Demon's Within, Chapter 1, Original

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#1 of Demon's Within -Original- Complete

Here is the first Original Demon's Within story by request of a fan. I'll leave them up while I work on the re-written versions.

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Fear, that's all I felt as I charged blindly through the darkened hallways that was such a happy place for all of us, I knew they were behind me all I cared about was how far behind but I didn't dare look over my shoulder for fear that they were right there with those horrid eyes, the eyes that strike fear into my very soul and chill my blood and bones. Taking a sharp left from the dark hallway I see the main door giving a hopeful smile as I charge toward it, my heart pounding as the sight of hope gets closer and freedom is near assured only to feel a sudden shove from my side throwing me off balance and sending me between a row of foot lockers immediately crashing into one of the rows with a with echoed sound of the metal doors crashing against metal, blinking seeing that I wasn't outside I immediately turn only to see a glint of what could only be metal and then....pain. I was lifted into the air and crashed down on my left side, something warm and thick pouring down the right side of my face, my head hurt and my heart felt like it was going to explode when I suddenly feel hands on my shoulders pulling me up into a sitting position against the row of lockers, voices exchange quietly over me but at that moment I didn't care if they were doing magic tricks. After a moment a hand cupped my chin lifting my head, the hand feeling strange, soft and fur like and then something warm and rough caressed my left cheek...a cloth, no, a tongue, whoever it was had started licking up my blood that seeped from the large gash over my eye or it might have been big all I knew was whatever hit me had done some damage but that tongue seemed to calm me greatly it was rough yet gentle in cleaning up the blood and I was so intrapt in the licking tongue I didn't notice that a second had joined at my neck making me lift my head even more but the second didn't last as I heard the sound of a zipper between my legs.

My left eye opening and trying to look down but the paw on my chin extended it's claws and a threatening growl was heard so I remained still and the cleaning tongue started again and I relaxed figuring I couldn't stop them anyway, a moment going by and I could feel a soft tongue running over my limp member licking it to hardness, not that I had much choice in the matter but I did let forth a moan of pleasure when my length was engulfed in a warm mouth that immediately started suckling like a baby bringing me to full hardness. Panting my right hand came up to grab onto who was giving me head at such a strange moment, 'I mean, sitting at school after hours when I was being chased by two evil creatures as well as me sitting down bleeding probably in need of stitches, if this wasn't a bad time for sex what is.?' though, putting that aside, I felt a paw slip into my no furred hand lacing it's fingers with mine, I couldn't tell which one was holding my hand but I felt so relaxed now, nothing was after me. Now, all of it just seemed so far away, letting another moan as I feel the one between my legs start bobbing on my length while the other continued licking up my blood as if it was the nectar of life but slowly the licking stopped and I felt furred lips press against mine kissing me passionately like a long time lover. The kiss hadn't surprised me, I've always loved kissing others rather than having sex just sitting around and making out was enough for me but the warm pool of liquid that seeped into my mouth brought a new thought, 'Their making me drink my own blood!' but I had no way to stop them and I would soon either drown or spit it up which would probably only anger I swallowed. My own warm blood slowly flowing down my throat and they pulled away giving a giggle, a very familiar giggle that I've heard before but I couldn't place at the moment but that could have been because I was nearing my orgasm the bobbing head was very skilled and soon my head was tilted back the other taking up in cuddling up against me rubbing their head against my throat pressing their chest against my arm which let me know they were indeed female.

Soon I gave a loud moan my length jumping inside of the others mouth before it was filled with my warm cum, they seemed more than happy to moan and continue bobbing and suckling on my length drinking down my warm cum happily and soon my pleasured moment in a time of terror was over, both of the furred creatures standing up one female the other being female as well I assumed but I couldn't really tell at the moment. Looking up to the two standing over my used body, my blood having stopped while the girl was licking it up but I didn't open my right eye until I flushed it with water making sure that the blood was out if any seeped in, just staring up at my two attackers or saviors they just watched me I couldn't make out their faces so I did the next best thing to figure out who they were, I asked, causing both to smile fang filled smiles the glint of their white teeth was the way I could tell they were smiling and soon they both crouched leaning over and rubbing their heads up against either side of my neck whispering small things to me "When in hell only the devil can help you out" came the one on my left "You know it's good to have a friend like me when your soul is damned" intoned the one on my right before they slip back and my heart skips a beat as I look into the faces my the two of my best friends. Sasha the girl on the left who was licking up my blood was a female lioness with a beautiful tan furred body and piercing blue eyes, her head fur being a darker brown and always found to be in dread locks, she was shorter than me by a few inches right now but being a year younger than I was she still had time to grow and Isa the white wolf on the right who had pleased me with her skilled maw stood nearly an inch over me as well as one year older, being completely white with deep yellowish brown eyes that I could just get lost in, her head fur was a silverish color and always hung loose behind her nearly her tail, both were my best friends who I've known ever since I moved into this small village way out in the mountains and now here they we're the terrors that hunted me.

