Slavery Legalized - Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#19 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

_No one here can love and understand me

Oh, what hard luck stories they all hand me

Make my bed and light the light

I'll arrive late tonigh_ t

Blackbird, bye bye

As the song faded, Georgio gave a quick peck to Randall's check, then headed with him back to their table. It was a good thing the wolf was so attached to his master as a source of security, because the smell of the wedding cake, having tempted him throughout the entire afternoon, increased tenfold as it was cut. The wolf's mouth watered, and he had to struggle to keep himself from drooling.

Georgio looked down and instinctively clipped on Randall's leash. "Smells tasty, doesn't it?"

"Yeah..." Randall answered, wistfully.

"Don't worry, you'll get a piece," Georgio chuckled. "But only if you eat it properly!" The waiter came around, setting a piece in front of himself, and, with a quick nod from the lion, a piece in front of Randall as well. The wolf about dove in, but his master's paw suddenly appeared in front of him, just above the slice of cake.

"Take. Your. Time!" he said sternly. Randall ducked his head down and lowered his ears submissively as he was reminded of how he was to act here.

Georgio took the first bite, purring - it was a tasty, rich, white cake, as well as a scoop of vanilla ice cream. The wolf watched his master and mimicked his pace for awhile, enjoying the cake. After awhile he felt like being a bit silly, and started eating in an exaggerated slow-motion pace. What he really wanted to do was just stuff his muzzle, but he didn't even want to think what would happen if Master saw him doing THAT in a place like this. They both finished quickly - Randall not having made a mess or embarrassed either of them


"You liked that, Randall? Want me to see if they have a spare piece? I bet Lyle didn't like his, he only likes chocolate."

Randall's eyes brightened and his ears perked up at the mention of another piece...but then he thought a moment about this. He was pretty full and still adjusting to having enough food to eat in the first place, so the light meal and dessert had filled him up pretty well.

"Um...I think I could manage half a piece, maybe," he said, tail wagging.

Georgio smiled, petting him between the ears. "Okay, how about we split it, then." "I'm gonna be over at that table about twenty feet, okay?" he said, setting the wolf's leash down. "I'll be in sight the whole time...I'll be right back, deep breaths and just know you're in a safe place."

Randall stifled a whimper as his master left the table, but it was only a short distance away and he was still in eyesight. He drew his knees up again and hugged them like before, but didn't hide his face. The wolf didn't like it very much, but it was easier to deal with than the last time.

Regardless, he was still slowly getting worse, but just as thoughts started running through his head of all that could possibly happen without Master right next to him, the lion returned, and he exhaled. He hadn't realized it, but he'd been holding his breath the entire time.

"You alright, wuffie?"

"I am now, Master," he said, giving him a hug and acting as though he'd been gone all day.

Georgio blushed at the overly affectionate gesture. "You know you're looking more and more to the wedding guests as though you can't bear to be even a few feet from me," he laughed.

"But it's true...I don't like to be away from you. You're the first good thing to ever happen to me," Randall insisted.

"Well, even so, we'll have to see about that later in the week, maybe try and work on that...but for now, let's enjoy our dessert."

Randall had just taken his first bite when his master spoke up again. "Oh! I promised Lyle you'd give him a piggy-back ride before we go, he wouldn't give up the cake otherwise."

Randall nearly choked as he heard this.

"Y-you what?" he said, coughing.

I guess it can't be that bad...I mean I did okay with Kana and her family, didn't I? Still, the concept terrified him, even with that thought in mind.

Georgio patted his back. "Oh come on, it's just a little piggy-back ride...I'll stand right behind you if you're that scared, I promise, okay? Hehe, maybe you can dance with him instead if you're that scared of hurting him, he's such a cute little dancer out there, see?"

"Master, if you promised him I'd give him a piggy-back ride, then that's what I have to do," he quietly said. He didn't want to turn his master into a liar or anything. "I'll be okay...I'm just a little nervous around kids," he added.

Along with everyone else... he thought, looking over at the dance floor to see Lyle moving with the music. He couldn't help but smile, it was pretty cute.

"Just...stay close to me, please?" he asked.

"Of course, Randall," Georgio added, eating some more of his half-slice. "He is a cutie, isn't he?" Georgio let out a long, wistful sigh. "I wish I could have a cub of my own someday, even if only half as cute and sweet as he is...a really chilled out one, one that would just sleep through the night, I'd be golden."

Randall sighed and leaned up against his master, gently nuzzling his arm. He couldn't help but smile a little - although he was nervous around kids, he had enough experience no know there was no such thing as a cub that could sleep clear through the night, at least not until they were a bit older.

