Blue Paws Memoirs - Confessions Of a Gay Porn Star

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#1 of Confessions of a Gay Porn Star

Standard disclaimer:

This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the legal age, you shouldn't view this story because you might lose your innocence. Also, by browsing this story you have done so by your own consent and wish to view such material. if you do not wish to view such material you should leave this site immediately.


Hello, everyone.

I'm Jimmy, but you might not know me by that name.

Maybe you have heard of Lance Logan or Benny Thicker?

That better?

Maybe it will be, heheheh, because that's what I used to be called back in the ol' days of business.

Yeah, I'm sure that if you recall my name then you will also remember my trade. I used to be pretty hot-looking when I was younger and I still cut a nice lean figure in all my feline glory. The very mention of my name brought in thousands of customers wanting to spend their money on me. Spend something else, too.

That's so lame.

I used to be a porn star until I turned 35.

I used to be the hot stuff.

Nowadays everyone knows me as Jimmy, the thick-armed lion guy who scrubs the floor at the local Starbucks. Just some random good-for-nothing who never went to college and ended up a complete social failure. Right? Maybe he's a highschool dropout or illiterate or something, or never survived the latest recession, or the one before that.

Sometimes that's not the case, though.

Sometimes I get special smiles.

Sometimes I get winks from male customers with either too much leather or way too much makeup and fur dye on them.

Sometimes a flustered teen utters "Uh, keep the rest" when I lean over their table asking whether they want any change back. Then they escape the café and I collect myself a nice little extra tip. Anything to go by.

A couple of weeks back I was prancing through the rainbow district and I passed by a sex shop called "Eric's Erotic Emporium". For some reason (hell, I wasn't even feeling horny) I entered the shop, expecting a tiny little establishment with piles of cheap sex toys, edible underpants and fetish gear stuffed into every possible crevice.

Yeah, I used to famous for stuffing things.

I was quite nicely surprised when the place turned out to be pretty nice, actually. There were lights, for starters, and no sleazy booths at the back for jerking off to porn. There were aisles and I almost expected to see shopping carts somewhere, and a real checkout counter. Well, there were shopping baskets and a counter manned by a polar bear reading an interior design magazine, but that was close enough.

It took me only a minute to wander down to the toys' isle and start browsing. I did know what I was looking for, and it helped that whoever was running this shop had arranged the fake cocks according to species. Thus, I only had to roam my eyes past the canine and equine sections to get to the somewhat smaller "FELINES " shelf. That's where I was, or at least should be.

I almost smile when I reach and pick up one of the boxes from the shelf and bring it up for some scrutiny.

I've been getting some age vision lately but I don't want to wear glasses in public so I gotta get it closer.

Yup, that's me on the front of the box, a buff lion with golden furs and a brown, rich, almost red mane flowing freely and nicely. My paws are crossed behind my neck and my stance is wide to show off the deliciously curved, richly barbed, red-skinned length of my nine-inch cock.

My own eyes glare back at me from about twenty years' past, their defiant gaze definitely lusty and confident. This is a body that everyone wants, I speak with my posture. This is a body that people want to fuck. This is a cock that makes men fall to their knees. This is a cock meant to spread their lubed assholes and tear them apart with these scratchy barbs that can make the weakest faint simply because I'm such a stud.

I turned the heavy-feeling package around in my paws and check the back side of it as well, well knowing what to find there as well. Me and who else, of course, kneeling on some strange divan sort of a thing, hips spread, my thick tail pulled back and taunt by a paw so that my fluffy tailtuff hangs near my face that is gazing back at the camera just like on the front cover, but with an expression of semi-pain mixed with intense pleasure.

The reason to this posturing and expression is the fact that my spare paw is holding onto the base of the lion dildo, nicely shaped sheath and balls and all, and driving the whole red, glistening plastic thing up my fully exposed and upturned rump.

The marketing department of the company that made the Spear of Lancer silicone adult novelty though it'd be a massive turn-on to have the person from whose cock it was molded from fucking himself hard and deep in the ass with a copy of his own dick. It would apparently appeal to so many markets. I wonder if there is a name for that kind of a fetish.

I grumble a little deep in my chest and turn the box slowly around to reveal its price tag. 74.99 dollars. Nice. That's almost as much as I do in a day back at Starbucks.

I'm still waiting for my provisions from the Spear of Lancer.

With a shake of my head I place the glossy box back to the shelf along to its friends and brothers. I consider leaving the shop after my strange urge has been satisfied - perhaps you could call it vanity, to see if I am still remembered, that I still exist, occupying some sleazy niche in a sleazy shop... and there I was... and I'm still curious.

