The Angel's Ecstasy - Part Two

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#2 of The Angel's Ecstasy

Angelica and Ethan's wildest fantasies come true as the guardian angel and her mortal charge are finally able to do more than just dream of one another.

This story was written for Ferretfyre as their Patreon commission reward for June 2020. It contains solo masturbation and M/F sex between consenting adults, as well as some magically enhanced lewdness. :3

The Angel's Ecstasy - Part Two

Ethan groaned happily as he arched his back, hips lifting from the soft bedding and thrusting up against the hand working his already rigid cock. The German shepherd panted and whined as he drove himself towards orgasm, his mind full of the same fantasies that felt like they had heightened his libido and increased the frequency of his masturbation over the last few months since they'd first begun. He didn't know what it was about that figure, about that beautiful golden retriever with the ample breasts and large and suckable clit that had captivated him so much, but these days he rarely thought of anyone else during his jerk-off sessions. Sometimes she was fucking him. Other times teasing and pleasuring him in different ways. On many occasions she wasn't even with him directly, just a vision of beauty in his head; moaning, yipping, shrieking in ecstasy of her very own as she begged for him to cum alongside the imagined high of her own peak. Today however, with Ethan having woken up from a particularly vivid dream where she had been lying over his sleeping body and grinding up against his morning wood with her thick, throbbing clitoris, he couldn't think about anything else.

"Fuck, yeah..."

The dog growled as his eyelids fluttered, but behind their closed lids he saw the gorgeous woman straddling him. He could almost feel her weight. Almost sense her soft fur brushing against his own, and her wetness lubricating his cock as her flushed outer lips spread around it and slid back and forth along its length. She had his cock pinned almost completely down against his belly with her ministrations, and was leaning forward to ensure that her clit was in firm and unceasing contact with the shaft of his erection.

"Oh... oohh fuck, Angie..."

Where the name had come from, how and when he had come up with it, Ethan didn't know. The fact remained however that just saying her name, just thinking it sent shivers down his spine and more than once had gotten him rock hard at work.

"Angelica, please, I... fuck me. Let me feel you around me. I'm... god, I'm gonna fucking cum so... so..."

Before Ethan could follow through on his breathless moans however, as he jerked himself urgently towards climax and announced that fact to his fantasy lover, he heard something. Something beyond his own heavy breathing, the creaking of the bed and the wet sounds of his hand on his pre-cum lubricated cock. He heard another voice moaning in pleasure. Soft, delicate, almost inaudible at first as though being carried by a breeze from some great distance away, but getting louder and closer, more coherent and corporeal somehow by the moment.

"Yesss... oh, Ethan. Please, please do it. I... I want it so bad. I wish I could do it for you. I wish I could sit on your cock. I wish I could stroke it. Kiss it. Ohh god I... I wish you knew how much I love you, how much I need you, I..."

The German shepherd's eyes fluttered open as he swore he heard the voice get so close it was like it was coming from the same room as him. He didn't know exactly what he expected to see, but as he lay there naked and with pre-cum streaming out of his cock as he jerked himself towards the imminent ecstasy of orgasm, a naked, winged golden retriever floating about a metre above him with a shimmering aura of lights around her head was definitely not it. He yelped in shock, instinctively covering his crotch with both hands. The retriever jumped in apparent surprise of her own at his sudden shift in attitude, and as she met his eyes and saw the fright, the embarrassment, the recognition within them, she yelped too. She cried out just a split-second before whatever was holding her body aloft ceased to function, and with a squeal the beautiful angelic dog tumbled, flailing down onto the bed astride the mortal male.

"Oh my god! Oh my fucking fuck, who are you?! How did you get into my bedr-... w-wait. No. No no no, wait, it can't be... but... holy shit. Oh my fucking holy fucking fuck of a fuck fucking god!Angelica?!"

In the space of about five seconds Ethan ran the entire gamut of the emotional spectrum. He felt humiliation, anger, guilt, fear, and a hundred other distinct emotions as he scrambled to try and get out from under this complete stranger now collapsed and trembling astride him, as much terrified that she would think his nakedness and arousal was a threat to her safety as the other way around, regardless of whether or not she had any business being here in his home. Before Ethan could even scramble off the bed though, before he could do more than drag himself out from under the whimpering, wide eyed retriever and scramble up onto his knees as he stared down at her, his brain began to function again. The initial surge of fight or flight panic faded enough for his memories, or at least his imagination to kick back into gear, and he recognised the golden furred canine. Sure, she had a pair of wings and what looked for all the world like a halo glowing around her ears, but aside from that there was absolutely no mistaking her from the visions that for the last few months he had built up in his mind with such clarity it was like looking at an old and beloved friend.

