My Oath, My Worship

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


A torch burned in its holder on the cracked stone wall of the mighty castle, casting light to the narrow corridor that ran through the second floor of the southern wing, the quarters for the knights and squires that helped to protect the Duke and his realm from any dangers that might come for it. It was an early hour of the night and the fortress had calmed down after the raucous evening feast held in the great hall in celebration of the birth of a new foal for the Duke. One might still hear a verse or two of off-key drunken singing echoing through the corridors and archways of the mighty stone keep, but most of the members of the royal court had already gone off to their beds.

A night guard, himself a bit worse for wear after a few helpings to the strong mead, trudged through the corridor, his hooves making the characteristic clopping sound on the bare stone slabs that made the floor. The horse carried on, bleary-eyed, yawning and with his tail hanging limp between his greave-covered thighs as he passed the various reinforced wooden doors that led into the knightly quarters. Dreaming vaguely of his own comfortable cot on the lower floor guardhouse, the night guard passed the last door and headed for the circling stairwell, fighting to stay awake.

Thanks to his semi-unconscious state he did not hear the rather loud, deep sigh made behind that particular door.


The room was a small one and only held two beds, three trunks for storing various possessions as well as a small table and a chair adjacent to it. A wax candle was lit in a wrought iron holder on the table and gave light for the scene unfolding before the flickering glow. On the bed closest to the wall were two stallions, one of them white with a light brown splotch over his muzzle and face, gracefully built and muscled, reclining on his back on the bed, only wearing the leather shirt and trousers that a knight usually wore underneath his suit of armor. It had been this white stallion who had made the sigh that carried all the way to the corridor, albeit unnoticed, and the result for this deep exhalation was the brownish stallion perched on top of the white one, wet lips and big square teeth playfully gnawing on the neck of the stallion below him.

"Hmmmmhhhnnnhh...Grath..."...the white stallion moaned, clutching the brown stallion's shoulders with his powerful swordsman's hands, pulling the fellow male even closer against his own pinned body while his neck was turning into one giant hickey.

"Pretty one...", the brown stallion Grath murmured with his lips still pressed to the horse's fine fur, one of his hands moving along the young male's side, the other stroking his golden yellow mane.

" fine...the white knight savior...the...defender of the crown...young knight Joal..." , the stallion mumbled under his breath, marking each pause in his words with a wet kiss and a nibble.

His large pink tongue slipped out of his maw and snaked along the exposed smoothly furred skin of Joal's neck, leaving a wet trail which he dried then by blowing hot air from his nostrils. The stallion under him writhed and made more incoherent sounds, pushing his hips up against those of Grath. The move made their already massive erections rub together through the leather of their trousers, sending pleasant jolts of electric pleasure through their nethers as they made out passionately.

Joal's hands wandered up to Grath's neck and pulled him down for a proper kiss, feeling a hit breath fall before their lips were pressed together and Grath's parted when the white horse's slick tongue insistently pushed against them, finally slipping inside and making a slow circle about the inner surface of the brown knight's maw. He responded with a throaty growl and suckled on the wet muscle that had invaded his maw. His own tongue was not left idle either as it was soon pressing against the underside of Joal's, then forcing it on retreat as he found Joal's lips in turn and made them wet.

Grath's fingers entwined on Joal's mane tightened their hold when he continued the intense kiss, grinding their hard cocks together with each small push of his hips as their tongues battled within their maws. His raven black tail flicked about, making swishing noises with his lazy humps against his knight lover. The heat in his belly was growing by the minute and he knew he needed more. He needed Joal.

With a strange, wet sound he took their lips apart and grinned down to the white, panting horse as he rolled off from him, landing smoothly on his hooves by the bed and turning about to face his still reclining partner in carnality. The white stallion looked disheveled laying there on his back, legs spread and arms limp by his side as he breathed shallowly, usually finely combed mane now scruffy and messed, and foremost, a massive bulge that expanded all the way from his general groin area to his belly under the hem of his leather undershirt.

