
Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#2 of Bull's Life At Oxenbridge

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.

Copyright of the story and all characters 2009 Gruffy


"S'pose that's all for today, son", Mennie, the old blacksmith of the Oxenbridge village boomed at his young apprentice Bundan who was busy hammering a red-glowing piece of iron held on its place on the large anvil by a pair of heavy tongs. The clang of metal against metal was loud and made both bulls' ears flicker with each powerful strike of the massive hammer.

"That it is then I guess, Sir", Bundan agreed wholeheartedly, laying down his massive tool and lifting the still-glowing iron into a nearby wooden pail of water making it hiss and sizzle with a small cloud of steam.

Once it was cooled down he set the curiously shaped piece of metal, which was to become a part of a new plough, into a nearby battered, sooty table that held other half-finished projects. The blacksmith scampered to put out the fire in the hearth while Bundan removed his thick leather apron and protective gloves, revealing his huge bovine frame.

Smooth, dark brown fur covered most of his body, although he had an irregular blotch of pearly white on his muzzle and face which, according to his mischievous mate Garrun, made him look cute, although Bundan was not sure at the very least the white fur was quite a mess and a nuisance to clean up after each day working at the soot-filled dark confines of the blacksmith's shop.

His shoulders and arms were heavy with thick muscle from years of lifting heavy pieces of iron and operating the blacksmith's tools of trade, most of them, as it was, gigantic hammers used to blunt the half-molten pieces into the wished shape. His now exposed torso rippled with strength, large, well-defined muscle on his chest and belly too, smoothly furred and slick with the sweat that had dripped between his body and the surely by now rather smelly leather apron. He was tall, 6 feet 8'' and this height made him carry his considerable flesh in a way that made him not look ridiculously bulky but rather lean in fact, just a typical, well-grown, handsome bull in the prime of his youth.

His large heavyset eyes were blue and kind, also his smile was boyish and gentle, becoming a toothy grin when he laughed in the bellowing way typical of most bulls. He might have been a muscled bull but a bully he was not, that was for sure. His features, all the way to the large square jaw, were masculine and rather attractive, at least to the one bull in this village who looked at him that way...the way Bundan liked to be looked at for he knew what those looks meant, accompanied by a knowing smirk from his mate's part.

"Looks allrite, son", Mennie the blacksmith commented, scrutinizing the piece of iron Bundan had been working on for most of the hot, sweaty afternoon.

"You can finish this tomorrow and we'll weld it to the frame and see how it fits together."

"Yes, thank you, Sir" , Bundan addressed the older bull respectfully, bowing his head lightly.

"We'll make a fine smith out of you, son", Mennie said and smiled gently at his apprentice, clopping his heavy hooves on the stone floor to get some soot out of them.

His missus did not like that on her fine carpets, of course, Bundan pondered.

"I hope so, Sir", he chimed.

"Off you go then, son...I'll put things down here and close the place for the night."

"Yes, Sir, thank you, Sir."


Bundan went outside to the still warm late afternoon sun, already setting down but yet rather nice, a gentle breeze cooling his bare fur very pleasurably as he went to the backside of the blacksmith's shop, opened his soot-stained breeches and let out a good, relieving piss after holding it for some hours even spite the heavy sweating that was part of his job he had still drank enough water and mead for the extra to accumulate into a rather unpleasantly full bladder. With a content sigh and a snort he stuffed himself back into his loose-fitting, comfortable breeches and then used his large furred hands to scoop nearly ice cold water from a nearby rainwater barrel to wash his face and antlers from the worst layers of soot, as well as sprinkling some to his chest and arms too, mostly for further cooling.

He washed his hands and shaking the extra water from them he felt he was ready to head home, now at least somewhat more presentable in case he would encounter familiar villagers on his way. He never washed himself too throughout after work though because Bundan knew how much his mate enjoyed the scent of his sweaty body, especially under his arms and in his crotch. (Both areas, if Bundan was lucky, and it was a rare time when he wasn't, would become under the attack of the bull's hungry tongue as it tasted his flesh and would lap the salty musk away.)

