Henry and the Succubus

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Henry cannot find satisfaction with any mortal lover he has ever known, so attempts to summon a creature from beyond the mortal world in order to finally feel some relief. The succubus which he binds however is not what, or perhaps who, he expected.

This story was written for FerretFyre as their Patreon commission reward for October 2020. It contains M/F sex between consenting adults, and magically imbued incest. :3

Henry and the Succubus

A drop of pre-cum almost hit the circle of gleaming, silvery sand as Henry stepped back from it. His eyes widened and he took an extra step back, not wanting to risk anything spoiling this ritual, least of all his own arousal. The rat was dressed in nothing besides a deep crimson robe, hooked by a golden clasp at his collar bone and with a hood drawn up to cover all but the whiskered tip of his light brown muzzle. The front of the robe was open, and his five inch cock twitched again in the open air as its owner regarded the scene before him one last time, eyes darting back and forth between the ritual circle itself and the diagram in the leather-bound book clutched in one pink paw. Ritual circle, complete, unbroken and with internal pentagram traced to perfection. Candles, one at each point of the pentagram outside the circle, all black, measuring exactly the length of his erect penis, and currently unlit with wicks pointing skyward. The rest of the basement, empty. All furniture removed, walls bare. Nothing for any angry demon to use as a weapon once it arrived, should the circle's binding not keep it from using any psychokinetic powers.

The rat took a deep breath. He was ready. At least, ready as he was ever going to be. He turned the page of the book, placed it between both open palms, and stood at the foot of the ritual circle as he began to speak, cock continuing to throb and drool all the while.

"Irah ness te'noval, rinn sofar jhalamen la-nah..."

He began to incant in the ancient language in which the book was written, but the rat's eyes soon widened as he saw the words morphing before his eyes, and heard his muzzle continuing to speak them as they were now written, in perfect English.

"...I summon you forth, and bind you to my will. I ask not material wealth or worldly power, but simply a servant to fulfil my desires as no mortal could. I offer you my libido. My body. My every desire, in exchange for your service. You shall feed, and grow strong from my unceasing lust for you. Oh bountiful one, oh sweet succubus, I summon you forth, and bind you to my will."

At the exact same moment as the light-bulb overhead died, one of the candles flickered into life, the flame a deep green as it prevented the room from descending into total darkness. A breathy moan escaped the rat, but he forced himself not to linger on that incredible sight for too long and instead to begin speaking those same words a second time. A second candle burst into flame, this one a vivid blue, as he finished that recitation. Then a third as he spoke the words again, and a forth. Once more he spoke the words, his voice louder, deeper, his lean chest heaving with anticipation and excitement and his cock feeling as though it was going to cum regardless of whether he stopped to stroke it as it drooled an almost constant string of pre-cum to the concrete floor below.

All his life, Henry had studied magic at his mother's behest. He had learned a lot, and tasted power the likes of which most mortals could never imagine. But now, he was nineteen years old. An age of power, or so his mother said. An age at which the forces of the aether were particularly receptive to one's needs. And Henry's needs were immense. He was always horny. Always looking for his next chance to jerk off, not wishing to burden himself with the needs of some other person who would never be able to keep up with him. He hadn't made this choice lightly. He hadn't taken it upon himself to wield his power in such a complex and dangerous ritual on a whim. For months he had been planning, for months his body had been begging him for more than he or any other mortal could ever offer it. Now though, finally he had his chance. His opportunity to not only experience satisfaction at long last, but to find himself a companion to share it with, even if they were most likely from an entire reality beyond this one.

"...bountiful one, oh sweet succubus, I summon you forth, and bind you to my will."

The rat finished his final recitation, and as the last candle illuminated with a brilliant flare of scarlet fire, the entire ritual circle burst into dancing multi-coloured, rainbow-like flames. A deep, rushing hiss of realities breaching echoed around the basement as Henry forced himself to stand still and not try to cover his ringing ears, and as heavy, eldritch winds swept around the wide eyed, mostly naked male, his cock leapt again as he saw a shape materialising within the flames. A body rippling into being amidst the inferno, but untouched by its heat; unmarked by its fury as its silhouette stretched in a seductive manner that showed off bare, bountiful breasts, a plump belly, and the ass of Henry's wildest dreams. More than that though, with the exception of the long horns rising upon her head and the bat-like wings tucked in against her back, her shape looked very familiar to Henry. Her ears were large, rounded and furless, and her tail seemed to be similarly long, thin and without any notable fluff covering its twitching length. She wasn't just a succubus, she was a rat succubus.

