Demon's Within, Chapter 2, Original

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#2 of Demon's Within -Original- Complete

The four of them all left school at final bell Vincent being all bandaged up from the tussle with Isa which he ofcourse lost, 'No fighting girls' was his thoughts though he knew he couldn't take her since she was definatly stronger, different weight class and studied all kinds of martial arts along with wrestling and kick boxing and she just loved practicing the new moves on him. Moving down the dirt road Fade having her arms wrapped around Vincents with her fingers laced with his and a happy smile on her muzzle resting her head against his arm though his thoughts were somewhere else, he kept turning back to those two dreams, they were so real and they were about his friends of all people the one's that have treated him good since he got here it was like his mind was trying to tell him something but he didn't want to listen especially about Sasha and Fade though he had called Isa an evil little judo brat, in his mind ofcourse but she was also his friend and he couldn't imagine her actually hurting him like that on purpose. Finally they come to a cross road Isa turning around with a smile

"Hey Vin you've been here for nearly a year but have you really explored Oni?" she asks with a smile Sasha immedatly hopping forward with the sweetest smile "We've been talking and wanted to give you the grand tour and have a picnic up at the shrine" pointing over to an insanely large tree ontop of a large hill off in the distance making Vincent squint to try and see if there was anything there though all the trees surrounding the large one hid anything that could have been there.

A furry arm wrapped around his neck caused him to look over at Isa who was grinning happily, he could even feel something brushing against the backs of his legs immediately recognize it as her tail that causing him to smile since Isa was never one to show excitement by wagging her tail like a puppy but he'd never let her know less he wanted another arm bar or head lock. Nodding in agreement "Alright I'd like a picnic tour with you guys" giving a friendly smile hearing Sasha cheering happily behind them Fade clapping her paws together giving a smile as well and Isa hugging him squishing his head against her large chest

"Great we'll get everything set up as soon as we get home* turning the three start

down the road going to the right Fade smiling giving a wave before moving down the left road to her house and amongst all this the thoughts of the dreams slowly started to fade from Vincents mind.

Finally getting home Vincent flopped down onto his bed mat with a sigh suddenly just wanting to lay down the school days always taking it out of him mentally and Isa doing it physically and not in the way he'd prefere but either way he had to get up or Isa would definitely show him some more of her wrestling moves or maybe some kind of new submission technique that she picked up, he had asked her to teach him some and she agreed but she's a 'paw's on' teacher and it's very difficult to remember a particular move when your arms in it and your beginning to pass out from exhaustion though all of it had giving him some new moves...atleast he hoped. Thinking over what Sasha would make them for the picnic as he tossed his school clothing into the bin moving over to his dresser and searching through it, he never had any problem walking around naked or being bashful his body was fairly toned for being a city boy that loved lazing around, they became even more defined with Isa around but Sasha's cooking helped in more ways then one, it was like Sasha had a sixth sense and knew what his body needed to build muscles and energy as well as being extremely tasty.

Slipping from his room wearing some baggy pants and a large blue t-shirt since it was hot today, looking down the hall before moving toward the stairs stopping seeing Isa's door open ever so slightly, slipping over and peeking in though never one to really try and peep on a girl but Isa having used him as a practice dummy had to owe him 'some' kind of payment right, atleast that's how he viewed their relationship. Once his eyes adjusted he saw Isa's room clearly and standing in the middle completely naked was a toned wolfess, Isa's fur had always been soft looking and well kept even though she was a rough girl. Slipping her paws down her frame looking at herself in her full body mirror "Mmm, I'm too muscular and rough with him, he'll never see me as an attractive bitch" Vincent blinking at that

'Seems like Isa is trying to get the attention of someone...has to be Jason' Vincents thoughts played out, Jason being a large wolf in the same grade as him who was an outgoing country boy who loved to play baseball. Shoving those thoughts aside and continuing to take his 'payment' from the sexy wolfess his right hand idly rubbing over his crotch as he watched her turn her back to the mirror giving him a full view of her and to his surprise the area between her legs was trimmed down so much that he was able to see the beginning of her sex, her nipples were also poking through her fur all in all she was a 'very' sexy bitch and just at that thought he was hard as a rock. So intrapt in his voyeurism he didn't notice that Isa was watching him in the mirror, a blank expression on her face before turning and looking at him directly

