Dark, Chapter 1

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#2 of Discontinued

Here's a new story, it is not yiff orientated as many of my stories are not. This is th...

Here's a new story, it is not yiff orientated as many of my stories are not. This is the start of a writing frenzy I hope, I wrote this entire thing within roughly four hours so hopefully that means I'll be typing up more chapters to other stories and hopefully it won't take me three months to post another one.

Give thanks to my editor as he deserves it since he has alot that he has to do as well.

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"In fairy tales, there's always some great evil living within the shadows manipulating it's evil minions from behind the scenes and telling them what to do to carve the world into what it sees fit. Then there's a hero, girl or boy, who rises up, either being chosen by the gods or deciding that enough is enough and makes a stand, taking up a weapon and facing the evil and is soon joined in by friends from all over the world that they have made. Charging against the evil darkness head on and slaying them to bring light to all the world, happiness flows out and joy surrounds everything and everyone lives happily ever after..."

"We all know the stories are bullshit...right?"

The sound of howling wind was all that could be heard in the distance. The pitch black darkness that surrounded the lands having been blocked out long ago by the thick wall of swirling black clouds that lingered in the sky, constantly keeping the sun, the moon and even the stars light out. The world known as Earth had since then become a frozen wasteland, no natural light to warm the planet from the cold that flowed over every part of the land. The sea causing the once familiar earth and dirt to be covered by an unwanted frozen whiteness that chilled everything to the bone.

"The world had become nothing but a frozen ball, the sky having been cut off from view no matter where a person was on the planet. A constant night that surrounded everything, many people panicked over such a thing happening and thousands died as they tried to understand what was going on, many screaming 'Its the end of the world!' Idiots. Although if there was an end of the world it wouldn't be the clouds blocking the sky, it would be what came after that."

The wind howled constantly, being funnelled and reflected off of the large buildings and skyscrapers. Now they just stood there as a reminder of what used to be, human and fur kind working together in corporate buildings to make the money for the people at the top while they suffered and toiled all day and night for minimum wage. The once familiar streets having been long covered by snow, the vehicles that still lingered on them, smashed together either from crashing into another or by some unknown means. The cars and trucks lined the streets and side walks, the snow having covered everything yet only to a certain degree. It no longer snowed, the oceans had frozen over, no water to evaporate into the clouds, to freeze and then fall once again.

With all this the two races that dominated the world were quickly panicked, ways to try and understand the meaning of the clouds as well as how to get rid of them were broadcast all over the world and everything seemed to stop. Fights, wars, marriages, work, nothing else really seemed to matter as the swirling clouds flowed shifted about in the sky, however it would only last a total of a day before something else gained the attention of these two 'dominant' races.

"No one knows where they came from, at least no one living that is. They came like a swarm of bugs, screeching and crying out, calling others to them and the major cities were their first targets, these huge creatures with a hunger for flesh just swarmed over everything and began killing and eating whatever they could. As it was obvious that humans and furs were in abundance within the cities they were naturally what these creatures devoured and no matter how much they ate it would never be enough."

Within this long forgotten city rested silence, for years it lay untouched and unexplored yet now several people wandered the darkened streets, the pitch-blackness cut out by the technology that they had lying within their armor. Each person had on the same kind of black armor, the color blending them in with everything around them and making them invisible to the naked eye, boots with black metal on the heels and toes, their shins protected as well as their calves. Spiked knee pads rested at the joint and greaves wrapped around their upper legs, being connected to the lower armor by black leather straps, metal guards ran up from the greaves protecting their groin and back sides and this protection was connected with the large torso armor that they wore. The armor upon their upper bodies would be the most elaborate as everything else other than their helmets would be fairly simple, yet large canisters rested on their stomachs running along their waist line while two others rested on their lower backs, one on top of the other.

