
Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


A small story about two lions based partially on some thoughts I had after reading Bruce Baghemill's very informative book "Biological Exuberance - Animal Homosexuality" - really changed my views on lions :) ... as usual, all reviews, favs, comments and the lot are most welcome...cheers!


"I'm bored, Tar."

"Oh, really, Foarn?" the lion who went by the name of Tar grunted between his vicious teeth and turned his regal head to look at his companion. The large gold-shaded lion had rolled onto his back in the perfect cub imitation, all paws pointing at the nearly cloudless sky, head tilted playfully to look back to his friend who was resting against the trunk of a large tree, enjoying the protection of the tree's shade from the scorching hot afternoon sun of the savannah.

"Yeah...there's nothing to do here..."

"Go hunting then", Tar chuffed, swiping the bored lion's nearest side with the bushy tip tuff of his long, thick tail. "I wouldn't mind a small snack myself...say...the blood-dripping hindquarters of a little gazelle..." he envisioned and licked his lips with his large pink tongue.

The reply he got was a short snort and a growl.

"Yeah, know it's too hot to prowl for prey", Foarn grumbled mildly, kicking with his back paw in air near the place where the offending tail had been a moment before.

"Maybe the gazelles have all fainted from the heat and now lay in a convenient heap somewhere just waiting to be picked up", Tar suggested, stretching his arms behind his neck for comfort.

"You wish..." the mischievous lion chuffed and rolled to his side, lying limp on the ground.

"Why don't you just come here and enjoy the shade with me?" Tar asked with mild annoyance. "It's cooler than out there in the sun."

"Nah...I don't want to be just lying around...I'm not a big lazy like you, Tar."

"And you just said it's too hot to do anything", Tar smacked his lips.

"That's it...I want to do something....but we hunted all day yesterday...and I don't want to go swimming..."

"You can't even swim!" Tar chuckled, the sound rough and rumbling with the size of his chest and throat.

"Just remember what happened the last time you tried."

"I can!" Froan whined. "The...the water just got to too deep all sudden..."

Tar shook his head â€" sometimes his companion could be a real pain.

"What do you want to do then, Tar?"

The golden yellow lion rolled back to his four paws, stretching his strong, lean body leisurely, bending down low so that his spine popped, his tail raised and curled, his head was held high proudly as the pleasurable feeling of muscles unknotting went through the cheeky lion. Once finished he finally padded over to the shade of the tree, sitting down on his rump and looking at his drowsy friend.

"Let's wrestle", the lion grinned, eyes glinting.

Tar snorted again.

"It's too hot for wrestling. Besides, you always loose."

"It's never too hot for...loosing", the lion replied, winking at his friend, ears flicking.

Yeah, right.

"So you say...", Tar mused, standing up smoothly, fluidly to his own paws, warming up to the idea of a little friendly tussle to pass the time. A grin split his muzzle as he eyed the still prone fellow lion who looked back with his golden eyes, curious to hear what would be his friend's answer to the suggestion. Smiling, Tar began to circle Froan, the other lion's eyes following him as he made one, two, three slow circles, sizing up his potential fiend. The other male was easily as strong and muscular as he was, a large, thickly maned lion at the prime of his years, a good hunter and a good friend to prowl the savannah together, since they did not belong to a pride.

"Trying to find and poke for my weak spot, Tar?" Froan asked with a small rumbling laugh, his head tilted as he tried to keep eye contact with the lion going about him.

"Oh I know your weak spot and I've poked it plenty enough times", Tar chuckled, approaching close enough to brush his muzzle against the lion's maned neck, his tongue making a wet, teasing swipe on the furs there.

"A surprise you ever found it, goofy", Froan teased, getting up to his own paws swiftly and turning around to face the lion.

Now they began to circle each other properly, instincts coming to work as their muscles tensed, the leisurely gait becoming a strut that showed off their physique and strength â€" meant to intimidate potential challengers to your pride, dictated by nature. This, however fierce it seemed, was just friendly play...mostly. They did not have to properly fight for leadership since it was just the two of them, but that did not mean that they lacked the instincts any big, powerful lion had. How to play this game was just one of them.