"...I wanted to touch you at the party...", Grath whispered between clenched teeth as he let his hands brush slowly against his own trouser-threatening mound. He could hear the white stallion gasp when his hands clasped about the leather-covered shaft of his hardness and squeezed, the feeling making him snort loudly. Grath licked his lips and let the hand run lower, to repeat the squeeze around the base of his sheath.

Again, Joal made a sound, almost a whimper, his eyes fixated on the display of self-pleasure.

"All the time at the party...I watched to just grab you and get you hell with the party...", he grinned, lips pulling back to show his teeth as his head tilted, his hands continuing their idle rubbing.

"I saw you looking at me from your table...too bad Captain Grigaro wanted you there with him while I had to stay with the other knight brothers..." Joal replied, his ears flicking as he grinned.

"I wouldn't have minded some hoofplay there under the table", Grath replied when his hands finally left his naughty parts and pulled on the first of the many cords that held his leather undershirt on. He deliberately stood more upright, his legs spread, hooves steadily on the wooden floor as he posed for his white companion, fingers tugging on the third cord to open it. It was tied into a tight knot and it took some effort for Grath to finally untie it.

"Damn Flaxty...he is a diligent squire...sometimes too diligent", he chuffled, fumbling now with the next cord.

Joal chuckled deep in his throat and pulled open a couple of strings of his own, exposing more of his white chest and the fine crevice between his defined pecs.

"Hey, that's for me to do!" Grath yelped, his oversized fingers tugging on another deviously well-tied string.

"But you're taking so long time with your own that I'm getting tired of waiting..." Joal replied cheekily, letting his hands fall to his sides again nonetheless.

"Ohh you just wait there, knightly...pony", Grath teased, finally managing to remove his final cord. He eased off his leather undershirt, letting it carelessly fall to the floor as he stood up again. What a sight to behold he was, Grath was sure, all of his sculpted upper body in plain view. He had refined abs and pecs that were visible as beautiful curves of muscle under the smooth brown fur that almost gleamed in the dim candlelight. His shoulders were wide and powerful from his daily practice with the swords, as were his arms that he crossed across his chest, looking down to his lover again, eyes smiling as much as his lips.

And there...from the waistline of his trousers some six inches of proud horse cock stood out, an escapee from the confines of the trousers that could not hope to cover all of the knight's stallionhood, the hot maleness pressed against the shapely abs, all black and pink flesh throbbing with Grath's heartbeat. He could see the look Joal gave to him in reply and snorted again, bemused.

"I know that's the same you were giving to me when I dropped the soap in the bathing halls."

"You didn't have your cock hanging out then", Joal replied, licking his thick lips. "Though I must say I did like the sight of your big, nice butt..."

"It's not big...", Grath nickered, "I am just...big...all of me, that is."

His fingers wandered again, now to squeeze the blunt tip of his hard-on.

"Time to give you some of it now", he growled in play, passing the short distance to the bed with two easy steps and landing on top of his lover.

Joal grunted as air was forced out of his lungs by the sudden mass of horny stallion smashing on him. His lips were caught by Grath's easily while the brown horse's hands slipped between their bodies, pulling on the infuriating cords to open his stallion's shirt. All the way down, he discovered Joal's own massive horse flesh pulsing under his hands, oozing a large drop of pre upon his fingers that that circled the blunt head teasingly, drawing a loud moan and a cursed "fuck..." from the fair stallion. Grath pulled the shirt off Joal's frame, his hands now going all over the white, silken fur, tracing muscles, curves, crevices and hollows.

Joal was again reduced to his sighs as Grath found his nipples, rich brown nubs he bit each in turn, responding to the groans with wet licks over the fleshy little appendixes. His hands traveled along the arms that were raised in an attempt to get to touch Grath's back, which he was allowed once Grath's hands were set on Joal's neck, holding him still under the lustful administrations.

"Oh, hell...Grath..." the stallion spoke, pressing his lips against the black mane of the brown male who was feasting on his body, making it quiver in ever growing need.

