
Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


Heyah! This is my first SoFurry story written in a bit of a bout of horniness, heh heh. It is also my first story that contains a little bit of fetish stuff, but nothing too harsh, I hope.

Reviews are appreciated as usual!


The night had fallen deep and dark already over the forest but the camp of the small tribe of the hunting wolves was brightly lit with numerous fires and torches set out in a rough circle around the perimeter to keep out any wandering beasts. Hunters or not, the wolves put great value to their night's rest, and especially tonight, when a weekly ritual was to take place once more like it had done for innumerable moons since the beginnings of the age of the wolves.

More of the torches had been set out about the central square of the camp, the tribe members themselves surrounding the round square, sitting on their haunches, eyes expectant, many an excited tail flicking softly behind them as they waited for the eve to begin. There were two dozen of them, all males and wearing nothing except their tribal loincloths, dark faces painted with markings on white ash to signal their position as well as membership in this proud hunting tribe. Most of them sat quietly while a few spoke to each other under their breath, exchanging little words to pass the time that seemed to ever move so slowly during this eve that took place once a week.

The idle chatter came to an abrupt halt when they noticed that the flap of a leather yurt that stood on one side of square had been opened and a massive dark wolf had exited. Having to crouch to pass through the small doorway, he stood up to an imposing height of seven feet, head held high, the yellow eyes piercing as they stared up at the starry skies. His shoulders were wide and his arms nothing more than bundles of thick muscle, the smoothly furred body flaring to strong hips before thinning again to the swift runner's legs, equally nothing more than muscle over bones. His muzzle was long and thin and spread open as he bellowed for the moon, the howl deep and mournful and sending a shiver down the backs of the others.

This was the alpha, the leader of the tribe.

His name was Bagah but none were allowed to speak out that name aloud, out of respect for his position as the head of the hunters. He had held this position for five years now and his reign saw no threats from any members of the tribe who willingly submitted to the powerful wolf's will, knowing that his strength was the key to their overall strength and success. Unsurprisingly, their pack was a prosperous one, as evident by their finely crafted tools of hunting and food preparing as well as the many leathers that had been taken from their prey to build their comfortable, warm dwellings from. Their camp was not often moved since the prey was plentiful and they hunted for sustenance, not sport. There were other ways for the Alpha to relieve the nervous energies of his tribe.

After announcing his presence for whatever spirits the sky held as well as the tribe, he walked down to the center of the square, strutting confidently, big, clawed hindpaws scraping on the hard-stomped ground as he went, tail swinging behind him, arms on his sides, his step confident and his gaze intelligent as he let his eyes pan over the square, taking in once more his subjects, his tribe members. So expectant of him, he noticed with pleasure that was displayed in a deep, throaty growl. All waiting for him, just him, the alpha, as was their nature. As was his nature, to lead, to be looked up with respect and reverie.

And he was not one to let them down.

The alpha Bagah stood in the middle of the square, tilting his head again for the heavens to howl into the night. The torches all around the square fluttered as he called, and it seemed that it was not the small wisp of a wind that caused the fire effect but the very call itself.

"The stars are witness!" he shouted, the voice deep and booming as it carried across the square, the alpha standing still, legs splayed, showing off the very extent of his massive size and strength. "The stars and you are the witness as you see the affirmation of the alpha!"

"WE ARE THE WITNESS!" came the learned reply of the crowd surrounding the alpha around the square.

"What do you witness?"


"What is affirmed?" the alpha shouted.


"The bond of what?"


The alpha Bagah snorted heavily, puffing out his chest as he stood even more proud and intimidating, the air fragrant with the scents of his tribesmen and alive with fire and smoke and excitement over the night's proceedings.

"Reveal yourself!" he shouted in a deep, growling tone.

Upon this call the general attention turned to the other side of the square where another yurt stood, as large as the other bigger dwelling on the camp. Its flap opened and a wolf emerged, almost seven feet tall, a large, muscular creature, second only to the alpha Bagah who already stood in middle of the square for everyone to see. He was dark-furred like his other kinsmen, fierce-eyed and powerful in manner, and for the moment, completely naked. His entire furred body was covered in the same ash markings as the other hunters were, but his were more elaborate and spread not only on his face and torso but his arms and thighs as well, giving him a different appearance.