Tail swaying, shoulders hunched, Froan bared his teeth and made an exaggerated snarl, saliva dripping from his lips as he pulled them back. Tar, not one to miss out, hissed back, continuing the slow circle, waiting for a moment when the lion's attention would be diverted.

It came with a screech of a bird somewhere in the distance, just enough to make the lion's ears perk up, his eyes turning for a brief instant.

That was all Tar needed for his attack.

He lunged forward, clawed paws kicking small clouds of dust when he took his first offensive, forepaws rising as he braced for the attack. Froan, however, was not entirely late in his response. He took a fast turn, twisting his body as the lion landed onto his flank, heavy paws pushing onto him as the lion came upon him.

Froan was swift in his movement, using the force of the impact to propel himself onto his side and into a roll, managing to get out from underneath the lion and get onto his all four paws while Tar continued his move forward, having to make a lengthy turn to get his eyes back to the lion he had tried to tackle down. Froan continued the circling maneuver, snorting as he moved, eyes never leaving from the other lion.

"That was an easy one", he taunted. "The heat's making you slower than usual, Tar."

"I'm just warming up for you", Tar replied, strutting again, weighting the situation and looking for a window of opportunity to strike again.

Froan decided to lose all subtlety and made a run for it, coming hard and fast and growling heartily as he leaped. Tar responded by mimicking the movement and they met in the middle, standing both on their hindlegs as their heavy paws clutched onto each other's furs, their heads turning and vicious teeth scraping harmlessly against necks. This time Tar managed to escape from the grapple, shoving the big lion away from him as he landed back onto his all fours, the discarded lion making a somersault around his flank to get back onto a proper defensive posture.

His tail flicked from side to side again, the bushy tip making an abstract pattern as he moved to another charge without any waiting this time, now managing to headbutt the lion's flank after making a fake swipe for his neck with one big paw.

The shock of the impact made Tar's left hindleg go slightly numb for a moment and he decided to take a temporary retreat, circling to some distance and eying the fellow lion warily, actually somewhat impressed by his companion's latest moves.

"Soon you'll swoon like a gazelle...", Froan called out jeering at him, shaking his head to get the awry feeling away. He took upon to approach again while Tar kept his distance for now. His steps took him by the large tree, the shade of the dark canopy a refreshing one after the exertion in the direct sunlight.

"Don't you just go there to your lazy place again...this is supposed to be a fight to the end!" Froan chuckled roughly, coming on his way towards Tar slowly while he kept up his showy prancing.

"So let's end it", Tar replied, stepping away from the cooling effects of the tree and came upon the full sun again, his golden fur a magnificent one in the full light. "Come on...just finish me off...if you can."

"You think I can't?" Froan grunted back, again coming in closer until he was only a few steps away, the two of them resuming the circling around each other.

"Usually you don't."

"Shut up."

Tar's reply was a swift leap, his paws slamming onto Froan's hip with such force that he was flying upon his back, not having time to recover before the lion was on top of him, paws taking a firm hold of his sides as the lion pushed himself upon him, jaws snapping menacingly in front of his face. His saliva splashed onto Froan's face furs, matting them, as they clutched each other and now, for the first time, properly wrestled in the real sense of the word as they tossed and turned, tails flailing wildly in the air as Froan managed to flip them over, taking his turn to snarl for the lion underneath before the tables were again turned and he was the one pinned. They both writhed in an attempt to make the other lose his hold but it was in vain...both were equally strong and thus it seemed to be a fight until the other one would simply tire.

Somewhere a change happened, though, as their bodies rocked onto each other, hard, tense muscles rubbing together underneath all that thick fur. Froan's legs kicked in the air as he was pinned down strongly, Tar's jaws again coming near his neck and the vital blood vessels there...but instead of clamping down onto them he just lay a wet, hot lick down, smoothing the furs and wetting them with his saliva.

He could feel the lion shiver underneath him as his struggling waned slowly, then came in a halt as he just lay there, breathless and nearing exhaustion. Froan's eyes were still defiant and Tar responded by pushing his lower body heavily down against the lion's hips, making sure there was no chance of escape.

