Slavery Legalized - Chapter 22: Fighting Your Instincts

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#22 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 22: Fighting Your Instincts


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

"A-already?" Randall said, a bit nervously, a mixture of excitement and apprehension in his voice. He had not expected this until much later in the night. "Um...can I have a minute alone, first?" the wolf said, making a very odd request. It even felt weird to Randall, asking to be away from Master. "I can...j-just go into the bathroom, or the hallway, or something..."

Georgio chuckled at his apprehension, but took pity on the poor wolf, seeing him stand there wringing his paws together in uncertainty. "Alright, you want to wait until later, then? I didn't mean we had to do it here and now. We can do something else you like in the meantime," he suggested.

Randall shook his head. "I want this, I just...need a moment," he said, disappearing into the bathroom. He shut the door, although as he began speaking, his voice could still be heard drifting into the bedroom.

"Um...D-daniel? I don't know if you can hear me or not...but you're the only one who ever told me I should be what I feel like being. I know this isn't what you meant, submitting to my master and all...but...this is just what I feel is...right. It feels good. Master is...oh, if only you could meet him. He's...perfect. He's the best thing that ever happened to me." Next, there was a long pause.

Georgio heard enough to somewhat understand what was going on. "Aww..." he cooed, unable to help himself. He thought it was perhaps a friend of Randall's, maybe someone that had passed on - but clearly someone very important to him. He opened the nightstand and pulled out a brand new bottle of lube to use with him. He was shifting the blankets around, after stripping to his bare fur, when he heard the wolf begin to speak again. Georgio laid on the bed and went still, so he could listen.

"I'm about to really commit myself to this for good...I'm gonna...completely give myself to Master. You know what I mean...I just...I thought you should know, since you're the only one I was ever really able to talk to. I hope...I hope you've found happiness, wherever you are." Randall stood up, about to return, but decided he had to pee, first. He sat down and released his bladder, sighing - the sudden lack of tension always sent a wonderful feeling up the wolf's spine. As he marked the inside of the toilet bowl, he breathed in deeply...and was caught off-guard by his own scent. He still smelled like an omega...a 'pack bitch,' he had been told multiple times, but there was something different about his scent, this time. A healthier, more whole scent. Confidence? Happiness? Randall didn't know. This scent was new to him, but he liked it. With his confidence in himself renewed, the wolf finally exited the bathroom, with no visible signs of distress. He gave a rather shy look at the lion, fingering his collar as he did so, then wordlessly hopped into bed, cuddling up next to his master. Georgio responded with a nuzzle and a gentle kiss on the head.

"Alright...let's go back into the bathroom and clean you out." Randall looked at him, confused, but followed him nonetheless. He wasn't sure what he meant.

Georgio shut the bathroom door behind him, and hugged his slave from behind. "I love you, Randall," he said, gently nuzzling him. "I promise this night will be...something completely new for you. Something good. You'll love it, I promise."

Randall responded with a few loving licks to the lion's muzzle. "I trust you. I know it will."

The lion pulled out an odd contraption, something Randall had never seen before. It looked like a hot water bottle with a long tube, and then a little nozzle at the end. He filled it with water, then turned to face Randall. "Okay, just use this until the water comes out clear, and then we can start," he said, handing it to the wolf.

Randall held the nozzle in his paws, staring at it dumbly, not quite sure how it was to be used. He fiddled with a moment before squeezing the bag too hard, and sending warm water everywhere.

"Ahhh!" he exclaimed - managing to get it over to the bathtub before too much wound up on the floor.

"Give me that..." Georgio sighed. "Why do I always forget about that..." He kissed Randall's cheek, wanting the wolf to know he wasn't upset with him.

"Stand in front of the toilet, I'll help you..."

The lion refilled the bag with warm water. He then gently pushed on Randall's back until he was bent over. The wolf yipped sharpy as he felt the nozzle go up under his tail, causing a small bit of pain and discomfort...followed by a small groan as he felt warm water filling his bowels, creating an odd feeling of pressure.

"Clench, then sit when I pull out...hold for a ten count, then release," the lion ordered softly. "While sitting on the toilet!" he added, just for good measure. Georgio was learning that he needed to be very specific with Randall, and not take anything for granted.

Randall did just that. "That felt...weird..." he said, wrinkling his nose. He didn't dislike the sensation...but he hardly enjoyed it, either.

Georgio just smiled, flushing the bowl. "A couple more times and you'll be fine," he said. Randall splayed his ears, but obediently took the subsequent administrations.

