The Princely Morning

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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Standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


Woo, another story after a long pause! Took almost whole night to write but it ought to be good enough heheh;)

Comments, favs and everything else much appreciated!



When sun tickled prince Meren's snout, he greeted the new morning with a nicker and a massive yawn. His arms stretched out from underneath the silk sheets he was sprawled over, his hooves protruding from over the edge of the bed as the pearly white stallion luxuriated upon his beddings. Hands found eyes that were rubbed over and he snorted, getting sleep away from his head as he slowly woke up.

The prince rolled over to his side and let out a small huff as he felt another awakening take him - his mighty manly lance worth writing courtly poems and rhymes about was pressed against the buff stallion's abs from the movement and sent a nice small ripple of pleasure through him as the soft, smooth fur of his belly touched bare, veined skin.

The prince flicked his ears with pleasure and stretched out again, this time spreading out his legs and bracing himself on his arms as he lifted his upper body, head help up proud and thrown back so that his luxuriant black mane was whipped out after being pressed throughout the night. This new positioning pressed the prince's cock more firmly between his belly and the silky sheet, not to mention the lovely pressure it brought for his shapely pair of testicles tugged into their leathery pouch between his thigh.

It was wonderful to be a prince and wake up horny.

The prince's activities did not go unnoticed for long. With a quiet creak the door into the bedroom was opened and the prince's ears pricked up at the sound of hooveclops on the stone floor. The prince rolled onto his side and found himself facing a pair of male horses, both fully naked and undecorated except for leathery straps that went around their hips, sweeping past their groins and making tight, constricting loops over the bases of their fully erect cock and around their ball sacks that were pulled taunt and prominent with the straps adorning their loins.

The leather straps had been designed to make the house slaves always remain erect and attractive for their master, the prince. Right at the very moment his eyes roamed their forms, both well-muscled, one a beautiful shade of light brown, the other white and marked with numerous blotches of almost reddish brown. They stood side by side at the foot of the bed, massive erections hard and pointing upwards towards their chins, standing with their hips pushed back and their thighs spread to fully display themselves, stringy tails hanging low to cover the additional stripes of leather that intertwined at the base of their tails. Both held a goblet made of gold, glistering in the morning sun, their hands held out and up in offering for their ruler.

The prince stared at the beautiful sight of the hard, aroused males and felt his own cock pulse against his belly, drooling a drop of precum from his blunt tip as he watched the two beautiful slaves presenting themselves in their full glory.

"Good morning, boys," the prince spoke in his low, masculine voice, sitting up on the silky bed and spreading his hips as he sat, the pink head of his princely spear peeking from underneath the edge of the sheet that covered his decadent form.

"My master," the brown horse spoke, bowing his head down deeply, keeping his eyes at his master throughout the movement.

"My most gracious master," the blotched horse replied, mimicking the movement of the other male, bowing deeply before straightening up again to his muscular, rippling form of a lesser stallion with one foot of cock adorning the apex of his hips. The sight of it made the prince's mouth water.

"Has the morning ritual been completed?" the prince inquired, speaking the ritualistic words with deliberate firmness.

"As it is meant to be, the ritual has been completed," the two big horses spoke in unison, again presenting their goblets for the prince.

The prince's smile widened, revealing his teeth as he breathed in heavily...smelling morning air and deep male musk that caused a further stirring of his royal loins. With an ungraceful movement, he yanked the sheet away from his body, lifting his legs over so that he could sit over the edge of the bed and stand up, proudly pushing his shoulders back and his chest out, allowing his servants to feast their eyes on countless contours of white godhood.

For these feeble subjects he was as close as they would ever reach divinity, the prince would sometimes think, especially in these moments when their eyes were agape at the sight of their ruler, in flesh and spirit. He posed for them, his tail flicking behind him, magnificent member hard and drooling and pointing out away from his belly in a beautiful masculine curve that spoke of breeding power as much as the black-clad fruit of his loins jutting out from between massive thighs.

"Approach," the prince spoke again in his stallion-god voice, ordering his subject to action again.