"You know, it's not nice to peep on a girl Vincent" that being more than enough to make him jump and back away from the door screaming out 'Oh Shit' over and over in his mind and even louder when Isa opened the door without a shred of clothing on her form, placing her paws on her hips and gazing at him "Vincent" flinching from her knowing she was going to give him a hell of a smack, his hands coming up to try and shield his face. Waiting for it Vincent kept his hands up but he didn't feel a strike instead he felt soft gentle paws slip over his fists pulling them forward and running them over something soft, blinking and looking up he saw Isa holding his hands against her large chest

"Go ahead or was all your peeping just something to pass the time" Isa says giving a small seductive smirk and with that his fists slipping open and spread over her breasts rubbing over them finding her fur to feel even softer here, rubbing gently like they were precious gems finding that if he rubbed over her nipple just right she would coo and rub her legs together. Soon enough she had slowly slipped back into her room with the exploring human, making sure to slide her door closed and lock it so another curious feline wouldn't just happen upon her while she was getting fondled by the curious human and while this was happening Vincent's mind was swirling with what was going on right infront of him, Isa the queen bitch was standing her letting him feel her up and even making small coo's that he would have never expected her to make and after a few minutes of him feeling over her breasts she gives a giggle

"Mm, you know I have more than those to play with right" blushing down to the human with a loving smile her paws rubbing over his hands, her tail flagging left and right over and over again and that statement causing Vincent to look back up at her blinking and blushing as he looked her over shyly, both eyes immediately locking onto her sex seeing a shining layer of fem juices coating her lips and the fur on her thighs.

Slipping a paw over Isa rubs over the smaller humans cheek smiling and leaning over to lick his cheek "I'm all yours Vincent, touch me where you like, watch me when you want, you can have me in every way" almost falling over at that, something that would have never happened no even if he payed her to say it but she just did, something that sounded like a love novel but it was very different face to face with a hot bitch. Her paw slipping his hand down from her breasts over her toned stomach, his fingers feeling over the strong stomach muscles trembling slightly under her fur as he neared her sex, spreading her legs and lifting her right leg up showing herself to him fully panting like a bitch in heat

"Isa, I can't believe your doing this" he finally got out causing her to giggle and rub his hand over her sex coating it with her juices as she bit her knuckle to keep herself from moaning out, her whole body trembling making him blink at such a strong reaction from her though he didn't pull away instead he curled his finger tips spreading her sex lips causing her hips to buck forward and groan around her knuckle but before anything more could happen a cheerful Sasha called out from down stairs

"Com'on you slow pokes get your rear's in gear and lets go" followed by a happy giggle, Sasha having just finished their picnic boxes slipped her apron off with a smile her tail flicking back and fourth before wrapping the boxes in a large blanket tying it closed before looking up at the ceiling with a strange smile, crossed between evil and seductive her rough tongue slipping over her lips hungerly as her tail flicked left and right and her right paw rubbing over her lower stomach.

Having been broken from their play Vincent immediately pulled his hand back panting softly a raging hard-on tenting his pants, Isa panting against the wall one paw on her hip and the other still near her muzzle as she panted her juices running down her inner thighs "God Vincent...don't stop now" panting out looking at him with pleading eyes another thing he'd never imagined he'd see happen with Isa though she slipped her leg down and moved toward him, it was hard for him to think the scent that she was letting off was getting to his head plus his lower brain screaming for attention but he had to stop this atleast for now, placing his hands on Isa's shoulders

"Stop, we can't do this not with Sasha down stairs" ears perking at his words it seems she calmed down giving a nod before slipping her paws up cupping his cheeks pressing her lips to his in a deep kiss, her soft tongue slipping over his lips causing him to open his mouth and return the kiss happily pushing her back against the wall keeping the kiss going for what seemed like an age but a knock at the door caused Vincent to jump again

