The Angel's Ecstasy - Part One
#1 of The Angel's Ecstasy
A guardian angel watches over her mortal charge, and finds herself unable to look away even when... or indeed especially when he is caught up in the most intimate of masturbatory activities. :3
This story was written for FerretFyre as their Patreon flash fiction reward for January 2020. It contains F/Solo and M/Solo masturbation, and voyeurism involving consenting adults. :3
The Angel's Ecstasy - Part One
Though no mortal on earth had come even close to understanding the true nature of the afterlife, or promoting a religion that came anywhere close to understanding the creator of all things' true vision for the myriad universes under their oversight, there were a couple of things that had managed to filter into mortalkind's collective consciousness. Elements of belief which held some grain of truth as opposed to just being made up by mortals who sought ways to control and influence those around them. For example, angels. More specifically, guardian angels.
Every anthro upon earth had a guardian angel whose duty it was to watch over them and document their lives. Not to get involved. Not to save them from dire circumstances or from making horrible choices, much as many of them wanted to. But rather, simply to watch. To record, and to understand the mortal world better through doing so.
Angelica... truthfully that wasn't her name of course, angels didn't have names in that sense, but it was what she called herself when her imagination ran away with her... loved the mortal to whom she was assigned. She didn't just find him enjoyable to observe, or a good and kind and generous person, though for the most part he was. She truly, sincerely loved him. All his life she had been there, watching from an infinity away while at the same time being right by his side through every instant of his existence. But, it had been when he reached his mortal society's definition of adulthood and had left his family home for the life ritual known as 'college' that Angelica's love for him had solidified in a way that while not unheard of, she knew to be very rare, and somewhat taboo amongst angelkind.
The golden retriever... again, not her actual form, angels bore no earthly body in their natural state, but one she chose to adopt when privately observing Ethan... found herself experiencing not only intimate love, that most mortal of emotions. But alongside it, perhaps the only other feeling more mortal than love itself. Lust.
She lay upon a cloud, its incorporeal yet somehow impossibly solid form tucked between her thighs, and groaned as she ground her large, swollen clit against the wafting heavenly vapours while she watched Ethan stripping off his clothes after a night out, and stumbling somewhat drunkenly into the shower. His body was lean, but not so solid as to make Angelica think it wouldn't be the absolute softest thing to press up against. Only one part of him was definitely without softness in that moment, and it was his cock. The angel whined, a strand of drool trickling down the side of her muzzle as she bucked her hips more urgently still against the vapour beneath her, wrapping her arms around more of the cloud on which she was lying as though anything other than her will was permitting her to brace herself against the divine mists. Just thinking about that word was so naughty, so lewd by both mortal and angelic standards. They had sex in heaven, of course. It wouldn't be paradise to most former mortals without sex. But, it wasn't lewd. It wasn't naughty or shameful. You could have it anywhere, any time with anyone so long as they were willing and able to consent. And thus, it was inherently different from mortal sex. Almost unrecognisable compared to the private, secretive, wild act which drove so many mortals, and held so many rituals, so many savage and deliciously dirty words all around it.
And to Angelica, there was no sex more heavenly in how un-heavenly it was, than that she could imagine sharing with Ethan. She grunted and whimpered in pure desire as she watched the German shepherd leaning back against the tiled wall of the shower as its hot water rushed down over him, and cried out giddily, knowing no-one could hear her in her little private dimensional pocket, as Ethan reached down and finally wrapped a hand around his cock. Her eyes hungrily devoured the sight of him pleasuring himself, but at the same time she reached into his mind and plucked forth what fantasies were driving his masturbation. Her back arched, and she wailed in desire as she plugged herself into his brain and was immediately assaulted by a vast array of fantasies. His drunken mind was reeling with lust, and dancing with images both of his own experience with sexuality, and pornographic media that he had enjoyed watching over the months prior.
Nibbling on her bottom lip, Angelica reached out with her divine power to the very limits of what she was allowed to do. She couldn't interact with him. She couldn't let him know that she was in any way extant as a part of his life. But...
