Slavery Legalized - Chapter 20: Relapse

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#20 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 20: Relapse


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Randall stirred awake sometime in the later hours of the morning, and found his master's paw on a part of his body he was normally quite sensitive about. His first reaction was to move away, but he suppressed it and stayed put - he didn't move, he liked the feeling. It was as if Master was even subconsciously saying "you're mine" in his sleep, and that thought made Randall feel good. He simply laid in bed, content to either lay there and rest or fall back asleep.

Georgio, however, was awoken by Randall's startle, even as subtle as it was. He had just been getting used to Randall waking up in jumbled alarm. He opened his eyes, glad to see the wolf simply laying next to him, the same way he'd fallen asleep. The lion stroked the wolf's ears, and used the other to gently tighten the limp grip his curled fingers had around Randall's groin.

"Morning, handsome...I hope my paw doesn't bother you, I've been wanting to hold that thing for so long I decided to take a chance..." the lion said, noticing that the wolf's tail was tucked up tightly underneath him.

" body and my head don't always agree on what I like..." he said, in a rather depressed tone, with his ears laid back. He grabbed his tail and idly started playing with the tip, a sort of nervous habit.

"I-I'm yours master, all of can do what you want to me you know," he added, thinking it strange that his master had wanted to hold him like this for awhile, and yet hadn't.

Georgio just smiled, holding him tightly with both arms. "I know, Randall, but I love you so much, and I know you're mine, but I want you to be happy, and your happiness means more to me than anything, you know that?" He moved his head a bit to kiss him softly, then looked into his eyes, frowning as he saw the wolf avert them. He knew why Randall did that, and silently wished all sort of evil on the horrible furs that had broken his beloved wolf.

"I'm happy when I'm making you happy, Master," he said, flipping over and looking upward at the lion - but not, of course, in his eyes. His entire life had shifted around one-eighty, it seemed, since meeting his new master. He lived for him instead of for...well, he wasn't sure what he was living for before now - but he supposed it didn't matter. All that was in the past.

Georgio ran his paws through the fur on the back of Randall's neck, amusing himself while he let the wolf collect his thoughts. "Today, Randall, I won't be making you mine. I'll be mating you, marking you as my mate forever. You're my beloved wolf, and I want to sleep beside you every night, and wake up next to you every morning. Do you understand the difference?" he asked, lightly rubbing his belly.

"Y-yeah...that's...that's what I want, too, Master," Randall said, making it clear that he didn't really understand the distinction at all. The lion let it pass, he knew his wolf wasn't used to voicing his own desires, since he'd previously either been ignored, beaten, raped, had the exact opposite of his wants happen to him, or some horrible combination of all of those and more, so it was quite unusual for him to even say what he had just said - that alone showed Randall was making progress.

"I'll make sure you enjoy this, Randall, and let us both love the first time we mate as lifemates, you'll never leave me, ever, and you'll always be with me, for the rest of your life, I promise. What else does my soon-to-be mate want? It's okay, be honest and tell me, Randall...I don't care if you've always wanted to swim in a pool of pudding, I want to know what my love's life-long dreams and desires are."

Georgio smiled, gently turning Randall over onto his side, facing away from him now, giving him time to mull things over. He wrapped his strong arms around him, kissing his neck, rubbing his wolf's belly and chest, running his lips around his collar. Randall allowed himself to be embraced, turned around, caressed - it felt nice to give his master that much control. However, as Georgio moved in, unconsciously resting his thickening sheath between the wolf's cheeks, Randall let out a soft whimper. The wolf was afraid that he might be trying to move ahead before he'd gotten a chance to get physically and mentally ready. Horrible flashbacks started running through his head, and his breath was caught in his chest. He wanted his first time with Master to be something special...the first time where he'd consented, and when he'd had time to prepare...and now... Randall's bottom lip started trembling, and a few frightened shakes ran down his spine, but he didn't struggle, he knew ultimately this was his master's right...had all that talk meant nothing? He shut his eyes, not wanting this to happen right now...

Suddenly his wits returned to him and he was able to relax as he heard his master's steady heartbeat. He'd yet again jumped to a conclusion. His own heartbeat was still racing, but he wasn't tense. This was still his choice, and that made all the difference.

"I-I...," Randall stuttered, still not quite himself again after his momentary scare. "I...I haven't h-had much time to think about a l-life like this." His speech slowly returned to normal. "I didn't know a Master could be...perfect." He searched carefully for the right word, feeling guilty for thinking his master could ever rape him, or do anything else without a care for his own feelings. Even when his master had to punish him, it was because he cared enough for him to want him to do right. And he only punished him when he deserved it, and sometimes not even then.

Now that he'd had time to adjust to the quick scare he'd received, the way the two were laying started feeling good to him.

"I need to think about it...," he said, referring to his master's question about what he wanted in life.

Georgio smiled, kissing his cheek. He kept running his paws through his fur, hoping to put him more at ease. "It's okay, Randall, I promise I won't hurt you...but to help you think about what you want in need to do your morning punishment, remember? Go do it and come back after you have thought about what you want and desire, okay? I'll be right here...don't take too long." Georgio was hoped that something like that might help his wolf focus better, and better see what he wanted, by seeing a reliving a moment when he was at his worst.