"Isa~ hurry up, go drag Vincent out of his room and let's go, Fade's probably already waiting on us at the cross road" Sasha's voice rang out before paw taps against the wooden floor could be heard as she headed back down stairs, Vincent panting staring at the door his stomach fluttering with both excitement and nervousness but a rubbing paw over his crotch caused him to moan then grab Isa's paw shaking his head and looking at her but immediately freezing as he gazed into her eyes finding them to be the one's from his dream and suddenly all his aroused and nervousness had changed to fear jumping back blinking and gazing at Isa seeing a very concerned look on her face and her eyes had changed back. Gazing at Isa for the longest time before she smiled "What's the matter with you, I try and rub on your crotch and you freak out, what you can touch me but I can't touch you" she giggled out before walking over giving him a small peck

"Get downstairs and talk to Sasha while I clean up and get dressed" giving his rear a firm squeeze and pushing him toward the door, Vincent still being a bit freaked out about seeing the evil eyes outside of a dream but before putting whatever his brain was trying to work on together he was shoved out of Isa's room and soon he just shoved it aside and moved down the stairs trying to keep his mind off of whatever he thought he saw. Giving a smile seeing Sasha standing by the door all dressed up with a happy smile holding onto a blanket that was wrapped around what looked like a box

"Finally, what were you doing napping" she asks giving a smile wearing a summer dress looking over just as Isa slipped down the stairs giving a loud entree 'Ta da' before placing her paw on a hip giving a smile wearing some tight fitting short shorts and a loose muscle shirt. Sasha giggling as she opened the door slipping outside with Vincent after her but being pulled back into a deep kiss by Isa, her right paw on his shoulder and her left having turned his head to the side so she could kiss him, her tongue lapping at his mouth which opened eagerly letting their tongues dance but this kiss was much quicker before it broke, Isa slipping her head back to whisper in his ear

"I ment what I said Vin, whenever you want to look, look, whenever you want to touch, touch and should you even wish to be wrapped in a female, all you need to do is come to me" her right paw having slipped down to rub over his rear before slipping away leaving the slightly shocked human standing there panting, a renewed erection in his pants that he had to readjust so Sasha wouldn't see.

Moving down the dirt road the three soon see the crossroads and little Fade sitting in the shady grass wearing a dark blue dress that nearly matched her hair color looking very nice against her shining fur, once close enough she pounces out and immediately tackles Vincent to the ground her tail swaying happily behind her as Isa and Sasha laugh Vincent noting that the clouds look very nice today as he stares up at the sky trying to make sure his heart was still beating. After getting up and catching his breath they all started off toward the shrine, Isa and Sasha naming off things and how they came around in the village, Fade just clinging to Vincents arm happily giving off a loud purr and a few licks with her relatively soft tongue to his hand. Finally leaving the small town behind them they all stop looking up at a large stone stair way leading into the darkness that was created from the large surrounding trees, feeling a bit intimidated but a happy tug from Fade dashed that away and they all stared up the stairs and he found that surrounded by his friends it wasn't so bad.

After a few minutes they came to a large opening seeing the huge tree that seemed to sprout out of a large circular building, Vincents jaw dropped and he could swear he heard it hit the ground Isa laughing so hard she nearly fell over Sasha giving and even Fade giving a few soft nearly silent giggles before Isa slipped a paw over pushing his jaws together "Mm, yep you really are a city boy aren't you" Isa giggled out as Sasha and Fade moved over to set up the picnic spreading out the boxes happily as Vincent looked around checking out the area.

The huge tree had to stand around near two hundred feet high while being around thirty feet wide, it's roots being ground deep into the earth the building built around it looking like an old fashion shrine the trees around it being no where near as bit so the light poured in from all sides warming the air which Vincent marked as probably being the cleanest air he had ever taken it, he felt completely rejuvenated and like he could just take down anything but a strong paw wrapped around him as well as the nip to his shoulder brought him back down to earth "Hee~, that's the Oni tree, it was said to house the many oni that lived around here hundreds of years ago and a great dragon that ruled over them" she says pulling him over to the picnic

"So is that why the village is named the way it is" he asked curious sitting down and being handed a small box full of food, Fade having already started eating quietly Sasha nodding to his question "Mmhm, named because the people who lived around here at that time made a pact with the Oni that lived there in exchange for paying homage to them and the great dragon any that were born in the village were protected from any and all that wish there life" she explains happily taking a bit of rice 'Mmm'ing at the taste before Isa chips in