These canisters would give off a faint humming sound with each movement that was made before falling silent. Their arms were armored from shoulder to hand, having special gloves with small pieces of metal attached to their fingers, layered at each joint. Their helmets were the second most elaborate piece of armor, the helmets being completely metal, with another smaller canister, resting in front of the mouth, humming with each breath that was taken. The eyes of the helmet were black, yet also had infra-red as well as night vision eyes attached to cut through the darkness that surrounded. The armor was all black and the thick clothing that was worn underneath was also black. Each person carried a weapon with them though they were far from military grade, simple double barrel shot-guns and hand guns were resting within the hands of these people, two actually holding semi-automatic rifles and a few carried around large fire axes.

This group of seven would slowly move down the side-walk, avoiding the main street and keeping away from the cars. Lacking the real military weaponry did not stop them from moving like one, the person in the rear having their back turned to the others to notice anything behind the group. The group continued forward with a strange paranoia, they would shift their gazes up and around almost every two seconds as if expecting the sky to fall on top of them or waiting for the buildings to begin to crumble.

Yet nothing but the wind that constantly howled would be noticed. The group would come to a stop near the edge of the city, nothing but a large highway that lead to another city rested before the group. The one at point would kneel and set a small item in the snow, a small ball made of metal with a dim blue glowing light on the top of it.

With this done the group quickly turned and started back at a brisk yet cautious walk, they watched the sky and what was around them even more now, there were always two eyes that looked up as the group moved back the same direction they had just come. It only took them possibly three minutes before they had reached a narrow alley, this causing the group to pause before looking around as if especially cautious of narrow spaces like this. The one in point would peer around the corner before quickly dashing around in a full speed run, coming to a stop just at the other corner, pressing their backs against the wall before checking the T like alley that broke off from the main one.

Their weapons were raised straight out to look at the branch alley in front of them before quickly spinning around to look down the other, only to find nothing on either side. They would look straight up and see the large metal plating that rested atop the building's roofs, keeping the sky from view. The rest of the team waited patiently although with that same paranoia, the one closest to the corner peeking around waiting for the original point to give the signal that everything was fine.

This signal came in the form of a hand around the corner, motioning for the group to continue but they did not all charge forward like it would be expected from a rag tag group such as this. One by one they charged forward at full speed. Once at the branch they would either move to the left or to the right, the twin alleys both being dead ends as the team members quickly found themselves faced with large metal plating that blocked off half of the alley in both alleys.

Now with two of the group left, the first to last charged forward only to hear a loud ear piercing screech and a light suddenly burst from behind them. Screams from the other team members called out telling the person to run or get down, find someway out of the light. It was far to late however. As the light shone brighter the image of the person would fade as the light engulfed them. The team that had been waiting at the T second quickly dove behind the two walls to escape the light while the last person still on the other side dove away and quickly found themselves hiding under a truck.

Another ear piercing screech echoed from the walls of the alley, with the sound of the scream of terror from the last member, the female voice was quickly silenced by the sound of metal being sliced through flesh and a spray of blood that burst out into the T section, the pure white snow being tainted by the crimson color. The five members of the team kept still, two in the left with three in the right. The fear that flowed off of them could be felt by just standing near them, however one was unafraid as they stepped toward the light with handgun gripped firmly in their right hand. The sound of flesh being torn apart and bones being broken filled the alley but they quickly stopped as the one who showed no fear neared the light, without actually stepping into it.

Standing there only meer inches from the pure light as it illuminated just that part of the T shaped alley. The person stared intently at the light, their night vision goggles having turned off automatically so they would not be blinded but the light was far to bright. The black lenses of their goggles were easily pieced by the light showing the electrical goggles that made up the insides before showing the persons eyes.

The sound of foot steps rang out, large heavy steps that caused the ground to tremble slightly and the person standing near the lightl only lift their head up as if looking at a taller person standing before them as the foot steps stopped. The person's left hand raised up, unbuckling their helmet before pulling it off. The pale human's deep yellow eyes glaring into the light as their faded black hair swayed from the air that flowed in from the main part of the alley, a male, appearing to be only in his early twenties.

As the man glared at the light he gave a sneer before taking a single step back,


he shouted which caused grunts and a hissing growl to flow from the light before something began to appear within the light. Strange black lines began to slowly appear before the man, the lines becoming thicker and soon took the shape of bones. Now a black skeletal creature was standing before the man, the height of this demonic looking creature being nearly eleven feet high, a large skull glaring down, the light pouring forth from it's eyes as it glared down at the human in front of it.