He walked wordlessly, with a confident step, until he reaches the center of the square as well, coming under the harsh scrutiny of the alpha who stood there, hovering over the other by many inches. Their size different however was not immediately noticeable or large. They could have been brothers by their size, but these two were not kin by blood, only by the ties of the tribe.

"Name yourself," Bagah spoke in a commanding tone.

"I am Rian," the wolf replied, his voice rumbling deep from his wide chest.

"Who are you?" the alpha continued.

Upon this question the naked, muscular wolf lowered himself to his knees, paws on his side as he knelt, looking up to the glaring face of the alpha.

"I am your second." he replied.

"Why are you my beta?" the alpha Bagah questioned, enjoying the ritual to the fullest. Already was his blood warming on the idea of once again affirming their special relationship in the tribe.

"Because my body is not as strong as yours, my first, and my will is not strong enough to carry the burden of the leadership that you do, my first," the wolf replied in a strong, confident voice.

"Do you aspire to take my place, second?"

"When my time comes, I will stand up to you, first, and see for my place!"

"Good, second," Bagah growled, pleased with the other's confidence, gazing down with his burning eyes.

"And what will you be before your time comes, second?"

"I am yours," came the loudly spoken reply.

"He is mine!" Bagah bellowed again, looking up to his tribe again.

"HE IS YOURS!" came the chorus of the men surrounding the square before they erupted in loud applause, paws beating paws as the sounds echoed through the night.

Bagah enjoyed the ovation before he turned his gaze again down to the one kneeling in front of him. His muzzle split into a small, vicious smile. Down in his feet was a man almost as powerful as him, as strong as a hunter and a possible leader of the tribe when his time would come, but now he was his second, and as the beta of the alpha he belonged to him now, in spirit and body, until one day there would be a challenge and the leadership of the tribe would be re-evaluated. But for now...there would be only the affirmation.

"You please me greatly, Rian," he spoke in a low voice that did not carry over to the rejoicing crowd, his head tilting as he studied the obediently kneeling, taunt form of his beta.

"That is my purpose," the beta replied, his head held up proudly despite his position.

"You may begin to please me by helping my paws relax. I have run on them many miles today," Bagah spoke, standing so that one of his hindpaws was pushed forward, vicious claws digging to the soil as the pawtoes splayed.

"Yes, my first," Rian replied loudly before he shifted himself, his naked body tensing as he crouched further, hindpaws spread as he moved backwards, forepaws planted down on each side of the offered paw as he leaned down until his muzzle kissed the top of the dark paw. He breathed out deeply, sending a warm shiver through his master's leg and made a small growl escape from his throat.

"Hmmmrrrr...good...good beta..."

Rian began to lick and kiss the paw that was offered to his care, carefully lapping over the pawtoes that were thankfully quite clean and not dirty as one might fear. After a moment he was tapped into his chin with the very same paw and he looked up to see the eyes of his first again.

"Pads now," he ordered, raising the paw from the ground and holding it up by about ten inches.

"Yes, my first," Rian spoke obediently before he shifted his position again, taking a hold of the offered hindpaw with both of his own paws, allowing his first Bagah to support his weight on the wolf's arms as they held the hindpaw up in front of his muzzle. Without further commands Rian's maw opened and he began to lap on the pawtoes, this time his tongue able to brush against the large, calloused pads on the undersides of them.

Bagah growled and wriggled his toes a little to get more attention to them. His tail was flicking eagerly behind his back and the warmth under his loincloth was slowly but surely growing under these administrations. On occasion he looked up from the sight of his beta working on his hindpaw and peered around the square to see the admiring faces of his tribesmen, their eyes fixed on the pair on the center. He could see many paws already hidden underneath the loincloths and knew it would only be a matter of time before the over-excited crowd would begin to seek other forms of relief as well. But that was not his concern, that was the muscular male crouched on his feet, eager to serve him in all possible ways.

"Suck it," Bagah ordered after a moment, looking down on his beta again.