For almost a minute the fires burned around her as she was fully bound to this plane of existence by Henry's spell, but eventually they did begin to burn down. In fact, soon only the light of the five candles remained, now a more traditional yellow hue to their flames, and it was by that flickering glow that Henry was able to regard the entity he hoped would finally be able to satisfy his extreme, seemingly unquenchable need for sexual stimulation. He blinked. He stared. His eyes bulged as he looked at the succubus standing before him, regarding him in turn, and his cock gave its most urgent, desperate throb yet. Once more its oozing pre-cum very nearly broke the sanctity of the ritual circle as the succubus tilted her head to one side, and murmured a single, amused word.


Again his cock strained, and the male rat gurgled back in helpless confusion.

"M... mom?"

The woman standing before him, though undeniably a succubus given her horns, wings, the hooves at the ends of her legs and the crimson glow burning in her irises, was more than familiar to the rat. She was the one person in Henry's life he had undeniably spent the most time looking at over the years, though not so naked as she was now at any point where he was old enough to remember it. There was no denying it. No thinking that she maybe just looked similar, or had even taken on this form to trick or tease him. This was real. This was happening. Henry was staring at the creature he had summoned to service him sexually, and that creature was his own mother.

"Oh, Henry. You silly thing..."

She giggled, shaking her head as only a mother could, not upset with her son in the slightest, just amused and touched all at once.

"...you summoned a succubus? You... you bound me, in exchange for... oh, Henry."

Her eyes flickered as the details of the arranged contract flooded her mind without her son having to speak a word. She giggled, and nibbled on her bottom lip in excitement as the nineteen year old just stood there in front of her, still wearing just his ritual robe with his rigid cock continuing to drip and twitch.

"I... I didn't know it would be... you..."

Henry tried to explain as he tried unsuccessfully to stop looking at his mother's bare breasts, to stop his eyes from falling further south over her belly, and to settle between her legs, the fur of her thighs matted with still flowing arousal.

"Is... is that why I'm always so... so..."

His voice trailed off. He couldn't say it. Not in front of his mother. She, however, had no trouble saying it in front of her son.

"Insatiable? Yes, Henry. Mommy's a succubus, and it seems as though that ever present hunger was passed down. I kinda thought it had skipped a generation, but... oh, sweetie, you've just been holding back for months and months, haven't you?"

Henry nodded bashfully.

"Yeah. I... after I turned eighteen, it got... it got real bad, mom. I wanted to... to be cumming all the time. I met up with strangers. We fucked all night, but... it was never enough, and they always ended up leaving because... because I was just too much for them. So, after a few months, I just... I stopped. I took care of things myself, and... I just let myself be horny. Always, always so horny. But, I thought... if I could summon a magical creature to help me..."

He trembled and shook his head, the leather-bound book hitting the floor with a heavy thud as his hands clenched into fists.

"Mom. I... I just want to know what it's like to feel tired. To feel content. I... I wanted to summon a demon I wouldn't be able to resist, and wouldn't have to hold back from. I didn't know, I didn't think..."

His voice trailed off, and he trembled visibly for a moment before he spoke up again, his voice heavy with lust and embarrassment in equal measure.

"Mom, did the... did the spell work?"

She smiled.

"Yes, sweetie. It did."

He shuddered harder still, and his cock spurted another sizeable volume of pre across the basement floor.

"You're... bound to me?"

She smiled and nodded again.

"I am."

The male rat squeaked, and rocked back and forth on his heels.


He began, voice trailing off again before he could dare to ask the question burning at the forefront of his mind. He didn't need to ask it though, not for his mother to know exactly what he was thinking.

"So, as soon as you break the ritual circle, I will live up to my end of the bargain to the very best of my abilities. I will work to pleasure you, to satisfy you with every technique and talent I possess, and in return all I ask is to be able to feast upon your urges. To be able to gorge myself on your lust."

Henry groaned in desperate anticipation.