"No, not the devil...", the knight spoke gruffly, his head rising for a moment long enough to swipe a lick over Joal's lips, " drive Him away, as we spoke in our oath..."

"The...holy...oath..." Joal replied, his neck thrown back, his eyes barely able to concentrate on Grath's, the angle almost impossible. He felt the horse's hands upon his neck again, taking a hold of his head, cupping his cheeks as Grath shifted himself upwards, their torsos rubbing together in sweaty friction as he came as close as he could, their breath shared, the stallion's eyes burning with desire.

"Let this be my oath for you, Joal..."...he murmured, kissing the white knight deeply on the lips, " worship..."

"I...accept..." the white stallion breathed, "I the lords I accept..."

Again, he was kissed, his neck covered in further hot licks and nips, traveling down, the nipples teased once more, then each of the abs until Grath, now kneeling down between Joal's spread legs, was at an eye level with the white stallion's very large and very straining hardness that was partway visible and rock hard.

His lips pulling into his characteristic toothy grin Grath nudged the knightly cock with his nose, inhaling the spicy scent of the glistering tip of the large member before he tasted it properly, licking the slight sheen of pre away with one slow swipe of his big horse tongue. The proud member jumped upon this, twitching as much as the stallion's hips as they by instinct tensed, pushing the horse's hips upwards. Grath only chuckled again as he received a nudge from the white knight's silky shaft against his chin, his ears flicking as he heard the sounds of pleasure escape Joal's lips.

"Let's get you out of these...", he grinned, scooting up some again to sit on his haunches, admiring the body in front of him just as he removed the knight's leather belt, throwing it so that it landed on the bed to the opposite side. Impatient, Grath told his companion to bend his knees so that his trousers could be easily tugged away, all the way to his ankles until he could ease them away and drop to the floor with his own shirt. Still on the same position but rising to his knees, Grath opened his own belt and squirmed his hips to rid himself of the last remaining piece of garment either one of them still had. With a few snorts he succeeded and then crouched again, chin resting against Joal's belly, the large maleness now pressing to his neck, feeling hot and stiff and needy as it pulsed.

Lips curling, Grath's hands cupping a hip each, he nuzzled the full length of the stallion's flesh, all sixteen glorious, meaty inches of it, placing kisses and licks along the pink and black shaft, passing the ring-shaped expanse around the middle, then all the way to where the edge of the retracted sheath was quickly found and nibbled. The white stallion neighed and tried to will himself to stay calm while the knight now repeated the teasing again, going upwards, then down again, this time going even lower, to brush his nose against the large, smooth ball sac and to push gently on the twin orbs, pulled tightly against Joal's body by his arousal. Grath bathed each of them in turn, his raspy tongue washing the egg-shaped super-sensitive mounds like they were some fine foodstuff to be enjoyed.

And enjoy he did, taking a nip on the edge of the wrinkled sheath before he breathed hotly along the slick shaft, making his knight trash around on the bed as much as he could while his hips were being held down by his brown-furred lover. His tail flicked from side to side as well, hitting Grath's chest and brushing against his own erect nipples. Grath chuffed and nibbled on the sensitive skin again before he shifted himself forwards, one hand propping him up as he looked at his heavily breathing horse lover's eyes, so full of need and lust.

Without words his other hand grasped the base of the proud maleness, squeezing the black shaft and lifting it slightly so that he could more easily get lips around the swollen blunt tip, first just lightly enclosing the flesh between his hungry lips, to enjoy the warmth and the texture of it before he opened his jaws a little so that his tongue had room to pass and swipe over the tip, bringing the tangy taste of pre to Grath's mouth.

"Uhhgggnngg....", Joal wailed, his hands landing and grasping on Grath's mane, silently , urging him on, pushing slightly.

Grath opened his maw even further, pushing his head down to take two inches of the thick flesh into his warm mouth, letting his lips close a seal around the pinkish shaft. He suckled now properly, wetly, his tongue pressing to the underside of the blunt tip as he kept up the moderate suction, loving the warm presence in his maw.

