Demon's Within, Chapter 4, Original

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#4 of Demon's Within -Original- Complete

It had been several days since Vincent got together with not only Isa, but Jess as well. Though still feeling guilty about, it he didn't try to stop either of the bitches advances... which were constant each day. When it wasn't Isa it was Jess, and when it wasn't either, he was sleeping and trying to gain up enough energy to please both the insatiable females who just seemed to be rotating their turns at him; or at least Jess seemed that way, but he dared not ask Isa if she knew that he was sleeping with not just her, but her mother as well.

He slipped out of his room groggily and gave a large yawn. It was late at night on a warm Saturday, so he didn't figure anyone was up, nor did he figure Sasha would mind him having a mid-night snack, though he knew Isa wouldn't since she was curled up happily in his bed...with his pillow...hogging the blankets. But, all in all, he loved curling up next to the wolf, her fur being soft as silk to the touch. Silently moving down the stairs and rubbing his hair, just going to grab something light to tie him over and head on back to fight for his rights to his blankets... But something had caught his attention just as he entered the kitchen... Or rather something literally caught him. Two furred arms wrapping around his bare chest pulling him close, and that in itself nearly causing him to cry out in surprise. But he steadied himself before giving a heavy sigh, the darkness hiding exactly who was behind him. Though being dressed in only his boxers as well as being unable to tell who it was, he had a major stroke of curiosity. Looking over his shoulder (but being human) he had little ability to see in the dark, and could only tell that whoever was holding him had ears and was furry but that was enough for him to make the assumption that it was Jess causing him to sigh. He really didn't want a kitchen scene right now, he just wanted to get something to eat and head on back to bed. But a paw caressing his cheek very tenderly drew his attention as his head was turned into a gentle kiss and that causing his mind to work. 'Since when did Jess do gentle?' Blinking before pulling away from both the kiss and the person and spinning around to get a better view. Even though the darkness was still over them, it wasn't hard to see that the ears were more rounded than perked, and the fur was shorter and pressed together a bit more than a wolf's.

Putting two and two together, he finally realized that he wasn't staring at Jess, but at Sasha! That fact causing him to nearly fall over in shock. 'What in the hell!?' his mind cried out as he staggered back a bit, this being just to much, 'First Isa, then Jess, and now Sasha? Who next?... Fade!?' His mind just couldn't process all of this. After regaining his composure he sighed and flicked on the light switch, showing the young lioness there, staring up at him shyly. Her paws rested on her exposed chest and she was looking off to the side with an obvious blush on her face. Though he couldn't tell through her fur, the way her ears were slipped back at an angle he could tell that she was really embarrassed, but upon taking a closer look he nearly fell over at the realization that she was completely naked. He placed a hand on the counter to keep himself from hitting the floor before looking over at the lioness.

"Sasha...what are you doing?" came his question, making the lioness look up and making her ears perk forward before fanning back and immediately looking off to the side again. Her form visibly trembling, making the human realize she must either be cold, extremely embarrassed, or scared of something, so he slowly reached over, placing his hands on her shoulders and trying to look her in the eyes though she closed them, keeping her head turned off to the side not wanting to look at him.

Feeling very concerned about the lioness, he blinked slowly and asked if there was something wrong. He suggested that she go back to bed but the lioness just shook while her paws slowly slipped down, slowly slipping over to his hips and holding on gently, causing him to blink and look down, then back up to her face, his eyes widening as his hands gripped her shoulders tightly. Staring straight, his form slowly shaking as his eyes seemed to shrink in complete shock followed by immediate fear, those eyes had once again returned to strike fear into his very soul, though Sasha didn't seem to do anything but stare. There was no clawing at his sides or trying to stab him with a knife or even eat him... Just standing there staring into the shocked human's eyes before a slow sadistic smile crept onto the lioness's lips. Unable to move, unable to talk or even scream, the human just stares forward now. Him being the one who was visibly shaking before he felt some furred lips press against his. His mind snapping him awake, letting him know that Sasha was kissing him and unable to do anything but kiss her back, her paws slowly sliding up his sides as she pushed him against the counter, being more forceful than the normal Sasha would have been, but he could do nothing except move to where she wanted him and continue the kiss, too afraid to see those dreaded eyes again to try and fight her off. There was just nothing he could do with this fear squeezing his heart and tightening the knot in his stomach.