The obedient wolf did not speak now, only opened his maw wider to take in as much of the hindpaw as he could, managing a few toes and some of the paw itself before his lips closed over the fleshy foot, his tongue brushing the underside wetly as he attempted to suck it as ordered.

Bagah snorted at the feeling and felt his body tense pleasurably, the wet suckling more than little enjoyable to him. After a few moment of it he withdrew his paw from the offered maw and set it down on the ground again, instead offering his other hindpaw up to be kissed and cleaned. Rian set for his unspoken task diligently, lapping over the offered digits and making wet, slurping noises as he wet the smooth furs with his saliva that was drooling freely over them and dripping down to the ground as well.

After a lot of slurps and snorts Bagah pulled away his hindpaw and stood on both of them once again after a quarter of an hour of worship upon the paws he walked on, an integral part of the ritual they were engaged in. It did make them feel a bit light as well, which only worked to excite the large alpha even further. By now under his loincloth an inch of his pink, veiny, smooth cock was peeking out of the confines of its fuzzy sheath and resting against his belly, waiting for further stimulation.

It was time to proceed.

"Your scent must be made mine," Bagah announced loud enough that everyone would hear his announcement even through their own antics of eroticism that most of the tribesmen were already engaged in, arms circled around bodies of hunting comrades as they observed the ritual and enjoyed each other as well. Their excitement was growing and it was evident by the musky scents that were heavy in the air.

"I will have it," Rian replied, kneeling now again, looking up with those not quite defiant but confident eyes.

"Reveal my flesh to you," Bagah ordered, taking one step closer his paws held to his sides.

With a silent nod Rian the beta reached with his paws, circling his alpha's hips with his arm as he reached for the leather cords that held Bagah's loincloth in place. As he held the male so Bagah growled, pushing his hips against Rian's muzzle so that his beta would have a chance to catch his scent through the thin leather. He could hear the small gasp and feel the paws fiddle with the cords above the pace of his fluffy, flicking tail before they finally came undone, Rian leaning back to straighten himself and to throw the loincloth away.

In front of him was the alpha in all his glory, his flat belly, his chiseled, furred chest as well as his powerful thighs and what rested in between, his large pouch and the sheath above that with the red, wet tip of his malehood visble for his beta to see.

"You will have my scent," Bagah spoke once more loudly. His paws rose, brushing over his chest and his belly in a pleasurably act of self-stimulation before his right paw took a hold of his semi-erect shaft, grasping it firmly as he pulled it down for what was to take place next. His beta was sitting on his haunches, looking up confidently, the markings on his torso intricate as was his right as the second-ranking member of the tribe.

Then he closed his eyes, knowing what he would take now.

His alpha let out a loud growl only a moment before the first splash of Bagah's strong-scented urine hit Rian directly on his face, causing him instinctively to snort at the intrusion of the powerful smell on his instantly wet nosepad. The musky hot substance flowed over his muzzle and into his maw as well where it pooled on the bottom of his mouth, assaulting Rian with its salty taste as much as the nearly overpowering scent of the fluid that flowed down his furs in small dribbling streams, over his neck and to his chest, the hot liquid washing away his carefully drawn ash paintings in process.

Huffing as he enjoyed his own scent, Bagah maneuvering the tip of his urine-spewing member, causing the stream to land straight to the other male's open maw. Looking down with that smug grin on his face again, licking his lips on the sight of his beta's flooding maw, how the piss escaped from his mouth in small streams on its corners, his tongue practically swimming in it, he growled...

"Drink...," in an almost soft grunt, enjoying the feeling of the pressure in his loins lessening as his foul-smelling excrete was removed from his body.

His beta, still eyes closed, ears flat and dripping, could only obey to the order, his head tilting back as he let the liquid in his maw to seep into his throat over his tongue and then to be swallowed in small gulps that followed each other, more of the hot, burning piss deposited by his alpha over his spread lips.

"Down...," Bagah spoke again, feeling his need lessen slowly.

