Slavery Legalized Characters

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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These will be updated as the story progresses, with more character sheets being added in as time goes by. I decided to write these up to let people get into our character's heads a bit more, and discover some of their past, that isn't otherwise mentioned. It's still just a blurb in most cases, but there's some extra info in there, too. This is just purely supplemental material. I'll add a notice in the first comment after a chapter if the character sheet "story" has been updated.

Name: Randall

Age: 24

Species: Gray Wolf Mutt (5% Vulpine Blood)

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Owned By: Georgio

Description: Creamy white belly, inner thighs, sheath/balls. Tan markings on shoulders, tail-tip, and outer thighs. From knee to toe, and elbow to fingertip, blacker hairs are interlaced with normal gray wolf markings. Muzzle has faintest hints of a fox mustache. Shoulders are horribly scarred, though covered up by fur.


[Ref Sheet](%5C)


Personality: Shy/Timid. Slightly vain over his appearance. Very submissive. Has a "slave's heart." Mentally and emotionally stunted, but otherwise, very intelligent. Strong evidence of mental disorders. Past abuse often makes him frightened and unpredictable. Gaps in his knowledge, and poor emotional health make him act juvenile/childish.

Relationships: Mated to his master, Georgio. Has a puppy-love affection toward Kana, whom he views as a role model.

History: Randall was kidnapped by a bounty hunter named Trent from his home. His first master was a fox, married to a German shepherd. His job was to tutor the children. Beaten when children performed poorly in school. Was owned by this master from age 10 to age 17, when he ran away. Was on the run for six months, before being captured again and sold at auction to a hyena, his second master. This master was borderline insane, sadistic, and incredibly cruel. Most of Randall's emotional and mental trauma stems from this short period in his life - three years. Suffered sexual and physical abuse not only from the hyena, but his friends. Had help from another slave so he could escape. On the run for two months. Owned by next master for just shy of three years. Greedy stallion, prostituted Randall. Randall's psychosis was only worsened due to its already fragile nature.

Fears: Anything or anyone unfamiliar. Children. Hyenas. Strangers. Slave Police. Deep water (drowning). Losing his master. Bondage.

Likes: Cuddling. Being loved. Sleeping next to his master. Being a "good slave."

Fetishes: Feet

Name: Kana

Age: 19

Species: German Shepherd (Long-Haired)

Gender: Female

Orientation: Lesbian

Owned By: John and Tom

Description: Black and tan fur. Faded bi-color coat (distinct black and tan areas, similar to doberman coats, although since hers is faded, more tan shows up and in larger areas). Black fur fades out to tan on her thighs and shoulders. Breast/stomach are also tan, as are most of her limbs. Strong mantle with a mask halfway between faded and strong, but leaning toward the faded side. This gives her a softer look.


[Coat Color](%5C)


Personality: Motherly, soft, kind. Neither aggressive nor passive, submissive nor dominant (unless Tom starts messing around in her kitchen). Not an overtly sexual character, keeps that side of her strictly to herself (at least while she's not in heat).

Relationships: Mother figure to Tom & John's adopted kids. Babysitter for Randall, whom she finds adorable.

History: Sold into slavery by her family when they found out she was a lesbian. Suffered mild physical abuse before coming through Georgio's slave distribution center, where the lion took her out of the system and gave her to Tom and John. Did not tell her owners about her orientation until they found out during a Christmas party, where they found her making out with another female slave in one of their closets.

Fears: Spiders. Casual discussion of sex.

Likes: Cooking, children, solitude, privacy.

Fetishes: Paddling, Bondage

Name: Georgio

Age: 23

Species: African Lion

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual (Prefers Males)

Owns: Randall

Description: Well-built, toned. Large, flowing, dark-brown mane. Sandy-colored fur and dark brown eyes. Sheath containing humanesque cock (no barbs).

Personality: Domineering. Strong, affectionate, deeply empathetic. Slightly possessive, but selfless. Very dominant in most areas of his life. Enjoys helping others even at personal cost.