Feeling the lioness push him back against the counter, his hands gripped the sides so tightly that his knuckles went white. Though in the back of his mind the fear was slowly fading. Sasha hadn't closed her eyes and neither had he, so he had a front row seat to stare into those evil eyes... But the longer the kiss lasted, the calmness seemed to continue to overtake him. The rough feline tongue slipping out into his mouth and lashing over his softer tongue. Her paws slipped down to his boxers pushing them down, letting forth his large, throbbing erection, pre leaking down his tip as the cool air surrounded his throbbing meat, Sasha breaking the kiss and slowly kissing down the side of his neck and over his chest. He could do nothing even though he was now calm, the fear still squeezed his heart and his second brain was working double duty for him now, keeping him from running or trying to stop her. He let a moan tear though his throat as he felt her take every inch of his length into her mouth, her rough tongue lapping over his length and pulling on his skin, almost seeming to stroke his length as she sucked hard on the throbbing shaft.

Tilting his head back and staring up at the ceiling as the feline worked his length with her mouth, his pre spraying out as he felt a paw gently massaging his sac, giving tentative squeezes as the other paw slid up his stomach leaving small red lines where she clawed him, her tail swishing around behind her happily as she bobbed her head sending his tip to the back of her throat and swallowing, causing him to jerk and moan. Not even Isa or Jess had done something like that, even though their oral skills were still amazing. Panting quickly, Vincent closed his eyes feeling himself ready to cum at any moment... and Sasha was more than happy to start moving faster, making loud slurping noises as she gave long hard sucks every time she pulled her head back, pulling his foreskin up over his tip milking it expertly. Soon after she started slurping over his length he moaned out his hips jerking and his knees bucking under him as his hot seed was fired out into her waiting maw. Sasha slipped her paws down between her legs and pushed her chest out with her eyes closed and her ears slipped back, not making any noise as she swallowed the sticky seed that was given to her. Her rough tongue licked tentatively at the tip and cum slit, making sure he didn't hold anything back from her. After the moments of his length jumping and coating the inside of the feline's maw with his hot seed, he slumped against the counter, sweat now coating his form as his quickly softening length was released from the feline's mouth, who let out a soft gasp and looked up at him with an open mouth, letting Vincent see all his spent seed resting inside of her mouth and a bit dribbling down her chin. He probably would have found that erotic except for the evil eyes that were still looking up at him, which kept him from growing hard again.

He pushed himself from the counter only to have Sasha immedately push him back and move face to face with him, her eyes glaring right into his as the sadistic smile crept onto her muzzle again, her paws holding him by the shoulders and claws pricking his skin... He was about to struggle, but a gentle yet rough tongue sliding over his cheek kept him calm before she kissed his neck and her voice came being very gentle, just like the normal Sasha's.

"You're always so tense around us... Just relax!" She said, licking up the side of his neck causing him to tilt his head back and expose his vulnerable neck. "We are your friends, after all." A giggle following that as Sasha pulled away... Her eyes normal once more, she turned and slipped over to the doorway. She slipped over and stopped just short of disappearing, her right eye still able to be seen as it transitioned from what should be normal, back to bone-chillingly evil.

"And I don't want you sneaking mid night snacks again, eat your fill at dinner" That causing a chill to run down his spine before Sasha seemed to just disappear, leaving the sweat-ridden, naked human leaning against the counter giving a heavy sigh as he finally starts to feel his heart beating again. Taking a deep breath looking down at the floor and seeing his boxers were still around his ankles, he slips down and pulls them up covering himself before turning and getting himself a glass of water, forgetting about the meal since Sasha told him not to do it. After his drink was downed, he headed up back to his room, sighing once before moving over to his bed and laying down, immediately having Isa wrapped up around him and nosed into his neck.

