Slavery Legalized - Chapter 21: It's Not the Man, It's the Uniform

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#21 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 21: It's Not the Man, It's the Uniform


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Georgio got out three eggs, and cracked two over the skillet. He was about to crack the third when he thought better of it. He handed it instead to the wolf.

"Hey, Randall, why don't you-wait!" he said suddenly, seeing Randall about to crack it open, which probably would have sent egg yolk flying everywhere. Randall froze suddenly, wondering if he'd done something wrong.

He pulled out a small bowl. "Try to crack one in this. Not too hard, not too soft...but try soft first. Tap it against the edge and then go gently harder until you feel it crack, okay?" Randall sighed in relief, tapping it on the edge. He was afraid to do it too very hard for fear of making a mess. He went at this for a decent amount of time, before figuring it wouldn't hurt to try a little harder. He did so, sending egg yolk into the bowl, onto the counter, and on his paw.

"Ack!" he exclaimed, lowering his ears and his head, expecting to be punished.

Georgio just chuckled instead. "Well, it looks like you got most of it in there. Good job, Randall, just be a little more careful next time, okay?" Randall nodded, relaxed, going over to the sink to rinse all the gunk out of his paws.

"Good boy, now wipe up the mess you made on the counter with a sponge, okay?" He poured the egg into the pan after making sure no shell was in it - it was actually a pretty decent break for the wolf's first time, he thought. He pulled out a whisk, beating the eggs a little while he waited.

Randall wiped down the counter as instructed, and even dug out his own little slave pillow and table from the closet, setting out some dishes for himself and his master, without even being told to.

"Wow, without even being asked?" Georgio exclaimed, as Randall returned to his side, wagging his tail. It seemed that the morning's troubles had pretty much left him. "Such a good boy I got, huh? You think you'll be able to manage without me tomorrow, and act like that? Maybe I'll have you make me some breakfast tomorrow if you're up to it, Randall."

The wolf frowned, however, an odd reaction to the praise - but he'd forgotten that his master would be gone tomorrow. He leaned his head into the lion, letting out a long sigh.

"Do you really hafta go..." he pined. Randall figured his master would have Kana stay with him again, and while Randall felt okay with Kana around, nobody could be a replacement for his master.

Georgio chuckled. And he says he's not a pup...

"I do, unless you want to come with me that is...maybe I can get out a little early if you're a good boy, okay?" he said, instead.

Randall let out a small whine of discontent, faced with a difficult choice. He knew what his master did for a living, and wasn't sure if he could handle seeing all of that. But, on the other hand, staying at home meant going all day without him. What if he got mad again? What if he actually hurt somebody this time? Kana would be with him...

"You pick for me," he said, burying his face in his master's fur.

Georgio chuckled, setting all the eggs out on the two plates. He turned the burner off, then gave his wolf a big hug, kissing the top of his head.

"Aww, my little wuffy wants his master to choose for him? Okay, hmm...I think you should stay here, how's that?"

"Okay, Master..." he said, feeling a little let down. Of course, it wasn't as though he would have enjoyed either option. He would prefer that his master didn't have to work and could just stay with him all day...but even Randall knew life didn't work like that, not for a free fur.

"Kana will be here, right?" he asked.

"Of course...but you'll have to go over to her place when the boys get home from school, alright? I know you can handle them, you did so well last time." Georgio brought his plate over, and set one on Randall's table as well.

"Come on over and have some breakfast, Randall, we need to chat about something else, too."

Randall broke from his standing position by the oven, sitting down at his table, a bit worried about what his master wanted to talk to him about. Was he in trouble again? He tried to reflect over the past couple days. Any time he'd misbehaved, he'd already been punished for it. He couldn't think of anything he'd done that he managed to keep hidden. The lion seemed to be very perceptive of what Randall was up to at all times.