The slight breeze sent a small shiver down Bundan's back...or was it that overtly erotic image his mind had conjured? Feeling terribly hungry and not a little aroused Bundan walked past the blacksmith's shop again, hearing shuffling and clanking noises from inside as his master put down his tools for the night.

Mennie was a good master, Bundan had to agree, never unreasonable for his young apprentice, always (well not always, but mostly) patient to teach and guide him in the art of a smith. He always called Bundan "son" and he knew that there was a special meaning to this since the kind smith's own son had died to a fever many years back, leaving him without a male heir to carry on the family tradition. That was also the reason why Bundan had gotten the job and a position as the apprentice despite being much older than it was customary for an apprenticeship to begin. Bundan felt it was almost his duty to become a good smith now that such a trust and responsibility had been put upon him.

His steps took him along the wide path from the smith's shop to the small village of Oxenbridge itself, passing children playing noisily on the single street under the watchful eye of their mothers and grandparents, everyone mulling about in the open to enjoy each others' company and the warm summer day. Delicious smells from the village's inns floated in the air and made Bundan feel even hungrier than he already was and to hope that his mate would already be at home and with a prepared meal. It had been hours since his meager lunch had been eaten hastily with the smith and since that he had not taken a bite.

The sun had already went down almost to the edge of the horizon when Bundan reached their home, the small but comfortable old house at the hill which they had bought together some two years back. Already he could see smoke rising from its stack and the lingering aroma of happily roasting meat as he kicked the edges of his hooves to the large stone step acting as a step before opening the door and entering the dimly lit, cozy house.

"Hello, buff", he greeted at his mate who was crouching by the fireplace, inspecting the spit roast that was positioned over the flickering flames and glowing embers. His thick lips turned into a wide smile as he turned his head, tilted slightly.

"Hello, Bud", Garrun the bull answered, using his favorite pet name for his lover.

Bundan smiled back at him, getting that well known boyish look to his features.

Garrun got up and moved to greet Bundan properly. This involved pressing their shoulders together as well as rubbing snouts, usually, like today, accompanied by a sloppy lick on that particular body part. Bundan snorted on the wet although not too unpleasant a feeling and took revenge by licking the bull's lips quickly before he could move past his attack range.

"Missed you...", Bundan spoke honestly, embracing the bull with his thick, sweaty arms, pulling his slightly taller mate closer.

For Bundan's pleasure the other bull was, like him, only wearing his slacks and nothing more to cover his form from Bundan's hungry look.

Their slight height difference forced Garrun to tilt his head down a bit in order to gaze into his lover's blue eyes with his own green ones. His smile had not falter at all as they held each other for a moment, getting once again accustomed to each other's warmth, feel and scent.

"What's cooking there?" Bundan asked after a while, remembering again that he had been famished before the distraction named Garrun had made him forget.

"Some of the deer you bought yesterday...I filled it with herbs just the way you like...", Garrun teased, padding the bull's sizeable belly, the size of course coming from being a very muscular bull, not overweight by any means.

"Hey!" Bundan grunted without malice in his voice, answering the belly rub by clicking his antler against Garrun's with a loud sound.

"It's not like I eat much...we'd better watch out how much YOU keep chugging down or we might not have enough supplies for the winter..."

"Well I have a heavy job..." Bundan noted.

"It's not like pulling the ploughs isn't as hard as using a 60-pound hammer all day..."

"Yeah right..."

They exchanged these playful jabs at each other for some time before extracting themselves, standing only a couple feet apart.

"Awww...I got some soot on me...look at my hands...", Garrun chuffed, displaying his light brown hands that now had some dark black stripes on them.

"Well we better wash them off together before dinner....", Bundan said, flicking his ears suggestively.