"Still call me lazy?" he chuffed.

"Half-assed cat, more like it", Froan retaliated, though a smile flickered onto his lips.

"Ass cat", Tar grunted, pushing his nosepad down to inhale the lion's scent from his neck. The play had clearly changed its tone by now and it was all right to do such a well as to let his hips shift a little, beginning a slow up and down motion that brushed their bellies together.

The lion underneath him snorted, gazing up to Tar's golden eyes. He began to respond to the movement, turning it into a mutual one. The added heat and friction were more than enough to bring arousal to both of them, and with little surprise both could soon feel each other hardening slowly, pink lengths leaving from their fuzzy sheaths and rubbing together on the joined bellies. Tar snorted again and then rolled off from on top of the elf, settling to sit onto his hind, just to show off his proud, erection, all tasty inches of feline maleness on a nice display. Froan's eyes did not miss that detail.

"Let's get to the point frying our hides."

"True", the lion replied, getting to his paws and walking towards the tree with a swaying swagger again, snerking at the sight of his feline friend's bow-leggedness as he followed, trying to protect his protrusive hangy parts from getting uncomfortable. Not that Froan was any worse off himself, his own measurable length in a full view too.

"Against the tree", Tar huffed roughly.

"Not standing up footpaws get all numby..."

"Sit with your back against it, stupid."

Froan chuffed, flicking his tail teasingly before he sat down with a small thump, settling comfortably with his back to the thick trunk of the tree. His eyes were on Tar as he approached slowly, then settling onto his belly in front of the lion, right between his spread hind legs.

He began by running his paws along Froan's thighs, enjoying how the muscles tensed under his touch. Tar pressed his muzzle against Froan's belly, licking a stray strand of pre away from the white belly furs before going down, discovering the wet tip of the lion's cock pulsing there. His tongue remained not idle for long, taking slow, teasing laps around the spiky head of the thick cock- The lion grumbled and pushed his hips upwards eagerly, receiving a light scrape of teeth against his barbs when he forced his cock between Tar's thin lips and into his maw. The lion groaned and tugged his head away, snorting.

"Careful there...", he chuffed before returning onto it on his own terms, taking the drooling cocktip again between his hungry lips and suckling the pre away from it. Not that it helped much with the constant flow his raspy tongue caused and soon Tar's tongue was covered by the salty fluid. His paws on Froan's thighs kept the lion's eager attempts at thrusting at bay, to the big lion's annoyance since he would've gladly sank his lion meat into that hot maw....but Tar was an expert in teasing.

Tar let a small purr rise in his throat, sending some vibrations go through his lion friend's manly parts and making him squirm. He easily went down all the way, letting his lips tug on the edge of the sheath before he traveled upwards again, his tongue curling around the shaft and rasping along it maddeningly.

"Damn you, Tar..."

He pulled his maw off the cock with a wet smack and then, shifting his own body backwards, pulled with his paws on Froans' thighs to tug him further from the tree. The lion's neck pressed against the tree in an angle and he looked down onto his friend who was licking his lips, wet with saliva and pre.

"Oh, man..."

Tar's tongue made a feast on Froan's ball sac, wetting the furred folds of skin and making them jingle with fast licks and swipes. Each large egg was taken into his maw one by one and ravished. Then the lion groaned loudly when Tar's cold nosepad pushed against his damp sac, knowing where this going to.

Murring with glee, Tar let his big, wet tongue swipe around the lion's nether region, circling around the pink muscle he knew he would find there. The flesh rippled under each lap of his tongue and only gained in intensity as he approached to the target. Tar received a loud grunt when wet muscle touched another and once again his paws were needed to keep the lion in check. His licking continued, now concentrated on the nub of flesh he intended to tease into submission. The tongue was a powerful instrument, making Froan's tailhole clench and fight against it in reflex, not used for such intrusions. A puff of hot breath caused a temporary breach in security and allowed the tongue to slip inside, getting immediately tugged by the muscle closing upon it. Not hindered the least, the lion slobbered and wet the hole enough to accommodate his fleshy tool easily.