"You're fine, don't worry," he chuckled, seeing the nervousness evident in the wolf's face. "I wanted to talk about...later today, if you don't mind. When we...well, when know, in your...under your tail?" Georgio stroked him between the ears, taking another bite of his food. "I wanted to know...was there anything done to you, something you really hated, that might make, wig out? I know how I would like to do it, but I want to know what you want, so I can change things up for you if I need to."

Randall tried to think about this. The memories didn't bother him too much, not with the direct contact from his master. That seemed to help him...but everything about sex was horrible to Randall. It had never felt right, he'd never given his consent...well, sure, he'd sucked off his master, and been sucked off by him...but that wasn't real sex, was it? That wasn't a master claiming his slave.

"I...I guess I just don't like looking into eyes...I never did in the first place, but when I was being...y-you was terrifying. That's what I'm most afraid of...that I'll see something in your eyes, misinterpret it...and, and, it'll turn into something bad." Randall of course did not expect to see anything genuinely evil in his master, the idea was ridiculous to the point of lunacy. But he didn't always interpret things correctly - he was aware enough of his problems to realize this.

"Master...all of it was bad. Everything. I hated it all...j-just give me a little time to get ready tonight, and give me some time to adjust when you first...go'll be different now, that I want it too." Randall tried to think more of anything that might help his master make this easier on him. He wasn't expecting to have no problems at all...this was a big step for him, and he wanted it badly. To him it was a symbol of fully submitting to his master, and he felt ready to do that, even if he might not quite understand the nature of fully giving himself. For another, this might not mean much...but this was what Randall was capable of giving, and it meant a lot to him. He was sure it would be an overall wonderful experience - submitting for the first time of his choice to a master he actually loved.

"I...I kn-know I'm a slave and all...but...could you maybe not tie me up? For our first time, at least?" Randall had no idea that masters could take their slaves under the tail without any restraints - he'd always been tied up or restrained to some extent, even if it was only on a leash.

Georgio sighed. All this sounded more and more like it was going to scare the poor wolf to death when they actually attempted it. He knelt down, hugging him tightly.

"I'm not going to lie, Randall, I would love for you to look in my eyes when we mate. I'm going to control myself as much as I can, for you, and we can take our time, making it loving, and sensual." He stroked his cheek, giving him a gentle smile. "I'm going to give you all the time you can be nice and slow, we can warm each other up, a little massage here and there, some kissing, lube you up properly, make sure you are relaxed...and you will not be restrained for a moment of this, ever, not without your consent or a clear okay signal from you, okay? But...I would like to take you on your back, if you think you would like that, Randall."

"I...I can try, for you, Master...I...I j-just have such a hard time meeting your eyes in a normal situation...and...when you mate me, it's..." Randall paused for a moment.

"I don't want to ruin the experience for you if I can't look in your eyes," he finished. "On my hands and knees, it would be easier for me...b-but I want you to be happy, too..." he stammered, torn between making his master happy, and not wanting to step too far outside his comfort zone. The entire act of submitting to his master like this in the first place, of his own volition, was because he wanted to make his master happy, sure...but he didn't want to take too many leaps all at once. No matter how Randall looked at it, he knew, whether they mated tonight, or next week...or...ten years from now, although Randall could hardly comprehend such a thing, it would not be easy. Not with his past. But Randall was sure he was as ready as he could ever be, and he knew by the end both he and his master would feel wonderful.

"Well, thank you, Randall...maybe we can change positions, but to start, I want you on your back, so I can help you adjust better, and see your reaction in case I go too far, and we need to call it off. I just don't want to hurt you, okay? And, I'll admit...I'll only be able to control myself so far...I'm going to get pretty rough, instinctual...probably mark your shoulder."

Randall tried to visualize this. He wanted to be taken by his master - so it couldn't be nearly as scary as it had been in the past. Randall wasn't sure, either...maybe he liked rough? It was what he was familiar with, after all.

"M-maybe then...once you're sure I'm okay, we can switch positions. And you can be rough, mark my shoulder...I want to be yours, in every way I can be," he said, standing up to give him a hug.