"Sorry...I just wasn't born for the right equipment for that." Randall gave a small laugh at that thought.

Georgio looked at Randall, pouting, not wanting his wolf to feel like he was inadequate. "I know, I'm sorry Randall, I don't mean to put any pressure on you or anything, I promise, there are other options to having cubs, lots...and you would be there to raise our pup with me, you know..." he said, whispering the last part.

Randall gulped.

"I don't think I'd make a very good role model," he said, looking down and feeling a bit ashamed of himself. "Maybe Kana could teach me some day, she seems to be really good with kids."

"Hey, it's all about instincts, and I bet you have good ones as well. But right now, you owe a favor to Lyle...think you're ready?"

"I'll try..." Randall said nervously. He looked over to Lyle's table a bit apprehensive. He knew this was for his own good and that Master was just trying to help him with his problems, but he couldn't help but feel a bit nervous.

Georgio stood up, leash in paw, giving a small tug, slave reluctantly in tow.

Randall trotted on over after his master to Lyle's table, keeping his eyes trained on the ground and trying to steel himself for this. He hadn't even done anything like this with Kana's family, and, well - he'd had all day to get to know Kana.

"Someone want a piggy-back ride?" the lion asked.

"Yeah!" Lyle shouted, and jumped up onto Randall's back without warning.

"Ooofph!" Randall grunted, as he was almost knocked to the ground. Lyle tugged on the wolf's ears, eliciting another grunt as he moved his arms back to hold Lyle steady.

"Let's go!" he giggled.

Randall looked up at his Master with a rather bemused grin; he wasn't ticked off at all. Perhaps the wolf's own childlike nature allowed him to be more at ease with cubs, despite his insistence that children made him nervous. He waited for his master to move - he didn't want to wander around without him. Lyle tugged on his ears again in the meantime.

"No, no, Lyle, that's not nice, tugging on his ears," Georgio said, holding Lyle's paws. "Put your arms around his neck."

"Oh! Okay," Lyle said, unaware that he had been doing anything wrong. The lion guided Lyle's arms into place, then looked down at Randall.

"You lead, Randall, I'll follow you from behind, okay?"


"Don't worry, I'm right here."

The wolf started off at a rather slow pace, occasionally checking back over his shoulder to make sure his master was still behind him. After some goading from Lyle, he mustered up enough courage to go a bit faster, and ended up racing around the room. At this point he was reassured enough to believe that his master was following him and didn't feel the need to constantly check.

"Hold on, Randall, not too fast," Georgio said, giving a firm tug on the leash. "We're inside, and this isn't a race...we don't want Randall getting in trouble, do we Lyle?"

"But I run around all the time and I don't get in trouble!" Lyle said.

"Well, you're not on a leash Lyle, are you?"

Randall slowed down, however. He made a couple more slow laps before stopping and letting Lyle down, breathing heavily. Due to his hard years he was lacking in the stamina he might otherwise have.

"Thanks!" Lyle said, wrapping his arms tightly around Randall's neck. Something about this seemed to bother him and he let out a couple quiet whimpers, but stayed put, even managing to hug back. The cub darted off again into the crowd, hopefully towards his mother and not off to have another adventure. He didn't, and Georgio watched to make sure of that.

The wolf scooted over to his master, still sitting down and hugged his leg, looking upward for reassurance that he had done a good job - or at least, he hoped he had.

"Hey, come on, cheer up, what's wrong? You did such a good job, and I'm proud of you, ya know..." Georgio said, petting his head.

"I know...I'm proud of me too...I...I didn't think I could do that. It was just hard," he said, nuzzling his master's calf.

The wolf had been through quite an ordeal just today and a lot of new things had happened, and he was quickly tiring out. That piggy-back ride in particular had taken more out of him than he'd expected. He knew he wasn't in the best of shape - a week ago he'd been dirty, malnourished, and basically a skeleton. But Master had treated him well and he at least looked healthy again...Randall supposed his strength and stamina would return with more time.

"Is there anything more we're doing here?"

"I'm sorry, Randall, I didn't realize how tiring that would be for you."

"It's okay, I made you and Lyle happy," Randall said, not wanting his master to feel guilty. Even though he was a horribly abused slave, there was still a simple sense of satisfaction in doing something for his owner, even at great personal expense - especially when that was appreciated.

Georgio smiled, but he wished Randall would worry about making himself happy too. He decided to say nothing about it, however.

"How about we head out, okay? We can go back to the hotel, check out, and head home, and you can take a nice long nap on the way back."