"Are we done?" Randall said eagerly, after he released his bowels for the fourth time.

Georgio nodded, standing the wolf up, picking him up, and pulling him into a deep and passionate kiss. He pulled away, looking into Randall's eyes - frowning a little as he saw him glance away quickly.

I can't expect everything at once... the lion reminded himself. "Are you sure you're ready? I heard your little speech...I mean, it was muffled, I didn't really mean to hear too much of it..." he said out loud, lying a little. He didn't want Randall to think he'd been eavesdropping on something he probably thought was private.

Randall didn't mind, however, after spending so long as a slave, privacy was the absolute last thing he ever expected. "Y-yeah, I'm ready...I just wanted to talk to Daniel first..." He tilted his head down, pressing his chin to his chest. "Ask me about it later?" he asked. There was clearly something more to the situation, but the wolf wasn't talking, for now.

"Alright, Randall, that's fine," Georgio replied, laughing a little. He didn't mind letting the wolf keep a few secrets. Whoever this "Daniel" was, clearly there were some mixed emotions in there, and the lion wanted to make sure their first time together was completely happy - evidently so did Randall, given his reluctance to discuss the topic.

"Make me yours?" Randall said suddenly, looking up with a hopeful gleam in his eyes.

Georgio chuckled, moving Randall's head so it was over his shoulder. As he lifted him up, he began moving back out to the bedroom. He gave his rump a tight squeeze, eliciting a few excited yips from the wolf.

"That's right..." the lion said, laying him on the bed, and flipping him to his knees. "Your master is going to claim you as his own...but first, a little foreplay to warm my slave up..." he said, his voice taking on a more dominant, yet kind tone.

Randall wasn't sure what was going on...was he going straight for his tail? Why else was he on all fours? What did he mean by foreplay? What happened next, however, was like nothing Randall had ever experienced - and nothing he could have guessed.

He felt two paws on his rear, pulling his cheeks apart...and then the lion's rough tongue, pressing in at his entrance. The wolf's front arms went weak with pleasure, collapsing from under him, sending his ass up in the air.

What is this...oh gods... Randall thought, completely taken aback. His master was an expert, every time he finally felt he'd gotten used to the pressure under his tail, his master would change things up, do something different. And pretty soon, a little bit of pink began to emerge from the wolf's sheath.

Georgio grinned, pressing his tongue in even deeper, rolling the wolf's balls around in one of his paws. The little yips, yaps, and barks of excitement coming from the shuddering canine only served to further excite him - but he couldn't do this forever. He pulled back, then starting sucking on the fluffy white orbs from behind, nipping and tugging the loose skin every now and then, ever so lightly, just to keep Randall guessing.

The wolf whimpered submissively - enjoying the pleasure/pain sensations, signaling his master that he, not Randall, was fully in charge. He felt pawpads brush his footpaws, then a gentle, wonderful pressure as they were caressed, massaged, putting him even more at ease. His body began to relax, he didn't clench his tailhole so much - these sensations were wonderful. Randall knew that sex should be something he enjoyed, but...the poor wolf just had no idea. The only times he'd ever had sex, he was being raped. Consent made all the difference for him.

"How are you doing, slave? Tell your master..." Georgio said, in a low voice.

Randall couldn't even respond with words, but he got all the answer he needed when he heard a disappointed whimper, right as he released the wolf's sack from his mouth.

"Good yourself to me of your own free will..." the lion said breathily. Randall shuddered, taking comfort in the controlling tones he was using. His master was coming on to him just right, not being overbearing, but not so neutral that Randall couldn't find safety in his master's dominance. The wolf was fully erect now, his knot just beginning to form.

Georgio pulled away, smiling, grabbing the large bottle of lube. He pressed the tip up to the wolf's entrance, easily sliding it in. Randall whimpered, feeling a bit of fear for the first time...but quickly relaxed, hearing his master speak to him.

"Good slave...just relax, enjoy being mated...know you are my slave, and my mate, forever, after tonight..." His free paw gently caressed Randall's thigh. It was quivering, muscles tensed - but after a few moments, Georgio felt him relax - right up until he pressed his lubed finger up underneath the wolf's tail, making him gasp, and tense anew.

"Shhh, relax, my pet. Let's make this as easy as we can on you..." Randall whined softly, then fell silent - rather proud of himself. He knew this wouldn't be a completely smooth ride, but he was handling things quite well.