The golden retriever groaned as she felt hot water raining down over her, and though Ethan would see it falling to the shower floor as it always had been, she could feel it soaking into her fur and dripping down around her as she knelt before the German shepherd and buried three fingers in her pussy. She watched his hand slide up and down his glistening wet cock while her muzzle panted and inhaled his masculine scent, infused ever so slightly with the scent of alcohol from his long night out with friends. At the same time, her mind continued to reach into his, and with the most subtle, still permissible of tweaks, she subtly shifted a few little things within his subconscious.
A new fantasy swam to the forefront of the male dog's mind, and Ethan growled as his other hand reached up and wrapped itself around his swelling knot. In his head, he was imagining a video he'd watched just last week. Only, the figures in the video had been a red panda and a horse, while now he was the male, and the woman kneeling before him using her large breasts to masturbate his cock as her muzzle lapped at his dribbling tip was a gorgeous golden retriever.
"Ohhfuck... I wanna cum on those tits..."
Ethan moaned aloud, and Angelica yelped as she nodded feverishly and fingered herself harder. A second later it was a different fantasy flooding the German shepherd's mind, but once again Angelica worked her subtle miracles upon the fabric of creation to change the forms within his head. Now he was imagining a real experience. The first time he'd been with a woman who'd squirted. She had been an older woman he'd met while on a bar crawl in the second week of his freshman year at college. In her late forties, plump and drunk and so fucking horny. An hour after they'd first bumped tipsily into one another, he was wrist deep in her pussy in the bar restrooms. The tigress' claws were raking down the insides of the stall and her screams were echoing out around the bathroom, but they were both too damn hot for one another to care. Except... now, in Ethan's memory, she wasn't a tigress. She had never been a tigress. She was a gorgeous golden retriever probably about his age, but one who was still more than capable of taking his entire fist in her pussy, and still one who squirted violently as he drove his fingers against her g-spot one more time. Before his eyes she wailed in ecstasy even as a loud voice rang out through the restroom, and a heavy, closed fist began to hammer on the door and demand they leave.
"Ohhhgodfuck... fuck yeah, squirt for me baby..."
The vision shifted as Ethan growled and from where she was kneeling before him, Angelica shrieked in pleasure and soaked her hand with her own juices. She gave her mortal charge exactly what he had asked for without pausing or slowing her continued masturbatory ministrations for a single instant. They were in a room now. His dorm room. Falling onto his bed even as his roommate at the time groaned in frustration and muttered that he couldn't keep doing this, grabbing a pillow and his sheets and stumbling wearily off out to the living room couch. He plunged into the woman. Into the retriever, and fucked her like a jackhammer. Her pussy was so slick and welcoming that even while fully engorged his knot could slurp loudly and sloppily in and out of her, and all that stimulation of his knot against her clit made the woman scream, and scream, and scream as she soaked his bed and the fur of the German shepherd's crotch with orgasm after gushing, violent orgasm.
"Yesss, ohhgod, fuck... please, more..."
Every time the golden retriever in his fantasies came, so too did Angelica. There was of course no limit to her pleasure, even in this facsimile of a mortal form. She could cum forever. She could scream and fuck herself to the end of the universe and the birth of the next if she wanted to. But, she didn't want to. She wanted to scream and get fucked by Ethan for the remaining duration of his short but action-filled mortal life. She wanted to feel his cum spilling over her tits. Streaking her face. She wanted him to pull out of her pussy in the haste of his fucking, and accidentally spear her ass to the hilt, only to beg him to stay inside and fuck her there harder. She wanted to be pinned against the wall of the shower against which he was resting right now and feel his fingers jam violently up into her, and she wanted to feel his cock ploughing into her muzzle as he gripped her ears, her hands on his knot and balls coaxing him to cum.
She wanted every fantasy Ethan had ever had to become a reality for her beloved charge, with her as the all too eager and horny other participant. Hell, she wished she could have been his every fantasy right from the start. She wished she could have been his first, his only, so that every last drop of cum he had ever spilled into or over another woman could have been for her instead. But, illegal manipulations of the mortal timeline aside, she still wanted every orgasm he experienced going forward to be because of her. And though she had not yet found a way to make that happen in totality quite yet, she could at least make herself scream and cum over and over again knowing that some of his orgasms were born of fantasies of a woman just like her not only in appearance, but in how perfectly devoted that dog was to his pleasure as well as her own.
"Mnnhhahh! Gonna cum..."