The bigger bull swiped him with his tuff-ended tail playfully and walked past his mate to fetch a wooden washing pail which also held a couple of brushes for heavy duty cleaning. He set it down to the rough mat by the fireplace and went outside for a moment, returning with a bucket of water from their well. He poured it down to the pail, dropping the bucket to the side and moving back to the fireplace to get the large copper kettle that had been warming over the fire by the roast. The pail steamed when the hot water flowed into it, filling it near to the brim. Bundan sat legs crossed by the fireplace, idly brushing his hair. It was cropped rather short but looked good on him, he thought, and Garrun didn't complain so he let it be so.

"Now...ready to be bathed?" Garrun asked, crouching down by the pail holding a little wooden box containing some soap.

"Always by you, Gar", Bundan smiled, shifting closer and presenting his handsome back and hindquarters for Garrun, his tail falling down to rest on the floor.

Garrun studied the tantalizing dark-furred flesh in front of him, the stirring from earlier today definitely returning. It made him want to do something before starting the actual washing.

"Raise your arms", he whispered, leaning closer to Bundan, speaking the words to the bull's ear.

The dark male seemed to tense a little on hearing the words, his tail flicking briefly. Bundan complied too, raising his heavy arms to his sides.

"Thanks...need to be throughout in my cleaning...", Garrun chuckled.

His hands slipped to the bull's sides, moving down to take a hold of the male's hips as he moved close, on his knees, until their bodies pressed together. He rested his chin on Bundan's shoulder and inhaled, letting the scent come to him...definitely male, deep, intoxicating, handsome, delicious...there were just so many words to describe it. He growled deep in his throat, letting it rumble in his chest and by that to be felt by Bundan too. The light brown bull let out a sigh, his shoulders slumping as air escaped from his lungs. Garrun nuzzled the bull's neck then, rubbing their furred skin together.

"I kinda like you, big boy", Garrun whispered.

Bundan tilted his head to the right, giving more open space for Garrun to do as he pleased. The bigger male kissed the sweaty fur, his thick lips making a smacking sound as they parted. Bundan almost mooed on the feeling.

"The water's going to get cold if you just snuggle me and don't get to the washing...", Bundan said wryly although he could not complain on the treatment he was receiving.

Garrun let his hands move again, going up to Bundan's shoulders, holding there firmly.

"I'm getting to it", he said slowly before leaning back to sit on his haunches and to admire the bull's massive physique again.

Garrun chuffed from his snout and leaned down again, nuzzling under the bull's left arm, inhaling the even deeper manly scent from the armpit that was covered with black strands of sweaty, messy hair. He couldn't resist the temptation to let his tongue hang out and take a long,wet lick.

The bull groaned.


"You like this?" Garrun asked, his voice muffled as his snout was lodged at Bundan's armpit.

"Yeah..." , the younger bull breathed.

How could he not?

Garrun made a final nuzzle and sat up again, the pressure inside his slacks having gone up another notch. His cock seemed to pulse and tremble in the confines of his sheath. Garrun tensed his well-used muscles on his hindquarters, feeling how a surge of pleasure went through his aroused flesh. This torture was heaven for him...but now he was determined to bring out this same feeling on his mate.

"Then you'll love this...", he said, cheerfully smacking his lips again as he pushed the bull's arms down again, the younger one having held them up to his sides obediently since Garrun had asked him to do so.

At the movement the muscles on Bundan's back rippled tantalizingly, making Garrun almost drool. That was only a bonus on what he was about to do now.

Garrun pressed his snout against the back of Bundan's neck, letting the tip of his tongue brush against the sweaty, salty dark fur. The slightly smaller bull tried to squirm but Garrun's hands on his shoulders held him steady, unable to escape this teasing.

"Uhhh...that tickles...", Bundan mock complained, fighting to stay still as his shoulder blade was suddenly lapped on.

"I thought you were gonna bathe me, not ravish me."

