded after the cum and having his head upside down for a while, turning to look to the doggie who had brought it all on.

"That was great, wuff, thanks, " he spoke earnestly, wishing he could reach over to mess the Dalmatian's headfurs with affection and kiss him. He was still restrained, however, so he sated himself with a little grunt as he felt his tailtunnel clench around the yifftoy in post-orgasmic contractions.

"You're so sexy like that," Speckle replied, nuzzling his cheek against the lion's bound arm before he shifted himself upwards a little, enough that he could reach to lick over a couple of globs of cum from his mate's furs, letting them linger on this tongue as he made his muzzle meet Dan's in a wet cum-tasting kiss. The tongue-wrestling lasted for a while and both got their share of the sticky substance in Speckle's maw before the dog finally pulled away, his aroused cock throbbing pleasantly after the toe-curling kissing. He looked down to his still-bound lover and grinned.

"So, do you want to go for a round two?" he asked, remembering his lover's prodigious skills when it came to multiple orgasms, thanks to his species, built for multiple matings in a short period of time.

"Are you sure you don't want to replace that fake thing with some genuine dog cock?" Dan suggested with a grin as he eyed the horny dog who had not been played with much during the eve yet. "You'd get some fun of your own and my tail's really sensitive after that wouldn't take me much to cum with you..."

Dan wouldn't have minded the prospect of his doggie taking him up the tail and making it a nice, messy ending to their eve.

"Thanks, Dan, but I'm all right for now," the Dalmatian grinned, reaching with a paw to brush the lion's strong pec, smoothing over a small dribble of cum as he did so and getting his paw even more messy than it was.

"I've got another surprise for you."

The lion's ears perked up on hearing this.

"Another one?" he asked.

"Yes, something I'm sure you will like...," the dog spoke in a low, seductive voice again, continuing his grooming of the lion's furs, "you see, I've been doing some research into anatomy..."


"...they have lots of really interesting books at the ER, books about different furs and their properties...including...sexual properties...," he murmured, his paw brushing lower across Dan's chest and to his belly, nearing his cock that had not diminished in size at all after his cum, thanks to the constant pressure of the yifftoy within his tailtunnel.

"And I read...that an adult male lion may mate up to thirty times in one day...and have up to twelve orgasms in an hour if he is very, very aroused or...sufficiently stimulated...," he nipped on the lion's ear as his pawpads brushed over the slick, cum-covered, barbed length of his lover's cock.

The lion snorted on the feeling, his hips flexing again.

"I don't think my tailhole can take that much use for one eve, nor does my cock if you intend to paw or suck me off twelve times...," Dan spoke, the idea of so much pleasure appealing but the sensible side in him told that such a feat would leave him way too sore for comfort and walking funnily for days afterwards, possibly. Heck, even their usual yiff session with three or four orgasms a-piece made him feel tender for a while.

"Oh, don't worry, I don't intend to use any friction at all...," the Dalmatian spoke, giving the sensitive malehood another little brush before he moved away from the lion, heading over to the bed again, to Dan's surprise. Speckle went to his side of the bed and pushed his paw under his pillow, searching for something before he returned, holding something in his paw.

"What's that?" Dan asked, looking suspiciously at the clenched paw.

"Something that came with the toy...," Speckle replied, opening his paw to show that a small, round object rested against his palm.

"Is that a vibrator or something?" Dan asked, his mind immediately filled with thoughts of being suspected to hours of vibrating torture by his mate in search of his orgasmic limits.

"No, no...let me show you...," the dog replied, rolling the small object in his palm, taking a proper hold of it.

A burst of white something went through Dan's body, making his body tense, his arched legs tensing against the bindings, his spine popping from the way his back arched, his tail going spastic, his tailhole clenching around the yifftoy inside him as his maw fell open. Most importantly, his cock felt like it was on fire, straining madly just like his balls were, as was his prostate that felt like it was being poked with something hot and burning.

Then the feeling passed and he was left feeling breathless and bewildered.

"What the fuck was that??" the lion growled once he gained enough wits and breath to talk.

"That, my dear Daniel, was my little surprise...the toy, as it is, is not just a fake cock, it contains a little...enhancements, for additional pleasure."

"Did it just ZAP me or something?"

"It's only a little electric shock..."

"A LITTLE!" the lion protested. "It was almost as if you were hitting me with the defibrillator!"

"It's nowhere THAT strong, don't be such a fuss, you know that they use electric stimulation all the time to collect sperm samples from stock creatures like, you know, breeding stallions..."

"I'm NOT A breeding stallion!"

"You're not, but you didn't want to get your cock chafed and your tailhole worn out, so here's your chance to experience what your kind is meant to do! To get off lots of times in a row!" the dog enthused.

"But still, do you have any idea how that thing felt?"

"Of course, I tried it out myself at Eric's, I had to stop after two shocks because I felt like I'd cum on the spot!" the dog grinned cheekily, his head tilting making his ears flap. He walked over to the lion again, licking his chin gently and smiling with affection. "I wouldn't subject you to anything unsafe, trust me...and you can't say you didn't like it...I saw how your cock almost came, didn't you?"

"It more felt like a hot iron pushed up my ass that it was!" the lion snorted.

"I want to do this to you, Dan...," the dog pouted, brushing the lion's shoulder with a paw, "I want you to feel good..."

Dan could not deny the fact that he had nearly on blew his load even from those few seconds of stimulation on his prostate, and even now he felt tingly and hot all over, especially in his more erogenous regions.

"Well you told me that you'd stop if I said I want you to stop...," the lion spoke, gazing over at his doggie's eyes.

"I will immediately if you say so, I promise," Speckle replied. "If this is not what you want I'll stop and release you."