The skull of this creature was animal-like in design, a long muzzle with large jagged teeth that were directly connected to the skull, parted as another loud hissing growl was let forth. Below the skull was a large spine that flowed down nearly half a foot before running into a large rib cage. From the spine, between several rows of the rib cage were four arm-like appendages that were separated by nearly ten ribs, two on either side of the creature. Though they were not unlike arms, however, there were two joints in them, meaning they could bend unlike the human and fur's single elbow. The hands of these creatures were completely different and far more lethal than a human or fur's hand could ever be, resting at the tips of the two upper arms were two large bone like sickles that were easily two feet in length. On the lower arms were finger like appendages, large three fingers with two joints like human and fur hands, however more like furs as large serrated claws rested at the ends of each of the three fingers.

Half way down this large skeletal creature's spine there were two other appendages that flowed from it. These two skeletal bones arched straight up and then bowed back down in the form of wings, showing that this creature was capable of flight yet there was no real flesh or material that looked like it would catch air to give this creature any kind of lift. Further down this creature's spine were the rest, two large bones that began the tops of these creature's legs. The reverse jointed legs, like feral animals that once roamed the earth, made up these creatures legs while from their feet projected four large pointed toes with large serrated claws at the tip of each. From between this creatures legs the spine continued and flowed into a long tail with a scythe-like tip that dragged around in the blood stained snow as it stood before the small human who glared back up at the creature with no fear.

The black haired man backed away while constantly provoking the creature, he yelled out in anger at the creature while giving demand after demand that the creature attack him.

"Come-on! Attack me you god damned monster!" he cried out, and finally the creature lifted it's left foot and stepped forward. As soon as its leg left the light, however, something changed. In the shift from the blinding light to the dim shadows, flesh suddenly began to appear on the creature, large leathery like brown flesh that began to bulge, the massive muscles tensed as the creatures foot pressed into the snow covered ground.

The human's eyes watched the creature's foot before taking another step back, causing the creature to step forward once more, pulling more of its skeletal like body out of the light and it shifted from a skeletal like demon into a flesh covered demon standing before the human. Large wings pulled in toward its back while pure white eyes burned down at the human that had provoked it from the light, heavy black drool flowed from behind its large jagged teeth that were as black as the creatures eyes.

Lifting it's head the creatures maw opened, giving a loud screeching roar that caused the very walls of the alley to tremble. As soon as it gave its roar it lowered its head to glare firmly at the human who was had not moved, no fear within this human, only anger. He glared at the creature as it lowered its head, lifting its four arms up and back to prepare for its charge to kill him but it wouldn't get the chance as the human raised his right arm, pointing his gun at the creatures head.

This movement caused the creature to lift its head up as if realising something, but with the sound of the gun firing the creature's thought ended as the bullet ripped through its teeth and out the back of its head. The black blood burst into the air and stained the already crimson snow, the black blood of the creature melting the snow immediately on contact. The creature ripped its head back as a hole was blown through it's head, slowly falling onto its back. Black eyes open wide, its arms flailing around wildly in the air as it tried to force its body to survive, however the man would not allow such a thing to happen.

Slowly walking over to the creature, he looked towards another person in the other part of the T alley.

"Alex, throw me your axe", he called out, causing one of the other members to lift their head before reaching up with their left hand to pull their helmet off as their night vision and infra-red goggles blocked their view when such light was constantly shining in front of them. With his helmet off the snow leopard blinked as he looked into the blinding light, just barely able to make out the human on the other side. Setting his shot-gun down, he pulled the belt around his waist off then pulled the large fire axe that had been spray painted black from the sling that had been stitched into the belt. Alex the snow leopard stood and tossed the axe through the light to the human who caught it easily before stepping toward the creature that was desperately trying to get back into the light, only to freeze as the human stepped to it's left side. The creature turned its head toward the human who had lifted the axe high over his head, the humans cold yellow eyes glaring down emotionlessly as the large creature stared back up.