Rian did as he was told to once more, dropping to his knees and elbows, feeling the wet hotness coming in a stream over his face and the top of his head before it landed on his back as he crouched down, taking whatever was given to him. His maw tingling with the warm present of his alpha, his back was soon as soiled as his front had been, the urine washing over him all the way to his tailbase, leaving Rian's furs sloppy and harsh-smelling as he was marked by his first.

His respite came after a moment when Bagah's need was finally sated and his hot stream trickled down until all that was left of it was the few droplets the alpha shook off from the glistering tip of his semi-hard cock, the small drops landing on his beta's neck where they mixed with the general mess that his furs had become.

"Look up to me...," Bagah snorted at his sloppy beta.

Rian opened his eyes as he raised his head high again, blinking the odd burning droplets of urine from them as he breathed heavily through his maw, trying to rid the heaviest of the scent from his senses. The hot piss had flowed over his entire body and was now starting to cool down, causing a shiver on the dark creature who had been marked. The scent would stay there for days, Bagah knew, and that was a prideful thing for him.

"Now you are mine," he announced, shouting it to the air with pleasure. The men around them on the square answered the call with their own sheers and the occasional growl of pleasure as their explorations were on the verge of breaking into an all-out orgy as it seemed, excited by the heady, permeating scent of dominant musk in the air.

"I am yours," Rian spluttered, his tongue hanging from his maw in an attempt to dry it of the piss that still lingered in his mouth. Despite his current soiled state his own sheath had become swollen during the wet treatment and a good six inches of cock stood out proud and pulsing against his belly, an impressive sight even compared to his alpha's eight pre- and urine-slickened inches. His paws on his malehood were slowly caressing the slick length, making it all hard and firm now that his bladder had been emptied and he was ready for more.

"Get up," he spoke now, once more in a more gentle tone.

His slick beta stood up to his shaky paws, standing to his full height, feeling cool dribbles of urine flowing over his pelt as he stood there, his tail hanging limp between his legs, his cheeks stained with the fluid of his alpha.

"You please me very greatly, " Bagah growled in his throat before he stepped forward , his paws raising and his arms circling around the dark wolf's back, pulling him against his own body, their furs meshing together wetly as the two wolves' bodies met in an embrace that Rian returned with his own paws, resting on his alpha's hips. Bagah smiled his confident, strong smile again as he leaned over and lapped over Rian's nosepad, tasting himself on it and finding it not at all unpleasant.

Bagah tightened his hold on the other as he tilted his head again, his maw opening as he snapped his jaws over a powerful shoulder, biting strongly but not enough to break the skin. He enjoyed the taste of blood but not that of his tribesmen unless it was absolutely necessary. This was just play, and enjoyable it was as he bit and nibbled along the shoulder, up to the neck while rubbing his erect members against Rian's equally grown arousal, the wet furs of his groin messing Bagah's similarly until they too were all soaked with the musky fluids. The alpha's ears were filled with his beta's gasps as well as the lusty growls of his tribesmen.

Over the shoulder he was ravishing he could see the hunters entangled to each other, some in pairs, others in groups of three and four, even, licking, touching, rubbing, grasping and murring deeply as they explored each other. He saw a couple kissing deeply, tongues pushed to each other's maws as they rolled on the ground next to a pair of standing wolves who were pawing each other off with stupid grins on their muzzles, their tails flicking with enthusiasm for further pleasures. Only some way further another wolf stood while two other males kneeled in front of him, taking his offered piss each in turn down their muzzles, both bodies dripping with the fluid.

This cavalcade of erotic imagery only spurned Bagah on. He nuzzled and nipped over his beta's neck, then finding his lips and taking them, kissing the other large male deeply as his tongue invaded the freely offered maw and found saltiness and musk in there. With a deep growl he bit on Rian's lower lip, causing a grumble rise from the other male's chest and he pulled his maw back, looking lustfully at the one who had claimed him fully now.

Bagah's reply was firm paws on the other male's shoulders, pushing him down again to his knees. Rian did not speak, only did as he was wordlessly ordered, falling to the commanded position, waiting for his master's call, his breaths heavy and his own red hardness jutting from between his hips, needy and hot flesh ready.