"Where'd you go?" Her voice was slow and groggy as she pulled the human in tighter, not letting on that she could smell Sasha on him as well as spent semen, just rubbing up against him putting her scent back on him.

"Just to get something to drink." came his reply, his arms slowly wrapping around her, hugging and cuddling back against her giving a small sigh as he pushes the thought of the eyes to the back of his mind and just wanting to go back to sleep. He was hoping that he would be able to just laze around tomorrow, but now he believed that he not only had two insatiable bitches to please, he also had a forceful lioness to please... But with all these thoughts, he slowly seemed to realize that he wasn't sleeping. He was awake and still was cuddling up with Isa, he had just seen the evil eyes for the first time outside of a dream and if that was right then that means that they were just a nightmare but they could been seen anytime but further than that he came to a blank, if he saw them sometime during school on Sasha or Isa or anyone else for that matter, what would happen to him? He couldn't tell if they were trying to harm him, like in his dream, since Sasha just a few minutes ago didn't harm him at all. In fact, she gave him some very pleasant feelings (except for the claws to his stomach which weren't so pleasing) He would survive those, but he just couldn't tell if anyone else would do the same, though he'd feel a bit strange if anyone on the street would just come up and try to pleasure him, but a deep kiss from the cuddling wolf broke him out of his thoughts. Which seemed to happen a lot, though he pushed it aside as she caressed his cheek.

Leaning down and kissing her again before she slipped back and licked his cheek. "You think too much. You need to relax and just let things happen." This statement causing him to blink in a bit of confusion though she gave no more explanation and just curled up, rubbing her head against his chest giving a soft sigh as her paws rested on his stomach and side, his hands moving down to pet her head and neck causing her to coo in pleasure, her tail flicking a few times as she slowly fell to sleep... And soon after, Vincent did the same.

The next day, Vincent slowly opened his eyes, blinking groggily before sitting up and seeing that he was alone in his bed, the sun barely shining in from the small opening in his curtains and amazingly enough landed right on his face and this time like every other time when he opens his eyes from a good sleep and the sun blinded him, he cursed the "damned" sun and the light it gave off, before pushing himself up to his feet and giving a sigh before moving over and getting himself dressed in some summer clothes: baggy tan shorts and a tight gray shirt. Slowly making his way downstairs, blinking as he turned looking into the kitchen seeing Isa, Jess and Sasha happily talking and eating. This giving him a strange feeling before he piped up. "Alright...what's going on?" getting the attention of the three females and causing them to laugh and giggle before Jess and Isa went back to eating, leaving Sasha to explain "Were going into town to pick up some things..."

"And you're coming with!" Isa broke the feline off giving a smiling yet stern look letting him know that there was no arguing the point that he was going into town with the girls.

He sighed and took his seat, at which point he was immediately greeted with a plate of hot food by Sasha, so at least he'd have energy by the time they left. Digging in just letting silence be his voice, though the girls just continued talking and giggling like nothing was going on. No evil eyes or the dreaded fear that continued to remain wrapped around Vincent's heart, so he just acted like nothing was wrong as well and when he really thought about it, nothing really was wrong, he had three beautiful girls to himself that enjoyed sex on a regular basis and a large house where he lived with the three girls. It was like he was living every man's dream.

After breakfast they all got dressed to go into town then piled into Jess's truck, or rather, He, Sasha and Isa piled into the back and Jess sat up front. Isa sat next to Vincent and wrapped her arms around him, rubbing her head up against his neck while resting her paw on his thigh. This caused him to blink and begin to think that Sasha was going to get upset, though upon feeling someone else sit on his other side and cuddle up to him in a similar manner, he threw those thoughts out the window as he looked down seeing the tan lioness sitting there kissing his shoulder lightly. Though he felt awkward at first, having not only Isa on his right but Sasha on his left, both cuddling up against him and talking just below his head. He felt like he was cheating on one or the other, and then doubly for Jess when she felt like having a romp, but he slowly just got used to it. He was a guy, after all. And what guy in his right mind would pass up having a relationship with three beautiful girls without the secrets or trying to keep one from the others?