With the axe falling the creatures head was severed from it's body, black blood burst from the stump on its neck while the light that had shone constantly into the alley suddenly dimmed as the creature's life began to fade. Once the creature's eyes dimmed and the blood slowing to a stop the light disappeared. Now the five people were left standing there, each staring down at the decapitated creature, the darkness having fallen upon them once again with the silence of only the wind that howled through the city once more.

From the first part of the T alley stepped the last member of the team, the one who had dived under the truck to avoid the large creature. In their hands rested the helmet of the member of the team who had been caught in the light and was killed by the large creature that now lay dead at the groups feet as they gathered around it. In the person's other hand rested a strange creature, small in size, like a miniature creature of the larger one that now lay dead, save for the lack of wings upon its back. The person lifted the creature up to watch the steam rise off the dead body, then dropped the creature into the snow before they moved to the rest of the team, the human having stuffed the creature's head into a black cloth bag then tying it to his waist. He stood back up and shifted his eyes around, though he couldn't see anything through the pitch black darkness that surrounded him, the feeling of a hand on his shoulder gained his attention as another member of the group handed his helmet back to him.

The small group would get themselves ready once more, with Alex putting his axe back onto his back and the human putting his helmet back on. The sound of his night vision goggles clicked back on automatically as he looked around to the group who had moved to the end of the left side of the alley. He joined them as one of them pulled open a manhole cover, tossing it to the side before they all began to climb the ladder down into the sewer, the last pulling the cover back onto the hole leaving the blood and bodies laying in the snow.

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Nate. I'm a human survivor from 'The Day of Night' as it's called, the day when the black swirling clouds suddenly appeared in the sky, blocking out all the natural light around the world. These creatures appeared nearly a day after the darkness gripped the world, there's no official name for these creatures but many of us call them Light Walkers as they only appear in a blinding light that is created by small creatures that cling to their bodies. These small creatures are similar to them in many ways and are actually their young. We don't know how exactly they create the light that they give off, some people claim that it's some kind of chemical that they excrete from their bodies or mix within their bodies forcing them to heat up to extreme levels which create that blinding light."

"Other than that mystery would be what the light does to the larger creatures. Once the large full-grown creatures are exposed to that blinding light they appear to lose all physical form and only appear as a black skeleton at close range. When these Light Walkers are in this form they can't be harmed by any means, guns, axes, explosives are all useless against them, only when they are provoked outside of the light can they be killed by any means. However there is a complication to doing such a thing, once outside of the light they can be killed but should they make it back into the light they seem to heal instantly and are able to attack once again."

"Where the Light Walkers come from is unknown, there are several different theories however. The two main theories that surround them would be the God and Devil theories, these theories having been tossed around so much that two entire cities have been built around them. Far to the North in what was once Canada rests a large civilization that believes these creatures are God-like creations that have come to purge the world of all darkness and evil. This is why they are bathed in light whenever they appear, as we mortal creatures are not fit to gaze upon them."

"How these people survive is beyond me as they carry no weapons, or at least no weapons that are used against these creatures. With that fact a person would immediately think that they would be killed easily yet they survive by some unknown way. The Light Walkers seem to just leave these people alone as if they have found a way to either avoid them or make the Light Walkers ignore them completely. How they did it is their secret and they will no share it, any 'Lost' that nears their city is shot on site without second though as they are 'unclean' and would let the 'Darkness' into their paradise. At least that's why they say."

"Now these people's complete opposite would be the believers that these creatures are hell spawn or monsters, these people are located deep within what was Mexico. The Northern city has been created by unknown means but the Mexico city has little secret about it. This city has been built using three large ships, two large cargo freightliner ships and a military air craft carrier. They have taken these three huge ships and turned them into thriving cities. They have connected the ships with large walkways extending from the frozen earth up to them, as well as out fitting the ships with heavy military grade weaponry which makes many believe that they are the survivors of what were once the armies of the world. These people view these creatures as just monsters that need to be killed without question, they are even so arrogant that they had fitted their cities with millions of fog lights that shin brightly without stop. They are the only civilization that openly shows that they have electricity, it's unknown as to how they generate such things and they won't tell anyone, they are as friendly as the Northern city."