"Your maw will please me next, second," Bagah announced before he removed his paws from his beta's shoulders, before he turned around on his hindpaws, turning his head to look over his shoulder as he peered over at his beta, his tail flicking to the side, signaling the next wish of the alpha for his servant.

Rian was directly looking at his alpha's backside now, the two firm halves of the hips, the thick tail and on its base the hint of pinkness that signaled the location of his alpha's tight, forbidden anus. The beta knew that he was now expected to give pleasure to his alpha from that secret place, and he was to do it well.

Breathing heavily, Rian placed a paw over his alpha's hip while his other paw took a hold of the tail, lifting it to the side to reveal the whole of the deep crevice of Bagah's ass. The furred rump was all smooth furs and hard muscle, its firm mounds guarding over the clenched pink tailstar that was only for the beta to touch and for none to enter and claimed. However, it was a source of pleasure, and for that purpose the beta was allowed to do his best to bring forth the anal pleasures for his alpha.

Rian began his work by kissing and lapping the furred pouch of Bagah's ball sac that hung between his thighs, eliciting grunts and huffs from the alpha who placed his paws on his inner thighs and braced himself, his back arched down as he held himself still and ready to take the teasing actions. His eyes could easily flick between the sight of his hard, proud cock spewing the occasional string of pre down his shaft or to the orgy all around them, both sights equally exciting for him as he felt the wet tongue of the beta polish his balls expertly. It was causing his knot to swell as well, the bulbous pink appendage slowly gaining size on the base of his cock where it rested against his pulled-back sheath.

The spine-tingling sensation of the combination of hot breath and tongue travelled upwards, then, washing Bagah's nether regions and coating them with slick saliva. They also tickled against the smooth wrinkled skin of the alpha's tailhole, making it clench even tighter shut. That itself was quite pleasurable for the alpha who let out a barking sound, steadying himself further.

The beta pushed his maw between the hot cheeks of his alpha's ass, his nosepad brushing the patch of skin between the very base of his tail and the fleshy anus that was now against his thin lips. First he would only kiss it, brushing bare flesh against flesh and making his alpha grunt appreciatively as the piss-slicked lips met the circular muscle guarding over his impassable entry.

Bagah snorted loudly, the warmth under his tail growing once more as his tailhole came under more direct assault. He pushed his rump lightly back against his beta's muzzle, wanting to deepen the contact some more as he gazed over to what his men were up to. The heat in the furry tangles had taken up another notch and that was evident from the constant stream of growls and huffs Bagah's alert ears could hear well. There were eager cocks in suckling maws, rumps held in the air with messy tongues flicking under the arched tails, hungry muzzles swallowing their tribemate's offered manflesh as everyone took part in the ritual of the affirmation, the act of shameless fornication the only rite strong enough to establish the deep bond between the members of the small but powerful hunting tribe.

Rian's tongue was now licking intently over the offered tailstar, the raspy, wet tongue lapping over hot flesh and warming it even further as they rubbed together. The musky scents and taste were all Rian had in his senses at the moment, complete with the vocalizations of his beta and his other tribemates in their passionate eroticism. It was during moments like this that Rian best knew why he was the beta, his cock throbbing and painfully swollen, his maw mashed against his alpha's dusky anus, overtaken by his lust but not by submission. That was a carefully displayed part of the game, and he obeyed through the forms it had to take for the sake of the ritual, for Rian knew he would one day stand in the place of his alpha, perhaps, receiving this very same service from his own loyal beta who would live in the same hopes. And there was nothing as important as tradition, and if muzzleful of your alpha's asshole was needed, then it was to be so.

A small trail of saliva drooled down the crevice of Bagah's ass as his beta drooled and licked under his tail, the warm slickness covering his large balls in the process as he was pleasured by the hot maw. The insistent licking and pushing of the tongue against his anus was causing the tight tailstar to clench more and more, also opening further every time it relaxed. This allowed Rian's tongue tip to brush over the smooth pink inside of the ring-shaped muscle, bringing forth a deep growl and a 'yes...just like that' huffed by his alpha whose leg muscles were flexing rhythmically along with those muscles hidden deep within his pelvis as they were teased by the hot tongue.