It was her.

It was Angelica.

And though he didn't know how it was possible, why she was here in his bedroom, why she'd seemed to fall from the very air above his bed or even who this winged woman was, there was one thing that Ethan did know with absolute certainty as he watched her scramble up onto her own knees in an almost perfect mirror of his own position. He looked into her eyes; into her stunned, overwhelmed, joyously tear-filled eyes, and as he heard her speak into his ears rather than as a fantasy within his mind once again, he knew that everything he had dreamed and imagined and longed for could finally become reality.

"I'm here, Ethan. I... oh my god. I don't know how. I don't know for how long. But... if you can see me? If you can really hear me right now, please. Please don't make me wait. Please don't let us lose this chance. I love you, Ethan. I l-ah! Aahhhyesss!"

Before Angelica could even finish what she had been saying to the previously panic-stricken German shepherd, he lunged forward and tackled her down flat against the bed. She shrieked with glee, with overwhelmed and still tearful laughter and absolute elation, and grappled back at him in return as his lips pressed to hers and any lingering doubts about the reality of this mutually impossible situation were cast wholly aside.

In the hours that followed, little was spoken, though a great deal was screamed throughout. For all her fantasies Angelica had never known anything remotely like the pleasure she felt when Ethan's cock sank deep into her pussy and began to fuck her with an urgent intensity that left them both with barely enough time to breathe between their cries. Similarly Ethan had never known a lover in general, nor a pussy in particular so wild and uninhibited and utterly perfect for him. It was like her body was made for his, not just in how utterly irresistible he found her but to the degree that their nether regions seemed so ideally suited to provoke the maximum amount of bliss within and against one another. Every thrust of his cock struck her g-spot and left the golden retriever thrashing and wailing in rapture. Every squeeze of her walls milked him so tightly that even pulling back to deliver his next frantic thrust was torture for Ethan, craving nothing more than being inside her heat and wetness and squeezing, clutching walls not just now, but always.

When Ethan knotted the golden furred, winged dog beneath him after a few frantic minutes of utterly wild fucking, he felt like his insides were melting as she began to convulse and cum around him. He shuddered and spasmed and howled as he let loose within her, the base of his knot throbbing against her own substantial, swollen clitoris as it felt like a dozen loads all at once poured out of him while she doused his balls with floods of her juices. Already Ethan knew that this was more than just a good fuck, this was more than just the best sex of his life. He knew there was something magical, something impossible and heavenly about this woman writhing and clutching at him. When she stroked the back of his neck with her trembling hands however, and whispered just a few breathless words to him...

"Keep going. Fuck me again. Fill me again, Ethan."

...he felt his whole understanding of the world being utterly rewritten as while his orgasm began to diminish and fade, instead of satisfaction and fatigue he was met by an even greater tide of rising arousal. In a moment his refractory period was over and done, and an even more shrill, gleeful shriek escaped Angelica as with a wonder-struck whimper and a breathless series of pecks all over the retriever's face Ethan panted, nodded, and began to grind and hump his still knotted but still receptive knot against his miraculous lover's incredible pussy all over again.

Again the German shepherd came within Angelica with abundance and pleasure like nothing he'd ever known before. Then again, and again. Each time all it took was a few words and the gentlest touch, and Ethan noticed the shining halo around the other dog's head rippling with a slightly brighter, more intense light as to a limited degree the reality his body knew was re-written, wiping away his fatigue and soreness and replacing it with ever more potent desire from the seemingly limitless capacity within his heart and soul. There came a point where he had cum in the golden retriever's perfect, spasming, gushing pussy so many times and had stretched and teased her with his knot for so long that even though he was still fully engorged Ethan pulled out of Angelica with the wettest, thickest slurping sound he had ever heard. Even as he howled and prepared to plunge himself back inside her though while a torrent of his cum overflowed and finally gushed free from within the retriever, she seemed eager to take advantage of their somewhat altered circumstances herself.

With another yelp of surprise, Ethan found himself bowled over onto his back, and in an instant hands were wrapping around his knot as a hot, panting, slobbering muzzle pressed down over his cock not just to suck it, but to lick it, kiss it and absolutely lavish it with worshipful attention.