Encouraged by the half-muffled curses and grunts from his lover who kept biting his lip in the throes of his pleasure, Grath continued, starting a slight up and down motion with his lips and maw, moving slowly along the shaft and wetting it with his saliva, as he took one inches, two, three...up to five inches he took it without discomfort, spit dripping on his fingers that held the shaft upright, slicking up the remainder of the shaft, smoothing it even further. His hand joined in the motion, going opposite as his maw did, when his lips traveled upwards towards the blunt tip, his hand moved lower on the wet shaft, a small twisting added to it to make the feeling even more intense.

Grath's tongue brushing over the tip of Joal's cock during each of the highest points of his up-and-down motion was suddenly covered with a burst of pre, the sticky liquid spreading all over his slick tongue, then spread over the flesh, mixing with the spit and drool that kept escaping from the corners of his maw. It dripped down, most of it adding to the wetness about the hot shaft of flesh, the rest ending down and gathering to the furry folds of his sheath.

" more...!!" Joal muttered, his hands on Grath's mane now tugging at the fine black strands, pulling him off his cock. The tip departed from its warm, inviting cavity and slapped against Joal's belly with a wet smack. The stallion arched his back, panting, the sloppy slap almost ending it for him.

"Please...I...just...oh, fuck...more..."

"Of this..."... Grath replied, blowing a stream of his hot breath over the silky, wet flesh again, "or...something else...perhaps..."

"By the gods just...take me..." the stallion heaved, afraid that he'd lose himself just then and there, not daring to move himself an inch to any direction in case that'd be enough to get him off. What a paradox it was, being in such a need and then actually fearing the possibility of the climax he knew would be mind-shattering.

Grath knew he needed not say a word more, instead, he patted a hand against Joal's hip and the white stallion turned himself over obligingly, spreading his hind legs a little as he did so. He rested himself carefully so that his chest and belly were firmly against the mattress, his head turning back so that he could look over his shoulder, his knees pressing to the covers, his far too sensitive erection brushing against the fabric in an exquisitely torturing manner. Joal could see Grath still crouched there, eyes fixed on the sight in front of him.

"P...please..." the white knight spoke.

Grath moved forward now, one hand landing on Joal's butt, to squeeze a pleasant rump cheek and feel the lustrous curve of it under his exploring fingers. His wrist got brushed by Joal's nervously flicking tail that now caught the brown male's attention. Making a small appreciating grunt in his throat he reached with his free hand and took the base of the tail between his fingers.

He raised the stringy tail to expose the fleshly cleft of Joal's large and firm horse rump, finding the normally hidden tailhole from near the base. The opening was light brown and slightly protruding and of course tightly puckered shut to protect the entrance into his body. The familiar hole looked incredibly inviting for Grath who was looking forward to once again pierce the stallion currently ass up on the bed and claim him as his own the way he had promised he would, taking his body for their pleasure, making it tremble and shake with his lust.

"Hmmm...gotta love your tail end...", Grath grunted approvingly, cupping each half of the said rump with a hand, squeezing and kneading the buns with his strong fingers. "It's so big and smooth...can't wait to sample it."

"You do it every night...", the white knight replied, his words muffled as his maw was pressed against the pillow in a feeble attempt to keep the noise down.

"Can't help it", Grath spoke with a small chuckle, stroking the curves of Joal's luxurious butt with his thumbs. "You've got me hooked..."

"I thought you said you fell for my charming personality and sharp wit", the white stallion spoke in mock disapproval, lifting his muzzle from the pillow and turning his head so that he could look over his body at the brown male kneeling between his spread legs with a smirk on his lips and his hands groping all over the fair knight's hot butt, a massive erection standing proudly against his chiseled abs, such a firm piece of horse cock it was. Joal could see the stringy drop of precum slowly sliding along the blunt tip of it, then dropping along the pinkish shaft made his maw water.

"Well that too...", Grath murmured, turning the rubbing into a full butt massage, his hands moving in slow circles as he caressed the rippling muscles in a deliberate attempt to make the stallion relax more.

