Slavery Legalized - Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#16 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Randall scooted further up the bed, rubbing his head on his master's chest, burrowing in closer to his side. Georgio held him close, giving his ear a quick lick.

"'re so affectionate tonight...I like it, could this be the new you I'm seeing?" He let out a contented sigh, nuzzling him back, purring in his ear.

"I love you, slave, with all my're such a good boy, and I've never been prouder to say I own you." Randall gave a few contented grunts, finally finding a comfortable place to settle in next to his master. He wagged his tail, happy that he was a 'good boy.'

"I love you too, Master..." he said. "And...I'm proud...proud to be your slave." He looked up and licked his master's chin.

Georgio laughed softly. "Good shall we lay here and snuggle all night? Watch a little TV first, hit the sack...what would you like to do, Randall?" Randall thought a moment - right now he was content to just lay with his master, and fall asleep...

Master has been so patient with me tonight...m-maybe... He gulped, thinking no, he probably wasn't...but...he wanted to make his master happy...

"Master...I think...I think I'm ready..." he said, hesitantly.

"Huh? Ready for...? What, exactly, Randall?" Georgio asked, looking confused.

"To...submit to you, completely..." he said, enjoying the feel of his master's mane falling around his face. "T-to raise my tail."

Georgio looked at him, astonished, but he knew his wolf was not ready for that...not yet. "Randall...the other day you were talking about a blowjob, and...that, I think I'm okay with now, but...tailholes...I don't know, Randall, you may want to do it, but your brain might not let you, even if your heart wants to...are you sure you are ready for something like that with me so soon?"

Randall thought a moment longer. His master was right - his heart was ready, but what about his head? The wolf thought he'd be okay. Master had become his protector, his guardian, an anchor to everything good. When he'd first met him, he'd always been so jumpy, that master would try to beat him, or take advantage of him...intimacy had scared him. Now everything had changed. Well - he still didn't take surprises very well, like the swat on the nose the other day.

"I trust you completely. You'd never hurt me," he said, with a solid certainty in his voice, as though this were as much fact as it was that the sun would come up in the morning.

"But only if you want to, Master," he added. He stretched his neck out and gave the side of the lion's muzzle a quick lick, before moving back down and snuggling against him even tighter.

Georgio rubbed Randall's arms, continuing to pet him. "Randall...I'm not so sure how to tell you this, but...lions...when we fuck...we're savage. Full of feral lust, and if I started, and you wanted to stop...I don't know if I could control myself." He looked at his wolf with a caring look in his eye and then glanced away. "Especially when we love someone so much, as if they were our mates...and, then, it's all but instinct to bite down, mark their shoulders...I love you that much Randall, and I could hurt you, because I'm that rough...ask Tom or John instincts to breed are very strong. Remember in the shower, when I scared you? Are you sure you are alright with all that?"

The wolf stayed silent for a little bit, content to just lay next to his master, thinking through what he'd said.

"I'm...I'm used to all that...just never out of love, only...sick, depraved lust." Randall scooted up a bit further on the bed, and parted the fur around his shoulders. Along his right shoulder there was some particularly nasty healed scar tissue - this was not just solely from a mating bite, this was deliberate physical harm, possibly torture.

"Oh God...Randall...I had no idea you had scars like that..." He pet his wolf's cheek, holding him close to his body. "I love you very much Randall...but I'm scared you'll see me like one of those awful masters or something. After I mate you, mark you...I might not be so rough later, but a mating, the first's rough."

"I want to know what it's supposed to be like." he said, leaning into his master. Georgio looked away, biting his lip, his heart breaking for his poor wolf, and all the horrors he'd been through - but he could tell, in spite of all that, he really did want this, that taking this step meant a great deal for him.

"Randall...I want you badly, I know this, very deeply...but if I hurt you...I couldn't forgive myself. If we do it, though...I want to do it at home, so if anything happens...I'll be able to do something about it, okay?"

"You wouldn't hurt me, Master, don't worry," he said, again with a solid conviction, as though any other idea was ludicrous. "But we can wait until we get home if it makes you feel better." He nudged his head underneath the lion's arm again. Georgio just rubbed his back, smiling.

"It will hurt, Randall, I can promise that...I buck like a horse, with the libido of a dozen'll be sore, with a deep bite mark on your need to be ready for all that, first. I don't think you are, not yet."

The wolf still couldn't form a good idea of how his master would be during a mating...but he couldn't even imagine him being like his former masters.

"I could never see you like those...bastards, that used to own me. But maybe we could do something else tonight?" he asked slyly, moving down closer to his master's waist.

"Randall...are you really sure? Don't push yourself too hard, or too fast...but if you think you want to, lay on your back, okay?"

Randall paused a moment - his master seemed to be genuinely worried. But he couldn't imagine that he'd regret it. A mating was to him a way that a slave symbolically submitted in every way to his master, and he was looking forward to willingly doing so for the first time. His libido was on the rise though, and coupled with his infinite trust in his master, he thought for sure he was ready - luckily his master was wiser than that. The wolf rolled over on his back, drawing his paws up near his face in an instinctual canine display of submission.