The German shepherd snarled as he squeezed his knot ever more roughly, both himself and his guardian angel knowing full well that he would have cum much sooner than this had his senses not been numbed somewhat by alcohol. But while under normal circumstances he might have found it hard to finish while that drunk, tonight his fantasies seemed so much more vivid, and the shower in which he was enjoying himself seemed so much more sexy overall as an environment somehow. Just staring blankly down at the floor of the shower in front of him, Ethan could almost picture the object of so many of his fantasies tonight, and on many occasions lately. That gorgeous golden retriever lady; big tits, curves in all the right places, and a thirst for his cum that just wouldn't quit.
"Cum with me."
He growled as he pictured her kneeling there once again, and tilted his cock down a little as he jerked himself faster and harder, his hand a blur and water droplets splashing out all around it alongside dribbles of his abundant pre-cum.
"Mmnhfuck... fuuck yeah... cum with me, babe!"
Ethan gasped as he imagined that gorgeous woman opening her muzzle wide, her breasts jiggling wildly with the sheer force of how hard her fingers were fucking herself, eyes frantic with their need for his load upon her tongue and all over her face.
He gurgled as he found himself on the brink.
He tossed his head back and closed his eyes, back arching and body rising up onto the tips of his toes as within his head, almost as though he'd lost control of his own fantasy, that perfect vision of a golden retriever lunged forward and wrapped her arms around his ass. She buried his cock in her mouth and started to suckle so hard he swore that fantasy or not, he could acutally feel her tongue and lips and the suction of her maw around him.
" Yes!!"
Angelica screamed as with that last input of her own desires, perhaps going a tiny bit over the line of non-interference with that last momentary alteration to his daydream but not so much that she suspected anyone upstairs would notice, Ethan's cock began to throb and spurt. Hot ribbons of his cum streaked out as he jerked himself wildly and howled in bliss, and while to the German shepherd's glazed eyes those thick strings of his cum painted the shower floor before swiftly being washed away, Angelica felt them landing upon her face. Between her eyes, across and within her open, grunting, shrieking muzzle as she bounced on her knees and yelped, screamed, sobbed with truly heavenly rapture in the throes of her wettest and most all consumingly material orgasm yet.
Of course, soon afterwards, the drunken and still dripping wet dog was stumbling out of the shower and to his bed with a towel draped over his shoulders but little effort having been made to even gently pat himself dry. Angelica followed after him, stumbling a little herself but not because she was weary or drunk. Rather because she was trying to walk while still tweaking her grape-sized clit between forefinger and thumb. She watched as he collapsed on his bed, his bed in his small apartment which he no longer shared with anyone, thank goodness. A place where he could jerk off whenever he wanted or bring people home to fuck as often as he could find them, and a place where he could walk around naked and half hard almost all the time.
Ethan collapsed onto his bed, and Angelica scooted up onto it with him. He flopped over onto his back, panting and smiling and dripping wet, and she straddled him. She was able to feel his warmth beneath her even though he was entirely unaware of and unaffected by her presence; her weight, her warmth, and of course her wetness dribbling down onto his already damp, softening cock.
Soon, Ethan was asleep. He'd wake up eventually of course, freezing cold and hung over, and be pissed at himself for making it so he needed to wash his sheets. But right then he looked so happy. So peaceful and content in the wake of his orgasmic relief. And until that changed, Angelica was going to be right there with him. Watching his sleeping face, admiring his dreams even though ninety five percent of them weren't anything he'd ever remember, and pleasuring herself as she lay astride his naked body all the while.
"One day..."
She moaned to the German shepherd.
"One day I'll be with you. One day I'll be able to hold you, and tell you I love you... and beg you to cum all over me as I scream my love for you. Knowing that you can see me, and hear me, and that you want to give me all of it. To give me everything."
Angelica shuddered, and tensed up as she came yet again, longing to wake Ethan up as he felt her juices soaking his crotch and dribbling down over his balls and inner thighs.
"One day, Ethan. But... until then, I'll be here for you. Watching. Waiting. And... oohhh, yes... and cumming for you. Cumming. _Cumming[/o]. Oh. Ohhh god. Ohhh, god , yes! I'm... aaahhh, again! Again, Ethan! I'm cumming!" _
By Jeeves
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