About thirty minutes later they slowly came into a small town, it being the closest, if not only, town that was near the village, and many of the villagers were here picking up what they needed for back home and most bought in bulk just like Jess. Though today it seemed like everyone in the village was here for some reason, and Vincent soon realized why. Looking up at a banner seeing a large sale on all goods since it was Nearing winter they wanted to get rid of all their summer things, or at least that's what he concluded, though getting pulled by Sasha and Isa he had little time to do anything but be a rag doll to the two females, Jess having handed Isa some money to do with what they wanted as she went to pick up what the house needed.

After explaining that he wasn't a doll to drag around, which resulted in giggles from Sasha and a playful punch in the arm from Isa, they started off at a normal pace, just walking around and looking over this and that, mainly window shopping for now until they all found something that they could all get something out of, since the money was for all of them. Suddenly they were swept up in a large crowd of people, Vincent immediately losing his two escorts as he was turned into a rag doll once again, only by a much stronger force, and this one he couldn't explain before he ended up in the town square looking around for even a sign of Isa or Sasha, though when thinking about it, it would be much easier for them to find him rather then he find them, being the only human around for probably several hundred miles, not only being a slowly disappearing race but also being way out in the county, meant that finding a wolf and a lion definitely wasn't going to happen. Sitting down on one of the many benches and leaning back to stare up at the sky, since he had a moment it wouldn't hurt to think over what had happened over the past few days, especially what happened with Sasha last night, though when he really thought about it everything came to a dead end with what would happen next, even if everyone's eyes shifted. And what he might be able to make from his dreams to be an outcome... He just didn't want to consider or even think about.

Finally after jumping from random thought to thought for nearly thirty minutes, he stood and stretched, almost immediately being greeted by someone from the village, giving a friendly smile in return as well as a small wave before turning and moving down the street unaware of the eyes watching him from the middle of the crowd. Stopping and wiping the sweat from his forehead before moving off to the side to lean against a wall giving a sigh letting the people move around whilst he was thinking his own thoughts. 'How the hell do they last? I mean I don't even 'have' fur, yet I'm ready to drop and here they are just moving around without problems... Especially because of the clothes, one would think they would want to stay out of the sun more.' Running a hand through his hair before pushing off the wall and suddenly being grabbed from behind and slammed against the wall. Coughing as he had not expected the sudden slam that caused the air to rush out of his lungs, he looked up to see a large wolf holding him by his collar with both paws, looking like an old school bad boy with his leather jacket and so did his bear and rottweiler friends that stood behind him, but before he was able to ask what they wanted the wolf chimed "Your the little skin walking around with those two hotties. Must say you looked like you were enjoying yourself, who said you could hang out with our girls?" That comment making him sigh before glaring forward at the wolf, 'skin' was an insult term that the anthro race had made for 'his kind' as they were called, just like some humans hated furs, there were furs that hated humans... And there was no way of getting around it.

After remaining silent and just staring at the wolf which only seemed to aggravate him, Vincent was pulled forward and slammed back against the wall again. He grunted in pain as the back of his head hit the wall followed by a loud yell "I asked you a question, skin. Are you as deaf as you are stupid?!" But Vincent just remained quiet, getting ready to fight if he had to, though being in a tussle with Isa and three large, angry furs were two majorly different things, and despite what Isa thought, he really didn't pick up much from her so called 'teachings.'

Hearing an angered growl from the wolf then a sudden 'click' noise, he looked down to see the wolf holding a large pocket knife and the fear suddenly hit. He wasn't scared of getting hit or knocked around but getting stabbed by some asshole with a grudge for whatever reason did hit the panic button in his brain and he suddenly wanted to run, but the firm grip on his shirt kept him from doing anything but looking toward the bear and rottie, who seemed to only chuckle and shake their heads, killed the chance of them trying to stop the wolf. Hearing the wolf chuckle as he presses the blade against the side of Vincents cheek wincing and trying to pull away as the sharp edge cut into him. That only made the wolf's chuckle become a bit louder before a sudden enraged voice echoed over them just off the main street.