"You were so sexy when I saw you for the first time...all decked out in armor, sweaty mane and that goofy smile..."

"And then your eyes went for my butt", Joal snorted.

"Perhaps...", the brown male smirked back.

Still smiling lewdly Grath pulled the cheeks apart and leaned forward until his muzzle pressed against the base of Joal's tail, the cold wetness making the stallion shiver. Chuckling, Grath snorted, sending hot air against the horse's forbidden orifice before he took the first lick. He let his tongue slide along the smooth crevice from the fold of skin signaling where the ball sack started all the way up to the puckered hole, the lick ending with a flick of the tip of his tongue just against the rim of the muscle. Joal let out more muzzled groans to his pillow when the knight opened his maw a fraction so that he could put his lips around the invitingly protruding pucker and nibbled gently, letting his teeth nip just a little. He could feel the muscle spasm at this new touch and clench even more tightly shut.

Grath breathed in through nostrils as he continued on eating out the tailhole, inhaling the stallion's scent with each breath, every chuff of that musk an aphrodisiac for his heightened senses. The fleshy hole tasted slightly salty as he lapped over it, spreading saliva to ease his way later on. Hands sliding lower and to the sides, kneading the horse thighs, Grath gnawed on the knight's lustful offering. He drooled and slobbered the entire crack with his naughty administrations, his slick tongue making obscene sounds as it moved up and down. All the while his own erection throbbed and the stallion being rimmed made all sorts of half-subdued sounds as he was subjected to this exquisite torture.

"Ngghh!" the white horse vocalized and bit his lip when the base of his stringy tail came under attack, caught between those insistent lips and teeth. The torture moved slightly lower again, the tongue making a raspy circle around the protruding tailhole before pushing against it firmly, the sensation almost tickling for the white stallion whose most intimate place was being touched. The snorting horse behind him brought up the heat by another notch when his hand slipped between Joal's thighs and grasped on the smooth sac of his lover, squeezing and toying with the apple-sized jewels all the while his tongue continued the devastating circular motion over the puckered hot muscle.

The fleshy hole was starting to relax slowly, drawing open as little with each wet circle along its wrinkled surface. Finally, after a lot of snorting and pushing, the muscle relented and allowed the wide tip of the tongue to pass, Grath's tongue lodging under Joal's tail. His tailhole clenched around the invading muscle and made the brown horse grunt, his tongue being tugged at all sudden. Again breathing in the stallion's scent, Grath kept pushing, letting his saliva wet the secret tunnel as he pushed, twisted and circled his agile tongue. his nose was pushed against the hot cleft of the stallion rump, his lips closed around the violated muscle, he was quite literally drinking in his lover's taste, his most deepest of scents, all of them coming together into a lusty completion.

Roughly cursing under his breath, Grath pulled away from Joal's hindquarters, removing his vice-like grip on the white knight's balls as he slumped back on his haunches, slightly breathless after spending so long with his tongue up the horse's tail.

It was the most erotic sight Grath could ever fathom: his lover propped on hands and knees, thighs spread, tail raised to show off his perfectly shaped rear, the sloppy tailhole and the sexy crevice of those tight equine buns wet with his own copious saliva, dripping down slowly against the large ballsack hanging loosely between the strong thighs. He wanted to worship that body with his own, take him roughly from behind, sink into the offered butt and fill it with his warmth, give him an offering of his potent seed.

Grath chuffed and snorted, neighing as he reached for his own aching hardness, spreading the pre smoothly along his shaft until all of his thick horsecock was covered in the sticky substance that would help with the upcoming breeding. Still holding onto his male pride he moved forward on his knees until his thighs pressed against Joal's, his cock slipping comfortably to the comfort of the cleft of Joal's hot butt. Grath let his body fall down until his chest met the white knight's back, hugging him from behind, arms circling the chest of his lover. His chin pushed against Joal's shoulder and he let his heavy breaths fall along Joal's neck, to let the horse feel his arousal not only on his pinned rump but everywhere, his body enclosed in the backwards embrace as his hips were ground, his back and sides held, his neck hotly washed by the current of air.