The second digit went in a bit more roughly, causing some small pain. Randall tucked his ears tightly back against his skull, whimpering to let his master know that he was "Alpha" - less of a conscious reaction for him, and more of an instinctive one. In short time, the pain had subsided.

Georgio stayed attentive to the nonverbal signals the small wolf was giving, so he could take things at the right pace for him. Hearing a small, contented sigh from the furry slave, he went ahead and began scissoring his digits, in small motions, gently stretching him out, Randall finally collapsed onto his stomach on the bed, tail still held high. His wet erection pressed into his stomach from underneath him, the soft bedding teasing him even more, but not offering anywhere near enough sensation to bring him to orgasm - that would come much later.

This...this really can feel good, the wolf thought. His tailhole was an emotionally sensitive area, nothing that had gone up there had ever felt good to him. But this was different - his rear was being penetrated, but the pain was so minimal compared to his past experiences. There was some slight discomfort, but the pleasure drowned those feelings out quickly.

Georgio was trying to ease into the strongly dominant role he knew he would end up taking - at some point, his instincts would become too strong, and he didn't want Randall to experience that change all at once. He had been born with strong, dominant urges, and when it came to mating...they were stronger yet. His voice took on a lower, hoarser, rougher note. "Shhh...that's a good slave. Just breath, and let Master take all control...tell me if it hurts too much, I don't want to hurt you." He moved over top of him, keeping his fingers under his tail, and gave him a rough kiss on the neck, and a light nip. "Such a good wolf," he growled in his ear. "Such a good slave to give yourself to make me so proud, this day...make us both proud..."

Randall whimpered as his master whispered those dominating words, words that let him know that Master was in charge, and he was to obey. That was comforting, for him - to relinquish control, to someone he could completely trust. He bucked his hips a few times, the fingers were deep enough to hit his prostate, and he was desperately horny. The fingers, however, refused to go any deeper. The wolf let out a low growl, growing more and more aroused. He licked his chops, looking back over his shoulder. Momentarily, he was allowing himself to be ruled by his sensations, rather than his emotions - and something in him was responding to the deep levels of submission he was experiencing.

"F-fuck me Master..." he said, impatiently. "Claim me..." he said, growing more eager. The lion growled. Georgio growled, giving him a sharp slap on the ass, his own emotions getting away from him.

"Did you just order your master to take you? I'll take you when I'm ready, slave, not a moment sooner, got that? Who is the master here, and who is the property?" Randall gave a sharp yelp, whimpering with fear - this was a bit too close to some unpleasant memories for him. He yelped again as he felt the fingers give a sharp twist.

"Y-y-you, Master! You're in charge! You're the master!" he said, frantically. He knew he shouldn't have said what he did, sensations and hormones were running high, and he should be more attuned to his master's need for dominance, particularly during their first mating. It wasn't easy to completely suppress all his alpha instincts, however - even as deeply as they were buried in the little omega.

Georgio softened his tone, seeing that he'd scared Randall. He reached up to pet his cheek - Randall flinched, but then allowed the touch. "Good boy...gooooood boy. Just remember, your place is to serve, not to order. You love being a slave, don't you? You have to let go of those alpha bits of you, and let them don't need them any more. Master owns you, he is in control...he takes all that control...that you don't even want, do you?"

The lion pulled out his fingers, then reached his paws underneath the wolf, turning him over so that they were facing each other. Seeing that all traces of fear were now gone from the submissive canine, he lifted the wolf's legs up on his shoulder, giving each foot paw a kiss along the arch as he did so. "Master loves you...and you will love this..." He played with the wolf's feet a bit more, licking and kissing, only to see Randall relax into almost a trance-like state, completely overcome by the new, and pleasurable sensations he was receiving. He gently spread Randall's legs more and more, then placed them down around his waist, encouraging him to wrap around. Georgio slowly stroked a solid seven inches - showing off to Randall just what was going up his tight little rear. Randall responded with a small whimper, but a shy grin showed just how eager he was.

Georgio spread a generous helping of lubricant over his member...then he leaned in, pressing his cock to the wolf's rosebud. Randall tensed, whining, suddenly unsure of himself...but before he could become too worried, the lion surprised him by leaning in for a kiss, shoving his tongue in the wolf's mouth - at the same time that he pressed forward, pushing just the head of his cock in. He groaned - Randall was tight, despite all the stretching they'd done, and the years of sexual abuse he'd suffered.

Randall nearly bit down on his master's tongue as he was penetrated. His breathing quickened, his pulse became briefly erratic, but the initial pain quickly subsided. Eventually the lion broke the kiss.

"Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Georgio asked, briefly breaking from his dominant character, worry in his eyes.

"I'm...I-I'm okay. That was just a bit of a surprise." The lion ran one paw along the wolf's side, petting him, helping him to relax further before they continued. Randall, however, grew impatient once again...and having grown used to the sensation under his tail, he clenched down.

"Good sla-oooh," the lion said, groaning. "Mmm...such a naughty slave, teasing your master like that..." he quipped. Georgio grinned, growing excited. His naturally dominant pheromones were practically pouring out of him - this was his first real mating, and his balls were ready to completely drain into the wolf, marking him as his own.

Randall leaned up a little, licking the lion's nose. He tried very hard to meet his master's eyes, but he couldn't comfortably do so for more than a split second. It was nearly hard-coded into him that eye contact was aggressive, dominant behavior - behavior that he'd be mercilessly beaten for. Particularly now, it was not easy to look his master in the eyes.

Georgio leaned in, kissing him more roughly, ready to push forward. He wrapped his arms around the wolf, gently sliding his cock in, a muffled groan between them. Randall's eyes widened in surprise, but he returned the kiss, letting his master's tongue lead. He felt his master's paws move up around his back, claws extend, and gently rake down - not breaking the skin, but just letting the wolf know who was boss. Randall arched his back, the sensation sparking just the perfect amount of pain to be the perfect pleasure. His heart rate increased as his tailhole was filled further - again surprised that this could feel so good.

"Mmm...yes, that's right, you like this, don't you? You love being my little bitch..." he growled, remembering back to when Randall had sucked him off. He had been avoiding using rougher language, but now that Randall had acclimated himself fairly well, he was ready to escalate things.

Before Randall could even answer, he shoved forward, burying the last bit of himself into the wolf. He showed his fangs, instincts beginning to take control - he felt primal, full of lust.

"You belong to me...and when I'm done with you, you'll be mine. My property, my real property, want that, don't you, slave?" he said, in a slow but powerfully dominant tone.

"Y-yes! Yes!" Randall cried out, arching his back once more. "So much..." he added quietly.

Both of them were now panting. Georgio allowed himself to back down a little, not ready to cross that line yet. "Are you alright? Randall? Have you...adjusted, enough?" he said, wanting to check on his wolf's progress. Holding back all his instincts and urges like this was not easy for the lion, but Randall was special in every way to him - and so he did his best.

"I'm...I'm alright, feel me..." he mumbled.

Georgio smiled, giving him a gentle kiss, barely able to control himself now. He'd never had to exert this kind of willpower before, but he was more than willing to do so, for his wolf.

"Randall...I love you so much. I'm gonna get...really rough soon. I can' t control myself much longer...are you...are you ready, my sweet wolf? I want to know that you are okay..." Georgio gave him a kiss, struggling to hold back. Everything in him wanted to fuck. His instincts told him that he needed to inseminate the subservient little bitch beneath him - but his heart knew Randall was a creature with feelings and emotions...and much more vulnerable than most furs. He would stop here, if Randall could not take handle it...but once he let go, he wasn't sure he could stop.

"M-master?" Randall said, apparently repeating himself while the lion was in thought. "I'm...ready." He licked his master's muzzle a couple times, showing his submission - and also his way of comforting his master, and showing him that he was fine.

"Are you sure you want this? I don't want to hurt you..." Georgio asked again, willing to risk the worst case of blue balls in the world to avoid hurting the wolf in any way - not just physically.

"I trust you, Master."

Georgio gently nodded, kissing him, body trembling with the effort it was taking him to hold back. "Once I start, I won't be able to stop..."

"I don't want it to stop, Master...this is the best thing that has ever happened to me..."

"It's going to hurt, Randall..."

"I-it's okay, Master. You aren't trying to," he reassured him, as he was rolled over, and helped up onto all fours. He lifted his tail high, making his signal clear - he was ready, and willing. Randall could tell it was taking a lot for the lion to hold back - he appreciated that, but he was also looking forward to seeing the beast let out, the force that would utterly dominate him.

Gerogio knelt behind him, gently slipping his cock back in under his tail, giving himself a moment, almost not wanting to begin for fear of hurting Randall. His panting was heavy, he had never held back for so long before. He growled, making small thrusts, letting the savage animal out little by little. He slipped his arms under his torso, grabbing him by the shoulders.

