For A Wide Variety of Purposes

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#1 of The Lion King Stories (TLK)

A wolf has a chance encounter with an idol.

Standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.

This is a small independent story that started as a stray idea and grew into a quite ymmy results ;) - comments loved, as usual.


"Come on, Beck, it'll be really fun!" a swishy-tailed fox called Mix beckoned at his friend, making a pouty face as he leaned over the arm of the couch towards his friend who was sitting there, eyes glued to the oversized television set that dominated one entire wall of the small living room/kitchen of the single person apartment.

Beck, a shaggy-furred wolf, just snorted at his friend, eyes never leaving the flickering screen that was full of exploding cars and furs running for their lives. His ears flickered under the massive boom of the explosions played through his expensive home theater system with full surround sound and not one but two subwoofers.

"I already said no", Beck spoke monotonously at Mix.

The fox smacked his lips in annoyance, using his paw on the back of the couch for leverage to propel himself to the wolf's lap, landing with a small thump to Beck's knees. He let out a little yelp of surprise at the sudden weight on his self and reached for the remote of his new Blue-Ray player to freeze the image.

"Mix, you know I've worked my white ass off to buy this Blue-Ray and just now that I'm finally getting to see Terminator 2 in high definition and Dolby Surround you try to drag me out? No way there, foxy."

His pawfinger was already hovering on the "PLAY" button but Mix was faster and swatted the remote away, the grey thing landing on the fluffy zebra-striped rug.

"Hey, you almost broke my remote!" Beck snapped, pushing the lithe fox off his lap as he got up and squatted down in his desperate search and rescue of the remote. He located the beloved appliance and gently laid it back to the overstuffed sofa before turning to glare at the fox who was crouching sitting on the arm of the couch, tail swishing behind him as he looked cheekily at Beck.

"Seriously, Beck, come on...", the fox whined. "I'll buy you a present."

"I told you, I don't need to buy anything of the like."

"Have you ever even tried any?" Mix pressed on, flicking his ears which each held several silver rings.

"I am not a cock-craving slut like you are, Mix", Beck said to his friend and sighed, shaking his head. "And unlike you, when I am not getting any tail, I do not need to resort to...substitutes."

The fox chuckled at his friend, not insulted by the least by these observations.

"Substitutes? So that's what you call the combination of your left paw and FurTube?" the fox snickered. "Not to mention FoxyTwinks,,, RealFurs...StarYiff..."

"You've been reading my site history!" Beck growled, lunging for the fox who hopped to his back paws, giggling, and evaded the attack of the wolf by moving swiftly to the left. Beck, not the sportiest fur, made a spectacular landing to the arm of the sofa, grunting as air was forced out of his lungs and he was left suspended on the arm, his head hanging low. He looked up at the still grinning fox.

"You've got a good taste there, Beck", Mix spoke. "Nothing to be embarrassed remember that one goat I used to date? The one with purple hair? He liked heavy bondage combined with scat. You can imagine the sites he went to..."

"I don't want to know...", Beck grumbled, lifting himself back up to the sofa and shook his head to get the uncomfortable feeling of blood congestion out of it.

"Come with me then...let's find you something for variety, eh?" Mix suggested, sitting cross legged on the rug now in a deliberate position that would block Beck's view of the television screen should he attempt to continue watching his movie.

Beck signed deeply and threw his head back, ears going flat for a moment.

"If you promise that you won't go messing around with my computer again, ok?" he spoke, giving up. The little fox could be awfully persuasive at times.

The for yipped and got up to his paws again.

"Let's go then!" he spoke enthusiastically, going to fetch his leather jacket that had been discarded to the kitchen table.

"But I'm driving, ok?" Beck spoke. "I know how you deal with the city traffic...a wonder they didn't have to cut you out of it."

"What can I say, I'm a lucky foxy", the red-furred individual grinned, pulling up the zipper of his jacket.

Beck sighed deeply again.


