A Single Point

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Aboard an interstellar cargo ship, in the depths of space billions upon billions of miles from another living soul, a solitary woman passes the time in her absolute favourite way. One mind bending orgasm at a time. :3

This vignette was written for Bluetippedwolf as part of my themed Patreon request day for the month of January 2020. This month's theme was "The Future!" and the story contains F/Solo masturbation involving a consenting adult, in spaaaaaace. :3

A Single Point

The reason why deep space haulage was renowned for being such a difficult profession wasn't because it was dangerous. It would have been incorrect to say that there was no crime in the twenty eighth century, but in a post scarcity society people had very little need to steal overall, thus little need to attack a vessel hauling cargo. Similarly, robotics and computing had reached such an advanced state that there was very little likelihood of anything going wrong. A single humanoid aboard each vessel was more than enough for them to perform the daily maintenance and to quadruple check the checks already made by the onboard diagnostic and repair systems. It wasn't because it was a job for which the qualifications were impossible to attain, indeed interstellar freight companies offered many boons for those who undertook such training and achieved those qualifications. Nor was it that once trained the ships to which the hauliers were assigned were uncomfortable to live in. Far from it, they were high tech and filled with as many luxuries as you might find in any home upon any Interstellar Union world.

The reason why deep space haulage was so tough a job, and why it was necessary to have only one humanoid per ship due to the sheer lack of people to fill the vessels needed for transport between worlds, was simple.

Space was vast. It was beyond vast, and though technology had come a long, long way in the past centuries, the inconceivable distance between inhabited worlds was such that deep space voyages between them still took months or even years to achieve. People who spent their whole lives calling themselves introverts to the extreme soon found themselves growing desperately anxious or even paranoid as they realised the true enormity of the distance between them and another single living soul. People who claimed to love the peace and quiet became obsessed with constantly needing a source of sound; audiobooks, music, anything purposeful and active in its auditory nature to drown out the agonisingly intense silence of deep space. It took a very, very special and rare type of person to be alone for that long and truly be okay with it, and an even more incredible, all but unique variety of person to thrive in that kind of job.

Thankfully, Sheila was most definitely unique.

Sheila loved her job. She loved the peace, the quiet, and the time she had all to herself. And though she would tell her family and her colleagues who worked on the planets and the space stations owned by the interstellar shipping company she ran freight for that it was just a matter of having a healthy and realistic understanding of her place in the universe, being totally at peace with the fact that she was but a single point, a micron sized dot upon a landscape the size of infinity, that wasn't strictly the only reason why she enjoyed a job. It wasn't the only reason why she enjoyed an entire life where for the vast majority of the time she was entirely alone, and entirely free to do as she wished with her time.

"Computer, update... mmm-mmh... system log. Primary systems check seven four seven s-sshhahh... seven five complete."

A few moments later, the cool, calm voice of the ship's computer responded.

"Please confirm systems check designation number."

The maned wolf huffed, and blushed as she glanced down at the small tool belt wrapped around her otherwise bare waist, and the wire leading from one of its pockets to her pussy, from which a low, throbbing hum was emanating.

"System check designation nnn-hhhaahhhyess... number... seven four seven seven fiiiiive..."

She could have turned the vibrator off, she knew it. But she'd been so close, and as her long legs kicked out in the gravity-free room, as her pussy began to convulse and a stream of perfectly spherical droplets gently floated out in an arc from between her legs as she began to squirt, she really didn't care about having to repeat herself. This time though, even her orgasmic slurring seemed sufficient for the computer to understand, and it accepted the end of her morning checks without further issue. This left Sheila with nothing more to occupy her time until her thirteen-hundred hour course check. Thus rather than reaching down and shutting off or at least turning the toy's intensity down as she might have if she'd had any more complex or intricate work to do which required a degree of skill and focus, the maned wolf reached into the pocket of her belt holding the vibrator's control pack and kicked it up to a higher gear. She let herself float limp and giddy right there in the central control chamber of her vessel's engineering section as she grunted, gurgled and let her toes twitch while the end of her latest orgasm was propelled back to its highest heights by the new stimulation, and before long Sheila felt the beginnings of yet another climax swelling within her.

"Ohhhfuckyesss... yesssssss!"

Reaching down between her legs, the maned wolf began to rub firmly at her swollen clit as she wallowed in the type of bliss that would have broken many people, and exhausted most others. She floated, rotating slowly in the air as her legs twitched, her toes curled and droplets of saliva joined her arousal hovering in perfect glistening balls in the air. Eventually though, even the intense vibrations of the toy inside her alongside her manual stimulation wasn't quite enough. Four, maybe five orgasms later if you counted the two which ran directly into one another as they struck in swift succession, Sheila groaned in desperation and reached out for one of the rails which ran up and down the length of the central control chamber. With the toy still buzzing violently inside her and one hand still rubbing at her clit, she pulled herself up the length of the chamber with increasing speed, leaving her glistening arousal behind knowing full well that the ionic sweep performed through the chambers every half hour would disperse any liquid before it could seep into any panel seals and risk equipment damage. She soared up through the exit of the central control chamber, sealed it with a tap of her left footpaw which propelled her upward from the doorway even faster, and only reached out to slow herself down once again when she found herself approaching the very front of the ship; the windowed piloting module where she spent almost as much time as she did in the habitat area which she called home.

