Slavery Legalized - Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow

Story by Draugr on SoFurry

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#15 of Slavery Legalized

Slavery Legalized

by Draugr & Element

Chapter 15: Trial for Tomorrow


This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C)

Georgio set the car in park, and turned the ignition off.

"Okay, come on, Randall." They both got out of the car, Georgio walking around to hand his bags to the wolf. "You have to carry, don't feel bad if I call you slave most of the time, it's just...well, public protocol, okay?" He held paws for a moment before clipping on the leash. "Let's go." Randall didn't realize until it was mentioned that his master had never, or at least very rarely, referred to him as "slave." That was an odd thought. He didn't mind it so much, he was Master's slave after all, it would just be unusual hear. The wolf very reluctantly let go of his master's paw to pick up the bags, then stuck as close to his master as he dared as they stepped into the hotel lobby. It wasn't anything spectacular, but the wolf was astonished, never having seen such a big room. All the hotels he'd been brought to were rather cheap and shady. He felt a tug on the leash as his master continued on to the reception desk, and he was forced to follow. Randall kept trying to glance at the clerk every now and then, but he neither responded nor returned Randall's gaze - which was not unexpected, most slaves were treated like this.

"Okay, for one, and would you like a slave bed brought up?"

"No, no, don't bother, he'll sleep on the floor." Randall looked down at the ground, folding his ears back, wondering if he'd done something wrong. Was it something he had done in the car? He had tried to be a good boy for his master.

"Alright, Sir, very good..." the clerk replied, handing Georgio his room key. He gave a tug on the leash, and Randall followed him over to the elevator. As the doors shut, he gave his wolf a kiss on the muzzle.

"Hehe, you're sleeping with me, ya know?" Randall perked right up, realizing why his Master had said what he did. He wagged his tail and smiled, his demeanor changing almost instantly.

"Public protocol, right, Master?" he asked.

Georgio reached down and held the wolf's chin in his paw, nodding. "You think I would let you sleep anywhere else but by my side? Especially after we declared our love for one another?" he laughed. He kissed him again, Randall returning, feeling slightly ashamed for having thought the situation would be anything different. They were still embraced as the doors opened, but luckily, nobody was around to witness - while not illegal, romantic relationships between a master and slave were somewhat of a social taboo.

"Come, Slave..." Georgio commanded, laughing - the word even sounded odd to him, and he couldn't help but giggle a little. Randall even laughed a little, as he darted along behind his master. They walked down a long hallway, finally stopping at their room - 367. As they opened the door, a modest-sized room came into view - nothing fancy. Although Georgio was wealthy, he preferred to live in a more moderate manner. By the window was a solid wood table, and two chairs - Georgio sighed in relief as he saw there was no mini-fridge. Randall's inhibitions and behavior were poor enough without alcohol added to the equation. He peered off to the right, where a door led to a small bathroom.

"Well, looks like showering together might be a little hard..." he laughed, seeing the size of the tub. He unclipped Randall's leash, then looked around a few seconds. "You can put the bags over there in the corner, no sense putting things in the drawers for just a night." Randall did just that, then returned over to stand by his master, leaning into him a little, saying nothing.

"Randall...are you scared, or worried about anything?" The question was a little out of the blue, but between the anxiety caused by the trip, and simply knowing his wolf well enough caused him to ask.

"I'm just worried about embarrassing you..."

"Embarassing me? Well, how do you think you could do that? And what do you think we could do to prevent that? How about we go over a few rules, for...'just in case' moments real quick." Georgio pointed to his feet. "Like, this...what do you do when I do this? Show me what you think you should do," the lion said.

Randall froze a bit, thinking about his master's question. That was something they had never done before - he had to guess, and he didn't like guessing. If he was wrong...well, being wrong did not end well for him in his experience. It took him a few seconds to decide, but he darted over to his master and sat down on the floor right next to him, and looked up with curious gleam in his eye, wondering if he had done the right thing.

Georgio smirked. "Close, but I pointed to the front of my feet. If I wanted you to sit there, I'd point to the side." He pet his wolf's head, scratching him behind the ear as Randall corrected himself, scooting over to sit in front of him. "Think that might help you act better?"