"Go left from those traffic lights", Mix commanded, pointing at the aforementioned intersection with his paw.

Beck replied with a grunt. They had been sitting on his small car for over half an hour now, negotiating the usual traffic chaos of the great city with ease, if it wasn't for Mix's somewhat inaccurate directions. They had had to make an U-turn once to Beck's great annoyance, but now, the fox assured him, they were already near their destination.

The traffic light finally turned green and Beck revved up the engine, steering the car smoothly to the left intersection and to the new street. They were somewhat outside the city center and the building here were not such high-rising skyscrapers but still many of them were at least 20 stories high.

" should be to the right", Mix spoke, thrumming his paws to the dashboard to the rhythm of some song he had been humming for most of the trip. "You can't miss it."

Indeed it would've been impossible to miss the establishment Mix had taken all this trouble to lure Beck into. It was a shop front, but unlike anything he had really seen before. Rainbow flags with paw symbols on them hung from the flagpoles attached to the brick wall on either side of a large neon sign that read: "ERIC'S EROTIC EMPORIUM".

Beck parked his car to a free spot near the shop and stretches himself as he got up after the long ride, hitting the button on his keychain to lock the doors. He didn't really want to leave his car outside on this side road but he supposed that there were no options for now...besides, there wasn't really anything worth stealing, not even a fancy car radio.

"'s been long since I visited", Mix chattered happily as they walked the short way from Beck's parking spot to the shop itself.

Now standing outside it, Beck could see that the window displays were full of the merchandise you could expect to see on this sort of an establishment. The left side window had two somewhat scary-looking mannequins, one of them wearing black studded leather mask and SM gear, the one next to it a glitter-covered vest and a thong. The right one was filled with small shelves packed with dildos, suggestive DVD covers, cattle whips and bottles of pink, strawberry-flavored lube.

"Oh really?" Beck grunted as Mix pulled the door open for Beck. "I would've thought you'd be a patron or something to it."

"On my wild days", the fox laughed, flicking Beck's hind end with his tail tip. "Get in there."

The interior was somewhat dimply lit with low-intensity fluorescent lamps and mostly packed up with shelves. On the back wall there were racks for roleplay costumes â€" Beck could see the archetypical police officer, doctor, Indian chief and leather costumes, all together in a neat order.

There were a few customers besides Beck and Mix, all of them male. Beck could see a pair of cheetahs, clearly a couple, as they happily sorted through the shelf containing dildos and vibrators of all sizes and shapes. Beck could make out the sign: "NOT FOR TRYING OUT â€" AN OPEN PACKING IS A DECISION TO BUY" scrawled on a piece of cardboard and taped over the shelf. He couldn't help but smile a little as he let his gaze move on, passing over a somewhat geeky-looking deer standing by the costumes rack and a middle-aged bear who tried to look all cool and detached as he lingered by the large collection of DVD's.

Poor closet cases, Beck thought as he was dragged by his paw to the dark innards of the sex shop. Mix was quite the connoisseur, it seemed, as he navigated the narrow corridors, pulling things from the shelves for Beck to see, clearly having a merry time.

"You could try one of these once, you know", he spoke, grabbing a box from the shelf for view. It showed a very buff horse, all nude of course, with what appeared to be a black plastic cylinder over his undoubtedly massive cock. His frozen printed eyes gazed lustily out, while a cartoonish speech balloon drawn from his maw read: "OH FUCKING YEAH â€" SO TIGHT!"

"What's this supposed to be â€" a penis pump?" Beck questioned, turning the package on his paws.

"No, stupid, it's a flashlight", Mix snickered, grabbing the box from Beck's paws. "it's a fake pussy...or, heh, I guess that's what they call it when they sell it to the straight guys."

"A fake ass? You gotta be kidding...", Beck moaned, shaking his head again.

"You stuff it with lube and then fuck it", Mix explained, putting the obviously disregarded item back to its place with its brothers on the shelf next to a set of extra-sized butt plugs.