Their hips fell to the natural rhythm of mating as Grath pushed himself up and down slowly, letting the humping motion move to his knight who started to return it with movements of his own. Neighing the horse's name, Grath craned his neck to the side so that he could see his lover's eyes, the blue gaze full of affection and lust. Grath shifted himself so that he could press a kiss to Joal's lips, sharing air with the horse as their bodies became accustomed to each other.

Then Grath was still again, pushing himself on his hand and knees above the white stallion and pushing his hips upwards for the right position he needed to accomplish what he was planning to do. He preferred to do this the natural way, nothing more than the movements of his hips guiding his hard cock to its destination. From this angle the blunt tip of Grath's slick member prodded against his ballsack and the wet cleft, sliding upwards between the muscular halves of the hot butt. Joal arched his back, thrusting his rump upwards to perfect their alignment. The movement caused Grath's slow humps to end closer and closer to the puckered hole, the tip now brushing against the still closed orifice with each of the movements of his hips.

Growing impatient, snorting, Grath brought his hips down with some more force, his hips banging against Joal's when the oozing tip of his cock was pushed directly to its ultimate destination, pulsing flesh meeting another as Grath held his hips still, the position now perfect, before he braced himself, starting to properly push.

There was a lot of resistance at first, the muscle still fighting against the incoming force despite Joal's teeth-gritting grunts of lust as he felt the much-desired cock trying to push its way to the knight's burning, moist heat. Snorting, he pushed his hips backwards in an attempt to drive the stiff flesh into his body. They had done this countless times but still it took much effort to force his body to accept the penetration that his horny mind was craving for. Despite them both being as large stallions as they were, Grath was well-endowed and Joal's tail simply wasn't made for such a purpose â€" not that there was lack of training.

His body was losing the battle, though, and this loss was a welcome one when both of them grunted as Joal's anus clenched and relaxed while at the same time the blunt hardness of Grath's massive horsecock pushed through. He managed to push a few inches in before the ringed muscle closed again, gripping him hotly, almost sucking on the piece of manflesh now firmly set in. Grath neighed and forced his hips to stay still, the invisible muscles within the hot anus were milking him, a small spurt of pre escaping from the expanded slit of his hot cock and coating the inner walls of the warm, snug tunnel.

"Uhhhggg....shit...", Joal muttered, trying to will himself to stay relaxed as the feeling of being penetrated surged through him, the heat growing under his tail to an almost unbearable level, nearing pain in its intensity, making him want to cry out, to curse and grunt and most importantly, to beg for more of the same. His tailring was on fire from being spread but he did not care for it, the slight pain turning into pleasure already as he could feel the thick flesh throb within his overturned rump. The vocalizations made by his lover were music to his ears that flicked now as he chuffed and buried his face again to the pillow.

The brown stallion's hands gripped his lover's sides tightly as he slowly pushed his hips again, feeling another muscle spasm go through the tight anus as two more inches made their way into Joal's body. The resistance was not as strong this time and it took little effort, but Grath stopped after that headway was made and waited again, just savoring the feeling of being inside his knight. There were still twelve more inches to go, though, and he was intent to get them all in.

"Gonna breed you..."... Grath murmured roughly, tugging on his hips so that his shaft slid through the powerful grip of the stretched anus until only the very last inch remained, then he slowly pushed back in, now going for five inches instead of the past four. And again...going for at number eight Joal made incoherent sounds to the pillow he was pushing against his maw and Grath could feel the slight spongy protrusion of Joal's prostate rub against the rim of his cocktip while it passed it for the first time, then again as he pulled back, sinking ten full inches of stallion into his lover's wanton tail.

The pressure of the muscle traveling along the length of his shaft increased now that Grath's cock began to thicken as it approached the last third of it, from the small fleshy ring about it until the cock ended to its wrinkly sheath. The new thickness spread the white knight open even further, his legs trembling as the seesawing movement inside him continued when his lover pumped his hips back and forth slowly. Each of those thrusts brushed against the center of pleasure inside him, each new inch spread his anus open even more and added to the almost pain-like feeling that came from being penetrated by such a large member. His inner walls expanded with the invasion, fitting around the slick stallionhood in an attempt to accommodate its presence.