Randall hung his head and lowered his ears at the mention of his morning punishment. With the wedding and reception the past couple days, he'd completely forgotten about it.

He slowly crawled out of bed, tail tucked between his legs, and very reluctantly left the room. He didn't like being separated this far from his master at all. He hesitated at the top of the stairs, already feeling nervous at losing visual contact of his master, although he could still hear him shifting around in the bed. He closed his eyes and squinted tight, trying to make himself move further away.

It's okay, Randall...this is Master's house, you're fine. Nothing bad can happen to me in here, Master won't allow it...

It took a minute or two of mental pep talk, but finally he broke from his frozen standstill and shot downstairs like a rocket, trying to cover all the distance in one go to make it feel like less. He made it to the laundry room, stepped inside, and (finally letting himself breathe out) stared at the wall, kneeling in front of it. He didn't want to do this, he always felt absolutely wretched, but delaying wouldn't make it any might even make it worse. So he began:

"I will be better for Master and for myself."

He could barely make it ten times, and the tenth repetition was certainly not understandable by any means, but he forced it out of him as best he could, tears streaming down his muzzle. He gave a sniff, and started back, up, but then he remembered what he was supposed to do after his punishment. What did Randall want out of life?

I...I want to make Master happy. But...that's not just what he wants to hear, I know that. How can I make Master happy, though? Learning to do things for him? Behaving? Becoming...better? Randall bit his lip as he thought the next word, the words of his punishment still hurting him.

If I'm a better slave for Master...and I do what he is it that Master always says? He wants me to be happy too and do things that I want to do as well. Maybe that's it? I need to become more of a fur, and not so much a slave? But still a slave at the same time? But...I want to be Master's slave. That makes me happy. Doing what he wants makes me happy. But...maybe I'm not supposed to be ignoring all my wants? But...ugh! I know what my wants are, and those are to serve Master!

Randall's head was spinning. Everything he thought of just went around in circles. He went back upstairs, still feeling rather miserable, and climbed back into his master's bed, still sniveling and crying a little bit. He scooted as close as he could to the lion, and wrapped his arms around his master's arm, not saying anything quite yet.

Georgio welcomed him in, cuddling up next to him, kissing the top of his head. He let Randall work out his emotions, wondering himself what his wolf wanted in life.

All he's ever told me is that making me happy makes him happy...but, I don't want to be that selfish, I know he wants more than that...this can never last, if it is all give from him, and all take from me. I want to help him, but I can't...not if he simply wants to make me happy. There has to be more to it than that.

He ran a paw along Randall's cheek, wiping away the tears. "Did you come to a conclusion? I want to hear what you want...not what you think I want to hear, okay? Is it to see something? Experience something? Learn something? Feel something? Taste, touch, hear, what? Just be's all I've ever asked of you."

"I...I want to change..." Randall said. "I don't want to be a bad wolf anymore. I want to be good for you," he said, flattening his ears in a submissive posture. "I want my past to stop haunting I can completely enjoy every minute I have with you."

Georgio gave a sad smile, he had half expected to hear something like that. Randall still couldn't grasp that his new life was permanent, it wasn't going anywhere. But, that had been remarkably well-worded, and it was clear his wolf had put some thought into that. It almost confused the lion, such moments of self-realization were rare to non-existent with Randall.

"That's a good goal for your life, Randall," he said. He took a deep breath, thinking about whether or not he should suggest something to Randall. It could easily backfire...but maybe it could also motivate Randall to work on things himself, rather than just expect them to happen. And as horrible a past as the wolf had experienced...he should at least offer him an easy way out, something that would help him be a little less tormented.

"There is a way to do all that, Randall...but I don't like it, and it's only used in extreme cases...but it has risks, dangerous risks, and I couldn't bear to see you be one of those cases..."

"Wha-what do you mean?" Randall asked, a bit curious, but not quite sure if he wanted to know the answer to that or not. If Master sounded nervous about it, that couldn't mean it was anything good. But if it meant he could be a good wolf for master instead of a bad was at least worth hearing about, wasn't it? If there was a way he could wake up tomorrow, and be good...

Georgio sighed, looking away. "There is, at my work, for extremely traumatized slaves, that are resold from horrific masters. It's risky, and they'll only do it if the slave is so broken it would be the only way he could function." Randall listened with rapt attention, although the idea was beginning to sound worse and worse all the time. "The process...erases a slave's past, his long term memories. It's a sort of electro-shock to the memory center. It's not precise, it erases large chunks...say, after you were taken from your mother, to after I purchased you...that might be as small a chunk as it could take..."

Georgio put a paw to his face, a bit upset just thinking about this. He'd seen first-hand how this "technology" had backfired. It was based on the old electro-shock programs ran many years ago in mental institutions. "It's only used on much older slaves, because it typically takes that long for the...abuse, to pile up, and for them to later be resold...but for slaves of your age, or could lose all your memories."

Randall started to think about it. He'd be forgetting all those horrible things, sure...but it almost sounded like cheating to him, a short cut...that was one of the few things he remembered from his parents - if he wanted something he had to work at it, no matter how much he wanted an easy out. The process was every bit as important as the result.