"I don't think I'm quite that desperate", Beck snorted.

"Tony Rio seems to like it", Mix replied, nodding at the ridiculously muscled horse on the box.

"I'm not Tony Rio", Beck said as he stalked along the shelves again. His nosepad wrinkled at the sudden heady scents â€" he was passing an assortment of various scented massage oils â€" and he found himself on the back of the shop by the costumes section. Mix was swift to follow him and again hummed happily as he rummaged through the selections.

" ever been into handcuffs?" he asked from Beck as he looked over the police uniform, a complete sit with a cap, a badge and a pair of handcuffs hanging from the belt. The only irregular looking thing was the nightstick that seemed to be shaped like a horse cock. Now that, Beck doubted, was standard issue.

"Nah", he grumbled at Mix and turned , disinterested in role play, to check what was on the opposite side. (It seemed to be a collection of edible thongs) when suddenly something was placed on his head and he turned swiftly around to find Mix grinning back at him, wearing a tan cowboy hat. Beck reached for his head and found out that the fox had placed another one to his head, a blue one.

"You can be my Jack if I can be your Ennis", the fox chuckled.

Beck threw the hat back at the fox who caught it.

"Yeah, and then I'd wish I could quit you, right?" Beck spoke, not entirely unamused.

"I wonder if Ricky would like these...", Mix pondered, studying the cowboy hat in his paws.

"And you could make a tent out of a sheet to your living room and play that you've just spent the day herding", Beck snuffled.

"My, my, aren't you creative", Mix grinned. "I really should suggest that to him....I think I might take these..."

"Well you do that, and then I think we can leave...there's nothing of interest here for me", Beck spoke dismissively.

"But you haven't even seen all of it yet...we haven't been to the DVD's or to the back room", Mix said, waving a paw to a purple curtain that separated an unseen section from the main area of the shop.

"What is it? A dark room for yiff?"

"No, that's where they keep the special stuff", Mix winked. "We'll see."

Beck harrumphed but obediently followed Mix to the DVD shelf. The movies, about a hundred different of them, or so it seemed, were grouped along to your typical fetishes â€" by species, then by build â€" twinks, muscles, muscles doing twinks, interspecies, kinky stuff, and so on. Mix's swift paws pulled out DVD's, flashing their lewd covers at Beck as he read the descriptions from the back.

"You really should buy one of these, Beck", he spoke while checking the cast list on "THE CORNHOLE CHRONICLES III â€" NEW HAND AT THE RANCH". "these are in HD...would be amazing on your television, instead of that grainy stuff you get online."

"I don't intent to spend my cash on porn if you can get an unlimited amount of it for free", Beck replied and immediately regretted the somewhat too honest answer. He felt the inner surface of his ears heating up as he flicked them down against his skull.

"Nah, not that much into bulls", Mix decided and put the DVD away. "Now this looks nice...Barbs in the Backdoors...real first-time feline-canine anal penetrations...awww, not worth it, when they say first time it definitely means that the most stretched-out tails are involved. Damn it."

"I didn't know you liked cats", Beck noted just to have something to say and take the attention away from his porn habits.

"They're won't sit afterwards, but it's worth it."

"Don't tell that to Ricky", Beck said, referring to Mix's current boyfriend, a quite nice young dog. Even if there was an aura of randy lewdness about Mix, he was really quite the romantic and never screwed around while in a relationship. Beck was actually hoping that this Ricky would be the right least he'd keep the fox busy and he would come and interfere with his high definition nirvana with less regular intervals.

Mix snorted and showed his pink tongue at Beck.

"Hmmm...Adventures of Captain Yiffings...well, I guess sailors are fun...The Horse this is a classic one...Shag in the Savannah...hmmm...zebras...well, you've seen one striped one you've seen them all..."

"Could we just leave?" Beck grumbled again. "You know I'm not gonna buy a fake ass nor a cowboy outfit or even a porn could I just drop you off to your place so I can spend the rest of the day with the T-1000?"