"I think that's a great idea, Randall...but...I'm sorry we can't ever get married, though. I know I love you that much, but being mates is the closest thing we can be. I hope you're okay with that," he said, nuzzling him and giving him a soft peck.

"Is it because I'm a slave?" Randall said, for the first time regretting that he had to be his master's slave. He didn't get too down about it, however - even after witnessing one, Randall didn't understand it too well. They were together, they loved each other, and trusted one another. That was more than enough for the wolf. He rubbed his muzzle against his master, letting out a soft, happy whimper.

"It's okay, Master...what we have is more than I ever expected to have. I'm...happy."

"That's right,'s just stupid cultural expectations, as long as I have you in my arms every day and night, that's all I'll ever need. As long as you are happy, so am I." Georgio gave him a soft kiss. "And, frankly, having a sexy naked slave to come home to is so awesome, and getting all that affectionate love when I want, and don't even have to ask for's pretty hot," he said, laughing.

Randall squirmed a bit uncomfortably, but it was just not knowing how to respond - not that he was nervous about anything his master had said. He went back to finish his eggs quickly, then looked up, wondering what the lion had in store for the rest of the day.

"Clean up time, Randall," Georgio said, handing him the plates and silverware. Randall went to the sink, beginning to clean things up, setting them over in the rack to dry. That was at least something he was good at naturally - getting things clean, even if the complex nuances of more sophisticated cleaning devices might initially escape him.

"Well, Randall, I did give you full reign over today, but we do need to chat with Tom and John about what we spoke about help dissuade any worries you might have."

"That sounds like a good plan to me, Master," he replied, with a small quiver in his voice. He was still quite worried about the possibility of facing Trent.

"Okay, then, let's get dressed." His ears popped up, as the doorbell suddenly rang. "Oh, who's that?" Georgio looked through the peep hole...seeing Tom and John, in full uniform.

"Speak of the giant horned devils...Randall! Answer the door while I go get something on. You can be naked, although I shouldn't, they'll probably try to hit on me..." he said, while running upstairs to throw something on.

Randall went over to the door to answer it, opening it just a crack. He didn't feel very safe without his master by him.

"H-hello?" He saw the two in uniform, and froze solid. He knew Tom and John were okay...but in those uniforms..."

Unfortunately, John did not catch on to Randall's nervousness. "Well, lookie here, just off our shift, and we got a hot little peep show of our neighbor's handsome slave, don't we hun?" Randall couldn't tell what they meant from that comment, unable to tell what they had in he did what he normally did in any situation that confused him - he ran from it. He charged upstairs to find his master, leaving the door open.

"Oh dear...I think we scared him," Tom said, looking down at his uniform. They stepped into the entryway, closing the door, but waited for Georgio - who was upstairs, with a frightened wolf wrapped around his ankle, only half-dressed.

"Tom and John, in uniform?" he asked rhetorically. Georgio sighed, finished dressing, and turned to the door. "Randall, go put something on-"

He paused.

"No, forget that, you know Tom and John, and that was very rude. Go down and apologize. I'll be a second."

Randall looked up at his master, eyes wide with terror. "N-no Master, please! Not without you!" he pleaded.

"Fine, fine, but you are going to lead...and you will apologize immediately, okay?" Randall's ears dropped, but he did as his master commanded, walking just ahead of him down the stairs. He checked over his shoulder almost every half-second to make sure the lion was still behind him. When they hit the bottom, however, he moved behind the lion, rather than face the imposing rhinos.

"Sorry, guys, he's still a little jumpy around the uniforms. I think he recalled your first visit with those on...he has something to say, though, don't you, Randall?"

"S-sorry, sirs," he managed to squeak out, from his position, peaking from behind his master's legs.

"Aww, that's alright, cutey, we know we're big and scary," Tom said, flexing his arms in an exaggerated manner. Tom acting all goofy in this way seemed to make Randall relax a bit, although he was still visibly nervous about the uniforms.