I walk along the aisles following the very helpful and very direct signs... passing "ENEMA KITS", "FLAVORED LUBES", "PENIS PUMPS" and "PROSTATE STIMULATORS" until I finally end up to the big section labeled "VIDEO ENTERTAINMENT". I find it almost nostalgic that they still sell porn on actual discs or datasticks even with the Internet ruling the entertainment business on all areas, but I guess that for some discreet customers - or with really bitchy firewalls- the real physical thing is still the best thing to go by.

They had quite a nice collection, too, with all the fetishes being catered for. I don't see anything too much non-vanilla around here, except for some heavy bondage and fisting, but every studio does a bit of those, so it doesn't surprise me. I browse the covers almost randomly and try to spot a familiar name, concentrating on the most probably categories.

My first hit is, perhaps unsurprisingly, at the "HUNKS AND TWINKS" section, at the Interspecies subsection. My pawpad slips over the cover and I'm almost past it before I return, tipping my head to read the upright text again, and I realize that I know the title. I pull out the datastick box that stubbornly remains exactly the same shape as the good old DVD box - I remember those from from when I was a kid!!!! - and flip it around to see the cover.

That's me there, heheh, just as I imaged I would be. I'm standing in a hulking position behind some skinny hyena, my arms around him and my huge-in-comparison-paws are splayed over his pecks in a dominant gesture. The young hyena has two earrings on both ears, his pointed, oddly-shaped cock is upright and drippin' computer-enhanced amounts of pre and his head is thrown back and by the look of our facial expressions I might or might not have my barbed ass-ram up the twinky co-star's prized rectum.

Above our heads is the title of the movie. "BENNY'S FIVE FIRST TIMERS." Smaller sections promise five intense scenes of cocksucking, ass-banging, tail-hole reaming, rimming and general submissive goodness in High Definition. Facials and felching from multiple angles guaranteed on section menu, it says.

It's only six years old but it feels like ages ago.

Back then I was 34 and still had the star potential to have a movie marketed under my name. I know this particular title wasn't a superb hit, but I had my fans and regulars who followed by productions schedules and flooded my email with dirty messages.

I don't bother to see for the back cover of the movie because I know it's just a cast and crew list - as fucking ridiculous as that concept is when it comes to the porn biz - and I really don't need to be reminded of the names of obscure twinks who needed cash for whatever reason.

Or maybe they were just like me, exhibitionists wanting to show their stuff in public and even get paid for it. That really was, I think, one of the reasons I got into it in the first place.

I put the film box away and continue browsing the selection, moving slowly across the wide set of shelves housing the impressive porn collection. I get accidentally bumped onto by one of the customers, a twenty-something wolf who is wearing earphones and listening to some techno with such a loud base that I can feel it in my whiskers even as he passes. I give him a little glare just for the sake of me being a big, burly lion and he's just a wolf and the baggy-jeaned guy just kinda gives me a look back and walks hurriedly away clutching onto the tube of YiffSlick lube he was holding in his paws.

I chuff at the jerk-off enthusiast even without caring that loners like that poor wolfy guy made up the majority of the customers for my business and thus I shouldn't diss the jerkoffs, tossers, wankers or whatever names there were to these people who enjoyed taking the matters into their own paws and have a fucking good time without actually fucking. That's where I and my colleagues in the industry came to help, of course.

I'm on to the "BEARS" section now and wonder idly if I'm in there somewhere, but realize that probably not since all my dalliances with bears should be at the Interracial sections. I notice with mild amusement that panda bears still hold a big share of the bear markets due to their unique Asian allure, and I can't say I would be completely unaffected.

In "BLACK AND WHITE DOUBLE TROUBLE" I was the lucky lion sandwiched between two panda bears. I remember that in the scene I held one of the chubby bears by his neck , growling obscenities as I nibbled the thick neck and ground my package against his huge rump while I had the cold snout of the other panda pressed up against my tailhole.

With flashlights flicking all around me, I shoved the panda down to all fours, head down, ass up, grabbed the stubby tail and turned it up to expose - and for everyone intimately familiar with these kind of bears, you know what I'm talking about - the black-furred ass crack that lead to a drool-inducingly cute black tailhole that was circled by a round patch of perfectly white fur. It looked like a fucking bullseye there like that and I would attack it with my fingers and tongue and eventually, of course, with my famous cock that I gleefully used to screw the sub panda in all imaginable positions for forty-five minutes of the King of African savannah showing the really good time to the chubby Chinese teddy.

I wonder for a while whether they'd have that title in there something but shake that thought away and move on towards the big "TWINKS" section on the shelves because I know that a majority of my work is in there. I did most of it anyway before I was 25 and still managed to pull of that look of youthful almost-innocence that made it so hot for all my viewers to see those boyish features bathed in cum or slammed between ass cheeks or wrapped around a pulsing, wet cock.