"First we go behind the curtain", Mix demanded, putting "Suck ‘till it Pops" back to the shelf.

"Hmmph...if you insist."

"Come on", Mix said, tugging on Beck's paw again.

He allowed himself to be lead by the fox to the back of the shop and then to the purple curtain. The fox pulled it off to reveal another room about the half the size of the main area. The light here was a bit more brighter and there were less shelves. To the right side, however, there was something Beck had never seen â€" well he had seen, but never thought to see it this way.

On a raised pedestal were what he knew were called "life-sized toys", big, softly furred, almost life-like sex dolls, or plushies. There was a white wolf plush which had somewhat unsettling-looking golden eyes, unseeing and plastic, raised to a standing position with the help of a some sort of a support frame so that all potential purchasers could ogle freely on the wolf's form and the pink rubber cock attached to its belly, complete with a big angry red knot that rested against the sheath.

Right next to it was a big horse plush, a paint one with white splotches on its smooth brown fake fur, and, as one should expect, a full-sized horse cock to complete the illusion. This plush too looked a bit unsettling for Beck, but really, his eyes had already skipped to the next one, and it made his eyes almost bulge...not to mention his jeans, even if he'd never, ever confess to that.

It was a life-sized lion, standing on four large paws, head held high proudly, adorned by a rich red mane that looked very soft and fluffy. The well-built body of the lion was golden-furred except for his creamy white belly and paws. The tail, ending in a bushy tip tuff, hung casually over a hip, no doubt to give access to the lion plushie's hindquarters, and between the splayed back legs was a nice-sized artificial feline penis, complete with, Beck was sure, numerous barbs.

Beck couldn't believe his eyes â€" here, in front of him, was the subject of his lust ever since he had hit puberty, the target of a countless adolescent paw-off fantasies...the most famous lion ever....EVER!


The Lion King...

The King of his dreams...

Beck, feeling a serious blush creeping over to his muzzle, quickly looked at Mix who thankfully seemed to be busy studying the SM leather outfits that were displayed on the other side of the room on a less life-like mannequins, similar to those on the shop windows.

"Seeing anything to your liking, sir?" a foreign voice murred. Beck turned his head and saw that a quite tall horse had emerged from behind one of the shelves where he had been apparently kneeling. On his hands he held some brightly colored packaged vibrators. He had a black goatee and wore a bright green vest over his worked-out torso. He seemed to be in his mid-thirties, Beck thought.

"Hey, Eric!" Mix greeted happily, swishing his tail with delight on seeing the equine.

"Why, isn't it the foxy Mix!" the horse replied, placing his wares to a nearby empty shelf so that he could shake his hand with the fox's paw. "Long time no see."

"Been a bit busy, I'm afraid", Mix replied with a happy grin. "Here's my friend, Beck, a first timer."

"Oh, really?" the horse questioned, sizing the wolf up with his eyes.

"Yeah...dragged him here to get something to make his lonely nights at least a bit less boring", the fox said, winking again much to Beck's dismay.

"Eh...hello, Mr...Eric?" Beck greeted stiffly.

"Yeah, that's me, Eric of the Erotic Emporium", the horse spoke back friendly. "Say, you like the plushes? Great, aren't they? There are new, just came in last week."

The horse clopped on his hooves to the displays, running a hand along the thigh of the horse figure.

"Great, aren't quality...the fur is so life-like you'd never notice the difference", he spoke with admiration, but also with the tone of a salesman making a pitch. "The material is pliable and shaped to feel like's not just a stuffed fur, although some like those specially...those two over there are for their liking", he noted, pointing at a pair of especially fluffy-looking plushies on the other side. "These actually have fully movable can arrange them to a variety of lifelike positions for play..."

"Wow, I never knew they're that advanced these days", Mix spoke back.

