Coolin' Off After Work
#1 of Bull's Life At Oxenbridge
This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legistlation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.
Copyright of the story and all characters 2009 Gruffy
Also to note is that this is my first yiffy story I've put online and i would appreciate all feedback - votes, comments, personal messages etc. jsut to know if you wish to see more of my writing and the continuation for this story, which, hopefully, will form into a series of stories describing the events surrouding the relationship between the two bulls that feature in it.
I should also note that being a non-native speaker I might make mistakes every now and then. Please, be free to point out any you might spot and you will be most helpful in my goal to become a better writer.
The sun had moved past its highest point for the day but still its rays shone harsh and heavy upon the scorched ground as the group of bulls and stallions made their way down the winding road that crossed the by now yellowish fields they had worked the whole day since before sunrise. The small group walked with heavy step, exhaustion by now settling into them after hours of heavy labor...despite that each one of them was one mountain of a man, heavily muscled torsos, all of them bare, the heat making it too uncomfortable to wear any garments, all glistering with fresh sweat and water which they had sprinkled on themselves while drinking from their waterskins. These were the farmers of the Oxenbridge village who tended for their shared fields and provided wheat for the entire season, if the gods of rain, wind and fertility were of good standing with them...which they had been for many a good year, thankfully.
Among the men making their way home, walking next to a tall blotched stallion was a large light brown bull, seven feet tall, not counting his horns that added another feet to his considerable height. His tail swished behind his well-shaped, massive rear that gave power to his gait that was a confident, strong one, his hooves stomping the ground proudly. He only wore a pair of loose-fitting slacks with a belt and a small bag slung over his shoulder containing his waterskin and remains of what had been his daily meal. His strong, muscular arms swayed slowly from side to side as he walked in rhythm with his comrades, keeping the line formed. They were all very friendly with each other, laughing and chatting lazily as they walked, having worked the fields since they were youngsters, from the point when they had been strong enough to plow and harvest and seed the grounds along with the older men of the village. Now they were the main workforce.
" Teralin's cooking carrots for us tonight...", the stallion to the bull's right told in a cheerful tone, his large square buck teeth visible as he grinned widely.
"Heh, good for you, Starl...", the bull answered, blinking some beads of sweat from his green eyes. "No such luck for me tonight I'm afraid..."
"Oh...bedwarmer not up to it?" the stallion asked, still smirking widely though friendly.
The bull chuckled.
"Working till the's up to me today..." the bull noted.
"Tough luck, Garrun", the stallion named Starl commented. The bull named Garrun snorted and swiped the horse with his tail. Starl yelped.
"Ey'! Watch it!"
"You asked for it", Garrun grinned and got a swipe from the horse's own tail to his hindquarters.
They laughed and "battled" in such the way until they reached the outskirts of the village, not the smallest one by any means, with several groups of houses and a long stretch of road along which they were situated....even a small market square that was surrounded by shops and the town's compulsory two inns. The bull named Garrun could see, beyond a safe distance from the other houses, the blacksmith's workshop, a thick cloud of smoke rising from its stack. He could hear the dull clanking of metal hitting metal.
"I hope old Mennie's letting Bundan hammer for once...he hates the bellows...", Garrun mused in his mind as he said his farewells to the stallion Starl, their group of farm workers having already dwindled considerably as everyone had took to their homes. The stallion waved a cheerful hand at Garrun and he returned it with a kind smile- the horse was a good friend, always making goodhearted jabs at the bull and status.
For the house that sat in the middle of a well-kept garden of trees and flowers which he was now approaching was shared by Garrun and the bull Bundan, his...mate...that would be the correct word to describe their relationship as it was, comrades and friends in life and yes...the bed too.
Garrun opened the gate into their garden and stepped in, passing the small patch where Bundan grew carrots and tomatoes and other vegetables for their table. The sturdy door into the small (by bull terms) house was locked. The key was hidden under a bucket that sat under the drain water pipe which Bundan had, quite proud of himself, made by his own hand. They had installed it together, of course, when they had renovated this old house for their use.