"I dunno how I'm gonna act, Master...there's gonna be so many people, and so many new things. I don't want people to think you're a bad Master if I act up or something...if I stick by you it'll help," he said, hugging his master's leg from where he was sitting on the floor, and nuzzling it a little.

Georgio went to the bed and sat down, patting the mattress beside him. Randall took the message, hopping up next to the lion. "I see...well, remember, just ask before you investigate something on your own, okay? If you don't know what something is...ask, please? Okay?" He kissed his cheek, looking him in the eye. "Okay, also, just to repeat...I'll pretty much call you 'Slave' like I did out in the hallway, but you are to address other free furs as 'Sir' or 'Ma'am.' alright? And any younger furs, you can address as 'Young Sir' or 'Young Miss.' I've got a few nephews and nieces here, so there might be three or four like that. Now, do you have any more questions? Do you remember what to do if you feel overwhelmed?"

"If I get overwhelmed, I'll come find you, Master." He didn't plan to stray very far from his master anyway, but you can never really predict the future. He'd adapted pretty well to being around Kana, sure, and hadn't done too bad at Tom and maybe this wouldn't be too bad, although there were a LOT more furs in this situation. The wolf couldn't think of any questions he had about their upcoming schedule. The best he could do was mentally prepare himself for it so that he'd reflect well on his master.

"That's a good boy..." he said, petting his head gently. "Now, I think you'll be sitting with me by my feet, with some food of your own at the reception, but, please..." Georgio put his paws up, as if in prayer. "Please, please, please, yourself when you eat, alright? That's the only thing I'm truly worried about...I don't want to have to take you out of there because of poor manners, alright?"

Randall nodded his head. "I'll try to remember that, Master." The lion's ear suddenly popped up as he heard a knock at the door - Randall responded with a frightened yip of surprise, and darted under the bed just as his master opened it - poking his head out just a little, his curious nature overtaking him.



The two embraced each other, patting backs.

"Sam, how have you been, ya old mongrel?"

"I'm fine, you look good yourself...but anyway, some of us are heading to dinner tonight down the street to a local want to come?"

"Sure, we'll be down in a couple." Sam looked down at the bed to see who Georgio meant, and chuckled as he saw Randall's nose vanish back underneath the bed.

"Sure is a flighty little guy...well, alright, see ya in a bit, Georgio."

As the door shut, Randall poked his head back out, looking sheepishly up at the lion. Georgio sighed, looking down at his form. "You know...we're going to have to work on that with you, now get your cute little ass out from there and come here." He sat on the bed, laying back on it and sighed again. Randall climbed up on top of the bed, laying his head on his master's stomach, and curling into a ball.

"Randall, are you sure you'll be okay if we go out? We can order food in if you want, I don't want to push you on this and have you freak out or anything, alright?"

"I'll...I'll be okay, Master, I think...he just surprised me, I wasn't expecting anyone. I don't want you to have to miss dinner with your family."

"Really? Okay, then, in that case..." Georgio said, smiling at the wolf, happy to see him trying so hard. He scooted back and sat up so the wolf's head was in his lap. He stroked his head with one paw, while the other reached down to scratch his belly, just the way he knew Randall loved it. "Since I know this is hard for you, and if you really try your best...we can do whatever you want tonight...or maybe is there some kind of reward my sweet little wuff slave would love? Dessert after dinner, maybe? Or something else entirely?"

Randall laid back and smiled while his tail thumped up and down on the bed, enjoying the attention. He even liked being called slave. Having an affirmed status in the social ladder was very important to Randall, and even if it was low (rather than non-existent, as had been his previous experience), he felt happier when he knew exactly where he stood.

"Just knowing you love me and being able to spend time with you is enough, Master." he said, rubbing his head against the lion.

He sat up in a moment, and took his master's paw in his own.

"Let's go!" he said, grinning.

I can do this! I really can! he repeated to himself, hoping the mantra would keep him in sound mind.

Georgio chuckled, smiling down at the wolf in his lap. "Well, in that case, when we get back...we'll strip, lay in bed together, watch some TV, snuggle up and kiss till we go to bed, alright? And if you're good, maybe some more tummy scritches..." he said, laughing.

