Demon's Within, Chapter 5, Original

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#5 of Demon's Within -Original- Complete

Slowly waking up from his surprisingly restful sleep Vincent sits up stretching though he noticed that Isa was nowhere to be found which wasn't strange though what he did find strange is that it was Monday and looking out the window seeing that it wasn't morning, though he was happy that the sun didn't blind him he still was curious as to why Isa or Sasha hadn't woke him up. Slipping from his bed he stretched again before throwing some blue jeans and an oversized black shirt on then slowly moving himself from his room and down the hall to the stairs but stopping halfway as he hears Sasha and Isa down stairs talking about something though he was able to make out a bit of the conversation

"I don't know Isa, I mean why does it have to be this way, you know how we feel for him and now that he's seen..." she was cut off but Isa who continued her sentence

"He's seen only a bit of what we can do though we all felt his fear when he saw, if this continues this way he might run" Vincent was a bit confused as to what they were talking about though thinking about it his heart tightened as the sight of the eyes flashed into his mind and he placed his hands on the sides of his head holding tightly.

He was trying to shove the images out of his head he didn't see the shadow come up behind him looking down at him before a paw placed on his shoulder snapped him from his thoughts

"It's not nice to eavesdrop on others sweetie" immediately recognizing it as Jess though he didn't know of anyone else in the house so there wasn't a long list if Sasha and Isa were downstairs talking. Slowly turning looking up and freezing his eyes widening as he stares up at Jess who looked back down at him with those evil eyes, even Jess had the horrid things that struck fear into him and hearing something from below he looked back to see Isa and Sasha staring up at him with the exact same eyes, Isa's expression serious while Sasha's was emotionless.

Blinking and feeling trapt with Jess behind him and Isa and Sasha below him and when they began to come up the stairs he could feel his heart tightening and the fear on his face was evident though that made the two pause and their expressions slowly fade to sadness but two paws on his shoulders pushed him against the wall of the stairway, Jess moving her face right to his so her eyes were staring directly into his

"Tell me, why do you fear us" her voice was calm and collected and she even gave one of the friendliest smiles that he had ever see as her paws rubbed his shoulders and he seemed to relax but turned his head away

"I..don't know" came his soft replay though feeling the paws grip his shoulders tightly and feeling the claws digging through his shirt made his snap his attention back to the wolfess who exclaimed "Your lying" in and enraged voice.

Staring helplessly at Jess who had a firm hold on his shoulders keeping him pressed against the wall her face still right up to his and her eyes showing the anger as they began to glow dimly, Vincent was visibly shaking as Jess spoke once again "You honestly think that we wouldn't take offence, we let you into our home, feed you and take care of all your needs and you thank us by putting on that face..." this caused Vincent to blink as he thought about it though the fear faded and shifted toward confused the fear was still present in his eyes.

"You know Vincent...we weren't lying when we said we'd do anything for you" Jesses lips were brushing against his and her hot breath played over his cheeks as her voice slipped form enraged into seductive, her paws moving to his chest then his stomach and a voice down the stairs caught his attention though he didn't break eye contact with Jess

"Why do you fear us, what have we done to you" Isa's voice came though Vincent shook slightly as he felt Jesses paws rubbing his stomach after slipping them under his shirt "I told you I don't know" and his answer was greeted by Jesses claws digging into his chest followed with an angered growl causing him to grab her wrists trying to stop her as he felt Isa grab the side of his pants

"Don't lie to us, the fear is apparent and we want to know why, tell us" this time it was Sasha's voice as she slipped between Isa and Jess all three glaring at him awaiting his answer.

Looking left and right his eyes darting from one set of evil eyes to the other shaking more and more before finally clenching his eyes and doing the one thing his heart had been screaming at him since the dreams started, he ran. Breaking past the three by shoving the three females out of the way and jumping down the stairs and darting for the door which didn't stay closed for long as he swung it open and sprinted away like the devil was on his heels. Moving down the dirt road with no shoes on, he couldn't remember the last time he had ever ran like this and he wasn't about to stop to think about it as he darted through one of the small woodened areas not wanting to run into any villagers since the time he was in town with Jess, Isa and Sasha he didn't trust any of them but as he continued sprinting through the forest he glanced over his shoulder just in time to smash into someone or something causing him to flip and crash down several feet from where he had hit them. Slowly pushing himself up onto all fours before looking over seeing Fade sitting on her knees staring at him with a curious look that only a feline could have, blinking a few times as he stared at her the image of his dream of her at school coming into his mind and he quickly stood up and turned to continue running but two paws gripping his hand stopped him and he spun to look down at Fade only to see her staring up at him with watery eyes as she held onto his hand tightly.