"It's also said that those born under the watchful eye of the dragon are to have immense powers and long life and if they were to prove themselves they would become immortal" Isa's expression was serious and soon Sasha and Fades eyes fell onto Vincent their gazes looking right through him making him nervous and soon he was looking around trying not to make eye contact but the laughter and giggles made him look back seeing all three of the girls giggling, Isa laying on her back kicking her legs and holding her stomach, Sasha holding her muzzle and laughing hard even Fade covering her muzzle and holding her stomach

"Ahh~ I can't believe he fell for that" Isa's voice rang out with several 'I'm sorry' from Sasha "Your such a gullible fool Vin, the look on your face was priceless I wish I had a camera" Isa laughs out pointing at the fooled human who was staring with a look that said 'You Bitch' on his face causing her to give an innocent look batting her eyes "Aww, don't be mad" leaning over giving his cheek a lick causing him to blink especially because it was right infront of Fade and Sasha but they didn't seem to care trying to catch their breaths "There all better" Isa says giving his arm a light punch before they all went back to eating.

After the picnic they all decided to just rest there Vincent noting that the sun just didn't seem to want to go down, the light pouring in from over the smaller tree tops looking as if it was only a bit after four or five a'clock, Fade was curled up against Vincents side purring contently while Sasha and Isa cuddled together, the wolfess petting the lionesses head causing her to purr as well and soon the two felines were asleep leaving the human and wolfess there together. Looking over Vincent sees that Isa was staring at him giving a sweet smile when he looked back at her, a paw slipping over and rubbing the back of her paw against his cheek "Mmm, care to slip off with me Vincent" her voice was sweet and his stomach got that nervous butterfly feeling again, all in all he was a virgin and by the way Isa was acting from his touches to her back home he was guessing she was as well.

Slipping form Sasha Isa takes the humans hand lifting him up to his feet and leading him into the shirne, slipping them into one of the empty rooms "Isn't this like tress-passing and a sin, I mean it is a shrine" Vincent protest causing the wolfess to giggle and pushing him down onto a bed mat straddling him slowly pulling her shirt off showing him her beautiful chest again and suddenly, sinning didn't seem so bad.

Isa's paws her very gentle in pulling his shirt off leaning down to lick over his chest and stomach, her soft tongue playing gently over his muscles her paws rubbing over his sides and soon working on his pants, pulling them open her right paw rubbing over the front of his boxers slipping her fingers into the hole and rubbing over his limp member her claws even feeling good and bringing him to full hardness, licking around his navel "Mmm, you have no idea how long I've wanted this Vincent" looking up at him that same seductive smile and blush on her face, his heart skipping a beat as he saw that look. Standing up turning and pushing her pants down bending over and lifting her tail showing him everything she had as a female, her pink sex wet with her juices and the scent that was wafting toward him was intoxicating and he felt the pain throbbing benith his pants the tent being impossible to miss and Isa was quickly to move on it, leaning her head down and nosing into the hole in his boxers her cold nose causing him to shiver and moan feeling a long warm tongue licking from base to tip before her paws begin pulling at his pants, causing him to lift his hips up letting her pull his last shreds of clothing away leaving him just as naked as Isa who was now slipping up and straddling his stomach.

Leaning her head down kissing and licking over the humans face, panting heavily as her sex dribbled juices onto his stomach, his paws holding his face still as they kissed Vincent even licking her back, her fur being soft and surprisingly pleasant to lick so as she slips over to his neck he does the same to her licking and nibbles just as she does but when he gives a bit of a strong bite she moans out her hips lifting up high and her tail lifting so much that it laid against her back, her arms wrapping around and holding him close. Smiling to himself as he finds her sweet spot slowly slipping from her grasp and moving up behind her pushing her down onto her stomach, panting heavily Isa looks over her shoulder her tail still lifted even lifting her hips up but leaving her chest and pressed against the bed mat, slowly pushing himself down top of her his bare body rubbing up against her soft fur felt amazing, his length throbbing and dripping pre down between her legs as it slid up against her heated sex panting heavily against her neck as he started rubbing his tip over her sex getting it soaked with her juices and causing them both to moan, his pre shooting out against her womanhood before he slips back and positions himself and begins to push.

