Demon's Within, Chapter 3, Original

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#3 of Demon's Within -Original- Complete

Having said goodbye to Fade at the crossroads Vincent wanting to walk her home but being assured that she would be fine by both Isa and Sasha and he had to agree since this was a small village and everyone more or less knew everyone that Fade would be fine and if something did happen she could run to anyone for help so with that in mind he returned home with Sasha and Isa. Slipping inside Sasha noting that Jess hadn't returned yet and quickly slipped into the kitchen, Vincent giving a sigh feeling good to finally be home and blinked actually feeling like this place was finally home, every other time it was just a place to stay till he went back to the city and now for the first time he actually didn't want to go, the furred arms wrapping around his chest that belonged to Isa as well as the few butterfly kisses to his neck made him realise exactly what he found that made it feel like home. Turning his head into the kiss that Isa was aiming for their tongues even slipping around with one another, Vincent being too into the kiss to see Sasha standing in the door way of the kitchen biting a knuckle on her left paw while her right was rubbing between her legs, her eyes once again those slitted fear giving eyes, Isa however was looking right into Sashas eyes her's still being those deep brown eyes and after a moment when Isa broke the kiss Sasha slipped back into the kitchen, Vincent moving away and heading into the living room flopping down onto the couch leaning his head back his mind going over what happened today and a smile playing over his lips as he rests.

He didn't really pay attention to how long he was sitting there but feeling a paw on his cheek he leaned into it believe it to be Isa's since the fur was so soft and even had the same smell that Isa's paw had, slowly opening his eyes seeing who was touching him but his eyes snap open seeing Sasha looking down at him with a loving smile her dread locks hanging down on the sides of her face the shadow over the right side of her face giving her an evil look and her fanges seemed to glint and show a malice but her left eye, the one the light showed was that of pure evil and Vincent froze his hands gripping the couch, so fixed on that eye he didn't see the large kitchen knife that Sasha had slipped down infront of his neck with her other paw. Sasha's smile widened as Vincent felt pressure slip across his throat and something warm flow down over his chest staining his shirt, he tried to gasp but nothing but a sickening gurgle could be heard as his lungs were flooded with his own warm blood, his hands grip the couch as he tries to start thrashing his body wanting air and sending his mind into a panic as it couldn't fill the request. The gentle paw on his cheek slowly started caressing his face and he slowly started to calm down his mouth moving like a fish out of water trying to get air into his lungs but soon his eyes started to close his mind having starved from the lack of oxygen and slowly his last gurgled breath gave out and his eyes dimmed staring lifelessly up at the beautiful feline over him.

His eyes snapping open panting softly as he stares up at the ceiling, his hands shivering as they hold the couch his eyes even shifting left to right from the sudden fear that gripped and tightened around his heart, slowly sitting up panting as he placed both his hands over his sweat covered face blinking as his mind gained it's barrings and realising something was in his lap. Moving his hands aside he say Jesses head in his lap, her eyes being closed and it looked like she was sleeping, reaching down to shake the wolfess just as a loud voice rang out

"You old bitch get off of Vincent" that immediately being Isa, he didn't even have to recgnoize the voice since Sasha bearly ever cursed but that loud yell seemed to wake Jess as her eyes slowly opened, making all the groggy noises one normally makes when they just wake up.

Slowly sitting up and rubbing her eyes Jess yawns "God Isa could you possibly be any louder, I mean I just got home can't I sleep" came Jesses reply blinking as she sees the blushing human staring at her giving a smile and his cheek a small pinch "Oh you look adorable when you blush" she giggles out, Isa's fur on the back of her neck standing on end and her ears fanning back showing her anger though Jess didn't seem to really notice as she teased the embarassed human.

A call from Sasha that dinner was done broke all of the anger, cuteness and embarrassment that was in the living room Vincent having to admit that the wonderful smell coming from the kitchen seemed to draw everyone to it, Jess standing and pulling Vincent to his feet "Com'on let's go get some grub" she said happily before moving off to the kitchen, Isa immediately replacing her mother by Vincent's side giving him a glare and he already knew her question

"I don't know why she was laying in my lap" he said hoping she would believe him and it seemed to work giving a small sigh and his cheek a nuzzle before she slipped away moving into the kitchen giving a loud "Don't eat it all you bitch" that being directed at her mother ofcourse who just giggled in response and stuffed more food into her maw.