Of course, everything in the piloting module was laid out with artificial gravity in mind, a seat surrounding the various control panels she would use to pilot the craft when approaching orbit or if there was any chance of collision with an object... a vastly improbable situation given her current location in deep space, far from any star system and thus from any source of matter-based debris. But, the reason that Sheila came here as often as she did wasn't out of obligation, and it certainly wasn't to make use of the artificial gravity, which she kept turned off through as much of the ship as possible aside from when she needed to exercise in order to maintain muscle tone.

The reason she came up here was quite simple.

"Computer, activate viewscreen."

What was practically the whole front section of the module seemed to shift from grey panelling to pure inky blackness, dotted with distant, glimmering white lights. They weren't really windows, just viewscreens to give a total surrounding view of what the ship could see, but they were of such high quality design that the difference was immaterial. And the outcome... the outcome was always the same.

"Oh god, yes..."

Pulling the vibrator out of herself and leaving its egg-like bulb still buzzing as it floated in mid-air attached to its control unit's wire, Sheila reached for one of the dozen or so loose objects floating around the chamber. The dildo she grabbed was on the larger end of the many she owned, and canid in its design including a button upon its base which could cause its currently modest knot to inflate to much more substantial degrees. Hungrily, giddily as she stared out at the infinite darkness of the universe all around her, the maned wolf stuffed the toy into herself, and though it took a substantial effort more than it would have in Sol 3 standard gravity with objects against which she could push for leverage, she began to work the sizeable toy in and out of herself by the strength of her arms alone.

"Oh fuck. Ohhh fuck... oohhfuckinggod, a-a-aahhhhyesss! Yessss! I... fuck! Cumming! Mmnnhhcumming! Yes!!"

It took her barely a minute to cum; fast if she hadn't already been well worked up from her last bout, but nothing too remarkable within her own context, however impressive her speed and capacity for pleasure might have been to almost anyone else. What was impressive even by Sheila's own standards though was the intensity of that orgasm, and the savagery of her screaming, her thrashing. She flailed wildly all around in the empty space offered to her by the lack of gravity as she held the toy inside herself while she gushed and shuddered, only to immediately start pumping it again as soon as her body was responsive enough to let her arms do so.

She could never resist, never hold back when she found herself looking out into the darkness of space and considering her place within it.

She was so small. So insignificant in the grant scheme of the universe, stretching not just infinitely across space, but enduring through time too. She was so isolated; the only living being, the plants and associated bacterial and fungal flora growing in the ship's hydroponics bay notwithstanding, for billions upon billions of miles in all directions. But where that existential realisation of her own limited place in reality might have terrified or awoken despair in others, for Sheila it had only ever provoked one emotion from the very first time that the concept had been introduced to her.

"Yes! Cumming! I... I'm cumming!!"

It made her unstoppably, unceasingly, unrelentingly horny.

She was an invisible dot on an invisible dot in a haystack comprised of a billion trillion quadrillion galaxies multiplied to the power of Graham's number, and yet with just a few accessories to assist her, not even necessary if it came down to it, and a few short billion years of evolution to give rise to her species and propel her to this point in her existence, she was capable of so, so much joy, and so much pleasure. And when she was alone like this, far out in deep space with no-one to disturb or interrupt or share this space with her... she was able to look out into the inky blackness, and know without doubt that her tiny, insignificant speck of a self was the most pleasure hungry, orgasm stricken, screaming, squirting, thrashing, gushing, howling, begging, roaring, unabashedly insatiable being in an area bigger than most living creatures were capable of even mentally perceiving.

In her own mind, she was the hottest, sexiest creature in the entire infinity of the universe. And though that changed nothing in the grand scheme of things, though she was still just a single point of carbon amidst countless trillions of burning stars and an infinite amount more of dark, empty space between them... it still felt absolutely goddamn incredible.


Sheila screamed again, came again as she stared out into space and wished that all the stars would go out, that she could be left for the rest of her life just swirling through an eternal void. Never disturbed, never kept from her bliss by her occasional rendezvous with other ships or planets that interrupted the beautiful emptiness of the universe.


She kept on fucking herself; toes curling, body writhing in the complete lack of gravity as juices glimmered like a thousand stars all around her. A galaxy being born into existence surrounding the shrieking, writhing goddess at its centre as she squirted again, but didn't relent for a second in her wild self-pleasure.

"More! More!!"

The maned wolf wailed, pulling that toy out of herself and reaching across the cockpit to grab her largest dildo outside of those she kept in her room, a thick zebra cock with a built in vibrator which put the egg she'd been using earlier in the day to shame even on its lowest setting.

She drove it deep into herself with a screeching cry of rapture. She twisted the base to turn the vibrator on, and then... as though the ship melted away and she was out there herself, floating forever through the inky, eternal emptiness with nothing to ever hold her back, Sheila saw nothing but blackness. She saw oblivion, and flashing, bursting starlight before her bulging eyes as she came, and came, and came with no intention of respite until thirteen-hundred hours rolled around. Until the computer chimed to remind her that she had duties which she would be all too eager to perform once again, in order to keep the greatest, most perfect job in all the universe.

By Jeeves

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