Randall paused a moment, eyelids drooping a bit. He snapped them back open and rubbed his sore legs.

"That sounds nice, Master," he said. He reached his arms up. "Carry me?" he asked.

"Okay, but after we leave the room, okay?" the lion chuckled. Randall took his master's paw and stood up, managing to walk with his master to the double-doors of the reception hall. After making sure the doors were shut, Georgio was about to pick Randall up, before he saw a small table with parting gifts. They were small little vanilla-scented candles. He took two. "One for me and one for you."

Randall didn't understand when his master had gotten the two candles and said one was for him. Slaves didn't own possessions, he thought it was nonsensical for a possession to have possessions. The clothing had been an odd enough experience. He'd had things bought specifically for him before, but they were never kept in any area he could even remotely consider "his own." Certainly his old masters had never SAID they were his.

"Randall, you want up?" Georgio asked, the look on his face telling Randall he must have zoned out for a moment. Georgio picked the wolf up, until their bodies were chest to chest, getting the wolf to wrap his legs around his waist, and moving his arms around his torso. One paw held Randall up from under his rump, the other guided his head to his shoulder, gently petting him.

"Mmm...such a little puppy you are, hehe, maybe having you play with Lyle wasn't such a good idea..."

"I'm...twennnyforr..." he protested grumpily (and sleepily). With his head resting on his master's shoulder, and being gently pet along the back, he was being quickly lulled to sleep.

"Well, you're just my big puppy then..." Georgio whispered into his ear, smirking. Randall was too tired to respond. He carried his wolf out to the car, drove back to the hotel, and carried Randall in, not wanting him to wake up while he was gone. A bellman carried out the bags to the car while Georgio paid, and soon enough they were on the road, master driving, and sleepy little slave fast asleep in the passenger seat.

"He's so cute when he's asleep..." Georgio spoke aloud. "I wonder if he'll wake up on the way home."

Awaken he did. The wolf shifted around in the car seat a few times, and eventually woke up, quite groggily. He blinked his eyes around...and then panicked. This wasn't where he remembered being.

I can't feel Master...where is Master!?!

He let out a rather loud yelp, and began struggling against the seat belt, thinking one of his old masters had come back for him and stole him away from his perfect new life.

"HEY, HEY! CALM DOWN!" Georgio shouted, placing a paw on the frantic wolf's chest. That seemed to have a calming effect, although Randall was still breathing heavily. He was still letting out a few involuntary frightened whimpers before he managed to completely settle down.

"Randall, you're have got to stop doing that, you know..."

"Sorry, Master...I'll try not to disappoint you," he answered rather meekly.

Georgio sighed, continuing on down the road. "If I had thought you were gonna freak out like that again, I'd have told you to stay wake for a little while longer...jeez...well, we're on our way back. If you're alseep when we get back, I'll put you to bed with me, and I'll wake you up before I piss, so you don't freak out again, alright?"

"I'll try to stay awake, Master."

Randall felt pretty bad and he hated seeing his master upset with him like this, although he realized he was justified in his scolding. He wanted to snuggle up right next to his master - that seemed to help him feel better, usually - but Master was currently driving and he couldn't do that.

Georgio wanted so bad to reach over and comfort him, tell him it was okay, that he understood - but he knew that wasn't what a good master would do. Randall needed to begin to work past some of his problems, and the wolf's biggest motivator right now seemed to be gaining the lion's approval.

Hours later, Randall having mostly stayed awake, they finally pulled into the driveway back home. "Get the bags, would you?" he asked. Randall wordlessly did just that, his tail drifting between his legs a bit and his ears folded back, not seeing his master smile at all. As he stepped through the doorway, he seemed to relax a bit. He was in Master's house now, and even if Master wasn't right next to him, it was at least better than nothing.

"Take them to my room, and put your clothes in the hamper, okay? I'll be up in a moment." Randall ascended the staircase, stopping to rest for a couple seconds. He stacked them all up neatly in a corner of the hallway, trying to do what he could to make his master happy. He stripped down, finding it easier to figure out how to remove his garment than putting it on in the first place, and placed it in the hamper. He sat on the floor at the foot of the bed, paws in his lap, idly playing with his tail, wondering if Master was upset with him for jumping to conclusions in the car. He tried to think up a good defense but the perception that Master was unhappy with him made it hard to think.

Georgio was up moments after that, and began to strip as well. "Well, the house is all locked up and we can go to bed, we have all evening to do nothing and just be together, okay?" He gave Randall's head a quick pat, smiling, before jumping into the bed. "You going to join me? You don't have to kneel on the floor in here ever, you know, this is your bed too now, cutie."