After dinner everyone crashed down onto the three couches, Vincent sitting with Isa on the right couch with Sasha stretched out on the left and Jess in a similar position on the last one, Jess having brought some new movies on her way back from work and they started watching some Disney movie but Vincent couldn't really concentrate on the movie since Isa had a paw between his legs idly rubbing over his erect length, all the lights had been dimmed so the only light was the tv making it hard to see what the others were doing. Isa's paw moved over his hardened length expertly even though it was through his pants it felt like full contact though Isa continued watching the movie like nothing was happening though Vincent had to hold onto her hip fur to keep himself from moaning out. Moving a few times feeling uncomfortable doing this infront of Sasha and Jess, not only one of his best friends but his best friends mother of all things, if he moaned out or if Jess made some kind of noticeable movement they would so get caught. This rubbing went of for nearly half of the movie before he felt himself getting so close to cumming in his pants but he had to stop her or just this completely, even though he wasn't a virgin anymore he knew he was going to cry out when he came and so placing a hand on Isa's as he pants slowly standing up and moving off without a word Isa looking curiously at him but smiles and just sits back watching the movie, her eyes falling onto Sasha for a moment seeing that she was staring intently at her both of the lionesses paws resting between her legs and a small show of sweat on her face from rubbing her sex and at that sight caused Isa to smile seeing that Sasha was struggling to contain herself, her eyes shifting between both sets, between normal and fear striking.

Both girls stare at one another unknowing that Jesses eyes were also watching Isa, watching the human boy that lived with him as he slipped away giving it a few minutes before standing stretching with an announcement that she was going to bed and slipping off without another word leaving Isa and Sasha there by themselves and Sasha wasted no time and quickly slipping over and straddling Isa's lap begging in whispers for her to make her feel good and to slate her need. The lioness wrapping her arms around the wolfesses neck holding herself close, squishing her breasts against the wolfesses continuing to beg and give small whimpers Isa smiling up over Sasha's shoulder her eyes slowly shifting from those deep brown to that fear striking purple before her paws slip to the lions hips turning to kiss Sasha fully on the lips laying her back letting her paws roam over her best friends body like so many times before having always been the one to take dominance when they showed their affection to each other.

In another part of the house Vincent had just moved into the bathroom and removed his shirt and pants, turning on the water letting the steam cloud the room room, pushing his boxers down showing his fully hardened length throbbing almost painfully in the air, pre running down his shaft and having coated his tip completely and a hot showering with a bit of much needed rubbing would definitely help this situation. Turning on the tab to shift from a bath to a shower and stepping in sighing "Damn Isa you know we can't do that infront of Sasha let alone your mother" he says softly to himself not hearing the click of the bathroom lock, since he didn't feel the need to lock the door in-case Isa felt like coming over and helping him get rid of what she had started and amazingly kept him from finishing for nearly an hour. Hearing the sliding shower door open but having his eyes closed letting the hot water flow over his body, just remaining still as he felt furred arms slip around him pulling him close, the fur matting against his body but not minding at all since her fur was about to get matted in more places and in more ways but something caught his attention when he was pulled against her chest...when did Isa's breasts get that big and she seemed taller and the muscles in her arms were more defined, looking down seeing the arms that were wrapped around him seeing that the fur was not as white seeming to be aged slightly rather then the young snow white fur like Isa's and it hit him. Spinning around in the and pulling away from Jess looking completely shocked as the older wolfess smiled slipping on arm over her breasts hiding her nipples while she set her other paw over her sex hiding herself from the stunned human

"What's the matter Vincent, you can have sex with my daughter but can't even look over my body without a shocked look, am I that unattractive" a smile played over her muzzle showing she didn't mean a word she said and there was no way Vincent could say that Jess was unattractive. By any means she was just as beautiful as Isa was and if Isa and him did become a thing he would hope that she would look just like her mother when she reached her age, which brought the thought 'How old is Jess' but not risking getting slapped or the chance to have this wolfess he just shook his head "To say that would be a sin Jess" that causing the older wolfess to giggle and slip her right arm away showing him her slightly darkened nipples to rub over his cheek