Maybe it can be more than that... Randall thought to himself, looking forward to returning. But I'll wait and see till then. There was still quite a lot to get through before they'd return to the hotel room, he had no idea if he'd be in any shape to push his boundaries any further.

"Alright, grab your leash, please...or, I should say, grab your leash, slave...hehe...Sorry, that still sounds kind of odd to call you even like being called that, Randall?" Georgio said, wanting to make sure he wasn't hurting Randall's feelings or anything.

"It sounds weird, but I kinda like it." he said. Randall went over to the corner where he'd placed the luggage and the bags. The leash was right where his master had left it when they came in, so he didn't have to go far. He picked it up and tried to clip it on himself, but fumbled with the latch. He remembered a couple days ago at the clothing store when he couldn't undo it, so he carried it over to his master. Georgio gave him a small kiss, clipping on the leash, holding onto the loop.

"You like it, huh? Well, maybe I should start calling you 'Slave' more often than 'Randall' then?"

"My real name sounds even weirder...this past week is the first time I've heard it in years," he replied, as they left the hotel room and headed for the elevator.

"Well, you don't like it, then?'re not used to it? I mean, if you want me to call you just slave, I can, Randall..I'll love you no less either way, though," he smiled, leaning down to kiss his wolf, and give him a quick hug.

"Either way is fine. You can mix it up a bit, if you want," he said. The elevator doors popped open, and he moved back to his end of the leash, ready to be walked out. He didn't really understand very well why his master had to act different around him sometimes in public, but he complied.

Georgio nodded and gave a light tug on the leash. "Come, my slave, your master wishes to join his family for dinner," he said in a very formal voice, winking at Randall. The wolf smiled then, walking with him into the hotel lobby, sticking to his master like glue.

"Yes, Master!" he said, trotting along after him. He kept one paw clutching his end of the leash, as he had before. There was plenty of slack, as he was staying as close to the lion as possible.

"Now, remember, no leaving my side, and on your best behavior," he whispered, leaning down to the wolf's ear, as they approached a small group of about twenty different furs, chatting with each-other.

"Hey, everyone!" Randall moved behind his master as the crowd of furs redirected their attention in his direction. He bit his lip a little - he wanted to keep his distance, and act appropriate, and keep his master happy...but he couldn't bring himself to do it. He clung to his master's leg, too shy to look at any of them.

Luckily for the skittish wolf, he was mostly ignored. He managed to phase out the conversations, going to his "happy place," until he heard his master speak his name.

"-and Randall will follow you guys, and-"

"Nonsense, come with me, I have plenty of room, it's just me and the missus," the tiger from before said.

"Alright, fine, no need to twist my arm about it..." Georgio joked. He gave a soft tug on the leash, and walked Randall out to the tiger's car. He gave a small, nervous whine as they were about to enter the unfamiliar vehicle, but he didn't put up a fight. He climbed in after his master, pressing in against him from the side, wishing he could just curl up in his lap.

After a few minutes, Sam's wife looked back. "So, cutie, you're his slave, huh? He a real jerk to work for, or what?" she asked, laughing. Randall whimpered nervously, and scooted in even closer to his master, if that were possible.

"N-no, ma'am. He's very nice to me," he said quietly, looking down at his lap. The tigress laughed in response, looking over to Georgio.

"He's very attached to you, isn't he, Georgio?" He nodded and chuckled as he put his arm around the wolf, and kissed his ear. He knew neither Sam nor his wife would care about things like that.

"He really is, and he's also very scared of new people, so he's very scared to be away form home." She laughed again, but it was a nice sort - Randall thought it sounded like acorns rolling down the hill in the fall. He wasn't sure where that imagery had come from, but it made sense to him.

"Well, I promise, I won't bite, okay? I'm Georgio's first cousin, Bessie...what's your name?"

The wolf wrapped his arm around his master's forearm, using it to mentally "anchor" himself to something stronger than himself. He let out a soft whine, already feeling overwhelmed, not sure how to react to this nice lady treating him almost like he was an equal.

"I'm...Randall," he said quietly.

"Ma'am!" he added, in a hurry.