Tar made out with Froan's tailhole for as long as he felt like, flicking out in and out of the muscle that had been relaxed enough so as not to immediately close after being vacated. His tongue, pushed inside, made raspy circles within the tail tunnel and then withdrew to pull a ragged breath before moving back, his saliva dribbling down to the base of his tail that trashed about under the stimulation.

Finally numb-jawed, Tar pulled his sloppy tongue from the lion's tail hole and glanced up to him, seeing the nearly crossed-out eyes and grinning lewdly with pleasure.

"Time to see that weak spot, eh?" Tar growled, getting up to his paws and taking backwards steps to give some space for his friend. The lion got up to shaky legs, obediently settling down nearby onto all fours.

Tar took one last look to admire his friend's body before he approached, still bow-legged, and straddled Froan's back with one easy movement. He began to nip at Froan's ear as he ground his massively strong hips to the big lion's firm furry rump, his constantly leaking pre smearing at the cleft of his muscular hind and the tip of his drooling cock poking at the base of the thick tail. Each lazy, humping thrust sent a pleasant jolt of pleasure through Tar's groin and made him want more....a lot more. This was something he never got bored with...on the other hand, lions were known for their prodigious stamina when mating. He remembered from his own cubhood pack where the alpha of the pride had mounted the lionesses over a dozen times a day during their heat....each.

For now, at least the air was heated.

"If you still know where to find it, hhmmmh...!" Froan groaned as the pointed tip hit rather strongly against his low-hanging ball sac, the feeling nearer to pain than pleasure but exciting nonetheless.

Tar spread his hind legs wider, gaining himself more leverage for what was to come, his paws on the big lion's sides clutching more tightly, claw tips sinking into the smooth, thick fur and scraping against the golden feline's hide. He continued his lazy thrusts, deeply aroused but loving the tease. His cock kept leaking more sticky, viscous strands of precum that left the air thick with a heady, masculine musk of sex. The lion underneath him grunted and pushed his rump backwards, seeking out the pleasures of being mated deep and hard to his buff friend.

Tar chuckled at his friend's wantonness and raised himself slightly, aligning his hips better with Froan's waiting tailhole. His frontpaws clutched the lion's sides tightly and he pressed his chin against his mate's neck, chuffing hotly into his mane as he began to push properly into the delicious tightness of Froan's wet pucker. Tar could feel the powerful lion's muscles tensing as Froan braced himself to take whatever would be given to him. Tar grunted as he felt the heat of Froan's tailhole on the tip of his cock now nudged firmly against the glistering outer muscle ring. He began to push more intently, his claws digging to the ground as he continued to apply more and more pressure against the tight muscle. After a lot of huffing and growiling from them both Tar let out a load grunt as he felt the muscle ring spasm and finally give way, letting two slick inches of pointed cock slip inside.

Froan snarled as the first inches penetrated him, the barbs raking against his tailhole and the inner walls, causing more involuntary muscle spasms as the oozing pointy tip pressed to his inner muscle hole, still tightly closed even while the outer one had yielded under Tar's skillful assault. The lion on top forced his hips to stay immobile and let himself enjoy the first delicious, torturing moments of mating as the tailhole seemed to be sucking on his cocktip, forcing more precum to be drooled into the hot tail tunnel.

Froan, getting tired with waiting, pushed his rump backwards again in an effort to force his inner muscle into relaxation and get more of that large lion cock under his tail. The lion inside him noticed this move and shifted his hips forward again. This double maneuver finally caused the muscle to give up its resistance and allow the mating to take place. Biting onto Froan's mane, Tar pushed another two inches inside his lion's tail tunnel, a rumble rising in his chest and throat as he began an in-and-out motion, slowly thrusting in and out as he let his hardness slide inside an inch by inch while giving Froan time to get used into, as he soon experienced, full nine inches of pink feline meat when Tar's hips settled against Froan's upturned rump. His tail swept around and his muscular pelvis started to grind slowly against Froan, their ball sacs mashed together in between.