Once inside Garrun sighed at the seeming coolness of the log-walled house, kept on an easy temperature. He would have to make fire on the large fireplace for cooking but that was necessary, so no moaning about it. Garrun slipped off his back and laid it neatly on a bench next to the door before crossing to the large cabinet by a small table and three chairs on the other side of the single-room housing, opposite from the huge bed. He opened the cabinet and fetched a pitcher of cool drink that was slightly bitter and good to his thirsty throat. Garrun smacked his lips with pleasure as he rolled his shoulders, slightly aching from the day's hard work and passed to the fireplace, setting it on fire with some flint and tinder Bundan had, before leaving for work, put necessary firewood in place so that all one needed to do was to light them. Garrun noted that he was out of the logs by now though so he would need to get some from their storage shed...but now he had to do something he had craved to do all day, and relax...
Garrun closed his eyes and ran his hands along his chest, rubbing against the slabs of muscles as well as the pair of large brown nipples on each half of his massive chest. He squeezed the small numbs lightly, making them harden under his touch, causing him to breathe more heavily now...and another swelling too began, in his slacks that seemed to tighten all sudden. His hands wandered even lower, across his perfect abs, shaped by years of hard work into chiseled perfection, coming to rest on his hips just above his belt. He let his entire body first tense and then relax, moaning in the pleasurable feeling of his own muscles flexing. His tail swished friskily from side to side, signaling the state of the bull's mind he was horny.
Now safe to do as he pleased in the confines of his home, Garrun opened the buckle of his slacks and let them fall down, exposing his by now fully hard cock, all sixteen glorious inches of it. The pink member stood out its protective sheath proudly, pulsing slightly and glistering with all the sweat that had gathered in the bull's groin during the day. He let his fingers brush the side of his aching flesh first, causing him to moan loudly...and he liked making these hot sounds, even all by himself, and let out a sight when his fingers circled the blunt tip of his cock, squeezing on it lightly and causing a drop of pre to form on the cumslit. He flicked it with his thumb, the movement sending a bolt of pleasure through his cock all the way into the pit of his stomach. Garrun knew he should wait for his mate so that they could share these things together but quite frankly he was so horny by now that should his mate had walked in he would've probably jumped the unsuspecting man, pushed him down and fucked him to the floor.
But now he only had his hands and that would have to do. Moaning and breathing heavily, Garrun got to his knees by the fireplace, liking its warm glow on his sweaty body. His hand curled into a fist around his cock and held it firmly, applying only a little pressure at first since he was so sensitive now that he might cum all too suddenly for his liking...these feelings were always better when drawn out and properly enjoyed. He must have been quite a sight, a big, no, a huge bull crouching on his knees, pants around his ankles and a massive cock in his hand that stroked it with earnest. His free hand moved along his chest again, starting from his lower belly and ending to his travel by his jaw to his maw and become the subject of licking...the large red tongue lapping on one, two fingers...then, feeling his need take even a deeper turn, he removed his fingers from his maw and moved his hand to rest on the base of his tail, lifting it to expose the dark, protruding puckered hole that was nested between his large, firm buttocks. The slick fingertips traced and circled the hole at first, causing Garrun to moan loudly, snorting hot air and grunting as he began to push them in, all the way until his clenched fist was pressed against his tailhole, the two slick fingers moving slowly in and out as he pleasured himself from both ends.
As Garrun pleasured himself his thoughts drifted to the night before, the source of his arousal, quite probably, when he and Bundan had once again indulged in the pleasures of the flesh. His eyes closed, small flashes appeared in his mind...of hands touching, tongues licking, lips kissing...bodies smashed together in the ageless rut of two lovers. It had been his "turn" to be on the receiving end of things and his hindend still held the proof of that, as he could feel when his fingers move deep into him...coming into contact with some slickness that had to be the result of their vigorous mating on the night before. Garrun moaned, remembering how his mate's hips had smacked to his, their balls slapping together loudly...and he almost chuckled as he remembered how apprehensive, in the beginning, his lover who was of slightly younger age and smaller frame, had been to mount his lover, the natural "leader" of their carnal activities.
They had worked things out a few months after they had come together when Garrun had surprises Bundan after the dark brown bull had given Garrun a toe-curling blowjob.