Glaring at the two with my one good eye, panting heavily as my fear returned their eyes being the things that scared me my entire life, the demons that constantly bite at my heels were glaring at me right now, seeing a flash and another glint before I felt pressure on my stomach and a warm liquid staining my school shirt, slowly looking down seeing the blade embedded in the right side of my stomach and the red liquid that was my blood flowing out over it and onto Isa's paw staining it pink. Looking up panting with a pained expression as I felt my life slowly slipping away only to feel Sasha slip her arms around my neck pulling me into a loving hug kissing and licking up my neck "Don't worry, death's avoidable..." looking down asking 'How' she giggles nibbling on my ear like she's done so many times before whispering it very softly "Just wake up."

The human boy cried out as he sprang from his bed his left hand slipping off the bed and sending him tumbling to the floor with a loud thud and 'oof!' before he jumped to his feet looking around, his face covered in sweat, his shirt and shorts also clinging to his body as he panted a terrified look on his face as he realizes what just happened had to be a nightmare. Giving a sigh he slowly walks over to his bed sitting down rubbing his face as he tries to sort out what that dream was about but didn't really want to, slowly standing up pulling his shirt off tossing it into the dirty clothes having no want to wear clothing in a cold sweat before hooking his thumbs into his shorts pushing them down slowly, getting to mid thigh as he heard his bedroom door slam open with a very happy "Morning Vincent!" looking up immediately recognizing the voice as Sashas and sure enough Isa was with her, they always came to wake him up for school since they all lived in the same house but the happy looks on the two girls faces turned to surprised gasps as Vincent looked at them his shorts around his knees his manhood being on display for the public and like all boys in the morning was standing at full attention, the dream not helping much. Soon enough Sasha had screamed embarrassment as Isa charges forward giving Vincent several knocks over the head followed with "THE HELL ARE YOU NAKED FOR! GET DRESSED!" along with a cry from Vincent as tried to call out that this was his room.

Demons Within

Panting heavily Vincent scrambled to get ready for school under the supervision of Isa while Sasha gathered herself and went to make them lunches, they had always got him up about an hour early for school ever since he moved here, being a transfer student from the city he was welcomed happily but Isa and Sasha who even let him move in with them rather then getting himself a place and living alone it was a good thing his mother was friends with Isa's mother but he hadn't expected such a welcome as he got when he first arrived.

*Nearly a year ago*

Slowly stepping off the bus with an exaggerated sigh looking around seeing nothing but forests and fields, turning around seeing the same thing and the paved road that the bus had just drove down on "Sure, go and expand your horizon's it'll be for you Vincent...thanks a heap mom" he says aloud dropping his heavy duffel bag off his shoulder letting it crunch on the dirt ground as he just stands there waiting for his 'escort' to take him to the little village called oni-douketsu or oni for short, 'A fitting name since only a demon would live out here' his thoughts wandered looking around "At-least it's quiet" he sighs looking down picking up his duffel bag, the human standing around six feet in high with messy brown hair and dark brown eyes, nothing really unusual about him except he was human where in this world where near extinct though many didn't dwell on the fact that soon humans would no longer exist in this world. Walking down the paved street finding it to be out of place way out here in the country and that leading him to find he was already starting to miss the city never one to really go outside he really wanted to just sit in-front of the tv and play some video games or watch some anime then go to bed but now way out here he was wondering if they even had indoor pluming.