Georgio took the wolf's chin in his paws, and make him look straight in his eyes, afraid Randall was already considering the idea. "There's also a small chance you could become brain-dead."

That was the final nail in the coffin, for the wolf. "Master...please don't do that too me. I want to be good, I really do, but...I don't want to lose who I am. I'm broken, but, but, but...not that bad! I can function without that, really, I can, please give me a chance to show you!"

Randall had mistaken his Master's incredibly reluctant suggestion as a threat or a promise rather than just an idea for him to think about.

"I don't want to leave you..." Randall said almost too quiet to hear, his master's last words running through his head.

Georgio held him close to his chest. He was glad Randall hadn't chosen that option. A few tears hit the top of Randall's head, making his ear flick. Randall looked up and noticed his master had been...crying? What for? Randall didn't know, but he sat up a bit and licked his master's muzzle clean, hoping that might make him feel a little better.

"You will never go through that, Randall, I promise...I've seen a few slaves much younger than you have to go through that...some wound up brain-dead. It's so hard to see that, and then they had to be...euthanized..." Georgio kissed him, hugging him tight, not wanting to ever let him go. "I couldn't bear to see you in that room, let alone like that, I just...I just felt I had to at least let you know that option was available...but we can get through this, little by little, okay? Together?"

Randall nodded, chin pointed down. "Even...even if I can't change completely, if you're here with me...that'll be enough. If we're together." Randall stayed silent a moment after voicing his worst fear - that he might not be able to change, that he might actually be broken - before speaking up again. He knew that Master could do anything, though, and that if anybody could help him, Master was the one.

" I a bad wolf, Master?" Randall's ears splayed out to the side as he asked this. He wanted a truthful answer but dreaded hearing anything all the same.

Georgio smiled, stroking Randall's cheek. "You just want to comfort your master...yes, you are a very good wolf, Randall, you're my sweet loving wuffie, one I hold so dearly close to my heart." He nuzzled him a few moments, seeing Randall light up as he was told that he was a good wolf, as though he had been waiting to hear it, and yet hadn't expected to.

"You're a good wolf, Randall, your only fault is that you try to take control of situations where you have no idea of what to do...taking initiative is good, but you just need to learn to ask when you don't know, always. You're a good wolf, still, just remember that."

Randall seemed a bit reserved, still. He'd been told his entire life he was bad, good for nothing but sucking and fucking - that had a way of eating into one's self-esteem.

"But...even though, even though I do bad things?" he said, seeming not to have heard his master.

Am I really a good wolf? he thought, the words sounding strange to him. Master had told him he was a good boy before, but it seemed like that was related to how he was acting at the he was asking Master to pass judgment on his entire character.

Georgio gave him a stern look and poked his nose. "Alright, here is the overview. You. Are. A. Good. Boy. You do nothing but try to make me happy, that's all you seem to ever really want with your life. You're sweet, protective, gentle, silly, and very loving, more than any slave has ever been to their master. You're one of a kind, and yes, you make mistakes and do things without asking, and sometimes you get angry, but that's the exception. You are a good boy, Randall."

Randall felt a hundred pounds lighter. His master's word was law to him, and it was truth as well. If his master said it, there was no disobeying or doubting, not when they were voiced with that level of certainty. Randall had subconsciously wanted to hear those words for years. He'd started out trying to make even his abusive master's happy, only to be hurt when that wasn't acknowledged. He needed someone to believe in him.

"Thanks, Master...I think...I think I needed to hear that, somehow. I don't know why...but I did."

"I know why you needed to hear that Randall...because you've learned to trust me, and you know I'd never lie to you. All your previous masters...none of them could see who you really are, and, well, you're a good boy. A very, very, very good boy, Randall, you're the best slave I've ever had, and I'm proud to call you mine and mine alone," Georgio whispered into his hear, pulling him into another hug.

Randall's ears perked up, and his tail finally popped back out from between his legs, wagging up and down a little, thumping on the bed mattress. He even managed a small smile as he laid his head atop his master's chest. His stomach grumbled a bit, complaining about his lack of breakfast, but the wolf barely noticed it. He felt like he was in bliss.

"And you're the best master I've ever had...although that may not mean much," Randall said, his eyebrows furrowing. He didn't exactly have any other high-class masters to pick from to compare his master to. "But I'm proud to be yours," he said, emphasizing the last word.

Georgio just chuckled. "Any words out of your muzzle mean everything to me, just like you do. Now, Randall...I want to practice a little, okay? Try to make you a little more comfortable in more...intimate...situations. I'd like to spoon with you..."

"Um...okay," Randall replied, meekly. He didn't really like the idea offhand, but his master wanted it, so he let him. He knew, too, that if he was never made to move outside his comfort zone, he couldn't ever get better for master and for himself.

Georgio gently rolled the wolf over on his side again, scooting up behind him. His beginning erection had already gone, so he scooted tight against him, wrapping his arms around him. Randall couldn't help but draw his tail up between his legs again, an involuntary reaction to his submissive behavior. He laid his ears back a little as well. His eyes were squinted shut. Randall wasn't afraid of being taken advantage of, he was trying to clear out several nasty memories...he hoped the rest of his life wasn't going to be marked by simple movements and words bringing up his past life to the surface.