Randall crawled into bed after his master, and ducked under the sheets, moving in as tightly as he could to his master.

" aren't mad at me?" he said after a few minutes, wondering if perhaps he had interpreted Master's reaction incorrectly. "I was on the floor because I thought I was going to be punished."

Georgio just gave him a confused look, then chuckled, kissing his cheek. "Nope, why should you be? You freaked out? You can't help it, but I do want you to work on it, okay?" It was true, of course, the wolf was confused and upset because it was basically instinct at this point. He liked that Randall was so clingy to him...but he knew that wasn't entirely healthy, either.

Randall let out a huge sigh of relief, and all his muscles seemed to relax at once.

"Oh...I thought I was in trouble or something," he said. Randall stretched up and gave his master's muzzle a few licks, then moved down to his previous position.

"So, we've got all evening to do as we like...what would you like to do, Randall? You were so good at the wedding, I think you deserve some kind of reward...anything you like is yours, okay?"

Randall thought about what his master said, and took quite awhile to come up with anything.

"Can we just lay here for a bit...I'm still pretty tired. And then...then...canwedanceagain?" he blurted out all at once, burying his face against his master's side. Georgio just chuckled at that.

"Of course we can, we can lay here and relax a little, then dance some more before you and I spend all day long tomorrow together...I took work off." He kissed his ear and gave it a soft, loving nip. "You know you really did do well today, Randall, I'm really proud. I'm surprised you didn't freak out when we danced, all those people staring at us?"

"It was hard, Master..." he admitted. "But having you there helps. I don't have to think about everyone else, I can just focus on you, 'cuz I know you'll never let anything bad happen to us." He scooted over and up a bit until his head and the top of his body was reasting on his master's chest, once again listening to the sound of the lion's powerful heart beating, enjoying the feel of his head rising and falling with his master's breath - the rhythm bringing him comfort.

"Good boy...that was such a big test for you, and I understand you were so scared...but you still did so well, which is why tomorrow is all yours." Georgio kissed his head and held him tightly in his arms. "You really are just a big puppy, you know that?" he said, petting his head. "I know you're twenty-four years old,'re just such a snuggly and adorable thing...'Carry me please, Master!'" the lion said, in a rather child-like voice. "You're too cute...I loved carying you, you're just adorable in my arms, I just wanted to eat you up!" he said, giggling.

Randall wrinkled his nose a bit at all his master's comments, but he couldn't bring himself to be argumentative - he was simply too tired for that.

His heart twinged a bit as his master repeated what he'd said - it had felt like mocking to him, something he'd endured plenty of. It hurt him a bit to hear that from his master, even though his head know that wasn't how his master had intended it at all - it was just his screwed up past messing with his head again. He couldn't help bite his lip and lower his ears in shame, all the same.

He was silent for a couple minutes before he spoke again, waiting until he was sure he wasn't going to sound angry, upset, or start crying or anything.

"I know I fight about that all the time...but...I guess if I'm honest with myself...I have no clue how to take care of myself or what I'd do if I didn't have a master, even a cruel one. So, um...maybe I'm sort of a pup...but don't go telling anyone I said that...ah, please, I mean, Master."

Georgio frowned as he realized he maybe hurt some feelings. He was still learning Randall's limits, too. He kissed his wolf's muzzle, gently. "I promise, not a word about what you said...and I'm sorry if I tease you about it, I think it is one of your cute qualities is all, I never meant to upset you."

"It's okay Master, I know you mean well...that's what matters." Randall nuzzled his master again, feeling better as he did so. He let himself be embraced, thinking how he would have been terrified at that action a week ago, but now actively sought it.

"Well, then," Georgio said, "If you're my helpless little pup, then that means I'll take care of you, protect you, shelter you, comfort you, love you...I'll be my big ol' pup's daddy," he laughed, giving him a peck on the forehead. "Who's your big strong daddy?" he asked, laughing again.

" are, Master," Randall replied, with a little difficulty.

"I was only joking, Randall," Georgio said, a soft look on his face. "I know you're no puppy, and I'm certainly not your father." Georgio giggled, then kissed his ear. "Or your Daddy...there is a difference, you know, I know you're not looking for a Daddy, at least as far as I can see...but who knows, once you're completely out of your shell?"

"I'm just happy to be your slave," Randall said. "I don't need anything more."

"Well, I love you Randall, and that's all I need or want back from you," Georgio said, nuzzling him.

Randall relaxed next to his master, content to be held in his arms for a bit longer.