The two slaves took steps towards their prince, goblets held out for him and carried with reverence for their contents, the sacred offering, the result of the daily ritual of fealty that each of the member of the guard of the castle took each morning. They would stand in a line at the courtyard, all having shed their armors, all greeting the rising sun with their bows and their erections, proudly presenting their naked flesh to be renewed in the holy contract of obedience and loyalty for their royalty, for their ruler and his offspring who would keep their lands prosperous for the centuries to come.

They would each take their turn to spill their seed into the holy receptacle at the centre of the courtyard, attended by the holyman who would give his blessings for the gathered essence before adding to it his own, and summoning the slaves who would divide the substantial offering to be taken for their masters.

With a hard smile upon his lips, the prince accepted the offerings, the two gobletfuls of spunk that were his part of the ritual of fealty. With a deep sigh he raised one of them to his lips, closing his eyes and breathing in the wonderful musky maleness of the mixed cum of a hundred potent soldier stallions.

The tangy taste exploded over his tongue as the droopy droplets invaded the prince's mouth in a viscose ooze, the goblet tipped as he poured a good amount of still-warm cum into his tongue. The precious fluid pooled under his tongue too and inside his lips, literally making his mouth tingle all over with its potency and sacred power. He could feel his entire body tense from the delight of the experience, only witnessed by the two slaves standing opposite to him with their cocks dropping, both involuntarily from their forced arousal, and both from seeing this secret act take place.

With a satisfied groan the prince swallowed, the first load of cum making its way to pool within his stomach, soon followed another gulp of the sticky stuff. He didn't savor that particular mouthful but the next one was more than well appreciated, letting his tongue roll inside the small pool of cum inside his mouth and lapping up all the taste... as well as any little drops that spilled from his overflowing mouth.

All the while as the prince drank the offering, his unattended cock throbbed and spat precum over his abdominals, making two runny lines over his chest as well when more was expelled in a powerful sport. The prince's tail swished and his body thrummed with excitement as the musky fluid filled his stomach with each swallow. He drank each drop as thirstily as the next, feeling a small twinge of disappointment as he found both of his goblets drained and empty.

With lust-glazed eyes, the prince looked up to the attentive slaves and grinned again, black lips glistering with cum as the smile became more and more hungry. With a small tilt of his head they approached, bowing again from the familiar command as they took the offered goblets in return and took them to a small sideboard before returning to their previous post, hard cocks swaying with the movement. Only their years of experience kept them from winching at the almost painful feeling of being so aroused, so hard and so very unattended for so long time.

As their harnesses were designed, every movement caused sexual stimulation in some form or another, either pulling on their sheaths, squeezing their balls or pushing the oiled, carefully molded wooden plugs deep within their rectums and pressing against their prostates that were overworked at supplying the dribble of precum that was always present on their cocks.

The prince eyed the two slabs of slave meat with delight and desire. For him they were truly that, simply objects, toys of pleasure to be used for his will.

"You, knees, front," he spoke for the blotched horse, pointing at him, before moving his hand to the other direction, "you, knees, back." he added, impatient, standing upright again, his posture wide and proud again, splaying his thighs apart for better stability.

Wordlessly the pleasure slaves took their move for their assignment positions, one kneeling in front of their white prince, the other settling onto his haunches, hands on his knees as he held his head down and waited for commands. The prince neighed on an outwards breath, excited and heated.

"You know what to do," the prince grunted, glaring down at the horse kneeling in front of him.

Their response was familiar and expected, and ever the more pleasurable for the flesh-hungry prince. He felt hands landing on his thighs, spreading over their warm skin and making for a circular, firm massage, while another pair of hands reached for the slick length of his shaft. The blotched slave's fingers barely made it around the hard, oozing cock, so mighty was its princely girth. The presence of the two sets of hands made the prince growl deep in his chest with pleasure and dominance, and his entire body tensed for the effort as he flexed his member in those exploring hands, actually tugging it from them slightly and causing the kneeling slave to jolt forward as he was pulled by the massive prince's intimate strength.