He continues down the side of the road looking around for any kind of sign that a village might be around slowly coming to a stop as he hears something coming up behind him seeing a truck in the distance looking like an old clunker out of a junk shop as it got closer to him, turning to the side of the road and just watching the truck as it slowed to a stop showing a wolf was the driver, a large female wolf to be exact. Giving a smile to the little human as she stepped from the truck walking around giving the human a large hug as if he was her son confusing the human to no end

"Um...can I help you" he says muffled by the wolfs fur, the wolf being large nearly half a foot taller than him and much stronger her muscles easily seen under her fur, her head fur being a nice silver and tied back into a pony tail, her clothing consisting of work boots, worn cargo pants and a dirty muscle shirt looking like a hard working woman, giving a giggle and pulling away from the bemused human petting his hair back

"Sorry about that it's just been so long Vin, you don't remember me I'm Jess your mothers friend that was supposed to pick you up though I'm running a bit late" she smiles reaching down and picking up his duffel bag like it weighed nothing

"When you weren't at the bus stop I got a little worried that you might have missed your bus" tossing the bag into the back of the truck she opens his door then slips around and slides into the drivers seat.

Looking around feeling a bit out of place before he gets up into the truck Jess turning the truck around and heading back the other way going past the bus stop and down the road a ways before turning down onto a dirt road it being very bumpy shaking the truck back and fourth

"So what do you do in Oni Jess" Vincent asks holding onto the trucks door handle praying to all the gods that the truck doesn't fall apart, Jess smiling having been waiting for the shy little human to speak up "I work at the scrap yard, fixing up old things and melting down the rest, found this baby there as well, fixed her up good" she says patting the steering wheel though that really doesn't make Vincent feel any better about the truck though it held as the sight of a small village, the buildings being made of wood, all roads being dirt even having some small streams going through the villages it all looking like a step back in time. Vincent pushing his hair out of his face

"Seems like a quiet little place" he comments Jess nodding though she shot him a side glace with a smile that was a strange mix of seductive and border lining evil but it quickly faded as she pulled the truck up next to a two story house looking very homey even to a city boy like Vincent, stepping from the truck looking up at the house Jess doing the same

"Four bedrooms, two bathrooms kitchen living room and a storage room" she says proudly grabbing his bag and leading him into the house opening the heavy door letting him go in first, the older wolfess looking over the lean human over with hungry eyes and that same seductive smile though with less evil in it. Stepping in-front of the little human walking down the main halway it having two sliding doors on both sides then a stairway on the left, moving up the stairs naming off what was behind the doors all the rooms being on the second floor, leading him to the back room on the right slidding the door open tossing his duffel bag inside Vincent looking in, the room being furnished simply having a bed mat a few book shelves though no books, a closet and a short dresser for clothing

"It's simple we'll have to get you some things to get you comfortable" Jess says ruffling the humans hair causing him to groan a bit having never really liked being treated like a child looking up at the larger wolf who was smiling leaving her paw on his head "Your just as cute as you used to be" she giggles out walking over and opening the closet pulling out a large blanket and setting it on the floor

"You guys do have a tv right" was Vincents only concern at the moment Jess blinking and giving a giggle

"Yes sweety we do though no cable way out here, hope you brought some movies but we can get more when I drive into town" walking out of the room "Isa and Sasha will be home in a few hours, make yourself at home I've gotta get back to the scrap yard and won't be in till late like always, Sahsa and Isa will take care of dinner so don't stress anything" Jess winks the human standing there just unsure what to do as the wolfess disappears down the hall the sound of a door closing letting him know that he was now alone in the huge house.

Deciding to explore the large house searching to find out a little about his new home, still unsure why his mother was so persistent about him leaving the city and come why out here to his village especially though she gave him a reason, to broaden his horizon and get out of the house, 'it'll be good for you' were here exactly words on the matter, he just shook his head but after a month straight of hearing that he finally gave in and said alright. Now he was over a hundred miles from and major city, only small towns and famrs around here, he had never even heard of Oni till his mother mentioned it, it wasn't on any maps and he couldn't find anything about it online either it's like it didn't exist or just wasn't important to anyone on the outside of the village, shrugging as he opens the fridge looking over what they had to drink deciding on a large juice box, opening it as he slips into the living room seeing two large couches and a smaller one in a square the final side being for the large flat screen tv "At-least it's not black and white" he moves around kneeling in-front of the large tv looking over the many dvd discs in the small dresser the tv stood upon, picking an action movie and slipping it into the side of the tv before flopping down on the couch letting the move play out just constantly thinking about why his mother wanted him here and what was will Jess, he doesn't remember anything about her or his childhood either and the little bit he does didn't have anything about the large wolf in them.

