A (Not So) Little Piece of Me

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At the last minute Kylani finds herself stuck on a work trip for the weekend. Thankfully though her friend and lover Kemper has figured out a way that they can still be together, even while hundreds of miles apart. :3

This story was written for Kemper as part of my themed Patreon request day for January 2020. This month's theme was "The Future!" and the story contains M/F sex and masturbation between consenting adults. :3

A (Not So) Little Piece of Me

Kylani's eyes widened as she opened up her case within her hotel room, and she giggled as she plucked forth the small package with her name written upon it which she had most definitely not packed before heading out that morning. She ran a claw across the opening of the large, bubble-wrap filled envelope to open it up, and gently slid its contents out onto the bed beside her luggage. A small black disc, thicker in terms of depth but with a smaller diameter than a DVD, fell out first, followed by a smooth piece of paper folded down the centre. The sabretoothed cat picked up the letter and her already wide eyes got even bigger, a shamelessly giddy, desirous grin spreading across her face as she read its brief contents.

'Dear Ky,

I've been holding onto this for a little while looking for the perfect chance to share it with you. I know you're pissed off about work making you go on this trip after we'd already made plans for this weekend, but... hopefully this will make it a bit easier. Now even when we have to be apart, you can take a little piece of me... well, okay, a not so little piece of me, with you.



P.S. If you can, text me before you turn it on.'

Picking up the disc once again as she set the letter aside, Kylani looked it over, tilting her head as she turned it to observe each of its sides. There was indeed an on/off switch on the base of the disc, but beyond that there was no other indication of what it was that she was looking at. No brand name, no instruction manual tucked away within the envelope, nothing. She was tempted to turn it on and see what happened, trusting Kemper not to gift her something dangerous or inappropriate for use in a hotel room, but after glancing back at his note, she did first pull out her phone and quickly send him a message.

'Just found your gift. Thank you so much! I don't have a clue what it is yet, but I'm gonna turn it on. I assume that'll answer my question! Missing you. <3'

She could have turned it on immediately of course, but instead took the time to pull her case off the bed, kick off her shoes, pull off her jacket and flop down onto the bed herself, phone in one hand, the as yet unidentified disc in the other. Kylani only had to wait a minute or so before the phone buzzed, and she saw a single thumbs up symbol from Kemper. She giggled and rolled her eyes, wondering why he needed to know so badly when she was going to turn it on if that was the only response he had to give. Nevertheless, setting her phone down on the bedside table and lying back against the pillows, pretty happy with how comfortable this bed was compared to some hotels she'd stayed in, the sabretoothed cat glanced over the disc one more time to look for any clues. With none to be gleaned however, she wasted no more time in turning it over, and clicked the on-switch upon its base.

She heard a hum, and saw a faint blue light emanating from around the edge of the far side of the disk. Before she could even think about turning it over to see what had happened though, Kylani shrieked in surprise as something else burst forth from that far side of the toy, visible even as she held it with that portion of the device pointed away from her. Seemingly out of nowhere, a cock slid into being. A canid style cock, knot just barely beginning to swell at its base. But, as Kylani got over the initial surprise of this strange, sexy jack-in-the-box, she realised two things. First of all, this cock wasn't just any cock. It looked exactly like Kemper's own erection, without doubt the cock she knew best of any she'd ever handled. And secondly, it wasn't just a toy. It wasn't a replica that had burst forth from the glowing blue ring she could now see covering the base of the disk. It was Kemper's actual, literal cock.

"Oh god..."

Kylani whimpered.

"Portal panties?"

She moaned softly as she held the cock-bearing disc in one hand, and ran a finger down the underside of the shaft with the other, watching as it quivered, as it flexed and strained just as Kemper's did when she touched him that way in person.

"You... oh my god, Kemper. You bought us a pair of portal panties?"

Ever since they'd become available on the market, Kylani had repeatedly expressed her interest in getting a pair. But, they were not only expensive as hell, they were highly sought after too. Far fewer pairs had been made than they had customers wishing to buy. How Kemper had managed to get his paws on a pair was a question for a later date. In that moment though, as she watched the male's cock throbbing while no doubt the rest of him was sitting or lying around somewhere at home, blushing and squirming as he stared down at the orange and blue underwear fitted tight against the notably absent bulge of his erection, there was only one thing that Kylani wanted to do.

She did indeed have a not so little part of Kemper right here with her, just like his letter had promised. And, though she knew she still had work obligations over the next two days that couldn't be ignored, Kylani realised that with this high tech device to assist them, she and Kemper could still spend at least a part of their weekend together. Together in a very literal and very,very pleasurable sense.

"Oh god... ohhhh fuck..."

Setting the portal disc and the cock protruding from it aside, leaving it pointing directly upward as it sat on the edge of the bedside table, Kylani dragged off her clothes with all the speed she could muster. She stripped herself naked, sprawled out with her legs obscenely parted though there was no-one physically, or at least entirely present for her to show off to, and hurriedly grabbed at the toy she had been gifted once more. In her haste of course she grabbed it not by its smooth disc of a base, but took hold of Kemper's cock itself and hurriedly manoeuvred it down between her quaking thighs.

"Yes. Oh. Ohh... Kemper, it's... it really is you..."

Kylani gasped as she hurriedly slipped the cock inside herself. Her eyes rolled, her toes splayed out and flexed, wriggling uncontrollably while her mind reeled at the sensation. There was no denying it, no mistaking it. She hadn't doubted it for a moment of course, but to actually feel that cock inside her, she knew it was Kemper's own. No toy, no replica, no other cock felt like his inside her. It was unmistakably, deliciously the sabretoothed male's uniquely canid cock. And right now, with no handsome, playful feline attached to this end of it, it was entirely down to Kylani herself to decide exactly how she wanted her lover to fuck her.