Isa gripping the bed mat under her groaning and gritting her teeth as Vincent started to finally take her hoping her sex wasn't to tight for him since she never had another or even touched herself wanting to be perfectly pure for her first male, Vincent grunting as he pushed harder his tip slowly popping in both moaning out loud as he did, his pre spraying out more and more filling her inside as he gripped her hips pushing his hips forward, her sex feeling like a gripping vice and it was almost painful as he pushed himself deeper but soon he heard Isa yelp in pain and bite down on the bedmat, her claws slashing through the mattress like paper but that yelp causing Vincent to stop. Panting as he leans over her seeing if she was alright, Isa looking up with a 'Why did you stop' expression through her heavy pants, her sex squeezing tightly causing him to moan in pleasure pushing up against her causing her to moan out right after him

"Shove though Vincent, do it fast" she groans out and bites down on the mat again this letting Vincent know she was indeed a virgin and wanted him to tear through her hymen in one thrust, panting heavily sweat coating his body as well as having mixed a bit with hers, pulling his hips back so just the tip was in which wasn't very far before he gripped her hips and slamming his hips forward hearing her cry out in pain though it was muffled by the pillow as his hips slapped against her rear, pre spraying out into her womb giving her the first taste of a male. Laying atop her panting heavily against her neck as his manhood throbs inside of her bleeding sex, her warm blood flowing over his hard rod causing his length to throb as his heart to pound even harder than before, his hands slipping from her waist to the torn mat before he starts moving his hips back causing Isa to whimper in pain and softly beg him to not move though he didn't listen his hips still pulling back before pushing forward on their own, Vincent moaning out in pleasure as takes Isa.

Panting heavily giving whimpers of pain Isa holds tightly trying to keep herself quiet as her hips tremble the pain having yet to subside as Vincent started to hump her, his length pulling her heated insides painfully back and fourth, her blood coating his length as he continued pushing himself in and pulling himself out, pre mixing with her blood and other fem juices, her sex instinctually gripping and squeezing his invading length, milking it every time he pulled back and soon the pain started to fade just as he started to move faster, his hips slowly pushing her forward every time they slapped against her rear. Panting heavily Vincent leaned his head down, his hot breath playing over her neck fur causing her to moan and tilt her head forward exposing her neck for him, her hips pushing back to meet his thrusts and causing him to moan in return. Both soon got into a rhythm that felt amazing, Isa's pain disappearing as she feels Vincents hips slapping against her ass, paws covered by his hands holding onto the mat together as he continued thrusting over and over both moaning in pleasure as they gave their first time to the other and soon they both felt themselves slowly coming to the end of their first time.

Isa's moaning became more and more erratic as Vincents hips began thrusting with abandon, his hips slapping against her rear over and over filling the room with the sound as well as the lewd noises of their juices mixing together and covered by their moans, his pre spraying out more and more as he felt that small tingle in his sac panting out against her neck that he was going to cum and her moaning out just how badly she wanted him to fill her up inside. Crying out together as they came, her sex gripping tightly to his hard length and drawing out his hot seed into her womb, he collapsed ontop of her but she showed no signs of discomfort, slipping a paw back to rub over his head and neck licking his cheek as she milked him of his seed making sure he gave her every little drop and soon it was back-flowing out of her and down his sac and sticking into her fur on her thighs "God you cum like a horse" came her panting voice before laying her head down on the destroyed mat that was stained with their juices and her blood.

Resting there neither wanting to move and just enjoy the after glow of their first times but soon Isa kissed his cheek "Com'on baby, we've gotta get up and go back outside" she says softly Vincent groaning in protest but a small slap to the side of his rear made him jump, his member having long ago gone limp and slide out of her and her sex had closed up keeping as much of his seed inside of her as possible. Standing up stretching Vincent began looking for his clothing but Isa slide her paws up his thighs drawing his attention down to see Isa licking over his limp member, her soft tongue cleaning up their juices before she slid his length into her mouth and began suckling it, her tongue slipping into the foreskin and not leaving any part uncleaned, pulling off his growing length and licking around the rest of his privates, even licking his pubes clean. Panting softly resting a hand atop her head trying to keep himself from getting fully hard again but Isa had other plans, lapping over his hardening length and suckling on his sac lapping over it before slipping back over his length bobbing up and down over his length.