Randall winced at the initial thrusting, but he was well-lubed, and gradually the burning began to subside. It wasn't all pleasure yet, but he wanted this badly, even though he knew more pain was to come. He wanted this so badly, in fact, that he even tried to egg his master on a bit by bucking his hips once, pushing his master back in just as he'd almost pulled out to his head.

Georgio winced - he was trying to let things out slowly, but the slave was not making things any easier. "D-don't...oooh...gods, Randall, don't know...grr....what you're doing..."

"I...oohh god...I know...exaaa! -ctly...what I'm...gah! doing..." the wolf gasp, in between thrusts.

Suddenly, as if a flood had caused a dam to break, the lion began thrusting, hard, claws digging into the wolf. His jaw clamped down on one shoulder - not enough to break skin, yet, letting out a savage growl.

As the thrusts got harder and faster, Randall began whimpering again - perhaps he shouldn't have egged his master on like that. It did hurt, and not all in a good way, but he was still loving the experience. Knowing to expect the pain helped some, and coupled with the fact that he had chosen to lift his tail...he'd not turn back now for all the freedom in the world.

It was lucky for Randall that he was being bred from behind - if he could see his master's eyes right now, he would see nothing but pure lust. Lust for the wolf's body. There was a glint of love, as if someone were watching through the lion's eyes, but unable to do anything. He pulled back with his shoulders, pistoning in even deeper, growling, biting down slightly harder on the squirming canine, to hold him still - a few droplets of blood welling up from the tiny pinpricks the lion made into his shoulder.

Randall yelped at this, struggling - not because he was trying to get away, just...well, he wasn't sure why he was struggling. Perhaps because he always did. He didn't want this to end, he wanted to be claimed in this way. The pain was not disappearing from his body, but it was becoming bearable - even pleasurable, to an extent, as he stretched to accommodate his master's girth. He couldn't help but clench his tailhole every now and then as waves of ecstatic pleasure ripped through his body. Eventually he could no longer voluntarily buck his hips backward to tease - his body took control, thrusting back against the lion, seeking to be inseminated as though he were a bitch in heat, needing to be bred.

Georgio growled loudly, making the hardest thrust yet, roaring into the wolf's shoulder, and clamping down as hard as he could - leaving a mating scar on his shoulder that Randall would be proud to bear. He cried out in pain - that had hurt, immensely...but he wanted that mark, badly - it was a visual reminder to him of his Master's affections for him. A master who owned not just his body - but his heart, as well. A part of him that could not be beaten or raped out of him, but had to be earned.

The lion's body tensed, and then it happened - he came. Each shot struck Randall's prostate like a gong, the waves of pleasure reverberating through his body - a pleasure he had never before gotten to experience in his life. He pushed forward so hard Randall collapsed onto his belly. His shoulder was now forgotten as he felt his master cum inside him. He let out a long, wolfish howl, loving the feeling - right as he climaxed as well, tailhole clenching down in rhythm with his master's orgasm. His seed spilled into the bed, and into his belly fur.

Georgio gently withdrew from Randall's shoulder, the lust-filled haze quickly subsiding from him in the afterglow. Randall tensed, the bite becoming more painful for a second. The lion licked his shoulder compassionately, knowing he'd bitten down rather hard. Randall whimpered as the rough tongue passed over the fresh bite mark, but it still felt soothing.

"That...that was..." Randall stammered, his master resting atop him, panting from exertion. Both furs were completely spent.

Georgio smiled as he recovered, wrapping his arms around his wolf, rolling onto his side. The wolf didn't have nearly the stamina of his master, who was absolutely exhausted. The feeling of fullness under his tail, the satisfaction of having given himself to his felt perfect. Randall's last sensation before drifting off was of breathing in deeply, catching his own scent - a scent changed by his master's seed, his mark of ownership. He smiled, knowing any fur with a hyper-sensitive sense of smell would be able to tell just who he belonged to as well....and then he was asleep.

"Hush, my mate...we sleep now, love." Georgio smiled, seeing Randall had already fallen asleep before he'd managed to speak. He instinctively lapping at the shoulder wound - but even that stopped as he joined the wolf in sleep, still buried inside the small canine, holding close the one he loved with all his mind, body, and soul. Someone he knew would always be with him forever. Someone that would always belong to him - always be his own, his mate, his lover, his slave...his Randall.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 21: It's Not the Man, It's the Uniform

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 21: It's Not the Man, It's the Uniform * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 20: Relapse

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 20: Relapse * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * Randall...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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