"You know, I'd love to sleep like this now and then if you're okay with are you holding up?"

"I'm...I'm okay, Master," he said - and honestly at that. Just a short time ago he would have been struggling with everything he had in him (which at that time, wasn't very much), but now it felt okay. He couldn't fight back easily in this position if something were to happen or see it happening in the first place, but since he was in Master's arms, he knew he would be okay.

Georgio rubbed his belly, knowing Randall liked that, and planted a quick peck on the back of his neck. "Shhh...good boy, Randall, you're such a good slave, you know that?" He kissed his shoulder, giving his neck a soft lick. "I know this is hard...but considering how short a time we've been together, this is great progress."

"Yeah...I guess it is, Master, isn't it?" he said referring to his progress. "I was thinking about how when you first got me, if you'd have done this to me, I would have been fighting like mad to get away, or trembling so bad I couldn't run away if I wanted to. Now...I like it." He stretched his head up so he could give his master's muzzle a couple licks. "I like it when you're in control like this," he said, flushing a bit at the admission. He had pretty much accepted that he was a submissive wolf at heart...but it was hard to say out loud. One thing his parents had made very clear was that he was supposed to be an alpha...and acting like one, even when his will was disregarded, he thought that had saved his sanity through the years before he met Master.

Georgio chuckled. "Randall...are you saying you are submitting to me, and liking it? Not my wild alpha anymore...dare I use the 'T' word?"

"Yeah..." he said, rather reluctantly, not liking being goaded into repeating a rather difficult admission in the first place. "And I'm not...hmph." His protests against being called tame were certainly less enthusiastic than in the past.

Georgio gave a small laugh. "Alright, alright, that's a little far off, so maybe you're my little beta then."

Randall rotated back around until he could bury his muzzle into his master's chest fur, feeling much closer to him this way.

"It's scary being in charge, Master...I don't know how you do it."

"Aww, I know, it's a scary thing, but some can do it, some don't...that's why you're a slave, I guess."

"I'm a slave 'cause I got stole away when I was young and illegally sold on the market..." Randall said. "But...I suppose I make a good fit, maybe. I don't care though, I'm your's now and that's all I ever want to be." He hugged his master then rolled back around into the spooning position they'd been in before.

"Wait...huh? You were kidnapped? I thought your parents had sold you..."

"I thought I told you that before?" Randall said, inquisitively. "Maybe I didn't."

"But, was Trent, that dragon we met in the slave store. My parents never even came looking for me, shows you how much they cared about me...," he scoffed. "But that's okay, you care about me and that's enough for me," he quickly added, not wanting his master to think he was upset about anything.

"Trent? Trent did that to you? Goddammit, that's illegal even in my line of business, if we could get a confession, we can get you freed and with your parents again...if you want, Randall, or we could leave it alone...I love you as my slave, but I want you happy more than anything else..."

"N-no, Master, please! I don't wanna leave you! Don't make me go! I'll be good!" Randall said, misinterpreting what his master meant. He turned around and wrapped his arms around his master, clinging so tightly that it must have been hard for the lion to breathe. His heart was racing and his breathing was suddenly fast.

"I, I, I...I - I m-mean, y-you m-make me h-happy, Master." The wolf found it nearly impossible to speak, he was so terrified by the idea of a life without Master.

"Shh, it's okay, Randall, forget I said anything, I promise it'll be okay." Georgio waited for Randall to relax his grip, but that didn't seem to be happening any time soon.

"Randall....air...." he said, his face starting to turn a little blue. Randall looked up as his master said 'air,' and suddenly pulled his arms back.

"S-sorry, Master!" he said, moving away from the lion a bit. He covered his head with his paws and shut his eyes, wondering if he was going to be punished. The little scare he went through had temporarily set him back in his recovery, though it likely wouldn't last for more than an hour at the worst.

"I'll be a good wolf, I promise..." he added.

Georgio nuzzled him, holding him gently, letting him know he was loved. "Hey, it's okay, you were just scared, Randall...I understand that, don't worry. I love you and you're a good boy, okay?" He kissed his head. Randall calmed down quickly as his master soothed him, slowly returning to himself in a matter of a few minutes. As his wits returned to him, he wondered how horrible a shape he'd be in if he didn't have Master there to help him with things like this.

"I want Trent to pay for what he did...he's the reason you were hurt for so many years, my Randall...let's see how he likes being a slave when I'm done with him..." Georgio said in a vengeful tone.

"What do you mean?" Randall asked, a little inquisitive. "I don't want you to break the law for me..." the wolf said, worried that his Master might be planning something along those lines. "They'd take you away and I'd be sold to someone else..." he said, hugging his master again.

"No, no, it's okay. I've read Trent's file before, he's had some violation and I heard yesterday he made a deal with one of the storage guards so he could get a little nightly action with the slaves...I was going to look into it, but if he's caught, he'll be enslaved himself. I'm going to see if I can get the security guy to focus a little extra on the storage cams for awhile, and see what happens."