"Let him go and leave now!"

Immediately all eyes had turned to see a very angry Isa standing there, her fur literally standing on end as her fists shook in anger. The most threatening growl Vincent had ever heard her give crept past her clenched teeth that were all bared just as threateningly as her growl and barely a second later Sasha was right next to the wolf with a similar expression on her face and one that he had never or would ever thought he'd see on Sasha face. The lioness had her fangs and claws bared as if ready to face off against another lion, but two angered girls didn't seem to scare the three wannabe bad boys. Tossing Vincent aside and turning the rottweiler and bear turning as well to face the two enraged girls.

"What, he your boy friend or something, bitch?" the cocky wolf piped up giving a smile before pointing the blade at Isa and licking over his muzzle as the point slowly moved from her face to her chest, the wolf's eyes also following the tip of the blade.

Looking back up to Isa's face though his smile faded as he glared directly into her eyes, the bear and rottie's faces taking similar looks of surprise as they gazed into the two girls' eyes. Vincent pushed himself up again having just gotten his head straight and the wind back into his lungs, looked over. His body froze as he felt the fear wrapping around his heart again, though he didn't get the need to flee like he did before. Sitting there watching as the wolfs surprised expression slipped back into it's cocky look. "What, you think freaky eyes are gonna scare me, bitch?" he said, his voice also showing his cocky ways as he pointed the tip of the blade back at the wolfs face. "I think I'll just cut those eyes out" giving a chuckle as the rottie and bear followed the wolf in regaining their composure.

"I told you to leave." Isa's voice was deep and threatening, her voice completely changed causing everyone except Sasha to look shocked but Vincent noticed something before the three little gang members did, behind Isa and Sasha there was a crowd forming yet it wasn't out of curiosity. The crowd was made up of only people from the village and looking closer his heart sank and his expression shifted from shock to fear as he saw that each and every one of their eyes had shifted from normal to those evil eyes. Isa and Sasha might not have affected him like before, but seeing everyone's eyes like that made his mind go back to his thoughts about everyone's eyes changing into those evil ones. He shuddered at the coincidence. (Seemed like a good paragraph ending, C.R.)

By now the three gang members had taken notice to the large group crowding behind the lioness and wolf, and this time their so-called courage didn't return as they looked from one set of piercing eyes to the next as the large group of furs glared straight through the three that threatened the human behind them. After only a few seconds the three furs and turned tail (thought I'd throw a little furry pun in there, C.R.) and ran past the humans cursing and calling everyone freaks and similar lines like that. Vincent being the only one there now just staring over at the large group of furs that possessed those horrid eyes, his face still showing fear as sweat formed on his brow but soon the crowd started to slip away only leaving Isa and Sasha standing there, who immediately moved over to help the human to his feet and feel over him making sure he was still all there. He found himself wishing that he had a crowbar to pry them from him, but he just let them feel for themselves since he was more or less as well as could be, except for having a very vivid image of him being torn apart by the large group of furs and that was one he never wanted to have again.

Slowly being pulled away back to where they started, having two paws on each of his hands, making sure he didn't get lost again despite Vincent's many pleas that he could walk by himself, but after about the seventh time he told them he just gave up since they both seemed happy to walk hand in hand with him. Slowing coming to a stop in front of the truck with Jess leaning against it giving a smile as she saw the three coming over. "Getting all friendly with Sasha now I see, you little stud." she said, giving a wink and a giggle to follow as she saw the human's face turn red, Sasha and Isa following soon after with the giggling before they all piled into the truck. There being many bags and boxes of things in the back with the three but they didn't seem to mind to much.

Soon enough they were back home with Sasha happily working in the kitchen, Jess having to head over to work for a bit to get something, leaving Isa and Vincent in the living room but something was far from happy... Vincent, ever since seeing all the villagers, couldn't smile. He just couldn't bring himself to do it from all that had been happening in the last week and it was really starting to affect him now. Turning and looking over at Isa who was lounging on the couch opposite to him with a smile on her muzzle as she watched TV, but catching the look from the corner of her eyes she turns looking over at the human.