Again I find the shelf particularly well-ordered and efficient, with all the typical species represented. Horses, cats, doggies and wolves, bears, avians and aquatics. I wonder if it's an expression of specieism but most of these are single-species only, with a smaller INTERSPECIES TWINKS section up on the next shelf. I sure didn't mind getting it on with all those hotties back in my day heheheh, and variety is supposed to be the spice of things, right?

So, anyway, the feline section calls for me and I'm in there like a curious housecat, running my pads over the backs of the covers again in order to read out the angled texts on them. I really should get rid of my false male bravado and wear my reading glasses, but what can I do, I'm a proud type of a fella and some things don't change even with age.

I pass dozens of boxes with names that are uncreative in a very predictable manner. "HAKUNA ASS-ATA" almost makes me smile, as does "CONNECT THE DOTS COLLECTION" that touts to offer really hot leopard action for a good bargain. At least it isn't as cringeworthy as "BARBED BANDITS VOL 76" , a seeming endless series of porn movies centered around a black panther that 'creeps' into twinks' houses and fucks their "unsuspecting" asses into submissions with multiple cumshots guaranteed.

Hell, they were doing "BARBED BANDITS VOL 40" or so when I was starting! I starred in VOL 42 as a random lion who gets handcuffed to a bed by the black and surprisingly naked panther burglar who decides to have his dirty way with me when he finds out that I don't have anything valuable with me expect my diamond-hard cock and my tight and virginal rump. I got fucked doggie-style and missionary and even riding the bandit's massive spiny cock until I shot a huge load of spunk onto my face from which the bandit then scooped it all up with his paws and fed to me to be eaten and licked up hungrily just like the hot ass bitch that I was.

Unfortunately they only have a run of "BARBED BANDITS" down to 60 so no luck with that. Oh well, the odds are still there that one of my hundred or so early titles must be lurking around here somewhere. I browse idly again, wondering why I'm not feeling particularly horny even surrounded will all of this porn crap and with the air smelling of leather and PVC and lubes and that plastic stench that can only be attributed to jelly dildos. I mean, I do have a bit of a stiffy but still nothing to have fun with.

Maybe I've become desensitized for all this commercial crap, all of this "OH, FUCK" and "OH, YEAH!" and "LICK MY TAILHOLE" and "BREED ME MASTER" and that kind of shit. Maybe it simply doesn't do me to see a tiny fox being triple-penetrated by horses, or to see a subby cougar with a ball-gag and his paws tied behind his back getting pissed on by a semi-circle of studly jocks in football gear and brandishing the title "POST-PRACTICE SHOWERS" above them.

Maybe all that's in the past, or maybe I'm distracted by the fact that when I look at that picture I remember so vividly the first time I did a watersports scene, how it was shot in a stinking motel with just me, the director/cameraman/producer - a fat bear who smoked all the time when we were shooting - and my co-star, a brown bear who with an almost bored air pushed me to kneel down at the bathtub of that dinghy motel room, slowly maw-fucked me with his pornstar-sized cock before unleashing a rancid stream of hot piss all over my maw, face and chest. I ended up swallowing some of it despite my best attempts to spit it out whenever I got it into my mouth, and could tell by the terrible smell that he had been drinking beer to top up his bladder. That stubby cock would also make itself familiar with my tailhole on the stained motel room bed, but that was a memory pretty much as unpleasant as the piss memory, and thus I didn't dwell there any more than necessary.

Yeah, maybe you can get bored with sex, too, as weird as that sounds, especially coming from a pro.

I put the watersports fetish movie away and try to move on. I'm a bit surprised by the number of unfamiliar names on the titles, considering that I haven't been away from the industry for THAT long, but also recall that the influx of fresh cock and ass was always high in the industry, with few real "stars" actually staying for more than a couple of films. I was one of them, of course.

It's not difficult to remember how I got started. I was about 18 years old when I finally dared to create an account for one of those Porn 2.0 sites, where you could upload your vids and pictures and have people ogling over you and hitting on you with their dirty messages and stuff. Thus, LionBOI69 was born and I remember staying in my room late at night posing for the integrated cam on my laptop, showing off my slightly muscled frame with various poses blatantly mimicking those I had seen before on those same kind of sites. I felt a jolt of excitement in my belly as I removed my pants and showed my tented boxers, only to follow by a proud display of my hard and wanton cock so attractively curved and full of youthful spunk to shoot into a hot hole.