Randall stayed silent for a long while, once again chasing away bad memories. "It's...not a rumor, Master." Randall said, adding nothing more to his statement, but it was clear he knew so from something more than just hearsay. "He deserves all those masters I had..." Randall said bitterly, in a very uncharacteristic display of savagery for him.

It took Georgio a minute to process what his slave had just said. "Randall...did you?"

The wolf looked down and gave a barely perceptible nod of his head.

"Ma...many times..." he said almost inaudibly.

"Oh, my sweet wuffie, I'm so sorry..." Georgio said, holding him close. "If you want, it would be easier with a willing witness...if we talked to Tom and John, they could interview you, make the process easier..."

Randall's eyes got incredibly wide as his master continued, and for a brief moment, not even a second, they met his master's, before moving downward again.

"He...he'll kill me if I do anything!" Randall seemed absolutely terrified of the dragon slaver. "And...and I'm a slave, my word wouldn't count for anything, would it?" he said, desperately grasping at straws, afraid of getting mixed up with anything involving Trent.

"Randall, Trent couldn't touch you, and I wouldn't leave you for a moment. You can still testify, and I bet we could find three or four more in the storehouses who might be able to attest to it...but I won't force you, Randall. The moment he's in police custody he can't hurt you anymore, I promise."

"Y-you'll protect me?" Randall said. He looked right into his master's eyes and didn't even realize it as he asked his question, this time not looking away, either. Knowing Tom and John and the slave police would take care of him was all fine and dandy, but Randall only truly felt safe if he knew his Master would be there for him. This was starting to sound like it might be a good idea...he could keep Trent from repeating to other slaves what he'd done to him.

"I will. We can leave, if you'd feel safer that way, go somewhere for awhile...stay at my folk's place for a couple weeks, where Trent wouldn't even know where to look for you. I'll stay with you the whole time, and we can even leave the country if you don't feel safe enough. I have a cousin in France, we could just go off and explore..."

"Traveling sounds kinda fun." he said, offhandedly. He thought a moment about what his master said.

"I would take you wherever you want to go, Randall."

"Well...he won't dare touch me if you're with me," Randall said. Perhaps that was a rather romantic and probably fantastical idea he had of any sort of interaction between his master and the evil dragon, but ridiculous or not, it helped soothe his worries.

"I don't want to see him to do any more slaves...what...what he...he did to me." Randall said, hesitantly, trying to block out suppressed memories as they surfaced. "He...he hurts," Randall whimpered, a couple tears coming up as he remembered an event he'd rather leave forgotten.

"You mean, when...he...what do you mean?" Georgio asked.

Randall just shook his head where it lay against his master, not wanting to talk about it...but he had to, Master had asked. He took a deep breath.

"He...just...he...e-even my worst masters usually gave me time to adjust, when they..." Randall trailed off, unable to complete his sentence.

"...fucked me," he finally finished, in a whisper.

Georgio hugged him and kissed his ear. "You poor thing...I'm so sorry, Randall. Did you ever get taken to the infirmary for any, um...injuries? Records would help, if you are willing to do this."

"Just the first time...h-he almost k-killed me, so he had to admit me to the infirmary...the other"

Randall nodded, feeling more resolute by his master's assurances that he would protect him, and remembering all the horrible things he'd had done to him. If he could keep other slaves from having to go through the same thing...

"I want to stop him...I have to."

"Alright, we can talk to Tom and John today, how's that? We can have breakfast then go over and see them."

"Um...okay." Randall sat up a bit, but was still leaning into his master.

"W-will I have to see him?" he asked. "In court?"

"Maybe not...once, at most. We might be able to work something out, pull some strings, and run a live feed from the slave police station."

"I'll...I'll think about it, then," Randall said. Being in the Slave Police Station, even with his master by his side sounded scary...there didn't seem to be any good options here for the poor wolf, but he knew that if he could help put a stop to this, he had to try. "I...I think I need to be there, to see it happen with my own eyes. Then I can know for sure that he's gone." Randall didn't even think of the possibility that Trent might not be convicted, Master was sure he would be so that was enough for him.

"Okay, then, I'm very proud of you, less monster for slaves out there. How about breakfast. Anything you would like? My treat."

"Umm...something new, I guess. Maybe eggs? I've never had any fresh. I think they'd be good, maybe."

Georgio smiled, pulling off the sheets, giving Randall another kiss. "Okay then, come on, I'll show you how to make them." As they got up, he put one paw on Randall's rump, moving the wolf's paw over to his own. Randall yipped, but didn't protest further.

"Like how my ass feels?" Georgio said, giggling, lightening the mood.

"I like how all of you feels, Master," he said, nuzzling him.

"I have to say the same..." Georgio said, squeezing. Randall yipped again - and even gave a small laugh at his reaction. The lion smiled, happy to see any signs of improvement in the wolf, no matter how small.

"You go ahead and grab the eggs for me, okay? I'll grab the pan," Georgio said, as they entered the kitchen.