It was all a valiant struggle that ended with the comfortable smack of one pair of horseballs against another pair as Grath's hip finally made full contact with Joal's muscular bottom. He let out a sigh, nuzzling his lover's back as he held himself there, sunk into the hot rump that was promised only for him. Nobody else was allowed into that ass, Grath knew, for it was marked his, by his scent, by his touch, by his equine cock sixteen inches deep inside the clenching tunnel of flesh, an intrusion that would sure leave the white stallion sore but without doubt of whom he belonged to. And Grath was determined to make this good for the knight impaled under him that he'd never need another.

Licking at his pinned lover's neck, his hands pressing to the mattress for leverage, his knees spread, Grath let it begin. First with grinding, a circular motion that rubbed his cock inside the heated tunnel, sending the distended anus into spasms again when it was tugged at to all directions, forced to open even further by the mass of flesh in his tailhole. Then came the thrusts as Grath gnawed on the curve of Joal's spine, his hips withdrawn, ten inches of slick pink and black horsecock leaving from its makeshift sheath of stallion rump, pushed in until his hipbone touched Joal's again, the hole clenching around the base of the glorious shaft imbedded within him.

The white stallion's body shook from the intense feeling, his hips moving in a slight rocking motion to make the shaft of the cock so deeply thrust inside him would rub against his prostate even further. The wanton movement went not unnoticed by the stallion on top of him since he made an appreciating sound deep in his throat, the vocalization rumbling through his chest and into Joal's muscular back. He kept up his thrusting, breaths coming in hard, snorts as he drove himself in and out of his powerful knight, their bodies rocking with the powerful slap of hips against hips, Grath's tail flicking from side to side as he rode his stallion. The hard thrusts pushed Joal's hips against the mattress, pinning his own erect cock against the rough fabric and creating friction that kept him leaking throughout the breeding he was treated to.

The stain on the blanket grew equally as the wetness within his tailtunnel as Grath's pummeling member spat strands of the sticky, clear fluid into the yielding warm hole, accompanied by ever growing wet sounds as the cock slipped in and out of the submissive anus. Grath's thighs hugged Joal's as he kept up the swift pace, his saliva dripping to the horse's back while their union continued, raw, passionate and hard. The sturdy bed shook and creaked as their momentum was carried on to it, but it held, just the way Joal accepted the steady, relentless drive of the flesh through his nethers. Each one of those jabs against his prostate brought a grunt or a neigh as well as another drop of pre forced from his battered gonads and out of his body. The waves of pleasure coursing through him kept increasing in their potency, forcing Joal to bite his teeth together in order to take it all.

Grath was no less affected by the intensity of the rut. The heat of his lover's body, his sweaty, musky scent, the grunts, they all aroused him even further, making him keep going at an ever growing rhythm, the movements growing faster, shallower as he pumped his half-sheathed cock within Joal's rump, each thrust aimed to hit the prostate that he knew was the key for his pleasure of being mounted and taken like only a stallion could take another. The heat was starting to grow within him, beginning under his own tail, slowly spreading, getting hotter and hotter as he kept up with his deep thrusts, moving towards his balls, to his belly, a telltale sign of his upcoming spending. As it threatened to burst into a proper flame, he let his body fall again, to take his lover into an ever tighter embrace, his cock pushed all the way in and then humping the stallion underneath him at the maximum pace his strong body could muster. He could now feel the tip of his maleness swell rapidly, filling with every beat of his heart and expanding the white stallion's innards even further.