He had been sitting on the massive bed, back propped against the log wall, his legs spread spread, hooves touching the hard wooden floor as Bundan crouched between his massive thighs, his maw and tongue working the blunt tip of his cock, licking drops of pre from the cumslit and using one hand to toy with the pink, slick shaft, the another one squeezing and milking his large, hairy jiggling balls. Garrun had huffed and cursed and tried his utmost to resist the urge to hump his hips to push his cock deeper into his lover's mouth but finally could not take no more. His hands moved to the bull's neck, brushing his scruffy headfurs as he pushed gently but firmly, causing four inches of his meat to slide between the bull's wide lips and into his sloppy maw. The slick heat and the combined teasing of the tongue now jammed against the underside of his crown and the intently squeezing hands sent him over the edge. Exploding heat gathered up in his belly and his balls, travelling up his all sixteen inches of shaft as the liquid fire of his cum blasted out of him. Experienced and always for a tasty treat, Bundan sucked harder on the exploding cock, letting the blunt edges of his square teeth to press lightly on the sensitive skin, making the other bull bellow in his pleasure and thrust his hips strongly, driving his cock to his mate's throat.
Bundan hardly even gagged as the cock suddenly came lodged to the back of his throat, but he was fast in his actions, pulling on Garrun's shaft with his squeezing hand and yanking his head back, causing the still-spurting cock to slip out of his maw and spew its creamy come onto his open maw and face. He closed his eyes and let the warm goo cover his cheeks and his lips and to pool on his extended tongue. Even as the last weaker globs of cum splashed on his mouth he inhaled deeply, breathing in his lover's masculine, dark musk. His hands moved automatically still, milking Garrun's balls and cock for the remaining cum some of which dribbled from the slit and onto his brown-furred fingers.
Catching his breath, Garrun opened his own eyes that had fallen closed during his climax and studied the incredibly erotic display of his horny lover, crouching below him, hands still holding the massive, still weakly-pulsing cock, eyes closed and face covered with his raw, manly cum. As he panted and watched the younger bull opened his eyes and they exchanged a look that evolved into a lewd grin from Garrun's part he sucked in his red tongue with a loud slurping sound and enjoyed the cum that had coated it so well.
"You're a mighty mess, Bud", Garrun breathed, smiling at the sight again.
"All because you happened to be so damn horny, Gar", Bundan croaked.
His blue eyes gleamed as he lapped on his messy lips, sampling more of the hot, dripping cum. His hands still lazily held the slowly wilting cock although his grip hand loosened into just a gentle hold.
"Only because you happened to be so hot, Bud", Garrun said with much affection in his voice.
He let his hands on Bundan's neck slide lower to his shoulders, just to rest them there gently. He might rough with his partner sometimes but deep down in his heart Garrun loved the male very much and didn't want to hurt him or make him feel bad in any way. In fact...he was planning to make his lover feel VERY good. The bull clearly needed it too as evident from the huge bulge in his slacks.
"Well it's you who makes me hot, Gar", Bundan leered.
The sitting bull snorted at him.
"Come here you stud", he grinned, tugging playfully with his hands.
Bundan rose slowly from his knees, stretching his massively muscular upper torso for his bull friend's delight as he climbed up to the bed where Garrun had laid down, allowing the big bull to snuggle up to him. He slipped his arms tightly about Bundan's waist as the bull lay close to him, their sweaty torsos rubbing together nicely. Bundan's massive hardon pressed on Garrun's by now limp but still exposed cock and giving him some pleasurable small thrills too. They kissed deeply, escalating in passion as their tongues battled playfully inside their maws.
"You taste of me Bud", Garrun murred happily as his tongue slipped out of the bull's mouth.
"Well you always give me tasty loads...those big balls of yours keep churning more and more..."
"You keep asking for them..."
"Only cause you give them freely..."
They bantered lightly like that for a while, exchanging kisses, playful gropes and licking each other's faces, Garrun's sticky cum removed and shared between them. Garrun's hand slipped between their bodies to rub and squeeze Bundan's still-trapped cock, making the slightly younger bull puff hot air onto his face and moan with delight.
"You wanna help me with that, Gar?" he asked, voice going husky with lust for his mate.