He didn't really know what to do now, seeing Fade with tears in her eyes made his heart sink down as he watched her, her paws holding his hand and pulling it over to rub it against her cheek closing her eyes as if trying to make him feel better and he had to admit that a few rubs against her soft fur did relax him a bit and before he knew it he was walking though the forest with Fade holding his arm and resting her head against his forearm with her tail swaying back and forth happily. He didn't realize that he had calmed down so much he nearly forgot why he was running through the forest to begin with but he had to think about what the girls had asked him 'Why am I scared' he asked himself in his mind as he Fade lead him to a small stream, giggling happily as she runs over and jumps into the stream that was only a few inches deep looking over with a happy smile which he had to return since there was just something about Fade that could make him smile even when Sasha and Isa couldn't. Sitting down against a tree and looking up through the leaves at the blue white clouded sky just thinking about the question over and over, closing his eyes as he tries to concentrate on it really wanting to give them an answer but all he could come up with was 'I don't know' and soon he was getting frustrated about the whole situation.

He was so entrap in his thoughts he didn't see Fade staring at him still standing in the stream her expression serious as her eyes shifted to those that he feared and soon there were several people behind Fade and upon looking down with a sigh since the whole 'thinking about it' was only giving him a headache before he opened his eyes and slammed his back against the tree as he stared at Fade who had Isa, Sasha, Jess and several of the villages standing behind her all showing those eyes as they glared at him. After a moment of staring he soon took a deep breath and pushed himself up with his hands against the tree as he glared back though the villagers didn't respond though he was sick of this and sick of being scared of these people and these eyes though he could feel the fear wrapping itself tighter around his heart he pushed the fear as far down as he could and glared defiantly at the villagers who seemed to look to one another before Fade walked toward him.

Fade stopped in front of him then gave a sweet smile before holding out a paw to him, Isa smiling and placing a paw on her hip before looking over at Sasha who smiled back to the wolfess and soon the villagers were smiling as well before starting to disperse through the forest leaving the four girls with the human who was looking a bit confused at the moment.

Isa stepping forward "We're happy that your finally over coming your fear of us Vin" she said with a smile before turning and walking through the forest, Sasha giving a bow before following her friend Jess giving a wink and a wave before she too disappeared leaving Fade standing there with the human.

Looking down at Fade blinking a few times as he saw that her paw was still held out and the smile on her face and slowly he reached out taking her paw making her open her eyes showing that they were still those evil eyes but thinking about that he had to give them a new name since 'evil eyes' didn't seem to fit them if they were going to become a normal thing but he still couldn't shake the feeling of dread and fear in the back of his mind and he didn't know if he ever would but as Fade wrapped her arms around his and began leading him back to the village he just walked with her and soon they were walking through the dirt streets of the village and everyone seemed to give friendly smiles to him though their eyes were back to normal but when he looked down he could tell that Fades were the 'second pair' which was the name for them now. After walking a few streets which he was confused as to why they were doing this before he began to think that maybe Fade was showing him off that's why her eyes were the second pair to help show that he wasn't afraid of them anymore but that was just a thought he wasn't really sure and just left it and decided to enjoy his walk with the cute panther, reaching over with his left hand and petting her head between her ears causing her to stop and look up and upon seeing her eyes he gave a friendly smile which was greeted by a happy gasp and a hug around his waist and the villagers seemed to all focus on the human as he looked around their eyes all shifting and he felt the fear come back though he tried not to show it as they smiled to him happily.

The day went by a bit normal after that, he walked around with Fade for the rest of the day before she took him home feeling like he was the girl in the date since Fade walked him to the door and gave him a hug before running off as he walked into his house closing and locking the door before sighing and placing his head against the door finding that today was stranger than ever and his right hand soon reached over and gripped his shirt over his heart still feeling that fear coiled around his heart telling him that he was in danger. Turning around he was met with a large hug and having his head squished into a wolfs large chest and immediately figuring it was Jess since he could hear Isa in the back ground calling her an 'old bitch' and telling her to 'get off her man' which was greeted by a giggle before the human was released before looking up and freezing a moment as he saw that Isa and Jesses eyes were their second pair and he slowly looked off to the side getting the two wolfs attention

"Um can you guys not have those eyes right now, I'm still not used to it" was his excuse in which the two wolfs giggled and grabbed the human pulling him inside and laying him on the couch with Isa straddling his stomach as Jess worked his pants and the few struggles that he tried to give were met with a deep kiss from Isa which slowly made his struggles die down.