Georgio giggled, reaching over to scratch his belly. "Aww, such a cute thing you are, my big tough wuffie..." He gave him a kiss on the muzzle, then his belly, then scooted down so he was sitting between his slave's legs. Randall arched his neck up, cocking his head to the side curiously.


"Don't worry, Master is submitting to you first...because you made me so happy and proud tonight, okay? Now, tell me to stop, if you get scared or want to quit for any reason...if you really want to take a small step forward, I love you enough to respect your choice...even if that means you change your mind about this right in the middle." Georgio leaned down, and licked at the wolf's sheath a few times, kissing his hanging orbs.

"Don't worry...I won't bite anything..." The lion slipped one nut at a time into his mouth, suckling on them, flip-flopping back and forth between one and the other. Randall let out a short whine - it felt odd to be pleasured like this, like something was wrong. He'd only ever been in his master's current position before. But pretty soon that whine turned into a groan of pleasure, and he forgot all about those feelings. His tongue lolled out of his mouth as his balls were teased. Very quickly a bit of pink could be seen emerging from his sheath. He splayed his legs out a little bit more to give his master better access.

"Oh gods..." he muttered, as he started to become fully erect. This felt far too good to him to be scary.

"Mmm...good boy. Liking this, huh? Well, your master is an expert cock-sucker, so lay back and learn, and enjoy my muzzle..." He wet his finger thoroughly, as he continued to fondle his slave's balls. With his legs spread out - it made it that much easier for the lion to slip a finger against his tailhole. Randall yipped as he felt the cold, wet touch, momentarily worried. He flexed his neck upward and looked down between his legs, but then laid right back where he was again. Grinning, Georgio slipped his finger inside, still suckling at the wolf's scrotum. Randall shuddered as he was penetrated, whimpering a bit from minor discomfort. Despite his years of abuse, the wolf healed up exceptionally well, and he was quite tight. His breathing got a bit faster, but he soon calmed down and grew used to the digit's presence. Georgio pressed further, seeking out Randall's prostate - and a sudden gasp told him exactly when he'd found it, before he'd even felt it. He grinned, seeing the wolf's knot begin to expand, moaning sounds coming from somewhere above him.

"Heh...never been blown before?" he asked. "Well, you're about to be blown by someone with a better muzzle than you," Georgio teased.

"I don't know about that, Master," he managed to get out between pleasured gasps, "the trainers always told me my muzzle was made for sucking cock..." His ears splayed a little at this, although the comment was made in jest, the memory of the insult still stung.

"Oh? A challenge, is it? Well then, I accept..." He inserted a second finger under Randall's tail, eliciting a whimper from the wolf. He'd had much bigger up there before, however, and it didn't take him too long to grow used to it, and his tense muscles relaxed once more. Georgio finally stopped suckling on his furry sack, and moved up Randall's cock. His lips wrapped around the head, tongue running around it in a circle. He used one paw to gently squeeze the wolf's balls, tugging them downward so he couldn't cum too quickly.

Randall grunted, then let out a soft whine as his nuts were tugged downward - he had been getting pretty close. His knot was fully expanded, his heart racing, and he started to pant, body overheating from lust. Georgio smirked at his reaction, then took all of the wolf's member into his muzzle. His tongue ran along the sensitive underside, and as he pulled up, lashed from side to side. He came back down on Randall quickly, repeating the action, all the while using his free paw to fondle his testicles. He used his other paw to begin gently pulling in and out, giving him the feeling of being fucked, poking his prostrate with each light thrust of his fingers. He watched Randall closely for any sign of fear or displeasure, thinking there was a chance he might react badly - but he didn't. The wolf gasped, his master's tongue occasionally brushing up against his knot - almost enough to bring him to the brink of release, despite his gonads being held away from his body. He whimpered a bit in need, not in fear. He began bucking his hips a little with the thrusting - more an instinctive reaction than a conscious one.

Georgio smiled slyly, pulling back off his cock. Randall whined, looking up, a bit annoyed that he had stopped. Georgio just smirked, nibbling down the side of the wolf's member, stopping to suckle on the side of his knot. Randall's body went through a rather violent shudder, sensations he never knew he could have washing over his entire body.

Randall yipped, suddenly feeling empty, as Georgio pulled his fingers out of the wolf's ass. The lion wrapped his now-free paw around his knot, squeezing it gently - not enough for Randall to climax, just very, very close. As he went back to sucking on Randall's length, he smirked, knowing by the wolf's reaction that he was hitting all the right spots - he could keep his slave like this for hours if he wanted, torturing him, never letting him cum. Never something he would do, never - but it was fun to at least entertain the idea, and maybe one a long-distant future...Randall might be up for that kind of play.