Bagah's ears perked as he heard a loud growl and turning his head, he spotted to his left side, on the edge of the square, a group of three of his hunters. All three of them were kneeling and one of them was on all fours as well, his tail held between the clenched jaws of another wolf kneeling behind him, his hips pressed flush with the rump of the other, strong, clawed paws raking through the furs of his sides as he was held in place by maw, cock and paws. In front of the impaled wolf crouched the third one, his hard, impressive cock being rubbed against the maw of the growling middle wolf. Even as the alpha watched the pink length had disappeared to the muzzle of the hapless but willing middle wolf who was now being fucked from both ends and liking every second of it.

Bagah's paw left from his thigh and pushed against the top of his beta's head, signaling him to release him. Rian's paws fell from his alpha's hip , letting his tail to fall over to cover the sloppy anus and the equally wet crevice of his ass as Bagah turned to face the kneeling wolf.

"Make me ready for you," he spoke, his tone again low, almost gentle as he rumbled for the subservient wolf.

"Yes, my first, "Rian replied without a pause, reaching with his paws again, this time to cup the wet sac of his alpha, to feel the warmth of the large sphere within as he gave them a careful squeeze, his maw moving in to nuzzle the pink shaft just in time to receive a little stringy spurt of pre-cum that fell to the side of his muzzle. His tongue slipped out to lick it away and he enjoyed the new saltiness before letting his tongue trail the impressive member from its pointed wet tip all the way down to the base where his lips kissed the swollen, large and very angry red knot. Bagah murmured throatily with his appreciation as the tongue traveled back up to the straining tip, finally engulfed in the hotness of his beta's maw.

Rian's cheeks bulged as the red cock entered his maw, spreading his lips and brushing to his palate as he pushed his maw down until his lips pressed against the top of the large knot. The wetness of his spit made it look even more deep red and veined as wetness leaked from his maw over the throbbing flesh. Bagah's paws found the back of Rian's head and guided him firmly up and down on the shaft, creating a natural rhythm as his cock slipped in and out of the muzzle, escaping once and smacking the beta lightly over his maw before the pre-leaking tip was once again pushed between the inviting lips and met by the eager tongue that attempted to curl over the flesh as it passed. On few of the muzzlefuck thrusts Rian's teeth scraped against the delicate skin of the hard member but that only brought on more grunts from the horny alpha whose hips were now pumping himself in and out of the inviting muzzle on a steady pace until his knot was regularly mashing against Rian's lips and canines, creating incredible teasing.

He could take not much more of this.

Bagah pulled his dripping cock away from Rian's maw, a small trail of pre connecting the tip momentarily with his upper lip before it was broken, the hard cock slapping against Bagah's dark belly with a little smack, sending pre clinging to his furs.

"What is your part now second?" he snorted at Rian, his beta still kneeling, face stained with half-dried piss and some pre and saliva.

"I will give you my tail", he replied without hesitation.

"You know your part," Bagah snapped, watching as the large male turned around, pushing himself to his paws and knees, his tail raised obediently to display his prominent ass and the tailhole underneath.

Bagah got down to his knees between the spread legs of the beta wolf and grasped the tail, yanking on it strongly as he pulled it out of the way, raising it properly to investigate what was his and his only. His other paw reached down to brush a finger through the crack, coming to rest against the very tight, slick-feeling tailstar of his beta. It seemed to glistering a bit in the firelight and Bagah could smell a hint of a herbal oil in his paw as he brought it up to his muzzle after his initial exploration. His beta had prepared well once more, he was pleased to find out.

The alpha was not one to give any further warning for his beta. He shifted closer on his knees, one paw holding the tail up while the other grasped his own meaty cock and guided its tip against the offered pucker, his hips instinctively pushing a little and brushing the pointed head of the flesh against the lubricated hole. He always took his beta like this during the affirmation so that he could watch his own slick cock making the first contact as much as feel it and enjoy the show of the ring muscle spreading open under his insistent pushing just like it was doing now.