The lion contemplated for a moment, tilting his head, his tail making a couple of nervous flicks that felt funny with the yifftoy in his ass, before he spoke.

"I want to try."

"Now that's my dirty lion," the dog yipped with delight, hopping on his hindpaws as he rejoined on the inside a little. He had a permission to see what his lover could do.

"But if my heart goes all funny you'll stop if I tell you to, or if I go unconscious, ok?"

"Of course!" the dog snuffled. "I'll give you maw-to-maw."

"You wish..." the lion grumbled.

He could not let out a further sniding remark before the Dalmatian once again touched the button on the small remote control device he was holding in his paw and sent the electricity flowing. The lion's back arched again and his hips were pushed upwards as the electric surges tore through his prostate and his system. His heavy tail swished around haplessly as his bent-over body fought against the ties that bind him down to the chair. His cock felt like it was being stabbed with a hundred hot needles all over and his balls burned and he could feel the familiar buildup in is prostate and his undertail muscles and his balls just as he let out a loud grunt and his legs spasmed,, his breath catching once more as another orgasm was forcing its way through his system.

Speckle the Dalmatian was more than observant of his lover's reactions and as soons as he saw the lion's peak approaching he cut off the shock device, letting the lion ride through the pleasure without any distractions. His own cock jumped with excitement as he watched his lion's cock twitch and spew another hot, steamy load of lioncum over Dan's belly and chest, its volume not reduced by his recent earlier cumming.

"Ohhh...fuck....!!!" Dan grunted, taking panting breaths between his tightly clenched teeth as his head rolled and he felt his body go limp against the chair. He felt exhausted even after only two cums, but somehow this new form of stimulation was taxing even on his strong body. And he knew his lover had no intention of stopping what he was doing unless Dan told him to...and the lion's bone-liquidifying orgasms were way too much fun for him to tell him that. Equally compelling was this show for the dog who was controlling the lion's pleasure with the simple taps of his pawfinger against the remote, and it was doing things to him as well.

For the next nearly half an hour the buff lion whimpered and squirmed and threatened to destroy the chair he was bound to s the dog worked him through yet another body-wracking orgasm with the devious device imbedded into the lion's tail tunnel. His lean body that lay slumped against the chair between his shocks was practically bathed in the cat's cum, the watery, runny substance coating him from hips to chin as he came forcefully again and again, each of his comings sending another stream of sports all across his form.

The painfully tense lion was now going for the fabled twelfth orgasm, his exhausted body protesting against the prolonged tension and slightly awkward positioning on the chair as the shocks coursed through him, trying to make his prostate let out yet another sticky offering. The overused gland throbbed and the burn was growing but it seemed to take longer and longer for Dan to get off now that he had already done so eleven times only minutes apart from each other. The lion was feeling like in the last stretch of the city marathon he had taken part on the year before, exhausted, thirsty, tired as hell and sore...but with the difference that then he had not felt this horny. Being covered in your own sloppy cum was incredibly erotic for the lion and its hotness and musky scent was more than enough to make him want yet another deposit to be made onto his messy belly. His cock seemed to be protesting though since the fully engorged member was throbbing wildly but not cumming. His balls ached as well, feeling drained, and he was about ready to tell Speckle to stop it or he'd pass out from frustration.

"Spec...I...can't...," he huffed between pants, his body flexing and squirming.

"Just a bit more...," the dog spoke in a lust-dripping voice, his free paw working over his own cock as he watched his mate in his sexual agony.

"I...I 'can't...", the lion snarled, squirming his hips from side to side, trying to gain his release.

That sideways motion was all that it took in the end. The movement caused the yifftoy within him shift a little, sending out the tortuting electric current into another path that seemed to blast its way straight through to his pleasure centers and triggering his orgasm. The lion roared, no more almost-roared, fully ROARED and almost made the windows rattle with the strength of his loud exclamation just as his cock jumped and shot a single spurt of cum, a huge one, straight open the lion's face, splashing all over his muzzle, cheeks and nosepad and even his eyelids that had been closed for the orgasm. His body trembled and collapsed against the restraints as the electric current was cut down and he was finally totally spent.

His doggie mate, however, was still quite ready. Without losing any time he tossed away the remote controller and stepped over to the lion, surprising him by climbing over him, his knees spreading and propping against the armrests in the narrow space that was left there with Dan's arms and legs on the way. This position left him perched on top of the lion, his wagging tail brushing over the lion's oversensitive cock and gaining a grunt from the heavy-lidded lion who only now opened his eyes and found himself face to face with his Dalmatian. The heated canine grasped Dan's shoulder with one paw and his erection with another, beginning to paw furiously as he leered down at his mate, snorting and huffing as the pleasure built in him. He worked over his length with a frantic pace, pre smearing over his knuckles as he finally brought himself into a ball-exploding release.

With a bark Speckle cummed, his heavy bursts of canine cum splattering against Dan's awaiting muzzle and also into his slightly open maw, globs of the sticky stuff from the living cum fountain on top of him sucked hungrily down his dry throat. The thick potent-smelling seed clung to his face furs and got mixed with his own into an even more tangy substance. The last spurt hit Dan on his little goatee on his chin before Speckle's cumming became a dribble and he released his spent cock with a heavy sigh, clutching onto his Dan's body as he let his chin rest against a shoulder. Their bodies came together and Speckle smirked at the feeling of their furs getting glued with their cum and it made him growl a little deep in his throat in a show of happiness and satisfaction that was soon joined by the lion with his purr.

So loud were their respective sounds, that neither of them noticed the warning crack the wooden legs of the chair made before two of them gave out simultaneously, hurtling the pair down to the floor into a drenched, very tired, very surprised and very satisfied pile of spotted and golden furs.


This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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My Oath, My Worship

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of...

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Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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