Beck was silent, his eyes still catching secret glimpses on the big Lion King this light it looked SO real...all golden furs, muscles and those gentle-looking eyes...he could feel that special itching in his sheath, the same he had experienced so many times in the past, when his horny young mind had conjured up increasingly erotic images of the famous cartoon character. And now he saw it just the way the lion had been in his dreams...proud, regal...and with a big, juicy cock...but his reverie was interrupted by the horse's continuous talk.

"Yes, they're amazing... they come with a prize, but what price is there for a good self-play?" the horse mused, giving the horse plush's big artificial equipment a pat. "A wonderful rod, isn't it? From a life cast...Spanish..."

"Oh, wonderful indeed", the fox chuckled, licking his lips.

"It is perfect for a large variety of self-stimulation can put it to sit on a chair so that one may ride it, or on its back on the bed...not to mention to use the movable limbs to adjust it for the best mounting position...the weight is sufficient for that."

"Hmmmnn....", the fox murred, his smile spreading even wider.

"Not to mention that it caters for all preferences", Eric spoke then, using both hands to turn the horse figure around, then to raise its tail to reveal a small circle of pinkness underneath.

"Comes with two perfectly functional and easily cleaned sleeves...anal and oral...various sizes are available according to one' is perfectly adjustable, of course."

"Well knowing you, Eric, you wouldn't offer a lesser service", Mix mused. His eyes went to Beck who seemed to be...strangely so, distant now. "You okay, wolfy?"

"Huh?" Beck asked, jumping slightly even against his better judgment, feeling his flush deepen. His jeans had turned uncomfortably tight and he hoped that none of the two furs would glance down there...he was sure that it was visible.

"What're you thinking...getting all horned up by all those inches?" the fox teased.

"Hmmm...tailhole-destroying self-skewering is not really my thing", he spoke gruffly, trying to shake the odd lustful thoughts away.

"The horse comes with different sizes too, ranging from 6 inches to the full whopping 16...all from life casts...the smaller range is quite popular, I assure the thrill all the same", Eric spoke, well versed in his carnal trade. "All from life casts, of course."

"I'm sure", Beck grunted. "Now, Mix, I ...I really think we should leave...I really want to watch that movie."

"I was hoping you'd try on some of these PVC gear", the fox replied, but the glare he received from the wolf was enough to discourage him from making any further remarks. Beck headed to the curtain, followed by the fox.

"Well, I think it'll get the cowboy hats...and the shirts", Mix decided, making a detour at the costumes section as well picking up some YiffSlick from the lube shelf before they went to the cashier's station where they were served by a topless otter who wore a rainbow-colored bandana and had a tongue piercing.

"Seeyah", he greeted to them as Mix had gotten his purchases in a neat, traditional brown paper bag and they were heading to the door.

"See you, handsome", Mix replied with a wink and didn't even hear the sigh Beck made, pushing the door open for them.


Beck didn't know what was going in his mind as he tried to keep his attention on the small hatchback in front of them as they stopped on yet another set of traffic lights. He pressed the brake pedal a bit too hard, making the car jerk to a halt though thankfully the engine didn't stall.

"What was that?" Mix asked, rubbing his shoulder where the seatbelt had suddenly tightened uncomfortably during the last jolt.

"Oh, nothing...a bit my head a bit woozy from those damn oils..."

"You should buy some...Ricky likes the coconut-vanilla can warm it up in the microwave...does wonders to your muscle tension...anywhere, that is", he added lustfully.

"Oh, give up", Beck whined, getting the car moving again as the light changed. But really he wished that he could give up himself...he couldn't help but get flashes of golden fur behind his eyes, and glimpses of the thick pink curve of that cock...silicon, he knew, but looked so real..just like in his secret many times had he sucked on his own paw fingers, hoping that instead it was the pointed head of a big lion cock...even letting his claws out a little to imitate the now doubt heavenly feeling of those prickly barbs on his tongue....even as his own free paw was tugging on his own cock that was spilling big globs of white cum to his belly furs.