Georgio laughed and looked back over at the tigress. "Sorry about that...he's just so scared of new people. I'm trying to help him out of it, but he's had a rough life."

"Oh? The poor thing, I'm sorry...but you don't have to be scared of me, Randall, I'm a nurse, I make things better, not worse." Georgio nodded, and looked down at the wolf.

"Yes, cousin is a nurse, it means she took an oath that says do no harm - she won't hurt you at all." Randall leaned in and whispered something to his master, burying his face in the lion's mane.

"I know...she's just new. It'll take a little time." The wolf trembled just a little bit, feeling nervous at being the center of attention. Shortly, the car pulled into a large restaurant that looked like it had been built into an old barn - clearly a local business. Georgio let go of the leash.

"Come meet me around the other side, Randall." He closed the door as he got out, gesturing to him to walk around. Randall scrambled out his door, quickly padding around to the other side of the car. He walked into the restaurant and was almost instantly overwhelmed. There were tons of new smells and sounds he'd never heard before, and it was hard to process very many of them at once, much less focus. Before he could think about it too much, he found himself by his master, who was seated at a long row of tables with the rest of the group. He pointed to his feet.

"You have to sit on the floor, by me," he said. There was a small pillow present, similar to what Randall used at home, although this one was clearly more used. "I assume you are hungry, right?" he asked. The wolf nodded in return.

"Yes, Master, I could eat something."

"Alright then, just a moment," he told him, petting his head. His waitress came over, and he ordered just a drink. "My slave will be eating as well," he said.

"Of course, Sir, just a moment...any restrictions?"

"None, he can eat and drink what he likes." She finished taking drink orders for the rest of the group. Pretty soon, a small dalmatian slave girl came over and knelt by him. She wore an outfit with the same color scheme as the waitress, but hers was much more revealing, being not much more than a loincloth similar to Randall's, and a wrap around her chest. Randall scooted over a bit closer to his master, grabbing his calf. Georgio looked down and laughed.

"Behave, Randall, she's just the slave waitress...she's here to serve you, okay?" Randall nodded and looked back over at his waitress, but he didn't meet her eyes.

"Hello, there, sweetie...can I get you something to eat or drink?" She spoke in a nice, smooth voice, trying to calm Randall down - this wasn't the first skittish slave she'd served in the restaurant.

"Um...water's fine. And..." The wolf's head spun as he tried to think of something he'd like to eat.

"Chocolate," he said, finally, remembering the M&M's. She chuckled, and handed him a menu. It wasn't as fancy as the one Georgio had, but all the items were listed.

"You want to look at that first, maybe, and let me bring you a roll or two, bread and butter?"

"Um...sure, that sounds nice," he said to the dalmation.

He looked at the menu a bit, not sure what he wanted.

"I want this!" Randall said finally, pointing to a small picture of a brownie with frosting on top. He looked up at his master to show him.

"Okay, no, not yet at least..." Georgio said, laughing. "You can't eat just chocolate, it's not healthy, and I'm not going to spoil you that much by just feeding you have to have an entrée first, alright? And, maybe an appetizer if you want one too...but look at those first, then we can talk about dessert."

In short order, the dalmatian exited the kitchen, making her way back over to Randall. A gruff-looking rottweiler, however, with an ugly leer on his face, reached over, and roughly pinched her rump.

"Hey there, sugar tits...wanna head to the little boy's room, show me a good time?"

She gasped, dropping the basket of rolls, and fled back into the kitchen in tears, chased by the laughter of the rottweiler and his equally scruffy-looking friends. Randall was shocked, and didn't know what to do. How could someone be so mean to such a nice girl? He didn't have to worry about this for long, however - not a minute later, a very tall black panthress, with a domineering aura about her, exited from a door behind Randall, passing him by on her way to the trouble-making table.

"Unbelievable, I can't believe he'd do that to one of my girls..." he heard her muttering. She went over to the door, where the crew of misfits was still laughing about the dalmatian's reaction, and making rather lewd gestures, no doubt imagining what they'd do to her if they got her alone in a small room.

The panthress took a deep, irritated breath. "Sirs, if you can't behave yourselves in here, I am going to have to ask you to leave my establishment. I cannot be having my property damaged like that."