Little did they know that Fade and Sasha were standing outside of the shrine door having both awoken just after they left, both standing there saying nothing staring at the door having been listening to the proceedings their eyes having changed, glaring forward with blank expressions their eyes having shifted to those that haunted Vincent for so long. The white of their eyes having changed to a near black purple, their irises nonexistent though the shift from dark purple to utter black very noticeably and their pupils both slitted but not like a felines, looking more like tares in their eyes and the right eye being a crimson red while the left was a lighter shade of purple and both of their eyes glowing dimmly in the darkened shirne.

After cumming a second time with a moan, his hot seed splashing against Isa's face and muzzle and she seemed to love it rubbing her muzzle along the side of his length licking over her muzzle 'Mmm'ing loudly in pleasure, her paws resting against his hips as she slowly pulls away looking up to him with a loving smile, her tail wagging behind her before she kisses his tip "Get dressed I'll be out in a minute" giving him a wink and a small pat in his rear he nods and wipes himself off before getting dressed and quickly slipping out leaving Isa there with a smile.

Isa standing up slowly looking out to the open door Sasha and Fade slowly coming inside, placing a paw on her hips as they approach Sasha and Fades eyes glaring through the wolf who's eyes changed into the that of those that fill Vincent with fear, upon reaching the wolf though Fade slips down onto her knees and begins lapping over the wolfs sex licking her clean, Sasah slipping her paws up to hold Isa's face still before licking over her muzzle collecting as much of Vincents seed before swallowing shivering with a groan of pleasure Fade also giving a cute little moan of pleasure as she connected some of the seed inside of Isa's sex, Isa moaning softly wrapping her left arm around Sasha while placing a paw atop Fades head letting them clean her and enjoy the taste of his seed.

In little time the three were panting all trembling in pleasure before Sasah kisses Isa on the lips and slips away, Fade kissing Isa's tummy and doing the same leaving the wolfess panting along to get dressed and meet them outside where Vincent was looking around searching for the two felines that he and Isa had left sleep, walking around the shrine seeing that the sun had gone down alittle but only maybe and hour or so but when he was with Isa it felt like he and her were together for a full day making love to one another and that thought made him blush and think on things he could have done different, like bite her neck a bit more, and really that he should have worn protection but saying that to her might upset her like he was saying she was dirty, but the major thing was what happened to him when he tore through her virginity. He couldn't stop himself from thrusting into her even though she was in pain he just felt like going all out, maybe it was because he had just lost his virginity to one of the most beautiful girls he'd met or because it was both his and her's first time either way what's done is done and from what she said they could do it again whenever he wanted, that made a smile appear on his lips but a few questions appear like 'Are Isa and I lovers now' and 'What should I do about Sasha and Fade' though Fade being a young girl he didn't figure she needed to know but Sasha lived in the same house and it's kind of hard not to guess what others are doing when two people are moaning in a room and things are falling over with cries like 'Don't stop' and 'Harder.'

All these things swirled around in his head but they were broken when a fimilar black blurr ran into him tackling him to the ground with an 'oof' followed by a giggle that he knew was Sasha's, sighing and setting his thoughts aside before petting the little panthers head "Hey there Fade, where we're you two" he asks looking over to Sasha who smiled back holding out a blanked that was wrapped around their picnic

"We cleaned up and went to look for you, we found Isa inside she said she gave you a tour then told you to check on us but we had slipped in just before you left and you missed us" Sasha giggles her tail flicking as Isa jogs over with a smile

"Alright people we should head off before Fade's parents start to wounder where she is, plus Jess, she's supposed to be home for dinner we've gotta atleast make her dinner" she says with a smile Sasha giving a nod in agreement Fade also nodding as she helps Vincent to his feet and all three of them leave with smiles.

Demon's Within, Chapter 3, Original

Having said goodbye to Fade at the crossroads Vincent wanting to walk her home but being assured that she would be fine by both Isa and Sasha and he had to agree since this was a small village and everyone more or less knew everyone that Fade would be...

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Demon's Within, Chapter 1, Original

Here is the first Original Demon's Within story by request of a fan. I'll leave them up while I work on the re-written versions. Vote and...

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Dark, Chapter 1

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