Beck had later, in his adult years, had a one night stand with a lion, but it had left him quite unsatisfied...he hadn't been that well endowed, and a bit nervous...they had just screwed and the lion had left...apparently not that sure about if he should be doing this. Beck wasn't that social type anyway and didn't usually spend his nights getting laid...there were always his dreams...damn the dreams.


Later, as Beck finally unlocked the door to his apartment, kicked off his sneakers, put away his keys and jacket, settled on the sofa and reached for his remote, he found himself still enraptured by the "sight" of his adolescent crush...well, almost...he knew it wasn't real, couldn't be...but it had been freaking close.

His thoughts were intent to wander, and soon Beck found his paws brushing against his t-sihrt-covered chest, all the way down to the front of his jeans...the itching coming back at full force, and he was feeling slightly breathless and flushed...telltale signs of arousal, no matter what...Beck groped himself through the fabric of his jeans and growled...felt too good...he had wanked in the shower last morning...he usually didn't do it more often than every other day...but now...

Beck pulled off his blue T-shirt and unbuckled his jeans, kicking them off his feet and leaving them where they fell as he walked to his bedroom, only clad in his boxers that were severely tented and with a spreading dark spot on the front where his cock tip brushed with each step, making him huff silently as he sat down on a chair in front of his computer, pushing buttons and waiting impatiently as the operating system loaded.

To pass the time and get along with his mission he shucked off his boxers, revealing, finally, it seemed, his pink, straining length of seven inches. It slapped against his grey belly furs and left a stain of precum, making the fur clingy and filling the air with the heady scent of rut. Inhaling the smell deeply, he reached with a paw to squeeze on his sheath and the yet small knot that was half-enclosed in the fuzzy skin cover that usually kept his equipment well covered. He moaned, biting his teeth at the self-play, daring only a single slow stroke before he moved his both paws to operate the keyboard and the computer mouse as he connected to the broadband and entered the address for the one site he knew he had to visit now.

With shaking paws, as the front page of the finally loaded, he typed in "Lion King" to the search field and was rewarded with a list of dirty stories and pornographic images featuring the said feline hero. Swiftly, Beck clicked on a multitude of image links, opening them up to new windows. After browsing the hetero ones and the cub pics out he finally had a small collection that he could just lay back comfortably on his big ergonomic computer chair, eyes glued to the large computer screen, his left was curling about his wet shaft, the left one taking a good grasp about his ball sac, tugging at them and toying with the twin orbs with small, circular motions.

His tail started to swift about as he began to tug on his drooling cock rhythmically, rough fingerpads rubbing the red heated flesh as he concentrated on the first picture.

Simba was on his back paws, standing with his back against the unseen viewer, his buff form all flexing, tail raised slightly to show off his shapely rump.

Beck licked his lips, finding that he had actually drooled a little to his of the mouse as he left his cock unattended long enough to change to picture...

The Lion King reclining against his back, a massive pink cock visible as he had just pawed off...chest and muzzle covered in his cum, his tongue hanging out from the side of his muzzle, lusty eyes blazing with desire.

Beck changed his method of play, making circular motions with his paw, pulling on his cock and spreading the pre everywhere with each little motion. His constricted balls were squeezed even more intently, the tips of his pawfingers brushing at the base of his tail as far as they could reach, making occasional passes against the hot skin of his tailhole.

The new click brought upon an image of Simba kneeling, front paws on the ground, hindlegs spread while he worked his own tail inside his tight tailhole...a lusty, breathless look on his face, between his legs, the massive pink member spraying cum to a puddle that was already spreading below.

The wolf grunted as his paw began a twisting motion, his knuckles covered by the ooze coming from his cock after each tug, his legs flexing rhythmically as the arousal grew deep inside him. He was panting already, drooling freely now, the small droplets falling to his chest the same way his pre spread in pearly strings and made a mess of his furs.