"I'm glad that young men can still find me attractive" he tail wagged back and fourth before gripping the humans shoulder pushing him against the shower wall leaning forward kissing him deeply, her left paw moving over to rub over his stomach leaving some claw marks for him to remember her by. Downstairs Sasha was laid back with her legs spread and her paws tied over her head with some cloth, moaning softly her eyes closed and her bare chest heaving up and down as she felt Isa's soft tongue licking over her pink sex, her juices flowing like a flood coating the wolfs muzzle and her inner thighs, her legs shivering as her virgin sex was teased Isa even having gone so far to shove a digit up her tail-hole fingering her carefully having used her own juices to lube her finger. Sasha had to pull her paws down and bite down on her knuckles to keep from crying out, Isa knew every spot to touch with her tongue, her finger moving around inside of her tailhole also driving her mad, Isa had started doing this a few days after she moved in and they've been having this secrete love making ever since.

With skilled ease Isa pushed her tongue into Sasah's virgin sex, her soft tongue playing over Sasha's tight pink walls causing the lioness to squeel out and arch her back, her tail wrapping around the wolfs neck as her thighs shiver, Isa making sure not to push her tongue too deep so Sasha remained a virgin atleast for her sex her tail-hole however on the fact of being penetrated by anything had been deflowered long ago and would be penetrated every time. Isa's other paw was between her own legs, having already been wet from rubbing over Vincents length but he didn't return the rubs so she just had to take things into her own paw and make herself cum and she was getting so close and she knew Sasha was as well, she had Sasha's sex mapped out and knew just how to make the 'kitty purr' as she so lovingly put it.

Vincent was receiving similar treatment, Jess having kneeled down and started lapping over his rock hard length, her right paw rubbing over her own sex while her left massaged his sac, making his spry pre out onto her face looking up at him with a smile as she engulfed his length causing him to moan out and grip at the shower wall panting heavily, having been on edge for nearly twenty minutes with Isa and now coming so close to his orgasm but Jess wasn't about to let this horny little boy have all the fun, immediately pulling back and giving his nip a small nip making him 'ow' in pain and pull away. Jess turning around on all fours and hiking her tail up high for him, winking over her shoulder

"You can cum but only inside" that phrase in it self brought only one response from Vincent "That has to be the most beautiful thing any woman anywhere has ever said" that bringing a giggle from Jess as she slips a paw back and spreads herself and Vincent was quick to take the offer, moving up and rubbing his tip over the older wolfesses sex before grabbing her tail base and started sinking himself into causing both to moan in pleasure as his pre coats her gripping sex. He was amazed at how tight Jesses sex was and it gripped him in all the right places as he sank himself deeper and deeper into her, his pre spraying out constantly as he presses his hips to her rear, his hands gripping tightly to her tail base and hip fur.

Moaning out as he leans over her the showering covering his voice as he bites down on her nape, Jesses eyes snapping open and her sex tightening like a vice around his length crying out in pure extacy as her hips tremble, her chest nearly falling to the shower floor as he holds the bite "God's s-stop Vincent...I'm gonna~~" cut of by a powerful orgasm causing Vincent to release the bite and moan with her, Jesses hims shaking visibly now her juices coating both their inner thighs Vincent panting heavily having came with her, that being a major surprise though a very pleasurable one. Jess having clenched her eyes closed was panting on the shower floor her juices flowing around the humans invading length, her paws having dug claw marks into the shower floor as her mind comes down from it's haze

" did you know about that spot..." the panting bitch asks, her tail even shivering as he slowly moves down ontop of her kissing her neck where he bit causing her to shake more "Don't..." she moans out "Ones more than enough like that...god I've not cum like that in years" looking over slipping a paw to the back of his neck and kissing him roughly "I've so missed having a male behind me" giving a small smile before kissing him again.