"Other than these two cities would be the 'Lost' people, which are what I and the people with me are, people who do not believe these creatures are monsters or some kind of angelic or demonic creatures that roam the earth to purge it of evil or good. We believe that these creatures are just animals in one form or another and we are the only people who are actually trying to understand them. We've learned several things about these creatures that no one else knows, such as the small creatures that create the light that make these creatures more or less impossibl to kill. We also know how to kill these creatures. Other than these two things we've learned that these creatures are migratory, that they move in packs, much like the wolves. They shift from one place to another over and over again in a very predictable pattern, they have yet to deviate from this pattern that we have learned save for the select few that separate from their pack for whatever reason. We are unsure exactly what kind of social structure that they live with, if it's wolf like with the Alpha male or if its more like a society with many males."

"We still have much to learn about these creatures but can never stay in one place too long. If we get caught by one of their packs we won't survive as a single pack of Light Walkers can easily number over a hundred. This is why we are called 'Lost' as we are seen wandering around the frozen world as if we are lost and don't know where we are going. But what these people don't understand is we are far from lost, we're the only ones who actually have a direction in our lives. We will learn about these creatures and take our world back."

The small group pushed on through the sewers. The water had stopped long ago, leaving the entire sewage system dry and easy to move through and it was here that the team seemed to relax, not showing so much caution as they moved through the darkness that surrounded them. They turned this way and that, having obviously memorised the entire system and after several minutes had passed the team began to pull off their helmets, though once they were off it was no longer pitch black. A dim blue light shone down upon the entire system from small lanterns that hung from the ceiling.

Within these small lanterns rested dim blue lights that did not even interfere with the night vision goggles or infra-red settings that were built into the helmets. These lights were dim but made it possible to see without having to wear the large helmets and everyone in the group seemed happy to remove those helmets but there was an air of sadness and hesitation about going forward. They walked down a small slope and into a large metal gate that had been reinforced with large plates of metal. The group came to a large metal door that had been shut tight, the male wolf in the lead banging on the door a few times before a small metal slot slid open, a human standing behind it holding a glowing lantern. Upon seeing the group the door was opened, giving them entrance into what was waiting behind the door.

"We are a special kind of Lost. We move around just like the others but we have built small places for ourselves within each city that we have come across. Only a few actually stay within each of these places, mainly those who are studying the Light Walkers while the others move around taking information between each checkpoint, collating all the information that has been collected. This is how our Lost civilization has survived and why we know more about the Light Walkers than anyone else around the world."

The group stepped through the gate then moved down another long line of sewers before coming to a stop as they were greeted by a large group of humans and furs. Men, women and children standing there, waiting for their family, friends and information that had been gathered from the group. Five of the six from the group had stepped forward immediately to be greeted by the larger group that had waited for them to come back. However one person from the larger group looked around with a curious gaze, a female cat with large pointed ears, her yellow fur being mixed in with small black spots, her big blue eyes looking around as the members from the smaller group hugged and spoke to their family.

It was here that the human Nate stepped forward, his footsteps heavy and everyone seemed to fall silent as he stepped toward the small feline who's attention he had gained as soon as he moved towards her. His face was sad and she stared up to him with her ears fanned back and frightened eyes. Nate's eyes shifted down to the right as his right hand pulled the straps from the black bag where the creature's head rested at his waist. His gaze moved back to the young feline whose eyes were now filled with tears at the realisation that the one she had waited for was dead. Eyes and ears were cast down by everyone that was around Nate as the small feline took the bag and began crying, her heart-filled cry having filled the entire area causing all those who were within ear shot to stop and grieve for the loss of another person.

Nate stood there for a moment before turning from the girl and walking away, those around him parted as he stepped past them toward another tunnel while leaving everyone else behind. He was always the one to give such news to everyone, when someone was killed by a Light Walker he would be the one to tell those that remained.