His eyes slowly closed as he felt the wolfs soft tongue playing around with his and the older wolfess making him jump a bit as her cold nose touched his bare flesh between his legs which made her giggle and Isa giggling in the kiss for whatever reason but he masked that with a moan as he felt Jess licking at the tip of his length before giving a small nibble then taking every inch into her hot maw suckling nice and hard on his length to get him hard which didn't take long.

By this time Sasha had walked into the room and gave a whine about being left out before immediately moving over and joining Jess in licking over his hardened length, the mix of a soft wolfs tongue and a rough lions was a strange mixed feeling but soon he didn't care as pre leaked from his tip but didn't last long with the two hungry females there. Isa slowly breaking the kiss smiles down at him before standing and removing her pants and thong before slipping back up placing her knees on either side of his face presenting her heated slit to him though it was very hard to miss especially with the heat that was coming off of it and the juices that was leaking onto his nose but Isa didn't get in this position for nothing as she started lapping over his tip while Jess and Sasha worked the sides making sure that no part was untouched, even lapping over his heavy sac causing him to moan against the wolfs sex before he grabbing her thighs and started licking over Isa's slit giving a few laps at the opening of her sex causing her to moan out, though he heard two other moans from Sasha and Jess as well but ignored it since he had a job to do.

He realized something while he was busy between Isa's legs and the realization was that when you have three sexy females licking over you groin that all your fears just seem to go away since he didn't feel anything in his chest now except for a fast heart beat as his length throbbed being completely soaked with the three females saliva and only a few moments later did they pull away causing him to blink and wonder what was going on before they stood and looked down at him all still having their second pair of eyes shown though he only sat up looking a bit confused and disappointed with his length still fully hard and throbbing for attention from one of them. Smiling down at the disappointed human before Sash moved between the two wolfs and slowly let her apron drop before Jess and Isa began removing her clothing

"Sasha's been saving herself for you Vin, you should be happy" Isa said with a smile as she pushed Sasha's pants to the floor along with her panties showing her moist sex that was covered by the lionesses paws as she blushed looking off to the side causing the two wolfs to giggle before pushing her over and getting her into position, moving her legs to Vincent's sides and while they were doing that Sasha just blushed as she looked down at the human who was about to have her virginity, her paws gripping his shoulders tightly as her eyes were cast to the side in embarrassment.

Vincent could see she was nervous and rubbed his head against the side of her neck causing her to shiver, Isa and Jess smiling to one another seeing that Vincent was concentrating on the bigger thing than on his fear and soon Sasha's hips were pushed down by Jess though she jumped when she first jumped and gasped slightly as she felt the tip of Vincent's length touch her sex with Isa positioning him right so he would slide in without trouble. The lioness shook as she panted her stomach trembling as the tip of her tail flicked back and forth her arms wrapping around the humans neck as Jess began to push her hips down again, Vincent at this time had wrapped his arms around the lioness as well nibbling on her shoulder causing her to moan out softly while his tip slowly began to spread her open. It wasn't very difficult to slide into the lioness and that was a bit surprising though Vincent didn't know that Sasha had been loosened up by Isa's tongue on a regular basis but the way Sasha was shivering as her walls gripped him didn't hold him on those thoughts for long as he moaned out with Jess pushing Sasha down little bit little before looking to Isa who nodded and both wolfs grabbed Sasha's thigh and hip and forced her all the way down hilting the humans length in one shove which ripped through the lionesses hymen causing her to cry out in pain and dig her claws into his back making him wince though the massaging of her inner walls slowly made the pain fade as she held onto him for dear life.

It took minutes before Sasha slowly let go of Vincent though as she let the pain fade Jess and Isa took it upon themselves to keep the human hard by licking over his sac and whatever bit of length that remained outside of Sasha but they blinked as they saw the lioness begin to move up and down Vincent moaning out in response and gripping her hip fur feeling Sasha's tight walls milking his shaft, Jess and Isa moving over to paw at one another leaving Sasha to have her first time in peace.