"Of course I want, Bud...", Garrun murmured, his other hand slipping along Bundan's bare side and rested on a meaty ass cheek.
He squeezed lightly, letting his fingers dug into the well-formed, strong but pleasant yielding muscle. The big bull on top of him tensed and let out a deep growl in his throat.
"What do you have in mind, big boy?" he grunted.
"Well...", Garrun said lightly, his hands still toying with his mate's package and firm ass. "'d want...for a know...breed me?"
Garrun felt shy as he suggested this new thing between them they had been together for 4 months now and during all their sexual encounters together it had been him doing the topping, never being penetrated by more than a couple of fingers during an extended blowjob or an eager bull tongue lapping on his tight tailhole he especially liked being rimmed and could crouch for hours with his massive, muscular ass in the air, his tail resting on Bundan's shoulder as the bull worked his sloppy tongue on his muscular, protruding pucker. He didn't have any opposition of being the bottom but he had seen how much Bundan seemed to enjoy that role and had decided that he'd let his mate have all the cock fun he wanted...but now his wish and most of all, curiosity for that new feeling, were taking the upper hand. He wanted to get fucked.
"You...want my cock?" Bundan asked, clearly surprised by this request.
"Yeah...I want to have you that way too..."Garrun told his lover. "I mean, I've been doing your sweet ass for months not and you haven't got to sample's only fair."
"But I...I though you just like...", Bundan asked, slightly confused.
"Nah, I've just never been fucked before, but I know that it feels good to have your tongue or your fingers up there...and you like my cock under your tail so I suppose it'll be good for me too."
"But you...", the younger bull said, suddenly slightly embarrassed-sounding himself. "'re bigger and older and stronger..."
"Yeah?" Garrun grunted, moving his hand from Bundan's ass to cup his square jaw into the large palm.
"Like I've used that to my advantage with're just as strong as I am...I like you a lot because of that strength, as much as I love your personality, who you are, Bud...", he explained. "I'm not into dominating my man like some of them do...I just want you to feel good with me."
Bundan chuckled.
"You truly are a hot bull, Gar...", he murred in his throat, kissing his lover intentionally firmly.
His eyes lighted up as he spoke again.
"Do I get to roughhouse you like you do with me?" he asked, pushing his body more closely against that of his mate.
"Well if you want to...sure...", Garrun answered, grinding his hips against Bundan's.
"Then...let's get to it, shall we, Gar?"
"All yours, Bud", Garrun snorted, wiggling his body underneath his mate's strong one...
"All yours...", Garrun grunted as he pushed his fingers deeper into his tailhole, feeling them brush against the hot nub of his prostate inside him, the touch causing his massive cock to twitch in his fist as he rubbed up and down the shaft, pre leaking onto his fingers and smearing on the pink flesh making it shine in the firelight. He crouched more low on his knees, letting his fingers pump in and out of his tailhole more swiftly now that he squeezed harder on his cock, wanting this torture to be over with soon so that he could finally get on with his chores...and to wait for his mate who was sure to be in the same state of mind when he'd return.
The proud bull bellowed as his balls constricted and his orgasm washed upon him, his cum shooting out in thick, heavy globs on his hand and his bare chest, sticking on the smooth brown fur as small gleaming pearly droplets. He moaned, feeling his inner muscles suck on his fingers inside his tailhole, clenching down on them like vice, pulling them to press against his prostate and increase the pleasure even more.
"Grrr.....fuck....", Garrun moaned as the last cum dribbled onto his belly. He flopped down to his back, landing into an awkward angle with his knees bent and his hand under his tail, fingers still firmly lodged into his puckered opening. He pulled them out with a sigh, dipping the fingers still flick with his own saliva to the small puddle of cum on his belly before scooping them up to his maw to lap up the delicious mancream. The heady scent invaded his nostrils and for a while he only felt hornier than before jerking off...but as his cock dropped down and slowly returned back into its sheath he got himself up from the floor mat, stretching luxuriously and pulling his breeches back on and fastening the wide leather belt that held them up. Now that his lust was sated for the moment he could start working...preparing dinner, fetching firewood, warming water for his mate's customary bath...the dark-furred bull would sure be even darker now after a day's hard work at the blacksmith's...