My excitement only grew along as I continued, fondling by abs and pecs and slowly stroking my cock and purring and making silly "hot" poses for the camera recording my every horny antic to the computer's memory. I showed my unseen audience how I sucked on a couple of my fingers as if it was a juicy cock, continuing my horny posing while I took steps closer to the cam, giving a really nice closeu-p of my junk hanging all out there in the open, my sheath drawn back and my balls big and hot in my furry sac. I showed the camera all I got, down to each barb and vein on that jutting, barely legal cock, squeezing its tip with by fingers and displaying a strand of pre between those same parted fingers only to bring the slightly tangy juice up to my maw and lick it up while my eyes were closed and ears drawn back and I really must've looked like I had just tasted the most lovely thing in the world...which I kinda was, to be honest, being the horny bastard that I am.

I didn't forget to lavish myself and the camera with another angle as well, of course I didn't. With glee and lots of growling I bent over, tipping my tail to the side while my paws groped my ass cheeks, squeezing those buns together and then pulling them naturally apart to display the secret treat of my anus, pink, tight, wrinkled and virginal expect for fingers and various tubular objects that had been pushed in there to simulate a real cock reaming into my anal depths. My invisible camera crew witnessed how my spit-slicked finger made lewd circles around the hot muscle and then dipped within, causing me to growl and making the claws on my footpaws flex out a little and sink to the carpet.

I finger-fucked myself earnestly for minutes until I felt my balls tingling and my cock was leaking like and all I could do was to turn over to face the all-seeing camera and paw myself off with a fast up and down rhythm, a growl rising from my chest as I cummed madly all over my chest. I shot as far as my face, too, my spunk splashing in sticky globs over my maw and clinging onto it to make rude patterns of white goo onto my face. I make a lot of horny sounds and curse under my face and act all porn for the benefit of the camera and then proceed to lick up all of my own cum and run it over my tongue and let it simmer in my mouth and showing my white tongue and winging for the camera while posing, all messy furs and still hard cock and an even cockier pose.

I edited the video clip and uploaded it to the site. I expected to get just a few hits, being just a random young lion with a relatively nice body and lots of spunk in him and with a mind horny enough to show myself off to pervy Internet users.

Instead of that, I get 10,000 views in a matter of days, two hundred comments and lots of instant messaging addresses, invitations for anonymous fucks, people wanting to do cam to cam with me and all that usual shit. I must admit that I felt fucking proud and vain for that and sort of glowed for it and almost got punched in the face back at school for walking around with an unexplainable shitfaced grin all over my maw.

I don't think it's surprising that as a result I kept it up. More vids, answering to some of the requests my "fans" (LOL) made at me, doing even more silly poses, stuffing a cucumber up my tailhole, humping a pillow, tasting my piss, cumming on to the picture of a star of a vampire-themed flick that was really popular at the time and everyone gay and straight was drooling over that wolf. Hell, I even tried inserting my lubed tailtip into my ass as per one of the suggestions, but that never made film because it never really worked like it's meant to do in the porn films.

It must have taken me a few months of that camwhoring before the thought dawned on me that maybe I could make some cash too doing this thing I seemed to be good in. Bolstered by my good "reviews" I did what any fur in the doubt did and headed to Wikipedia and searched for gay adult film studios and found quite a few of them. These discoveries led me to surf the internet and visit all sorts of sites and instead of heading to the free video sharing sites that were everywhere I was actually checking out the sites of these companies that made them in the first place.

My attention was properly piqued by the home page of Blue Paws Productions, a big adult entertainment company whose webpage touted them to be specialized in twinks with hot butts and hunks with big cocks. I navigated their homepage with curious clicks and slowly pawed off with my other paw out of simple habit, because it was a porn site, right -that's what you do when you're at one, yeah? I was starting to feel a little bit of blue-balled as I clicked around and found a few sample clips and DVD covers and even noticed a few familiar-looking titles and faces from all the porn I'd ever been watching, but got a bit bored because they were just one-minute clips from the bits of the movie that really weren't the hottest to begin with.

I also found quite a big section on their stars, with profiles for people like Foxy Roxy, Stud Kherington, Harry Hairhole and Cad Chadmann. I flicked through their pornstar poses and finally, yeah, finally found an interesting link from the lowermost right corner of the page labeled "MODELING OPPORTUNITIES", and BINGO!

With a kind of a stupid grin spreading over my maw I clicked on the oddly hidden link and found out a short text that said something like...well, I can't really remember, but I'd imagine it went a bit like this:









After a few mental yeah, yeah, yeahs I reached the most interesting part of the page, that being the email address where I could send my resume, that being, of course, a link to my amateur porn site profile. With a slightly sweaty paw I clicked the "SEND" button not really knowing what to think about it all, but it was, as I later learned, the first step I ever took in the path towards being a genuine porn star.

The Princely Morning

Standard disclaimer: This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If...

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Sparking Surprises

_This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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This is a furry adult story containing gay males in sexual situations as well as explicit language and descriptions. No kids are allowed so this story is only for those who are 18/21 or whatever the age is at your legislation. If you are not of the...

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