Relationships: Mated to his slave, Randall. Very close friends with John and Tom.

History: Sold into slavery by his parents for one year. He suffered through some sexual abuse before his release. Does not begrudge his parents for this - he views it as a necessary step in order to give his life some direction. After this experience, attended college, getting a degree in Slavery (covers law, business, and psychology related to slaves).

Fears: Losing or inadvertently harming Randall.

Likes: Sex, Cuddling, Helping Others

Fetishes: Orgasm Denial, Bondage, Footplay

Name: John

Age: 25

Species: Rhinoceros

Gender: Male

Orientation: Gay

Owns: Kana

Description: Physically imposing.

Personality: Has a soft heart - the more emotional of the duo. Does not view Kana as a slave, but a daughter. Forgiving, almost as a flaw.

Relationships: Married to Tom. Close friends and lover to Georgio.

History: Grew up in a family with a more abolitionist mindset. Because of this, he has a very unorthodox view of slaves, although he is content to live in the world as it is - affecting what few slaves he is able to with his kindness. Met his mate in college, and took the fall for a crime Tom and he committed. Enslaved to Tom for six months, shortly after which, they married. Adopted two children, acquired Kana from Georgio.

Fears: Heights, harm coming to those he loves

Likes: His kids (including Kana), Georgio's chocolate chip pancakes, reading

Fetishes: masochism, bondage, sensory-deprivation hoods

Name: Tom

Age: 25

Species: Rhinoceros

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual (Prefers Males)

Owns: Kana

Description: Physically imposing.

Personality: More strict. Tom is the disciplinarian. Has strong, traditional views of the relationship between master and slave, but has set them aside for his own slave, Kana. He still views her as a slave, a possession he owns, but leans more toward his mate's views: Kana is his adopted daughter, and she is treated as such. Very sexual. Brash. Secretly a teddy bear.

Relationships: Married to John. Close friends and lover with Georgio.

History: His great-grandfather was one of the authors of the original slavery legislation. Grew up in a family with very strict, traditional views of slaves - as being property and nothing much. Grew past this mindset, but it still affects his views at times. Bought John after he was enslaved for a crime they both committed. Planned to use John, even if it meant raping him, but since he had a prior emotional connection with John, he couldn't compartmentalize his future husband as a slave, rather than a living being. This begun his change from letting himself be controlled by his darker urges. From this point on, his views on slavery slowly but drastically changed - whereas before slaves were mere possessions, beings on a lower level than furniture, he now owns Kana whom he nearly accepts as a daughter - and even lets her boss him around a little. Shortly after John's release from slavery, they married.

Fears: Losing control to his darker urges

Likes: Kana's cooking

Fetishes: Bondage, whipping, paddling, sadism/masochism, pseudo-castration

Name: Trent

Age: 29

Species: Dragon

Gender: Male

Orientation: Bisexual (Prefers Females)

Owns: N/A

Description: Physically imposing. Black scales intermingled with a very dark green. Wears a perpetual sneer. Clothing made out of mixed black and dark brown leather. Dark orange eyes.


[Feral Version](%5C)

Personality: Rude, cocky, annoying, self-absorbed, hot-tempered. Looks down on most anybody that isn't him. Self-entitled.

Relationships: Has collected bounty on Randall several times - originally the one who captured and illegally entered Randall into slavery via the black market. Has a sort of personal vendetta against the wolf.

History: Grew up in less-than-ideal situations. Father was a drinker, beat his mother and him. Killed his father, but he's the only one who knows that - it looked like an auto wreck, and since he was driving passenger at the time (and hurt during the collision), nothing was pinned on him. Mother committed suicide a year later, leaving him on his own. Entered bounty hunting. Already had a sadistic nature, and this served his desires even more.

Fears: The law. Getting caught. Being stood up to.

Likes: Inflicting pain. Seeing others in fear.

Fetishes: Rape, bondage, castration, torture, snuff

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 17: And My Muzzle, Too!

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 17: And My Muzzle, Too! * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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