"I didn't tell you HOW I was going to bathe you, Bud", Garrun chuckled deeply, making small flicks of his tongue along the crevice of the massive muscles of Bundan's shoulder blades.

The bull arched his back and made a little sound that was close to "hmmmm" but sounded more like, coming from Bundan's broad chest "HRRRRMMMMNNNHHNNNNRH". The combined moan/growl was erotic to Garrun who felt the familiar increase in his breathing and heartbeat as his mate responded to his touch. That's not to mention what happened inside his slacks, where his temporarily dormant maleness was again stirring, peeking out of its protective sheath. The feel of the fabric brushing against his sensitive, still slick blunt cockhead as it was mashed against the crouching bull's back was delicious and made Garrun growl again in his throat. For a while he wondered why this day had been such a horny one, but maybe it wasn't such a surprise considering the horned man that was all hot and ready in front of him.

"Tease..." Bundan moaned as his skin was feasted upon again and again, the sweat lapped away from him, replaced by the wetness of Garrun's saliva that was now generated in the drooling quantities.

"Uh huh...", Garrun mumbled, his exploration going lower, his tongue tracing the gracious arch of the bull's strong spine.

As a reward for this he got a swipe of a fully tail tuff against his side.

Garrun decided that he had tasted enough (his tongue was going a bit numb anyway from the extended licking) and lifted himself back, resting himself on his hinds as he sat back, pulling the other male with him backwards until they hurtled down to the floor with a thump, Bundan landing on top of Garrun whose hands and arms still held him firmly. His maleness was now pushed against the small of Bundan's back who chuckled.

"All ready..."

"Been since...since morning", Garrun spoke to the bull's ear, making it flick with his hot breath.

He couldn't resist nipping at the ear gently with his teeth - making Bundan groan and shift in the backwards embrace he was in.

"You promised me once no biting!" Bundan moaned, eyelids fluttering.

"That was only a promise not to use my teeth when going at your hangy parts", Garrun said, moving his left leg around Bundan's, pinning their bodies even more firmly together as he pushed his hips to Bundan's deliciously firm backside, letting his desire to be well known.

"Your...your hangy part doesn't seem to be quite hanging at the moment though...", Bundan joked, enjoying the contact, the heat of his mate.

"I was kinda hoping you'd do something about least I did when I jerked off..."

Bundan snorted, turning his head to catch his mate's eyes and also the lewd grin the big bull was sporting.

"You...jerked off?" he asked incredulously.

"Well I missed you and got horny and..."

"Like there isn't time when you're not horny", Bundan snorted again, rocking his body back against Garrun's.

A bullish hand slid along his abs to grope at the front of his strained breeches, grasping the thick length inside. Bundan growled.

"It varies", Garrun mused, sliding his clasping hand slowly along the fabric-covered shaft, squeezing only lightly.

Honestly thinking, he was barely able to maintain this composure, to take part in this slow seduction...for real he just wanted to get into it.

"Then you should consider that I've just spent eight hours banging that hammer in Mennie's shack and quite frankly I'd rather been banging with you", Bundan whispered, his voice heavy with lust.

"You banged me last night, it's my turn", Garrun growled, taking the stimulation up to a new level by letting go of Bundan's covered length and sliding his hand inside the breeches to squeeze the base of the straining cock, fingers digging into the sensitive skin of the sheath.

Bundan's legs tensed, trying to move his self, but Garrun's grip was too strong on him. Instead he slumped down, allowing to be handled as the bigger bull wished. It was no submission, just a display of a fact, that he'd rather not be anywhere else right now.

"Let's see if we can hammer you into shape, shall we?" Garrun murred obscenely at the smaller bull's ear, licking it with his saliva-coated tongue.

Bundan made a muffled, almost whimpering sound as the intent hand squeezed harder on his cock.