"Oh, Ethan. Your cock. You have no idea how many nights I've laid beside you wishing I could feel it just like this. In my pussy. On my lips. Down my throat, I... m-mnhhnghh..."

Greedily, utterly shameless in her excitement, Angelica did precisely as she was suggesting and pressed her muzzle down around the German shepherd's straining cock until its tip was poking at the back of her muzzle and her lips were kissing at the upper reaches of his knot. Forget having ever experienced a blowjob like hers, Ethan had never even seen a blowjob that looked as though it felt half as intense and gloriously eager on the giver's part as the one which he received from Angelica. It wasn't just that she was horny. It wasn't just that she wanted to get him off. The only way Ethan could describe it was as though pleasuring him, touching him, being intimate with him regardless of how tender or brazen and wild the method made Angelica complete somehow. He knew that could have seemed like an incredibly selfish and big-headed thing to think, and maybe to a degree it was. But, there was one key reason why he felt that way and why he was able to feel it with a minimum of guilt.

Because even though until just a few hours ago he had thought that Angelica was just a conjuration of his own lustful imagination, he felt the same way about her, and the very same way about being able to touch her, hold her, and make the retriever feel good in turn.

Ethan lay between Angelica's own legs a while later; grinning, grunting, humping at the bedding beneath him and spurting hot ribbons of cum against the already sticky sheets as he suckled on the golden retriever's huge clit and held onto her thighs tightly while she bucked and spasmed and squirted both violently and repeatedly all over his panting, beaming face.

He knelt astride the giggling, moaning dog as she squeezed her breasts around his cock while he humped back and forth, her face coated with at least half a dozen of his enhanced, obscenely copious loads and still hungrily pleading for more as her tongue flicked out and teased at his still dripping, still rock hard and needy tip.

They lay end to end gurgling, grunting, gulping down muzzleful after muzzleful of near ceaseless orgasmic nectar.

They fucked missionary, doggystyle, cowboy and cowgirl, progressing through ever more complex and intimate poses as though each seeking to wordlessly complete the entire karma sutra before developing a whole new book all their own. All the while, Angelica lavished Ethan's body not just with attention but with devout and glorious worship, and he did the same to her. With her wings and the glowing aura around her head, Ethan couldn't deny that this beautiful woman looked like the physical manifestation of an angel. But, she was so much more than that to him. She was a Goddess whose body deserved to be lavished with all the praise his mortal form could offer, and for some reason she seemed to feel the same way about his own flesh and blood.

They worshipped, praised and idolised one another's bodies until the halo around Angelica's head began to fade in its glow, even her apparently supernatural powers seemingly not without their limits. Even then though, they kept going. They kept on embracing and moaning and sucking and fucking and screaming and cumming until they were absolutely drained. Indeed by the time their two glistening, matted, arousal and saliva stained bodies collapsed in a trembling heap of entwined limbs, well over a day had passed since Angelica's initial appearance. Even then though they panted and giggled and pressed their breathless muzzles together in one last giddy, grateful kiss, before falling entirely limp against one another in their exhaustion.

Even as the last vestiges of their strength failed them, and as Ethan's breathing became heavy and started to slow as he sank in to slumber where he lay over the trembling, blushing retriever, Angelica still couldn't think about sleep. Not only because as an angel, as a non-corporeal being sleep hadn't been something that she was capable of, so she really wasn't sure exactly how she was meant to do it despite her body's apparent exhaustion. But, she couldn't sleep yet quite simply because there was one thing that she knew she had to do first.

She looked up.

Not just at the ceiling of this bedroom, within this building, within this street in this town in this nation on this planet in this galaxy in this universe in the infinite tableau of the creator's vision. But, up beyond that.

To her home, which through it all she could still see like a dazzling beacon floating in the beyond, infinitely distant and yet infinitely vast.

To the creator that had given her meaning from the very first moment of her existence, and the creator who had not only chosen to assign her to Ethan... but who was the only entity in all of existence and beyond who could possibly have made possible what she had experienced today.

She looked up at them, trembled as she felt their gaze upon her as it was upon all things at all moments, and giggled as she fought to squeeze Ethan in her arms one last time with the very last of her new, corporeal body's strength.

"Thank you."

She whispered, and just a moment later, within her lover's arms, she was asleep.

By Jeeves

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