"You won't leave me ever, will you Master? Even if I do something really bad?" he suddenly asked, completely out of the blue.

Georgio's ears fell down, feeling a little dumbfounded with the quesiton. "What? Oh please, of course not, silly, every day I'll come home and sleep with you and wake up with you in your loving lion's arms...and what do you mean by bad? You didn't flood the bathroom or something while I was downstairs, did you?"

Randall got very quiet and didn't answer his master's next question for a noticeably long period of time, until he finally let out a frightened whimper.

"Maybe..." he said.

Georgio smiled, but was curious at the delayed response. He was sure nothing was wrong, there wasn't water pooling from under the door or anything. "Be right back..." the lion said. Moments later he returned, sitting down on the bed, one paw on the wolf's shoulder. He had thought Randall was teasing him, but he seemed scared.

"Nothing's wrong, Randall, the sink faucet was just running a little, what happened?"

"I...I thought I'd really done something..." he said, hugging the lion tightly, breathing out in relief. "When I washed my paws a big clump of fur went down the drain...I...I thought it plugged, and I ran out, I didn't want to be in trouble." Running was Randall's standard way of dealing with problems.

"Well, Randall, that would have just been an accident, I wouldn't punish you for that...but if you do something I don't see, you have to tell me, and tell me right away, otherwise I will have to punish you, okay?"

"Okay..." Randall replied, not entirely sure if he was able to keep that promise.

"Good boy. You'll never be in as much trouble if you admit things right away, alright? I promise."

"Okay, Master, I'll try...what time is it?" he asked. He stretched out his limbs a little bit.

"Its only ten thirty," Georgio replied, looking a the clock. "It's right there, can tell time, right?"

Randall looked down and stared at his paws, and didn't say anything. He considered himself to be pretty intelligent - after all, he was a lifer from early childhood, but he could still read pretty well, and do simple algebra. A lot of it he had learned while tutoring his first master's kids. He could sort of tell time by clock hands, but not just by looking at it as other furs did, he had to really puzzle it out for a few seconds.

"I'm sorry," Georgio apologized, kissing his head. "I forgot your education is pretty limited, I didn't mean to be a jerk."

"It's okay, Master," he said quietly. "I'm smart, at least for a slave, that is, but there's still gaps in what I know...I can figure a clock out, it just takes time."

"Good boy, you are my smart wuffie, that's for sure, but I can teach you things like that, so you can do them better, if you like." Georgio said. "Now, do you still want to dance?"

Randall thought a moment, he hadn't realized it had gotten that late already. True, 10:30 wasn't that bad, he'd been up later than that before, both by choice and by force, but today had been kind of a hassle.

"Maybe we can do that tomorrow, before and me...well, before..." Randall stuttered a bit, not quite sure how to put it. "Before you take me as yours," he finally said, finding an appropriate euphemism.

"You're already mine, Randall, from the moment you first offered yourself to me, that proved it...but tomorrow...tomorrow I'm going to make love to you, Randall, because I love you, alright?" He gave him a kiss, purring, holding their bodies close together.

Randall let out a big yawn, the nuzzled his master's chest.

"An I'll alway be yurs..." he slurred sleepily. He scooted his body around a bit, but seemed to be content when he found they were already as close as they could physically be. He nudged his muzzle underneath his master's arm in an almost subconscious manner, feeling more protected that way.

"An I uvoo too...masser," he mumbled.

Georgio smiled as he held him, thinking it was cute how he adjusted himself until he was completely content. He stroked his back, the other paw on his waist, before gently sliding it down to cup his rump. He wasn't sure what kind of response he would get, but was interested in it nonetheless.

Randall wasn't quite awake enough at this point to respond to anything much, drifting slowly off into a nice, heavy sleep. He gave a small flinch, however, as he felt something on his rear, and tucked his tail between his legs as much he could. It didn't take long for him to relax - somewhere in his subconscious he realized it was only Master, and not one of his many past demons.

Georgio purred, seeing Randall subconsciously relax, then drifted off to sleep, holding his slave tightly to himself. He slept all night like a log, mentally exhausted from his own endeavor - it wasn't easy caring for the abused wolf. He decided to sleep as long as he could, even if it meant that his slave would awake with a paw on his rear.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 20: Relapse

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 20: Relapse * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * Randall...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 18: Bye Bye, Blackbird

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 18: Bye Bye, Blackbird * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized Characters

These will be updated as the story progresses, with more character sheets being added in as time goes by. I decided to write these up to let people get into our character's heads a bit more, and discover some of their past, that isn't otherwise...

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