He didn't know how much time had passed having put a second movie into the tv though his mind was elsewhere just lounging on the couch with three juice boxes in-front of him, two crushed after being drank and the third half way done and now he was just sitting there letting time go by his thoughts returning to the rest of his things back in the city his mother promising to mail the rest of his things to him, clothing and his games and he hoped that would take too long for her to do that since most of the movies were low rated older movies that held his interest only for a moment. He was nay leaning back with his head tilted back staring up at the ceiling with a blank expression "God this place is boring" he groans out having no want to really do anything anyway but something behind him broke him out of his mindless rambling "Spoken like a real city boy" a very feminine voice came surprising him and causing him to jump to his feet spinning to see a white wolfess standing there wearing a school uniform with her arms crossed under her breasts as if presenting them to be watched and they were definitely the center of Vincent's attention for a few moments before he looks up to her face seeing she was smiling obviously used to getting stares

"So you must be Vincent city boy" she intoned climbing over the couch looking down at the slightly smaller human "Mmm, smaller than I thought" giving his head a pat Vincent pulling his head away with a glare "Oh someone's got a temper, wanna fight" lowering her head showing some fangs causing Vincent to immediately back down, stepping back from the larger wolf causing her to giggle and reach out pulling him into a hug "Aww, your the cutest thing" she giggled when another voice came from the kitchen

"Isa~ are you picking on our new house mate" a lioness soon appeared wearing an apron over her school uniform immediately fanning her ears out lowering her muzzle and Vincent could almost swear he say her cheeks and muzzle change colors ever so slightly in a blush. Isa being the wolf lowered the human his head being squished up against her chest his mind immediately wandering to what she looked liked undressed unable to stop his mind from doing that being a guy, his lower brain working at that point though those thoughts didn't last as the lioness walked over holding out a paw

"Welcome to your new home I'm Sasha and the touchy feely wolf is Isa" the lioness seemed to be much more subtle than her wolf counterpart. Taking the offered paw finding her fur to be very silky smooth to the touch, after the shake he looks to the juice boxes

"I'll clean that up" Sasha quickly interrupted having some way of sensing that Vincent was going to say the same thing Isa on the other had grabs the young human by the arm wrapping her's around his "Well have you got a tour of the house yet" she said happily Vincent only thing she was just as touchy feely as her mother was though with her being younger and her large chest being pressed against his arm he blushed

"Um, no not yet...I mean Jess told me what was what and all" Isa giggles at his shyness then drags him off "Com'on I'll show you everything, even my room" the last part was said in a low and what could have been seductive tone Sasha calling out to leave the door open as she watched Vincent get dragged up the stairs into his new life with Isa and Sasha.


Sighing Vincent slipping on his school shirt, he'd remember that day every morning when Isa and Sasha would storm into his room and get him up calling him 'sleepy head, and sunshine...or dumbass get up' the latter being more Isa then Sasha but none the less Vincent slowly stepped from his room all dressed up though his expression was less than happy but a quick pinch to his rear caused him to jump Ias having her paw on his butt giving a wink "Would it kill ya to crack a smile for me, I make your day special" she giggled and quickly moved down stairs leaving Vincent mumbling about her being conceited. All three having gotten up were now headed down a dirt road toward the small village the passers by immediately greeting Vincent and the girls

"It's strange...I've not been here even a full year yet but everyone acts like I've been here forever" he says looking out into one of the many rice fields that surround the village

"Well duh, this village is small if you expected no one to notice some city boy trotting his happy little ass around your an even bigger idiot than I thought" Isa says slipping in-front of him walking backwards with a shit eating grin on her muzzle, Sasha waving at her

"Hey don't be mean, Vincent's family now so you just sush" this caused Vincent to laugh, Sasha was always looking out for him like a little brother even though he was older though Isa treated him like a little brother with all her teasing and picking and the rest of the village did threat him like a local having been born and raised in this small village that thrived off of earth around them.

The three make it to the school with little trouble since nothing interesting ever really happened here, on that note brought Vincent back to when he first got here people were all really happy to see him, it wasn't that normal 'Look, he's new lets make him feel at home' but more of a 'Welcome back after being gone a long time' even though Vincent had no idea this village existed till near twelve months ago. Walking into the two floored building it being very large for such a small village but that didn't stop them but having so few children to teach only a total of two class rooms we're used or would have been untill they knocked a wall down and made one big class, integrating all the grades from fourth to tenth being the lowest to highest grades for the time being. Moving into the class room Vincent was immediately knocked back with a loud 'oof' a black streak having slammed into him pinning him to the ground with a loud purr, Vincent on the other hand stares at the ceiling trying to figure out if he was dead or not with the giggling in the background being Isa he knew he was in hell.