"You wanna cum, Randall? What can you say, or what can you do to make it worth my while, slave?"

Randall let out a series of pained whimpers at the question. "Y-yes, Master, please! L-let me! I n-need to!" he stuttered, having a hard time speaking as he was so close to the edge.

"I'll d-do ahhehhhaaa..." he broke off as his knot was squeezed again. "...anything..." he breathed out.

Georgio dropped his attentions away even further, letting Randall fall back further from the edge. "Come now, give me something better than must have something you can offer, something you want to admit...come now, slave, I can keep you like this for two hours, waiting, never cumming, while I wait for an answer..." Instead, however, he went back to licking at the wolf's length, bringing him right back up to the brink of sweet, sweet release. He wasn't really looking for any particular answer - he was just holding Randall back a little, knowing that when he finally allowed him to cum, the sensation would be that much more powerful, that much stronger a good memory. He couldn't deny either that he was immensely aroused by displaying this kind of control over his slave.

Randall let out a pained whine - two hours would be hell! Somewhere, deep down inside him, however, he knew his master would never do that to him - it was just part of a fun game, a master's way of controlling his submissive, and the more Randall fell under Georgio's dominion, the safer and happier he felt.

He bucked his hips again, trying to seek a release that was not yet allowed.

"I...I...ahhhh..." The lack of a release was starting to become painful for the poor wolf, although it was a pleasurable sort of pain, still.

"Ad...admit? I don't know what you w-whaaa..."

"...want from m-me." Randall was confused, he didn't know of anything he knew that he wouldn't readily tell his master as soon as he asked, whether he was "holding him back" or not.

"P-please..." he begged, hoping that would be enough, but knowing it wasn't. He frantically searched his head for something he might be able to say so that his master would allow him to cum, but it was hard to concentrate with all that was going on.

Georgio smiled, giving him a hard look.

"Good enough..." He released his grip on the wolf's fluffy white nuts, suckling the head of his member, sealing his lips tightly. Randall's orbs drew up almost instantly to his body, taking almost no time at all to finally cum. The wolf felt like it had been hours since he'd been denied, rather than minutes.

All the muscles in his entire body seemed to clench at release once along with his orgasm, shooting off hot thick ropes of wolf seed. As with most canines, he had a surprising amount of cum to release, especially considering his rather small body size. Georgio kept suckling the entire time, swallowing every last drop that came to his muzzle.

He lay back on the bed, panting heavily.

"Thank you, Master..." he said as he recovered, his mind returning to him. Georgio crawled up, pulling the wolf into a loving embrace, rubbing Randall's back, and using the other paw to hold his head to his chest.

"That's a good good did very well for your first blowjob, hehe..." He stroked his cheek gently. Randall noticed a pressure against his thigh, and looked down to see his master's humanoid member pressing against him. There was a sort of hunger in his eyes, but before his thoughts could return to such matters, he yawned - he had already been tired before they started, and spending so close, teased around the edge of release, had made him even more exhausted.

"How about we go to bed...I wore you out, I think," Georgio said, sensing his wolf's needs.

Randall let out another wide yawn and nodded slowly. "That sounds nice, Master..." He smiled and gave him a soft kiss. "Thank you...for showing me that...that sex can be nice." He licked his master's chin a few times, catching the scent of his seed. "Let's go to bed."

"Just a minute, though, I have to, um...pee." He walked into the bathroom, and a few moments later, Randall heard a muffled roar. He blinked, wondering what was going on, then heard his master relieving himself, and didn't put too much more stock into it. The lion returned, laying down beside him, giving him a soft nuzzle.

"You better take care of business too, before bed." He darted off, doing his business, and after cleaning up, returned back to the bed, scooting underneath his master's arm and against his side. Georgio reached up to turn off the lights, making sure to set the alarm. Pulling the sheets up over him, he brought Randall chest-to-chest, giving him a soft kiss.

"I love you so much, Randall...did you have a fun day, today?"


A pause. His eyelids felt very heavy. He gave his master's chestfur a lick from where he laid.

"hmmm..." Randall murmured, already dozing off before he could finish the sentence. Georgio rubbed his back, laughing softly to himself.

"I'll take that as a yes...goodnight, my love..."

Even if Georgio had not gotten any pleasure back, that didn't matter to him at all - he was happy to have given Randall his first blowjob, to show him that a master's muzzle could make him feel good, instead of destroying his self-worth with words, or biting him with sharp teeth. He loved his little wolf, and his own sexual needs, which he could have pushed, took a far-distant backseat next to Randall's happiness. He had gotten to spend the day with the love of his life, and that alone made the day a good one.

Holding his wolf close, the lion dozed off to sleep himself, hoping his presence might bring good dreams to the abused slave - and the new experience he'd had just before bed.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 17: And My Muzzle, Too!

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 17: And My Muzzle, Too! * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 14: The Child in the Wolf

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 14: The Child in the Wolf * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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