A the prince felt the additional sensation of fingertips brushing over his ballsac he tilted his hips back now, the royal ass pushed back and closer to the kneeling slave's face. The prince neighed at the feeling of hot hands upon him and swished his tail, flicking strands of hair over the slave's face and almost making him sneeze. In the process he also revealed his most intimate for the privileged pleasure slave, the black, protruding ring of muscle that acted as a guarding into his nethers. The hidden hole seemed to reveal a measure of its secrets as the muscle flexed just as the pleasure slave's eyes found it, a result of the hands stroking over the prince's hot length of cock. It was a yet another sign of the erotic thrumming on the white prince's body, wishing to be unleashed, and soon.

The prince nickered and neighed again, growling once more as he felt hot breath kiss the secret flesh under his tail, followed by two strong hands pressing over the halves of his proud ass and spreading the cheeks apart to reveal more of his hot taint. A wet tongue met heated flesh and traced from the roundness of his balls all the way up to the thick musclehole at the very base of the prince's tail.

The prince pressed his hard cheeks against those of the slave, making the contact between slimy tongue and his musky anus more firm. He neighed loudly as the tongue lapped and slickly painted the taunt muscle to a shade of even darker black. The prince grunted and looked down at the kneeling slave who was jerking his cock expertly with those agile hands.

The sight of the submissive male made his desires flare again, and with a hard grunt the prince placed a hand behind the horse's neck, the other hand slipping to his jaw to twist his mouth open roughly, revealing the male's pink tongue. With a hot snort the prince tilted the head back, a vicious growl rising again as he glared down.

"Take all your prince gives you," the white horse snorted.

With a worshipful look the slave manipulated his prince's member, carefully pulling it down to make the blunt, wet head of it point directly at his face that was glowing hot with arousal and submission. The prince found this agreeable and complimented it by jerking his hips forward, smashing the tip of his hot member against the slave's face. It hit the male's brown cheek and left a slick, glistering trail of pre over it. The movement also beckoned a slightly muffled groan of surprise from his other servant whose treat had suddenly been yanked away from his lips with the prince's change of posture.

Savagely smiling still, the prince did not leave either of the slaves disappointed. He pushed his hips back again to realign himself for what was to follow, pushing his still-spread ass straight against the brown male's face and the slick tongue that brought so wonderful thrills of pleasure with its lapped heat. in front of him, the obedient slave held onto his cock with both his hands, awaiting.

The white prince snorted and braced himself again, sandwiched between these two rippling displays of submissive malehood, one pressing his tongue into his heated core, his tailhole, while the other kneeled and held onto his cock like a lifeline. A live, throbbing, thrumming, pulsing pillar of a stallion's prize.

With slight effort the prince allowed himself to relax enough for his hot fluids to be released from within his body. A golden stream erupted form the end of his cock and directly splashed against the slave's tongue. Without a pause he went on to swallow, keeping his mouth open to allow more of the salty liquid enter his mouth and into his throat. The light of the sun coming through the windows of the bedroom made the urine glow ever the more as its glorious arch signaled the transfer of fluid from the prince to his servant. The white male simply concentrated on keeping the slave's head still, out of dominance, not for the need to keep him still... these slaves had been broken in throughout a long time ago, and they posed no challenge while being subjected to the prince's needs.

Right now that need was to empty his night bladder into his slave's belly and thus mark him used for his master's desires. The proud prince let his urine flow freely, sometimes shifting his hips to make stray splashes of it strain the male's puffed cheeks as he eagerly drank all that was coming. The prince could hear gargles coming from the used slave's throat as he took his master's piss down to the last drop. All the while when the pressure on his loins was releasing as his piss made its way out of him, another pressure was growing on his behind as the slave's tongue finally pierced his prince's guarding flesh and got caught within the ring-shaped muscle as it squeezed down by instinct. The horse's lips kissed the protruding, thick hole and sucked on it in an effort to release his tongue, but in fact the act only made the zealous muscle suck ever the more powerfully on the slick flesh positioned within the prince's backside.