With a deep growl Bagah watched how the tip of his cock slid into the hot, sucking confines of his beta's tail tunnel, feeling the muscle spread against his fingers that were holding his cock in place. A couple of inches in he could remove his paws and place them on the hips of the silently grunting beta as he used them to guide the ample rump down to his lap, his hot eight inches sliding slowly into the warm confines of the beta's offered ass.

Rian gritted his teeth together and took it like the strong male he was, instead concentrating on relaxing his spasming tailhole and looking over to the hunters who were enjoying themselves to the fullest. In front of him he could see a tribesman on his back, legs pulled up to his shoulders as he was gleefully drilled in the ass by his barking friend. Similarly to their side sat two hunters facing each other, both of them with a fellow mate bouncing on their lap, their cocks swinging in the air as the two impaled wolves made out and held onto each other as they were humped up their tails vigorously.

The feeling of Bagah's know nudging against Rian's tailring was what took him back to reality. He had eight inches of alpha meat in him now and it filled him fully, even as it was hold still in the slick tunnel of his ass it made his legs tremble and warmth grow in his belly. The alpha squeezed those inviting hips and began to thrust, to rut, several inches of pink cock withdrew on each thrust before the thick shaft was pushed all the way into the tail tunnel. Bagah had been aroused for so long that he hardly had any patience left for the mating, thus he set out immediate on a full pace, taking the large wolf rough and fast. Everywhere around them similar rutting took place, all tribesmen joining the affirmation just like their alpha and his beta were doing.

It was not a gentle mating but a rough taking. Bagah's cock spewed pre into the clenching tail tunnel just like the beta's own harness leaked more of the same slippery stuff down to the ground as his cock swayed between his hips as they were harshly pounded by his alpha, each thrust pummeling against his prostate and forcing yet another surge of pleasure and pre from him. The alpha barked and snarled and held onto the body of his beta, possessing it fully with his own as he took the male for his pleasure.

Still it was not enough, for to properly enjoy his orgasm Bagah knew he needed something more. His insistent knot had to be also securely placed into his beta, to tie them, to rut their bodies together so that they could not even be separated before his need was fulfilled. With this determination, Bagah slammed his body to Rian's, his arm circling over the bent-over form as his chest pressed to the stained, wet back, his hindpaws taking leverage from the ground as he increased the strength of his thrusts, making his knot push insistently against the violated tailring. Both of them could feel the abused muscle stretch more and more with each rough thrust, the knot attempting to slip past the hole.

For the final push, Bagah's teeth sank onto his beta's shoulder, the pain coursing through his spine from two sources, his bruised shoulder and his tailhole as at the same time the tailring gave way and the large know slipped inside, the clenching tailstar closing strongly around Baga's shaft as he was finally inside. The hotness of the large wolf's innards was too much for Bagah to take anymore and he launched into a relentless assault, humping as much as he ever could with his now tied cock, only managing barely an inch of movement to one side as he snarled and bit into the shoulder again when his tail wagged and his burning balls exploded into a blinding orgasmic fire that blinded the lustful alpha for a moment, his cum pumped into the beta's tail tunnel in strong spurts that did not seem to end at all.

The feeling of the hot wetness and the increased tightness in his tail sent Rian over his edge as well, his cum becoming deposited as an offering of fertility for the soil below him, the how spray splashing his thighs and belly as well as his body collapsed down under the fucking he was receiving to his hind end and the power of his own orgasm.

Their tribe, however, was oblivious to the spending of their leaders as each of them lay down on the ground one by one, spent either by having their cum deposited into a tight ass or a maw or having taken such an offering within them. The panting, sticky heaps clung to each other as the coolness of the night grew and the torchlight slowly began to wane. One by one the pairings got up and headed off to their yurts for a good night's rest, the bond having been affirmed once more.

In the middle of the square, the alpha clung to the body of his exhausted beta, grooming his shoulder with slow, wet licks to take away the soreness from his multiple bites. His cock throbbed slowly within the beta's tail tunnel, his knot having not shrunk yet.

"You're mine...," Bagah murmured for his beta.

"I am yours," Rian replied in a tired voice to Bagah.

Hs alpha.

My Oath, My Worship

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of...

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Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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For A Wide Variety of Purposes

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your...

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