Randall went to the fridge and opened it, finally finding the egg carton. He opened it up and took out five eggs, struggling to cradle them in the nook of his other arm. It didn't occur to him that he should probably just take the entire carton out of the fridge. As he used his hips to try and shut the door, one of the eggs rolled out of his arm and flew into the air. He reached out with his other arm in a rather comical acrobatic display, and managed to catch it - at the expense of the other four eggs, which were now on the floor and far from the frying pan.

"SHIT!" Randall shouted. He he hurled the other egg across the room without looking - nearly hitting his master in the side with it, although he didn't realize this. For some reason this had really set him off - perhaps it was the scare he'd had earlier this morning, stress over the prospect of seeing Trent again sometime in the future - whatever it was, he was angry, and wasn't thinking straight. He balled his fist up, and punched a drinking glass that was setting atop the counter, sending it crashing to the floor, shattering into many tiny pieces.

"Argh!" he screamed, kicking the wood counter and leaving a mark in it. He balled up his fist, and reached back, ready to strike another inanimate object.

"DON'T YOU DARE MOVE A MUSCLE, SLAVE!" Georgio yelled, knowing it would break him out of his fury. He'd watched the entire spectacle, not knowing how to react. Randall had been so good all morning, it seemed like he was fast improving...and now, this. He left the room, returning in his shoes.

Randall froze solid as his master returned, collapsing to the ground. He backed up against the counter, hugging his knees, suddenly very afraid of the lion. He struggled a bit as his master picked him up, trying to stay out of his grasp - but the lion was bigger and stronger, and there was not much he could do.

Georgio carried him over to the main hall, setting him on the stairs. Not a word passed his lips as he knelt down to check each wolf-paw and leg, making sure no glass shards had scratched or pierced him.

"I...I...m-mast..." Randall couldn't get anything coherent out of his mouth. What had just happened to him? One moment he was happily getting ready to cook breakfast with his master, the next...

"Master, p-p-please, t-talk to me..." he said, laying his ears back, seeing that he wasn't responding to his feeble protests and excuses. His master still didn't respond, he was just looking over his paws.

Georgio took his hands, next, putting them through the same thorough examination.

"Master..." he squeaked, barely audibly. "Please..." he begged.

"Go to the laundry room and do your punishment again," Georgio said, once he was satisfied that Randall was not hurt. "Think about what you did, and then come back here. I'm going to clean up the glass while you do that," he said, walking off curtly, grabbing a broom and dustpan from the closet. This was his way of dealing with his own anger, so that he wouldn't take it out on Randall.

Randall could tell his master was quite angry with him with the way he'd barely spoken to him. He finally got up as the lion left his eyesight, and slowly crept his way over to the laundry room. He knelt down in front of the wall, a bit of his anger returning to him.

"I didn't even try to do anything without asking, Master told me to get the eggs!" he said aloud, trying to find any excuse to lay the blame for his behavior elsewhere. He grit his teeth, partly to keep from exploding again, and partly to keep from admitting to himself that perhaps, just perhaps, it might have been his fault. He got clear to the ninth repetition before his anger-created wall gave way, and he finally felt a little twinge of guilt. The tenth repetition wasn't nearly as bad as it usually was, but it had at least gotten rid of Randall's temper for the moment, even though it hadn't accomplished its usual purpose. Randall tip-toed back to the stairway and sat down, as though by walking quietly he might not incur Master's wrath.

Georgio finally returned from the kitchen, having quickly washed the floor as well. He removed his shoes, setting them aside, not saying a word as he went to sit by his slave. He wrapped his paw around the wolf's shoulders. Randall flinched away as his master put his arm around him, thinking he was about to be struck. Clearly that was not the purpose, but he didn't lean against his master like he usually did - he still had a little rebellion in him. He was getting dangerously close to the disobedient slave he'd forced himself to be to survive under his other masters, although not for the same reasons - his master was anything but cruel. This was just a way to try avoid facing consequences.

"You let your anger get the best of you. What is the purpose of that exercise, the punishment I make you do? What kind of thing is it supposed to keep in your mind, to help you keep in check?"

"But...Master,'re the one who told me to get the eggs! I wasn't trying to do anything without asking," he said, thinking that perhaps this meant his anger was justified. He didn't have a slave to beat or rape to let out his frustrations, wasn't that how all free furs let out their anger? Well, not his master, his master was different...but the exception didn't disprove the rule (at least in Randall's mind.)

"Randall. Answer. My. Question!" Georgio said sternly, not allowing him to get away with that, refusing to reason with him - if Randall was going to act like a child, he would speak to him like one.

Randall struggled to get away, but couldn't get free of his master's firm grip. He wasn't going down easy on this one.

"It's...I did answer, okay! I'm supposed''re the one who told me to do it! I wasn't just doing stuff on my own!"

Georgio grabbed his chin, making him lock eyes. "No, you didn't answer! Stop making excuses! What is that exercise for? What is it meant to remind you to keep in check? And what did you just let happen a few minutes ago?"

Randall squirmed and tried to get away, making his master work pretty hard to keep him put. But eventually he couldn't avoid his master any longer.


The wolf grit his teeth again. He didn't want to say it, it felt like admitting defeat, and he was still sure he wasn't at fault for this one. He took a deep breath before answering.