The young feline curled up on his back, hungry lips and tongue devouring his cock, frontpaws hooked up by his knees to keep himself in the position for this ultimate self-indulgent act.

Beck stared at the picture and imagined how it would be his lips there...his paws clutching the lusty lion's mane as he'd drive his own cock between Simba's lips...and then, the lion snarling and grunting as his rump would be pierced again and again by Beck's rock hard cock...until they would reach their mind-blowing orgasms and splatter their man juices everywhere.

"My...king...", Beck moaned, his demanding paw now rubbing his knot as it grew swiftly, his paw easily sliding over the thick flesh as the pre was spread all over.

Beck's tail swished madly and his legs almost convulsed violently when he threw his head back, muttering swear words as his paws clutched on his cock, the pulses traveling along his spine and spreading all around his pelvic region when the orgasmic shudders took him, his mind blacking out with sheer pleasure as his hot cum splashed out to his chest and his muzzle, some landing on his maw open in a moan, his tongue covered immediately by the tangy, runny substance, other spurts landing on his shoulders, clinging to the shaggy furs and filling the air with the lusty male scent of spending. The wolf's sounds were incoherent, breathless gasps, driven by his lust as it finally reached its peak.

The wolf slumped down on his chair, covered in his own cum, panting, legs splayed and his back arched as he tried to get his senses back again. His grasp on his private parts had turned almost painfully hard and so he released his paws, letting them fall to his sides as he recovered. His tongue, hanging out of his maw and dripping cum, moved back between his lips with a loud slurping sound, the wolf inhaling his scent deeply and pleasurably as he savored the taste. He made some idle licks on his jaw, finding more of the tasty stuff and making sure to dispose it too. His paws moved lazily, finding the sticky patches and catching as much as it as possible.

Slowly his hardness lessened in size and withdrew into his sheath again, finally only the glistering head peeking out of the fuzzy cover as Beck got up to his somewhat shaky paws, stretching himself and enjoying the feeling of his muscles popping. He glanced at the computer screen, still showing the Lion King giving himself a blow job, and the chuffed. What had made him do this on the spur?

He wasn't 16 anymore...he was 25, not a constantly horny teen...

But he had felt like one and he had enjoyed it more than he had in ages.

Shaking his head, he clicked the web browser shut and headed off to the bathroom, turning on the shower and preparing for a good scrubbing.



Beck let an eye open, his ears pressing flat against his skull as he glanced at the digital display of his alarm clock. he had programmed the alarm to go off.

With a soft sigh he reached a paw to shut off the damn noise and then withdrew it to the confines of his bed. He tossed and turned for a moment, enjoying the slumber one is free to indulge in at Saturday mornings...usually he wouldn't get out of his bed until eleven o'clock or even later...but this morning he had an errand to run.

The thought sent a thrill through him...made him remember last night's happenings, how he had gotten off...then spent the evening trying to watch the Terminator...only to have his thoughts head back again to those images...and to the back room of that sleazy sex the King.

Beck kicked his covers away, getting up, stretching, scratching his balls and his sheath, then going for the shower, scrubbing himself only briefly this time, drying himself vigorously on an oversized towel before stepping out of the steamy bathroom, padding over to his dresser to get some clothes to wear. He chose his usual T-shirt and boxers combination and searched for his favorite jeans before remembering that they still lay in a heap on the living room floor.

Pulling on socks, the wolf walked to the main room of his small apartment and picked up the jeans. He was filled with strange, nervous energy as he moved about, fixing a quick breakfast of coffee and rolls and eating them as he paced around, almost spilling his coffee all over himself when the cup nearly lost its balance. Once his hunger was sated with the meager breakfast he picked up his car keys, almost ran down the stairs to the underground parking hall and was in his car and in the traffic before the clock on his dashboard read 09.30.

He never stopped shaking before his car pulled up to the shop with the paw-adorned rainbow flags.


To Be Continued

I'll make it worth it

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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What Do You Have In Mind?

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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