"Aw, it was just a little pinch-"

"I don't care what it was. You animals have no right to harass my property. That's conversion! Do it again, and my lawyer will have you paying her living expenses!"

That seemed to shut them up quickly - they grumbled, but offered no further protest as the panthress returned through the door she came from. Randall caught a glimpse of her going over and giving the slave girl a quick hug, before the door swung completely shut. The wolf glanced back over to the ruffians, a smirk crossing his muzzle as he saw they had mostly fallen quiet. He wondered if perhaps they might have had first-hand experience with the slave courts, for such a threat to be effective.

Almost ten minutes later, after another slave had cleaned up the food she dropped, the dalmatian returned, although this time, from the manager's office - apparently she had been allowed to use that to avoid passing by the table that had given her trouble earlier. She was a little red under the eyes, but other than that, seemed to be holding up well. She knelt down by Randall again, and placed a brand-new basket of rolls by him.

"Sorry about that, hon, I know that took awhile..."

"It's okay. I saw what those bad men did, that wasn't right," Randall said. The girl looked down, blushing red.

"Don't feel bad..." Randall said, gently placing a paw on her leg, in an attempt to comfort her.

Georgio looked down, seeing that Randall had apparently decided to make friends, and smiled - he had missed the entire episode, having been engrossed in conversation with Sam, catching up on recent events. The sound of a small gasp, and a glass or plate breaking in a restaurant wasn't all that out of the ordinary - most people did not pay attention to those sorts of sounds, but if Georgio had known what happened - he certainly would have gotten involved.

Randall paused a moment longer before saying anything else. "My old masters did lots of bad things to me, I know how it feels." The slave girl seemed to relax a little at this, glad that she found someone understanding.

"Thanks...well, do you need a minute?" the dalmatian continued. "You're my only slave at the moment, do you need any explanations?"

"Nope...I want this thing!" he said, pointing at the brownie again.

"Randall..." Georgio said, making sure to pay attention to what Randall was picking to eat. "Behave..."

"You said I could get anything I wanted..." the wolf pouted. He grabbed a roll and stuffed it in his mouth.

"Whaff's cheapth?" the wolf asked his waitress. He didn't want to cost his master much money. Georgio looked down at him, pulled out the small water bottle he kept on his waist, making it look like a utility belt, and sprayed him in the face. "Ack!" Randall exclaimed. That water sprayer was getting a bit irritating...but it was doing its job. Randall stopped his misbehavior instantly. He whimpered as his master looked him in the eyes, and glanced away.

"First off, I meant you can have what you want, if you eat like a civilized fur...that means a main course, and then dessert...second, you don't ever speak with your mouth full, and third, don't stuff your face, take bites and chew and swallow...fourth, you're beginning to embarrass me, so stop acting like a whiny child." He spoke in a quiet, soft-toned voice devoid of anger - it was more like a mother correcting her child's rude manners.

"Y-yes, Master..." he said, biting his lip. He'd forgotten already in the hustle-bustle to be on his best behavior, and he did not want to reflect badly on Master. He turned back over to the waitress, who had a paw over her mouth, trying not to smile at the display in front of her. Randall's ears flushed red, and mumbled something that sounded like "Spaghetti," which was confirmed by the picture he was pointing to on the slave menu. She nodded, smiling, then went back into the manger's office, feeling much more confident in herself.

"What's wrong with your slave there, Georgio?" one of the family members asked.

"Oh, nothing, just wanted to ask permission to order something...just a second." He leaned back down, taking a roll in hand, and broke it in half. "Here, now take your time, and smaller bites, no stuffing yourself, okay? I'm not mad, but you know you need to try your hardest...I see you are, and I'm proud of you, okay?" Now, just relax, and remember what we talked about." He scratched him behind the ear, and took the wolf's arm, wrapping it around his calf, to show he really wasn't mad at him, even if he had sounded that way when he scolded him.

Randall ate deliberately slowly, much more than he needed to, a reproachful look at his master. He didn't feel too irritated, though; he was beside the lion, and could see he wasn't angry. When finished with his roll half, he tugged his master's pant leg. "What are you getting?" he asked.