Suddenly he was released, Garrun removing his hands, his curled leg, pushing the bull onto his side as he rolled away from underneath the bull, standing up and looking at Bundan who was fast to get himself to his own feet. The two stood there for a moment, both breathing heavily, sweaty, their pants tented more than enough for a proud display of manhood.

Garrun smiled as he undid his belt, pulling his slacks open to reveal his hardness, all glorious sixteen inches of pink bull flesh. Bundan's eyes flicked at his, his eyes hungry, needy. His hands lowered down to his own waistline.

"Let me do it", Garrun said gently.

Bundan nodded and let his hands to drop onto his sides again. Garrun took a step forward and laid his hands on Bundan's belt buckle, easily undoing it and pulling the breeches down. The smaller bull was definitely not small down there, Garrun smirked, as his eyes caught the sight of the leaking member of his mate. The fact that he had his pants around his ankles only added to the lewd erotic display.

"What do you want, Bud?" Garrun asked, grasping his own flesh and giving it a couple of slow, teasing strokes for

Bundan's viewing pleasure.

"You", the bull grinned. "I hope."

"Hope and all...", Garrun smirked, stepping backwards to get his legs free of the pants. He tossed them carelessly aside, nodding at his lover to do the same. Bundan flung his own breeches to a nearby corner with a well-aimed kick.

"Let's get you some loving", Garrun breathed, chuffing and flexing his arms. His tail flicked behind him, the tuffed end weaving through the air. He was planning to make this good and to last.

"I'm yours", Bundan stated, standing with his legs spread, tensing his own body to show off his physique.

"I know...and I like it...and I'm equally for", Garrun said, the rough-sounding words the greatest declaration of love he could really voice.

Being a big, hunky bull sort of made it hard for more sweet expressions.

Instead it was time to take action.

"I'm sure the bed is most comfortable."

Bundan grinned and got to their shared bed, lying down on his back to his customary side next to the wall, head propped against a pillow that looked more like a sack of straws. His muscular body was twisted into an alluring angle to show every crevice and nook of his frame.

Garrun mooed, outright so, before thumping his hooves on the hard wooden floor and taking the couple of steps required

to reach the edge of the bed. He was on top of his bull in an instant, their bodies, their hard cocks, all pressed together as he ground himself on Bundan's large body, both pairs of hands moving to touch, to feel, to tug on strands of hair, to press and rub on all the familiar sweet spots on their respective bodies. Bundan growled before his lips were covered by those of Garrun, a thick bovine tongue slipping between his teeth and into his maw, to brush against the equal wet muscle inside. It became a small battle as the tongues slipped and turned, almost as if they were trying to pin each other the same way Garrun was doing at Bundan, although he was careful not to crush the slightly more lean bull underneath him. He was not into causing pain and distress in the one he wished to mate.

Their hips ground on each other, hard flesh rubbing and spewing strands of clear, sticky pre from the cumslits onto their bellies, smearing the tangy fluid into their furs. Garrun felt his length throb as it was mashed between their hard abs, squeezed, trapped, milked of more pre. Their breaths became moaned huffs, vocalizations turned into loud grunts as their pleasure built up. Muscles were explored and touched, lips licked, antlers clicked together as they shifted, rocked, humped, enjoyed.

Until it was all too much to take.

Garrun sat upon his haunches on the end of the bed, studying the sight of his deeply breathing mate.

" know what...", he began, not needing to finish as the dark brown bull turned onto his belly, getting then up to his hands and knees, presenting himself like this, his hind to Garrun, the tail moving to the side to reveal the protruding, dark pucker between the massive cheeks of his rump.

Garrun crouched forward, laying one large hand on each cheek, letting his fingers dig into the firm but giving flesh, feeling the warmth, the texture of the smooth fur, the ripple of muscle. He smirked and grabbed the base of the tail, giving it a firm tug. Bundan grunted loudly, his rear rising as he scooted his bent legs closer to his broad chest, giving a better view and better access.