The human walked down the other tunnel system, the people that he stepped toward would quickly step aside to allow him room. In his left hand he gripped his helmet while his eyes stared down at the ground in front of him, the image of the small feline's face burned into his mind as she stared at him with those frightened eyes. The tunnels down this far into the sewers were illuminated by barrels that held fire as well as some lights that were powered by generators, the small blue glowing lanterns were also hung around but they were not on, these apparently used for emergencies.

"Our small settlement within this city, as in most are completely underground. Once your this far underground you're able to have normal lights and fire instead of night vision and our blue lights, down here we are somewhat safe from the Light Walkers and light in general which attracts the Light Walkers. Down here we're able to have normal lights and fire, we can start families and be around other people. When people tend to gather around one another Light Walkers tend to appear. Out settlement has been completely built around this place, using what we could to build it, tables, chairs, beds and the like are all down here though nothing too big as it's hard to get around the sewers. Other than that we have fresh water from melted snow and food that we have been growing down here with soil we've collected from top-side. As much as many of us would like we can't stay here, not in one place as if there are too many of us the Light Walkers will notice when they migrate back to the city above."

Nate slowed to a stop as he neared a door that had 'Nate' carved into it, pushing it open, he closed it behind him, the entire room being simple and lit by the blue light that hung in the middle of the ceiling, though his eyes narrowed slightly as he looked up at the light. His right hand gripped his hand-gun and began to draw it from the holster on his left only to be stopped mid-movement as the barrel of another hand gun was placed against the right side of his head. Nate's eyes shifted over to look at the glowing eyes of the female predator lioness that stood next to him with a sly smile on her furred lips.

The lioness was large by human standards, being at least three inches taller than Nate who was around six foot one or so, her golden fur having been turned blue like everything else around the room from the blue light that she had turned on when she entered Nate's room. Nate's yellow eyes stared into the lioness's green ones for several moments before she lowered her gun which caused Nate to slip his own back into it's holster.

"You're slow Nate, I thought I taught you to never let your guard down even when you're in your own place. Feeling safe is the biggest mistake when dealing with an enemy," the lioness's voice as she set the gun down on a small table that rested next to the door Nate had just entered.

She turned herself around and stepped over to the bed in the far right corner, this being the only place to sit down in his room other than the small chair in the left hand corner. The table next to the door one of two places to set things as there was also a small table at the end of his bed. The room was a total of about ten by twelve feet, the walls floor and ceiling all naturally concrete with the door being iron.

Nate turned to the right and stepped toward the small table at the end of his bed, setting his helmet onto it before he started to pull his armor off, gloves, fore arm, shoulder, shin, greaves, groin then torso. As he pulled the armor off the lioness simply watched him with a small smile, herself being dressed in a gray muscle shirt and some black cargo pants, similar to the ones Nate was wearing. Once his bulky armor had been dumped he sat down on the bed on the right side of the lioness, he leaned himself forward while putting his elbows on his knees and the lioness's expression changed, she knew what was wrong and didn't bother saying anything about it.

Instead her right paw shifted to Nate's shoulder, pushing him back onto the bed making him lay his head down on the single pillow on his bed.

"Lisa was killed, Erica," Nate said as the lioness pulled his legs up onto the bed. She slowly moved over the smaller human, her arms resting on either side of his head, her muscled arms holding herself easily as she stared down into the humans eyes with her own, showing her sympathy as she looked down at him.

"Lisa knew the risks of going up top Nate, just like you do every time," Erica said before lowering her head down to lightly nuzzle into Nate's neck, giving a small kiss to his throat before slowly beginning to move down the human's body. Her left paw slowly pushed his long-sleeved shirt up, her claw tips lightly running over his muscled stomach. Nate didn't say anything as he stared up at the ceiling, he knew what Erica was doing, this wasn't for her so much for him, she was going to take his mind off of what happened.