Joal cried out at the feeling, his hands clenching into fists as he was plunged by that new expand of horseflesh within him, the pressure going past his tolerance levels, his shoulders raising, his neck arching back as his maw fell open, his body tensing and his tailhole beginning to convulse as the orgasm took his consciousness away, blinding him to everything except the heat. He only vaguely felt Grath's teeth on his neck, a half-moaned grunt as the brown knight's hips were slammed to Joal's, biting down on the neck as if to lay his mark of mating there as well, which he did, simultaneously as his seed erupted in thick, massive bursts of cum within the sucking confines of Joal's butt. His hips moved on their own accord, making breeding motions as each little push deposited more of the creamy substance into his stallion. The plunging of his spewing member made some of it escape, oozing out through the tight seal of the still clenching pucker and dripping slowly against the bottom horse's own drained balls, their viscous offering coating the stallion's belly and chest and mixing with the whiteness of his own furs.

They both slumped down, breathing roughly, bodies heaving as they tried to recover from their intense coming. Grath's chin was pressed to Joal's shoulder and he inhaled the scent of his lover, sweat mized with cum. It was the perfect combination for him.

The two knights stayed like that for some time, not speaking at each other, just taking a moment to gather their senses. Grath became aware of a wet, warm feeling all over his crotch, the same feeling Joal found from his front. He glanced over his shoulder at his mate and grinned, and received a smile in return.

"...destroyed your bed again..." Grath mused.

"...another chore for Flaxty..." his knight replied, licking the bite mark that was now visible on his neck, slightly swollen but by no means bloodied. Joal sighed and shifted his body, felt the slightly decreased pressure inside his tail tunnel move as well.

"I think I better...", Grath spoke quietly, pushing with his hands as well as pulling with his hips as he slowly withdrew, his blunt tip leaving the sloppy anus with a small stream of his white come that promptly made its way to the wet and messy crevice of the by now aching but very well bred butt. As Grath watched the still partially open tailhole finally closed itself, the muscle pulling itself into the familiar puckered form again, though glistering with all the bodily fluids that had leaked out. The whiteness was a sign of Grath's possession, his claim, his victory over the knight's heart.

Joal signaled the departure of his lover with a load sigh, his knees buckling at last and his hips dropping against the mattress, his tail falling down to cover his cummed rear. He would've been quite content to just lay there and rest now after all that had happened, but the brown-furred knight had other plans. His hands fell on the familiar curves of his butt and turned the drowsy horse around to his back again, revealing his messy belly and chest as well as his half-hard cock, laying limply against his cum-soiled abs and slowly withdrawing to its protective sheath. Catching his knight's eyes, Grath grinned as he leaned down and licked the tip of the spent cock, slurping audibly as he tasted the cum that was still present.

Joal moaned a near-protest, his eyes almost falling closed from exhaustion. Thus he only decided to lay back and relax as Grath washed his belly of the stripes and gobs of come that nearly covered it, the slick motion of the tongue a relaxing, if a little ticklish one. After the meticulous tongue bath the stallion lay himself down, nudging on his lover's side to signal for him to turn a little and make room as he took the fellow knight into a backwards embrace, their sweaty, bare bodies fitting neatly together like this. Joal turned his head a little and smiled broadly, his eyes warm.

Grath smiled back and gave his lover a cum-tasting kiss on the lips, his hands brushing the stallion's mane gently. Joal grinned and neighed, his tongue slipping out to lick a pearl-like drop of his lover's cum that had gotten stuck to his on upper lip. Then he just rested his head against the brown male's shoulder and breathed in his scent, relaxing more comfortably on the bed. Soon he felt additional warmth encompass them both as Grath's free hand came about his chest, pulling the bed covers over them lightly. The knight's lips brushed his again, still smiling.

"My pretty stallion...", he murmured, giving Joal's nose a wet lick.

"As well you are", he replied, nestling into the embrace.

Grath chuckled and made a massive yawn as well.



"You reckon our squires mind that we ushered them to my room at four in the morning?" Joal spoke quietly to his lover's ear.

The fellow knight chuffed.

"Nah...they've probably finished what they had started before we crashed in here", Grath nickered back.

With a broad smile of content he pulled the white stallion close against his chest and let himself drift to sleep that quickly overtook them both.


Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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For A Wide Variety of Purposes

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your...

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I'll make it worth it

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation....

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