Downstairs that girls had moved, Sasha now on all fours with Isa right behind her still having her digit up the felines rear as she licked over her sex, collecting as much of her juices as possible before swallowing and going it for another gulp, her left paw having slipped up to rub over Sasha's stomach feeling it quiver, her white ears perked listening to the whining and begging of the lioness

"P-Please s-stop teasing me, I want to...I-I need to cum so~ bad Isa please" he voice was desperate, her sex quivering under the skilled tongue and even the felines eyes had tears in them wanting to cum so badly she'd do anything if Isa would just let her have release. Sasha's paws clawed into the couch as Isa slipped her tonuge back into the felines tight quivering sex, rolling her tongue around slowly pulling her finger from the felines rear it being completely clean of any messes other that being a bit wet from the sex juices and anal juices that are naturally inside of the body, Isa having taught Sasha how to clean herself out since she didn't want to have to clean her fur of nasty waste.

Slowly pulling her face back from the distressed feline licking her lips "Mmm, I bet you wish he was here licking you don't you" Isa teases rubbing her thumb over the panting lionesses clit causing her to shiver and moan out in agreement, her tail tightening around her neck "I-Isa your torturing me...please" Sasha cries out causing Isa to smirk and kiss the felines neither lips

"Just making you remember who is the boss around here Sasha" slipping her tongue back into the felines tight sex lashing her tongue around a specific spot causing Sasha to cry out and tense as she feels the build in her lower stomach before it explodes making her bite down onto the arm of the couch her juices flooding out, Isa smiling as her face was drenched in the felines fem cum slowly pulling out and licking her lips "Mmm it's so easy to make you cum now Sasha."

Slowly rubbing the base of the felines tail as she shivered panting heavily thanking Isa over and over again for allowing her to finally cum, the feline slowly turning around and licking the wolfesses cheek before slipping down to her neck nuzzling into her warm white fur that was partially soaked with her own fem cum though she purred loudly and Isa slipped a paw up to scratch between the felines ears "Mmm, I love making my kitty purr" she says softly nibbling at the back of the felines neck slowly pinning her down with her jaws, pushing dominance in a feral yet loving way before they started cleaning one another with their tongues, filled with purrs and giggles.

Stepping out of the bathroom the very tired human gives a big sigh, between the two bitches in the house he was spent and there was no way he was sleeping with Isa tonight, less he wanted to die from over exerting himself 'Com'on, lose your virginity and women storm you, if I knew it was that much trouble I would have remained a virgin...' those being his thoughts as he flops down onto his bed staring up at the ceiling 'Yeah right, no way I'd ever say no to Isa back then, probably wouldn't say no now dieing with a smile might not be so bad' these thoughts causing him to chuckle before rolling onto his stomach burying his face into his pillow cuddling it close, hearing a door close and knowing it was one of two bitches around the house, and some paws that began massaging his shoulders confirmed that.

Slowly rolling onto his side he saw Isa sitting there with a smile, leaning down to kiss him though a foreign taste caught his attention he ignored it since Isa's tongue slipped it and the taste filled his mouth there was little need to focus on it, might have just been something she drank he figured. His hands moving up to slowly break the kiss "I'm a bit tired Isa so I'm not really feeling up to flinging the sheets" his comment making the young bitch giggle and nod before slipping up and cuddling up next to him, his arms slowly wrapping around her holding her close. Looking up from over Isa's head at his door seeing Jess leaning against the door frame with a smile, giving a wink to him before silently closing the door Vincent thanking her in his mind before petting Isa's neck, she too also seemed to be spent though he couldn't really tell why but didn't want to question it since the warm body was too comfortable squished up against him.

Having turned Jess immediately stops seeing Sasha standing there looking up at her, the scent of sex and her daughter just fuming off the small lioness and that fact causing the larger wolfess to smile and wrap an arm around her "Com'on

Demon's Within, Chapter 4, Original

It had been several days since Vincent got together with not only Isa, but Jess as well. Though still feeling guilty about, it he didn't try to stop either of the bitches advances... which were constant each day. When it wasn't Isa it was Jess, and...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 2, Original

The four of them all left school at final bell Vincent being all bandaged up from the tussle with Isa which he ofcourse lost, 'No fighting girls' was his thoughts though he knew he couldn't take her since she was definatly stronger, different...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 1, Original

Here is the first Original Demon's Within story by request of a fan. I'll leave them up while I work on the re-written versions. Vote and...

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