Sasha panted heavily her hot breath washing over the humans face who simply held on letting her move at her own pace which was little more than a teasing slow pace so to get her to move a bit more he lowered his head and began licking over her chest letting his tongue shift through her fur before he heard her moan and knew he found what he was looking for and immediately start lapping over her right nipple, pulling lightly with his teeth and he was right about her moving though she mostly squirmed though with her milking inner walls it felt just as good. Soon both the human and lioness were panting heavily, Isa and Jess nearby rubbing over one another's sexes as they watched Sasha. Isa laying herself against her mother's side finding that Jess was a lot better with her fingers than she thought as Jess found a spot on her upper wall that made her bit her lip to keep from moaning out while Jess panted softly enjoying the feeling of an amateurs fingers playing inside of her though both moaned softly as they watched Sasha moan out while pulling Vincent against her chest feeling something building up in her stomach like a spring as she continued moving up and down the hard human shaft.

It didn't take much longer before Sasha cried out and Vincent soon after as he felt Sasha's tight walls clenching him hard milking him fast wanting him to cum though with the movements of the lioness he wasn't close to cumming and she fell against him panting heavily and he slowly wrapped his arms around her rubbing her back slowly causing her to purr in pleasure as the afterglow took her though she could tell he didn't cum with her and began to feel like she denied him but hearing him moan she blinked and looked over her shoulder at the two wolfs working on his sac and length again.

"Wh-what are you doing" Sasha pants out looking down at them still a bit tired from her first time though Isa moved up giving Sasha's tail hole a nice long lick causing her to moan out and clench down on the humans length in turn causing him to moan after her

"Just clench him and well make sure he gives you your first taste of cum" Jess explains as she cups his sac and dips her head down to lick over his rear entrance making him tense up not being too sure about that though after a few moments he relaxed as Isa continued lapping over Sasha's tail hole making her clench her walls around his length making him moan in pleasure while Jess worked her tongue inside of his ass though she expected it since he obviously had never had anything up there it still didn't make the taste any better with her tongue inside though she pressed on and started lapping over his prostate causing him to buck his hips up and grip the lionesses hips tightly in pleasure.

Minutes went by as the two bitches licked over the human and lionesses asses making them moan and pant out and soon Vincent moaned out that he was soon going to cum though Isa wasn't about to let Sasha go without cumming as well and slowly pushed a finger up her tail hole making her clench tightly as she cried out feeling her friend pushing down making the humans length rub right against her spot causing her to cry out in pleasure feeling that build forming once again and within moment both Sasha and Vincent cried out as they came together, his hot seed shooting up into the lionesses milking sex filling her for the first time. Pulling back Jess keeps her tongue out making Isa giggle before taking her mother's paw and leading her to the bathroom mumbling something about 'washing it out before finishing her off,' Sasha panting heavily against Vincent who's head was laid back against the couch with his eyes closed leaning her head down and licking up his throat before purring loudly as she noses at his cheek making him smile and lean up to rub his cheek against hers and all in all today started out bad but ended in a very good way and the thoughts of living her with these villagers with those eyes no longer seemed like such a bad thing.

Smiling down to the human Sasha kisses him and pets his head telling him to go on and sleep that they would put him to bed which he did so quickly making the lioness smile before sliding off of him and running happily into the bathroom seeing Isa laying on the bathroom floor with Jess in mid lick over her daughters sex making the lioness giggle as she felt the humans sticky seed leak out, both bitches looking at one another before quickly pinning the lioness down with a squeal as they both started lapping at her dripping sex not wanting his seed to go to waste.

Demon's Within, Chapter 6, Original

Slowly pushing himself from his bed having been sleeping on his stomach though feeling refreshed in a new way that he had never felt before, looking over at his window seeing that the sun hadn't risen yet, turning and slipping from his bed...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 4, Original

It had been several days since Vincent got together with not only Isa, but Jess as well. Though still feeling guilty about, it he didn't try to stop either of the bitches advances... which were constant each day. When it wasn't Isa it was Jess, and...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 3, Original

Having said goodbye to Fade at the crossroads Vincent wanting to walk her home but being assured that she would be fine by both Isa and Sasha and he had to agree since this was a small village and everyone more or less knew everyone that Fade would be...

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