"Even though you're my mom?"

Her eyes flickered with crimson fire, and the rat's smile began a devilish, pointy-toothed grin for just a split second.

"Not even though. Not despite being your mother, Henry. All your life, I've tuned you out. I've never sought to turn my power towards you, never read your mind, felt your emotions, your desires. I watched you grow up into a smart, cute young man I'm proud of, and I'm so glad that I chose to raise you amongst other mortals. But... since you turned eighteen, I hoped, I wished that one day your urges might manifest so strongly I wouldn't be able to help but feel them, or so strongly even that you wouldn't be able to keep from turning to anyone, even your own mother, to sate them. I dreamed that once you reached adulthood I might get to taste your essence some day, but expected that as your mother, I never would. And now... now, I am bound by rite to service you, to be with you, not just for now, but forever."

She giggled, and raised a hand to her face, wiping a happy tear out of the corner of one eye.

"So, no once again, Henry. Not even though I'm your mom. I will live up to my end of our contract, I will fulfil it, and fulfil you not in spite of being your mother... but, with even greater glee because I am your mo-o-oohhhyes!"

Before the succubus could finish that last word, Henry lunged forward, one pink footpaw stamping on and breaking the ritual circle around his mother as he all but tackled her. They fell to the ground, or rather, most of the way to the ground before the succubus flared her wings and with supernatural grace stopped their fall so that she was hovering about an inch over the ground. More gently she lowered herself the rest of the way, and moaned in ecstasy as her son's face pressed itself into her chest, and he rather roughly began to suckle at one of her breasts. Her eyes glowed for an instant, and she heard her son gurgle, then grunt in rapture as warm milk began to flood into his muzzle as he suckled. Sweet and rich, and warm as the flesh from which it sprang. Even as she wrapped a hand around the back of his head and sent another running tenderly up and down the younger rat's back though, his own hands were in motion upon her. One seeking out her other breast; tweaking, tugging at her remaining nipple and making it dribble and ooze milk of its own, while the other reached down and cupped the burning hot, soaking wet outer reaches of her pussy.

"No foreplay."

The succubus hissed to her son.

"You don't want it. I don't need it. You know what I need. What we both need."

His fingers pressed into her just once, perhaps just so that Henry could tell himself he'd felt her squeezing around him, then withdrew almost as swiftly. That hand wrapped around the rat's cock, and as Henry pulled himself up onto all fours so that he could remain with his face in his mother's chest while bringing his erection to bear against her pussy, the succubus wrapped her legs around his waist and pulled herself up against him, angling her hips perfectly to receive what he was so eager to give her.

Hot milk dripped from Henry's panting muzzle as he pulled back from his mother's breast with a cry of rapture, and pressed his cock into her scorching depths. His wail of desire was nothing however compared to the ear-splitting shriek of joy which the succubus let loose as not only did a hot, straining cock fill her, but she finally dropped the veil which she had built up around herself in the weeks following her son's birth. She stopped denying herself the supernatural ability to hear his thoughts and feel his emotions, and in an instant she realised just how unfathomably intense Henry's needs had been over the last year or so. How he had resisted, how he had survived on masturbation alone she had no idea. But now, he wasn't holding back. Now, he was seeking to get out all the excess lust he'd been unable to process since his hyperactive libido arrived alongside his transition to adulthood.

She had told him she would feast. That she would gorge. But this... this was more than a banquet. This was beyond a smorgasbord.

Her son's horniness was an all you can eat buffet of pure passion and savage desire that he was only just beginning to let loose, and even if it took an entire mortal life time to do so... his mother was going to devour what her son had to offer until there was nothing left.

"Fuck me, Henry!"

Her voice rang off the basement walls as her wings thrashed and battered the ground beneath her, the air pressure blowing out the candles and casting the room around them into total darkness. Neither of them cared though. They didn't need to see to do what they were doing right now. They just needed to feel.

"Oh, fuck! Fuck, yes! Harder! Hhaahhahh... oh, Henry! Give me everything! Cum in me! Cum in mommy's pussy, and then... ohh god yes, sweetie! And then fucking do it again, and again, and a-aahhhhgodfuckyesss, I... cumming! Henry! Son! Yes!!"

By Jeeves

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