Garrun caressed the rump in front of him, feeling his cock flex involuntarily, more pre leaking out of him in a constant dribble along his shaft, ending at the strands of longer, wispy hair on his groin, messing them slowly but surely.

Garrun did not dare to touch himself for the small relief knowing that he might spend himself too soon. Instead he made the familiar sound of smacking his lips before crouched further, propping himself on one elbow as he took a hold of the tail again and drew it to him, taking the smooth, frisky body part into his maw, sucking on the shaft of the tail that seemed to be so unerotic but deducing form the quietly moaned curses he guessed that the feeling was not an unpleasant one. Encouraged, he lifted the tail all the way a long as his arm could reach, the tail slipping in his palm until he grasped it near the end tuff, holding it upright. He began his lick from the top, travelling down all the way to the base, letting his last licks lay upon the patch of smooth skin on where the tail joined the hip and just above the inviting puckered opening.

"Unnhhh....Gar...", Bundan groaned.

His only response as a chuckle that was lost in the heavy breaths and grunts again as the tongue lapped on the skin of the perineum, a hot breath blown to the tailhole which clenched at the sudden warmth and caused the big bull to yelp with the feeling. The tongue passed the hole still, moving down to feast on the hanging, heavy ball sac with its twin orbs nested inside their furry covering. Garrun licked and lightly suckled on the balls, one at a time since it was uncomfortable to have one's maw stuffed and he did not particularly want to have such a distraction when he was set to give his mate a maximum pleasure.

His next lick lapped on the puckered hole, then, the tip of his tongue circling the muscle that held it closed, before going at the full lick again, wetting the hole with as much of his saliva as possible. This stimulation happened a dozen times before Garrun pulled backwards, studying the mess of wet fur and glistering muscle in front of him. He pressed his cold snout against the tailhole and made Bundan bellow in almost miserable-sounding need.

"Damn you Gar..."

Usually Garrun would've drawn out this foreplay even longer, but tonight he was feeling particularly needy and knew that there was only one way to get some sense into his mind again. He reared up, getting to his knees, his cock slapping wetly against his abs, spreading beads of precum to his thighs, the bed cover, the crouching bull's rump. Garrun lifted his hand to his maw and sucked on a couple of fingers which were soon pushed against the inviting tailhole, the tips nudging the muscle intently until it gave way, letting them slip in to the first knuckle, the thick fingers easily penetrating into the hot, gripping confines.

"Good and warm...", he growled, pushing the fingers slightly deeper, to the second knuckle.

Bundan's rear seemed to tighten even more as he pushed his rump against the invading hand. Garrun mooed and pushed the fingers in all the way, inciting more grunts and chuffs. He moved the fingers in and out a few times, not wanting to stretch his mate more than was required since it might be an unpleasant feeling after a while.

Withdrawing his hand, he used the same slickened fingers to spread some of his own precum evenly onto his cocktip and shaft, coating it with the clear, sticky fluid. His other hand moved to grasp the bull's tail, tugging at it intently again. Bundan let out those same sounds again.

"Good bull...", Garrun whispered before he moved forward, placing his hands to each side of Bundan's body, pressing them together firmly, his cock slipping along the crevice between the rump cheeks.

He moaned and began to hump the bull, their bodies rocking together as his cock slipped inside the crevice that was wet with his saliva and pre. Each thrust was directed in a slightly different angle, the bull moving his hips up and down in search of the hole he longed to pierce and fill.

Finally the blunt edge hit the edge of the muscular pucker, catching there for a moment before slipping wetly down along the crack and hitting Bundan's ball sac. He bellowed at the sudden jab but soon made a muffled sound and buried his maw against his pillow as the cockhead returned, pressing against his hole again, now gaining ground, the bluntness slowly gaining high ground and as a small spurt of precum coated the muscular opening with wetness and allowed the cock to finally slip in an inch or so, definitely taking its rightful place.