"It's to remind me that bad things happen when I get mad, and I'm supposed to not let my anger out like that. And...that happened. A few minutes ago. But it wasn't my fault! You always tell me to not try and do things on my own without asking, and I didn't!"

Georgio sighed, then released him. He moved around to kneel in front of Randall, gently holding his paws. "Randall...that's not the point. The point is, you let your anger get the best of you. I'm not mad about the mess, the glass, or even the tantrum. I'm...I'm just disappointed in myself. I thought that punishment would be enough for you."

"What...what do you mean..." Randall said, his ears drooping down finally from their previously upright, dominant position. "I said I'm supposed to ask before I do stuff!" the wolf said, confused, and growing upset again. "That's why I have to go through all that every morning!" he shouted. "Right...?" he added, this time a bit more quietly. He didn't try to struggle or run or anything...although he was getting frustrated again, he didn't know what his master meant, and his curiosity was perhaps one of his several weak points.

Georgio reached up to gently stroke his wolf's cheek. "No, Randall, it's not..." He gave a soft smile, rubbing his thumb on Randall's paw. "The purpose of to help you remember that your temper could get you hurt, or those you care about hurt. The reason I have you do that punishment is so you will keep that in mind, and not get upset so easily. It isn't your fault,'s because you haven't had a choice but to get angry before now. But you don't have to be angry anymore, Randall! I'm here for you, okay? Do you understand?" Georgio had a small look of astonished worry in his eyes, that he struggled to conceal. Sometimes he thought there was more than one wolf in his Randall. How could the sweet, cuddly thing he woke up to this morning be the same wolf he had thrown an egg across the room, and shattered glass in anger?

"! No! I don't understand! If I don't get angry, I'm weak! I can't fight back! What if...what if something happened, and I didn't know how anymore! I hate being angry,'s kept me alive for can you just expect me to give it up at the drop of a hat?" Randall balled up his fists, not to hit anything, but just to relieve pressure from his rising confusion and frustration. Nothing about this situation made any sense. He breathed in sharply, in and out...trying to think about all this mess. A minute later, he suddenly threw himself into his master's arms, his sharp breaths turning into ragged sobs.

"Master...I'm...sorry. I-I-I...I just don't understand...there's still so many bad furs in the world, like Trent, and...what...what if something awful happened to you and I had to defend you, and I couldn't because all my anger was gone?" Randall had seen how his previous masters had beaten him to relieve their anger before. The thought of being in a position where he had to protect Master terrified him - he looked to Master for protection, but...what if it did happen? Randall thought he had to get angry in order to be violent...and he wasn't a violent wolf, but if he had to could he, if he couldn't be angry anymore? Finally the dam broke...he sunk his head into his master's shoulder and began to cry, the confusion too much for him.

Georgio knew Randall needed this, letting him fall into his shoulder, comforting him until the tears began to ebb. He pulled the wolf back, looking into his eyes, his voice toned with love and kindness. "If you don't get angry you are not weak. It takes great strength to hold back your anger, Randall. I have yet to get angry with you, or break into a tantrum, haven't I? Am I weak because of that, Randall?"

"But...Master, you've been angry with y-yelled at me before." Randall hugged him, trying to let him know that he understood why and that he didn't blame him for it.

"No, no, I wasn't angry...I was scared you might get hurt. You dropped glass with your bare paws - why do you think I came in with sneakers before I picked you up? I didn't want to see you cut up or hurt, it's why I checked your paws for glass. I might get flustered with you, but I always channel my anger."

" don't use that anger. But you're not weak...why?" Randall knew his master was not weak. The idea seemed ludicrous to the wolf.

"Because, Randall, being angry does not make you strong. Having control does. You don't have any because...well, Randall...all that is over. Your pain, your fears of being hurt, beaten, raped...they are all gone. I'm here, and you don't need that rage anymore. You never did, from the moment you came here. If you get control over that anger...then you can be strong. Randall, I know bad furs are out there...but I'm not one. I'll never let you get hurt. Nobody will ever lay a paw on you or I'll tear them to pieces. And if you ever have to defend'll find that strength when you need it, because we love each other. Isn't that a more powerful strength?"

Suddenly, Randall's expression changed. His master had said it - love. He thought about that...he'd reacted too quickly before, at Tom and John's, when he thought they were going to hurt Master...and it wasn't out of was out of love. Sure, it hadn't ended well for him or anything - but...he hadn't really been weak, and he hadn't been angry, either.

"I think...I think maybe I understand, now." A few tears still ran down his cheeks, but he was no longer sobbing. He didn't know how to say how free he felt - that Master would be there for him to protect him - how much that promise meant to him. It had taken so much out of him to try and do that himself. He felt more like a free fur when he submitted to Master than he had rebelling against his others.

"You'll always be there for me?"

"That's right, Randall...always. I'll always be there to help you with the shower in the hotel," Georgio said, laughing, hoping to lighten the mood. "You looked so cute half wet, you really are a big old cub, you're my big old cub, and I love you with all my heart." He gave him a big kiss, and rubbed his back. "So, how do you feel, knowing you never have to be on guard anymore? Knowing that I'll always protect you?"