"Nice big sirloin steak, with a baked can eat all the rolls you like, but eat slow, and if you can't finish anything, ask for a doggie bag, we can take it, what did you get, Randall?"

"I just got spaghetti," Randall said. He'd have to be very careful to eat that slowly, as it could be a rather messy dish. He shifted around on his pillow, growing visibly impatient for his food. Georgio looked down at him, lifting up the spray bottle.

"Patience, Randall..." he warned. After a moment, he continued. "Spaghetti sound tasty, it comes with meat balls at this place, you like big meaty balls?" he asked, laughing at the obvious double meaning. Randall gulped, feeling awkward and unsure how to answer the loaded question. He relaxed though, as his master pet his head instead of continuing to expect an answer. Only a few minutes later, the waitress brought everyone's food out, and the dalmatian girl brought Randall's last, behind everyone else. He started attacking his food, but with at least some reserve, keeping his master's words in mind. The wolf was getting a bit around his muzzle, but it wasn't everywhere like it could have been.

Georgio pet his head, a bit more firmly to remind the wolf of his presence. "Randall, not so fast...they won't take it from you, I promise. Just take your time and use that fork you have." Georgio went back to eating his meal, and catching up with his family, as Randall slowed down - although he huddled in around his plate a bit more. As he finished up his meal, he realized it was almost feeling...normal not to be the focus of anyone's attention at the moment. The wolf wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing - mostly normal was a bad thing for Randall, but he felt more at ease when a bunch of strangers weren't all looking at him. He started licking his chops off, having gotten a fair bit of sauce on them.

Georgio looked down at him, laughing, grabbing a napkin and cleaned his face like he was a puppy. Randall fought back a little, but soon relaxed, and allowed his master to take care of him.

"Aww, how cute...but, Randall, use your napkin in the future, okay? You can order desert whenever you're ready...I'm getting some too."

When his waitress returned, he pointed to the picture of the brownie he'd tried to order earlier, feeling rather excited.

"Can I have two?" he asked, looking up at his master, thinking maybe that was one of those things he was supposed to ask about. Georgio sighed, and rolled his eyes.

"No, you'll get a tummy ache and I'll have to look after you all night...but I'm going to get one too, if you want, then if I don't finish mine, you can eat it, okay?"

"Okaaaaaayyyyy...." Randall said. He didn't think he'd get a bellyache, but he didn't dare go ahead and do something his master had just forbidden.

The dalmatian brought out his dessert, and placed it front of Randall. His eyes grew to twice their normal size, seeing the size of the brownie. "Canine-safe chocolate, don't worry," the slave girl said. She looked over at Georgio, then bowed her head. "Same for you, Sir, since I heard you might share with your slave."

"Why, thank you miss, that's very considerate," he said, making the girl's tail wag a little. She went back to the kitchen, just as the normal waitress returned with Georgio's order. Randall gulped again, not having even begun on his dessert.

"That looked a lot smaller in the picture..." he said.

Georgio smirked, petting his head, and handing him a spoon. "Yes, I know, they have big portions, eat slowly, okay?" Georgio made Randall look as he ate his, taking a bite, and swallowing it. "See, now this is very tasty and a lot more chocolatey than you are used to, so eat slow, or you'll upset yourself." Randall nodded, he didn't want to get sick.

He ate slowly, surprised at how rich it was, glad his master had made him eat at that pace, understanding why he'd get sick if he scarfed it down. He listened to the chatter of the furs above him. He didn't really understand most of what they were talking about, but then again, he wasn't listening that closely either. It felt nice just to sit around, unnoticed, and observe.

The wolf managed to get through almost half of his dessert before he just couldn't force himself to eat anymore. He was going to ask if his master could bring it home for him to eat later, but then he had another thought. He'd seen some other tables leaving money behind - he presumed it was for the waitresses. His own waitress was a slave though, and she wouldn't get anything. When she came back around he offered the rest of his food to her, since slaves didn't have money.

"You want the rest?" he asked shyly.

The dalmatian girl smiled, perking up. "Really? Sure...Mistress never lets me have dessert, of the chefs will sometimes make me something, and sneak it to me, but he's not on tonight...thank you!" She pecked his cheek, and walked off with the dish. Georgio looked down at him, confused.