The circular muscle clenched strongly, squeezing Garrun just below his blunt tip, teasing the underside of the crown almost to the point of being painful. Knowing that he could not stay there for long he pushed again, another few inches slipping in easily despite the strong muscles resisting just slightly. He went slow and steady, pushing in an inch or so before pulling a couple of them out, then going back, repeating this routine until he was all the way inside his lover, his hips pressed against Bundan's rear.

Garrun rested his head against Bundan's shoulder for a moment before he began his movements again, sliding smoothly in and out, a few inch at a time, letting his mate get used to being filled. The thrusts were made with an easy rhythm, hips moving fluidly as they ground to the bull's rear with a comfortably heavy thud. Bundan was not a passive receiver, not by any means, since as soon as Garrun got going properly he began to push himself back with each withdrawal, trying to meet Garrun's hips at the midway point, sometimes moving away so that Garrun had to make a particularly fast shove into his lover's tail to make sure he would not slip out of it.

Their bodies moved in an ever-hastening rhythm now, the light slaps of hips coming to a rump turning into a mighty smack of muscle on muscle. Garrun did not hold himself back, knowing that his mate could take whatever he gave and just concentrated on all the feelings, the tightness on his cock, their balls mashed together, the feel of tense, muscular body under him a comfortable presence. He was drooling now, his saliva dripping from the corners of his mouth to the bull's neck and back, running down to a frothy pool on the small of the bull's back. Garrun drove his hips forward strongly, letting his lust take him fully as he pounded into his mate whose erotic grunts and moos were like sweetest music into his flicking ears.

Bundan was definitely not left without his pleasure. Each thrust made an assault on his prostate, sending a surge of ever-increasing pleasure throughout his body. As the thrusts into him gained in speed and intensity the pleasure in him grew and grew, until soon he was moaning constantly, words lost long ago, he could not ask for more, just to push himself more firmly to his mate's plunges. Finally, a particularly hard shove hit his prostate and tripped him over the edge, his growl turning into a deep bellow as his cum began to spurt to between the bed cover and his belly, smearing them both with a layer of slick, white, thick bull cum. His body tensed involuntarily, his tail muscles clenching and milking Garrun's ever-speeding cock. He knew his lover had reached his climax and set on to thrust his hips as hard as he could to his lover's tail, wishing to cum together if possible.

The intense tightening of the gripping, slick tunnel was really like the most talented milkmaid's tug since in a few moments it became impossible to hold back no longer.With a series of grunts and heavy breaths he came, his seed pumped into Bundan's quivering tail with each almost desperate orgasmic thrust of his hips. The movement not only worked to plunge the cum deeper into the bull's tail but also to make it leak out of the sides of his cock and the ring-shaped muscle, spilling out and making a mess on his groin fur as well as the bottom bull's rump. Panting, Garrun held himself steady finally, letting the last of his cum to dribble into his mate's rear, pushing himself all the way into Budan's backside. The well-fucked bull turned his head slowly, his eyes full of affection for his lover as their eyes met and they shared a kiss, the smell of hot, fresh cum invading their nostrils.

Garrun chuffed.

"We made a mess...", he noted wryly, still somewhat out of breath from the strong fuck.

"Not worse than usual...", Bundan said, his body heaving too.

Garrun chuckled and licked his mate's lips before resting himself on the bull's body again, letting them stay together joined for a while. They did so until they remembered the dinner which, thankfully, did not have the time to burn. With some regret the bigger bull pulled out of his lover, his cum-smeared cock hanging limply now for a moment before slipping into its sheath. He admired the sight of Bundan's fucked rump, the hole staying slightly open, cum drooling out of it and dripping down the crevice to the ball sac.

"What a thing you are, Bud", he mused.

"Your thing I suppose", Bundan grinned.

They got out of the bed, stretched, slapped each other with their tails and head to the fireplace to check on the roast.

The pail of washing water with its brushes and soap had been forgotten, though there was no regret for that.

Coolin' Off After Work

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legistlation. If you are not of the...

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