All the while as the slaves served, their own needs grew untouched and unheeded. The shifts of their hips sent electric jolts of near-painful arousal from the dildos within them, from the tight, snug fit of the leather harnesses around their packages. They truly were slaves for the flesh, and that included their own.

The prince hissed as he felt the long, fleshy tongue remain within himself and press against the walls of his back tunnel. At the same time he could feel the pressure in his bladder easing and the stream of his piss dwindled down to trickle that stained the slave's face with hot, acrid droplets. Those hands that still adorned his length squeezed at him as if to milk out the last remaining drop. The sight of this made the prince push on the slave's neck again, forcing first his lips and then his mouth itself over the wet tip of his cock. The heat felt exquisite and made the lusty prince neigh loudly as he felt the most natural feeling of a hot cavity closing in at his cock. It sparked his mating instincts up to an ever higher drive, and he soon knew he needed more, especially as he felt the tongue slither deeper inside his rectum and press against the nut-shaped protrusion of his prostate hidden safely inside the nether tunnel.

With a sharp movement, the prince pushed the slave away, his cock leaving the willing mouth with a slurp and trailed with a mixture of saliva, pre and piss clinging onto the hard pink and black shaft and connecting it momentarily to the slave's lips. The firm cock jumped up once it was free, slapping wetly against the prince's belly while he took a step forward. His teeth were bared in a renewed his as his changed posture caused the tongue slip away from the confines of his pleasured anus. His tail swished back down to its neutral posture, slapping against his hard butt cheek as the silky strand of tail preserved a hint of modesty to his erotically charged body.

"Come," the prince spoke, his command again easily taken by the slaves who got up and again stood side by side in front of the prince, this time presenting their back and asses, their bundled tails already up and out of the way so that they could easily show away their hard butts and the crack between them mostly covered by the leather straps that held them captives of constant pleasure.

The prince eyed the delicious sight of dual treats and slapped each of the slaves briefly on their asses, the two servants taking the hits without a wince. Both did shiver when the prince took a hold of their tails and tugged at them as a sign to proceed.

Slowly the trio moved, the doors of the bedroom opened and letting them on their way to the corridor leading from the royal bedchamber into his private rooms, sunlight bathing them from the windows that opened on both sides, lighting the path towards the other pair of doors at the end of the corridor. The flesh servants opened the doors, strong arms straining as the heavy doors were pushed aside to give them entry within the room.

It was roughly oval in shape, a large room with a massive domed ceiling towering over them, held up by a series of ornately carved pillars that lined the room. Windows brought in morning light that played its dances and games on the marble surfaces of the prince's private chamber. The entire room was made for his pleasure and furnished accordingly. There were chairs and tables, stools, divans and piles of oversized pillows, as well as a large, again roughly oval-shaped pedestal on the centre of the room that was covered with a thin mattress and silky pillows, surrounded by free-standing candelabra that could be lit for nightly games in this very private room.

They were not alone as they entered, though. In a small semi-circle in front of the central portion of the room, three more of the prince's pleasure consorts awaited.

Two of them were massive black stallions, both chosen as much as for their stature, the size of their constantly-erect and leaking cocks that were as big as their forearm, but also their choice for the prince's private pleasure room had been made due to their similar body size and looks, as well as matching fur tone. It was always a pleasure for the prince to recline on his divan and watch these two men, big as the draft horses that worked his fields, wrestle for dominance before one of them would be allowed to mount the other as entertainment for the prince's lust-hungry eyes. Both their fights and their ensuing mounting were always lengthy and highly satisfying to witness in all their glory, and even now the two were exchanging strong glares at each other.

In between them, however, stood a third horse, in complete contrast to the two males on both sides of him. He stood a foot shorter than his towering counterparts, and his fur was pearly white, not quite the same in tone as the prince's , neither was his mane similarly colored but a shade of brown, which made him look very attractive. His cock was hard and nearly overall pink, not losing in size to the pleasure slaves that the prince had brought with him, though the central male would not stand up for the two black pillars of sexual perfection the two draft horses offered.