"Hmmmhhh", Froan murred deeply as he felt as filled as he could, the thickness of Tar's large member stretching his tailhole excitingly while the pressure of the nicely sized cock created many interesting feelings deep within him. For a while they stood almost motionless, bodies pressed together, both getting over the first rush of excitement and pleasure, one from getting his ass spread open, the other from having his lion cock just where it belonged...under a willing, quivering tail.

"You want it?" Tar grunted dirtily, his teeth tugging on the lion's mane as if trying to force him into answering his question.

"Depends if you can give it to me...", Froan wheezed back.

Not bothering for more words, Tar pulled his hips back rather swiftly until only his barbed tip remaining in the tailtunnel, his red shaft glistering with precum and saliva for the brief time it was exposed before the impatient lion thrust it back into the hot, hungry hole. The force of this initial thrust was enough to rock their bodies a little, Froan pushing his paws in front of him and to the sides in order to keep his position. Thus he was, hindlegs spread wide, his chest pressed to the ground, his filled rump high...and his own pink cock jutting between his legs as it leaked and spat precum that was being forced out of him in liberal amounts.

The big lion, his massive hips built for running, for hunting, also gave him a massive strength in mating. His tail swayed with each trust, and as Tar's hind muscles tensed for the plunge down one could see the pink hole between his massive hips clenching along, just as he drove himself home. What become slowly and steadily grew into full rutting as he squeezed the lion underneath him, his hips moving swiftly and powerfully. Tar's cock drove its way through the tailhole, spreading it again and again and sending a pleasant, nearly aching feeling through Froan's groin that was only amplified by the push of the pointed tip against his swollen prostate. Each such jab made him leak even more and by now a clear string of precum hang from the tip of his swaying cock, reaching all the way to the ground where it stained the yellow, drained remains of grass.

Their mating became feverish and increasingly forceful as their muscular bodies slammed into each other over and over again. They snarled and grunted as Tar's claws scratched onto Froan's sides, almost drawing blood. Froan kept twisting and turning his hips, causing Tar's hammering cock to thrust into him at different angles and making the barbs bruise his inner walls, the mixture of pain and pleasure overwhelming and addictive. Tar's jaws get trying to close around Froan's neck but the lion was simply too large for a proper mating bite and the teeth only managed to scrape his skin a little when they managed to get past the thick mane. The lion below returned each grunt and moan with those of his own and encouraged Tar to keep filling him as strongly and fast as he could.

it was clear that it could not go on for a long time. Froan's ragged breathing started to near hyperventilation as he tried to keep his lust in check, his entire hind region on fire from the ruthless pounding he was receiving, his balls continuously kneaded against between his legs, his cock nearly painfully hard. The sensation grew to become almost unbearable when he arched his neck upwards, every muscle in Froan's body tensing as his tailhole began to convulse around the cock inside him, his balls drawing close as his cock unleashed a pearly spray of watery cum that splashed on the ground below him.

His ears full of the huffing sounds made by his cumming mate, Tar continued his heavy thrusts despite the maddening stimulation on his cock caused by Froan's powerful climax. His control waning, he slammed his hips onto the other lion's and just held them there, his teeth sinking into the neckfurs again as he allowed the sucking motion of Froan's innards bring him over the edge.

With a loud, terrible grunt he came, his mighty cock spurting his potent cum into Froan's tail. A wave after wave it flooded the lion's hindquarters, creating a strange pool of heat under his belly. The panting feline let his hips stay still and enjoyed their mutual twitching and spasms, the scent of cum and rut so heady that they could almost taste it.

Despite the heat and the exhaustion from their orgasms the two lions only rested for a short moment. Tar braced himself again onto his four paws and again began to push his wet member in and out of the cum-filled tailhole. He had become supersensitive and each thrust sent a shock of pleasure through his system, encouraging the big lion to keep moving. The thick feline flesh's repeated invasion of Froan's nether parts made sure that his own cock was sufficiently stimulated to maintain its stiffness even after his massive orgasm only minutes before. Both hypersexed lions just grunted and growled loudly as their hips met with a smacking noise, the massive gold-furred paws clutching Froan's sides as he was bred by his mate.