"I, somehow. And about a hundred pounds lighter." Randall didn't even protest against being called a cub this time. He just felt relieved that master wasn't furious with him. Punishments he could take, even if he didn't like them - he knew Master was just trying to correct behavior for his own good. But thinking that his master was angry with him...and more than just that, disappointed as well...that had crushed him there, for a bit. He went limp and let himself be pulled against his master.

Georgio laughed. "That's my big twenty-four year old just need a big old strong daddy to take care of you and protect you and love you, huh?" Georgio laughed again, hoping to get a rise out of Randall, to see that lovely spirit his slave had...the healthy sort.

Randall grumbled a bit as his master carried on.

"Imnottapup..." he said, under his breath. He shook his head. "I want a strong Master to take care of me..." he said. Randall had very few memories, none of them good, of his own father, which was perhaps why he didn't like the comparison.

"Now there's my slave, with that spark I love so much..." Georgio said, kissing his head. "And I'll be that strong master that takes care of you, and makes you into his good slave, because I know you want that too. So, you don't have to be so resistant, right? I'll do that for you, okay? Maybe this afternoon can go a little easier?"

"I think it'll be easier, Master...I'm sorry I've been so bad lately," Randall said, lowering his head and ears. " I gonna be punished?" Randall asked. He knew he deserved one, hell, he'd actually thrown something at his master this time - not knowingly, of course, but all the same, he'd done so. And, it was something so small and stupid that had set him off. But, he also remembered that last time his Master had...well, sort of, anyway...given him a bit of grace in that matter.

"Well, that depends, Randall," Georgio said, stroking his cheek. "Do you understand what you did wrong, and have you learned to keep your temper in check?"

"I...sort of understand, I think. But...aren't you worried that if you don't punish me, I'll be bad again?" Randall was actually worried about this too. Hell, he didn't want to be punished. He never did - but he wasn't sure if just an understanding could keep him in check.

Maybe I am a bad wolf...I try so hard...and it just never ends up right. His entire body seemed to sag down, depressed, as he thought this. No, Master said I was a good boy...I am. I'm a good wolf...

"Do you want me to punish you?" Georgio asked incredulously, breaking him away from his worried thoughts. "Is that what you are asking? Well...what do you suggest, then?"

Randall vigorously shook his head against his master's chest.

"No...I don't wanna be, I never wanna be punished. But I'm afraid I'll be bad if I'm not, and I want to be a good wolf for you."

The wolf tried thinking about a punishment...but nothing he could think of would be anything that his master would do to him. His head swam around in a lot of dark memories, until he curled up in his master's lap, wrapping his arms around him, as though the lion were an anchor that kept him grounded to the present.

"Anything...just...just not the water tank..." The half-drownings seemed to be a particularly awful recurring nightmare for the wolf, as they came up quite often.

"Of course not, Randall...I don't want to punish you, but you seem to want a lesson of a different sort, so I'll give you one. Lay over my lap on your belly..." Georgio helped him out, lifting his tail with one paw. Randall wasn't sure what was going on. He didn't remember "the position" from when he was a pup. He got a bit worried as his tail was raised...was this going to be one of those punishments?

Georgio brought his other paw down, hard, spanking one cheek, eliciting a sharp, high-pitched yip from the wolf. He bit his lip trying not to cry out any more. Although his master was not striking him with all the force he could, it was hard enough, and each successive one felt worse than the last. He struggled to bring his tail down, but his master still had a firm grip on it, and his paws were just swatted away whenever they came back to try and protect his rump. The lion continued until each cheek had gotten ten hard swats a piece. By that time, Randall was whimpering, and trying not to cry outright - although he couldn't help but sniffle a bit. He hugged his master as he was stood up.

"Now, have you learned your lesson, slave?" Randall nodded.

"Th-thanks?" the wolf said, his word turning into a question as he realized what he had just said. "I-I'll remember this much better now, I think." Randall said.

"Now there's a sight of a good're welcome," Georgio said, beaming. He hadn't really wanted to punish Randall that way, but seeing the wolf thank him for that...maybe Randall hadn't suffered as bad a relapse as he had thought.

"I'm very proud of you,, this time, go grab the eggs, and bring the entire carton, not jus the eggs, you want me to get some salve for that cute sore rump of yours?"

"I-if you think I've been good enough," Randall said, darting off to the the kitchen, eager to show his master that he could do things right. He got the entire box, and set it on the counter. Looking back, he realized he'd left the refrigerator door standing wide open, and he rushed back to shut it, hoping his master hadn't seen that. He didn't want to get in more trouble this morning.

Georgio quickly returned with some of the soothing salve. "Bend over, Randall," he commanded. Randall bent over, for once not getting the least bit worried about getting taken advantage of. The burning pain which he'd been trying so hard to ignore finally dissipated as the substance was applied all over his rear.

"Okay, now, do you like scrambled, or sunny-side up?" Georgio asked.

"Huh? What's the difference?" he asked, not sure what his master was talking about.

Georgio just laughed. "Scrambled it is..."

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 21: It's Not the Man, It's the Uniform

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 21: It's Not the Man, It's the Uniform * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 18: Bye Bye, Blackbird

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 18: Bye Bye, Blackbird * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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