"What was all that about?"

"I couldn't finish it so I gave the rest to her. 'Cuz slaves don't get any money."

Randall pointed towards a giraffe couple who were standing up and depositing their waitresses' tip on the table to show what he meant. He hugged his master's leg from where he was sitting.

"I know what it's like to not have enough to eat..." he said quietly. Georgio smiled, immensely proud of the wolf.

"You did a very sweet thing, Randall, I'm very proud of you and happy with soon as I finish up, we'll go back to the hotel, okay?" Randall wagged his tail, happy that he'd done something right, without even being told to.

Georgio went back to chatting with his family, and soon, a quick argument ensued over the bill. Randall heard his master let out an exasperated sigh from above.

"Dammit, I should at least pay for my slave." Randall's ears fell down as he heard portions of the argument, wondering if he'd done something wrong. He didn't think he had, but he could never be too sure. Most of the time in the past hearing arguing free furs mention his name meant he was going to get punished without really knowing why.

"No, like I already said, I gave her the credit card, so there, alright? No choice in the matter." Randall thought this sounded like his master's tiger friend.

"Fine..." Georgio pouted, taking Randall's leash in hand and walking with everyone back to the car. Once on the road, the wolf turned over to rest in the back seat of the car, placing his head in his master's lap.

"You all put up such a fuss about money...I'm glad I don't have any," he said, shifting his body around a little bit.

Georgio chuckled, buckling himself up, and resting Randall's head in his paws, deciding to not make him do the same. "Well, that's good, you're a slave and all, no use of money for you...just let Master worry about all that." He pet his wolf's head slowly as they drove back. Bessie looked back, smiling.

"Aww, poor thing's all tired out from all that food...maybe you can put him to bed, and come hang out with us?" Luckily, Randall was half-asleep and didn't hear this suggestion.

"Naw, it's late and we got up early to get here, I think I'll go to bed too, or just chill in the room, okay?" The tigress nodded, turning around. The ride back was silent, only broken by the sound of the doors opening as they parked back in the hotel lot.

"Hey pup...wake back up, okay? We're here," Georgio said, gently shaking Randall. The wolf rolled over, looking up at his master.

"Not...sleep...asleep..." he mumbled, sitting up and rubbing his paws in his eyes. He smiled, taking Randall's leash in hand, and slowly leading him back up to the hotel room, going at the wolf's place. When they got back to the room, Georgio stripped down, bare naked, just like they were back at home. Randall stripped down as well when they entered the hotel room, feeling much more "himself" now that he was rid of the loincloth. Clothing didn't feel very normal to him.

"You feeling okay, Randall? You were so sleepy in the car," Georgio asked, a little worried. The wolf went and sat down on the floor at the foot of the bed, and looked upward at his master, although his eyes focused to the side of his head, rather than at his master's eyes.

"I'm fine...that was just a lot of different things all at once. If I rest like that for a few minutes it helps me recover." Georgio went and sat down with him by him, placing an arm around him and kissing the top of his head.

"You did really well, and I'm super, super, super proud of you tonight, were so good and I'm so pleased with you..." Georgio wiggled his butt, smirking. "The bed is more comfy, come on up here and snug with me," he said, standing up and laying back down on the bed. He sighed, placing his paws underneath his head. Randall hopped up on the bed and moved in tight against his master, enjoying the warmth his fur provided. He burrowed underneath his master's arm so that it was laying across his back. He rubbed his head against his chestfur, giving him an occasional lick. The wolf was being unusually affectionate tonight - more-so than normal, at any rate.

"Mmm, I'm glad to have my wolf in bed with's lonely without, tell me, are you going to be okay tomorrow?" Randall thought a moment, thinking about how he'd handled tonight.

"I think I'll be okay," he said.

Slavery Legalized - Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 16: What Muzzles Are Made For * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 14: The Child in the Wolf

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 14: The Child in the Wolf * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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Slavery Legalized - Chapter 13: A Heart To Heart

# Slavery Legalized ## by Draugr & Element ### Chapter 13: A Heart To Heart * * * [!["Creative](%5C)](%5C) This work is licensed under a [Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported License](%5C) * * * ...

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