"Yeah, it's alright, little guy, don't worry. We're off-duty." He took off his badge, and tucked it in his pocket. "See? We're not gonna hurt you."

Georgio chuckled at the scene, but put a paw down to cup the wolf's rump, pushing him forward from behind himself. Randall gave a loud whine of protest, then hugged his master rather awkwardly from the side, burying his face in his fur, as seemed to be his habit. He knew Tom and John were good furs...but in those uniforms...

"Randall, you're going to have to get used to them, even in what did I say about not being rude, don't hide like that, please." He patted his rump again, and allowed him to stay at his side like that. It had been hard enough to get him to come around behind him...and he had gone first down the stairway, at least. Randall was trying to be good for him.

"Anyway, what's up, guys?"

"Well, it's just poor Cody, he's caught a nasty bug. We took him to the doctor Saturday, and he'll be home all Monday and Tuesday we think. The doc said he's not contagious anymore, but we thought it best to let you know if Kana's going to watch Randall, then he'll have to spend his time at our place. He's up to date on shots, right?"

"Yep, they did all that before he was sold to me...and, of course, can't leave an ten-year-old at home all telling what kind of mischief he could get himself into. I'm sure Randall will be happy to come over and play video games to help cheer him up, won't you, Randall?"

Randall seemed to snap out of a daydream, or wherever he had mentally gone. He tried to replay his master's last words, but he hadn't been paying close attention, and couldn't recall them no matter how hard he tried.

"Huh?" Randall said, quizzically. Tom tried very hard to stifle laughter, and mostly succeeded. John gave him a light smack on the back of the head.

"Don't encourage him!" he whispered harshly, as Georgio let out an irritated sigh.

"Tomorrow you will be at John and Tom's house. Cody is sick, so Kana can't leave the house, okay? You'll be over there, helping Kana with anything she needs, and cheering up Cody, since he's recovering from a bug, okay?'

"All day?!" Randall's face seemed to sink at this idea. It was one thing to be gone for a couple hours at a time...but all day?

John laughed at the reaction. "Are we that scary to you, Randall? Come on, we won't bite..." He put out his arms. "How about a hug?" he said, laughing.

Randall's eyes took on a horrified look. He grabbed his master's paw and tried to run, but after his master didn't budge, he tore off upstairs, and hid under the bed again, pulling all the covers underneath with him.

"Was I out of line...?" John pouted, confused.

"Oh lord...," Tom said. "Pardon the intrusion to your personal life, but you really need to work with him on sure he's going to be okay at our house tomorrow? Not that we mind, Georgio, we'd love to have him."

"He'll be's just the uniform, I think. As long as he stays out of your room, he'll be okay, I promise...I can't take him to work, and I definitely can't leave him home alone. I love him to death, but by god, something terrible would happen if I did that..."

"Oh, you love him, huh? Someone's fallen for their slave, have they? Well, I can't blame you, he's a cutie, we did the same thing with Kana. She's a daughter to us, and we love her as much as Cody and Jordan, right hun?"

Tom replied with a quick peck on the lips. "Totally. Some days it's hard to imagine that she's even a slave...just the collar and the clothing is all that reminds me. It's been forever since we've given her a real order, she just does things on her own now. Knows what we are thinking before we do. I'm not sure how we'd get by without her, she's a real integral part of the family. You found a good home for her, Georgio."

"Yeah, you did...the boys love her so much...although, when we first got her and told her she could punish them as she saw fit, it was kind of funny watching her go about unsure of herself. Now, she won't even hesitate to turn off a game system to get them to listen. I don't think we'll ever be able to thank you enough."

Georgio chuckled, rubbing the back of his head. "Well, you know, you guys needed someone, and, well...she was just a scared little sweetheart who needed a loving home, and I didn't have the resources back then to really support a slave...not the time anyway, not after having just taken over the company from my dad. Now I could support several, but it's better that she's with you guys." He turned to look up the stairs, hearing Randall moving around a little.