Upon the sight of their prince's arrival, all three of them bowed deeply as they were meant to do, their reverence shown as the prince approached with the companions of his earlier carnalities. His teeth again visible, he leaned in to whisper something to one slave's ear, then to the other's, and the two slaves stepped forward together, moving past their fellow servants as they climbed the two steps into the central raised level and knelt down upon the beddings, facing the opposite direction so that only their shapely backs were visible.

"My little filly, come," the prince spoke in a low voice that was certainly not one a stallion should use when luring a real filly to come closer to a large stallion as he was. The white male took steps closer, his walk a proud strut that made his hard cock sway with the movement. He was truly a beautiful specimen himself, with noble features and keen, clear eyes the prince enjoyed watching during moments like this.

"Come...,"...the prince murmured lustfully, his arms held out as the stallion took a final step closer and was pulled over by his prince, their bodies from chest to ballsac pressed together as the prince pulled him in. In any other circumstances it could have been mistaken for the embrace of a lover, but here it was just the prince taking what he wanted in enjoyment. Whoever he wanted, however he wished.

The prince leaned to kiss the fellow stallion, pushing his tongue intently between his lips and into his mouth, aggressively tasting this horse's mouth and giving him a hint of a cummy tang in return from his own messy mouth as he made out with his prize meat. His hands moved along the slave's back and squeezed at his ass, feeling their firm, unblemished flesh with pleasure. No whip was allowed with these ones so as not to mar their exquisite beauty, and the prince would've been very upset should someone do such a mistake.

Off with their heads for hurting HIS flesh!

The prince's hands founds the bundled tail of the white slave and the base of the leather harness the slave worse just like all of the others did. While his teeth nipped at the slave's neck, his fingers pulled on a metal ring to release the harness, without removing it, though.

With a final nip he glared at the stallion's blue eyes again and smiled at him that dark, horny smile he was known for.

"Go join your friends," he spoke, taking a hold of the white slave by his arms and turning him around, urging him forward. The prince watched as the white, graceful male made his way to the central pedestal and knelt down in the middle of the two still awaiting slaves. He completed a line of three beautiful asses, all of them presented for his pleasure, for the prince.

"Brutes, watching you perform is enjoyable for me," the prince spoke, addressing the two black draft horses who still stood on their places, expecting orders from their master. "You are to take these two for yourselves, for my pleasure."

The two mighty horses both bowed and shared a knowing look with each other, two burly faces meeting with identical expressions of pleasure at the state of things. As the prince approach a few steps closer, he gave another nod in command for the two slaves to proceed.

In unison, the black males turned and move to stand behind their selected fuck partners and then reached out to release their pleasure harnesses. Both slaves let out nickers and sighs as constricted blood flow into their genitals was eased, and gasped when the rough hands of the dark slaves pulled on the rings under their tails, pulling to remove the six-inch-long and two-inches-wide plugs from their filled anuses. The prince watched as the glistering objects were pulled away from the two slaves' holes, small trickles of oil escaping from two distended holes as they winked invitingly for their partners when the muscles forced to stay open for so long tried to pull themselves back together again.

Then the two black pleasure stallions placed their strong hands to their selected slaves' backs and pushed them down to all fours, forcing the brown-toned stallions to the classic posture of face down, ass up on the mattress. The prince smiled and gave each one of the slaves a slap on their ass to coax them to kneel behind the submissive males on the mattress.

"All yours, Brutes. Show yourselves to be your names' worth," the prince commanded them in his lowest growl, already looking forward to the spectacle he had organized for himself to enjoy.

The two black slaves exchanged looks again, baring some tooth and grinning at each other as they moved to action. The one of the left reached for his bulging cock and gave it a squeeze, hissing loudly and growling with his desire. Without further preparations he lifted himself to the perfect position to line himself up and thrust the engorged tip of his hard cock under the fellow slave's tail. They both neighed as the loosened ring was easily overcome by the pressure from the draft horse's hips as he pushed himself well and deep within the horse's body, leaning over him fully as he took him until his balls slapped against the slave's slick pair.