She grinned, and she licked her lips in eager anticipation.

She knew exactly what she wanted. She knew exactly how she wanted it. And, wherever he was and whatever he was doing, she was certain that Kemper knew what awaited him, too.


Lying back on the couch in nothing but the orange and blue patterned trunks which comprised the 'portal panties' themselves, Kemper huffed and moaned as he felt his cock slipping inside Kylani. His hips bucked instinctively, but of course achieved absolutely nothing by doing so, the motion of his cock entirely outside of his control beyond making it twitch with his own crotch's muscles. He reached down and fondled his fluffy balls through the underwear, toes curling as he did so, and waiting with baited breath for Kylani to do more than just hold his throbbing length inside her. He couldn't wait to feel what she was going to do with him. To learn how she was going to make use of his cock. He had hopes of course. He had a particular way he wanted Kylani to use him. But, so long as it made her feel good and so long as it gave their newest toy a good first workout, he'd happily let his friend and lover use him in any way she wished.

Just seconds later, his eyes bulged.

A strangled grunt escaped his muzzle, and his hips began to jerk up off the couch once again.

"O-oh, Ky..."

He humped at the air almost uncontrollably, before finally forcing himself to settle back down, though his hips did continue to rock and gyrate helplessly out of pure instinct. He stared down at his crotch in wonder; grunting, whimpering, gasping Kylani's name repeatedly as he felt her do exactly what he hoped she'd do. To start to fuck herself with him as hard and fast as she was able, her hands able to manipulate him as fast if not a little faster than he himself would have been able to sustain pumping urgently in and out of her in a more traditional sense. It was a disorienting but incredibly intense feeling. He was fucking Kylani. He could feel her walls squeezing him. Her heat. Her wetness. She was soaked already and only getting wetter, and hotter by the second. But no matter how roughly she drove him in and out of herself, there he was, just lying there squirming and huffing on the couch with no visible sign of anyone influencing him. Hell, if he was just a little bit better at concealing his pleasure, he could have been anywhere. Out with friends, watching a movie, getting some dinner, just casually sitting around with that particular pair of underwear tucked away under his pants while his rock hard cock was transported hundreds of miles away, and left to fuck his lover's needy pussy.

The only downside to this situation was, of course, that he wasn't actually there with Kylani in a more complete sense. He wasn't able to look down into her beautiful eyes as he fucked her. He wasn't able to hear her screaming as she rode him, or to tell her that if she kept on fucking herself with him that urgently and forcefully, he wasn't going to last long at all.

But, it seemed the same thought had crossed Kylani's mind, for just a handful of seconds later Kemper jumped slightly, his cock no doubt twitching within his lover, as upon the coffee table in front of him his phone began to shake and buzz. Huffing and blushing at the idea of someone calling him while this was happening, Kemper was too out of it with pleasure to even consider that the sex and the phone call were related until he saw it was Kylani herself calling, and with a giddy whimper he hurried to answer, catching her in the middle of a breathless scream as the line connected between them.

"-ck, yes! Right there, Kemper! Ahhhhh... ahhyessss!"

Setting his phone to speaker and holding it, trembling in one hand in front of him, Kemper pressed a hand to the flat portion of his crotch where his cock would otherwise have been. Sure enough, all he felt was the thin disc set into the fabric where his end of the portal was consuming his cock and transporting it to Kylani. Regardless of that fact though he whimpered happily to the other sabretoothed feline, and gasped to her the only words that would come out in that moment.

"I'm already close... please, cum with me, Ky."

They'd shared phone sex before of course, but this was all of that and so much more.

"Oh god, Kemper. I... I'm gonna. Please, please hold on just aaa-ahhh... just a little longer. I'm gonna cum too. Please. Ohhhh please... yes!"

As they called out to one another over the phone, they weren't just sharing the sounds of their pleasure, the knowledge of what would normally be two bouts of independent masturbation. They were together. They could feel their bodies squeezing, throbbing, aching and burning with heat and pleasure. They could feel their partner's arousal spreading within and around them. They may have been hundreds of miles distant from one another, but with not only the sensations of their bodies meeting, but now the familiar and joyous sounds of their lover responding to that pleasure too, there was practically no difference within their minds.

This wasn't phone sex. This wasn't shared masturbation. This wasn't long distance romance.

They were together.

They were fucking.

They were fucking hard , and it was incredible.

Seconds later, Kemper howled and Kylani shrieked in ecstasy as the sabretoothed male's molten cum flooded her depths, and her own surging juices soaked the male's spasming cock. They convulsed. They screamed, writhed, begged for more even before their first bout of shared pleasure was spent. Together they came explosively, giddy in the knowledge that regardless of how their plans for this weekend had been changed at the last minute, they were still going to get to spend a lot of time together, and to spend it precisely as they'd originally planned.

"Kemper! Ohhh fuck! Oh god, Kemper! Right there!"

Kylani's screams echoed down the phone and around her hotel room as she plunged the sabretooth's unique, still spurting cock deep into herself yet again, and heard the thick, slurping pop of his knot pressing into her one last time, before swelling so large it couldn't possibly escape again. She heard him yelp. She felt his cock lurch and strain against her g-spot as his knot throbbed against her clit, and before either of them could even begin to come down from that first almighty surge of ecstasy, Kylani was thrashing anew. Shuddering, bucking, kicking out and all but sobbing down the phone to Kemper as she gripped his knot, sprayed yet more juices out from around it, and began to cum for a second time in rapid succession.

"Yes! Ahh, yes!! Ohhh, _Kemper! Ohhhgodfuck! Fu-hhhuuhhhhck, yesssssss!" _

By Jeeves

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