"Erica was found in another city, two Lost groups running into one another which wasn't all that rare but soon after running into one another our two groups joined together which was rare, something that barely ever happened as more people meant more of a threat. Back then I was still too young to go up top, it wouldn't seem like it but Erica is almost ten years older than me. She's in her early thirties now and she's the one who taught me everything I needed to know about being a person who goes up top to study and search for material as well as provide information and plant trackers for the Light Walkers. She knew more about surviving up there than anyone I've ever met, its said that before she even joined the Lost group that we found her in she had been travelling alone, what she did before that she won't tell anyone and I don't ask."

Erica's paws slowly pulled open the front of Nate's pants as his right arm slowly moved over his face, covering his eyes slightly as his fore arm rested just over his eyes as they stared at the blue ceiling. The feeling of Erica's muzzle being pressed against his groin caused his eyes to close slightly. She had done this every time he had handed someone the head of the Light Walker that killed one of their loved ones, she was the one who told him to do that. To give the head to the surviving family was to let them know to not seek revenge as the one that had killed their family was dead and that they were not forgotten and just left to die.

"It put the family at ease, so she said."

Nate had begun to pant as a light layer of sweat had formed over his body, Erica's eyes closed as she focused on putting Nate's mind at ease. He was young and she knew how to get his mind to focus on something else other than everything that was wrong in this world. Her eyes slowly opened to look up at Nate as he panted, her eyes showed a that she understood his sadness of what he had to do. Her eyes closed and she turned her head to the right before pushing her head down on his erect shaft causing a soft moan to leave Nate's mouth before his left hand gripped the sheets that rested upon his bed. Her rough tongue ran up lightly against the underside of his shaft as she knew her rough tongue would hurt him if she wasn't careful.

She shifted her tongue to the tip of his shaft and began to rub firmly as she bobbed her head up and down giving slow long pulls as she swallowed every time she pulled her head back. These skilled movements caused Nate to grit his teeth and moan a few times as he felt the world fade away, everything around him being focused on what Erica was doing to him.

It happened fast but Erica knew what would happen, her right paw quick to move up to lightly cup Nate's sac and rub back and forth as she buried her muzzle deep into his pubic hair, taking in the scent of the human who had just ejaculated into her mouth. Her left paw rested on his lower stomach, pushing lightly as Nate's hips shivered with his left hand gripping the sheet, his breath caught in his throat when he felt his shaft throbbing firmly in the felines maw as the hot seed was pumped into the back of her throat.

Erica pulled back slowly making sure that no bit of Nate's seed would remain, holding every bit of it in her maw as she sat up with her eyes looking down at Nate as he panted, his eyes having shut tight in his orgasmic throws of pleasure causing her to smile silently to herself at how easily she could make him forget everything. Erica's eyes shifted around before remembering that Nate didn't have a bathroom or trashcan to spit out his seed, her eyes closed before letting the warm sticky liquid flow down her throat. She was like a large number of women who didn't really care to swallow a man's cum but she was one of the very few that would if needed as she knew it wouldn't hurt her.

Erica gave a soft sigh before her attention turned back to Nate as he lay there in his own sweat, she would have him between her legs later as right now he just needed to sleep, she made him forget his sorrow and now he needed to get some sleep. She shifted up before she pushed her right arm under his neck, she turned him onto her side and pulled him up against her front, his face rested lightly against her chest. Her left paw had begun to pet his head as his hands moved around her to pull himself close which brought a small smile to her lips.

"With everything you do Nate, I sometimes forget you're still a kid," she said softly to herself as she watched the younger human slowly fall asleep in her arms.

"Fairy tales are bullshit, right? Since when does the light kill you?"

Judgement: Chapter 1

The first full chapter of Judgement, enjoy it. For all those waiting it's still a pain to try and get the want to right but I'm doing better since I started and finished this story within two hours. Maybe I'll be doing this more and more...

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Dragon Hunter, Chapter 5

The fifth chapter of Dragon Hunter, slowly reaching the climax and the end of the series, can you guess what will happen next? Vote and...

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Lost Soldier: 7, Inner Choice

Thanks to my editor for getting this back to me so quickly, the other stories will be along soon enough within the next few days as I work on them and he checks them. Vote and...

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