The prince stroked his hard cock and watched as the black horse rested on his mount for a while before beginning a rough, fast fuck of the male pinned down under him. The taken male lifted his head to call out his pleasure and was soon joined by his fellow slave on his right as the other dark draft horse put a foot of arm-thick horsecock just where it belonged, inside a hot butt.

As the two growling stallions found their rhythm within their submissive males, the prince could not wait for his own pleasure any longer. He took the last steps forward and knelt behind the white male who was still on his knees, head held up, back straight, showing his body as he was meant to do. With deliberate slowness the prince moved close, putting his arm around the slave's waist as his hand wrapped around the base of the horse's pink member, squeezing it firmly. The horse made only a soft sigh upon the feeling, and let out another one as he felt the prince's cock poke against his ass while the prince's other hand fumbled with his balls, massaging them within their tight sacks.

To both of their sides, horses grunted as two asses were taken and bred by two studs, yes, slaves, but still, with much of their original instincts left unharmed by their training. They were meant to fuck, to breed, to spill their potent seeds inside hot, willing mares. Fucking another stallion was just to show who was the boss, and to mark the submissive one with the telltale sign of failed challenge of the dominant male's authority, that display being a raised tail and a trail of musky stallion jizz flowing from an abused tailhole.

"Pretty filly...," the prince murmured again hotly to the ear of his most beautiful and prized flesh servant, all the while his hands were caressing over the male's shaft or meddling with the harness to finally release him, the leather straps loosened and eased away, before the prince pulled out the plug from the horse's anus. The white slave gasped at the feeling of the sudden emptiness, but it was not a long-lasting experience since the prince's eager fingers soon prodded against the muscle ring and made purchase inside, rubbing, thrusting, twisting and scissoring in an experiencing milking of the male's prostate gland.

"Pretty filly present for me...,"...the prince huffed for his toy, releasing his cock and giving him a little push with his newly freed hand. The white horse settled onto his all fours, raising his rump up to the air in a signal of his final submission.

"Pretty, pretty filly...,"... the prince cooed in his rapt haze of pleasure as he listened to the wet slapping of balls against balls and a pair of big cogs plunging into well-oiled depths of willing tailstars.

The prince wanted to add his own.

With an authoritative growl, the prince pulled his fingers from his slave's ass and mounted him in a swift movement, his thighs hugging the white male's hips as he hunched behind him, his weight on his hooves, not on his knees like his two co-fuckers on either side as they pummeled their lays. The prince was all coiled for power begging to be unleashed, and that he would soon do. The prince grasped his member and guided its tip against the white slave's hole, his hips giving a brief push that found some purchase from the squishy flesh, and his hands migrated to grasp the horse's hips as he both pushed and pulled to make the oiled muscle part and allow his cock to slide inside the hot, velvety grasp of its natural place, an orifice good for mating.

A fuckhole.

The prince threw his head high as he took his mount, slamming his hips all the way in and grinded their balls together. The hole was squeezing on his member intermittently, and the tunnel itself it was buried in was almost like sucking on his tool, coaxing it to move and eventually give out its juices. The prince was already so much beyond patience that he did not let his partner have any time to settle in before he was on the move.

A slick, strained inch after inch left the slurping tailhole before they were showed in roughly, the prince's hip's slamming against the tasty, round butt of the white slave. His rhythm merciless and his thrusts were hard, using the slick tunnel for all it was worth. The prince's vigor was shared by the two black slaves at either side of him who were also resolute in their drive of hips against hips, their partners making a whole erotic choir of noises and sounds with their used bodies.

The prince pounded into the rippling guts of his white favorite, shifting his hips to alter the angle of his rough thrusts within the slave. The hot anus spasmed around his shaft and made the prince breathe roughtly against the taken one's neck where he had leaned to huff and lick and drool as much as he liked. Poised over him like this, the prince was in the most dominant posture possible, cock deep inside a male pinned underneath, and it was doing things for his libido.

Biting down on the offered neck, the prince launched into a relentless pounding of the fleshy hole his cock was invading, now foregoing long, deep thrusts for more shallow, hard pumping. His hammering sent their balls almost jingling against each other, throbbing in their sacs as they met companions in another fleshly cover. The prince fucked with all his might and only tilted his head to spy what fun was going on around him.