Slowly pushing himself up patting the head of the small panther that was straddling his lap "Alright Fade alright I'm feeling the love" he pants out finding that little Fade had the strength of a feline twice her size. Pulling back the black panther smiles up with a white toothed smile and beautiful orange eyes that seemed to have all the happiness in the world in them even her long slender tail was whipping around like a dogs before she buries her face back into the humans chest her dark blue near black hair slipping back being tied at the end by a white cloth to keep it off the ground

"Fade you've done this everyday for the past eight months" Vincent sighs out slowly standing up lifting the panther with him who just didn't want to let go even when her feet left the ground Isa ruffling his hair

"Aww, com'on you know you love having a clingy girl friend" that comment made Fade let go and giggle taking Vincents hand while Sasha blushed looking around before slipping into the room with a quick 'Bettergettoclass' Isa following with a laugh and finally Fade leading Vincent in by the hand

"I just don't get country girls" another sighed out sentence from Vincent followed by a crack from a rolled up piece of paper and a long 'Owwww~, what was that for Isa.'

School was normal, Isa made joked making the boring lectures better for everyone, even the teachers who were just other villagers that wanted the children to grow up with some kind of brains rather then only knowing how to farm. Sasha was far smarter than her age suggested and infact Vincent tested her and she scored eighth highest in the national exams that circulated though she just blushed giving an embarrassed laugh trying to act like she didn't know what he was talking about, Isa on the other hand just didn't really do anything she was smart though she hid it alot better than Sasha always marking on the wrong answer though she told everyone else what the right answer was and just passing it off like she made a mistake and then there was Fade who was only in sixth grade but even so the teachers couldn't keep her away from Vincent so they just let her sit with the higher graded students and it turned out that she was also very smart and with these three intelligent girls around one would have thought Vincent was smart as well.

"What do you mean 'How do I do it' it's basic algebra" Isa exclaimed standing from her seat everyone in class not even budging since this was the normal even before Vincent got here always making a large scene so not even the teachers could stop her they would just continue on with what they were doing like she wasn't there, Vincent however tried once and ended up one his back with a foot on his face while Isa yelled out curses and how dumb he was for not being able to write japanese even though he never once took japanese in his life but upon saying that he only received another foot.

Sighing happily now that it was lunch Vincent quickly split, nearly disappearing from the class room leaving the girls looking around for him making Isa growling and threatening to beat his ass for ditching them as Sasha tried calming her down though Fade immediately darts after him without another word. Moving to the back of the building happy to have a minute to himself only to turn and run into Fade staring up at him, Vincent nearly falling over from a heart attack 'God for a pure black panther she moves like a ghost' came his loud thoughts as he makes sure his heart was still beating "God damnit Fade you've gotta stop that, one moment I'm hit with an unseen force next thing I know your ghosting in-front of me" he sighs out finally feeling a beat and stepping around the panther though she immediately turns and follows as silent as ever

"What are you doing Fade you should be hanging out with Isa and Sasha, I'm sure Sasha would share her lunch" he says turning and sitting under the shaded part of the school building having brought his packed lunch as well though Fade had nothing in hand or paw. Sitting down next to him the panther reaches over taking the small boxed lunch and opening it

"What do you think your doing get your own" Vincent quick to protect his meal though Fade just picked up the chop sticks taking a small bit of rice holding it out to him without one word. Blinking being a bit surprised with this new offer, Fade has always showing affection to him hugs, nuzzles, holding his hand hell many have mistaken them for boy friend and girl friend despite the age difference, after a moment of staring at the panther he opens his mouth letting her place the bit of rice on his tongue before pulling the chop sticks back giving a loving smile seeing that he had excepted her offer to feed him though he still felt out of place doing something like this with such a young girl.

After a few moments he got used to just sitting there letting Fade feed him though she did take a few nibbles in between him chewing his food, slowly the box nears empty but Vincent sighs flopping onto his back full from eating Sasha's food always tasting the best and so he was now content to let the food settle as he stared up at the sky but an added pressure on his stomach and legs made him look down to see Fade laying atop him halfway her head resting at his stomach letting forth a soothing purr curling up in a very feline fashion and making it look like the most comfortable position in the world though it'd give him some major cramps.