This time it was Tar's turn to come first, as he simply pushed his cock all the way in and held steady again when his balls were drained for the first time. His orgasm was more intense this time, thanks to the increased sensitivity of his lusty flesh after the first climax. Froan soon followed, his cock so erect that it shot most of its load to his chest and belly furs instead of the ground below.

No rest was had after this peak by either of them, as the squishy confines of Froan's rump beckoned for continued attention. They mated, rutted, fucked...whatever you called it, their bodies were sure to be doing exactly that. Even the heat was forgotten in the blaze of their own lust, as a hungry tailhole received another offering of seed once, twice...three times, before even the strongest of the lion began to tire...the heat finally starting to take its toll.

Their final mating was a slow but a powerful one, their movements slowly gaining intensity as their sweaty bodies rocked together, their fully hard, leaking members straining to keep up after so many climaxes already. This, they both agreed, was usually the most satisfying part, though...the fight against fatigue and soreness, to reach that last height of pleasure...and when they did, their roars rang across the savannah when their abused, turgid organs exploded with sensations. It was almost painful, and left them breathless, rough growling, huffing sounds filling their ears.

Tar purred deep in his throat and chest as he hugged the spent lion from behind, nuzzling Froan's neck and licking the scruffy mane in a show of affection. His tail flicked in the air as he ground his hips tightly against Froan's firm ass, enjoying the feel of the strong body against his chest. He could feel a warm wetness seeping into his crotch as some of the cum he had shot into the lion's tail tunnel was finally starting leak away from its confines, plunged with each lazy little thrust Tar's hips still made, like a reflex, his stiff hardness lodged in the pleasantly clenching, sucking tightness of Froan's hind.

"Uhhhhhrrrrhhhh,'re crushing me...", Froan purred absentmindedly, still deep in the afterglow of his orgasm.

"But it's so comfortable here...", Tar replied, shifting himself slightly, for his friend's sake, to put some more of his weight on his paws and not on Froan's arched back. He nuzzled a cheek against the lion's mane and licked the cheek turned for him in return in a gesture of affection and friendship. It was a gentle act, almost tender in its attention.

Froan settled slowly onto his belly, letting the lion on top of him ride his back as he settled into this comfortable position, gazing out to the wide stretch of nearly empty savannah, enjoying the warmth and strength of his friend, as well as the playful lick on his cheek, making him join in the purr. The pressure in his tailhole persisted still, Tar's prickly cocktip pressed against his prostate, the muscle that guarded his entrance clenching occasionally around the pink, cum-stained, throbbing shaft and sending a small pleasurable surge to go through his hindquarters still. He could feel the wetness of his own release against his belly and chest furs now that he practically lay on the small puddle he had created under himself while coming again and again. The sudden damp feeling and the scent associated with it made him chuff, inhaling the sweet aroma. He shifted his hips slightly, making their balls press more tightly together and caused a single additional, tailhole-clenching stab against his swollen prostate.

"Hmmm...I wonder what the score is now...20 to 5?" Tar murmured, his breaths falling warmly on Froan's neck as he groomed his friend's neck and mane furs with long, wet licks.

"Don't worry there, I'll get your tail in the end", Froan replied drowsily, curling his own appendage around their hind legs.

"You wish", Tar chuffed, nipping at the closest ear and receiving a grumble from the lion below. "You know your tail is mine."

He made the message even clearer with a strong jab of his hips and by growling a little, playfully, of course.

"Or...", Froan grunted as the movement within him forced much of the air out of his lungs, as he ground his still speared rump against Tar's hips, "you could start by cleaning's getting a bit soggy."

Tar let out a rumbling laugh, returning the pelvic rubbing and getting his ball sac pleasantly cum-glazed in the process.

"Well, you remember that I told you I wouldn't mind snacking on some nice hind..."

Froan returned the chuckle, again grinding himself onto Tar's lap.

"And it's dripping all right too..."

"Now that it sure does", the lion purred, wetly licking his companion's black lips. "Sweeter than blood too..."

"Oh, yeah...", the lion slobbered roughly.

Sometimes the heat wasn't that bad after all.

For A Wide Variety of Purposes

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your...

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I'll make it worth it

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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What Do You Have In Mind?

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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