After a moment of silent staring she asks the question "Is there something wrong, Vin?" That statement nearly causing him to drop before his startling turned into an angered glare which made Isa's ears fold back submissively.

"Something wrong!?... Well despite the fact that I've been having fucked up dreams about dying and the fact that I've been seeing something that scares me to death, no. Nothing's wrong Isa." His tone being harsh and causing Isa to flinch before sitting up.

"You don't have to be afraid, Vincent. We won't hurt you." Isa's tone trying to be calm and soothing though it didn't really work, as Vincent continued glaring at the wolfess.

"If you're not going to hurt me then what the hell are you going to do?" He stood, his anger growing as he glared at the wolfess who backed up, pressing her back against the back of the couch lowering her head

"We're going to protect you."

But that statement made Vincent ball his fist. "Then what the hell were those dreams about? 'Cause you sure as hell weren't protecting me."

That making Isa perk her ears up and blink curiously. "What dreams are you talking about, Vin? What did we do?"

Seeing that she was completely oblivious as to what he was talking about caused him to wonder exactly what his dreams were trying to tell him. Slowly sitting himself back down as Sasha brought in dinner for the three of them, though she had been listening to the conversation that was going on from the kitchen. "My dreams are about you two, and Fade as well, and your not so protective of me... In fact, you're killing me."

Both the females looked taken off guard from the fact that they were killing him in his dreams and both of their eyes shifted into those that terrified him but like before he didn't visibly show his fear... But he did feel that tightening around his heart of the fear that gripped him. Both females looked to one another as if thinking about something together but they said nothing to one another before both sets of eyes were back on the human who just stared back at them. "There's nothing to worry about." Isa said, giving a sweet smile and Sasha doing the same, but that didn't really do much for him.

"What are you talking about? You killed me in my dream!" he hissed out, standing up angrily, but when Isa did the same her eyes flashing causing the fear to spike and force him to sit back down as she glared down at him.

"If you were in any kind of danger, Vincent, we would give our lives for you. We are going to protect you, just like everyone else." Isa's tone was determined and blunt leaving no room for doubt but the human just had one question that he couldn't ask.

Soon after Isa's vow she sat back down and gave a smile as her eyes shifted back. "Please eat before your food gets cold, Vin." Sasha said, placing a fork in his mashed potatoes before she and Isa started eating their dinners with the sound of a door closing, letting them know that Jess had returned. A happy "Food!" shout let them know even better and Sasha giggled at Jess's excitement and Vincent slowly gave out a half-hearted smile, he wasn't sure why but hearing Isa a minute ago seemed to calm his nerves regarding his dreams though it wasn't just a 'brush off'... But he visually calmed down, slumping a bit in his seat without realizing he had. The night seemed to go by normally after that, Isa, Sasha and Jess acting normally and giggling at the movie, teasing the human, all not seeming to mind that he wasn't saying much and soon he was laying in bed with Isa curled up next to him. Not really having much memory of what exactly went on from the time he questioned Isa to the time he had lain down with her. When he tried to think about it, it all came out as a normal night and soon he was cuddling up with the wolfess that was laying next to him, still having yet to ask his final question, but soon enough he'd forgotten about it completely.

Demon's Within, Chapter 5, Original

Slowly waking up from his surprisingly restful sleep Vincent sits up stretching though he noticed that Isa was nowhere to be found which wasn't strange though what he did find strange is that it was Monday and looking out the window seeing that...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 3, Original

Having said goodbye to Fade at the crossroads Vincent wanting to walk her home but being assured that she would be fine by both Isa and Sasha and he had to agree since this was a small village and everyone more or less knew everyone that Fade would be...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 2, Original

The four of them all left school at final bell Vincent being all bandaged up from the tussle with Isa which he ofcourse lost, 'No fighting girls' was his thoughts though he knew he couldn't take her since she was definatly stronger, different...

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