It took only a few seconds before Vincents eyes started to close, the warm summer air the chirping of the crickets in the distance and a pretty little panther laying ontop of him was just too much, the grass being nice and soft enough to be a bed and soon enough he was asleep dreaming his normal dreams that he wouldn't remember upon waking up but something caught his attention.

Opening his eyes blinking 'I must'a fallen asleep' his thoughts slowly clearing and letting him take in his surroundings, the same back of the school area though now it was a bit more shady with the sun having moved further off to the west, closing his eyes again before they open feeling something strange, a few wet feeling on his stomach slipping his hand down and feeling a furred head immediately remembering that it was Fade giving a small silent sigh before he slips his hand a bit further feeling her head moving over his stomach and the wetness spreading

"Fade what are you doing" he asks with a small smile before his fingers run across her muzzle feeling something wet and immediately pulling his fingers up to his face seeing a deep red color coating them. Staring at the red color for a few moments before realising that it was blood and looking up leaning up on his elbows gazing down at the feline and freezing, his stomach was open a large gaze had been slashed into his stomach and Fade was muzzle deep in blood having been licking and obviously eating him alive, the bite marks around the slash was evident and Fade didn't pay any attention her deep blue hair hiding her face though it was easy to see that blood had stained her hair as well "F-Fade..wha.." his already broken words were caught in his throat as Fade looked up her eyes opening, freezing as he glared back into the small felines eyes those eyes from his dream with Isa and Sasha were now glaring at him and this time Fade was the one that was killing him and he did the only thing he could do now...he screamed.

Thrusting himself up with a startled yell looking around in a panic finding he was sitting up in the same place he had fallen asleep in not a few minutes earlier, even hearing the school bell letting everyone know lunch was over. Panting heavily his face covered in sweat as he felt over his stomach even lifting his shirt to see if anything was there before looking up having seen movement and finding Fade slowly getting up rubbing her head, he threw her off of him when he jumped up from his sleep. Looking at Fade with a completely terrified expression before she opened her eyes looking up at him with a very concerned look even reaching over and feeling his head with her soft furred paw checking his temperature before moving a bit closer

"I-I'm fine Fade, just a bad dream" he pants out moving away and slipping up against the side of the building unable to look her in the face right now. Fade moved with him sitting next to him rubbing his forearm before laying her head against his neck, he couldn't believe that not only was he dreaming about his best friends doing something like that to him but Fade as well, she was the most gentle thing he had ever met except when it came to tackling him every day she wouldn't hurt even the smallest creature on purpose and here he was dreaming about her eating him alive with the sickest smile and the most evil eyes he had ever seen.

After a moment he blinks seeing some very large orange eyes looking into his Fades nose even touching his with her being that close to him causing him to lean back startled having blanked out completely with his thoughts that made him feel like shit inside

"U-Uh, I-I...I said I'm fine Fade" he says stammering with his words being surprised at actually not realising that she got that close before she was there, placing a paw on his forehead again but he moves it away shaking his head and she slips up onto his lap rubbing her head up against his neck this bringing a very shocked look to his face before a familiar voice from above rings out

"Aww, isn't that sweet we've got love birds" that sending a chill down his spine as he looks up seeing Isa leaning out the window cracking her knuckles with a very friendly smile Sasha leaning out by Isa with a paw over her muzzle showing shock

"Vincent how could you" she gasped out before disappearing Vincent looking scared now "W-Wait now's not what....ahhhh!!!" the pained cry of Vincent came out as Isa jumped out the window trying out a new submission move she read in one of her many martial arts books.

Demon's Within, Chapter 2, Original

The four of them all left school at final bell Vincent being all bandaged up from the tussle with Isa which he ofcourse lost, 'No fighting girls' was his thoughts though he knew he couldn't take her since she was definatly stronger, different...

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Dark, Chapter 1

Here's a new story, it is not yiff orientated as many of my stories are not. This is the start of a writing frenzy I hope, I wrote this entire thing within roughly four hours so hopefully that means I'll be typing up more chapters to other stories and...

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Judgement: Chapter 1

The first full chapter of Judgement, enjoy it. For all those waiting it's still a pain to try and get the want to right but I'm doing better since I started and finished this story within two hours. Maybe I'll be doing this more and more...

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