He was not disappointed by what he witnessed. To his left, the black stallion was giving a similarly unforgiving pounding of his partner's ass, his black, shiny cock seesawing back and forth in the constricting hole. The brown-furred horse under him was moaning continuously, taking his treatment as a given. Taking from the black stallion's growling breaths and slightly jerky hip movements he knew that he was getting close to an orgasm, and that knowledge made the prince grin evilly as he rammed yet another inch of princehood inside the white slave.

Just as the prince was taking it slowly for a while, deep-fucking his prize slowly and steadily and nibbling his neck, he could heard loud grumbles coming from his right, and he turned to see the black stallion hunching over his slave's blotched rump, giving it all he got. He could see the stallion's face was screwed up in a face of near-desperation as he tried to reach his long-awaited orgasm. The prince, however, knew that while the buildup would happen normally all the way to the constriction of the stallion's massive, hefty balls, the leather harness would prevent him from achieving the ultimate pleasure. As a result of this, the prince could witness the sight of the stallion desperately jamming and grinding his hips against the horse underneath him in an attempt make himself cum then and now, only to feel himself hang on the edge for so long that the oversensitivity would force him to either stop altogether or go back to a more slow form of fucking his partner. This is what he saw now, as the black stallion neighed hopelessly, gruntingly drooled what seemed like half a pint of spittle on the blotched horse's back and neck before resuming on a slower rhythm.

The prince smiled as he heard similar grunts from his other side and knew that he was himself ready to go and push himself to the first but not certainly only orgasm of the day.

With almost luxuriant slowness the prince braced himself on his hands again and changed his position for a better angle to ream his white slave's innards with his royal spear. His ears only picked out lewd sloshy sounds of fucking as he himself threw in all he got and humped his foot of horse poker in and out of the squishy ass. The firm butt cheeks flattened under each of his inwards thrust and almost seemed to be giving him a backwards spring on his way out, and that only spurned him further to drive his meaty cock inside the sub.

The prince could start the familiar burning start in his underbelly and just behind his balls as he kept thrusting into the prize stallion underneath him, taking him like no little filly could take without being physically harmed by his fucker's ardor. With a loud nicker and growl the prince came, spilling a spurt after spurt of his plentiful cum inside the white slave's tunnel, his hips moving up and down in the classical fucking motion, churning the hot seed deeper into the stallion's fleshy innards. Some of it was already escaping from the male's hole, squeezed from between the prince's cock and the white slave's ring, plunged by the prince's motion that drove it out his bowels.

The prince could feel his hot balls get smashed wetly against the slave's, slick for his spilled cum now, as he ground them together and held his hips down, driving them forcefully down once more and holding there as his body ejaculated even more cum into the submissive male.

The prince collapsed on top of his mount, hips flush and messily glued to the white male's with his own cum, his heart racing while his cock made a few more feeble pulses in an attempt to pump out even more seed into the offered and now quite full horse butt. The air was full of the musk of rut, now that his cum had been spilled, not to mention the two still hard-breeding pairs on both sides of him.

"Pretty filly...,"...the prince groaned against the panting bottom's neck again, giving it a firm nip with his teeth as if he'd still need to show some more dominance over the well-fucked male. He didn't' get a verbal reply, but the squeeze of his cum-flooded bowels around his was as good as any.

Feeling momentarily drained now, the prince rested on top of his white slave, slowly grooming his neck with laps as he listened and watched and smelled the erotic proceedings around him. By the sounds of it both of the black stallions were once again at the brinks of their orgasms, only kept back by the vice around their cocks and balls. The prince watched the rise of the massive black buttocks of one of the Brutes as he tried to get his cum finally dumped into the hefty ass of the brown horse, and slowly the prince's pleasure-addled mind was starting to formulate a plan that involved his own temporarily spent cock, a couple of pints of cock and a very tight and fleshy anus surrounded by the most attractive black ass.

Sparking Surprises

_This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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My Oath, My Worship

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of...

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