"Ugh...I think I'm gonna have to remake the bed again if I heard right. Sorry about that again, guys, he'll be on his best behavior tomorrow, I promise. And I'll let him know you have full permission to punish him if he misbehaves."

John laughed. "Alright, well, we'll get out of your hair."

"Oh, hey, how was the wedding, by the way? He was well behaved, I'm guessing?" Tom asked.

"Of course, he was perfect, even played with my younger cousin a bit."

"Alright, then, be seeing you tomorrow...come on, hun," John said.

After Georgio saw them out, shutting the door, he turned around and went upstairs. He sighed, kneeling by the side of the bed.

"They're gone. Are you finished? Come out, Randall."

Randall crawled out slowly from underneath the bed, dragging some of the sheets with him, a rather ashamed look on his muzzle. He grabbed hold of his master's ankle again, still sprawled on the floor.

"S-sorry...I just, I didn't know how to deal with it, so I ran."

"Randall..." the lion said sternly, kneeling beside him. "You have to get past this. Those two aren't bad, you know that. If you have a situation you don't know how to deal with...instead of running, stay and see how it pans out."

Randall's ears dropped and his tail went between his legs as he was scolded. He felt terrible when his master was displeased with him.

_But...I have Master so I don't have to deal with problems, right? He is supposed to take care of them... _ Randall felt very confused.

"Sorry, Master..." he said, finally, realizing Georgio was waiting for a response.

"Remake the bed. Now," the lion said curtly. Randall got the sheets out and carefully remade his master's bed, under the lion's watchful eye.

Georgio sat down on the bed when it was done, indicating that Randall was to sit beside him. When the wolf had done so, he placed a paw over on his leg, looking down at him.

"Randall, you really disappointed me by running away like that. You embarrassed me in front of my should act proper, and stay by my side, and act like a good boy...I understand that you are afraid of some things, but cowering like that? You know better, Randall."

Randall looked down, a few tears running off the end of his muzzle, feeling devastate hearing those words from his master. He tried so hard to please him, and knowing that he had disappointed the lion ripped into him terribly. Not knowing what to do, he slipped off the bed, and reverted to a ritual that had literally been beaten into him by his first master. He knelt in front of the lion, and kissed each foot.

"This one is sorry, Master. Please forgive your slave. It does not wish to disappoint you," he said, degrading himself by speaking in third person.

Georgio looked at him, shocked, seeing him do that was the last thing he expected. He knelt down and pet the wolf's cheek, not quite understanding what had happened...but understanding that Randall was upset. He saw the tear stains on his muzzle, seeing how hard his words had hit his slave's heart.

"I...I forgive my slave, as long as my slave promises to try harder not to run away next time...does...does it?" he said, the words sounding strange and forced to him - but this was some sort of ritual to Randall, he figured he should try and follow through.

"It does, Master," Randall said solemnly. Now that his master had forgiven him, and he was no longer a disappointment, the wolf knew he could speak about himself normally again.

"I'm sorry," he said, wrapping his arms around the lion in a hug. "I'll try really hard for you, really, I will," he promised. "Did you ask them about Trent?" he asked.

Georgio nuzzled his cheek, returning the hug. "No, I didn't. I want you to tell them yourself, then I can fill them in on the details. We can do that tomorrow."

"Can...can you be there with me, at least? It's hard to even talk about...about what happened, with you."

"Of course I will, Randall. I'll stay with you always, especially through the hard times," he replied, kissing his cheek.

Randall nodded, then abruptly switched topics. "So...what else are we doing today? What do normal masters do with their slaves on a day like this?"

Georgio chuckled at the eager question. "Well...heh, what we were planning on doing."

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 22: Fighting Your Instincts

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 22: Fighting Your Instincts * * * [![](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 20: Relapse

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 20: Relapse * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * Randall...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 19: A Promise to the Pups * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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